One Pill Makes you larger

by ColouReDPenCils aka JustEatAndRead

The rain pelted the wind shield as I drove to a routine call for a broken down car. I drove cautiously as the roads had gotten pretty bad with heavy rain that had been falling for days. I had been eating at my favourite all-you-can-eat buffet when the call came in. My stomach was tight and bloated with the warm food. I noticed a breeze and looked down at the widest part of my stomach and saw that my girth had strained the buttons and left a gap almost two inches wide between the buttons. Afraid that my indulgences would pop my shirt wide open, I released it from its anguish by unbuttoning the bottom couple of buttons and sighed with relief. My belly pushed out a little further as it was freed from its confines. God, I loved the way it felt as it gently laid on my lap, I felt it graze the top of my shaft and I released another deep sigh.

I was so warm with the vast amounts of food I had eaten and my stomach was so engorged that I couldn’t help massaging it a little as I drove. I saw the car that I had been called to help and pulled over to the side of the road. I turned on my patrol car’s lights and red and blue filled the dark expanse of the night. I unbuckled my seat belt and noticed my belly hanging out. I quickly sucked my gut in and pulled the shirt tight around it until the buttons would finally push through. I had gained so much weight. I was probably pushing 320 now and most of it had gone to my stomach and ass. If it wasn’t for my friends in high places I would have been canned awhile ago. But my almost forty year old metabolism wasn’t supporting my indulgences as it used to. My once athletic build, border line bodybuilder, had been the object of lust for the ladies and some of the guys as well, but through stressful hours and many nights of seeking comfort through food…. I had really packed on the weight.

I snapped out of my head and realized I had been sitting there for a while and had forgotten all about the job at hand. The car hood was up and I could see a man with a large build working feverishly at the engine. I positioned my big gut in front of me and with a push of my arms; I was up and moving toward the car. My added girth had really put a visible sway in my step and my belly swayed with it, a little bouncing had noticeably developed.

“What seems to be the problem”, I said. I felt the rain weaken and I saw a sliver of the moon behind a cloud.

“Oh, it just over heated. I checked the coolant and it was completely dry”, as he said this he backed up and stood up straight, looking me in the eyes. The moon came out and shown a light on his face which sent an aura around him. He was one of the most handsome men I have ever seen. His strong face and powerful square jaw seemed to just radiate in the moonlight. He had broad shoulders that had not been developed in a gym, but through sweat and hard manual labour. His chest was so full and the breadth of it pulled at the fibers of his tight flannel shirt. Aw, he was just gorgeous.

“Well, is there anything I can do for you?” ,at this time I was more than eager to do anything for the man. “It’s getting kind of late. I can give you a ride home or where ever until you can deal with this in the morning.”

“Officer Girthy, huh?” I could see he was looking at my name tag. He slowly came over to me and stood right in front of me, looking me seductively in the eyes.

“I can see that,” he had placed one hand on my stomach and had started to rub it. I stepped back a step to compose myself. I studied him for a second. His arms were so huge. His biceps stretched the fabric of his shirt as he crossed his arms. I was beginning to get a hard on and I think he noticed. He stared at me for a moment and advanced again, this time grapping the back of my neck and pushing his lips hard against mine.

He kissed hard and passionately, forcing his tongue in my mouth. I pushed against his chest for a moment and finally gave in and kissed back. He was definitely skilled. He groped my stomach hard and massaged deep. With a single swing of his arms he had pushed me against his car, no easy feat at my weight. His body was so hard and muscular; he must have weighed just as much as me but all in muscle. He must have been at least six foot three and I had to lean my head up to even kiss him against the side of his car.

“Will you drive me to my place?” He released the back of my neck and walked slowly to my patrol car and stood by the passenger side. “I have something there for you.” As a police officer this statement worried me, but as a single closeted gay man…. I was in ecstasy.

“Umm…. Uh… what’s the address?” I stuttered ignorantly. How this guy made me melt was unnatural. I had never fallen for a guy in such a way.

“I’ll tell you the way”, he had slyly, “for another kiss.”

