Photogenic - Pts 3-5

By JMH02003

I was standing in the kitchen, eating my third large plate of eggs and adjusting my now small boxers. That camera had totally changed me, I'd never eaten this much in my life. I looked down over my body. My huge solid chest, my swollen delts, I could see my huge thighs supporting my bigger package, and of course my big gut. "If I keep up this appetite I'll start getting fat." I thought. Not necessarily a bad thing though, I could always use the camera to get some muscle mass back. Aidan wandered into the kitchen, still naked, and still huge.

"Maybe it's just me, but that was the most amazing thing ever." He said, adjusting his equipment. "That camera is the best thing to ever happen to us." He sat down next to me and rubbed my stomach as I took another bite. "Yeah, it is. Uhm... besides the muscle mass and the bit of pudge I've got going, did you notice anything really different from each of us last night?" I said. Aidan laughed a bit and replied "You mean the fact that my dick is almost 3 inches longer?" I smiled. "That's exactly what I meant."

Aidan got up and walked to the stove. "Hey, do you want my eggs Julian? I'm not hungry." A picture came to my mind, it was myself with huge biceps and shoulders, with my beefy pecs topping of an enormous stomach. ".... I don't think so." I said. Aidan heaped them on my plate anyway, with some bacon. "Go ahead big guy, you must be hungry after yesterday." I rolled my eyes a bit and dug in to the plate. Aidan put the pan in the sink. "I need some new clothes." He said. I looked at him as the morning sun streamed through the blinds, making lines across his massive pecs. "You know, as hot as it is seeing you wandering around nude, I agree." Aidan wandered out of the kitchen and went to our room. I kept eating my eggs until her returned.

He stood in front of me wearing a tight black shirt that trailed across his pecs so far that it lifted up a bit, revealing his abs. He was also wearing my loosest pants, that on him were incapable of buttoning. Quickly he pulled out the camera and snapped a shot of me at the table as I ate. He tossed the photo at me as it developed. "I'm going to go buy us some clothes at a big and tall shop. I'll be seeing more of you later." He wandered over to the door and walked out. I rubbed my stomach as I ate the rest of the eggs and let the growth start its job. My lats pushed my arm across the table as I lifted my drink. My boxers cinched tightly at my waist as I drank. My chest beefed out again, my nipples beginning to crease under my meaty pecs. I could feel my legs pulsing and swelling, ripping the bands of my boxers. Then I felt a cool sensation across my stomach. I looked down to see my off-season look spreading. My watermelon-esque gut was touching the table. I stood up and walked to the bathroom, but my boxers didn't join me. I made it about halfway before my beefy butt tore them asunder.

I continued bulking up for a few more seconds before stepping on my scale. 305 pounds. I thought about it, that was almost as much weight as Aidan gained in 2 photos. Some people must be more susceptible to the camera's magic than others. I stepped off the scale trying to stifle my huge erection, which I noticed had gained another inch. I wandered into my room to find something that fit. I found a set of briefs that covered me for the most part, but my high bubble butt crack peered from beneath the waistband. I also found a stretchy red shirt that covered most of my upped body, but left my navel and everything below open. The pants were a no go. I wandered the apartment for a moment, navigating my beefy body and broad shoulders through the narrow kitchen hall.

After a few moments of testing my body I sat at the computer chair. It moaned under my heavier body, but noting happened. I began to look for muscle growth forums, since I knew I could post a great fantasy now... But I found something more interesting, a bodybuilding competition in the next city. That could be interesting for Aidan, as much as I'd love to enter myself, I looked a bit out of shape. I quickly typed up and entry form and sent it in. I heard the door open and Aidan called kindly "I'm home big guy! I got us some nice new clothes too.!"

Aidan walked in and saw me. "Wow, that really IS a lot more of you... I hope the clothes I got you will fit." He gave me a bag of clothes. "What are you doing?" I closed the site and smiled at him "How'd you like to be in a bodybuilding competition Aidan?" He looked at me quizzically "Do you think I'm big enough?" I held up the camera "There's no such thing as big enough..." •


"Funny that you entered me into that bodybuilding contest." Aidan said as he rifled through his bag of clothes. "'cause I saw these and decided to buy them. Kind of an around the house thing." He pulled out a small pair of bright lime briefs. They had a huge pouch on the front, but were still, very revealing. "Oooh, Sexy." I said, somewhat mockingly as I got up from the computer chair and put my hands on his waist. "So. What kind of clothes did you buy anyway." I said. He smiled that irresistible smile of his "Mostly baggy or stretchy things... leaving room to grow, you know.". I pulled my hands off his waist and moved toward the camera. "Good, because you need to get in shape for next weeks contest." With a quick flip I pointed to him and snapped twice. "You're going to be the biggest guy there!"

