Rockbar, 6-13

By Alton Roederer


Hunter barged through the door, a brute menace of sweaty power. He craned his neck as he popped his earbuds out, “what’s that smell?”

“Oh, just a light snack to give you some protein after that workout” I said coyly as he looked inside the grocery-size bag to find 5lb of food. He gulped at the realization that I expected him to down it all. “Well. At least it smells delicious.”

He snatched up the first burrito and had the foil half off when I placed my hand on his wrist and set it back down. “Take your shirt off.”

Dogs give you the same look when you take their food away. But he obediently ripped his shirt off and threw it on the counter. Then he grabbed for the food again. Again, my hand, wrist, back down to the counter. “Hand me your phone.”

Hunter stared at me through the camera mode of his iPhone. I swiped over to video and hit record. “Why are you sweaty?”

“I just came back from the gym?”

“Don’t give me that attitude. Walk over to the bathroom.” We’re getting comfortable with bossing each other around. “On the scale.”

The shot lingered on his great ass, which was like a caged animal in his sweaty compression shorts. Then down his beefy calves and killer thighs. The scale read out 226.1, 8% body fat.

The shot moved up to his face. “Like what you see, buddy?” Hunter said with a cocky nod. “It’s ok” I fired back, “But I tend to go for beefier guys”.

The camera came to rest on his abs. I punched them lightly, to show how rock-hard they were. Zero jiggle. “Pretty cut, huh?” Hunter bragged. “This is the most cut they’ll ever be” I said.

That wiped the smile off of Hunter’s face. “Yeah, I uhh guess you’re right.”

I patted the abs lovingly. “Soon these are gunna be buried, and there’s gunna be a nice gut right there. That’s what you want, right Hunter?”

He gave the camera a pained smile. “Takin’ one for the team!” He stepped out of the frame but I followed that five-star ass as he walked back into the kitchen.

He picked up the burrito. “Can I eat this yet?”

“Smells good, doesn’t it?”

“Yes sir”

I said, “I bet you could get real used to eating more of those, huh? Nice and cheesy, full of protein to feed those muscles?”

“Fuck yeah, dude.”

I cautioned- “Don’t eat it yet. You’re almost ready. But before you dig in, I want you to understand something. Today is the last day you’ll ever look like this. That burrito right there? That’s your first bite towards becoming a massive, beefy guy. It’s all captured here in this video, the exact instant when you became a fatty.”

I continued, “You’ve got to hit 70 pounds in six months, right?”

“Yes sir”

“But you didn’t think I was going to stop there, did you?”


“That’s just the minimum to get by on the team, buddy. Oh no, I’ll need more than that. Maybe 70 pounds to get you started for the season, but you’ll keep getting bigger for me. It’ll make you a better player.”

He looked scared.

“125. That’s my minimum. If you want my help, you’re committing to putting 350 on that scale by this time next year. Do I make myself clear?”

He looked dead into the camera and thought about it. I could almost see the smell of the burrito entering his nose and toying with his brain.

After a pause, Hunter said “Well, I’ve seen the kind of guys you like. 300 probably isn’t enough. That’s.. what you’re into. And you know how to get me big enough to stay on the team.”

“That’s right,” I cooed. “Do it for your team.”

“Well, bigger is always better when you’re playing Front..”

“Then commit.” I said. “When you take that first bite, it’s a commitment. It’s your very first step toward me packing 125 pounds on you. And I know what a commitment means from a team player like you.”

Hunter gave a wicked smile to the camera and ripped apart the burrito like a preadtor to prey.

I panned down to his abs and patted them. “Bye-bye abs!” and cut the video.



I restarted the video when Hunter was flat out on his couch with two pillows stacked under his head. He had two burritos down and they were pooching out below his pecs like a snake’s belly after a big meal. I watched through the camera as I softly patted the mound.. “bye bye abs”. He let out a low, slow belch in his food-coma stupor.

