
Eli had only been trying to body build for a year or so. He knew that this kind of work took a long time, and you had to work hard at it, but it was hard not to be disappointed by the lack of progress despite how much time he'd been putting into getting bigger. People around him in his daily life had commented that he was looking trimmer, getting a bit more muscular, but it was kind of pathetic compared to the kind of people he looked up to.

He'd been admiring the community from afar for a good few years since before he'd started actually taking part. He'd discovered it as a teenager, around the same time he discovered he wasn't exactly into girls. He'd kept his admiration of the male form under wraps around his very conservative parents - luckily for him, they had never really understood modern technology, so it wasn't hard. He worked hard, saved his money, and as soon as he turned 18 he'd pretty much hightailed it out of there, ready to enjoy a more liberated life away from the confines of a heavily religious upbringing.

Now, it was a couple of years later. He'd just turned 22, and he'd been saving his money once more, this time for a fitness themed convention in New York, and now he was finally here, and...

On the one hand, it was kind of like a dream come true. All the muscle he could ever want to look at, and he kept spotting various models he followed on Instagram around - people who he admired, who had eventually inspired him to dive into the pool and start getting gains himself. But on the other hand, it just sort of drove in how little progress he'd made. A year and a half of going to the gym, carefully managing his diet, and he was still kind of weedy. It made him wonder how he could ever compare, ever come close to being like the veritable pack of Adonises (Adoni? Was there a plural word for a proper noun?) that surrounded him right now.

The contrast was significant, to be sure. Eli was about 5 feet, 7 inches, while the guys around him tended to push towards 7 feet tall. He also didn't have much to show for all his effort. His muscles didn't bulge out against his shirt or anything. He was a bit buffer than maybe the average guy, his arms and legs filling out his dark green shirt and dark blue jeans a bit more than most, but it didn't amount to much around people like this. With his short cut red hair, clean shaven face, pale skin and glasses, he felt like a nerd at high school again, about to get picked on by a jock who played football too much.

He was trying not to get too torn up about it though. After all, as he kept reminding himself, it took many years of hard work to look like the people he admired, and he'd actually started earlier than a couple of them - some of these guys had only started working out in their 30s, so there was definitely hope for him. Besides, it was great to just...look at some of these guys. He kind of wanted to go and feel their muscles as well, but he didn't want to come across as a creeper, so he was just standing next to an unmanned booth at the moment, people watching.

He hadn't really paid attention to what the booth was for - seemed to be some kind of new company making protein supplements. Eli had held off on taking things specifically to help with gaining, like supplements or steroids - he liked the idea of being able to say that his muscles were all natural when he got them, but the slow speed of his gains had made him reconsider. He was in the perfect state of mind, of "maybe I should..." that an enterprising marketer could take advantage of. Which was just what was about to happen, as the person manning the stall came back.

"Haha, thanks for watchin' the stall", a deep voice said from Eli's left. He turned and saw yet another muscular man to his left, giving him a big grin. The guy was bald, and had slightly tanned skin, although not a whole lot of it could be seen, since he was wearing what looked like a suit tailored for him. He was a full foot taller than Eli, and the sight of the guy smiling at him made Eli blush.

"Oh, haha, shit, uhhh..." Eli stammered. "I didn't realize, I was just..."

"Taking in the view?" The suited man replied confidently. His accent identified him as a New Yorker. "Wouldn't blame ya. Some very sweet eye candy to take in this year." He held out his hand for Eli to shake. "Caleb", he said, very simply.

"E-Eli." Eli replied, and took the hand. His blush only became more intense as Caleb took Eli's small hand in his own, large bulky one, and shook it firmly. Letting go, Caleb walked around behind the booth's table, and patted the lid of one of the supplement bottles.

"So, you interested in our supplements, or were you just lookin' for a place to stand?" Caleb said.

"Uh...the second one, I guess, but..." Eli responded, but he felt rude saying that, so... "I guess I wouldn't mind taking a look."

"Good to hear!" Caleb said. "From the looks of you, I'd started workin' out in the last year or so?"

"Yeah", Eli admitted. "I started out like...I didn't want to do supplements or anything, but so many of the guys I follow on Instagram do them, and..."

"And you're gettin' frustrated that you aren't gettin' those big gains, huh?" Caleb said, giving him a bit of a cheeky grin again. "I know that feelin'. I'd say almost every guy here knows that feelin'. I was kinda nervous about doin' this kinda stuff myself but...look, there's nothin' wrong with gettin' a little help, is there?"

