Muscle Pig

Muscle pig, by Feeder86 (

Chester didn’t know whether he had spotted Ben’s massive arms first, or the even larger fried pork sandwich that he was eating. Either way he had been captivated from first sight. Ben was a tall and broad young guy who had clearly been working hard to bulk up at the gym. His chest was broad, with large, thick pecs visible under his tight t shirt; his shoulders were massive and well developed, under his thick neck and his biceps bulged against the short sleeves. He sat in his chair, with his thick, meaty thighs spread wide apart, his other arm carrying a beer and resting on his thick and yet still muscular stomach. Chester could barely take his eyes off him. Sure, he was a good looking guy, but how could anyone be that sexy when they were just eating a rather large sandwich?

“Wow, he’s hot!” Chester marvelled, as his friend Marie sat down next to him and noticed his attention to be wandering.

“Who? Ben?!” asked Marie. “You’re in to that?” she asked, surprised. “I mean, he used to be hot when we were in college, but he’s gone a bit too muscly for my liking now. I hate it when guys do that,” she explained dismissively.

“Too muscly?” Chester scoffed. “There’s no such thing as too muscly!” he chuckled, checking out Ben’s biceps once again, as he lifted the large sandwich to his mouth for another monstrous bite. “You were in college with him?”

“Yeah, he’s a nice guy. I’ve never been in to him though,” Marie hastened to add. “He has to eat something like 4000 calories a day to stay in that shape. He’s one of those typical guys who girls throw themselves at. He’s had more girls than the rest of the football team combined!”

“Because he’s so hot?” Chester asked, almost salivating at the sight of Ben.

“Oh behave!” Marie laughed. “But I don’t think you’re his type sorry,” she continued, following Ben’s gaze across the room to a girl Chester did not know. Chester followed his gaze too, seeing that Ben was, clearly checking out the ass of the mystery girl whilst supping on his beer. “And he knows she has a boyfriend!” Marie tutted. “Not that that has ever stopped him in the past! I love him, but man that guy can be a pig!”

Chester pouted. Why did all the hot guys have to be straight? He himself was slim, toned and pretty-looking with his longer brown hair that framed his features perfectly; but even despite his relatively high ranking on the gay man pecking order, he only ever seemed to attract other twinks like himself when it came to boyfriends. What he hungered for was a real man.

It turned out that Marie had been right. Chester watched Ben for the rest of the evening as he slowly made his moves on the girl; a little brush of his hand across her arm, a little arm around her waist, a full hand on the butt he had been admiring. Then, before anyone but Chester could notice, Ben was leading her off, out of the party and back to his place. Lucky girl! Chester thought jealously.

Marie was Chester’s only link to Ben, despite finding his profile on several social media accounts and quietly stalking him from a distance. However, it was a full six months before they met again for Marie’s celebration dinner. She had just got a promotion at work and had spontaneously decided to go out for dinner at her favourite buffet place with as many of her friends who were available at such short notice. And so it was that eight of them crowded around a large circular table. However, it wasn’t until everyone else had been there for twenty minutes, that Ben strutted in. At full height he was impressively intimidating. Clearly just on his way back from the gym, he was wearing loose shorts and a sleeveless shirt that once again showed off his incredibly huge arms. Chester’s jaw nearly dropped. He did not remember Ben looking so massive last time. Every muscle in his body seemed larger and bulkier. His wide, muscular ass popped out behind him, leading down to two thicker, meatier thighs. But most surprising of all was the meaty stomach Ben had underneath his mountainous pecs, hard and curved under the tight shirt. Chester felt his cock stand to attention immediately at the sight of him. “Move over,” Ben demanded as soon as he got to the full table, nudging Chester and the girl he was sat next to away from each other to make room for himself. Chester could smell the sweat from Ben’s workout as he stretched himself out into the large void that had to be made to cater for his massive bulk. Chester couldn’t believe his luck; he was sitting next to the huge hulk.

