Night Out

“Come on Scott, everyone is already here, Mike, Will, Ben, we’re going to have a blast tonight!”

“Fuck no Ethan, I’m fucking exhausted! I just got back from work. You should try that sometime, would make paying our rent way easier.”

“Don’t be such a whiny bitch Scott, we will have a couple beers, that will help you loosen up a bit.”

“You know very well that I don’t drink Ethan…”

“God, can you stop being a complete pussy for even a moment? Fine, you’re more than welcome to spend another Friday night at home like a total loser. What ever made me think that I could make a real man out of you?”

“Yeah, you were right guys, he ain’t coming… Maybe that’s for the best though, at least Ben won’t have to listen to his complaints whenever he lights up a cig for once. Anyway, I’ll be right back, gonna take a leak.”

Fuck… Ethan couldn’t believe that even after all those years his roommate was still acting like that same, pathetic wimp he was back in high school. He will have to give him another talk about that once he gets home… But whatever, better if he doesn’t pay that any more mind this evening, that would only serve to piss him off further.

Ethan shrugged and walked into the restroom. He hardly made it to the urinals when a long, passionate moan reached his ears. It was distinctly male, but he didn’t think much of it. If anything it made him happy for, and a little envious of the guy who was getting lucky with some slut in one of the stalls. He was even starting to get a semi, imagining her getting boned in there and decided to stick around for a little while after he was done pissing. Giving his cock a couple soft strokes while making sure nobody was around to see him. But what came out of the stall behind him wasn’t a high pitched, lustful voice of some chick like he expected. It was so deep and raspy, it had to belong to some older, heavyset guy.

“Are you liking daddy’s gar now boy, eh? You want some more?”

“Oh daddy… I… I’m so horny…”

“Yeah I bet you are, but you ain’t cumming yet, not until you’ve finished smoking.”

Fuck… fucking faggots! Ethan let go of his cock with disgust and tucked it back into his pants as fast as he could. He was close to retching. He nearly started jerking off to a pair of perverted queers! He wanted to bust in there and kick their asses but there were two of them, and that second one sounded like he might have been pretty big. He didn’t like those odds. Ethan figured he should fetch the guys first, maybe even go get Ray and Burt too. Yeah, they would teach those fairies that they had no business coming to their club and behaving like this. How about he gives them a little scare first, though? A small taste of what’s to come…

“What the fuck are you two doing in there?! I’m getting the security! This is no place for two faggots to fuck around at!”

Ethan thought that would be enough to get them to stop whatever perverted shit they were doing, but he was wrong again. Rather than a terrified gasp of someone caught in the act, what he’d heard from inside was bemused, hearty laughter.

“Oh? But the security is already here, ain’t that right boy?”

The stall door flew open and Ethan saw a massive, bearded man standing inside. He was dressed from head to toe in leather. All of it stretched so tightly, it looked like it was painted over his muscular body. Leaving nothing to imagination in regards to the size of his pecs, bulge or his round, jutting beergut. He took a step to the side and Ethan saw the other figure occupying the stall alongside him. Another beefy man sitting on the john with his pants down. But rather than taking a crap he was furiously jacking off and chuffing on the biggest cigar Ethan had ever seen in his life. It was so freakishly huge, it was practically clamping his entire mouth shut!

If he didn’t know better, he might have thought that it was Ray, one of the club’s bouncers. But there was so much smoke pouring out of his mouth and nostrils that it was impossible to tell for sure. His eyes must have been playing a trick on him though, Ray was no faggot. Ethan had seen him hitting on girls at the club countless times in the past. Besides, this guy had a full beard and a sizeable, hairy gut unlike his friend… As a matter of fact it somehow looked even bigger now than the first time he looked… nearly spilling over his knees… those furry moobs resting on the big ball of fat like on a shelf… Fuck, Ethan wished there wasn’t so much of that thick smoke everywhere so he could see it better! A massive gut like that was a real sight to behold…

“I can tell yer liking the way my boy is turning out, huh?”

The leather bear took a drag off his cigar and blew a cloud of smoke right into Ethan’s surprised, wide open mouth. How… how did he get here? Only a second ago he was on the opposite side of the room and now he was suddenly right beside him. Standing so close that Ethan could see the reflection of his face in the man’s silver aviator glasses down to the thick stubble on his chin. There was quite a lot of it now… did he forget to shave today? Or this week…? But why would he do that… bearded men were so hot. He wished he had one himself. If only he could grow it like this leather bear, it was so thick and bushy, and yet perfectly trimmed at the same time. All snow white, without even the faintest taint of yellow anywhere… despite the man’s clear affinity for cigars. It was perfect… just like the rest of his body, completely covered by this jet black, leather uniform. Not a smallest patch of skin visible underneath it from the neck down.