"I guess not." Eli replied. "I mean, so many of the guys I know...uh...follow, I guess, they do it..."

"Yeah, see what I mean? No-one's gonna criticize you for it", Caleb continued. "This supplement, it's made with guys like you in mind. Guys who are just startin' out, cuz, ah, we're kinda just startin' out too, y'know what I mean?"

"I dunno, still..." Eli pondered. He hadn't heard of this company before. Skydriver. He guessed they must be new on the market.

"Alright, alright. How about this, 'cause I like you." Caleb said. "I'll give you a free bottle. Don't tell the business guys alright? Just take a bit of the whey like you usually would, use one-a the gyms around for your usual set, and then...end of the day, see how it turns out. If you don't like the results, you won't lose out, alright?" He picked up a bottle as he talked, a smaller pack, and held it out to Eli.

Eli considered. He'd be kinda breaking his own mini-promise, but...well, he'd been basically planning to anyway. And he was getting it for free. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth they said.

"...alright." Eli relinquished, taking the offered bottle. "I'll give it a shot."

"Good to hear, my man." Caleb said, giving him another sparkling white grin. "Come back, let me know how you feel about it."

"Sure." Eli said, nodding and smiling back, before turning and walking away. He looked down at the bottle in his hand, and turned it over to look at the instructions. Mix 20mg of whey with water, and consume 15-20 minutes prior to your workout, then once more 20 minutes after. Seemed simple enough. He dug his hand into his pocket, pulling out his phone - it was getting towards 1pm, which was about the time he did his workout anyway, so it wouldn't hurt to try the supplement out as he did it.

The good thing about this convention was that it knew its audience - it was being held in a hotel that also had a fairly extensive gym. He'd heard someone say that the place specifically outfitted the gym for these events, which was encouraging to hear. Eli had taken the liberty of saving up to also get a room at the hotel, and it seemed like there wasn't going to be a better time than right now to get to work.


The whey hadn't exactly been anything to write home about taste-wise, but that wasn't really the point of it, was it? It was about what it did for his body, and after an initial sample, doing his workout, and then taking the second dose, he had to say that...he at least felt a little bulkier, even if he didn't really look it.

Eli was in his hotel room, and it had been about half an hour of an hour since he'd done his workout. He was resting up a bit before going back to the con, but he'd decided to take the opportunity to take a look at himself, even though it was really only setting himself up for disappointment. Supplements were hardly miracle powders, and it showed - he didn't really look all that different to how he had about two or three hours earlier.

He lifted up an arm and tried to flex a little. His bicep pushed against the sleeve of his t-shirt that he set aside for workouts, but it was hardly impressive. The point of supplements was promoting growth and preventing breakdown of the muscles, so there must have been some kind of effect below the surface...well, maybe he'd give it a bit. He still wasn't totally sold on the effects, but he had enough to last him for a while after the convention, so...who knew what would happen?

Who knew indeed.

Well, enough of that. He needed a proper shower. He'd had a quick one in the locker room showers provided by the hotel after leaving the gym, but he felt like he needed another, longer one after the workout. He headed to the en-suite bathroom (he'd saved up quite a bit for these luxuries, and stripped off, exposing his lithe body. Eli tried to avoid looking in the mirror too much, since it was just rubbing in how little he'd changed. Even his skin was embarrassingly pale. A lot of the guys he admired either spent a lot of time in the sun or were from countries where one was just generally more likely to have dark skin. He'd like to be nice and tanned himself - maybe some chest hair too, he was so clean shaven - but gains came first in his mind.

The shower was kind of luxurious - the hotel was a four star after all, so the whole thing was very nice. He'd had a pretty comfortable sleep before, and as he turned on the shower, it kicked into gear and was already at the perfect heat without him having to twist the dials or anything. He closed the shower door, and for a moment, just let the water wash over his aching body. He tipped his head back, and closed his eyes.

For Eli, there was simply a sensation of relief, but it was like something in his body was being activated by the water of the shower. It was all over his body - subtle enough for Eli not to notice immediately, but significant enough to be seen from the outside. He grabbed some soap, and began massaging it into his chest, and it grew as he did. His pecs grew a little, packing on some muscle, becoming just a bit more prominent. The suds generated by the soap ran down the centre of his chest, between his two pecs, a central divide that was becoming more prominent. His abs were becoming more defined - he'd had just a 4-pack before, but it was starting to become a 6-pack. The muscles in his arms and legs grew, his biceps bulking out just a bit, his legs lengthening, becoming stronger, his feet increasing in size, his hands too. All these changes individually were small, but its the little things that add up. If someone were around to watch, they would be able to see Eli becoming taller, his body swelling up, only a little, but enough to be noticable.