My head spun and I’m pretty sure that I was fully hard. I started rubbing my belly subconsciously and I stared at his muscular body with lust. I went over to him and this time, pushed him into the car with my tremendous stomach. He moaned with the pressure and I ploughed my lips onto his and kissed passionately. Why this statuesque, muscle god wanted me was beyond my understanding, but I was enjoying his powerful hands groping my love handles and moaning all the while in erotic pleasure. He slipped his hand in between the buttons of my stretched shirt and started massaging my engorged stomach methodically. When I thought I was going to orgasm, I released him from against the car and went around the front of the hood. Opening the door, I motioned over to him to get in.

When we were inside the car, he said, “776 Rural Drive.” We drove in silence for most of the way. I looked over every once and a while and every time he would meet my eyes, wink at me, and look out the windshield at the road.

“You don’t like being fat do you?” He broke the silence and it flabbergasted me for a moment.

After I regained my composure, “No, I don’t! Who would? I mean, no one is attracted to me! I get out of breath from the littlest things! Who would?”

“Well, I have something for you then. I am a bit of a scientist. You see this body that you seem to like so much? Well I have developed a chemically altered, super protein that did this in two nights”, he indicated toward his huge chest. “Now you could simply drop me off at my house and call it a night. Or, you could come in. Try the formula and see your wildest dreams come to fruition.”

We pulled into his drive way. 776, huh? I guess he is as close to perfect as he could get. I couldn’t decide. What if this was just a horrible trap? Deep in my mind I desired what was once mine, my statuesque body.

I opened the car door and he got his answer. He bounded up his front stairs to a patio that wrapped around the front of the house. The house itself was nothing more than a glorified double wide, with a yard that was maybe a quarter of an acre. He pulled keys from his pocket and swiftly unlocked the door. We both entered. If I had been a sting I would have thought that I was in a meth lab. Beakers and boiling liquids every which way you looked in the small house. He went in to what was supposed to be kitchen that he had turned into a science lab and came out with a box filled with make shift pills as far as I gathered.

“One of these will pack on at least 30 lbs. of muscle each”, the box he had in this arms must have had at least 300 to 400 capsules in it, “and make you lose at least 20.” He pointed at my corpulent mid section. He put one in my hand and went back in the kitchen and returned with a bottle of water.

“You have to drink that entire bottle of water with it”, he looked serious about that part, “You are going to experience a warm sensation in the process with no side effects.”

I gave my belly one last rub for good bye and put the pill in my mouth. I swallowed and immediately downed the entire bottle of water. The stranger had come right in front of me without me knowing and as soon as I had removed the bottle from my mouth, he placed his lips on mine and started to unbutton my shirt. I responded and started to kiss back. I began to feel the warming sensation he had mentioned and it felt amazing. I had never been so horny. I pulled his shirt off and kissed harder and faster. He had fully unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off my fat arms. He then went to work on my pants, unzipping them and undoing the button. I had worked his pants off and he pulled me toward a room toward the back of the house.

As we were both completely naked, I couldn’t help, but lust over this perfect stranger. His pecs were two massive hills that rolled so elegantly. They were so weighted with muscle that the nipples pointed down to his obscenely defined abs. His neck was as thick as my leg and they led into the most rounded and powerful delts I had ever seen. The warm sensation was so intense I thought I was going to cum. I pushed him onto his bed passionately and kissed him like I had never kissed before. He flipped over on his stomach and exposed his perfect bubble butt to me. Following his lead I spread his cheeks and inserted my member. I humped hard and long with my 9 inch dick and groped his ass. I was so warm and I could feel a change in my chest. I felt a pressure, followed by a twitch, and then each pec began to swell. I could see my flabby chest harden and swell, with a line of definition starting to show in between. They kept swelling and growing until they must have been the size of a watermelon cut in half and placed on my pecs. My arms and shoulders followed, my biceps swelled thick and powerful until they were the shape and size of a shot put and just as hard. Veins ran up and down it swirled all the way down to my forearms which had thickened and grown in definition.

