Shai's Pet

“It is 5:35 on Friday morning, and we have good news for all of you commuters…traffic is moving very nicely, there are no accidents to rep…” Click. Shai’s hand slammed down on the alarm clock. Shai laid there on his stomach trying to open his eyes, fighting off the intense morning light exploding into his bedroom. “Shit,” Shai said to himself as he rolled over and stretched. He looked up at the ceiling, trying to wake up. “Come on, you gotta get up, Chris will be here in an hour,” Shai tried to persuade himself into getting up. He stretched some more, and swung his legs around, planting his feet on the floor. He sat there rubbing his eyes and yawning.

Shai stood up, put his hands in the air and stretched. This was a typical morning routine for him. Having completed his morning stretching, he turned to the wall length mirror and looked at himself. Standing 6’2’, and weighing 260 pounds of solid muscle, Shai was truly proud of the reflection staring back at him. He lived and breathed bodybuilding, and had the body to show for it. He ran his right hand through his short jet black hair, as he admired his bulging right bicep. He flexed it as he held on to the back of his head. His body hair was starting to grow back. He’d have to shave it off again soon.

Shai took his hand and felt his mountainous pecs, stopping briefly to finger his nipples. His chest hair was coming back in fast. Shai playfully bounced his pecs up and down, as he grabbed and groped at them. He walked closer to the mirror, loving how his pecs would bounce with each step. He brought his face up to the mirror and examined his face. He stared at the dark eyes reflecting back at him. He took his hand and rubbed his strong jaw and chin. Stepping back, he admired his tree-trunk sized thighs, and diamond shaped calves. He reached down and gave his big balls a little scratch and tugged at his flaccid meat.

Shai turned around and walked into his bathroom, all of the while looking back behind him, and watching in the mirror as his massive bubble butt bounced up and down. He walked up to the sink and turned on the water. Putting his hands into the running water, he splashed it on his face. He grabbed the bottle of shaving cream and squirted some of it into his open palm. He rubbed the cream together in his hands, watching in the mirror as his muscles twitched and moved with his movements. He lathered his face and began to shave. In no time, he was done and he grabbed a towel, and wiped the excess cream from his face. He walked over to the shower and turned it on. As he let it warm up, he went over to the toilet to take a piss. He rubbed his stomach, feeling every groove that his abs formed, as he waited for his bladder to empty. Shaking the last drops out, he flushed the toilet and walked back to the shower. He felt the water, being to his liking, he got in. He lathered himself up with soap, massaging every muscle that his hands came in contact with.

Chris pulled into Shai’s driveway in his pickup. He took the keys out of the ignition, and took off his sunglasses. He stuffed the sunglasses up into the visor. Opening the door, Chris got out. He shut the door, noticing a big scratch on it; he bent down to get a closer look. He took his right index finger and brought it to his mouth and licked it. He then brought his finger onto the scratch, and rubbed it. “Damn,” Chris said, a little annoyed. He stood up to his full 6’ height and athletic 200 pound build. Chris walked up the walkway and approached the front door. Stretching his arm out, he rang the door bell. He stood there tapping his finger against his thigh. Shai began to wonder why Shai did not answer the door. He walked back to the front of the garage and opened the garage door. “He must be sleeping still,” Chris said to himself as he saw Shai’s car and closed the door. Chris walked back to the front door, raised his fist and pounded on it. Still, no one answered. “God damn,” Chris spoke out loud. He reached down and tried the door knob. It was locked. He stood there for a moment, turned around, and began walking back down the front walkway. He suddenly veered off the path into the flowerbed in front of the bay window. Carefully, not wanting to step on the flowers, he walked through the flower bed and to the back of the home.

Upon arriving on the back patio, Chris walked over and peeked in the master bedroom window. He tried his hardest, but could not see anything. “Shit,” he muttered as he walked toward the patio door. He grabbed the door handle and turned it. The door was unlocked, so Chris opened it, and went on in. He walked into the kitchen and opened up the fridge. He bent over, and looked at the beverages that Shai had in there. “He needs to go to the store, once in a while,” Chris said to himself, as he grabbed for a can of orange soda. He closed the fridge door and walked over to the cabinets to get a glass. Upon opening the cabinet, Chris found there were no glasses. Chris rolled his eyes, and shook his head. “Man, why am I friends with this guy,” he muttered to himself, annoyed that there were no glasses.

Chris opened the can, and chugged it down. He let out burp, and crushed the can in his hand. Tossing it into the garbage, he walked up to the shut master bedroom door. He put his eat on it, and listened. He could barely here the shower, so he knew Shai was awake. “Geez…come on, man,” Chris thought to himself. Chris walked over and sat down on the couch and impatiently waited.