Eli himself was in a different postion, however. He was just enjoying the relaxing feeling of water rushing over his body, relaxing his tired muscles, almost...invigorating them. He was beginning to feel like he was filling up with energy. He washed himself over, enjoying the feeling, but unaware exactly of what it meant. After another couple of minutes of this, he shut off the shower, stepped out, and grabbed a towel, rubbing himself down.

He glanced at himself in the mirror, and found himself a little surprised. Hm. He looked pretty alright, all things considered. He'd been beating himself up a lot lately about his lack of growth but...when he thought about it, about how he'd looked at the start of his journey, he'd definitely changed, in a positive direction too. It wasn't much, but there was a difference - he wasn't sure why he hadn't noticed it before. He curled his arm around, making his bicep bulge a little - and the funny thing was, it did actually bulge out a bit more, gaining a bit more muscle than it had just a second ago. Eli smiled, and looked at his face - and noticed he had a bit of stubble.

He came closer to the mirror, still holding the towel, and rubbed his face. When had he grown that? He didn't really remember having stubble this morning...or at all really, he'd always shaved. He must have forgotten to do it yesterday or something. He'd never really grown a beard, but as he stroked his chin, he smiled at the prickly sensation. It felt kinda nice. Maybe he should grow a beard. Some of the guys he followed had some nice beards. He turned away from the mirror to hang the towel up, and as he did, the hairs on his chin and upper lip pushed out more, growing by the second.

Eli walked out of the bathroom, still naked. Usually he was eager to put his clothes back on, since he was cold after coming out of the shower, but...he felt a bit more confident. Well, that wasn't saying much, considering no-one else was around, but he just felt a bit more comfortable in his own body. He walked in front of the full length mirror on the closet where he'd put his clothes and stopped to look at himself again.

The stubble was hard to miss now, considering it had grown a bit in the few seconds since he'd last seen it. He cocked an eyebrow, and raised his hand again, stroking it. It definitely...felt a bit bushier than it had been a couple of seconds earlier. Was he imagining things? He stopped, holding his hand still against his chin, simply letting his fingers rest against the hairs...were they...growing, as he held them? He stood still, simply looking at himself, keeping his hand where it was. For a good half of a minute, he was half convinced he must just be imagining it, but as the time ticked past quietly, he SWORE he could feel the hairs shifting underneath his fingers, as they grew out.

Breaking out of his reverie, he looked himself over. He felt...weird. Different. Not unpleasant, but it was strange. It was he couldn't see himself properly. Or maybe he hadn't been seeing himself properly, and his eyes were cleared. He looked at his face again. It felt like something was missing. What was it? He reached his right hand up to his right pec and felt it...didn't feel much different. It was infuriating. He knew something was missing, he was looking right at it, but he couldn't see it. He looked at himself in the eyes. What was he--

His glasses. His glasses. He wasn't wearing his glasses, but he could see perfectly, as if he was wearing them. He'd taken them off and set them down on the bedside counter...he turned around to where he remembered putting them, and felt a strange pang in his chest as he saw they weren't there.

And then his chest...ballooned.

Well, maybe that was the wrong word, but that was how it felt to Eli. He was still holding his hand to his pec, when he suddenly felt it grow underneath his hand. He looked down in shock, and saw his pec beginning to pile on muscle in earnest. The thoughts of his growing beard and his missing glasses completely left his head, as he began to bulk out in mass. His back muscles were growing to keep up with his inflating pecs, that were growing at such a rate that it was starting to become difficult to see over his chest.

"Oh, shit..." Elim muttered, feeling his fingers getting splayed out by his expanding pecs, while his hands seemed to grow on top of that. His body felt like it was on fire all of a sudden, and he turned back around to the mirror to witness his growth. His biceps were pumping up, his triceps now, his forearms, he was getting thicker with more and more muscle, the kind of muscle he'd only dreamed of, admired on other people. Was this a dream? It didn't feel like it.

His torso was bulking out to match up with his watermelon sized pecs, the six pack becoming an eight pack. All the crunches he'd done during his workout, the bicep curls and deadlifts, it was like it was being multiplied tenfold in seconds. It made no sense. It was scary. It was unreal. It was...exciting. Elim smiled at his growing body, and a quick glance at his head put him in no uncertain terms - that beard was definitely growing as well, growing well beyond anything he'd ever expected to grow - and the strange part was that the beard was black, in direct contrast to the red hair atop his head. He felt a twinge below the belt, as the beard continued to grow. Within seconds, he was at full mast - was he longer, even down there? He barely had time to think about it, because the need to indulge his body's desire was suddenly overpowering everything.