Something about that line of thought felt off but Ethan couldn’t really tell what it was. His head was swimming and it was becoming incredibly difficult to focus on any one thing. He was supposed to say something, but as he opened his mouth the only thing that came out was a helpless, uncontrollable moan.

Suddenly Ethan felt an intense pressure piling up inside his cock, as if he was only moments away from cumming. He looked down and saw that it was out of his pants again and standing at full mast, absolutely throbbing with need. He was holding it inside his hand and jacking off as if his life depended on it. Ethan tried to stop, but couldn’t, or perhaps didn’t want to - he wasn’t entirely sure.

“I wasn’t planning on changing anyone other than my new boy tonight, but I think a slut like you has to be taught a lesson for interrupting us. I think that we must show you how much of a submissive, cockhungry whore you really are deep inside.”

Ethan tried to back away, but realized that he couldn’t move. His legs were still working, but he couldn’t bring himself to take even a single step. He knew that he simply wasn’t allowed to. He required permission. Permission from that man… from his master… Someone like him required permission to do anything, to move, to speak, to cum, even to worship his master’s amazing body.

“Look at yourself, you’re nothing more than a horny slut that’s begging to be used by a superior man. Was that why you’ve interrupted me? You wanted someone to plow your loose, needy hole you pig?”

The bear didn’t give Ethan any chance to reply and grabbed his arm, pushing him against the wall. As if he wasn’t wearing any pants, Ethan felt the man’s fingers sliding deep inside his ass.. He moaned again, even louder than before, feeling humiliated, degraded but also turned on like never before. He was about to shoot his load, but the man had denied him that as well.

“No… not yet. A pig like you can never cum without cock buried deep inside its ass.”

Something slid up his legs and Ethan found his hand being yanked away from his cock. At first he felt some relief over the fact that now he could finally let get of it. But the realization of just insanely horny he was came crashing down only a moment later. He had to jerk off more! He had to cum! Ethan reached for his cock again only to discover that it was now covered by a leather pouch, and he knew he wasn’t allowed to put his hand inside it and continue. All he could do was try to squeeze and yank on it through the leather.

“Oh god… what the fuck have you done to me… I… I can’t fucking stop!!!”

The sudden rush of adrenaline was enough to momentarily snap him back to reality. This was fucking insane! That guy had just tried to fuck him, turn him into some kind of a faggot and for a moment there he was almost ready to beg him to do it. A part of him still was! What the fuck was in that cigar of his? Some freakiest date rape drug he’d ever seen, that’s what!

He had to get out there! Ethan jumped to the side and began backing away, feeling relieved that he got some control over his legs back. Nothing was going to stop him now, he was only a few steps away from the door and once he got out, he would be telling everyone about this! And then they will all help him beat that deranged faggot into a bloody pulp! However as he took one last glance in the leather bear’s direction Ethan couldn’t get rid of the feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

Why… why was he still smiling? It looked like he wasn’t even worried at all, still puffing on that fat cigar of his, as if he didn’t care he might tell anybody or call the cops. Ethan took another step and felt something pressing against the side of his body. Something warm, soft, and really hairy… he looked up and saw him… and realized that he was right the first time around, it was Ray… but a completely different Ray, one who looked so much hotter… with all that beef on his bones and all the fur…

He was still smoking that gigantic cigar but now it didn’t look so out of place inside his bearded mouth anymore, as if his whole body had grown to match its size. Ray was always a complete gym nut, built like a truck but the way he was now, was just inhuman, Ethan’s entire head could fit in the crack between his moobs. At that mammoth sized belly could smother him whole if he only took a small step forward and squeezed him against that wall. Ethan saw the end of Ray’s cigar lighting up, turning bright red as his lips wrapped themselves around its girth. Then, without any warning whatsoever two, absolutely monstrous jets of smoke erupted from his nostrils, instantly obscuring his whole world. Ethan’s body started to shake uncontrollably as he dropped to his knees and felt something warm running down his thighs.