Shai turned off the shower, and ran his hands through his hair. He grabbed the towel from the door handle and began drying himself off. Having finished, he put on a pair of boxer briefs, and walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Shai sat near the head of the bed, and rummaged through the night table’s top drawer looking for the large red vial. Becoming more frantic, Shai opened the other drawer. Moving some papers, he found the elusive red vile. Letting out a huge sigh of relief, he picked it up, and held it in front of his face. His handsome face broke into a huge grin. He tapped his fingers on his thick thigh. Shai stood up and adjusted himself. He walked into the closet and grabbed a t-shirt, and some shorts, and put them on.

Chris sat on the couch, flipping through a magazine. His back being to the master bedroom door, he couldn’t see Shai walk on out. Shai saw Chris and smiled. He slowly and quietly walked toward Chris. Chris was focused reading an article in the magazine, when without warning, Shai screamed “HEY,” as loud as he could and grabbed Chris’s shoulders. Chris must have jumped at least 5 feet in the air, the magazine going flying across the room. “Shit, man, don’t fuckin’ do that, you scared the shit outta me,” Chris angrily yelled. Shai did not hear him, he was too busy laughing his ass off. “Fuck man, you jumped so fucking high,” Shai said as he continued to laugh. “Fuck you, dude,” Chris retorted. Shai, finally calming down from laughing so much, walked over and poured Chris and him a protein shake. Chris sat back down on the couch, still angry over Shai’s childish scare, crossed his massive arms and mumbled to himself.

“Dude, that was hilarious,” Shai yelled from the kitchen. “That was real funny, Shai,” Chris said in angry tone. “Why don’t you put on the game, dude,” Shai said, trying to make amends. Chris looked around for the remote, and turned the big screen TV on to the game.

Shai held the big red vial in his hand, as he looked at Chris’s protein shake. He wanted to pour the contents in the shake, but he also knew there would not be any turning back once he did. That vial had provided him with some great gains over the last few months. But he was big enough.

“Come on, man, where is my drink,” Chris yelled. Shai tapped his fingers on the countertop. He stared at the back of Chris’s head. Shai took a deep breath, and unscrewed the top to the vial. He brought the vial up to his nose, and smelled the contents. It smelled good, almost flowery. “Dude, you are missin’ this great game, hurry up with those drinks,” Chris hollered, having forgotten what Shai did to him earlier. Shai smiled and poured the liquid from the vial into Chris’s shake. Shai grabbed a large spoon and began stirring vigorously. Satisfied that the liquid was thoroughly mixed in, he grabbed the two shakes and walked back in to the living room, where Chris was waiting. “Here man, sorry that took so long,” Shai apologized

“What flavor is this,” Chris inquired.

“Uhhhh…vanilla, I think,” Shai replied, not taking his eyes off Chris’s drink. Every time Chris would go to take a drink, he would stop and yell at the game on TV. Shai rolled his eyes. “Fuck, just drink it already,” Shai thought to himself. This happened quite a few times. Shai finally broke in and said, “Cheers, dude, to friendship,” Shai announced as he raised his shake in the air awaiting Chris to hit his glass against his. Chris raised his glass up, hit it against Shai’s, and said, “Cheers,” as he brought it to his mouth and downed a big gulp. Shai winked at Chris and took a sip of his own drink. Chris continued to gulp down his shake. In no time at all, Chris was letting the last few drops of it fall onto his awaiting tongue. Shai could not help but smile.

Five minutes had past since Chris finished his drink, and nothing had happened. Shai chimed in, “You feeling ok, man.” Chris gave Shai a funny look, “yeah, of course I am, what do you mean.” Shai shook his head, “nothin’, man, just thought you looked a little pale, that is all.” Chris went back to watching the game. Shai left to take a piss, eager to see if there would be any noticable changes when he'd return.

As Chris sat on the couch, he noticed that he was beginning to get hotter and hotter. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead. He leaned back on the couch, now beginning to breathe heavier and heavier. “What the fuck is going on here,” Chris said to himself. He got up off the couch and walked over to the thermostat, and turned down the air-conditioning, thinking that the problem was that it was way too hot in the house. Chris turned around and began to walk back to the couch. He began to feel light-headed and dizzy. His shorts felt tighter for some reason.What the hell...” Chris muttered, puzzled, tugging at the tight waist band. He unbuttoned the top button to get some relief, causing a small, hairy belly to surge forward. As he did that, he noticed his shirt felt a little snug, and seemed shorter than before. “Shit, what is going on now,” Chris said even more perplexed.. Before, they fit loosely around his 34 inch waist, now it looked as if they were several sizes too small. “This can’t be happening,” Chris mumbled to himself. He noticed that his shirt, which was somewhat form fitting before, was now tighter and more constraining.. His size 13 shoes were even starting to feel too small for his feet, . “This is a crazy,” Chris cried. He made his way back to the couch.. His shirt had now gotten so small that it was now riding up over his growing belly, and bunching larger pecs. Chris looked like we had gained 50 or even 60 pounds all of a sudden, and he was continuing to grow.. He looked around frantically, as his shirt became uncomfortably tight and constricting, his shoulders widening and thickening. Chris tore the shirt off of himself and desperately pulled down the now far too small shorts. His whole body was starting to feel foreign to him. He felt enormous. Fat and muscle were piling onto his frame, causing him to look nothing. “SHAI!!! HELP!!!” he screamed.