He stumbled backwards, his legs bulking in size with each step, until the back of his legs touched the cloth of his bed, and he fell backwards onto it. He wrapped a hand around his engorged cock, reached the other up to that tantalising beard, and began to stroke both. Everything was happening so fast, his mind was a haze of lust and desire mixed with a feeling of growing strength and power. His nipples pushed out, becoming hard in the cold air of the hotel room. He stroked his beard, pulling at the hairs, encouraging them to grow further - and they did. He pulled, and the beard grew down. He closed his eyes in pleasure, jerking his cock hard and fast. He could feel the beard touching his chest, and as it did, a sudden carpet of body hair burst forth across his pecs. At the same time, he could feel his cock lengthening in the tight grip of his hand, his balls hanging lower as they grew too, swelling with cum.

At the same time, the black from the beard was rising up the sides of his chin, up his jaw, connecting with the red hair atop his head. Elima moaned, his voice dropping a couple of octaves as his neck muscles thickened, and the black colour of the beard, suddenly swept across the hair atop his head, every single red hair turning to a dark black. His face in general was becoming even more masculine, his jaw getting squarer, his nose becoming larger...and a feature he would appreciate if he opened his eyes to see it was that he was getting that tan he dreamed of too.

But it definitely wasn't a tanning booth tan, or a 'I spent two weeks in Majorca' tan - this was...a natural tan, the kind of tan you had to be born with. Elimal's pale white skin turned olive, and as he moaned again, there was definitely a change in his voice - not just in its tone, but in its accent. The American was draining out of him, and it was being replaced by...something, heavily accented. It was hard to tell what it was exactly just yet, but it was middle-eastern in origin. The man lying on the bed, furiously pumping his own cock, his muscles continuing to grow, was, to any outsider, definitely of Persian descent, rather than some weedy young man from the Bible Belt.

Elmail felt pre-cum drip between his fingers - god, he needed to cum now! He pumped harder, his body just swelling out to complete the final touches. His forearms began to get their own coverings of hair, his knuckles popping as they grew in size, his spine popping too as he grew in height. His butt was growing too, resting on the mattress, become toned, but swelling out into a booty that would never be contained, no matter what he wore from that moment on. He was about to burst - it was the most insane, erotic experience of his life, and he was on the cusp of the most incredible climax in the world.

"Come on, come on..." Elmail groaned out, in an unmistakably Iranian accent. He was going as hard as he could, but it wouldn't quite...come on...get there...almost...he needed something, an extra twist...his lust driven mind did the first thing that it could think of, he reached a hand up, grabbed his nipple, twisted--and it was like valve on a fire hose released.

Esmail let out a loud, joy filled yell, as his cock spurted forth with the hardest orgasm he'd ever had in his life. Streams of cum rocketed out, falling across his hairy pecs and the hand that laid atop them, some falling into his beard. His cock was pulsing harder than he'd ever felt it, ropes shooting through his fingers, falling onto him and the bed next to him. "Hoooohhlllyyy..." he moaned, as the orgasm began to subside.

For a minute or two, Esmail lay there, breathing heavily. His mind was completely buzzed, and he was just enjoying the moment. But as his mind eventually returned, he was forced to face the reality of what had just happened to him. Which was...clearly impossible, and yet...

He sat up, cum still dripping out of his cock as he looked at his changed self in the mirror. This was the body he'd dreamed of. Maybe not the whole, black hair, beard, the..."Is" he said out loud, and noticed his deep, rumbling, heavily accented voice. He'd become someone else entirely. He hadn't been calling himself 'Esmail' a minute earlier, but he couldn't even remember what he HAD been calling himself. He knew he'd been white, an American, no real muscle to speak of and now he was...Iranian. Packed with muscles. The kind of muscle you got from several years of hard work, not just one and some supplements. Looking at the bedside counter, he spotted his wallet atop it, and opened it up, pulling out a driving licence. 'Esmail Nariman', the card said. Year of birth, 1982. He'd gotten older. But it felt right. Sounded right. He knew he was someone else before, but whoever that was was fading from the world.

There was a knock on the door, and a voice. A familiar voice. A familiar New Yorker accent. "You all done in there?" it said.