Did he just cum? Ethan knew that something was wrong but after that cloud of smoke hit his face he suddenly couldn’t string up even a single coherent thought. Someone grabbed his head and impaled his mouth on their gargantuan cock, he thought he was going to suffocate but then some more of that smoke entered his nostrils and his throat eased up, as if it had always been perfectly used to accommodating things of that size. Then, the back of his body was yanked upwards and something even bigger was thrust inside his ass. Ethan had never put as much as a finger up there before, but it didn’t feel that way at all at the moment, it went inside with no resistance whatsoever. The pleasure of having his sloppy hole stuffed full with cock was so intense that if not for the fact, he had no control over his body anymore, he would undoubtedly be trying to thrust his hips backwards to get as much of it inside him as possible.

The world around Ethan began turning blurry and soon the only thing he could clearly see was just the base of Ray’s monstrous cock and his crotch covered with a riot of curly, black hair. Everything else was obscured by the thick, grey mist of cigar smoke. Ethan could feel it caressing his skin, getting inside his body with each breath and slowly changing it. Making him bigger, hairier, like it did with Ray, but at the same time Ethan knew, he won’t end up exactly like him. Not an imposing, big dicked bear, only a horny, fat pig desperate for cock, inside he was already starting to feel like one. If he focused his thoughts hard enough Ethan could still remember that this wasn’t the real him, that he absolutely despised faggots, but the smoke clouding up his head made sure to do everything in its power to prevent that from happening. All he was allowed to think about was how much he loved being fucked. Everything else was swept away by a wave after wave of pleasure, until eventually Ethan stopped trying to resist it and let the smoke to take over completely.

Anything happening around him after that was of no importance whatsoever, all he had to do was stay on all fours and let the men relentlessly plow both of his holes. One time he heard a scream and one of the cocks left his mouth, but was quickly replaced by another one. It wasn’t as big but Ethan still greedily sucked on it and nursed it for its load until it began growing and rather than remaining still, it started ramming down his throat like the previous one. They began changing really often after that and Ethan quickly lost track of just how many loads they fed him and how many was he made to shoot inside his jock. Until eventually, all of it stopped.

It took Ethan a long while to realize that suddenly nobody was trying to fuck him or make him suck their cock. There were still plenty of people filling the room but they seemed too occupied with fucking each other to notice that both of his holes were left unattended. His first instinct was to crawl up to them and beg them to continue, but somehow he managed to stop himself. Ethan didn’t know how, but to some extent he was himself once again. At least inside his head, even if his body was barely recognizable. covered by all that leather they forced him to put on. There was a harness, a vest and a pair of chaps, in addition to the jockstrap from before, but in a way they felt oddly loose, as if they were all too big for him.

Ethan couldn’t rid of a similar feeling, like he was much smaller and thinner than he was supposed to. He had a belly, and a pair of moobs, both covered by hair but it was nowhere near what he thought he had been turned into. He could have sworn he felt his gut scraping the floor as he was being fucked, countless pounds of excess fat jiggling with each thrust he received. Ethan’s cock began aching and getting hard again at the mere memory of that, before he realized what was going on, he nearly felt disappointed it wasn’t true, or at least wasn’t anymore.

Suddenly he felt like he was being watched, Ethan turned his head and saw a fat bear looking in his direction. He was stroking his pierced cock and smoking a stub of a thick cigar that barely poked out from under his huge, salt and pepper mutton chops. Ethan knew that he used to be one of the club’s regulars, he’d seen him before… before he was changed and made into this hot daddy bear… he wasn’t quite as big as Ray, but Ethan still felt an intense urge to go up to him and pleasure him as much as he could. He was already getting up when he barely managed to snap out of it, and rather than towards the bear, Ethan started running to the bathroom door. He opened it, and his eyes went wide in disbelief.

When he came around Ethan hadn’t stopped himself to think what might have happened to the rest of the club while all those men were fucking him on the floor for what had to be hours. Even though both Ray and the leather bear who’d changed him were gone, until the moment he saw what was waiting for him behind that door Ethan was still full of hope that if he’d managed to get out of there, this whole nightmare would be over.

But nothing could have prepared him for this, finding the whole place changed, corrupted, looking more like a sex dungeon rather than the club he’d been frequenting for years. It was filled with a sea of hairy bears all of them either naked or wearing some type of fetish gear. For a couple long moments Ethan couldn’t bring himself to move and only stood still, watching them in silence. Studying their sweaty bodies as they grinded against each other, listening to their lustful moans, breathing in the smoke from their countless cigars.

Ethan realized that it was already starting to affect him as countless perverted thoughts began creeping inside his head once again. They were trying to convince him that he should stay where he was and keep on watching. That all those men he’d managed to somehow recognize, even despite their newly acquired beards or dozens of extra pounds on their bones, looked so much hotter now than ever before. Even as much as making him feel jealous that he didn’t look like one of them yet. But Ethan still managed to push them away and got himself to start making his way towards the exit.

