Side Effects pt. 6-7

------ Part 6

Jan could see something was troubling Mike. OK, he seemed all cheerful and

they had an immense laugh trying to get into the car. Jan always thought of

it as a big car but now, something over 650 pounds of pumped-up muscle

distributed across two huge frames which also quite possibly possessed the

widest shoulders, were trying to fit into the two front seats. The remains

of the incredible pump they had didn't help things either. Finally, Jan

took the driving post which only let Mike twist and lean to the side to

make them both fit. Still, Jan had to open the window on his side to be

able to drive properly. It was a good thing Mike did the driving on the way

to the gym, he was still smaller, but only marginally so.

But now Mike was just looking at him, as they were approaching Jan's

place. It didn't stop while they were on the way to Jan's apartment. There

were a couple of people who gaped at them as they went into the building,

but that wasn't important. Finally, when Jan closed the door behind them,

he popped the question.

'Mike, what's bugging you?'

Mike looked at him, and sat on the sofa. Jan felt so strange because Mike

was huge, and took up half of the three-seat sofa, but right now he looked

like a hurt boy who needed some comfort and badly. He slowly let his gaze


'Come on Mike, what's wrong?' Jan asked, kneeling in front of him.

'Oh God, Jan, don't do this please.' Mike said, but Jan didn't have a clue

what it was he wasn't supposed to be doing. Mike sighed.

'Oh Jan. how do I even start. Jan, I don't know if I told you this,

but. well, I'm a very closeted guy. or at least I was before all this. I

thought I'd live out my life alone until I saw you.'

Jan looked up, and felt something painful in his chest.

'When I first saw you I just knew it. I knew you are my man. Then, as

months passed, I thought I was stupid, that these things just don't happen

in real life. I became again sure I'd live out my life alone, and was

completely content admiring you from afar, but as time went on, the feeling

I had for you, that you. that there was my Mr. Right in this world didn't

go away, it only got stronger, and it was a relief to know that nature

thought about me after all when it made me. And then all of a sudden you

come, and this happens and. now we are here. And the first thing I do is

fool around behind your back.'

Jan almost toppled over, the tone of those words left nothing to be doubted

about the sincerity. It suddenly made Jan very ashamed of himself, he

wished he was so secure about his own feelings, he still had doubts about

the two of them. It took a while until he could speak.

'Mike. God. Mike, what. how in heavens name did you get that idea? We were

both there, and I think we both had a good time, and I certainly hope those

two had a good time as well' Jan said, not entirely sure it was the right

thing to say.

'But you didn't go about it with the notion of fucking the guy, and you

didn't fuck him, I did. and it wasn't like anyone was making me do that, I

wanted it. And even before all that there was that kid in the lobby.'

Jan was truly puzzled.

'God, Mike, like that Tom guy jacking me off was any different? How did I

ever come out of that looking innocent? What do you think I was doing while

you were in that room? I had a jack-off party in the sauna with a guy that

almost jacked himself into a coma over me!'

'No, no, no. that's you, not me. You are so big and all muscle, you always

were the perfect stud, the perfect male I. I know this will sound stupid

but it's like you are supposed to do that to other guys'

Jan could not believe what he was hearing. He didn't know whether he should

cry or laugh, he let himself down, his head ending on Mike's knees. He

could feel Mike flinch when their skin made contact. Jan sighed, and it

ended being a chuckle. He looked up at Mike.

'Mike, we both know you are not stupid, hell you are the most clever guy I

ever met, and yet you are now talking nonsense. Have you looked at yourself

in the mirror lately? Like, I'm the stud??? Mike, you are he-man squared!'

Jan said, looking straight up at Mike, and realizing again how right he

was, no matter how many times he had looked at Mike even in the last

minutes, only changing his vantage point presented a new thrill. But right

then, Jan realized another thing. He realized Mike was right. In a month

they have became better friends that some became in a lifetime, and in two

days they became lovers. Yes, that was it, lovers. Jan had been

disappointed several times in the past, even though all the feelings were

there, but it never felt so right so soon before. As if that wasn't enough

of a change they both end up with an ability to make whatever they wish out

of themselves. What they need is time to adjust. Still, obviously the

adjustment took toll in quite unpredictable ways.

'Mike, don't you think I'd liked to fuck that guy, for that matter both of

them? They were both so hot and there is only one body I ever saw that was

hotter, and that is yours. God knows they, and a lot of others before them

have made me hot down there, and there will surely be others that will do

that in the future, but right now, Mike, and I mean it, there is only one

person that makes me, and will always make me hot right here' Jan said, and

pointed at his heart. 'And here, and everywhere' he continued, pointing at

his head and then just looked right into Mike's eyes. He knew there was

nothing that he said in his life that was more true than this. He could see

a tear stream down Mike's face and he moved, hugging Mike, and kissed it of

his face.

'Hey, we're both grown up and big guys here, so no crying' he said with a

chuckle, but he had to do his best not to let his voice crack and he felt

tears well up in his eyes. He kissed Mike, and continued until he could

feel the tension go away and him kissing back. He pulled Mike down and they

ended up on the floor, still hugging, Mike ending on top of Jan.

Jan finally broke the embrace, his arms spread wide on the floor. Mike

stroked his shoulders, his chin between Jan's pecs. Jan sighed, and lifted

his head, but he could just look into Mike's eyes because his pecs were in

the way.

'Mike, my man, if there's anyone to blame here, it's me for not seeing what

fate has given me when I met you'. He started stroking Mike's back.

'Sorry Jan, but I can't help myself, it's like being granted a wish of

wishes, only to complain about it... it makes me feel... ungrateful...'

'What we both did back there was have sex, and we both know there's going

to be more of that, now don't you tell me there isn't' Jan said, the second

he saw the expression in those eyes change. 'Mike, came on, can't you admit

it, you were one hunky little stud before all this, and right now you are

one big super stud that makes everyone wobbly at the knees! Can't you see

some people would make it their life dream to have sex with you, come on,

that guy wanted to get fucked by the hottest guy on this planet which

happened also to have what must be the biggest cock too, and I think that's

a pretty accurate description of you' Jan said, chuckling. He pulled Mike

up, until they were pec to pec, ending up looking at a startled Mike. 'What

do you think, all this happens to you so you are supposed to go celibate

and spend your life praying or what? Life has given you a break so enjoy

it! It doesn't change what I feel for you, in fact, don't mind if I join


'God Jan, it's not that simple, I could have hurt him bad'

Jan almost started tearing his hair out in exasperation, but actually he

didn't move, it just felt too good being in this position.

'Mike, do I have to get up and give you a proper kick in the ass? The guy

obviously had the fuck of his life, and I'm almost certain he'll be a

better person for it! I know the type!'

Mike started lifting himself off Jan, and the spell was broken, for the

time being.

'Jan, we both know that guy would do anything to get bigger, what will he

do now? Who knows what he'll do to himself. It's not just about us having


'Mike, what do you expect from yourself? To be a mother hen to every

narcissistic type out there, being doubly careful not to hurt their

feelings? Come on, you know if it wasn't you, it would have been somebody

else, but I'm not certain that somebody would have given it a second

thought! Did you see how he looked when we left? Maybe it finally made him

look away from that mirror, and realize that little Tom stud adores

him. Maybe now he will even be worth it'

Mike looked at Jan. In all honesty, Jan did feel a lot of the same doubts,

especially after what happened with Ben. Suddenly he realized that the

changes they have gone through were much bigger for Mike than for himself,

and in a sense Mike was right. He had gotten his wake up call with Ben, but

Mike was having one now and with doubled intensity.

'Mike, let's get rid of the clothes' Jan said, and Mike looked at him with

a funny look. He started pulling off the tank-top, finally managing to take

it off after exhaling completely, and then started pulling off his shorts,

noticing Mike still looking at him like he was crazy, but that look slowly

became an increasingly lusty one.

'Come on, I don't want to be the only one doing this!' Jan said, which made

Mike reluctantly start taking his own tank-top off. Suddenly, Jan could

clearly see Mike realize the tank-top wasn't actually hiding anything, as

it was torn down the front to be able to accommodate Mike's pecs, the

widest and thickest, and just the most beautiful Jan had ever seen. A

second later, they were both completely naked. Just looking at Mike was

enough for Jan to feel the start of the reaction, he could feel his cock

getting heavier, and hang lower.

'God Jan, you are the hottest thing on this earth' Mike said. Just then Jan

finally saw the missing link. Somehow, it was almost like Mike wanted to

stay smaller in some way. Jan leaned over, touching Mike.

'I think it's time to even things up a little' he said, watching Mike start

growing, to become as tall as Jan was himself. At first Mike didn't guess

what was happening, but as their eyes became level, Jan could see the look

of realization on Mike's face. However, that was offset by the fact Mike

had grown proportionately, so everything on him grew, which suddenly gave

Jan the first hand experience of how Mike viewed him. Jan felt his cock on

the way to full hardness, looking up and down Mike. He was now as tall as

Jan, and probably somewhat bigger, because his shoulders became wider by

over two inches, and looked about a yard wide, and his pecs widened too,

his arms were bigger and his thighs, even Mike's cock was visibly

longer. It was mostly a subtle change, but it was all the change Jan could

take. His cock went from hanging to stone hard and poking right up in

seconds, almost hitting him in the face. That was the moment Jan truly

understood the words 'getting a taste of one's own medicine'.

'Now, you are going to do to me exactly what you did to that gorgeous hunk

of chocolate colored muscle back there' Jan said, and took Mike by his

hardening and growing member, and started pulling him towards the

bedroom. By the time they got there, it had grown big enough for Jan to

barely be able to keep a grasp on it. 'And more...'

