My Grizzly

Grizz is on top of me. His hot breath is coating the back of my neck lovingly as he continues to get more excited. The big man is rubbing his underwear covered hard cock into my ass crack. He’s forgotten that I’m there. The bear is only concentrating on the pleasure being offered by my tight cheeks as he slams his thick meat in the warm and juicy narrow space between. I’m not complaining, since my wanting hole keeps gaping open in hopes that the next thrust will penetrate the entrance of my love chute. Grizz has no intention of making this a ‘wham bam thank you ma’am’ quick fuck. He wants to make the foreplay last, even thought I know it’s not possible. He wants to make his dick ache badly for a milky release. He wants to rub his cock raw and make my ass pucker for him for hours.

My smaller body is plastered like a pancake into the mattress by his huge frame. He doesn’t give a shit that I might find it hard to support three hundred and eighty-seven pounds. He just keeps moaning every time the head of his fat cock squirms its way across my asshole, squeezing snugly into my bubble butt. His giant hands are wrapped around my thin wrists – holding my arms down as if he were doing all this against my will. But I’m in heaven when he takes me this way and he knows it. I love it when my Grizz uses me to get his rocks off – especially when he needs sexual release so desperately.

I feel his meaty supersized pecs and hard papa-bear gut pressing into my backside, the way a brick-sized paperweight might secure a tiny piece of tissue. I’m not going anywhere until he says I can – until his huge powerlifting muscle-packed body rolls off of me. Until then, there is a blanket of hardness and hot, sweaty beef covering me like a layer of brawny manliness. I find it hard to breathe, but I also find it too thrilling to care. There is a man-bear on top of me and he desires to use my body to get off more than he longs for anything in the world. We are beyond the point where I can do anything to stop the muscled beast from using me as his fuck toy. Again, I would have it no other way.

The huge man is conscious enough to not really hurt me. He loves me too much to cause me harm. He does, however, feel that any discomfort or even slight pain – that might be caused by his bombastic humping of my smaller physique - is part of our love journey together. The big man knows I want his dominance. He can sense from the way that my ass arches up to meet the brutal attacks from his cock that I need him to be rough – to claim me as his own like some wild animal finding its mate. Each time he plunges his thick rod and big balls into my amply cushioned ass my own cock stabs into the hard mattress and the rugged contact gives me more pleasure.

Since my head is turned sideways I find myself staring at his colossal sturdy biceps. It is the arm of a masterful man – or a giant bear that has worked out for all of his life. It’s not some shredded muscled arm – but more like the arm you’d expect to see on some strapping moose-like farm hand that easily lifts bales of hay with one hand or carries full-grown bulls above his head. I never tire of staring at Grizz’s muscular guns. I also notice the giant ring on his thick finger – a testimony to our love. I had been writing wedding thank you notes when he had come in to ‘request’ my presence in the bedroom – which basically meant he threw me over his shoulder and carried me there like a towel. I already knew he was horny, since earlier I had heard him watching his favorite website – one called ‘Twinks Mouthing Off.’ It was a soft-core porn site where small men said things to the camera as if they were encouraging their dominant lovers to ravage their bodies or, sometimes, as if they were challenging some larger man to a fight. Anytime Grizz was looking at this particular website it meant he was spurring on an already over-the-top sexual desire building up in his huge body. I never got jealous of the boys on the site because I knew they were just appetizers to the main course the big man had married and claimed as his own. My huge bear was actually constantly horny and he needed ways to relax his ‘want to fuck all the time’ tensed body. As it was, I barely got enough time to do anything since Grizz almost always needed to use me as his beating off boy-toy or just wanted to have his furry hot body wrapped around mine to show me how much he cared. The man couldn’t stand to be away from me for even thirty minutes if we were home together. I had no idea what he did to keep himself satisfied when we were apart for eight hours a day while he was at work, but I viewed it as time to build up my strength.

