Ring Around my Heart

Another day, another dollar. That’s what Markus Neuman thought as he walked through the locker room doors. He had been in the pro wrestling circuit for eight years now, but he no longer loved the sport. In the beginning he had loved the thrill of the ring, the blare of the lights and the roar of the crowd. But now he dreaded the routine, the theatrics, the performance he had to create with each new match. Markus found out quickly in his career that, just like the wrestling, little in the pro wrestling world was real. The friendships, the agents, the promotions. They were just as fake as the moves, the dialogue, and the fights. The only thing that changed was the stupid gimmicks the managers made him pull. Hitting guys with chairs, changing his costume, and one stupid fake media scandal after another. It was becoming too much. He quickly stripped and wrapped a towel around his waist.

After checking the shower to see if anyone else was there, he took off the towel. He gazed down at his powerful build. Markus let the warm, sudsy water run down his body, wetting the generous coat of hair on his chest. He loved the caress of the spray on his face and roid gut. This time in the shower was the only time he felt completely at peace. But God he loved being a beast. That was one thing he’d miss if he left the ring… acting and feeling like the masculine beast he was. His dick started to plump up a little at the thought. Fuck he was around 250 right now… what if he could get that up to 260 before his next match? Fuck he’d be huge. His dick chubbed up more.

Suddenly the locker room door burst open and Martin, his manager, strutting in, wearing his usual wannabe-gangster style suit and tie. Martin hurriedly put on his towel. “Hey Marky boy! Gotta favor to ask ya!” Martin shouted in his terrier like yap. Markus sighed. Martin’s favors usually entailed him going out with starlets or female wrestlers, and then ripping off their tops in public, or something equally stupid and media worthy.

“I gotta new guy coming in. Got him from a friend in the World Fighter’s Syndicate. He’s a monster, but he’s sharp as a bag of wet marshmallows. Teach ‘em the ropes.” Then he exited the locker room as noisily as he entered.

Markus sighed even louder. Great, another new guy. Martin did this almost every season. Drag in some poor dumb bodybuilder kid fresh out of college who would work for chicken feed, then trade them out when they started earning some serious dough. Only the big cash cows and worthless small fry got to stay on. Unfortunately Markus was in the second category. Now he had to teach the new kid the basics. Grip hold, theatre fighting, trash talk. Hopefully he could talk the kid into getting a real job, while he could still walk away.

He was toweling himself off when the doors slammed open again. But this time the doors didn’t just slam open, they slammed off their damn hinges! As the dust from the shattered wooden doors cleared, Markus saw what looked at first like an seven foot gorilla! But then he got a better look. This beast was WAY too big to be a gorilla. He had the same broad chest, but the fur on this creature was a deep chestnut color and a waterfall of curls spilled onto its shoulders. The man’s forehead was slightly protruding, as was his jaw, but that only made him seem more masculine, more imposing. The final piece of evidence to his hyper-masculine humanity was the red wrestling shorts it was wearing. They looked to be size XXL, but covering the bulge inside was like trying to hide the Washington Monument with a napkin.

Markus recovered from his fear enough to ask, “Who, who are you?” The monstrous hyper-masculine beast ointed one hairy tubesock size finger to his huge furry chest. “I’m Duke. You?” His voice was a deep, resonant bass.

“Markus. I-I-I mean, I’m Markus.” He stuttered. He had never been so terrified or turned on in his entire life. It had always been his secret, but he loved big men. That was one of the reasons he became a wrestler. But, like most pro sports, they frowned at having gay guys the same locker room as tons of naked muscle bound men.

“Ah-are y-you the n-new wrestler?” For some reason Duke seemed familiar.

