Nighmare At the Elm Street Gym, Porterhouse Gym Series

Ron’s story

Ron Gelvin had put more effort into the upcoming bodybuilding contest than he had in anything in his whole life. He had never worked so hard in college or at any job he had ever held. The man had lived for little else but the moment he would walk on stage for the past eleven weeks.

The 28 year old had been working out since his teens but had only competed twice before. The man had done poorly in his first two contests, embarrassingly so in fact. The first contest all his buddies from his home town had told him he was lean enough and then he showed up at the contest and realized he was ‘fat enough’. Compared to the other contestants he looked like a blimp. Sure he was big, strong, and muscled; one of the biggest guys in his gym in fact, which made him a bit of a star about the place. He was in for a surprise when he realized that there was more to winning a bodybuilding contest than being the biggest guy on the stage. The man figured that it wasn’t like he was entering the Mr. O contest and that his natural gifts for gaining muscle would make him a shoe in to place well in a local show. All his pals had agreed. Ron had only dieted for a month and had done little cardio before he gave the regional contest a try. The bodybuilder knew he was in trouble the minute he walked backstage and got a look at his competition. He overheard a comment behind him backstage when he pulled off his sweats. Someone mumbled, “That dude must not realize that the power lifting meet isn’t until tomorrow?” He glanced over his shoulder wondering who had made the wisecrack only to scan the room of men busy rubbing color into their skin and warming up. No one looked his way. Ron realized as he compared his build to the lean muscled builds around him that he looked more like a before picture compared to most of the studs around him. He placed around the bottom of the heap and was greeted by uncomfortable silence from his buddies who had witnessed his defeat. They all started talking at once about finding a pizza joint to eat at. No one mentioned his showing. Ron wanted to say, “I couldn’t have looked that bad”; yet at the same time knew he had.

Others might have avoided the contest stage after that but not Ron. He loved bodybuilding and made a promise to himself that he would do better next time. The next year he entered again determined to make a better showing. He started dieting four months out this time and had some impressive slabs of muscles as a result. The last week or two he watched as his weight continued to drop leaving the man flat looking. Only two of his oldest pals went to the show with him, this time. The year before there had been over fifteen making the trip. By the morning of the contest even though his friends pointed out and marveled over his deep cuts and ripped abs, Ron knew he was in trouble as he barely made his weight class. Sure the man placed better than the first try but it wasn’t the result he had planned on.

The highlight of the day was meeting Greg Porterhouse. Greg had won his heavyweight class and came in second in the overall. To Ron the man looked like he had stepped off the pages of a muscle magazine. Ron approached him to congratulate him on his placing and was happy to find the guy friendly and approachable. The two visited for a while and Greg gave him a business card and directions to his gym, telling him to stop in some day. A few days later Ron had joined the Porterhouse Gym and enlisted the big guy in helping him prepare for next year’s showing. Two months later Ron had changed jobs so he could move the thirty miles to the college town and was working at the gym as a trainer on the side.

Now it was less than a week to the regional contest. Under Greg’s tutelage Ron was in the best shape of his life. Every day brought more cuts and detail to his muscled body. The man couldn’t wait for the show that Saturday; he was going to kick ass. Ron had even driven back to his hometown that day to show his old training buddies his condition. They had always treated the hulk as if he was a god but when they got a load of him in such prime shape they were more than enthusiastic. They couldn’t get over the change in Ron over such a short time. The man had blown up since his last contest! Not only was the man covered with ripped deep muscle cuts but he had put on enough size to jump up a weight class. Soon people were snapping pictures and making plans to carpool to the show to root him on as they crowded around for a better look or to slap the big guy on the shoulders. The small town hulk got a workout in with his old buddies before heading for home. Once back in town he swung by Greg’s to get his second session of cardio in before going home.

Before bed, Ron had engaged in what had become a nightly routine as he poised in his bedroom before some mirrors he had affixed to panels so he could get a three sided view of his body. Ron had clamped a couple portable work lights to the top of the mirror and aimed them to where he stood poising in an effort to mimic the stage lights he would be doing his routine under. The rest of the room was shadowy.

The bodybuilder had always had big legs, huge thighs, and calves even as a kid playing football. It was as if when his adolescent growth spurt hit, an extra share of it had been contained below the waist. His first connection with weight training came as a seventh grader; a college student who was acting as an assistant football coach had brought the team into the high school weight room that summer to show them how to lift. His first day Ron had been able to out squat everybody on the team and all but the seniors on the high school team. By the end of the summer he was squatted as much as the short and thick assistant coach. This was the start of Ron’s reputation as a muscle stud and for the tall shy kid it was a revelation.