There was obviously nothing Mike could do to resist Jan, but of course, the

notion never actually came up. The only thing he could do was say 'Only if

you return the favor', while being tugged by his cock into the

bedroom. Even the relatively small change was enough for Mike to feel

different - first of all, he almost hit his head on the doorframe, and he

had no choice but repeat the same gesture Jan did when passing through

doors, which was a tilt of the head. He couldn't help notice Jan pushing

through the doorframe turned slightly sideways, and had to mimic that

himself, still feeling his shoulders grazing the frame. As they both

entered, Jan turned Mike around by his shoulders and he found himself

looking into a huge man in a mirror consisting of two doors of the inbuilt

closet opened side by side.

'Now, you see what a super hunk you are?' Jan said. Mike could just look at

himself and at part of Jan in the mirror. Two days ago he would have

dropped unconscious if he had seen something like that man in the mirror

out on the street. And that man was now Mike himself. He could also see

part of Jan in the mirror. As much as he didn't want to admit it to

himself, he could swear he looked every bit as perfect as Jan did, and even

a tiny bit bigger. He could have denied it all he wanted, but he could

clearly see two huge cocks, hard as stone, like poles sticking straight up

over both their pecs, and obviously, there was no denying the reaction was

appropriate to the circumstance. He could see Jan move behind him.

'And I love that beard' he said, into Mike's ear, and then kissed

him. Then, Mike felt Jan's lips go down from behind his ear to his traps,

and then to his shoulder, while feeling Jan's hands first under his

armpits, then on his pecs, and then sliding down to his abs, stopping

between every ridge, and rubbing into it a bit. Mike closed his eyes, for

the moment he didn't need sight. Then, he felt Jan's pecs on his back, and

a hot hard rod pressing into him, with something wet and sticky right under

his shoulderblades, and then Jan's hands were on his cock. Then, he could

feel Jan turning him around, and moving, until they were face to face. In

an almost comical moment they both tried to embrace each other and it made

them both laugh out, because they were so huge they kept getting stuck into

each other, hand under arm, pec to pec. Finally, they both ended up on the

bed, laying on the side, still facing each other. For a few moments they

only regarded each other. Jan's hand went slowly up, touching Mike's

arm. Mike felt it like being touched by some magic, a firm touch, but at

the same time somehow so tender it made Mike's spine tingle.

'Mike. you were so beautiful. and now you are just perfect.' Jan said. Mike

could say nothing, just sigh. There was pure lust in those fantastic black

eyes of Jan's and Mike was again getting lost in them. No doubt, the same

was reflected in his own eyes. Their cocks were raging hard, and the

cockheads met between them. As they started stroking each other, their

cocks rubbed onto each other, mixing the juices that had long started

flowing. Hands darted all over, joined by lips, they tangled on the bed,

until, his leg over Mike's torso, Jan pulled at Mike's swollen mast of a

manhood, and brought it right down, and then, slowly started impaling

himself on that cockhead the size of a huge grapefruit. Mike could feel Jan

shudder and wince as he felt his cockhead distending Jan's ass. He took

Jan's cock into his hands, and pulled it towards him, which made Jan almost

jump in ecstasy, as Mike started licking the swollen cockhead. It was

incredibly hot, and hard, but in such a surprising way, like a lump of hot

glass covered in satin, the piss-slit oozing droplets of precum, which had

a taste that was somehow unmistakably Jan. As Mike started going down that

cockhead, licking all over the corona, he felt Jan wiggle his ass, impaling

himself even more, grunting in ecstasy, one hand hot and electric on the

shaft of Mike's cock, and the other going all over, darting from Mike's

body to Jan's own and back. Every one of Jan's pushes sent shivers all over

Mike's body, and it made him work that harder on the magnificent cock in

his hand and mouth. He licked it all over, kissing, sucking, teasing with

his tongue, and then managed to stuff the huge head in his mouth, not even

aware of how he did that, and as he pushed it down his throat, Jan pushed

himself further down, on his cock. He kept moaning, asking Mike to give him

all of it, and Mike started trusting with his hips, trying to bend further

down as his cock plunged deeper into Jan, Jan's own cock escaping

downwards. Then, he let go of Jan's rod, sliding one hand down over it,

stroking, to find Jan's balls engorged and heavy, and Jan's muscle flex and

twitch ecstatically under his other hand. Jan writhed, moaning, which made

Mike think for a second he was in pain, but one look into those eyes locked

his soul to them. He felt Jan's innards move around his manhood, his hand

suddenly feeling Jan's balls tighten, stuck between their abdomens. Mike

felt his cock was so hard it was on the verge of bursting, and he felt it

has become immense, and it was almost all buried in Jan. Jan suddenly

moved, which made Mike yelp an unsuccessful kind of yelp, which dislodged

Jan's cock from his mouth. Then, not to be disturbed, Mike started fucking

Jan, and stroking Jan's super-engorged cock, not being able to unstick his

gaze from Jan's eyes, until he closed them. But then, there was so much

more to look at. He started making longer strokes, watching how Jan's pecs

and shoulders bunched up flexing every time he'd ram him, until he finally

let go of Jan's cock, trapping it between their pecs, and held Jan. Then

they were rolling on the bed, taking turns on top of each other, their huge

muscles flexing into one another, hands over pecs, biceps, back, lip to

lip, only to become lip on steel hard muscle, and then, on steel hard cock,

Mike pushing his hips up, until Jan's cock ended up to Mike's lips, only to

be lifted up to Jan's lips when Jan bent down. Mike could feel the heat in

his balls, and he knew Jan was close too. Then, in just seconds, it spread

all over both of their bodies, and then, it became unbearable. Jan begun

chortling, producing a sound which was almost like growling, his whole body

becoming one rigid statue of flexed muscle, which made Mike almost black

out, but not before he started stroking Jan's cock with incredible

speed. The sound Jan made was the last Mike heard, before the earth quite

literally moved, and he felt like he was exploding. As he started cumming,

he felt Jan cramping, impaled onto his cock, in unison with his own

cramps. It went on and on and on, accompanied by blasts of Jan's cum ending

between their pecs. Mike could actually feel Jan's balls move, and his own

were squeezed tight by Jan's thighs which only added more intensity to the

orgasm, and the load filling Jan's bowels to overflowing. Then, there was a

period of nothingness, followed by a feeling which made electricity dance

up and down his spine as Jan pulled off of his cock. Then, all sticky and

lubed from his own cum, Jan spread Mike's thighs apart, and they both moved

until Mike felt his own ass stretch, to accommodate Jan's cock, which if

nothing else had become even harder, and maybe even bigger. They moved like

one body, Mike wasn't even aware who was doing the moving and in what way,

he only felt himself being impaled onto a hot mast, and in fact willing

more of it. He felt like his whole body was one huge erection existing only

with the purpose of becoming one with Jan, and then, exploding with a

combined orgasm. He stroked, kissed, licked all that huge manmeat,

regardless whose it was and Jan was doing the same. All hot and sweaty,

literally stuck together they both moved, fucking and stroking and sucking

until Mike felt the roar again. He shouted, and wailed in ecstasy, joined

by Jan. He shook, flexed all his muscles at once, cumming like he never had

before. He squeezed his balls, Jan's balls, all huge with their manly

essence which he wanted released, all of it.

Jan woke up, and there was light outside, rudely intruding though the

blinds. He had woken up during the night, disappointed by the feeling of

emptiness as he had separated from Mike, both cocks going soft. But, they

were still deliciously tangled together, sharing their breath, warmth and

contentment. So, he went back to sleep, satisfied like never before. But

now, this light in his eyes was making things difficult. He snuggled and

curled into Mike's body, and Mike, in turn, stirred and embraced him, but

soon after that he rolled off, onto his back. It took only seconds more for

Jan to become fully awake. He turned around, only to find Mike sprawled on

his back in all his glory, which included a two foot hardon proudly

sticking up from his crotch, tilted towards his pecs. Those in turn went up

and down slowly with each breath, also creating ripples over that perfect

set of abs.

'Mike, my man, what a super-stud you have become, I just knew you had it in

you' Jan whispered. All his life Jan had been the big one in a relation,

and it turned him on in a certain way. So, now I've finally met my match,

he thought, and he was immensely glad he did. He looked at Mike, sprawled

there. His palms were facing upwards, which put his arms in a position

showing a split right down those beautiful biceps. In fact, there was

almost no place on Mike's body that didn't show splits of some kind, from

his immense thighs, up his abs, over his pecs, his shoulders and back down

his arms. Oh, Jan knew well all that was true for himself, but it was such

a thrill seeing it on Mike. And, even more, the self-confidence it gave

him. The only thing that spoilt the perfect picture was a sheen of dried

cum between Mike's abs and pecs, and traces of it down his sides. He had a

funny sort of feeling inside him, where this magnificent tool in front of

him had filled him up completely yesterday. The bed was covered in blotches

of dried up cum, and Jan realized they both needed a shower. And, if this

continues, a heap of bedsheets, he thought, chuckling inwardly. Mike

stirred, the light was obviously a nuisance, so he put his forearm over his

eyes. Not only is he a super-stud, he's also so cute, and he's all mine,

Jan thought, smiling. He stood up and went to the bathroom, noticing in

passing how there was actually far less dried cum then he would have

expected after yesterday.

About ten minutes later, after a very much accelerated morning ritual which

included the absolutely fastest shower Jan ever took, Jan was back in the

bedroom, and Mike was still sleeping like a baby, more or less in the same

position. So, Jan just had to do it. He very tenderly put his hand around

that tree of a cock sprouting from Mike's crotch, pulled it back towards

his legs and then let it go. It smacked right into Mike's pecs, which quite

obviously brought a good jolt because Mike opened his eyes in surprise,

flinching. 'Wha.?!'.