It happened again. I pulled out the pictures to see a progressively larger Aidan develop in front of me. He was still wearing his shirt in picture 1, but it had an interesting effect. I looked up at Aidan as he began to grow... faster than usual. He was quickly inflating, veins became more pronounced on his arm, striations appeared across his bicep and forearm. His neck bulked up, stretching the head-hole on the shirt. His traps tried to make their way up it as well, reducing the length of his neck as they grew. It was obvious that Aidan had gotten to the point where his muscles weren't growing vertically anymore, they were thickening, becoming heftier instead.

My eyes were drawn to his pecs. They weren't just growing out, as gravity was causing his muscles to fold in broader areas. His chest was creasing his shirt under his pecs as it grew. He flexed both pecs at the same time, pulling the shirt down around the neck, causing the seam around the hole to rip. He struck a pose, flashing me his biceps (which looked like mini-basketballs, if you ask me.), and the shirt sleeve ripped right open, so did the other. As he put his arms down. the tightened shirt twisted to follow his descending bicep. I looked down as his defined abs showed as the shirt lifted higher and higher. He turned his back to me striking a crab pose that I couldn't clearly see from behind his lats. The motion caused the shirt to tear down his expanding back. He turned back to me, and in one effort, tore the rest of the shirt off his bulking body leaving the neck intact.

I finally noticed that he was pant less in photo number 2. I looked down to see that his bigger glutes had pulled the fabric of the jeans in opposite direction, unzipping the crotch as he grew. The tight denim showed a dull definition of what lay beneath it. The meaty sections on the front of his quads... swollen adductors. I could even see his huge calf muscles. He slowly pulled off the pants, revealing his now almost 10 inch dick. I noticed that his calves could comfortably fill the thigh of my old jeans. He was slowing now. I looked at his nipples as they slowly creased down under his pecs, giving him a smooth chest. "That was definitely more than 50 pounds that time." Aidan said, rubbing his new body.

I yanked on the last shred of clothes hanging from him. The black collar of my old shirt. "You know, you ruined my favorite shirt." I said, playfully. "Trust me, I don't see you ever fitting into clothes again after a while." He said as he shook the camera at me. "Did I ever tell you that you look sexy with a gut?". I laughed "Many times last night. Now let's get you weighed in.".

Aidan stepped on the cool bathroom scale and bent over in order to see it properly over his chest. "321." He said. "That's 71 pounds. I guess the camera has a bigger effect on larger guys." I whipped out some measuring tape. "It sure does. You've got an 11 1/2 inch dick now... that's huge! Are you sure those posing briefs are big enough for that monster?" •


We walked through the backstage area where all the bodybuilders were getting ready. I was right in thinking that most of the competition was going to be hobbyists. Some guys were about 180, but most of them were in the 210-220 range. As Aidan walked by in clothes that groaned with each step he took, he attracted a lot of interested viewers. They were marveling at the 320 pound man that sauntered in. I got a few looks myself. "Looks like you've got this whole thing sewn up." I said, nudging him. Aidan just chuckled.

We passed by one last stall next to ours. There was a guy in blue posing briefs inside who was looking smugly in the mirror... with good reason, he was about 250 pounds! He must've thought he had the competition sewn up, that is, until he saw Aidan. The smug look faded from his face as we walked into Aiden's stall. While Aidan got ready, we heard the guy in the next stall cursing a streak, then punching the lockers beside him.

Aidan struggled into his lime colored posing briefs. His package was almost too big for them... thank god they were novelty sized, probably meant for stuffing socks in or something. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to fit in them. I heard the stage manager calling for the athletes to get onto stage. I gave him a hug for good luck and walked out into the viewing area.