With Greg’s help he had brought up his upper body to match the size of his legs. Even going so far as to tame his leg routine, which had been difficult to do at first as Ron’s legs had always responded so easily to lifting, he naturally loved to work them hard.

Ron turned before the mirror and flexed every day noting the changes in his build that were resulting from his diet and extra cardio. As tired as he was from all the traveling that day, Ron could hardly make himself stop the muscle show. Dressed in a short pair of black spandex shorts that he now slept in, the big man kept shaking out his legs watching the mass of his thighs shift over his leg before he flexed causing the muscles to freeze and swell highlighting all the cuts and power packed into his thigh. The contest couldn’t come quick enough for Ron.

The bodybuilder was horned up all the time these days. He wasn’t sure if it was the juice he was using to help drop weight and cut up his muscles or what. He used to get off sometimes poising for himself but these days it was a nightly occurrence. The man couldn’t help but feel his hard cock straining at the waist band of his shorts. Ron grinned as he reached down and began to rub his dick through the spandex material. He dropped onto his bed and lay on his back. He freed his cock and balls from the tight shorts and rubbed one off, eventually shooting a heavy stream of cum over his ripped abs as he stroked his cock with one hand and rubbed the other over his rounded pecs. The bodybuilder loved being a muscle stud.

Ron fell asleep almost immediately on his back. He didn’t know how long he’d slept there but his snoring woke him up. His mouth felt dry. The bodybuilder opened his eyes and blinked. The room was dark but he had left the lights on over the mirror and it reflected brightly off the glass. He should get up and shut them off but he didn’t want to. Ron just wanted to sleep. Six o’clock would come soon enough and then another 45 minute session on the tread mill before breakfast. The man rolled over a bit to put the light at his back and was struck by a numb feeling in his nuts. He reached down to realize the waist band of his shorts were still hung up under his balls and had cut off his circulation. His balls felt like they were the size of lemons. Ron reached over and grabbed an old t-shirt and wiped the spunk off his belly and slipped his privates back into his shorts. His balls started to ache as the circulation began to improve. Ron rolled back on his back and opened his eyes again, then wondered how long it would take for the sensations to subside.

Ron caught some movement in the corner of his room near a window and glanced over. There was an easy chair in the corner and to his shock there was someone sitting in it. Even though it was in shadows, Ron could tell whoever it was he was big. The bodybuilder immediately thought of Greg. The two had become good friends and spent a lot of time together in and outside of the gym. Greg showing up in his bedroom in the middle of the night was odd but maybe not unexplained. Ron reached over and pulled a sheet over the top of him as his immediate thought was how long had he been there and whether the man had watched his muscle show and jack off session?

Ron rested his back up on the pillows on his bed and got a better look. The man in the chair had his head down and almost looked as if he was sleeping. He wore a long sleeved UA shirt that was white and red stripped, around and around his torso and arms. The shirt highlighted his huge muscle mass and made the freak look even wider and thicker. He wore black wind pants that were stretched over powerful legs. His feet were up on the footstool and crossed casually at the ankle with white sneakers. The man had a black ball cap clamped over his head, his face was hidden under the stiff bill.

“Shit Greg! What the hell are you doing here? You scared the piss out of me?”

Ron reached over at the clock. It was three in the morning. He glanced back over at his buddy as the man’s head slowly began to rise. It wasn’t Greg. As the reflected light illuminated the face of the hulk sitting in the chair, Ron realized it was a stranger. What was worse the man was horribly disfigured. His face was pocked and shrunken as if he might have been burned in a fire. His skin was shrunk over the muscles of his face.

“Who the fuck are you?” Ron barked as he tossed back the sheet on the bed and slid his legs to the side as he prepared to spring to his feet and throw the bastard through the window if need be. His heart was pounding and he could hear the blood pounding in his ears.

The man’s face broke into a big smile showing twisted and yellowed teeth. “Just a friend, here to help you prep for the big contest.”

“I don’t know you, you creepy bastard. How’d you get in here?” Ron pushed down on the mattress and started to stand as he watched the grinning man across the room. Before he barely had his ass off the bed, the stranger brought something to his mouth and began to blow into it. It looked like a black odd shaped balloon. The thing immediately took shape in the form of a man with arms and legs and a tiny head. The thing was about the size of the old time GI Joe dolls and the mouth of the balloon was over the figure’s belly. The figure looked to be bigger through the shoulders as well as the legs.