Jan almost doubled over laughing. 'Well, it really doesn't take a lot to

get you going' he said, laughing his ass off, while Mike looked at him, not


'Come on, rise and shine!' Jan said. Well, he learned already Mike wasn't a

morning person, but there seemed to be a few things that could get him

started faster. Jan bent down, and gave Mike a passionate kiss. Then he

kneeled by the bed and continued kissing right down to Mikes huge

pec. Then, he stroked the immense mass of it, which moved, relaxed, under

that perfect smooth skin, and stroked Mike's arm, squeezing his biceps a

bit. Mike sighed, and then stretched, while Jan was still dispensing tender

touches, and then he flexed a bit, which made his abs jump into

cobblestones, his pecs bunch up and his triceps cut up into thick angular


'I love it when you do that' Jan said, going over those bulges and not

failing to touch Mike's still engorged cock as he went touching the

abs. Mike in turn stroked Jan's shoulder and arm, so Jan returned the favor

by tensing it as well.

'Mmmm... it feels so good to be this big' Mike said. He caught himself

thinking what a hedonistic thing to say, but he realized he could more or

less through the notion of hedonism as such out the window now.

'It sure does, and today is a good day to grow bigger, really huge' Jan

said, chuckling.

'Like we're not really huge right now, look at us, at you - Jan, you could

just walk into a bodybuilding contest and take the trophy and walk away,

no-one would even object, that is if they could say something at all,

they'd need to pick up their jaw from the floor' Mike replied, again

devouring Jan with his stare. He just couldn't get over that chest of his,

so big, wide, and that hair, running right up the crevice between those

thick pecs and spreading outwards, slightly lighter than the hair on Jan's

head, like fine silky fur.

'Mind if I give these a stroke or two' Mike asked, his hands already on the

muscular expanse of Jan's pecs. He could see Jan's eyes smile, he answered

'Only if I can do the same to you', and of course he did. Not surprisingly

there were no complaints. Still, Mike's morning high had deflated, the

intention wasn't to make love, just to enjoy the moment.

'Yes it really does feel good' Jan said 'It almost feels too good, I keep

watching out for some dues to be paid for feeling this good, and being with

my guy which makes it all even better' he continued.

'Now look, weren't you the one that kept reminding me to enjoy the moment'

Mike said. But, Jan was right, he had the same feeling himself. It was

almost like guilt. So far, in Mike's life all experiences said that all

dues sooner or later come to be paid, and this was like living the dream of

dreams at no charge at all. Mike had thought about this a lot, and although

the last two days were full of other 'engagements' the thoughts always

lingered somewhere in the background.

'Mike, here's what we're going to do. I happen to own, well, actually part

own a cabin in the middle of nowhere, which also happens to be a bit over

two hours from here by car. Right now, there is no-one there, and no-one

has been there for months and no-one is to be there for months to

come. What do you say - let's go there, stay a day or two, or a week for

that matter, and just play a bit?' Jan asked. His eyes had a pleading look

in them, but he knew well there was no need to plead. 'There's even a lake

there, should be good for a couple of swims this time of year' Jan went

on. Mike had thought a lot about the two of them going camping somewhere

where they would not be disturbed, and just let them morph to their hearts


'Jan. where do we go from here?' Mike asked, sighing. The thoughts were


'Oh, easy, down to the lobby, into my car, pick up your car, get some

supplies and on to that cabin' Jan said. Mike had started shaking his head

after the first three words.

'Come on, I'm serious. Look at me. I'm huge, what, 6'5" and there must be

well over 300 pounds of muscle in me.'

'More than well over actually, I've stepped on the scale just earlier and

it spun around, I'd guess I'm about 360# which probably makes you around

370# or more. I hope you realize you have doubled in size.'

'Jan, the problem is I like it, hell, I love it, I can barely contain

myself not to walk around flexing all the time' Mike said, sitting up on

the bed. 'What am I going to do? All my life I've been a scientist and I

just don't know how to do anything else - I can't go back to the lab like

this, and I. Well, I don't want to go back to being like I was before'

'I know, big guy, I know. Remember, we're both in this together'

'Yes but, at least you originally looked like you were on the way to

looking like you. we look now, but I couldn't look like this in a million

years, no matter what I did. To tell you the truth, I've dreamed about

looking like this, being. well, essentially being the super-male. But that

just doesn't happen, does it? Except it did to us. And you know what, the

thing is, I know I could become bigger, hell, you even made me become

bigger down there' Mike said, pointing at his now dormant cock 'and it only

makes me want to become bigger, as big as possible. But that's not the way

to make a living - Jan what are we going to do from now on, after all, we

have got to eat, pay the rent... normal stuff like that!'

Jan looked at Mike for a second. Mike had to chuckle because he could

almost see the wheels turning in his head, and he always had that

expression when he would be thinking about some problem. It was just one

more thing that made Jan... well, Jan.

'Mike, have you noticed we more or less went on the whole day yesterday and

we didn't eat a thing. In fact, I only eat a sandwich in the morning and I

never got hungry. Well, that is if I discount the essence of Mike' Jan

said, stroking Mike's abs. 'Also, this will sound funny but when did you

last take a leak? And have you noticed there are far less blotches and

stains than last night would warrant? I've already found out anything we

are made off will get returned as borrowed matter when it stops being

alive. It seems to me we are more likely to become destitute than hungry'.

Mike thought about this and yes, it did make sense. Also, he knew cold

wasn't a problem either, and heat as well if they were careful, as he had

experienced. He looked at his hand, still amazed at the speed it


'I don't think destitution would be a problem either, we could always strip

and end in jail for indecent exposure' he said chuckling 'That is if we end

up sharing a cell' he finished, in a much darker tone. 'It also seems we

are much more sturdy than we used to be. One thing I really like about that

is we'll probably never get a cold again'. Mike thought about this. Are

they going to grow old or just keep going? Luckily Jan solved that dilemma.

'Mike, do you always think about existential questions at 7:40 AM? What

will we do tomorrow, how we will live, will we have anything to eat, when

we will die? Well, I don't really remember thinking about it like that for

a long time, and you know what? I don't care. This whole thing that's

happening is all about what we could be, any of us, and how do we pay? I'd

say by not being what we could have been. Right now, Mike, we must be the

two luckiest guys on the planet, so let's just party - and that's the idea

of this day!' Jan said. Mike looked at him for a few seconds. Yes, he was

right. Definitely Mike didn't remember when he last enjoyed himself this

much, probably never.

'Oh yes, you just keep looking, I'll give you much more to look at, just

you wait!' Jan said, and started pulling Mike of the bed, in a quite

sensuous way. Mike of course didn't like the idea of him succeeding right

away. After a few grunts, though, it almost became wrestling, and after a

few more, there was no 'almost' about it. Finally, they both ended on the

floor, with Jan having the upper hand.

'So, testing my strength are you?' Jan asked, holding Mike's arms down, and

sitting on his abs. Of course, Mike could easily deal with Jan in this

position, but he kind of liked it. Still, no harm in a bit of play. He

pressed upwards with his arms, lifting Jan off.

'Wow, look at those muscles' Jan said, playfully, and looking at him, Mike

could only think 'Amen' because Jan was opposing him and those muscles

flexing under his skin were just incredible. But, Mike suddenly let go,

which made Jan fall into a bearhug, and he hugged him until he could hear

him groan, and suddenly rolled over, so now Jan was under him.

'He he, that'll teach you not to pick on smaller guys' Mike said,

chuckling. Jan was trying to free himself, but suddenly all resistance

collapsed, because he started laughing. That bear hug slowly became a

lovers embrace, and then a very passionate kiss.

'Smaller, huh? Mike, you're bigger than me... and I love it' Jan said 'And

I love you'.

After the stunt that guy pulled off yesterday Wess was not going to be

caught off guard again. He had just phoned he was coming to pick up his

car. Truth be said, he was happy to be rid of it, it really turned out to

be much more trouble than it was worth. Now it was fixed and since there

wasn't that much wrong with it anyway, it wasn't likely it would be back

any time soon. This time, Wess was going to face that man standing. After

the first shock wore off, he was sure it was only his mind's eye playing

tricks on him, no-one can be that big.

'Good morning' Wess turned around at the sound of that voice, and the

second he did, he knew he was wrong. 'I've been told I can pick up my car


Wess suddenly realized he was supposed to answer something. He suddenly

felt like a wimp, because not only can one be that big, in fact that 'one'

looked much bigger than Wess remembered. A small voice in the back of Wess'

head insisted on asking how this guy was going to fit into that

car. Another voice, one which Wess never wanted to hear, said 'that's what

a real man looks like'. He was faced by a real life giant, one which was

again looking down at him, and right into the eye.

'The key is in the car' was all Wess could say. There was no doubt in his

mind any more a man can be that big, because right next to that first

giant, there was another one. This one was equally big, which meant taller

than Wess was himself, and he always thought he was tall. The two looked a

yard wide each. The other guy was smooth faced, black haired, absolutely

gigantic, with a tiny waist. His muscles were, just like those of the guy

getting in the car, so big they looked about ready to rip his skin. And

they were in fact ripping his muscle shirt and pants apart. And in case of

the pants there was a huge bulge in them that made Wess feel like a

eunuch. For some reason the only word that Wess could think of that would

describe them was 'beautiful' although he kept correcting himself with


'Mike, did you do this?' the giant asked, holding that knotted wrench up,

and the other, still attempting to make himself fit into the car,

nodded. Then, to Wess' utter surprise, as one of the giants pulled out with

the car, the other neatly unwrapped the wrench and straightened it almost

completely, which made his muscles flex until Wess thought they would

explode. He didn't even groan, but the wrench sure did subjected to such

torture for the second time in less than a day. The guy just looked at it

first, then gripped it, which made the shapes in his forearms almost

explode through his skin, and then he breathed in, and pushed and

pulled. Wess couldn't stop looking at those hair covered pecs all puffed up

with the exertion, producing shapes under that skin which looked like angry

waves on a muscle sea, with something approaching horror Wess caught

himself just short of bringing his hand up to touch those giant muscle

bulges. Still he continued staring even when they flattened down only

slightly, going relaxed, the wrench straightened, feeling a strange

disappointment at seeing those biceps deflate from bigger than softball

boulders to thick shaft-like shapes as the guy breathed out slowly. Wess

had once seen one of those wrenches bent and it took two strong men and a

length of pipe for better leverage, and yet the only indication of it being

difficult to this giant was a barely audible sound of teeth gritting. Then,

the deed done, the guy took one deep breath, which produced a barely

audible rip in that muscle shirt he was wearing, trying to contain a chest

that suddenly swelled unbelievably, before he turned around and walked

away. Wess picked up the wrench. It was warm.