Just like the ones in the bathroom most of the bears appeared to be too occupied with each other to even notice him passing through and it all seemed to be going perfectly well until Ethan’s eyes wandered towards the very table he used to be sitting at with his friends. He recognized them right away. Mike, Will, Ben, they were still in the process of changing, all sitting still with their eyes glazed over and mouths clamped shut with massive cigars. They had to be at least in their fifties by now, with hardly any color left in their bushy, long beards that reached all the way to their furry beer bellies.

It looked like Ben was starting to wake up already with his hands moving towards his nipples and digging under his gut to stroke his rock hard cock, but maybe there was still some hope for the other two. Maybe if he got them out of here, they could still turn back like he did. Ethan knew it was a mistake, but he couldn’t just leave them and let them get turned into fat, perverted faggots like everyone else. He started moving towards them, already trying to figure out how he might be able to carry out these two massive men with him, when he felt a hand wrapping itself around his jockstrap and his whole body froze in an instant.

“I’m glad I found you, it would have been really inconvenient if you had left before I was done playing with you…”

It was that leather bear… Ethan didn’t even have to turn around to know that, the second he heard his voice, he couldn’t move a muscle. Ethan wanted to beg him to let them go, but even that was too much, all he could do was moan as the bear squeezed his cock with his gloved hand.

“Are those three your friends? I had a feeling I should give them some special attention. Turn them in really horny, dom, daddy bears. It shouldn’t be very much longer before all they can think about is plowing you all night long. How about we wait for them together?”

Scott had no idea what to make of this, the whole thing seemed so crazy and surreal that he was still having trouble believing he wasn’t asleep anymore. But at the same time could he really dream up something as fucked up as this? The way Ethan had woken him up with this desperate, relentless banging on their front door and then nearly broke down crying as he begged to let him inside after Scott finally gotten up and asked what was going on. He thought that perhaps Ethan was just really drunk, but that couldn’t have been it. No amount of booze would have been enough to persuade his roommate to put on all that perverted, leather crap he’d seen him wearing when he finally opened the door.

Ethan had shoved him aside so quickly, sprinting towards his room that Scott didn’t have much of a chance to take in what he was really looking at but with all that leather he had on, it almost seemed like he’d just ran off from a set of some gay, fetish porno. Scott couldn’t even begin to imagine what might have happened to him earlier that night. He knew very well just how much his friend hated gay people, in fact he hardly ever missed a chance to remind him of that whenever they saw a pair of faeries in a movie or a tv show that they were watching together. And Scott couldn’t deny that even though he had always tried to keep an open mind, some of that had rubbed off on him over the years.

It was tough not to feel disgusted when Ethan mooned him with his hairy, naked ass. Did he really get back home wearing nothing underneath these crotchless pants? That sounded so crazy, if Scott hadn’t seen Ethan’s terrified face he would have thought that his roommate was trying to pull some really messed up prank on him.

But the worst part was that when he finally came out of his room, dressed up in his regular clothes, Ethan didn’t seem to be doing any better than before. He was acting so delirious that Scott could hardly even begin to try figuring out what went down last night. It sounded like he’d met someone at the club, some older guy with a beard, who smoked cigars and made him put on all that stuff. Ethan insisted that he did something to him, and everyone else who was there, but it didn’t look like he wanted to get into any details, at least at first.

That was when Scott suggested that he might try calling some of the guys who were there with him and see if they could help with figuring out what happened. But as soon as he did Ethan simply snapped and began begging him not to do it, telling Scott that they were already one of them. He said that they weren’t his friends anymore, they’ve been changed and he’d made them fuck him on the club’s floor for so long he could still feel their loads sloshing around in his gut.

Scott couldn’t believe that his friend had just said that, that but Ethan didn’t stop there and kept on telling him about all those fucked up, disgusting things. He insisted that this wasn’t even the first time he’d been spit roasted on the floor this way last night. That cigar smoking bear made Ray fuck him too, Ray and about everyone else who happened to walk in them. But he didn’t only have the power to make people do these kinds of things. According to Ethan the smoke from his cigar could also change them physically. After inhaling even the tiniest bit of it everyone went crazy, they started growing older and sprouting tons of body hair everywhere. It made them get really fat, or muscular, or both at the same time, and once they finished changing, all they could think about was fucking the shit out of each other until they collapsed out of exhaustion.

