Simon Says

by Beacohen6


That day couldn’t have been more beautiful. The sun was shining, the trees were swaying, and the leaves were streaking across the sidewalk. The air smelled crisp and full. Fall was my favorite season, and no, this was not because of the pumpkin spiced lattes, although they did a hell of a job perking me up each morning before work. I took a deep breath and proceeded down 14th street.

I lived in the Village, but before you ask, no, men aren’t my cup of tea. My girlfriend and I lived together and man, was she a great girl. We started dating 2 years ago when we met at NYU. She studied Event Planning, while I found Archeology to be intriguing. Unfortunately, my major wasn’t one opened up many doors. I currently work at the Museum of Natural History at the gift shop. Not the most glamorous of jobs, but lucky for me, Andie had a well-paying job. Despite this, we were getting behind on the rent of our two bedroom apartment, which meant that we were going to need a roommate. I placed an ad online looking for anyone looking to rent an apartment from us and very quickly a man named Simon Archer responded.

Walking into Starbucks, I scanned the group sitting before me. There was a woman with a mane of hair typing holes into her Macbook Pro with her right hand and taking a big gulp of her treinta out of the other. Nope, not Simon. Another man was huddled in the corner wearing a bucket hat and huge glasses reading Kafka’s, “Metamorphosis”. I truly hope the hipster praying mantis isn’t Simon. Then a quite rugged lumberjack type started waving to me. That must be Simon, considering I sent him my picture. When he asked me for a picture, I found it odd that he wanted just a picture of me, but I decided not to question it. When I envisioned someone named Simon, I imagined someone more like the hipster mantis, but this man was different. Dark brown hair, deep blue eyes and a beard like a forest. Simon was practically the Brawny Paper towel guy without an axe. He was even wearing the red flannel!

I approached the small table for two and from afar could smell the two pumpkin spiced lattes he had in front of him. “Hey Simon, my name’s Trip. Nice to meet you!” I said.

“Hey Trip, it’s very nice to meet you too. I bought you a pumpkin spiced latte to warm yourself up from the blustery day. I hope you like it.” His voice was a deep baritone. That’s it, I was sitting across from the Brawny guy.

I sat down and took a nice sip “Ahh, yum. How’d you know that it was my favorite drink?” I blushed a little, my insides flickered.

“Well, I got it just for you man. So tell me a little about the apartment.” he said smoothly. Rich chocolate tones reached my ears and I began to tell him. As I began to describe the apartment, I couldn’t help but stare into his eyes. I didn’t like men, but there was something about this Simon. His eyes brought me back to my summers spent in the coastal city of Cadiz in Spain with the Mediterranean of navy and clear blue. Mixed scents of orange and cedarwood filled my nose. I took a large sip of my latte and found that I had somehow already finished it all.

“So Simon, what do you do?” I impatiently awaited his response hoping to hear his melodious voice once again.

“I work at a paper company. I work the forklift and sometimes help with moving shipments by truck. And you?” he continued.

“I just work at a gift shop at the Museum of Natural History.” I replied embarrassingly. I wish I could be more for him.

“I have a quick question for you.” he said.

“Yeah of course, ask away.” I responded with giddy. He started to lean in closer to me.

“What’s your roommate’s name?” he whispered in my ear.

“Her name is Andie. Lucky for me, she has a great job. She is one of my best friends in the world.” I said. Wait, that can’t be right. Andie is more than that to me. She’s been my loving best friend for two years. What’s going on here?

“I can see the fight raging on in your head. Forget that life. This is your new life. You are my boyfriend and we’ve been dating for 4 years. Remember that instead.” My boyfriend is right and we are so happy together.

“Ever since you sent me that photo of yourself, I had to get you. You have quite the handsome face, but there are still a few things that need an upgrade. Why don’t we head home?” he asked. Simon compelled me to go home. He was the charmer and I was his snake.

We mosied out of the Starbucks and headed downtown towards our apartment hand in hand. I was so happy that nothing could wipe that silly smile off my face. We walked into the elevator and as the doors shut, he put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me into his lips. I had to get on my tippy toes in order to kiss him, but That kiss was like nothing I could have ever imagined. His lips were like roses and his beard encircled those lips. My hands brushed his wiry hairs and I realized that a woman would never be like this. The pure masculine energy that surged between us sent shivers down my spine. He swiped his hands across the sides of my face and then they started feeling itchy. My legs also felt like they were stretching like taffy. DING! We reached the 10th floor of our building and separated our lips. I realized that I was no longer struggling when we broke apart. I couldn’t wait for the next 20 seconds to pass to get to our room.

As my left hand searched fervently for my keys in my pocket, Simon started caressing my ass. All I wanted was to strip down to nothing for him. KLINK the keys fell onto the floor. I fumbled for the keys and bent down to pick them up. I could feel his dick pushing through his jeans. I just wanted it in my mouth so badly. I brought the keys to the keyhole and practically broke the door down. I looked in the mirror in the hallway and saw a dark beard where only minutes before there was a 5 o clock shadow. I also remembered my eyes having been brown, but now they looked like forest green. “Yeah, let me explain. I have the power to change a lot of things. The next 20 minutes are going to be interesting let me tell you.” I wanted his hands all over me. I wanted to be his idea of perfection.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bedroom. He lightly pushed me onto the bed. “If you were wondering, the one thing I can’t change is the face. That one is hard to master. The raw material I need starts at the facial features and from there I can change it all. Even sexual orientation isn’t a problem for me. That’s why when I saw you with those succulent lips, sharp nose, square jaw, and strong brow, I couldn’t resist. Now, I like men, and by men I mean what in our community is called a bear. With your slender frame, you’re going to change a fair amount. At least I already got you taller. Let’s start from the bottom and work our way up.” Simon went for my shoelaces and started to remove my shoes. My dick was hard as a rock, but I knew I had to bide my time. Simon would get there. He moved to the second shoe and pulled it off my left foot slowly. I was wearing white socks and suddenly they turned obsidian black. “I like my men to wear black socks. Much more stylish with boots.”

