My Ever-Growing Boyfriend

My Ever-Growing Boyfriend

Nick’s asleep now. I can’t believe how big he is. His body’s incredible. His strength keeps going up and up. He won the national powerlifting championship title, and broke 4 wold records. He is the strongest man most anyone has ever seen. And yet, he keeps getting stronger. His body keeps growing bulkier and bulkier.

Nick had always wanted to become a massive 400 pound powerlifter. He had fantasized about those men. Now he’s blown even past even 400 pounds. He’s the biggest lifter in the sport. I don’t know which of us is more turned on by it.

He hits the powerliting gym three times a week, and a regular gym for two other days. He’s got a group of followers now. Groupies I call them. I go with him sometimes. I’m in awe of how strong he’s become. When we go out, we attract a lot of attention. I love it when people’s eyes bug out when they see him. He’s the biggest gay dude anyones ever seen. His arms recently hit 25” around. Nick plays it to the hilt too. At a gay bar went up to this gaggle of really bearish guys and asked them if the foot there was good. He wanted so badly for them to make a comment. Their eyes went wide seeing him. He was already so much more bearish than any of them. HIs hulking wide shoulders, beefy chest and huge belly. His heavily bearded face. His thick chest hair. I had a beast of a boyfriend, and they all wanted him.

Three hundred pounds ago the muscle bear crowd might not have paid him much attention, but now they just stood frozen trying to take in all of Nick’s bulk. He dwarfed them all now. He was so much bigger than all of them, and they couldn’t stop from admiring his size, commenting on his arms, and huge shoulders. He always attracted a crowd now. 6’1” and somewhere over 500 pounds of overblown beef. I could tell Nick loved it. He loves to hear people comment on his body. They’re just in awe. He joked about the guys as we sat down to the first lunch. “Guess I must not be big enough,” he said as he shoveled in another burger.

I love him, and I love his hulking body. I get hard just watching him saunter around, his heavy footsteps. His back grown so wide that this huge arms are pushed well out to his sides. It almost scares me to see how big he’s becoming. I love helping him eat, encouraging him to grow, injecting him with the insane cocktail of new drugs thats blowing him up bigger and bigger…..and I know I’ll really get off on helping him more and more… But who knows what could happen. What if he doesn’t stop growing? What if he gets gets so big he actually starts to lose mobility?

I remember the day he hit 300. I was so proud: I had helped him pack about a hundred pounds of muscle and fat on him in less than a year. Obviously this crazy new cocktail of steroids and experimental drugs was helping…. And it seemed to make growing him not very hard. The drug combination was really seeming to pack on mass for him pretty effortlessly, and incredibly quickly. As his body grew larger and larger with each week, he had to keep buying new clothes. First XLs, then XXLs, then by the time he was 300 he was up to XXXLs. Nick loved it. He loved being huge, getting huge.

His parents and all of our friends really freaked out. He went from normal gym rat to enormous powerlifter in just a few months. I expected the intense shock from some people to possibly dampen Nick’s enthusiasm, but it almost seemed to make him more determined. People telling him he had to slow down, and that he was getting too big pissed him off and made him want to eat with a vengeance.

When we met he was already muscular, he had been a gymnast in his high school and college years. And he had turned to lifting and grown to around 200 pounds. But Nick had truly huge dreams, and was looking for someone to help him gain. As soon as he became the guinea pig for a set of new mass-gaining drugs, he became determined to go into the truly big leagues. He wanted to get the most he could out of this new, experimental steroid. And boy, he really has.

The night we celebrated 300 I couldn’t stop my wonderment of how big and beefy he had become in such a short amount of time, and how huge he felt when we cuddled. He seemed to get larger by the day. As ran my hands over his bulging beefy body he said he didn’t ever want to stop growing bigger, stronger and beefier. Neither did I. The steroids increased his libido and his body hair. His whole physique morphed from young gym rat into huge, hulking, overblown hairy bear of a man in such a short amount of time.

He wasn’t fearless though. When he passed 350 things started changing. Nick was starting to have problems at work. His boss gave him less and less to do. People chided him for taking steroids. Nick believed that until one day he was in the bathroom stall (the urinal wasn’t an option at this point, his shoulders already grown too wide) and overheard two of his co-workers talking about what a freak he was turning into. I tried to be sympathetic to Nick, but I could also see how watching a guy double in size could be a little freaky. They said even clients were starting to comment. The steroids had started to change his face too. His jaw became more prominent, his brow grew heavier and his eyebrows thicker. His nose seemed to grow a little too. This cocktail of drugs was turning him into a huge brute… and Nick loved every minute of it.

At first Nick was furious. Then depressed. He even thought about losing weight. I felt like I was holding my breath during that time. I didn’t want to see him lose an ounce, but I also didn’t want to pressure him into anything. I told him I’d support whatever he wanted to do, though secretly I despaired of seeing my beautiful over-bulked lover slowly cut down his bulk.

He talked of suing, but decided he could actually do more damage by quitting and taking some major clients with him. That would also allow him to work from home. He said afterwards it was the best thing that could have happened in the long run. I agreed and imagined the day when… well today.