Scott didn’t know what to say, someone had clearly tried to drug him, maybe even actually rape him, as much as he didn’t want to think about that right now. And Ethan still seemed to be high on whatever they gave him, what’s worse, rather than getting back to normal, it looked like his roommate was losing it more and more every minute. It was like he was actually getting turned on by that disgusting crap he’d been talking about, with his hand constantly wandering towards his crotch and not even attempting to hide the fact that he’d been lewdly groping himself there every now and then. But at the same time Scott couldn’t lose the feeling that it wasn’t the only thing he should be worried about… he hadn’t noticed that until Ethan started telling him about everything, but something looked really off about him this morning.

After he quit playing football once they finished college, Ethan gained some weight and wasn’t quite as athletic as he used to be, but where the hell did he get that potbelly from? It was practically poking out from under his shirt! Scott remembered that Ethan had lost his job last month so it was more or less natural that he let himself go a little. Perhaps he just missed that because of how much he had to work since then… but that still didn’t explain all that hair… where the hell did that come from? There was so much of it everywhere, on his arms, tufts of it poking from under his collar, and that beard! Scott thought it was just some thick stubble, he could have sworn it looked like it when he was letting Ethan inside, but what he had before his eyes right now was a nearly full beard covering a half of his friend’s face!

How was this possible? What if all that stuff he’d been saying… no, no way, that was too crazy…

“Ethan, look… maybe you should try sleeping this off. Maybe you will feel better tomorrow and we will both try figuring what really happened last night…”

“You don’t understand Scott… master… master was right, I really am nothing more than just a fuckpig hungry for cock! That’s why I could never get myself to take it off!”

Ethan jumped up from the chair and tore his pants open, underneath there was a shining, leather jockstrap, cupping his clearly erect cock. He grabbed it with both of his hands and began thrusting his hips forward while trying to jerk and tug on it. Ethan started moaning at the top of his lungs, suddenly there was a loud rip and his shirt gave out in a number of places, showing furry skin underneath, as if he’d just grown a couple sizes.

“After Mike, Will and Ben were done fucking me I begged master to make me like them… or at least let me stay the way I was, but he said that my punishment wasn’t over yet. A slut like me needed a daddy of its own, who will abuse it everyday… oh fuck… I’m so sorry, I didn’t want that to be you Scott… but I just need to be fucked so badly right now…”

The whole situation was so insanely fucked up that Scott didn’t even know how to react. It didn’t occur to him that he might actually be in danger himself until Ethan began walking in his direction. He was still mumbling about these incomprehensible things and seemed much more focused on his leather-clad hardon than anything Scott might have wanted to say, to help him snap out of this freaky trance he was in. He still appeared to be relatively calm but when Scott attempted to reach for his phone, his roommate simply charged at him and pinned him to the ground.

“Fuck! Get a hold of yourself Ethan! What the fuck are you doing?!”

“I… I have to put this on you Scott… it will make you my daddy, just like master ordered… you will love it, I promise… they all loved it so much…”

Scott tried his best to shove his roommate off him, but even before his transformation Ethan was way stronger and physically fit than him. And now, he had this massive bulk on top of that, he didn’t even have to use both hands to hold him down. Scott was helpless to watch as his friend began unzipping his pants and started pulling them down inch by inch, no amount of pleading was enough to get through to him. Soon they were off and Scott was left completely exposed.

Then came the time for Ethan’s jock, and as he pulled it off a huge jet of precum shot out of his cock onto Scott’s stomach. He cringed. His roommate’s cock was all slick and practically dripping with it, and after all the struggling, when Ethan finally managed to pull the jockstrap all the way to his crotch, he realized why. Its whole pouch was just drenched with cum, it was all warm and moist, sticking to his skin in every place possible, there was so much of it, it was tough to imagine how it wasn’t just spilling out everywhere.

“Oh fuck yes, it won’t take long now… soon you will be my daddy Scott, my big, dom daddy bear! And you will fuck me good!”

Scott felt so revolted he wanted to puke, but at the same time saw a chance for himself to escape. It looked like Ethan was so overjoyed by the fact that he could finally touch his cock again, that he’d lost whatever had remained of his mind until that point. He was furiously jacking off while moving his hips back and forth, and kneading the rolls on his furry gut with his other hand. Until eventually he was just standing on his knees over Scott as he seemed to have completely forgotten about trying to hold him down.

“Oh daddy! I can already feel your huge cock inside me!”