'Yo Wess, what you doin' back there?' It was Al. He turned around, watching

the black haired giant walk away to another parked car. His gait was

muscle-bound to say the least but there was absolutely no pretense in it,

each movement oozed power, and Wess realized, something manly graceful, it

was like watching skin encased steel move. Al turned back, facing Wess.

'Jeez, look at that freak... what was that all about?' He asked.

'Oh, nothing... I think I need a beer...' Wess answered. Al was looking at

him in a strange way. 'It's not the only thing you need, man' he said,

looking down, and then left chuckling. Wess looked down, shocked to see his

coveralls tented out at his crotch.

Mike had been following Jan's car in his own for the last two hours. They

had decided to take both cars, dividing the supplies between them. They had

taken almost everything but the kitchen sink, Mike thought, but offset the

missing kitchen sink with other things. Jan insisted on stopping at a

specialist shop of some kind and after a few minutes emerged with something

that looked like a rather large collapsed bazooka painted white. He only

said it's harmless, but fun when Mike asked what it was.

Finally, Mike saw Jan take a turn onto a dusty trail, off the

blacktop. They had actually been driving for some 40 minutes down a side

road which kept going more and more convoluted and narrower by each passing

mile. This was what reminded Mike of the supplies, with each passing minute

he was more and more amazed that 'in the middle of nowhere' really could

mean only a two hours drive from the city, and he realized how limited his

knowledge of the surrounding country really was - all he knew were the

highways, and he never even thought of what was in-between them. The trail

they were driving on was also getting narrower, and it led, just like the

last 30 miles of the road, through a forest, which kept getting

thicker. Then, it suddenly started getting sparse, and finally, they were

driving alongside it. The terrain was hilly, and the midday sun made it

almost look like something out of a fairytale. And, it was completely and

utterly deserted. Mike thought it was actually a good thing they went

separately, because they would probably either crash, not being able to

keep their hands from each other, or at least stop so many times that they

wouldn't get wherever it was they were going for days. That is, provided

they could fit themselves in one car, not to talk about all the rest of the

stuff they had. Still, the first part of the trip, on the usual highways,

Mike almost drove on automatic, his thoughts contemplating his

ex-life. Definitely ex, because it has changed so much now that he had

trouble believing it had been real. Or this was real. Or both. The only way

to avoid the confusion was not to think about it, but he couldn't help

himself. He was actually glad when they got off the usual roads, and

started traveling ones Mike had never been on before, and then with this

last, old and wiggly road, it was a challenge which presented a welcome

distraction and a remainder of the things present. It was even more of a

challenge because it took all of Mike's concentration a few times to get

his coordination right. He had definitely outgrown his car, and not making

himself smaller had become something of a philosophy lately. Finally, they

approached a fork in the road, and Jan took a left turn. It was obvious it

was very rarely used, to say the least, in fact, Mike could barely

recognize it as a road, it was only a slightly different pattern of grass

and leaves. As they rounded a curve cut into a hill, suddenly the forest

thinned out to bushes and there it was. Right at the edge of it, between

two hills, there was the archetype of a wooden cabin, and only yards away,

the ground became sloped and sandy, and there was a large lake, a funny

misty green color. Mike realized it must have been a sand dig or something

like that, hence the color. Artificial or not, it was perfect.

'All done' Jan proclaimed, sitting on the edge of the front porch. It took

them almost two hours to get the place decent and they were now a bit

dusty, and definitely ready to enjoy the rest of the day. They had taken

all the things out of both cars, stuffing a small storage room with them,

and the ancient, and huge fridge. OK, Jan though, maybe we don't need to

eat but he actually enjoyed that from time to time. The cabin was basically

one room, except for the storage and the simplistic bathroom, it had

electricity, although it wasn't very reliable. It did have a sort of

kitchen area, but the part Jan liked most was the fireplace in the

middle. He was actually a little sad it wasn't winter, it really felt cozy

in winter. This used to be a gravel and sand dig before it was abandoned,

and the cabin used to be the office and kitchen of sorts. As property was

actually shared between several members of the family, and someone had at a

time thought to make it a place to spend holidays. Most of those have moved

far enough never to be seen even near it, and the rest, including Jan for

the most time, never bothered to come down. Still, every couple of months

someone would come just to see if it was still there. For Jan it was almost

a habit, he remembered coming to this place since he was 6.

As they unloaded stuff and tidied up, and then did some re-arrangement of

the scarce furniture, Jan had to admit it was arousing merely to watch and

feel his and Mike's body work. And, as an extension to that, he thought

they earned a bath. He stripped off his shirt, very literally, because it

was already ripped enough to barely hold itself together, and started

pulling his shorts off.

'Ah, going somewhere?' Mike asked.

'What's the matter, shy? Come on, it's only us men here, there probably

isn't a soul 20 miles around. And, the water is calling' Jan answered,

chuckling. Mike looked at him, and Jan was very much aware how his gaze

passed specific parts of his body.

'Well, I forgot my bathing suit' Mike said, chuckling. Then, as Jan managed

to pull his shorts, carefully avoiding ripping them apart, down his thighs,

and to his knees, Mike suddenly stood up, and gave him the minutest of

pushes. Just enough to loose balance.

'Mike you...' Jan started, falling while trying to step out of his shorts,

only to finally roll on the ground. Mike was already on his way to the

lake, laughing his ass off, and shouting 'the last in's a rotten egg'. Jan

heard a huge splash even before he managed to stand up. He must have

covered the distance to the lake in seconds, it looked like it was only 10

steps, but enough for him to notice how his cock flopped from one thigh to

another and the huge mass of his muscle jump up and down under his skin as

he rushed on. He stopped right at the edge of the water only to see Mike

emerge to the surface with his shorts on his head. He was still wearing the

shirt, which was now soaked and transparent, like a second skin. Jan lunged

into the water, bellowing at the top of his lungs. In a second he was

beside Mike.

'Cheat!' he said, jerking his head to get his hair out of his eyes. Mike

only laughed.

'Boss, you look like an idiot with those on your head' Jan said.

'Oh, I love it when you talk dirty' Mike said, posing like some slut,

pushing his hip out to the side, and stroking it. It was so comical Jan

almost doubled over, laughing, soon to be joined by Mike. 'Come on big boy,

don't you like what you see' Mike started in a high voice, rotating his

hips, his hand on his head, but couldn't contain himself any more so the

last word came out as laughter, and he doubled up, clutching his abdomen.

'Just put that hand over there again, and flex, I'll take you right on the

spot' Jan said, now beside Mike. Mike calmed down, and then looked at Jan.

'No, it's your turn now. I want to see those muscles bulge and flex and

grow' Mike said, squeezing Jan's pecs, throwing his shorts off his head

with his other hand.

'Like this?' Jan said, and flexed in a most muscular pose.

'No, like THIS' Mike said, and did the same, only Jan could see his pecs

grow visibly. 'Nothing wrong with a little pump, is it?' Mike said. This

was going to be fun, Jan thought. The mere thought of what was to be next

made his crotch tingle. He flexed in a most muscular and made himself grow

slightly. He could actually feel his muscles become bigger and tighter as

he flexed. The feeling was so hot his cock went hard in seconds. So did

Mike's and in a second more, Mike's hands were all over Jan's body.

'Yes, do it... grow, I know you want it' he whispered. Jan was not to be

alone in this. He could see pure lust in Mike's eyes, and there was nothing

he wanted to see more. He knew Mike saw the same in his eyes. He saw Mike

visibly becoming thicker, and then he flexed his biceps, producing a bulge

the likes of which the world has never seen. It made both of them gasp in

surprise, it looked like a huge split ball of freaky flesh, the size of the

twin peak was incredible. 'God, look at that!' Mike exclaimed. 'Your turn

now' he added. Jan went into a front lat pose, feeling his back grow

broader by inches. It left Mike gaping and that was all the reaction Jan

needed. Mike was not to be intimidated, and did the same, flexing and

grunting, and growing, until Jan thought his lats were going to fill the

space between his armpits and his elbows. This time, however, every muscle

on Mike's body grew in proportion. His pecs inflated, gaining inches of

thickness, the wet shirt he was wearing groaning under the strain, and his

arms became absolutely immense, bigger than any Jan saw or imagined by

far. Then, Mike doubled his flexing efforts, and the shirt ripped all the

way down his abs, right behind his cock which was jutting straight up to

Mike's pecs, swollen to it's incredible size. When Mike stopped flexing,

his arms stayed wide, pushed apart by his enormous back and triceps, the

later jutted to the side pushed out by the lats, enough to be seen from

dead front. Without saying anything, he gave a few tugs to his cock, and

ripped the remains of his shirt off.

Jan turned around, giving Mike a view of his back, went into a lat pose,

and let himself grow. Feeling himself quite literally inflate with muscle

almost made him cum at the spot, and Mike's gasps from behind him didn't

help either. But he held on, realizing the winner of the game was the one

who made the other cum first. He felt his muscles pushing into one another,

competing for the precious space, and felt himself get heavier, but it was

such a funny feeling because when he moved to accommodate his growing

thighs, he felt the added mass but also felt it was effortless to move it

around. He could see his pecs without even looking down, and over them his

rock hard cock jutting from his crotch, which he couldn't see. He turned

around again, and almost fell off his feet.