As soon as we started talking about marriage he had made it very clear that he did not want me working. He said he wanted to provide for me – to allow me to do all the things that made me happy. I realized later he secretly wanted me at home because he thought it would lessen the chance of other men hitting on me. The Grizz was insanely jealous and couldn’t even tolerate the thought of some guy looking at me with lustful eyes. I had been able to help the big man curtail his jealous fits of rage as we were dating – insisting that he not intimidate or ‘rough up’ guys that spoke to me, let alone came on to me – but I knew my man was a powder keg ready to explode if some dude actually ever made an overt pass. Luckily, the bear’s hulking size and his silent, but overbearing demeanor scared the crap out of every guy we met, so no one ever thought about messing with his boy. I kept the Grizzly’s beautiful cave neat, I volunteered for almost every charitable organization imaginable, and I satisfied every sexual need the handsome beast might get. We had the perfect life together. My brief daydreaming trip into our life together was interrupted by something that immediately brought me back to the present moment.

“Need to plow.”

Grizz was a man of few words. It was sometimes hard for me to believe he was the foreman of one of the largest trucking companies in the world. Surely, he had to speak a lot in that position. But, at home, the big man rarely spoke more than a few sentences – usually to give me the heads up that he was about to do something or to say he loved me. Sometimes though, late at night in the bedroom after a bout of intense sex and right before he fell fast asleep, my giant would speak from the heart and share with me more than I’m sure he had ever shared in his life. That’s how I learned he had been born big – almost a full fifteen pounds – and that he had never stopped growing until he was around forty. He did, however, still pack on muscle as easily as a super magnet attracted bits of metal. Because he had grown up huge and unnaturally powerful, Grizz had always been a loner. He says he figured out he was gay when he was only four, because of an intense attraction he had to his burly uncle Jack, and I believe him. The big dude had his first orgasm when he was only seven and I’m sure it was because he was so big and in ‘sexual overdrive’ mode even at that early age. He wouldn’t tell me how old he was when he seduced his big uncle and had sex for the first time, but he did tell me that he fucked the older man senseless and came about five times during that night. I was shocked to hear that his Uncle Jack wasn’t gay and that it was only after getting him plastered on whiskey and easily wrestling him to the ground that his elder relative gave up his virgin ass. Grizz said his uncle was just too blown away by his nephew’s size and strength. Suddenly feeling the tremendous weight of my husband lifting off of me as he reached down to shove his briefs around his enormous thighs brought me back to reality.

I felt the hefty plump head of Grizz’s cock push against my hole – not ready to penetrate - just making sure I was getting excited for what was coming. I let out a long groan of appreciation and anticipation to let my big man know he could start any time he wished. My tight ass immediately knew what was coming and it quivered in fright and delight at the same time. Since having sex with Grizz I had come to appreciate the Bible verse about a camel passing through the eye of a needle in new ways. My asshole was like the opening of the needle and the huge man’s cock was definitely like the big desert animal squeezing through. I somehow was able to open myself to the invasion of something so gigantic and, yet, so pleasurable that the Grizz-man actually thought I might be some kind of wizard. I told him it was simply that I wanted him inside me so much that I suffered through the initial pain and joyously accepted the incredible pleasure his huge piece of meat would finally offer. Again, the fat dick head pushed against the small opening between my cheeks. This time I sucked in air loudly and the big beast on top of me growled in anticipation of what was about to give him much gratification.

Grizz’s breathing was even harder and the sweat covered fur on his chest felt even more satisfying as it slid powerfully up and down against my back. My husband was also now sucking on my earlobe and neck with so much force it seemed he was trying to lap up my cum through that part of my body. I was completely immobilized by his huge body and massive arms. When, finally, one mighty thrust of his crotch pushed the sizable mushroom top of his cock through the tightened door of my anal cavity, I was so eager for his plowing that I barely noticed the severe pain its hugeness caused. I craved him to be inside me even more than I needed food or water. This is when I felt whole and complete, as soon as Grizz’s colossal piece of meat started to force its way into my taut chute. Like I said earlier, I had no idea how I opened my hole enough to accept his substantial meat log, but I was overjoyed by the thrill it gave me as soon as the pain disappeared. The big man on top of me cried out in utter ecstasy and pushed deeper into my body. He sounded like some ancient warrior going into battle. I surrendered completely and the chasm within me was pushed open beyond my wildest dreams. This was not my first time at the rodeo or the initial time on this particular immense bull, but it always felt like I was a virgin being freshly plowed. I could sense that Grizz felt the same way. His thick engine chugged back and forth through my tunnel nice and slow, at first, but then he became like a wild beast and fucked me in the way that I yearned for.