Ron felt locked in place as he sat back down on his bed watching the man in awe. Who was this freaking sitting in his bedroom inflating a small muscled doll in the middle of the night? This was nuts.

Almost immediately Ron became aware of a stiffening feeling in his arms and legs. He looked down at his own body as his muscles started to feel worn and pumped as if he was working hard in the gym. The bodybuilder rubbed his hand over his thigh hoping to relieve the cramped feeling in his muscles but the feeling grew and spread through his limbs. When he bent his arms the muscles felt so pumped that it cut off the circulation and soon his hands were numb and cold. He had noticed this effect before after a great arm workout when he cleaned up before going to work. Sometimes just bending his arms enough to shave or brush his teeth, the bloated muscles would make it hard to reach his face and his hands would tingle. But now he was just sitting there and hadn’t worked his arms since the week before. Ron’s eyes glanced up at the mirror in front of him. His tanned skin looked pink and he was shocked at how big his upper body looked. His pecs and shoulders and biceps looked enormous as if they were growing.

The bodybuilder looked back over at the freak blowing up the black balloon man across the room. The balloon now easily had the look of a bodybuilder with big arms and shoulders over a tiny waist. The figure’s legs looked stiff and bloated but shaped as if the muscles were blowing up with air as the legs pinched where its tiny knees would be. The freak continued to blow into his balloon.

Ron didn’t understand how but knew that his body was some how blowing up in unison with the magic balloon the man held. Just then the pressure in his ballooning thighs and calves over whelmed Ron’s knees and first the right leg and then the left sprung up off the floor and stuck out straight in front of him. The bodybuilder leaned back on his huge inflating arms to keep from falling back on the bed. His legs stuck out straight like a little child’s that were too short to reach the floor. Ron’s arms trembled as he looked over at the man and asked, “What are you doing to me?”

The man pulled the figure away from his lips and held the muscle man balloon out as he pinched the opening closed trapping all the air inside. The man grinned and said, “Just pumping you up a little. You got to love a good muscle pump!” The balloon’s limbs stuck out like a star fish and its too big torso and legs made it look like a football player. The man stuffed the balloon back to his mouth and resumed blowing into it.

Ron felt the pressure resume within his body. His shoulders grew broader and thicker. He could see his traps mounding up on top of his shoulders and his broad pecs looked ridiculously swollen. Ron’s arms trembled harder and then slid out from underneath him letting him fall back on the bed with a bounce. “Stop, you’ve got to stop this now!”

Ron’s mind raced as he pictured all his hard work going for naught as the freak blew his sculpted proportions all to hell.

He heard the man repeat a line he used at the gym nearly every day, “There’s no such thing as too much muscle!” Then again the inflation resumed. Ron’s dimpled chin pressed into his pecs as he lay on his back. His hands touched at his waist confirming what he feared. His tight waist and abs hadn’t changed, just his upper body and below his waist. Ron could feel his body rising up off the bed as he inflated and probing with stiffening arms he realized the his waist was making a bridge between the thickening mass of his back and his ballooning ass that now felt three feet thick. A cat could have walked under his too small waist without touching the bodybuilder.

It took a couple tries but Ron forced his body to roll up on his side. He tittered there feeling as if his shoulders were now six feet wide. He could see the freak blowing into a figure whose upper body now made his head look tiny in comparison. The balloon’s oddly muscle bound form looked like a human X with a head. “This is a nightmare!” Ron told himself. The thought was somehow reassuring. He would just wake up. Ron rolled over face down on the bed and started to push himself to his feet. He had to bounce a couple times but finally rose to his feet and stood up with his back to the man. “I’m gonna wake up and it will be over”, the inflated muscle stud told himself. He shifted around on his stiff legs and glanced over the big room to the man inflating the rubber muscleman. “Just stop doing that. I’m big enough.”

The freak grinned and his eyes shined but he shook his head in the negative and continued to force air into his magic balloon. The figure was trembling as if it was having trouble holding up to the inflation and a new thought entered the bodybuilder’s mind. He is going to pop the balloon and kill me! There was no way Ron could cross the room and pull the balloon from the man as swollen and stiff as his body was. “Stop! Please stop! Don’t POP ME!” Ron pleaded as he tried to make his clumsy body waddle toward the man.

The figure was grossly swollen with round mounds blistering its thick body and limbs and had stopped swelling. Ron’s own muscles felt wildly inflated as his fear grew. “Oh my god he is going to do it!? Ron turned his head slightly away in preparation for the explosion he expected to rip him to shreds but instead as the massive blown up figure popped with a loud BANG!; it and the odd man inflating it disappeared.