I cut the video and grabbed a beer from the fridge. I lifted him under the armits, “sit up.” I popped the Bud Light and handed it to him. “First things first, I want to see nothing but dark, heavy beers in this fridge next time. Second, drink this one now. The bubbles will help settle your stomach and the alcohol will slow your metabolism down.”

He did as instructed. Such a team player. “I’m sorry I didn’t finish all 3 burritos.”

“No, no, don’t worry” I cooed. “You weren’t supposed to. If you finish all the food, then I’ve underestimated you. Besides, you’ll finish the third burrito shortly.”

He grabbed his stomach at the idea of eating more. I patted the respectable bulge in his gym shorts, “Don’t worry, I’ll teach you to get just as turned on by you eating as I do.”

He popped one eye open to give me a questioning look.

I leaved over, “See, for gainer boys, there’s a connection between here..” I poked his food baby “..and here” as I rubbed his cock. “For you, I just need to teach you that link, but you’re a man so it shouldn’t be hard.”

I thought he was reaching for my junk but went straight under and, with total precision, planted a finger right in my hole. Slam dunk. “And what about this?” he grinned.

“Dude, I really am a top” I protested.

Both of his strong hands gripped my hipbone on either side and lowered me down onto his crotch. “Mmhhmmm,” he said “and how’s that going for you?” Jackass.

His member grinding at my already-relaxed backdoor sent waves of new feelings up my body. When they hit my head I closed my eyes and rolled my head back, realizing I was so turned on that I could nut a third time that morning, no problem. I enjoyed myself for a while up there, just riding him cowboy style, eyes closed, hands on his gut.

I looked down. He was filming. Mother. Fucker.

He laughed so hard at me. “What? It’s only fair, babe. You’re transforming me..” he aimed his phone at his bulging gut “..and I’m transforming you” he zoomed in on his boner poking at me.

“I fucking hate you.”

“Do you?” he laughed, grabbing my ranging hardon through my mesh shorts. I was so hard it hurt. “You *hate* me, oh no.. well, I think you might be a little conflicted, babe.”

I tried to swat away the iPhone but he wouldn’t stop filming. He shifted my shorts down to my thighs, exposing my hole. Then with the same hand, he deftly got a pump of lube from under the couch. “Keep one under there for watching porn on my big screen” he winked.

I could feel himself lubing up. Not again. I kept my hands on his stomach to keep myself turned on. He was still filming.

“This tight little hole’s already taken it twice today,” he cooed to the camera, “but looks like he’s begging for some more.” I could feel his head poking at my hole, embarrased by how loose I was already. I winced at the realization that if he didn’t like to cum, he’d always stay horny and would pretty much be fucking me nonstop.

“Now, Nick” he immitated my voice, mocking my video from before. “When you walked in that door, you were someone else. You were a big, scary top.”

His voice got more serious as he slid inside me. “And now..” he lowered the camera down right to my ass, showing inch after inch of him disappearing into my guts. He chuckled.

“Just drink your beer, fat bitch” I said, proud of myself for forming a complete sentence despite the circumstances. Hunter twitched his dick, and his mushroom head pulsed in me. He may as well have stabbed me in the stomach.

“Aww, did the bottom bitch just get disrepectful?” I doubled over. He grabbed my cock with the lubed hand and sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout me. Every hair on my body stood up. He was definitely in control and I could have busted my third load right there.

He could tell because he let go and commanded me back with just a soft push on my chest. I looked into the camera, bouncing on his thrusts and expecting the worst.

His sinister side began to creep out again. “Nick, I just committed to making some pretty big changes that you demanded” he said, aiming the phone at his distended gut. “Now you need to commit to something for me.”

He started lubing up my balls. I had never had them played with that way. The combination of that and his gentle thrusts made my taint tingle. “Nick, you’re going to be my full time bottom. Remember, I’m only here for your pleasure. I wanna pump those loads straight out of you, and it looks like your gun reloads quick.”

I moaned. The camera stayed steady. “No more topping other guys. No more getting head.” I doubled forward in pleasure but he deftly pushed me back up into the frame.

“As long as you’re growing, do whatever you want to my ass” I slurred, surprised by my own words.