Our master bed creaked loudly, as if it was crying out from the abuse. Grizz’s cock pulled my body upward as he thrust his crotch backward and then I was slammed back into the mattress as soon as he pushed back in – causing all the air to be forced from my body. The crazy thing was that neither of us could take this kind of intense pleasure for very long. We both desperately tried to hang on as long as we could, but the pounding was too raw and much too thrilling. I actually held out longer than Grizz, but I was convinced that it was only because he was too sexually super charged to prevent himself from exploding. It was like a circuit had to give because the surge of power was so strong that nothing could contain it. The man’s huge cock just filled up too quickly and was like a dam being burst by floodwaters. I never got used to the amount of cum my husband could spew up into my body. The giant came for a few minutes straight – never letting up on the hammering into my ass. I usually started squirting around halfway through his orgasm, as if I wanted us to end at the same time. The big man usually pumped out a few more rounds after my cock was spent - and tonight was no different. I could feel warm juice still streaming into my chute as Grizz finally let his entire weight crush me into the bed. We lay there for about a half a minute – until I started to need air and his heartbeat was finally back to normal. That’s when my husband rolled off of me and I quickly gasped for air.

It took a while for the numbness of my flattened body to disappear. I turned my head to look at Grizz, lying on his back next to me and still breathing very hard. I loved watching his massive hairy chest heave up and down as he recovered from ejaculation. I was proud that I could cause him to lose his breath in this way. I ignored that it was taking a lot longer for my body to recover – since making him happy was all I wanted to do. The behemoth could sense that I was looking at him. He turned his head and smiled at me, gazing into my eyes. Grizz then leaned in and gave me a loving kiss. It was long and sensual, both of us purring with satisfaction as we each started to get hard again. He finally pulled his face from mine and I could tell that he wanted to do some sharing. I turned onto my side and lifted my head up onto one of the pillows – and waited, since I knew it was hard for the big man to talk this way. Grizz turned to look up at the ceiling again. There was a long pause and then his deep gruff voice spoke.

“I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my entire life. I’m also the luckiest guy in the world.”

I knew I wasn’t supposed to respond. This was his moment and he didn’t need affirmation or me trying to top his declarations. He knew I loved him and he wasn’t insecure in any way. I just lay there and waited for him to continue. I could tell he was concentrating – choosing his words carefully. My love for the muscular bear suddenly deepened even more.

“Marrying you was the best thing I ever did. I want you more now than I even did that first day we met at the diner. I thought you were really cute but I didn’t know how I might get a chance to speak to you - but then you couldn’t get the top off of your ketchup bottle. I just leaned over and offered some assistance. It only took two fingers for me to open it, but that little introduction was powerful enough for us to finally come to this point – sharing our lives together forever. I just want you to know that there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make you happy. I hope you know that. I just want you to be as fulfilled as I am.”

“I am, Grizz.”

“Good . . . good. I’m glad to hear it. You deserve to be happy. You deserve the world.”

“I’ve got something better than anything in the world, big man. I have you.”

“And I’m not ever letting you go . . .”

Grizz’s eyes were closed and I could tell he was near sleep. The oversized beast just wanted me to know how much he loved me, nothing more. My heart was bursting with joy. As his breathing became deep and rhythmic – a sign that he was fast asleep – I realized he was the second luckiest man in the world, only because I was actually the first.


Grizz is out working on his truck. I walk out with a glass of lemonade and the big man looks like some muscled mechanic from a porno – white t-shirt smeared with grease and his huge body bulging out everywhere. He grins at me – his silent way of saying thanks – and then grabs the glass with one of his huge hands, which engulfs the large plastic tumbler. My husband downs the drink in one gulp. Grizz is hot and pumped – and I’m very aware of where that always leads. His arms are pulsing with power, the big wrench in his hand makes it clear that he’s been tightening parts of the motor and that always gives his biceps a great workout. I glance at his crotch and see that his other giant tool is certainly not sleeping. Strenuous muscle activity is like foreplay to my big man. He sees me staring at the thick hard log in his jeans and he smiles at me like an innocent boy. The grin quickly turns a little mischievous and I immediately know what is coming. The bear wants to play with his boy toy.