Shai was washing his hands and daydreaming about growth when he heard Chris call his name. Hn rushed back into the livingroom. Shai immediately saw Chris, huge and blown up like a blimp,grown to well over 300 pounds, and appeared to still be growing. “Its working so fast” Shai whispered to himself. “Oh…My god…This is fuckin’ unbelievable,” Shai quietly said to himself eyeing the growing man in front of him. Chris was still packing on weight, his arms and legs were huge. Every part of him had swelled into huge dimensions.

“Shai, help me!! Whats going on!” His eyes showed panic. " I'm getting... fatter..." Chris pawed had his burgeoning furry gut. It was rounding out rapidly. Fat wasn't the only thing piling onto his body. Every muscle on his body was gaining size.

Shai could not get over how much he loved Chris’ new size. He was getting incredibly turned on seeing the ongoing transformation. Shai approached the essentially naked growing bear of a man and immediately placed his hand on Chris’ body. He looked so hot with the new weight and mass. Like some huge linebacker or powerlifter. Not only that, but Chris was starting to look taller… Shai was looking him right in the eye. “Shai, the shake…. “ Chris said, his deep voice trembling “I think its done something to me…”

“Fuck yeah it is… look at you man!” Shai said with a grin. “This is so fucking hot. You’re getting huge!” he continued.

Chris’ body was still expanding. The large man moaned and groaned as another wave of growth hit him. His large, hairy gut surged forward, his chest pushed out, his arms thickened further…. Chris was overcome by the feeling of growth rippling through his body. His head was pounding. He was in disbelief. Looking down, right in front of him, was his own body, only he was now enormous. “What the fuck is happening to me...” he whimpered.

“Dude, you always said you wanted to get bigger… fuck. I can’t believe its working.” Shai said.

Chris looked like he was now somewhere north of 400 pounds and still gaining size. His arms, his shoulders, his back all grew and grew, right along with his belly, which was now enormous and round. His legs had turned into massive tree trunks. His traps grew so large they seemed to envelop his thickening neck. He was so overblown… like someone took a lineman and blew him up like a balloon. The waves of growth seemed to paralyze the man, as if he was held in place by some invisible force.

“Shai, what did you do to me…. What was in that shake,” Chris cried in disbelief. Shai smiled at Chris, showing off his pearly whites. “Calm down, big guy, it’s ok,” Shai told him. Shai smiled as he studied his buddy’s body, feeling his hands over the growing man's bulging form. Shai admired the insane ass Chris had now grown. Chris’ stance widened as his legs began pushing against each other.

“Shai…” Chris pleaded between the waves of growth overwhelming his senses. “Whats happening to me?!”

“Chris...follow me on this for a minute. You’re going to become the largest, most muscular, most bulked up man to ever live. Think about it. You’re going to be the biggest dude on the planet. Isn’t that exciting?” Shai said gleefully. “You always wanted to be big. Now you’ll be the biggest.”

Chris looked down at his enlarging frame with alarm.

Chris continued to grow and grow. Pounds of beef continued to pile onto his frame. He was soon over 500 pounds, and his body was becoming a series of huge bulging curves, overgrown and overbulked beyond what was humanly possible. His hairy gut round and bulging forward, topped by two huge mounded hairy pecs.

He was enormous. He was gigantic, and he was still growing. 600 pounds… maybe more. Then another wave of growth wracked his frame. The man seemed to even be getting taller. Shai was now looking up to this giant, hairy beast of a man he had created.

Shai took stock of the monstrous size Chris was reaching. Poor Chris would never be able to find clothes to fit him now, nothing was made for his exaggerated, impossible, insane proportions. His arms had to be over 35 inches around, maybe more. His gut was probably 100 inches around.Probably over 700 pounds, and still swelling. All of the man’s clothes were now in tatters. He was now completely naked.

“Dude, change….me…. back…. or else... Chris studdered as the waves over growth continued to wash over his gigantic frame.. “Or else, what?, you’ll sit on me?” Shai laughed. “ Its not like you can chase after me big man” Chris tried lunging forward, but the overwhelming sensations of his growth limited his movements and his sheer size threw him off balance. Chris found he wasn’t as mobile as he could have been.