“Yah, I’m here to wrestle. “ The big behemoth grunted out, nodding. Then he raised his head and took a big sniff, like a dog. “Mmmm.” The big monster purred, then glared at Markus. He closed the gap between them with only two steps of his monster feet, which were bare and had to be at least size 20! Duke leaned down slightly so his nose was just above Markus’ hair. When he inhaled Markus could feel his short cropped hair rise to his nostrils. Markus was about to piss himself. ‘This monster is going to kill me!’ He thought. Despite his knees shaking, his fat dick was getting rock hard behind the towel.

Duke came closer, and ran one big hand down Markus’ chest, nearly covering the width with only one hand. Markus’ muscles rippled at the touch, and he felt his anxiousness increase as the hand went lower, passing his gut. He tried to guide the hand away from his towel, but the combined strength of both his arms was no match for the meaty paw. The determined hand pushed a finger under the towel and with the tiniest flick of the wrist it fluttered to the floor.

Markus was anxious someone would walk in any moment. “Nice” Duke grunted. He stroked Markus’ cock with a gentle caress. Markus felt his nuts churn and lurch upwards. “Holy shit man” He said.

“You like this? You like my size?” Duke said, flexing a cannonball size bicep.

Markus was so turned on. This hairy beast had more muscle than anyone he’d ever seen. He was utterly gigantic, impossibly big. This supersized muscle colossus had to be, at his height, 500… no 600 pounds or more. He had to be more than twice the mass of Markus. God that thought was so hot. This previously unimaginable size… this super human dimensions of this man. He caught a glimpse of Duke’s massive cockhead as it pushed out from his overstretched red posers. God it was huge. It was like someone had taken the most muscular man alive and scaled him up in every way to over 7 feet.

“aaaaAAAAHHH!” Markus groaned , as he shot the best load of his life onto Duke’s knuckle. Duke wrapped a hand around his back to support this muscular wrestler, and Markus just let himself go limp. Duke was pleased his new friend was so responsive. “Glad you like” Duke responded.

He was still licking his wrist with that huge tongue when Martin strutted back into the locker room.

“Whoa whoa whoa, big fella! I don’t know what he did, but don’t punch him out!” From Martin’s point of view, it looked like Duke had Markus in a death grip and raised his fist, ready to pummel Markus.

“Oh I didn’t... hit... him” Duke sluggishly tried to explain, but Martin wasn’t listening. “DROP “EM DUKE!” Duke hesitantly set Markus on his feet.

Martin came over to the recovering Markus and quietly pulling him aside saud “Sorry about that big man. The new guy’s not the brightest. Apparently Used to be a big shot scientist, then his little magic growth serum messed him up. Now he’s just a big palooka, a stupid musclehead. Don’t mind him.”

With Markus on his feet, Markus covered himself with his towel.

“Now I want you boys to play nice and train.” Martin said with a loaded look at Duke, then he sauntered out. Duke just gave a big sigh.

“Relax. We both know he’s not going to do anything. You’re fine. ” Markus said soothingly. Duke gave him a happy, toothy grin.

“Its true” Duke said.

“What is?” Markus asked.

“I did used to be a scientist. I wasn’t always like this. This size.” the hypermasculine beast continued.

“Are you serious?” Duke said, his eyes raised.

“Yeah, I did….and honestly… my memories are foggy now. All I can think about now… is food… and sex. Fuck I’m horny” He said.

“How did you get this big?” Markus asked.

“It was a mix-up… kinda. Physical changes from modifications of human male hormone receptors was my research. Basically, I ended up giving myself something that would trigger these kinds of modifications and cause growth, increase libido, muscle mass… that kind of thing. It increased the number of testosterone and growth hormone receptors, their efficiency and effectiveness in my body… but it worked. Too well.”

Markus looked at this inhuman man-beast, shocked at the eloquent speech.

“...So I started growing… and growing… and growing. After a year I quit the lab because it was obvious my body was changing, and I decided to start thinking of new things to do. My body went overdrive on all my secondary sexual characteristics. My voice got deeper and deeper. I kept getting hairier, my muscles exploded in size, my face changed. Now I’m… I’m so fucking hairy and big… people think I’m a monster. I’m a freak.” He continued.