'So you thought you'd have it easy by not looking, huh?' asked the biggest

muscle stud on this planet. Jan stood there, his mouth open. Mike had grown

to such proportions that there wasn't a word to describe him. Both of them

had made themselves incredibly wide in the shoulders, but Mike was now more

than half as wide as he was tall. Standing there in the water, which

reached just below his crotch, made him look even wider. His shoulders,

pecs and abs looked permanently flexed, and there was enough of them to

divide amongst three people and still make them look huge. Pecs bulging

into a split shelf of muscle which jutted out 8 inches, clearly separated

from shoulders just short of basketball size. Behind all that were lats

which looked like a thick cloak, tapering down into a ultratight waist,

tying into the immense ribcage by way of serratus muscles which looked

sharp to the touch, and ready to cut themselves out through the skin. Abs?

Eight huge bulging squares, separated by gashes, but surrounding all that

was a sea of tangled cords of muscle, going from obliques to

intercostals. They looked immensely strong and certainly were to be able to

carry that astonishing torso, the view partially obscured by a two-foot log

of erect manflesh. Mike's traps sweeped up just below his ears, but you

could still see the huge neck muscles tie into them. And his arms were

enough to make Jan swoon, so big Mike's elbows were held out even with his

incredible shoulder width. Upper arm muscles so huge they must have been a

match in circumference to the waist, biceps and triceps bulging completely

relaxed, and forearms that looked like they would burst the skin containing

them into shreds with their razor-sharp cords. Mike just stood there, every

breath moving those incredible cuts on his body as the muscles shifted a

bit. Jan realized Mike was staring straight at him, and the fact that he

must have looked very similar hit him with incredible force. Suddenly, Mike

kneeled into the water, and said: 'Don't move, you only need the finishing

touches', and then, with an impish grin, grabbed hold of Jan's cock, and

stuffed the head in his mouth, which made Jan wince, and then made a

gesture like he was blowing, which made Jan almost explode in laughter, and

the only thing that kept him from doing so were his pecs which visibly

swelled, growing. He felt his arms being lifted apart by his growing back

and triceps, and he couldn't resist stroking his pecs, looking down at the

immense expanse they made. He couldn't believe they were his, but the touch

was very reassuring.

Mike was blowing the god of muscle mass. Jan was now impossibly huge, he

was as much bigger compared to minutes before as he was minutes before,

compared to a regular Joe from the street. Mike tasted his pre-cum, the

aroma reminding him that this indeed was Jan. Mike knew he probably wasn't

far behind in size, he felt strong as a bulldozer and his chest jutted out

like shelf. A second ago he looked to the sides only to be amazed at the

view of his shoulders protruding that far out, and being so huge. He wished

Jan to match his size completely, and right now, looking from below, his

mouth off the incredibly engorged head of Jan's cock, but his hand still

securely on the shaft, he was looking at enough muscle to fill his

view. Mike let his hands roam under the water finding two immense pillars

of muscle that were Jan's thighs, and traced the deep gashes and cuts on

them up to Jan's super-tight waist. From there up, the flare looked almost

like an upturned pyramid. Mike took it all in at once, the lats thick as

some men's whole torso, flaring upwards to a width of surely more than a

yard. In front, that perfect six-pack that was now perfectly immense, cut

inches deep, and moving with every breath Jan took. Like an improbable

corset of sorts the obliques, cut into shreds, connected that incredible,

hair outlined abdomen, with the wall of lats. And that corset moved and

writhed too, like so many interwoven snakes, suddenly braking into a

zig-zag pattern of sharp tiles that made the serratus muscles, right

between the place where those immense lats became the widest, and the pecs

rose like two granite plates. The thickness made Mike realize how big the

abs were as well, because they competed for space with the bottom of the

pecs. Jan's nipples pointed straight down, and they were visibly hard. He

couldn't see Jan's face, but when he moved, his hands disappearing to reach

the top of those immense pec muscle slabs, Mike almost came watching Jan's

arms bulge, the triceps jutting outwards, and the biceps becoming a ball

which pushed into the immense forearms, which even from this angle looked

as big or bigger as the biggest upper arms Mike had ever seen before. As

Jan's arms moved, the big balls of biceps muscle became even bigger, that

perfect shape still clearly evident, the split visible inspite the gigantic

swollen size. The knowledge that he himself was as big and as cut was as

sexual as what he was looking at. The final touch was to give them both the

pump of a lifetime on top of the gigantic muscle they both had now.

Mike stood up, still holding Jan by his cock, which was hot to the

touch. Jan was almost panting in lust, and Mike realized he probably was as

well. From head on, Jan looked even more incredible. The size of him was

enough to obscure everything else, and it was visibly getting bigger, veins

becoming prominent on his arms and the bottom of his abdomen. Mike regarded

the sea of pec muscle, the hair outlining it even more now, for a moment he

didn't dare touch it, but then he did, and he got touched back. He felt his

own muscles get tight with the pump, it felt like his skin was several

sizes too small. He didn't know where to look and touch first. Panting like

two animals in heat, they both parted for a second, Mike just couldn't get

enough of Jan and the only way he could see more was to step back, only for

a second. As he did that, Jan surprised him with a double biceps pose which

almost made him loose his footing. There were no words, it was pure sex,

and not even touch was needed. With something like a sigh Jan breathed in,

bringing his pecs up, until they jutted straight in front of him, and

flexed his biceps. Just a little more and he'll explode, Mike thought, as

he felt his balls tighten. There was no return. The rules had changed, and

the goal was to cum all over each other. Before he lost any sense of what

was actually going on, Mike parried with a pose of his own, and then it

became a posing orgy. He saw pecs swell like balloons, biceps reaching

fists easily, abs crunching into stone hard blocks, and lats spanning more

than a yard of width, and then, he shot all over that muscle, holding his

cock like a hose, shocked at the amount and the intensity all at once. The

next thing he knew, two bodies were one, tangled, and groping, feeling,

stroking, licking. A little later, he realized he had been kissing Jan,

pressed tight into him, hugging him no doubt with immense strength, if he

could judge by the hug he was getting back. It was difficult reaching Jan's

face, their pecs pressed into one another. Their lips finally parted. Mike

kept looking into the black eyes of his lover, and he realized, he was

forever lost in them. There was no stereotype in saying those eyes were the

window to the soul. For Mike, Jan's eyes were also the door, and right now,

the souls have become one. His life as it was had definitely ended, to be

replaced with one where he was joined with his other half. He felt Jan

move, and it meant they both did. Mike felt Jan's grip tighten slightly,

and then he felt his feet lifting off the bottom. He laughed, and Jan

smiled. 'I just don't want to stop feeling you on me, and I want to make

love to you without drowning' he whispered softly. Mike tangled his legs

behind Jan, and it didn't even make him change pace. He didn't even want to

guess their combined weight, because it didn't matter what it was. If this

never happened, he would have loved Jan forever, but he silently thanked

whoever was responsible for the extraordinary gift they shared, realizing

they were getting all they could ever get.

-------- Part 7

Jan felt Mike's weight, carrying him, but if he had to keep doing that his whole

life, he wouldn't mind at all. In fact, to be separated was the last thing he

would ever want. Every inch of his skin that touched with Mikes felt on fire and

it was wonderful. Dimly, he felt the warmth of the gravel beach under his feet

as they sunk into it, and he lowered himself and Mike to the ground.

They had both become so big that embracing felt completely different, first of

all because Jan couldn't reach around Mike so he was almost forced to hook him

under the armpits with his arms. But, because of their size, the added area of

contact was more than a compensation. For a second or two, they ended up

directly face to face, separated by inches, their pecs flexing against each

other. Jan looked straight into the eyes of his lover. In those eyes there was

certainty which Jan had not felt for who knows how long, but he was glad he was

feeling it now too. Mike smiled and they both relaxed in almost the same

instant, and their lips were together. Then, their tongues were together. It

lasted and lasted, but now there was another subtle connection, deep and

powerful joining of the souls. Now, with Mike on him, kissing him, and Jan

kissing back, their lips and tongues darting all over, wherever they could

reach, Jan only wanted to go on. He was thrilled by what he felt with his hands,

his chest, his abs, his legs, his cock, and it was more huge arms, pecs, abs and

cock. Then, Mike moved up, simultaneously trying to reach down to get to Jan's

cock, which suddenly provided Jan with the opportunity to taste Mike's own

gargantuan cockhead. However, he wasn't given enough time to explore that, as he

felt his own raging cock assaulted by Mike's ass, as he impaled himself on it.

But then Jan had an idea, and he lifted Mike off, which produced a very

surprised look on his face for a second, and then, he brought his hips up, and

then, it happened just the way he wished. He shuddered in pleasure, which was

amplified to almost unbearable intensity by the look of pure lust on Mike's

face, as they did what in all probability only they could do. Jan shuddered as

he felt Mike sink down on his cock, at the same time he felt Mike's cock enter

him. What happened next was very much dim in Jan's memory, and only the fact

remained that it was some of the most unusual sex he ever had. His mind

fleetingly touched the subject of the mechanics involved, as he caught himself

moving, rotating to right angles with Mike, coupling with him in a frenzy of

lust. His whole midsection was on fire, and it felt like it was spreading up his

spine and down his legs, only to connect with Mike again through every bit of

skin touching Mike, through his fingers and his lips. He came first, flexing in

his orgasm, and when he could again understand what was going on around him

again, he saw it brought Mike over the edge, he was staring at him, his eyes

fixed to Jan's, and just trembling slightly, as Jan felt a huge amount of Mike's

juices fill him up. There was such a mixture of serenity, surprise and lust on

Mike's face, Jan remembered he just kissed him, and kept on for what felt like

hours. Later, he remembered squeezing Mike's truly gargantuan biceps which he

obligingly flexed, and then returning the favor by spreading his lats until he

felt them cramp for Mike to feel in turn, while they were still coupled, only to

come violently, together, a few seconds after. Then, after a period without

memory, he was kissing Mike softly down his chin, and then his chest, licking

his nipples, feeling his ass, and reaching down his legs, only to hold his hands

a second later. He felt the ground underneath soaked with their combined juices,

and relished in the feeling of being filled with them, and with Mike, and in

doing the same to Mike. Then, it was bliss again.