My shoulders broadened until they ached and I looked like a line backer with his pads still on. My delts encased my neck like two slabs of beef, they were thick and round with the size of any professional bodybuilder or even bigger. My neck expanded and actually made my double chin even more pronounced with its breadth.

I was still humping this Adonis as hard as ever, but I was distracted by the fact that I wasn’t losing any weight. I felt heavier than ever. My gut still hung low and round, even as I was inserted in him my belly laid on his ass. I started to feel real warmth again in my belly and in my genitals. I felt my cock grow in length and in width inside him to the point where his ass was almost uncomfortably filled with it. It must have twelve inches and 5 inches around. I humped fervently with all my strength. He moaned and I could tell that he had jizzed all over the bed and was still going. But my orgasm wouldn’t come. I humped harder still which the stranger responded by moaning louder and harder and he was still orgasming.

That warmth I had felt in my belly intensified as I had almost reached my climax. I felt an intense hunger, and then my belly started to balloon forward! It jutted and widened out and exerted its full weight on top of the stranger. It was swelling tremendously, its girth expanded until it was at least three feet around and then stopped. I came hard and more pleasurably than I had ever before. I humped hard, in and out, and moaned loudly. Jiz filled him and he moaned again with me.

“Ohhh, yeah. Awwwwww!!!!!!!!!” I screamed and moaned, “I am so huge, oh my god!!!!!!”

I finished and exited from him. I flopped on the bed next to him and stared at the ceiling. I noticed my stomach wasn’t all that had swelled. My ass was huge; it felt as if I was sitting on two giant pillows. He looked at me with lust and jumped on top of me. He strattled me on my waist. I could hardly see him over my huge stomach. I felt it slosh as he massaged it and played with it. I lifted one heavy arm and flexed it. It must have been 28 inches wide. I felt amazing. Even with my mass weight gain. I felt like I would cum again with the pressure of the stranger on my lap. God I loved being huge.

I was so big already, but I wanted more. I stood up and ran over to the box with the steroid and grabbed one. I placed it in my mouth before the man even knew what I was doing. I swallowed and held my stomach waiting for the change. The man came in the room and looked at me. He was obviously lusting over my new immense form. My girth would be legendary. He came over and kissed my pecs. Moving south he took my nipple in his mouth and gnawed in it softly. I was still in lust too, even though I was larger than him now. I felt the warm feeling all over again and while my nipple was still in his mouth, my pecs started to grow. They grew so rapidly that they pushed on his face and he stumbled backward.

My arms pumped and pulsed and began to swell. My bicep jumped and pulsed larger and larger until it was as big and perfectly round. My biceps must have measured 36 inches around. All my muscles were so full and round. I looked down to watch my amazing growth and noticed I could no longer see past my chest. Actually they were growing so fast I could feel the crevasse between my pecs touch my engrossed second chin. My stomach quivered as it began to swell as well. I was in ecstasy and I was afraid I would faint with pleasure so I went into the bedroom and flopped my girth on the bed.

The bed moaned as I lay on it. I watched over my swollen chest as my belly rose more and more. I must have weighed over five hundred pounds of muscle and fat. I felt myself rise from underneath as my ass pushed my girth up. I was as wide as the queen size bed and with one finally moan the frame collapsed under my weight. Lying in the floor in the crumpled mass of the bed, I had cum all over my under belly and lay exhausted and heavy. I rolled over on my side and on my belly to push myself up to stand.

I felt a sharp push to my side and I fell on my back once again. The stranger had pushed me and now was standing over me, stroking his engrossed member. He rubbed my belly and inserted his finger in my belly button. “Yeah, I think it will fit.”

With those words he jumped on my stomach and inserted his penis into my naval and started to go at it. My belly was soft, so it sloshed and moved with the motion of his stride. It felt amazing. I closed my eyes and massaged my nipples and let him do his work. His warm member inside my belly button reminded me of my epic size. I was the huge man I had always wanted to be…. and more…. with my belly….. a lot more.