Scott was quick to take advantage of that, he started crawling out from under his friend when he heard Ethan letting out another insanely loud moan and saw him thrusting his hips forward even more intensely than before. He knew what was coming but was too slow to react and was forced to watch as a long rope of thick, white cum shoot out of the tip of his friend’s cock and splattered onto his shirt. Exactly in the same spot where his pre landed earlier. Fuck, that was so gross and suddenly there was so much of it everywhere as Ethan’s cock continued to unload.

It was clear that he was starting to take notice of what was going on as Scott struggled to get himself back onto his feet. He sensed Ethan starting to move into his direction and not even wanting to think about what might happen him if he gets captured again, Scott lurched towards the closest door he could find. He was so caught in the moment that he didn’t even realize that it was Ethan’s room until he began looking around in search of something that could help him block the entrance.

Scott heard rhythmic banging behind him as Ethan kept on trying to get inside, he begged him to let him in, saying how much he needed to be fucked and used like a horny pig that he was. Scott didn’t know whether the door was going to hold, or if he could keep up holding it like this. But even if he somehow had enough strength to pull it off, what would he do then? He wasn’t quite so sure whether it was just some drug that somebody slipped into his friend’s drink anymore. Simply waiting it out didn’t seem like an option, if anything things have gotten way more fucked up with time. Scott had a really hard trouble believing that things could just miraculously get back to normal at this point.

He was practically trapped in here now, at least until one of their neighbors gets fed up with all the noise and decides to come down and complain. But that could take fucking hours… they probably think it’s another one of Ethan’s moronic parties, never mind the hour. Fuck, why had he been putting up with this sad, little fuck for so long? This wasn’t the first time he screwed him over. That pathetic little shit…

“Shut your fucking mouth boy! Yer pissin’ daddy off!”

Scott had no idea where this came from, it didn’t even sound like his voice, it was him moving his lips but what came out of his throat, that was… had to be somebody else. He felt this strange anger piling up inside him and suddenly he just had to say it. Somehow it felt right and… really good. Scott realized that his whole body was covered in goosebumps, but most importantly that what he’d just said had actually worked. The banging had stopped and everything was so silent it seemed almost like his roommate had suddenly vanished and there was nobody behind that door anymore.


“Yes daddy?”

“Ethan, I’m so glad you calmed down! We have to get you help, this is really serious, get the phone, we need to call an ambulance or… or if you don’t want to we can go see a doctor together…”

“Ethan, are you there?”

“Yes daddy, but I can’t let you out yet… I’m sorry, that’s what you would have wanted daddy…”

What was he… Scott gently pressed on the door handle and tried to push the door open a little, only to discover that it was completely blocked from the other side.

“Ethan, what the fuck are you doing?!”

“I’m sorry daddy, I’ve been so impatient, but now I know it just takes a little time, like with the others…”

“Jesus christ Ethan, it’s me! Scott! You have to keep it together man! I’m your friend from high school, not your daddy or whatever!”

“It doesn’t matter Scott… master’s jockstrap will make you big and sexy for me, you already know how good it makes you feel if you only let it…”

Fuck, Scott didn’t even bother listening to what Ethan had to say after that, he couldn’t believe he still had that fucking jockstrap on! He should have ripped it off the second he slammed the door behind himself but somehow completely forgot about it. He wasted no time doing it now, and when he finally got his cock free, he barely stifled a moan. It was a shocked, terrified moan, but a moan nevertheless.

This couldn’t be real… it looked so fucking massive, and it wasn’t even fully erect yet, but that was quickly changing. His cock was all covered with that slimy goop from inside the jockstrap but Scott was too shocked to even attempt wiping it off. For a couple excruciatingly long moments all he could bring himself to do was watch as it continued to swell up bigger and bigger between his legs. Growing to eight or nine inches and becoming so thick he wasn’t sure if he could even wrap both of his hands around it. To say that together, with his new, gigantic ballsack it looked completely out of place proudly jutting from his crotch, would have been an understatement.

Yet at the same time, it seemed like the very moment Scott laid his eyes on it, any memory of his cock ever looking any different than this was instantly erased from his mind. He knew it was different before, much different but as he attempted to make any sense of it, the only thing he could think about was just how perfect it looked and that it was precisely the kind of cock someone like him deserved to have… Scott reached out his hand, still not quite believing it was real and as soon as the tips of his fingers touched its skin, he saw a bright flash of light, and suddenly he was somewhere else. He was someone else…

He was standing in this dark room, filled with so much smoke he could hardly see beyond the reach of his arms, he could hear loud, lustful moans everywhere, but somehow he didn’t seem too interested in looking around. His gaze was firmly fixed on the monstrous fuckstick he was holding in his huge, paw of a hand. Scott recognized it, it was his cock, maybe looking even bigger now, but not so out of place anymore. Not with this colossal beer gut covered with a jungle of salt and pepper fur jutting right above it, or with these leather clad, mammoth sized thighs below it.