Mike awoke with a mild start, realizing he was looking at an incredibly clear

sky full of stars, which was slowly being bleached by the coming of dawn. It

took minutes to actually remember where he was. When he did, he took a moment to

marvel at the total absence of the fear of disorientation which he used to feel

in occasions like this, and realized that the warmth of Jan, which he was still

feeling, acted like a sort of spiritual anchor. He looked at the sky, chuckling

inwardly that he didn't even move, and realized he actually didn't want to.

Jan was using his arm as a pillow, and he felt Jan's arm under his lower back.

For a second he contemplated moving, thinking how Jan's arm must have gone to

sleep, but then realized his hadn't. It was so strange to be so aware of one's

own body, Mike thought. It probably had to do with adjustment, after all, he now

quite probably looked beyond most peoples capability of imagination. He moved

his left arm out from under his head, only to get a firsthand experience at what

he had become - his back was so huge, that letting his head down on the ground

almost left him looking backwards, comfortably propped on the huge mass of his

traps and neck muscles. He let his hand roam around his body, and he had to

admit it took some strength not to gasp loudly at what he was feeling. He

realized his glutes had also grown huge and that Jan's forearm, which was also

undoubtedly huge, was actually logged under the arch of his lower back. He also

noticed he was slightly damp, and thought almost casually it was just morning

dew, and almost laughed aloud at the casualness of that thought - it must have

been quite cold but he didn't even feel it. Yet, only days ago he would be

shivering and on the way to acquiring the mother of all colds. Then he went

downwards toward his crotch, and stopped, realizing he was grinning. He couldn't

help it, remembering the veritable orgy they had before. The thought of it

started getting him hard, and he could clearly see his cock growing in the

dawning light, but instead of assuming it's huge and straight mast-like

appearance, it became bent, like some sort of oriental sword. It did serve it's

purpose of making love in a way probably no one else could, and the experience

was something which he couldn't compare with anything he had ever done before.

He wished it back the way it was, he was just sort of used to it. He chuckled

softly remembering that there wasn't actually that much he did do before, but he

sure was going to make up for it in the future. Doing anything with the right

man, the man he loved made all the difference, and yesterday, it was all the

difference in the world. It made the warmth that he was feeling from Jan, truly

have a special meaning. There was no way he could imagine being without it.

Suddenly, he felt that warmth move.

'Mmmm... trying to get the better of me?' Jan muttered, and Mike felt his hand

grip quite powerfully at his ass, and heard Jan chuckle in the semi-darkness.

Slowly, he felt Jan's touch move around to the front, then up and down the

boulders of his abs and then to his crotch, and around the base of his cock,

which was still stone hard. Jan pulled at it, making it sway. Mike was again

surprised at the feeling of the weight of his own cock. It was by all standards

absolutely immense. Before all this started Mike was well aware he was what one

would consider very well endowed, but sometimes he saw that as an encumbrance.

Now he was more than twice as big, big enough to enter the record books easily,

probably bigger than any normal human, and he loved it. He caught himself

repeating 'normal human' in his head. Yet, he felt very much normal himself, and

if someone put him beside someone... well, normal, the comparison would probably

be ridiculous. He turned his head to Jan, only to look right into his staring

eyes. Jan answered the question before Mike could really ask it.

'You look absolutely incredible' Jan said. Mike almost laughed out loud because

that was just what he was going to say. He thought about this.

'Jan, to tell you the truth, I don't really know how I look. But if I look

anything like you...' Jan looked at him for a moment, and then said:

'Well, lets see, what do you look like. Hmmm. Well, you have the biggest

everything I have ever seen, at least twice the size of anything else I have

ever seen. It's kind of difficult to describe without numbers. There's a good

word for it - freak.'

'Well, that makes two of us. It certainly feels good to be a freak' Mike said.

'Yes, so it does, doesn't it' Jan said, smiling. When he gesticulated, his whole

body was in motion, the muscles twitched and writhed, flexed and puffed up. It

kept Mike's mantool engorged to the max, and Jan's was on the way to full mast


'Well, one of us is going to have to take care of that or I think you're going

to burst' Jan said, stroking Mike's cock. Mike was well aware of it but his eyes

were stuck to Jan's own organ which was now extending over Mike's abs, getting

bigger and harder by the second, also returning to it's normal, only slightly

curved immense length.

'Man, you're hard as stone, I never saw anything like it.' Jan said. Mike

suddenly realized he was stroking himself and flexing slowly. The daylight was

now complete and looking at Jan and himself alternately made him want to stand

up and flex until he came, thinking how big he had become, how big they both

have become. He could feel the power of his incredibly huge muscles, and it was

something so deeply erotic.

'You can feel it too, can't you' Jan asked. 'Come on Mike, you know there's

nothing to be ashamed of, we're in this together' Jan continued. Mike noticed he

was also stroking his abs, taking attention to flex his biceps as he was going

up those incredibly deep chasms. 'Flex your muscles, feel your biceps grind into

your pecs and your lats spread your arms, and watch how your cock becomes hard

over your own self-worship. Mike, it's all right to do that, it's a man thing -

you wouldn't look like this if you didn't want to, and it's an incredible

feeling to be the biggest, strongest and hungest SOB that walks this earth' Jan

said. Mike just laughed. He was absolutely right. 'Next to me, that is' Jan

added, chuckling.

Jan could see the change in Mike's eyes, and it was very amusing to watch.

'Oh, really?' Mike said. 'Feel this and weep' he said, and flexed his biceps

until Jan thought it would jump out of Mike's arm and hit him in the face. It

became a huge ball with a split peak, and it's power had to be balanced by the

triceps which made it become three cords the size of lesser men's whole arms

which were in turn, just like the biceps, divided into smaller cords. Jan was

sure he was starting to see the individual fibers. He grabbed the huge mound,

using considerable strength to poke his hand between the peak and Mike's upper

arm, and squeezed hard, but it was hard as the hardest steel alloy. 'Kingdom for

a tape measure' Jan thought, but said 'Not bad, not bad at all' instead. God

only knows how big this biceps is, he thought, they had both grown so big it was

very difficult to grasp the proportions. He stood right next to Mike, and flexed

his left arm to the side of Mike's right. It was a little trick, his left was

always a tiny bit bigger than his right. The size of it now surprised him, it

made his forearm collide into it. He was very much muscle-bound, and it felt

like he was on the top of the world. They stood like that, arm to arm, Mike's

left and Jan's right hand groping and comparing in turn. Jan could see that they

were almost exactly the same, although, deep down he had to admit Mike's arm

looked ever so slightly bigger. Maybe he was only imagining it.

'Don't you go morphing on me' Mike said, through his teeth, never relaxing.

'Whatever for?' Jan said, in the same way. 'You need that, not me' Suddenly,

Mike moved, and Jan felt his cock being squeezed. He almost came but managed to

hold himself together.

'Cheat' he muttered, barely suppressing laughter. He turned slightly, and flexed

his pecs, and then went into a most muscular. Mike matched him almost instantly.

A second later, they were flexing into each other, as hard as they possibly

could, their teeth gritting, pec to pec. There was enough space between their

faces for someone to stand on their flexed chest muscles. Jan felt his cock, as

hard as it could possibly get, crossed with Mike's, underneath their flexed


'This feels so good' Mike said.

'Yes... but I'm still bigger' Jan said, this time not able to suppress a

mischievous grin.

'Not a chance' Mike said, laughing. Jan suddenly moved and tried to embrace

Mike, in an attempt to start a wrestling match, but of course that wasn't at all

easy. First of all, Mike's chest was so big Jan's arms fell hopelessly short of

connecting, and then, Mike made it impossible by flaring his lats and catching

Jan's arms between them and his arms.

'So, what are you going to do now?' Mike asked, smiling a devilish grin. Jan

hooked his arms under Mike's armpits and pulled up. It wasn't completely

effortless because Mike had seen through his intention and started to do the

same. Still, Jan was surprised how easily he moved Mike, and Mike was, like Jan

himself, something like a quarter of a ton of muscle. Muscle, which was right

now writhing. Suddenly, Jan was off balance. Mike had lifted his feet and

wrapped his legs around Jan's waist. Jan was quite sure Mike was quite capable

of doing damage even to him just by squeezing with his thighs, and there was a

fleeting thought along the lines of 'Thank God it's him'. Still, no matter what

the strength, gravity has it's own laws. Jan tried to hold himself up, but

finally, they both fell rolling to the ground. In the whole commotion, Mike

ended up sitting on Jan's thighs. As soon as he realized the situation he

whooped an 'I win!' and started banging himself into his chest like some sort of

a giant ape. It produced a sound like a huge drum, but muffled because of the

huge amount of muscle.

'Oh, no you don't' Jan said, and crunched his abs. He amazed himself watching

his abs become so tight he felt his pecs being pushed upwards. His intention was

to throw Mike off, and he would have done that if his own cock, stone hard,

didn't poke him into the eye. 'Ow...' he yelped, more surprised than really

hurt. Mike almost doubled up laughing. Then, he held both their cocks to the

side, hard and huge, like two masts, and slowly let himself down. Finally, with

a bit of maneuvering, he kissed Jan.