“Fuck man! Thats insane. Did it… did it..” Markus.

“Make me stupid? No, not really. Just makes me horny all the time. The dumb thing is an act. I figure it would help me get into pro-wrestling that way.”

“Jesus man… this is crazy.”

“Yeah, It is. Now…” Duke said adjusting his still hard cock. “What if you do me a favor…”

“Shit man” Markus said, putting his hand on Duke’s giant throbbing dick. It had to be well over a foot in length.

“I can’t even fuck anyone with this thing” Duke growled. “Its gotten too big. Just… just get me off if you can. You can just… yeah… yeah like that” he said

Markus wrapped both hands around the giant shaft and just jerked off the giant right then and there. It was so huge, so massive that it took both his hands to get Duke off. Duke’s grapefruit-sized balls slammed into Markus’ pecs. Their weight and heft surprised Markus. But it didn’t take long before a powerful fountain of cum blew right onto Markus’s upper body and face.

“UUUHHHHGHHH!” rumbled Duke.

“Jesus” Markus said. “That was crazy man…”

“Fuck…” moaned the beast. “Yeah… thanks man. I have to do that like… four or five times a day just to function normally. Goddamn. Gimme an hour or two and I’ll be all horned up again. “

“Damn man… thats… incredible.” Markus said. His mind was swirling with everything Duke had just told him.

“You better shower off again big guy” Duke said.

Markus went back to the shower stall and washed himself off. This was so much to take in. This giant wanted to learn from him? His mind continued to race as he showered off the thick layer of cum that had landed all over his hairy pecs, shoulders and neck. Fuck, imagine if he could grow to a size even close to that...It could reinvigorate his whole career. It would be so hot to get that big, to become a freak like Duke. Huge, hulking, unable-to-fit-into-cars huge.

As he stepped out of the shower, Duke was there, in all of his hulking glory, waiting for him.

“So I don’t suppose you still have access to the drugs that did this to you, do you?” Markus asked.

A grin crept over Duke’s harshly masculine face. “I thought you’d never ask”. His hand reached into a bag and pulled out a small vial and a syringe.

“I have gallons of this stuff, more at home. If you really want to grow… you can.” Duke said.

“Holyshit” Markus muttered. “You serious?”

“Yeah, I am. You wanna grow? I’ll make you grow. But this is a serious commitment. Theres no going back once you start this. You’re gonna grow hair… everywhere. You’re gonna get constantly horny. Constantly hungry. Your dick might grow so huge no one can take it. You sure you wanna grow like this?” Duke said, motioning his huge paw over his massivel, hulking, fur covered body.

“Fuck yeah!” Markus responded without hesistation.

“OK big guy, then get over here. We’re gonna get you huge like me.” Duke growled. Markus’ dick began chubbing up again. Fuck, was he really going to turn into a ultra-manly freak like Duke? It was such a hot idea.

Markus took the first injection right in the back of his upper thigh without problem. It felt like a shot of steroids, a part of the bodybuilding and pro-wrestling he had been familiar with for over a decade, but this was going to be the start of something new. Something, quite literally, huge.

“You’re not gonna feel any different at first. You’re gonna need a shot like this twice a week for the next month. After a few weeks though, you’ll start feeling the changes.” Duke said. “And then it’ll just be a matter of time before you start having to walk sideways through doorways.”

“How big will I be next month?”

“Depends, how big do you want to get? We can up the dosage if you’d like. We could probably pack on 20, maybe 30 pounds on you if you want.”

“Fuck yeah, lets get me huge for the the ring. I have a round next month. I want to come in bigger than ever” Markus smiled.

“No problem” Duke responded. “You’re into growth like me. I can tell. Well, we have a lot of growing to do.” Duke continued.

Markus smiled. His dick was already hard again. Maybe, he thought, the injections were already working.