“No no, it’s your loads that I want. You tops don’t have this instinctually, but I’m going to teach you a connection between here..” he zoomed on my throbing dick and squeezed the head “..and here” as he whipped the camera back around to my hole, with him sliding in and out, balls deep.

I grunted. “Now Nick, this is a commitment. You don’t have to do it. But if you nut right now, then you’re agreeing to being my strict bottom.”

He doubled his pace. “If you cum now, you’re taking the first step toward never fucking again. Flip for me, babe. Eventually you’ll learn to not even jack off unless your ass is stuffed full with my dick. Sign up for that now, baby, when you blow your load.”

I came hands free, straight into the lens.



“Sunday morning, time for your week 1 weigh in!” I said into the camera. Hunter walked out of the bathroom and into the frame, toilet in the background hitting the peak of its rumble.

He spun around for the camera. “How do you feel, Hunter?”

“Fucking FULL. All the time” he smiled. “Always stuffed, just like that tight little ass of yours, Nick”. I chuckled. He was right about that one. Jacking off on my own these days was getting less appealing; it felt like firing an empty gun. Everything made so much more sense when I had Hunter loaded up inside me, pumping out my next load.

And that was pretty often, considering that I never saw him cum, so he was always horny. It turns out bottoming isn’t so bad when we’re both 100% focused on me. It feels like a team effort to see how many times we can get me to nut in a day.

I help up his phone and through the camera, he didn’t look any bigger. His muscles were a bit more bulky looking, fuller, but that was probably because he had just lifted weights an hour ago.

He stepped onto the scale and I lingered as I always do on that monster of an ass. Ok, maybe that was just barely bigger. Or maybe I’m an optimist.

The scale stopped at 235.4. “Woah!” He said, “that’s awesome! At this rate, I’ll-”

“Easy, tiger. You’re just getting started. A lot of that is bloat. I’m glad you’re excited, but I don’t want you to be disappointed next week ‘cause you won’t jump as much.”

“Is that a challenge?” he said. “Remeber, this is my full time job, buddy.” He had a point.

I packed a pizza into Hunter, gave him a shot of vodka to hibernate his metabolism and sent him off for a nap.

He had been great about using the calorie counter app consistently. Each time I had food delivered to his house, he entered only the amount he was able to finish. Pulling up the week’s excel export from the app, I noticed that on some of these food assignments, he was getting dangerously close to finishing. On Thursday night, for instance, I ordered him a 4,000 calorie baked pasta dish and he got 80% of the way through it.

Looks like I really had underestimated how far a dedicated gainer boy could get if he’s eating as his full time job, no distractions. I plotted out the next week’s meal plan, then started poking around Seamless menus to figure out what I’d load into him during the coming week.



We were at an unexpected low point. Hunter’s week 4 weigh in wasn’t so hot (241, only up 2lb that week). That’s fine - great, actually - for one week, but he had gotten so excited about his first week results.

I looked for the good in it and reminded myself, hey, at least this hot civilian gainer is disappointed that he’s not making enough progress fast enough for me. There are far worse problems out there for a feeder to have..

But Hunter needed a peptalk, and I was in Chicago on business. FaceTime was going to have to cut it for now. I was standing in my hotel room at the Drake, looking north at a dark storm rolling in off the gold coast.

“Babe, I’ll be back in New York tomorrow” I said, hoping the storm would prove less apocalypic than it looked. “I know you’re disappointed with this week, but it really is an impressive start.”

“This week was too slow. If I don’t bulk faster, I lose my job” he said. I gulped. His whole rugby situation was hot, but the stakes were real.

“I know. We’ll get there, babe. I miss you” I said.

Pause. “So I’ve had the same delivery guy from Seamless like four times this week.”

I burst out laughing. “Sorry man, rookie mistake. I’ll make sure to order your meals from different locations.”

“It’s fine,” he said. Such a trooper. “And you’re no rookie. I am up 15 pounds in a month, couldn’t have done that without you.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I just wish it would start to show. Right now you just look like you’re packing on muscle.”