Scott noticed it wasn’t the only thing he was looking at, there something right in front of him, someone’s big, juicy ass, with its fat, hairy thighs wide open and its hole invitingly exposed. He felt a sudden, uncontrollable rush of arousal, he spit inside his hand and started spreading it over his already leaking cock.. Even just massaging the shaft with his rough, meaty fingers felt good enough for him to unload but he wasn’t planning on doing that yet, not until he gave that sloppy hole a good plowing.

“Fuck boy… daddy never gets tired of fucking that hot ass of yers…”

Oh shit, that voice again! Scott looked around and realized that he was back in Ethan’s room… what the fuck was that? It felt so real… so natural… Scott was almost disappointed it was already over… no… he really was disappointed that he didn’t get to bury his dick inside of that nasty hole…

What was wrong with him? Why was thinking about all that disgusting, faggot shit beginning to feel so good? Scott could tell he was starting to lose it… it was just like what happened to Ethan. He didn’t want to believe him before, but after this… he couldn’t deny it anymore. It was like he’d infected him with something! That jockstrap, that load he shot onto his chest!

Fuck! He forgot about that too! Scott ripped it off as fast as he could and stopped… was all this hair always here? There was a large patch of it spanning all across his chest and a faint trail connecting it to his crotch. Shit, he didn’t even know anymore, it really felt like he was losing his mind…

“Ethan! Something is wrong, you have to have to help me!”

“Ethan?! Are you there?! God damn it, tell me how to stop this!”

Fuck, this was pointless… even if he’d answered, that would still have probably been the same kind of crazy talk from before. He would have to figure this out himself… if he’d only actually listened to all that crap he was talking about earlier, instead of simply dismissing it outright…

Didn’t Ethan say something about cigar smoke? Scott was still finding it a bit difficult to treat all of this seriously, but he could actually smell a distinct aroma of tobacco smoke in the air. It took him a couple moments to figure out where it was coming from. Right beside the bed, in the corner of the room there was a large pile of leather gear that Ethan had discarded after returning home. It was so thoroughly soaked with it, that it was making the entire room smell like an ashtray.

But as he moved closer, Scott’s nose began picking up other things drifting off the pile. It was the intense stench of sweat, sex and dried up cum, and most importantly the scent of leather itself. He recognized them, remembered them from that room he found himself in after touching his cock. It was that exact same combination, and it was starting to really turn him on. Scott was about to back away, unsure of what he might do if stayed close to it for too long, when he noticed a large bag laying underneath all the leather. It looked a bit like a sack one would keep their gym clothes in, except really large and made entirely out of leather.

Hoping that it might hold some clue about how he could stop all of this, Scott hauled it onto the bed and ripped it open without giving it as much as a thought. All the manly musk brewing inside rushed out, straight into his face, at once. Filling his mouth and nostrils with that intoxicating mixture, except this time so intense it nearly knocked him off his feet. Scott felt such a massive rush of arousal that for the next couple seconds all his willpower had to be focused on nothing other than stopping himself from simply grabbing his cock and starting to jack off.

The worst was quickly over but his mind never fully cleared up again, Scott still felt like he was on the very edge and even a faintest breeze blowing against his shaft could make him lose it. Before he was holding onto the memory of what had happened to his friend to keep himself grounded in reality, but now Scott was starting to notice that it didn’t terrify him quite as much anymore. In fact he was finding it harder and harder to convince himself that it was such a bad thing. His boy seemed so happy as just a dumb, horny pig… he always pretended to be tough but Scott knew it was just an act and deep down he was nothing more than a submissive slut, looking for a fat, daddy dick. Yeah… he always had to be taking care of him, so it was only right if that sloppy pighole of his was also his to breed.

Damn it, it felt so fucking good to think this way… not only good but also right… natural… like he had all of this inside of him since forever and only now had he gathered the courage to let it loose. Scott couldn’t even tell whether that was true or not anymore, he simply began sifting through the bag, trying to find out what was inside.

“Why did you bring this bag here Ethan? What the hell is this?”