Ron stumbled forward and ran face first into the three panel mirror, catching himself before he fell to the floor. He hadn’t popped like a balloon but maybe even more upsetting he hadn’t woke up from his crazy dream either. The man’s heart was pounding and blood thumped in his ears. He pushed himself up right and took a step back. The side panels of the mirror now touched his too broad upper body. He jerked the panels a couple time forcing them into a wider spread. “Oh my god”, he said to himself as he looked at his reflection. The change was at once horrifying and amazing. The muscles of Ron’s upper body and legs looked wildly inflated while his ripped muscled waist had remained the same as if held in by some unseen corset. He looked like a parity of the bodybuilder ideal, waist too small to support all that mass; neck and shoulders so massively swollen as if any more growth might just suck his head down within the mass of bloated muscle never to be seen again. His arms and legs were so muscle bound to make movement extremely clumsy at best and nearly impossible at worse. Nobody can see me like this. Nobody can see me like this, he repeated to himself, as thoughts of being rolled out onstage blown up like this filled him with dread and fear. Nobody wanted to look like this! He was beyond freaky; he was scary looking as though he might pop at any moment.

And yet Ron had a raging hard on. It took some effort but he was able to force one hand into his shorts and shot a load almost at the moment his callused hand made contact with his cock. Ron was breathing hard. “It’s just a fucked up dream”, he tried to reason again. I’ll fall asleep and wake up and it will be over. The big man waddled over to his bed and dropped down on his face. He knew he would fall asleep after the second jo as soon as he hit the bed.

But he didn’t. Though he kept telling himself he was dreaming and would wake up, Ron couldn’t fall asleep. He was so uncomfortable. His circulation was terrible and his limbs and body tingled as he rolled first one way and then another with tons of pillows and bedclothes stuffed under him to support his head that now was surrounded by thick muscles. His chest and shoulders were so thick when ever his head slipped off the pillows it was unsupported and his neck ached. He laid there for a long time. Then he noticed the room growing lighter. It was nearly daybreak! Ron was growing increasingly panicked that he couldn’t wake from his wild nightmare.

The bodybuilder forced himself to his feet again and waddled to the bathroom. He had to force himself through the small door. Ron tried to avoid his reflection in the mirror. He turned on the shower and pushed through the door and stood under the showerhead. The once plentiful stream of water only splattered against his too wide body now. There was no way Ron could get his shorts off his inflated body so he just stood with them on under the shower as he tried to wake up. He reached up and turned off the hot water hoping it would some how jolt him awake. All he felt was cold. He stood under the freezing cold water until his teeth were chattering and his skin was turning blue. It was his only hope and Ron didn’t want to give up on it but finally he couldn’t take the cold anymore. He turned off the water and reluctantly stepped out of the shower.

Ron could see his comically inflated muscles straining against his skin as he stepped up to the mirror. Still telling himself it was all just a bad dream. The water deflected off his inflated body had soaked the room. As the exhausted man walked toward the sink his feet slipped out from under him. Ron fell on his back striking his head on the toilet as he fell. Everything went black.

Ron’s radio was playing ; blaring in fact. He opened his eyes. Thank god it was morning. Ron was still so tired but at least he’d wake up. His head ached. He wanted to reach back and touch the tender spot on the back of his head but his arms had fallen asleep and now felt like they weighed a ton. Ron was cold and wet! Ron’s eyes shot open he was laying on the bathroom floor in a puddle of water. “Oh no! It can’t be.”

The man felt his chin pressing into his chest. He tried to look down at himself but couldn’t. He could just see mounds of tanned flesh rising away from his face and felt as though he was lying on a bunch of balloons holding him suspended off the floor. It took some time to get up but the man knew what he would see in the mirror when he did. His muscles were still wildly bloated. Something was different though, Ron felt like he weighed a ton as if his wild growth had changed to real muscle. The bodybuilder glanced around the room before stepping up to his scales. He stepped up on the platform and had to bend over to see past his big pecs. The scale was mounted into the top of a post near his waist. It read 344 pounds. The bodybuilder’s muscles had not only blown up but the gain appeared to be real. Ron threw all the towels over him he could find and waddled into his bedroom. He didn’t know what to do. There was no way he could step on stage looking like this. How could he explain it? People don’t gain 100 pounds of muscle over night!

The bodybuilder glanced around the room until his eyes rested on his cell phone beside the bed. He picked it up and dialed the gym. Greg could help him. Greg was his only hope.