The big plastic cup drops to the ground, ice spilling out. His two hands grab me roughly at my shoulders and spin me around. I instantly feel a huge rush of euphoria race through my body. Of course, I brought the lemonade out knowing full well it would lead to this. I am in heaven. My body is pulled into the hard gut and mega pecs of the huge man – but it’s the hard pole in his pants that I feel first – smacking up against and then pressing into the top of my ass and my lower back. Grizz’s giant paws are suddenly latched onto my flat, boy-like chest. Even through my t-shirt he is able to capture my jutting nipples between his forefinger and second finger. The hard nubs are instantly squeezed and pulled slightly from my body – my frame follows the tug, helpless against the man’s strength. The pain is intense, but the pleasure is even better. My big man leans over my small shoulder to look down at my crotch. He has learned that the quickest way to make me hard is from harsh nipple play. It’s one of his favorite things to do – squeeze my nipples tight and see my cock blast to full mast. My body reacts to his foreplay as if it has no choice. My dick instantly presses against the crotch of my shorts – completely hard in seconds. The big man behind me grunts in appreciation - his exhale causing warm air to blast down on my shoulder as if a ready-to-charge bull were behind me, which is exactly what he is. I actually feel his giant piece of meat jerk a few times into my back – that’s how turned on he is by his power over my cock.

Grizz loves playing my body like I am some kind of fine instrument, built for his pleasure – and he plays me masterfully. The first night we ever slept together he spent the entire time leading up to our first orgasm finding out everything that pleased me – nipple abuse, his tongue running up the inner part of my thighs, my balls being sucked on hard, deep throated kisses, hot breath and kisses on my neck, tongue play on the tip of my dick and so much more. It was like the man wanted to memorize everything that turned me on so he could use it expertly on future dates together – and that’s exactly what he did. But the biggest thing he learned that first night was that I love my sex rough – and this couldn’t have pleased the behemoth more. He didn’t just lightly pull at my nipples, he literally latched on to them and pulled my body upward hard enough to make my feet come off the ground by the truck; held me there for a few seconds, and then dropped me like I was a sack of potatoes. My entire chest raged with pain, but I didn’t care. The direct connection between my jutting plugs of meat and my juiced up balls and cock was way too thrilling to worry about pain. Grizz knew if he played with my nips long and hard enough he could easily get my hard rocket to shoot off in my pants. He had done it numerous times before and my body was defenseless against his masterful control of me. Today, however, my huge bear wanted to play a lot longer – and with many more parts of my insanely titillated body. His words were the only sign of what was to come.

“I’ll buy you a new shirt.”

That was the simple and short warning I got of his next move, but a longer lead-time wouldn’t have mattered anyway. Grizz was now focused on one thing and one thing only – using me to service his need for release and getting my rocks off at the same time. It wasn’t like the big man thought about my enjoyment when we were in the middle of pleasing him; he just knew that I came hard while he manhandled me as his jerk off toy. It was true – I had never once been able to hold back a titanic ejaculation when the bear moved into one of his ‘I’m not stopping until I get off’ single-focused trances. I knew all the telling signs of him moving beyond the point of stopping – heavy breathing, beast-like growling, no talking, and a certain lack of awareness that he was controlling my entire body as if I were just a rag in his big paws. My shirt being ripped away from my body with one quick jerk of his manly, calloused hand brought me back to the present moment. I knew there would be three new t-shirts lying on the bed tomorrow evening – the man would want to make up for ruining the one that now lay on the ground in shreds. This happened all the time. I told him constantly not to purchase me any new ones because I had a ton already, but he never heard. Grizz just wanted to make sure I was taken care of and he felt a little guilty about destroying my clothes. I, of course, didn’t mind. I knew it was all part of the intense foreplay and loved every ‘the beast can’t control himself’ moment.