'Man, if it feels so good to fight with you, I wish I was a fighter so we could

do this more often' Mike said. 'Besides, I've always wanted to do this...' he

continued, and started hitting himself in his chest again, but stopped after

only a few thuds because he doubled over with laughter, joined by Jan. The scene

was absolutely hilarious and Jan just couldn't offer any more resistance. 'Oh,

and have you noticed your cock is getting too big' Mike said, again breaking

into laughter. Jan would have felt embarrassed if it wasn't so funny. 'Oh yeah,

what are you complaining about, yours is probably even bigger. It looks like an

inflated log' Jan said. 'And I love every inch of it... and so do you. Besides,

weren't you saying you were bigger a second ago' Mike asked, flexing his cock

under Jan's stroking hands for emphasis. You bet I love it, Jan thought. 'It

can't be too big' they both said in unison, which started another salvo of

laughter. It took a while to calm down.

'You know, this really is a male thing. I'd really like to know how big we are,

it's kind of strange being so big you can't even see parts of yourself, unless

you try kama-sutra' Mike said.

'Like what parts, your ass? Looks good, you don't need to bother' Jan said,

feeling the rock hard muscle in Mike's ass.

'Oh, you know what I mean. I've always thought I'd never want to be this big,

only to catch myself saying, o yes I would, and in the end I'd always end that

argument with a: who cares, since it's impossible anyway. Well, it's possible

now, and it feels real good. And I'm beginning to see that thing about numbers

and Physicists from an entirely different angle' he finished, laughing.

'Well, I thought about that and I've got just the right thing, waiting in the

cabin' Jan said.

Jan went in first. He managed only at the third attempt - first he almost

knocked his head into the top of the doorframe They both looked at each other in

wonder. Mike concluded that they must have grown slightly taller, an automatic

reaction to enable them to carry the muscle they now had. Before, they could

both just feel the top of the doorframe graze their hair as they passed. On the

next attempt Jan almost tore out the whole doorframe with his shoulders, finally

managing to bend and enter sideways on the third attempt. Mike could see he

actually liked the fact he had outgrown the door, and to tell the truth, so did

Mike himself.

In a minute, Jan had gotten out that 'bazooka folded in half' thing, and

disassembled it into a thin stand, toped by a horizontal cylinder, much like a

portable projection screen. Then, with a dramatic movement, he pulled the small

handle in the middle of the cylinder down to the floor.

'A mylar mirror! Jan, you scoundrel...' Mike started, but it was absolutely

appropriate. Extended, the two thin metal-coated foil strips side by side made a

huge three by two yard mirror. Mike had seen one of those, albeit smaller,

before and wondered at the brain behind that perfect face, talk about

forethought! Jan moved the stand and all right to the wall, and when the foil

settled, Mike caught the first glimpse of Jan and himself in the mirror. For a

moment he was speechless.

Looking back at him were two giants. They were a very even match. Both, now

shoulder to shoulder barely fitted the size of the mirror foil. For a second

Mike and Jan looked at each other and like they had rehearsed they both took a

step back. Suddenly, Mike became aware of the fact the floorboards squeaked, as

they both stood side by side the weight must have been immense.

It took a while until Mike could speak, and it seemed the same predicament had

befallen Jan. Mike had seen what Jan had become and knew that he probably looked

the same, but seeing the whole picture was an entirely different thing. After

all, that was Jan, he was supposed to be big. Several days just weren't enough

to get used to this, Mike thought. Jan just said 'Wow.' Just as an idea, Mike

tried a front lat spread, and couldn't help a silent gasp as he watched his own

muscle expand to a yard wide wall of rock hard flesh, and then even wider, while

Jan joined him, competing for precious mirror space. A minute later, they both

started stroking their inflated dicks as well as flexing for each other in the

mirror, and two minutes after that, with grunts of immense satisfaction, they

stroked each other's muscle and cocks, facing each other, until cumming all over

each other's abs and chest. It was like a mirror game of sorts where Mike

matched every move Jan made and the other way around, never looking directly at

each other but at their mirror images instead. It left Mike slightly sweating,

breathing hard, and with the most pleasurable buzz of morning sex. He looked

into the mirror again, at his cock which still stood hard as a rock, it's head

logged between his huge pecs. With every move of his upper body, Mike saw the

permanent splits in his pecs ripple into even more striations. They were so big

that he could flex them up to his chin. He rubbed the mixture of his and Jan's

cum into them, and Jan helped him. Hands soon went all over both bodies again.

'It seems that we can't do much more than fuck, jack off, flex and stroke' Mike

said, never stopping of course. Jan nodded. 'Well, that's what we're here for'.

He paused for a second. 'Mike, we have to do it' Jan said. Mike nodded. He knew

what Jan meant. 'It's just a male thing I guess, we would have done it sooner or

later' Jan said. Mike thought it sounded like an apology. 'I thought I was the

one with doubts' he said. Jan looked into him for a second. 'Mike, I think we

should both do it together'. Mike knew what he felt. It was a fear that kept

coming to him regularly the last few days, the fear of what he would become. But

somehow, at this moment, he knew Jan was right. It was something they had to do,

and it was something they both wanted. After all it was only natural.

'No, you first' Mike said. Jan looked at him, inquisitively for a second.

'I want to have the first go at you' Mike said, smiling. He wouldn't have had it

any other way.

'OK, might as well get it over with' Jan said. 'Ready?' He asked next, and Mike

almost wanted to laugh, but he could understand the hesitation.

'Ready' Mike said.

Jan never really made the wish as such, it was almost like a blurred image and

an impression of how he would imagine the feeling of becoming it. He watched

himself in the mirror, noticing Mike looking at him with a look of anticipation,

an expression which was almost a facial equivalent of a runner's crouch before

the starting gun is fired. Suddenly, Jan felt something like a hot wave go over

him. First he felt something like a momentary dizziness, and then e felt like he

was supercharged. Or rather, being supercharged, because he could see his own

image in the mirror start to expand. He heard Mike gasp, and then it took off in

waves. Jan watched in disbelief as his already impossibly thick pecs suddenly

blew up into cords, which then grew almost double as thick in a matter of two

seconds. He managed half a gasp of surprise, cut to silence mid way by his

shoulders following the same transformation. He actually felt them getting

heavier, but there wasn't time even to get used to the feeling. He lifted his

hand only to see the bones in it becoming visibly thicker, then the veins become

hugely distended like his blood pressure suddenly went ballistic, and then he

saw the skin in his forearms being stretched by the growing muscle until he was

sure he saw stretch marks develop, and start to itch, only to stop and be

repaired in front of his unbelieving eyes into perfectly tanned skin, which

actually looked like it wasn't there because it didn't hide a single striation

or cut in the muscle. He looked back at the mirror, only to get a glimpse of his

lats visibly inflating, together with his arms, but he barely had time to watch,

feeling that he was suddenly loosing balance. He looked down and spread his

legs, which were now double sized compared to before, almost stumbling trying to

maintain balance with a still growing upper body, his arms spread outwards. He

looked at Mike, whose eyes darted all over him with an expression between

drooling and disbelief. Suddenly there was a feeling like a lull. Jan looked

back into the mirror and saw something like a purely sexual and streamlined

version of the incredible hulk on steroids, with a face Jan recognized as his

own. He just managed to say 'Mike...' before he felt that supercharged feeling

again. It was like he became two persons in the same body. The feeling was

intensely sexual and felt by one person, while the other rationally watched this

from afar, amazed. For a second he got the distinct feeling his body

was...almost deciding how to proceed, and then the feeling became intense. In a

spurt of growth, he felt his muscles growing further, his pecs inflated before

him, he barely had time to adjust his stance with the size of his thighs, and

his arms were pushed outwards by his still expanding lats and triceps, while his

biceps became a permanent peak the size of a bowling ball, with a huge gash

straight down the middle. He tried to move his head to look at them, only to

find his shoulders literally jumping under his skin, like they were trying to

free themselves of it, and his head was in every sense becoming muscle-bound

with bulging traps and neck muscles. The sensation of growth was something quite

like cumming, and he felt it in every fiber of his body, grunting with pleasure.

He was aware he was hard like never before and the rational side of him wondered

why he hadn't cum. It was almost like something was keeping him from it. He

glanced into the mirror, trying to turn his immense bulk, the floor squeaking

ominously under him. The growth had again slowed. He became aware of Mike

feeling and groping all over with almost a shock, the feeling of growth was

quite unlike anything that happened before, and it was so intense he didn't even

notice Mike's hands on him. Mike had the face of total sexual adulation, and he

had obviously come all over himself, his cock pressing into his pecs. Jan looked

back into the mirror. He had grown taller, he could see the top of Mike's head

easily, and he noticed his facial features looked somehow accentuated. Below

that was a body which could be described as improbable. At a height of about 7

feet, his shoulders must have been almost 5 feet wide. He could see his lats

only because his arms, which looked a foot and a half across, were spread almost

straight out from his body. His torso tapered to an incredibly tight and small

waist, considering the size of the rest of him, and his abs looked like bricks

stacked sideways, they were thicker than their width, and pushed out and up so

much that his pecs, which looked like balloons had to give way. Below all that

were thighs that could carry a mountain. He stood spread legged for the size of

them, each was half again as wide as his waist. Although he had managed to get

used to a much lesser version of this stance before, anything else and his legs

would have to crouch. In front of all that his cock was bloated until it shined

like glass, even bigger than before, much bigger. His balls were squeezed by his

gargantuan thighs. He was the biggest man on the planet, and he only wanted

more. He barely had time to say 'Oh yes!' before he got more, surprised how his

voice sounded deeper and more resonant. The feeling was back and it was stronger

than ever. In a second it looked like someone heat shrunk his skin until he

could feel it getting tighter, and his muscles, ready to burst, suddenly showed

cuts and striations never before seen by human eyes. He didn't even have time to

think about it when his cock suddenly expanded like it was being blown up. It

became longer in spurts of six inches at a time, another Jan watching as his

balls followed suit, growing like someone was pumping them up. He shouted out in

total ecstasy and saw his muscles inflate further, becoming still bigger. He

flexed in a double biceps pose, which blew the exaggerated size of his arms into

shapes that would have been obscene if they weren't pure distilled sex. Flexing

was like cumming, the feeling of every muscle exploding into inflated belies,

balls and bricks. He wasn't sure any more if he was looking at himself or merely

feeling it happen - he felt about ready to burst and he could see himself in a

strange blurred fashion, inflating even more, with something like a throbbing

motion. His cock now extended straight up and was still growing, having reached

past his face he couldn't even see how big it was, it's thickness becoming a

tumescence which pressed his gargantuan thighs further apart, his balls two

elongated shapes the size of footballs, also stretching his ballsac tight, just

as his muscle did with his skin. Suddenly he felt hands on them and it was like

something snapped. Every muscle in his body must have crunched to he max, as he

saw his cock suddenly thicken to double it's size, and extend until it couldn't

hold itself up any more with it's weight. He felt it fall and that was the last

conscious feeling - then he felt like he was really exploding, but it was a

feeling of complete and utter orgasm, it was like every cell in his body was

cumming at once, but it wasn't like a sudden flash, it built up until he

couldn't see any more, and before it took him over completely he felt himself

growing, he must have still been holding that double biceps pose and he felt his

upper arms being lifted up and his forearms pushed apart, and his feet literally

scraped themselves on the floor being still pushed further. He must have yelled,

but it was completely unimportant.