Esmail stood up, still in a state of wonder, that he didn't even think to put on clothes, as he walked over to the door and opened it up. Caleb was standing there, looking away for a second, before turning to face Esmail again.

"Oooh, shit. You turned out nice." Caleb said.

"C-Caleb", Esmail said, hardly believing anything that was happening. "How..."

"Don't ask me." Caleb replied. "I don't make the stuff, I just sell it."

"But how did you know's me?"

Caleb smirked. "'Cause forty-eight hours ago, I was eighteen, straight, never worked out a day in my life, and I was from...Texas, I think."

Esmail stumbled away from the door, and Caleb walked in, closing it behind him. "H-how..." Esmail stammered out again.

"Look, I don't know how it does it." Caleb said "I didn't expect it to turn you middle-eastern, that's for sure. But, the way I see it...why would you wanna question it? Look at me. Look at you! We're fuckin' muscle gods, y'know? Why would anyone say no to this? The only thing I know for sure is that, for a while after you take it..."

Caleb let there be a pregnant pause, as he reached up, and popped open a couple of buttons on his shirt, exposing his pecs ever so slightly...

"You're really, REALLY, horny."

Esmail felt another twinge in his cock.

"So..." Caleb said, shrugging off his jacket, letting it fall to the floor. "What's your name, sweetcheeks?" He stepped forward, reaching his hands around to grope Esmail's buttocks. Esmail let him.

"Es...Esmail Nariman", he breathed out huskily, a smirk playing on his lips.

"That's right, babe..." Caleb said, and went in for the kiss.


"You still up for another go?" Caleb asked. The two men were lying on the bed, both naked. Caleb's suit lay crumpled up on the floor. They were both breathing heavily.

"No...I think I got it out of my system", Esmail replied between breaths.

It had been a couple of hours since Caleb had entered the room, and...well, Esmail had lost count of how many times they'd gone at it, how many times both he and Caleb had covered the sheets with cum. It was the best sex he'd ever had - he'd never had much experience beforehand, but he got the feeling he wouldn't be wanting for them any longer. Not when he looked like this.

Caleb chuckled. "Lucky...when it happened to me I was stuck in my room the rest of the day. Fuckin'...just jerkin' off for hours. Shit was ridiculous."

Esmail turned over, smirking at him. "Perhaps because you didn't have anyone to help you?"


"Do you know where this...came from?" Esmail asked, returning to the line of questioning about the mysterious supplement that had changed their lives.

"Like I said, I just sell it." Caleb said.

"Well, surely you can remember something from before you became like this?" Esmail asked.

"I dunno...the longer I'm goin' like this, the more I'm forgettin'." Caleb said, although he didn't seem too torn up about the concept. "I think...I think I was with a family or somethin'...I think I just stole a bottle 'cause I saw no-one was there, thing I know, I'm wakin' up in a hotel room I didn't have before, and I've got this suit, with this badge that says I'm sellin' these Skydriver products, and it's like it's all already there. It's all already in my head. Do you know what I mean?"

"I...think I might..." Esmail murmured, and slowly got up off the bed, walking over to the closet he remembered storing his clothes in when he'd arrived at the hotel as someone else entirely. He couldn't remember what clothes he'd packed back then, but opening the closet, he found something he definitely couldn't have had before - a tailored suit. He turned it on the coathanger, and saw a badge attached to it. Esmail Nariman - Skydriver PR.

"Seems I'm in the same boat as you, Caleb." Esmail remarked, closing the closet door, and looking at himself in the mirror. He saw Caleb come up behind him - Caleb was slightly taller, and brought his arms around Esmail's chest, giving one of his pecs a squeeze.

"Not a bad boat to be in, I'd say." Caleb remarked, giving Esmail a kiss on the cheek.

"Mmm..." Esmail hummed in agreement. "Especially when you're sharing it with someone who looks as good as I do."

"Hey, someone's gettin' cocky." Caleb said with a chuckle. "Should we, ah...get back to work, then?"

"After a shower", Esmail said, nodding. "It's big enough for two...even two as big as us."

Esmail felt himself brimming with joy and confidence - a feeling he knew he'd never quite felt as whatever he had been before. He felt like maybe he should be troubled that he was losing who he was previously, but he had the feeling that even whoever that was wouldn't consider it a great loss. In the span of a few hours, everything about his life had changed - and he couldn't be happier that it had.

Note from the Author: ((Enjoyed this story? Consider sending me a tip on Ko-fi, or, if you want one for yourself, you can commission me.))