Now that my upper torso was uncovered, the pleasurable abuse increased. Grizz cupped my slim chest and pulled my body inward and upward. My feet left the ground as my entire frame slid up the big man’s front. I felt his big cockhead slide down my lower back and then underneath my bubble butt. Even through his pants and mine I could feel the hardness of his thick mushroom-shaped tip poking into my ass crack. It was like I was sitting on a living pointed stool. His enormous hands continued to hold my body tight against his hard swollen pecs and his granite-like bear gut. He also continued to squeeze my nipples between his fingers – by now the chunks of meat were so abused that I no longer felt pain, only jolts of pleasure each time he clamped down tightly. My husband usually liked to keep me in this position for a long time – my ass giving his stiff cock pleasure as he bounced me up and down on the tip, my warm body pressed up against his chest and stomach, my hard nipples giving his rough fingers something to play with, my feet dangling off the ground, and my moans of pleasure making it clear I was just as happy with the physical arrangement as he was. I don’t have any idea what Grizz thought about during moments like this, but I believe he didn’t concentrate on anything except the pleasure my body was giving his. I think he entered into some kind of sexual la-la land where the only thing that mattered was working his cock into an orgasmic frenzy and then finally forcing it to explode in a mind-blowing release. That’s what actually happened to me, as well.

Grizz was leaning against his truck as he held me and I could hear the springs of the big thing creaking loudly as he pumped his body into mine – causing a joyful rocking motion in the big vehicle. There wasn’t a part of this truck that we hadn’t fucked in or on – the hood, the roof, the bed, across the front seat – you name a spot and it more than likely had been covered by a mixture of our hot spunk once or twice. Sometimes, it was just a quick bend my body over the hood as the big man plowed me, but other times we made the old Chevy rock back and forth something fierce as we got it on like rabbits. Our first time had been in Grizz’s truck. We had barely made it out of the diner before the big man scooped me up in his arms, threw me down on the seat through the driver’s door, and had his pants down around his ankles, only closing the door behind him as an afterthought. I screamed like a baby the first time his huge cock was roughly stuffed up my ass. No one came near the truck to see what was going on, though, because the growling from Grizz was so loud that people probably thought there was a giant beast in the cab. They had no idea how right they were! I remember it taking about twenty minutes for my chute to start feeling pleasure from the huge invasion that first time. I was pretty sure I would never walk again. It was the most intense pain I had ever felt in my entire life, but when it turned to cock-induced bliss I was hooked for life. No man had ever fulfilled me that way. The orgasm and the ear splitting moan that erupted from the big man lying on top of me clearly showed that this fuck session was a special moment for him, as well.

Earlier, inside the diner, I had realized there was something special about Grizz. I had been struggling with the top of a ketchup bottle for a few minutes when out of nowhere this giant man-paw came over my shoulder and took the container from me. I turned to see what the massive hand was connected to and was instantly blown away. Sitting at the table behind me was the largest fur covered burly man I had ever seen. I know my mouth dropped open in shock and I let out a loud whimper of disbelief. The worn out flannel shirt the giant was wearing did nothing to hide the huge muscles poking out all over his body. The shirt was unbuttoned below the massive hairy pecs – I think because the damn thing couldn’t be buttoned because of the huge chest – and the guy had on a white tank top with tufts of dark hair and half-dollar sized circles visible through the material. Heavy fur stuck out over the top of the material, as well. Massive biceps ballooned out to the guy’s sides and they looked powerful and super masculine – not like a fitness model or bodybuilder, more like an old time circus strongman. And then there was the beautiful power gut – the stomach of a man that eats a lot food and drinks a lot of beer, but still exercises his abdominals intensely. You could tell – even through the shirts, that the guy had the hard, ridged belly of a muscle bear. It was the kind of look I loved more than anything in the world. It was the kind of look that screamed raw power and demanded instant respect.

The big man placed two fingers on the cap of the bottle and easily twisted the thing off in one try. He then handed the bottle back to me without saying a word. I fumbled with some semblance of the phrase ‘thank you’ and continued to sit there – bottle in hands – staring at the guy. His bearded older face and his dark green eyes mesmerized me almost as much as his body did – but not quite. I didn’t move and he said nothing. There was suddenly a new sparkle in his eye and he signaled to the waitress – pointing to my plate, still full, and the three empty plates on his table. With me still aghast at what sat at the neighboring table, the big bear paid for my meal and his. When he stood up I dropped the ketchup bottle to the floor and it shattered, sending red sauce everywhere. I had to lean my head so far back to take in the giant that stood before me it had simply been too much for me to handle. I lost control of my body. The big man smiled at the waitress and she said something like ‘it happens every time, Grizz,” but I wasn’t sure. The big man didn’t say a word, he just nodded at the woman and she broke into a big smile. The colossal beast then turned back to me and jerked his head toward the door. I have no idea how I did anything, but I immediately realized what he was insinuating, no ordering, and I stood and walked toward the entrance. The big hand that shocked me earlier reached out and opened the door for me when I got there – the sign of a true gentleman. Once outside, I instantly knew which vehicle my muscled, ketchup-savior owned. It was huge, it was rough looking, and it was beautiful. I walked to it instinctively and I heard the heavy man thundering behind me. As I said earlier, a big hand basically lifted – no, tossed me into the cab of the vehicle and the rest is history. When the fucking was over and I had creamed all over the big man’s seat he spoke for the first time.