Mike was learning what it was to feel mortal fear. He was sure there were tears

flowing down his face, but he ignored them, no, he denied them. He must have

called and shouted dozens of times, sitting on what Jan had become. The face was

Jan's all right, somehow even more handsome, and it had an almost cherubic smile

on it. He was breathing, slowly, like sleeping, completely undisturbed by Mike's

weight. He had pulled an eyelid off and saw completely open pupils, staring at

nothing. Mike was acutely aware he was nearing a nervous breakdown. He was

almost ready to admit this was the payment he was so afraid of. Just minutes

before, Mike was on the way to a total and blissful sexual stimulation. The man

he loved had already by all standards became a superman, and before his very

eyes he was becoming the essence of the male sex, amplified a thousand times. He

literally blew up into size, muscle cock and all, into the most exaggerated

symbol of male power and sex. Mike was dimly aware he must have cum several

times just feeling and looking as it happened, a large part of the pleasure

derived from Jan's own pleasure which was evident. But then, things went wrong.

Jan was just out of it, and Mike... he was too selfish to stop it and he could

have, but it just felt too good. Now, it has been minutes since Jan grew to

incredible proportions, and then came, collapsing on the floor with a huge thud,

and just lay there, like a doll with the strings cut. All the cool-headedness

Mike was famous for had evaporated in these minutes, and he was just about ready

to scream his head off in panic, when suddenly, with a deep sigh which lifted

Mike up a foot, Jan finally opened his eyes. Mike was so overcome he started

kissing him into the face, and attempting to hug him, which was probably

impossible for him in his current state. Jan just blinked at him, finally saying

'Mike, you got to try this'. It stopped Mike dead in his tracks, relief suddenly

replaced by anger. Mike would have started to hit Jan if he didn't suddenly find

himself in a hug which could crumple him, and right now looked on the way to do

that. He barely managed to rasp a 'Jan...' before he almost blacked out.

Suddenly the pressure was gone.

"Sorry about that' Jan said, and then stretched playfully, exhaling, which made

Mike sink a foot lower. The scene brought his cock back to full hardness almost

with a snap. Then, he could see Jan's eyes focus on him, with an expression of


'What happened to you?' he asked. It was unmistakably Jan's voice but it had

such overtones or rather undertones of pure power that if he had said 'go away'

to the cabin they were in, it would have grown small legs, risen on them and

shuffled away to lurk in the woods.

Mike realized what he was referring to. He was soaked and sticky, and dripping.

What seemed like an hour ago he thought his balls would burst, he must have cum

three times in a matter of minutes looking at the process of creation of pure

male sex impersonated, but when Jan came as the finishing touch of that process,

it was literally gallons. Remembering it almost made him cum now, regardless of

how the growth ended. He felt all the fear and anger dissipate. His Jan was

back, different, but he could only love him. He removed himself from the

sprawled figure on the floor, Jan's eyes following him. Then, Jan tried to stand

up, and finally succeeded after his face went through several stages of extreme

incredulity, interspersed by a quick course of moving himself about. When he

finally stood up, his head finished more than a foot over Mike's, and Mike

laughed aloud as Jan took several half steps back trying to see Mike over his

own chest, which produced several very painful sounding squeaks from the floor,

and Mike could feel himself being lifted by an inch or so as Jan shifted his

weight, bending the floorboards. Then, Mike saw Jan's eyes stop on the mirror,

which was still standing there, miraculously missed by the abundant volleys of

cum shot in the last half hour.

'Oh... my... God...' was all Jan could say. He was now a fully grown man.

Emphasis on fully, grown, and man. In front of Mike was a creature which human

minds never dared imagine.

He must have been 8 feet tall, and to accommodate the muscle, his bones had

grown very thick and wide. Even if there was no muscle on him the width of Jan's

shoulders would easily be over four feet. As it was, that incredible frame was

bursting with muscle of incredible size and shape. His traps merged with huge

neck muscles in a tangle, and run from jut under his ears into the biggest

shoulders possible. There was absolute truth in that assessment, Jan had reached

the maximum size he could be. He was over 5 feet wide, his pecs looked like two

huge balls which were inflated after being crammed into a square mold, and

managed to destroy the mold in the process. They were thick enough to protrude a

foot in front of his face, and reach up to his chin. They merged in an angry

conflict with shoulder and arm muscles, a conflict made even worse by the traps.

There was no bone visible or even imaginable, the shoulders were capped by

muscle almost two feet across. Even the three separate parts were slashed into

separate parts allowing the other muscles to tie into the clavicles somewhere

deep underneath. The middle part of the deltoid extended upwards in a huge arch

which suddenly bent down, creating a more rectangular form, giving the shoulders

even more width as if they weren't already wide enough. The size of the muscle

could only be likened with thighs of the biggest men there had been before this

specimen appeared. The front delt bulged outwards only narrowly loosing the

battle for the most prominent bulge.

The pecs were split by three huge gashes

which were so deep that Mike could see chest hair disappear in them. There were

tens of lesser splits, and amongst that there were permanent striations which

looked finger deep. Nipples were nowhere to be seen, but probably nestled

somewhere in the crevice between the inflated pecs and the biggest ab muscles

imaginable. They didn't merely look like tiles, they looked like someone put ten

huge blocks on top of each other and twenty slightly smaller ones on each side,

and then squashed from above until it barely fitted the space available. Jan's

abs protruded inches outwards, making the hair that used to run down the middle

of them almost invisible. Mike noticed the belly button was completely

invisible, hidden who knows how deep. The six-pack Jan used to have now became

almost a ten-pack, the bottom of his abdomen had separated by two more shallow

splits, and the central line running from the middle of his pecs, went down,

surfacing two inches from his crotch. Every muscle showed striation, throughout

the abdominal area, making shapes that looked like they were barely containing

themselves from bursting. They were strange striations, never before seen, an

underlying fiber-like pattern. Up over the carved stone of the obliques and tens

of muscular bulges, interwoven and bulging, the lats flared outwards only inches

above the waist, which was thicker than it was wide. Those lats suddenly

expanded to a yard wide, and then became even wider than the shoulders, over a

foot thick, and getting thicker as they went upwards, holding the biggest arms

on the planet out until the upper arms were practically horizontal. The shape of

those was incredible. The biceps was a split ball the size of a huge pumpkin, so

big that relaxed it looked like it was going to fall out of the skin, were it

not for a cluster of huge tendons holding it attached towards the elbow, pushing

out the forearms the size of huge hams. The wrists must have been 5 inches

across to accommodate the huge tendons which twitched as Jan moved his hands

which also became huge, but they looked ridiculously small compared to the piles

of forearm muscles, like pieces of pipe clustered together. Behind all that was

the most immense triceps of all times, pushed out by the lats, and clearly

visible from any angle, each head striated like it was made of woven cable, the

smallest the size of a finger. Those arms must have been five feet around, and

they were totally relaxed. The veins running over were like a network, a map of

angry bulging branches. Back down, somewhere out of the ab musculature two veins

went out and branched down over the thighs. Those were absolutely incredible,

showing that the quads were misnamed, and actually had a dozen different, hugely

bulging parts, coming into huge knees, keeping them well apart with their

gargantuan bulk, two feet wide and three feet thick, tapering into the waist.

Under the knees were calves which looked like someone put two boulders and four

pipes in a sack and attached it to the bone. Even the opposing muscles were

showing, two four-inch thick bands with slanted striations, split into tens of

fingers as they attached to the bone. The feet were a huge size, but totally

proportional and just beautiful, large to hold the immense weight, a ton or

possibly even more. In front of all that was the biggest piece of manmeat,

flanked by balls the size of overinflated footballs, in an amazingly tight sack.

The shaft of flesh was completely flaccid, nevertheless four inches thick and

the head which even deflated was the size of a small melon, hung an inch short

of the floor. It wasn't about to remain soft for long, two huge veins that were

feeding it with blood churning with Jan's arousal over himself, bulging to twice

their thickness in a second.

'You are going to need help with that' Mike said, and picked Jan's cock up

roughly in the middle, which produced a deep sigh. Jan looked down, and Mike

could see Jan had just grasped the size of what Mike was now holding in his

hand. It was drooping over it and only that part was easily over a foot and a

half long. Mike could next see Jan realizing what that meant with the extreme

growth they were capable off.

'Oh, shit, how... how big does it get???' he asked, incredulously.

Caught off guard, Mike was silent for a few seconds. Oh, he would remember how

that hard-on looked for the rest of his life, but that didn't mean it was easy

describe it. In fact, he wasn't even sure he believed what he had seen. 'You'll

be surprised' was all Mike could say.

-------- End of part 7