He couldn’t believe what was happening. Everything felt so bizarre, like a dream. His whole body was pushing outwards and outwards, growing meatier and bigger with each second, weighing him down. Sure he had wanted to bulk up, but not like this!

“Easy there big guy!” Shai said, you don’t want to fall over.”Shai said mockingly

“How big am I going… to… get” He struggled to form the words as he continued to be overwhelmed by the radiating energy forcing his body larger.

“Oh… I’d say quite a bit bigger still. That shake I gave you was almost all growth potion.”

“You wanted to know my secret to getting bigger… well here you are big man. More of the secret than anyone should ever ingest” Shai continued. He realized he was starting to look up at the now garganduan man, who’s body was now so overblown with mass that he was beginning to lose mobility.

“Dude, I thought we were friends,” Chris said as he struggled to look down into Shai’s big, beautiful brown eyes. His traps and neck were so big and blown up that he was loosing flexibility. Not only that, but his growing pecs and belly were now so large it was blocking most of his view.

“No one ever said we weren’t friends anymore,” Shai replied. “I have always wanted this, ever since I first met you, I wanted to see you get huge. We’ve even talked about it,” Shai explained to him.

“Yeah, but not huge like this!” Chris said in panicked tone. He was already an impossibel behemoth of fat and muscle. How much larger could he get?

“Besides, you wanted to know how to get bigger. Well, here you are big man… You’re growing into the biggest man the world has ever seen.”

Shai had to step back to take stock how how truly immense Chris was now. He was still swelling outwards in every direction, huge curves of his belly, chest, shoulders, arms, and quads had grown so much that his physique looked impossibly inflated, his face was obscured by his titanic pecs and buried under gargantuan traps. There was no doubt now that Chris was rapidly loosing what was left of his mobility. Each huge curve of hyper beefy flesh was pressing up against the other, fighting for space. Chris was now somewhere over a thousand pounds now… and it was clear he was starting to get taller too, a side effect Shai hadn’t expected. The monstrously inflated man looked to be nearly 6’5”, maybe 6’6”.

Chris screamed, “change me back ... to” still unable to say a full sentence without pausing. Shai just looked at the impossibly freaky blimp in front of him and sighed. “Don’t worry big man… We’ll get you sorted out once the growth stops. You should revert back to normal in a few hours” he fibbed.

That calmed down the growing behemoth in front of him. While the impossibly large man was quickly approaching immobility, if he gained full control of his senses now there was no telling how much damage he could do. He could barrel through walls with ease with his sheet bulk.

Chris closed his eyes. More growth. Unending growth, the pulsing sensations of it immobilizing him as he stood there. His weight creeping up and up every second. It wasn’t slowing down at all. When he opened his eyes, he could hardly see the top of Shai’s head past his chest. He could hardly move. HIs overblown arms were now pressed way out thanks to the overly massive lats. His legs were spread farther apart due to their sheet bulk. Everything was so big, even his fingers felt thick and difficult to move. He had to be beyond 1200, or 1300 pounds at this point, but really there was no way to know. He had grown beyond any reference point.

“No…” Chris whimpered. His voice was muffled as his whole head was surrounded by huge slabs of hairy beef. Chris could feel his balance shifting, he was falling backwards. Thankfully, he didn’t slide back very far, as his inhumanly massive ass had only sat two feet from the floor anyway. His hyper- blimped up body just seemed to kind of roll backwards. The whole house shook dramatically. Soon Chris was nearly on his back, struggling to stabilize himself.

“Easy big fella. You’re almost done growing.. I think. Just relax.” Shai said.

As he lay there, growing ever larger. Each part of his body ballooned into impossible size, Chris finally realized it… he was now immobile. He could wiggle his huge blown up arms, he could sort of shake himself. But he couldn’t get up, he wouldn’t bend his arms, or legs. Too much muscle and fat in the way. He felt like a beached whale. A full ton of man just laying helplessly on a straining wooden floor.

Shai was beyond turned on. Chris was now a gigantic immobilized monster waiting for attention.. To see Chris laying there, this immense mountain of beef, was too hot. He was about to come. Shai climbed ontop of the huge hulking beast laying helplessly. The additional weight probably was hardly noticeable to the freak Shai had created.. He straddled Chris’ mammoth hairy gut with his legs. He heard Chris’s muffled whimpers. “I’ll go back to normal in a while right?” He could be heard asking.

“Sure you will” Shai lied again with a devious smile. “Until then big boy, you’re all mine”. It only took a few strokes of Shai’s rock hard cock to come all over the giant overgrown pet he had created for himself.