When Nick starting working from home, his weight soared. I stayed at home too, so I encouraged him to eat everything I fed him. I could barely keep food in the house. I think I was at the grocery store almost every day. It was incredible. We had to get specially tailored shirts for him. XXXLs didn’t cut it anymore, and his shoulders and chest were getting so thick and huge that even those shirts had become tight. Now things were going to have to be custom made for my giant bear of a man.

The only other “incident” we’ve had was right after we celebrated 400 pounds. His parents were in town and we were taking them around to the tourist things. Well actually I ended up doing it. Nick had outgrown most standard tourist attractions by that point. Nick had written them in a letter that he’d bulked up a lot, that he was even bigger than the last time they’d seen him. We’d hoped to prepare them for how big Nick had gotten and take some of the shock out of their arrival. But I guess nothing could’ve prepared them for seeing their only son three times the size he used to be. Even though they’d seen him very beefy already, they still thought of him as the all-American jock he was in high school--hardly the over 400 pound overblown bear he had turned himself into. Gone was the clean-shaven boyish son. Here was a hulking, hairy brute of a man they hardly recognized.

His parents could hardly believe what an enormous beast of a man their son had transformed into. Last time they had seen him he was already large and bearded, but now his face had still retained some of that boyishness. Now he was heavily bearded and his facial features had turned almost harshly masculine. His voice deepend.

While his father seemed both oddly proud of his son’s size and record-setting strength, he also seemed concerned for his son’s heath, and for the drugs that were undeniably transforming him. His mother was less enthusiastic. “What have you done to my boy?...My son is a monster” she said, almost holding back tears. Nick’s dad consoled his wife, but Nick was definitely shaken by seeing his mother almost cry over his size and shape.

For a while after their visit, Nick hesitated about continuing with the cycle of drugs he had been taking. He wanted to be the biggest man in powerlifting, but he also didn’t want to be “a monster” like his mother had said he was. I of course supported him, and told him how hot he looked. How sexy he was. Eventually he re-embraced his dreams to be the biggest, strongest man in the country, hell the whole world at this point . Besides me, his powerlifting entourage at the gym pushed him on… and they were growing themselves. Blake, his 300 pound powerlifting buddy, was really starting to balloon up after he and some other guys started taking the same cocktail of drugs as Nick. Nick jokes about it- saying if he doesn’t keep growing, the other guys would out-grow him.

Nick’s successes didn’t go unnotticed. He got promotion details, he was on TV. There was a documentary some guys made about him. I got to be in it to, as a giant gay powerlifer is I guess sort of unusual. They followed him around his gym. He’s gotten a whole bunch of people following him now. He even set up an instagram page for his gym stuff. He’s… well, kinda a big deal in the world of powerlifting. A big deal who is also the love of my life.

Nick tells me other dudes are starting to take the same drugs that he has, and that it was just a matter of time before some other dude would get even bigger than him. Nonetheless, he still wants to reign as the biggest and strongest for as long as he can. 600 pounds is coming in the near future.

Today, I’m sitting here unable to believe how big he’s gotten. I know it’s what he wants. And it’s such a sexual high to know that I’ve created this massive beast of a man. He’s asleep now. His post-workout nap. It’s amazing how sexy I find this man who’s so massive and strong that he’s likely to win the national powerlifting competitions this year. Even now that the competition has access to the same drugs, and is starting to get bigger and bigger, he has a leg up on them. He started growing huge before they did, and he’s still getting bigger. He can barely fit through doorways now. Look what I’ve turned this former gymnast into: a beautiful, immense mountain of a man. His body bulging everywhere. Every inch of him radiating strength and power.

His friends stopped by recently. They haven’t seen Nick in a couple months. Jack said to me last time he was here that Nick doesn’t even look much different to him any more, just bigger, just expanding. I guess that’s true. If we keep doing the injections, theres no telling how enormous he’ll become. He could hit 600 pounds pretty soon if his growth keeps up.

I started training with him more regularly. Just being around him in the last year I’ve really bulked up. I’ve put on almost 50 pounds, a mix of muscle and fat. I guess its easy to forget how big 250 pounds actually is when your boyfriend is actually freakishly huge. Not sure how I gained so much over the last year - perhaps it was just that my sense of a normal portion size transformed along with my boyfriend. Maybe something from that insane cocktail of drugs Nick was taking was extending its influence to me…

Its hard to think that I was ever bigger than Nick. When we had met, I outweighed him by 5 or 10 pounds. Now I’m up to 250. I’ve had to get a whole new wardrobe. Nick is trying to convince me to try the injections… and I think I will, once the nationals are over. I told him he can blow me up over 300 pounds if he wins nationals. The idea of him growing me like I’ve helped him grow is starting to turn me on.

My boyfriend is a behemoth, and I don't want to completely dwarfed (or crushed!) by him. So I’ve decided I need to be more than half his size...and seeing how he’s transformed just makes me want to undergo the same process...

I can't wait till he wins nationals this year. I know he will… and I think I’ll start taking injections pretty soon regardless.