He kissed each of my socked feet, and began to bite the tip of my right sock pulling it smoothly off my foot. Next he did the same with my left sock. A large shiver went up my spine as he engulfed my big toe and started kneading my left foot. “Unnnnfffff” my left foot started to feel heavier as he massaged it.

“You like that don’t you Trip?” I released a moan so loud I’m sure the neighbors heard me. He licked my left foot from the bottom to the top, then moving onto each toe. Once again that itching sensation happened on each toe and the top of my foot. He moved onto my second foot and I wanted to jerk my dick so badly. I started moving my hand towards my raging hard on and I heard, “Stop that. I’ll get to that, don’t you worry.” I must listen to what Simon says.

After my right foot was slobbered and hairier on each toe he started up my legs. There was a light dusting of hair there, but as he rubbed his arms against my shins, I could feel the hair curling up. It moved up past my knees to my thighs. Dark brown hair stormed across my loins and he began to unbutton my khaki shorts. He pulled down the zipper and shimmied them off my legs. Of course, that day I decided to wear my Star Trek underwear. What can I say, Captain Kirk is my hero. “Oo I like the underwear, they suit your nerdy side, You can keep those cutie.” So he did like something about me, my face hottened and a grin inevitably spread across it. He brought his mouth to the corner of my underwear, right where Kirk had his phaser. As he clamped his teeth down onto my underwear, he pulled them off effortlessly. My hand moved southward mindlessly as if it were metal moving towards a magnet, but he stopped my hand. “No. no that’s for last.”

His hands touched my flat, hairless abdomen. I was proud of those abs that I worked so hard for. “There are such things as muscle bears, but I like a man with a little bit of meat on his bones. A little flab goes a long way.” He started caressing and licking my stomach. Gurgling erupted like a volcano and soon enough, the itching sensation occurred once again. I could see the forest growing over the rising belly. He rubbed my belly as if it were a prized show dog. “There’s that belly I love so much. You do love beer just as much as I do after all.” He slapped his own belly lightly, which made a nice PLOMP PLOMP. My dick got even harder. “Oh so you like that huh?” he murmured. “Don’t worry you’ll get to play with it all you want later.” A little pre came out at that remark.

With his tongue planted to my belly, he moved up to gingerly to my chest going in a circular motion. Each one of his thumbs were pressed to my nipples as hair grew around them. My nipples became more sensitive as I screamed in ecstasy. Each pec grew like my belly, but differently. Pure muscular hardness jacked up my chest suddenly my shoulders popped like my ears on an airplane. I gained 4 inches of width and bulk near my neck. My eyes rolled back as he started moving towards my biceps. As I moved my head up, I gasped. My body was completely different. My feet were once size 9 and hairless and now they were size 12 and a half and covered in downy hair that continued up my burly, trunk-like legs and didn’t stop until my chest. The mound of flesh sitting above my penis could be jiggled, but I was sturdier, manlier in fact. The two hard discs with pointy nipples looked as though I had been working them out for years. He moved his face away from my right bicep to my ear. “So you do like this a lot. Some actually resist the changes, but you’re embracing them. I like that.” He licked my ear, which thankfully didn’t cause hair to sprout.

Like two balloons being blown up, my arms and forearms filled up with muscle. The itching moved up my arms and curly brown hair covered my forearms and parts of my upper arm. He took my hands in his and my once thin fingers started to be nourished. My palms spread out and once again wiry hair exploded from my knuckles and tops of my hands. “Do you like the sausage fingers I gave you? They will be necessary for when I get down there don’t you worry.”

He turned me over onto my newfound belly and i suddenly realized how much mass I had gained. I felt like a man. He placed each hand on each butt cheek, and started to send heat into them. My flat butt started to breath life. Plumper and plumped to the point where his own beefy hands weren’t enough to hold them completely. “Now turn around Trip. This last part you are going to love.” Turning around, I felt a light dusting of hair on my butt graze the sheets. Simon moved his right hand to my cup my balls. His hands felt so warm against them and they started to grow and feel fuller. His head moved closer to my 4 inch hard dick and he took it all into his mouth easily. He bobbed his head down up and down a few times before my dick started to stir in a way that I’ve never felt before. He removed his head from my dick to overlook me. “I like my men uncut and bigger.” As the foreskin grew around my dick, my point of orgasm was approaching. Simon licked his hands and put them above my dick. More hair connected to the my legs and belly, making a stream of hair from my toes to my head. My dick grew thicker and longer and Simon licked his fingers once again before he began to massage my new moist glans. A feeling previously unknown to me caused more precum to leak out and Simon moved his head to my dick.

“Let me taste your first milking since the change. This will cause everything to be permanent.” I could only nod my head as I knew that Simon would be my first and only boyfriend. He was what I wanted. I blinked my eyes and saw that he was completely naked as well. Simon was the same as me burly, beefy, and hairy. He was the stud that I’d always wanted. “Milk me dry Simon, now!”

“Yes sir! I love that attitude!” His mouth was around my dick working it like never before. I couldn’t hold it back as I started moaning uncontrollably. I closed my eyes and it came out like nothing I had ever felt before. Squirting out of me like endless rope, the cum had drained me as a smile erupted on my face. “Rest Trip, in the morning you’ll make me eggs with a side of turkey bacon.” he requested.

“Yes sir” I responded as I fell into a deep slumber.