It turned out that, despite the amount of times Chester had dreamed about being in a situation like this, Ben did not make the best dinner companion, not saying a single word as he seemed to make it his mission to destroy the buffet. He carried two plates back to the table at a time and made seemingly no effort in quickly inhaling the contents before he stood up to get more. A small collection of plates were gathering in the centre of the table that the waiting staff could hardly keep up with. Meanwhile, the conversation around the table went on without Ben as he ate and ate. That’s his eleventh plate, Chester thought to himself, only half listening to what the others were saying as he tried to subtly keep tabs on the gorgeous hunk next to him. Big men sure do eat a lot, he reasoned, trying to calm the hardness in his crotch. But it was already too late for that; Ben’s stomach looked even fuller and it bloated up pretty fast with the speed that he ate his food.

“That’s a good appetite you’ve got there,” Chester said quietly, turning away from the others to speak directly to Ben. “That’s your eleventh plate.”

Ben laughed aloud and nodded. “You’re keeping score? I like that!” he blasted with his deep, gruff voice. “But it’s only my tenth actually.”

Chester shook his head. “No you had three plates of starters. Then you moved on to the Indian dishes; that was another three plates. Two of the Chinese, one with pizza slices and now this is your second dish of pasta. That makes eleven.”

Ben looked at him, counting up the numbers, impressed. “You’re right,” he almost smiled. “I’m bulking,” Ben announced, lifting his free arm into the air and flexing; something that he had already done three times since he got here. “I need all the calories I can get.”

“You look great,” Chester blurted out embarrassingly. “I mean, all this eating seems to be working,” he qualified.

Ben nodded, accepting the complement with ease. “I want to get some chicken wings after this,” he nodded, putting down his head and committing to completing the second plate of pasta.

Chester looked around the table. Everyone looked bored and ready to go home, waiting for Ben to finish eating. “Want me to go and get them for you?” he asked keenly.

Ben grunted his approval and Chester went on his way, piling up the plate with as many as he could fit on. Five minutes later, Ben was sucking on the last of the wings Chester had brought him, smiling at everyone like he had just won a competition. “Fifteen chicken wings!” he gloated. “Do you reckon I can do another fifteen wings?” Ben asked the crowd; clearly wanting to be cheered on.

The rest of the table sighed, wanting to finish up and leave, but Chester found himself up on his feet. “Do you want me to go and get them for you?” he asked eagerly.

Ben nodded and then grunted with mild gratitude as the plate of chicken wings was placed in front of him less than a minute later. Chester was captivated at how easily he took them down, one by one, sucking the meat and fat off them and leaving only the clean bones. “That was amazing!” Chester smiled, realising that he was now the only one left on the table. Everyone else had gone up to pay and some were even already in a taxi home.

Ben seemed to fill his chair even more than he did before. His presence was massive and he slapped his stomach proudly and flexed his biceps for a fifth time. He grinned at Chester, “Bet you’ve never seen anything like that before…” he grunted confidently.

Chester shook his head. He genuinely had never seen anything so arousing in his life. Maybe that fact was written across his face because, the next moment, Ben was looking at his body as if appraising him. Then he was shifting his head to the side and indicating Chester to follow him. Chester obliged without saying a single word, walking in the large man’s shadow, appreciating the chance to stare at his massive, bulbous ass as he walked ahead.

Ben strutted confidently into a stall in the men’s bathroom and pulled out his wallet. Chester gasped when he saw him pull out a packet and then unzip his fly, rolling a condom down onto his already hard and surprisingly large penis. “Come on,” he ordered arrogantly, beckoning Chester into the stall with him. Was this really happening?

It was a tight squeeze, but Chester managed to close the stall door behind them both and stood there in the confined space with the hottest man he had ever seen. “I want you to suck me off,” Ben growled. “Your dreams have just come true haven’t they?” he chuckled, gently taking hold of Chester’s pretty hair and guiding his head down into his crotch. “I bet you’ve been dreaming about this all night,” he sighed as Chester’s jaw opened and he took in the rubbery cock, sucking on it like it was the most important audition of his life. “What a lucky boy, sucking off a big man like me,” he growled, enjoying the sensations Chester was giving him.

Chester couldn’t believe his luck. Here he was, sucking off the big man, his hands cupping his massive, meaty backside, just to keep himself upright. His own cock throbbed with joy as he heard the large man grunt with pleasure.

“I ate so much,” Ben boasted as he tilted his head back with the waves of stimulation pumping through his brain. “That’s why I’m so big and strong,” he sighed happily, speaking only to himself, as if to help him get off.