“Well I am. Looking at my body fat percentage, I’m up 6 pounds of muscle.”

“That’s impressive,” I said. “That’s really not supposed to be possible.”

“Guess I’m a gaining machine! And you’re wrong about that. I am starting to show.”

“What?!” I sounded a little too excited.

“Wanna see it?” he teased.


“Ok, but you show me something first.”

I pointed my phone out the window at the menacing clouds.

“Not that..”

I pointed the phone at my face and gave him a quizzical look.

“Come on babe, you’ve been gone for 4 days, my dick barely remembers that booty.”

I rolled my eyes at him but propped the phone up on the desk. I pointed what ‘booty’ I had at him and tried to show it off. It was awkward and I threw my arms up. “Dude, I’m a top! I don’t know how to show this off.”

He gave a mean laugh. “Aww, for now, babe. For now. I know that ass has been twitching when you think about me. It’s ok, you don’t need to admit it. I know. And that feeling’s only going to get stronger.”

My hand that was holding one cheek for him unwittingly moved closer to the center.

“That’s it, babe. I’m not there so you’re gunna have to do my part for me.”

“No. Show me where you’re starting to show” I demanded.

“I will just as soon as you’ve got three fingers all the way in, ok babe?”

“Can’t believe I’m doing this.” But his voice talking me through it was hot, and I noticed that the bites of pizza he was snacking on were coming in faster and faster. He knew how to push my buttons.

“All this meat lover’s pizza going straight to my gut, babe. He took a huge bite, oil dripping down his cheek.

“I’m the real meat lover” I said, owning the cornyness of my joke. It was relaxing me, and I needed that as I massaged the last finger in. My dick was pointing dead ahead, despite being constrained by what was left of my underwear.

Through the screen I could see him checking on the progress of my last finger. Once it was firmly stuffed in, he smirked and the image went blurry as he readjusted his angle.

And then there it was. Lying on his back, phone at his side, just below his abs was the start of a tiny roll. He pinched it and let go, showing a brief jiggle. “I’m going all out tonight, babe. Gunna smoke up and gorge big to up my capacity. This little roll is going to be noticeably bigger when you land at JFK tomorrow.”

I was mesmerized. Is this what straight dudes feel when they first see their baby on an EKG?

“And just think,” he said, “this is after a month- imagine two more”

My cum hit the phone just hard enough to knock it off balance.

“Dude seriously, it’s like you keep aiming FOR the camera!”

“Am not!” I said as I hung up, limping to the bathroom to clean up and pondering that these, apparently, were the life choices I decided to be making as an adult.



Hunter was definitely right; there was a tiny but unmistakable new roll. And it didn’t stay tiny for long- over the next two weeks it grew in respectability as he inflated to 251. 5 fresh pounds a week. My meticulous food tracking was starting to pay off; I had found the near-perfect set of foods that stuck to Hunter like glue.

Plus I could tell in that time that Hunter had really upped his game. The first month had great progress, but it was all in the first 10 days. That had spooked him- he didn’t have time for plateaus. So he redoubled his efforts and focused several days specifically on capacity building.

I sat at his kitchen counter as Hunter explained his solution to me. He’d wake up, eat a pot cookie, order 4 XL pizzas, and wait for the munchies to set in. He told me he’d turn the TV to a game and eat until it hurt, even through the haze of the pot. Then every 15 minutes he’d pack in another slice, just to maintain the fullness. By the end of the afternon, he’d polish off all 4 pizzas.

“Babe, I’m proud of you for taking the initiative” I said, “but you’re going to burn yourself out. This won’t be fun any more.”

“When are you going to remember that I’m not doing this for fun?” he snapped. “This. Is. My. Career.”

I paused. “You’re right. You’re right! I’m sorry.”

He spun his laptop around on the counter. “Look at the spreadsheet. Ever since those 3 capacity-building days, my daily calories have gone from about 8,500 to just over 10,000. That’s an extra 3lb a month.”

He was right. “..and that’s exactly what you need to stay on the team. Smart man” I said.