“Thanks. Taking you to my place.”

Without even waiting for a response or pulling up his pants, the muscled bear started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot. I was in such ecstasy from what had just plowed my tight ass that I lay there curled up on the seat and simply accepted the fact that I could in no way stop this man from doing anything he wanted. I gasped a little from pain, but mostly from the shock, when the big man’s forefinger found its way into my tender asshole. The big man wanted to continue playing with me as he drove. I realized then and there he viewed me as his toy, but even much more at the same time. He quickly brought me immense pleasure with his thick finger and my cock was fully hard again. I reached back without looking and was amazed when my own hand easily found his monster pole sticking straight up – as hard as cement. Plowing my ass with his finger was enough to get the guy’s huge sex motor running on overdrive again. We stayed intertwined this way until we reached his smallish farmhouse on the edge of town. The oversized man clearly had some money – he owned about seven acres and a refurbished two-bedroom comfy home. After putting the vehicle in park he removed his finger from my chute with a loud pop and then pulled up his pants before exiting the truck. I pulled my own pants up and then moved to a sitting position – just in time for my door to be opened by the big man and my small body to be scooped up into his huge arms. The behemoth carried me into the house and set me down in the middle of his large living room.

It was obvious the bear didn’t know what to do next. He had gone on gut instincts at the diner and knew he had to have me, but once we were at his place he was unsure of what he should do. I, however, was not unsure. I looked at the huge man and fully recognized I was in love. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anyone in my entire life. I reached over and undid the button on his jeans. I then slowly undid the zipper and shoved the pants and the underwear down his giant thighs, not realizing it would be so hard to get the material even halfway across the expanse of his muscled upper legs. When my eyes feasted on the humongous thing that had been inside me earlier and that I had held in the truck as I recovered, I moaned in awe. The big man was packing a piece of meat that not only was huge beyond belief, but also was gorgeous as hell. I focused on the beautiful fat head of his cock – large and perfectly mushroom-shaped. I wasn’t much for looking at or drooling over cocks, I just loved them ramming inside of me, but this one was perfect. I knelt before the muscled god and reached up to pull his stiff cock down, noticing immediately how much resistance the thing gave my hands. I leaned in and kissed the mega head pulsing in front of me. The colossal man’s body turned into one big quivering mass, just the kind of response I was hoping for. His rod felt like the thick end of a baseball bat in my grasp. I stared at the long fat shaft and was again thrilled and amazed at what hung between this man’s legs and by the fact that I had taken the thing in my hole. A massive hand engulfed the entire back of my head and led me back to the purplish mushroom tip. This time I opened my mouth wide and let the giant thing slide into the welcoming slippery opening. I had always been a pro at cock sucking, but my champion skills were really put to the test with the monstrous thing that poked down my throat. I swallowed slowly and allowed the man’s member to snake into me deeper and deeper. I could tell by the man’s gasp and the way he held his breath that my abilities impressed him, as well as bringing him much satisfaction. His dick was the sward and my throat was the sheath where it nestled snuggly and with much pleasure. I really had no choice about accepting his entire manhood because the giant hand forced my head slowly down without any problem. I wouldn’t have been able to resist the powerful push even if I had wanted to. When my lips and nose nestled into the thick fur surrounding the base of his cock I was full of pride – as well as very shocked – that I had actually been able to swallow the whole thing. My pride wasn’t even close to the excitement my sucking talents caused in his body. The man of very few words found the strength to share his feelings – even if it was short on sentiment.

“Feels good.”