The show was amazing... I had never been to a show before, but whoever planned it turned it into a party dedicated to the male body. Enormous photos of hard abs and beefy pecs hung from the ceiling, and pounding music filled the room. The audience cheered when the men on stage flexed. Aidan and the guy in blue trunks really brought out the hoots and hollers. Aidan was obviously a favorite, men and women alike cheering for him in the audience. That guy in the blue briefs... turns out his name was Phil Marc... he just seemed to get madder whenever the audience cheered for Aidan. At the time, I thought that he must really have needed the year long gym membership and 6 month supply of weight gain powders that was up for grabs. I later found out that there was a group of men in the audience looking for young bodybuilders to sponsor.

The show finished, and the judges presented their scores... the winner was of course, Aidan. As the 5 men who took the top spaces took the stage, I picked my camera up, debating whether or not to take a snap and make all those men grow... but I realized how suspicious that would be. When Aidan won, the audience began snapping photos like crazy. It must've been too much for Phil, because he lost it! He saw me holding my camera and jumped down off the stage and got right in my face, screaming like mad. I had no clue what he was saying, but in the last few sentences he started saying "You like taking photo's, fucker!?" He grabbed the camera from me, and pointed it at me. He took shot after shot. I didn't keep count of how many pictures he took, but my body began to expand in response.

He dropped the camera to the ground, and it clattered. I had no idea if it was broken. My body started to grow thicker. My biceps swelled larger and larger, my shoulders broadened. My eyes fell to the ground, seeing the pile of photos there. There must've been 10 photos! Phil was backing away from me, obviously confused about why I started to grow. He shouted "Oh fuck! I pissed off the friggin hulk!" There was no sense of humor in his voice, he was actually afraid.

My t-shirt started to lift up from my gut, and my package swelled inside my tight jeans. My ass was starting to pop the seams of the seat, and my tree-trunk sized quads were ripping the thighs as well. My lats forced my arms up higher and higher, and my shirt began to tear. I was immense! Bigger than any bodybuilder I had ever seen, and I was still growing! My thighs met again, forcing me to stand spread-legged. I backed up to the wall, afraid to lose my balance and topple over. The crowd's attention was now brought to me, they froze, watching me slowly grow out of my clothes. Aidan had spotted me, too, and jumped down from the stage, making his way through the crowd. I heard a deafening pop as the fly to my jeans burst, the pants shredded and fell away from my body. My boxers were painted on, my cock growing out the leg hole. The shirt didn't stand much more of a chance either, my gargantuan pecs and expanded lats pulled the fabric to the breaking point. It tore, falling to my sides.

I saw Aidan's head pop out of the crowd as he reached to the floor and picked up the camera and ran to me. I grunted in pain as the tight boxers began to crush my balls. I reached down to pull them off, but my huge biceps and swollen lats wouldn't even let me reach them. Aidan saw what I was trying to do and tore the boxers off me. My big firm gut continued to swell, and my muscles expanded at an immense rate. When could it possibly stop!? Grabbing me by the hand, Aidan pulled me through the huge double doors to my side. My thighs navigated around each other, colliding from time to time, causing my steps to falter.

He dragged me across the hot parking lot, people from the auditorium following behind us, mesmerized by my growth. I tried to look behind to see if Phil was following us, but my trap muscles were so developed I couldn't turn my head. They were touching my jaw! Finally, we reached the van. Aidan opened the hatch and I crawled in, still swelling. We drove away, not looking back.


The growth eventually subsided. I was nearly immobile, but somehow, I managed to get back on my feet. It was hard as hell getting out of that van, too. Aidan called in a few favors from a friend, and eventually got me to an industrial scale... we had to do it at night, too, since I was way too large for clothes. When we finally found out my weight, we were astounded. 864 pounds, muscled, with a firm paunch, and a 23 inch dick. I was a monster! My face was even different, more masculine... like the muscles had grown there as well. The camera was fine... but we haven't used it since I grew. Aidan is afraid that since the camera seems to give larger guys bigger gains that we'll both end up immobile. He's been learning to work it though, with the aid of a few friends, and has learned to control what kind of weight is added.

He plans on finding Phil at his next show, and using the camera to fatten him up on stage. I'd like to see that, but I can't go out... the camera is in front of me, and I'm debating whether or not to just get as big as possible, since I can never go out again anyway...