It looked like it was filled with even more faggy, leather crap but wait… Scott finally felt something firm brushing against his hand, it was a large bottle of whiskey, a moment later he also found a lighter and an enormous cigar. Shit, this didn’t make any sense, what the fuck was this supposed to be? It was really starting to piss him off, he was so fucking horny he was ready to fuck about anything right now, and on top of that his head wouldn’t stop spinning from this disgusting stench. Scott grit his teeth and felt like he was about to smash that bottle against the wall.

“I fucking asked you a question boy! What the fuck is all this shit?!”

Oh no… it happened again, except this time it didn’t seem like it was over yet… Scott still felt it boiling inside his chest, that pure rage, spreading everywhere, consuming his body. Fuck, he had to calm down… he needed a smoke… no, no he didn’t… But that huge, fat cigar was already in his mouth and he was lighting it up. It was like his hands didn’t belong to him anymore, his mouth either as hips lips wrapped themselves around the gar and began sucking out the first billows of smoke from its end.

He heard Ethan’s voice behind the door but his thoughts were racing too fast for him to even try making any sense out of what his friend was saying. There was something about it being a present from his master… fuck, he sure did have great taste in cigars, this one was just how he liked them… Scott opened his mouth and watched the white tendrils of smoke flying up towards the ceiling.

Even before he looked down he knew he was back in that place, back in that massive, furry body. He was sitting on a stool by the bar and had his pig kneeling between his legs. It looked so much different from the last time he saw it, but Scott still recognized it immediately. After all, it had been him who had fattened it up so much, forcefully feeding it gallons of his cum that now bloated up its belly. It was him who had placed that collar on its neck and ordered it to keep its head shaven as its beard grew out in every direction. And knowing that turned him on so much.

“Yeah, keep on working that cock pig, daddy’s fucking close!”

Everything felt so right about this, even this cruel, raspy voice coming out of his throat. He knew that Ethan used to be his friend, that forcing him to do this was wrong, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. To Scott, Ethan no longer existed, he hadn’t used that name in years, it was always ‘pig’ or ‘boy’ if the pig was obedient enough to his liking. It only existed to pleasure and worship him like it was doing now. It was his toy that had to be abused and punished for doing this to him, for turning him into this. He loved it now, but that didn’t change anything, it still deserved it.

Scott took out the cigar from the corner of his mouth and began chugging from the bottle he’d been holding inside his hand. The booze was cheap but strong enough to dull his thoughts for a couple more minutes, long enough to give that pig a good working over. He could see the diligence with which it was sucking on his cock, it was so hungry for his cum, but it wasn’t going to get it. Scott shoved it away from his crotch and started pumping his cock himself, he was going to unload it all over its fat, disgusting snout and leave it here for the rest of the night.

Everyone knew what being marked this way by him had meant and he was already looking forward to seeing the pig again in the morning. Finding out what state it will be in, making it recount all the abuse they put it through and then, once it thinks it’s over, repeating all of it himself. Fuck yeah, he will make it suffer, that’s exactly what this fucking pig needed, he was already so fucking close…

Oh god… Scott barely managed to snap out of this and didn’t know for how long… he found himself on Ethan’s bed with his back against the wall. The bottle of whiskey was laying beside him, completely empty, the cigar was almost finished as well, clamped inside his jaw, with all the other contents of the bag strapped over his body, or what used to be his body.

Now it belonged to that other him, to the cruel, bear master he was turning into. He was nearly there. That leather vest could barely contain his gargantuan chest as it continued to expand while his moobs and immense belly spilled out in every direction. Scott could hear his chaps starting to creak as his fat thighs filled them to their limit. The only thing left was to watch as these strands of grey continued to creep inside his beard and the furry pelt covering his body. Scott wanted so much to comb his fingers through it, but he couldn’t bring himself to let go of his cock.

He’d been mercilessly working it with all the strength he had left in his massive, furry arms since the moment he woke up. He was so fucking close, but a part of him was still trying to fight it. It made him open his mouth, probably in an attempt to beg Ethan to help him, for one last time, but what came out instead was only a thundering roar as his monstrous cock unleashed a torrent of bear cum over his chest.

The pig looked terrified when he broke through the door, but it still knew better than to try running from him. He grabbed its neck, pinned it to the floor and started plowing its ass. It began to squeal when he got to twisting its nipples but that only made him cum faster. Yet that single load didn’t make him feel any more inclined to stop, so he kept on thrusting his massive cock in and out of its hole, maybe a few more will, maybe a dozen. The only thing he knew was that he will keep at it, until either the pig gives out or he feels satisfied. This was who he was now, this was who it turned him into, a cruel, sadistic bear master whose entire life will now be dedicated to making sure it regrets what it’s done.