He was back at the fridge, digging around for another beer. He was in hockey shorts (yet another of his side sports) and nothing else. When he bent all the way down to grab the last beer, I saw it for the first time. He definitely had a baby gut.

It was only visible when he bent down, but it was there. And it was a beautiful preview of how his love handles and overhang were going to grow in. I was at his side at once.

“Babe. WOAH” he said as I pawwed his sides, inspecting what I had failed to notice before. (Or, at the rate that he was blowing up, maybe it really hadn’t been there just a minute ago!)

He tried to stand up straight and my hand was at the back of his head immediately, keeping him hunched forward so I could further appreciate his new pooch. “Heh, you’re really actually into this shit, aren’t you?” he said.

I let him stand up to kiss me and his left hand instinctively went behind my back and gripped my butt. He did that all the time now, as if it wasn’t even sexual, just how he showed affection. Some couples hold hands, this was becoming our thing.

“Yes,” I said, “to answer your question I am very, very into this” I said, tracing my finger around the roll, from just below his belly button to where it disappeared half way around his side.

“And I”, his eyes got wide “am very very into THIS” he said as he jutted his right hand under my elbow, lifting me straight up - wow he was getting stronger - and plopped me down over the back of his couch.

I was upside down and disoriented, and before I knew it his cock was poking at my hole. I didn’t notice but he must’ve yanked my shorts down as he was flipping me over.

I didn’t even know that you could be fucked this way - him standing, my ankles around his neck, me practically hanging, just my shoulders on the couch. As he slid into me I knew right away that THIS was going to be my jam. Something about the position meant he was so much deeper than usual.

“Not for beginners, babe” he cooed as he kept sliding more of his inches in. “Great job.”

When he was balls deep he said “What a champ. Glad you can take it like this, you’re gunna need it.”

“Why’s. That.” I panted between thrusts.

“Because I’ll still be able to do this in a few months, even when I have a big gut. It can’t get in the way like this” he smirked.

The thought made me cum immediately. Into my eye. He still makes fun of it to this day.



The video started with just me, speaking to the camera- “Time for his week 8 weight in. I’m a hardcore feeder and even I can tell you, the rate at which Hunter is packing it in, it’s almost kinda gross. This guy is a monster.”

“Babe! Time for your weigh in!” I shouted to the other room.

He strolled in wearing nothing but sweatpants- his official uniform now, and the only clothing that fit. I noticed for the first time that his gut was now the first part of him to enter the room as he came around the corner.

He looked *big*. His little roll in front was no longer little, it finally reached all the way around his sides in a little love handle, and his abs had almost completely disappeared. Still no overhang- he was pooching only a bit but everything was still very taut and fit.

But most striking about his growth were his pecs and biceps. Yes, they looked a little puffy, but most of all they were clearly much, much stronger than before.

He grabbed his little love handle and jiggled it for the camera. It was so awkward. “You have no idea how to show off fat for a feeder, do you?” I said.

“Whatever, you’re the one who’s into this freaky shit” he said. I panned the camera down at the sweatpants, which were perfectly detailing his budding half-boner. “Oh really, then what’s that?” I said.

“That’s just me” he said, “seeing you and how much you’re into this, ya little freak.” He snatched the camera and pointed it at my shorts. There was a tiny drip of precum staining through. How emabrassing.

My phone buzzed. A notification seamless: “Congrats! You’re now in the top 1% of diners. To say thank you for your business, we’re giving you 25% off all food orders for the next month! Eat up :-)”. Hunter and I stared at each other, then both at his gut.

Hunter tipped the scales that day at 257- up 16lb in month #2. All fears of any plateau were now obliterated.



At the end of week 9, Hunter had broken into the 260’s. His abs were now permanently gone and, when he was on his side in bed, his gut protruded into a small but legitimate pot shape. I began to notice its warmth when he spooned me, I felt it slapping against me when we had sex, and I even caught it once jiggling a tiny bit under his t shirt when we were out on a date.

It was so cute watching him sit in that restaurant and try to order just a normal amount of food. He hadn’t done it in months. He finished his entree and two apps (plus half of my food) in about ten minutes. I had to load 5 Big Macs into him when we got home to make up for it. Oh well, it was still nice to get out on the town for once.



On the last day of week 11, Hunter invited me to hang out with the rest of the team. I was flattered, and admittedly a bit nervous.

Most of the team was back in town after a long break. They were meeting at the Village Tavern, their usual, to hang out before offseason training began in earnest.

Hunter was up to 266 - at this point he was basically just a machine packing on a steady 3lb a week - and it could show even under his shirts.

I was expecting the guys to treat me like one of the girlfriends, but this felt different. As sexist as it is, they didn’t really see me as one of the partners- because I was a guy, it was as if I was just part of the team. Especially as we started playing Buck Hunter. I’ve never been hunting, but I’ve hung out in enough bars that I’m an ace at that game. Between that and the help I was giving to beef up their new star Forward, I was definitely a team member in good standing now.

Speaking of, Hunter’s new gut may as well have had its own receiving line. As each new player filtered into the bar, they practically greeted his gut before they said hello to Hunter.

“Oh, I can see you’ve learned to eat like a proper Rugby player” one of the Irish players said. “You’ll make a fine Forward come start of the season.”

Many beers later, I was wedged in a large corner booth with 7 of the guys, Hunter at my side. At 6”1’ I’m not small, but these guys had me feeling tiny. “How’re you doing it, Hunter?” one of them asked, poking Hunter’s beer belly, now literally full of beer.

“This guy”, Hunter said proudly, nodding at me and gripping my upper thigh. The guys didn’t get it. They knew we were a couple, but they didn’t get it.

“Like what Fredrickson did last year with his girl”, Hunted clarified. The player next to me looked at me and nearly spit out his beer. “You’re one of THOSE?! You’re a feeder?” I blushed. “Oh shit, Hunter, you’re gunna be MASSIVE.”

“That’s the plan”, Hunter smiled, resting his hands on the tiniest start his gut shelf.

I had never been so “out” about being a feeder in a group, let alone new acquaintences. While my unique skill served a practical purpose here, the conversation quickly moved on- maybe Hunter was right and being a feeder wasn’t really as freaky as I had made it out to be.

The conversation moved on and the evening died down. The guys had ordered a plentiful round of burgers for the table - most of which found their way into Hunter, of course - and now he was sleeping them off. I had hit it off with one of the straight guys who turned out to also be from Pennsylvania.

“You feeders, man..” he said, shaking his head. “It was great when Fredrickson found Linda, she definitely got him up to the right size pretty quick. Not as fast as you, apparently - you’re clearly very skilled - but Fredrickson just blew up like a balloon. The thing is, once the season started, he *still* kept growing.”

“Where is he?” I asked.

“Retired! She never stopped feeding him. He played a great season - one of our best forwards - but even from one game to the next, you could tell he was bigger every time.”

“Are they still together?”

“Yeah, I see him once a month or so. He’s growing even faster now that he’s not training with us any more. And the thing that gets me- he’s happy as fuck. Like a pig in mud, pardon the pun.”

“Jealous?” I challenged.

“NO.” He said way too quickly. I laughed.

“Listen..” he leaned in, “what’s the attraction? That’s what I don’t get.”

“I like big butts and I cannot lie” I said, empowered by a few too many Guinesses. “But seriously. I’m a gay dude, I like a nice ass, as you probably do on a girl,” he was nodding “..and I just happen to like ‘em big.”

**Side note: Is the above statement entirely accurate? Meh. Only kind of. But I’ve found this is the best way to explain feeding to a straight guy. They get it. And really, what’s the point of getting into any more detail?

“Ok, fair enough” he said. “Just make sure it’s not all lard. We need him in playing shape next season.”

“Hey, squats make your butt bigger too” I countered. He slapped me on the back as he made his way for the door.

I turned back around to Hunter to wake him up but was startled to find him not only wide awake, but his eyes locking mine. “Shit, did you just hear that whole conversation?”