Chester wanted to explore Ben’s massive body. He took his hands off his huge ass and lifted them up and under his loose shirt, exploring the bloat of Ben’s stomach. Immediately in response, he felt the pulse of hardness in Ben’s cock and he knew he was doing something right. Ben lifted his shirt up and exposed his heavy middle, watching for a few seconds as Chester’s hands explored the curvaceous shape whilst he still worked his manhood in his mouth. Chester felt Ben grabbing his wrists, taking his hands on a guided tour of his heavy, overfed belly, across every part of its surface. Chester could feel in his mouth how close Ben was getting. Finally, he felt Ben lift his hand up and throw it back down on to his gut, giving it a manly, appreciative slap. That was when he felt Ben come, harder and longer than any man he had ever tried to please before.

“Not bad,” Ben nodded twenty seconds later as he recovered, rolling off his condom and zipping his fly back up. “You’ve got skills,” he acknowledged, pulling Chester out of the way so that he could get out of the stall. “I’ll keep you in mind for next time,” he grinned, walking out of the restroom and straight home. Chester knew that, even if he lived for a thousand years, he would never top that moment of pleasure.

Two days later, Chester received a message online from Ben, who had clearly found his profile. “Come over after I’ve been to the gym. 8pm.” A second message followed with his address. It wasn’t an invitation, it was an order; and Chester couldn’t be more excited about it.

Chester arrived five minutes late, not wanting to look too keen. He buzzed up to Ben’s apartment and knocked on the door. Ben arrived, opening the door widely. “Finally,” he huffed, “I had to start without you.” But Chester didn’t really hear a word, looking at the marvel that was Ben. In the comfort of his own place, Ben was shirtless, exposing his broad, over developed chest and shoulders, underneath which, was a large and surprisingly thick stomach that was slowly gaining a spherical, muscular ball-like shape. “I guess you can catch up,” Ben sighed arrogantly as he noticed how awestruck Chester was by his body.

Ben strutted away and Chester swooned at how much beefier and protrusive Ben’s thick butt had got now that he could see it in relation to Ben’s uncovered back. He closed the door behind him and heard Ben’s chair squeak as if in panic as Ben sat himself down again. Chester looked around the apartment. It was just as he had imagined; bare with only the essentials and a large collection of weights set up in the corner of the small living area. The whole place had a sweaty smell to it and littered around were food cartons and abandoned clothes that Ben had shed and not picked up again. It wasn’t until he was right up next to Ben again that he noticed there was only one chair in the whole place; a comfy, leather recliner that Ben was currently occupying. “Where do you want me?” Chester asked.

“Wherever,” Ben grunted unconcerned as he picked up two slices of pizza from the box, stacking them and then opening his mouth to shove them in. The way he was hunched over the first of three pizza boxes showed Chester that none of the pizza was for him. “I did my chest in the gym today,” Ben announced, leaning back and spreading his arms so that Chester could get a good look, then he slapped his pecs with his free hand and grinned. “Fucking massive aren’t I?” he boasted.

Chester nodded. He looked down at the three boxes of pizza, the first of which was almost gone. “Please say you’re going to eat all of those!” he breathed.

Ben grinned back at him. “You reckon I can?” he asked rhetorically. “Of course I am. Fucking beast like me can eat anything!”

Chester grinned as Ben made good on his promise. Before he knew it, Ben was on his third box and slowing down a little. “Does it hurt?” he asked quietly, watching the effort Ben was making to get the slices down now.

Ben rubbed his heavy stomach that was distended in front of him. “You have to eat through the pain. It’s the only way to get as massive as me,” he marvelled at himself again.

“I think you’re incredible,” Chester gasped with honestly. “Do you like having people watching you eat?” he asked shyly.

Looking a little paler and stuffed, Ben nodded. “I do now,” he grinned, knowing full well that Chester was longing to touch him again.

Chester thought back to how he had made Ben orgasm at the restaurant, and slid down onto the floor, sitting on his knees between Ben’s thick thighs. Ben watched him with curiosity, momentarily suspended in his eating as Chester slid his fingers across Ben’s massive chest and biceps, slowly moving down onto his bloated stomach. That’s where Chester’s hands remained, admiring the bulk and shape of Ben’s larger stomach. He put his nose to it and inhaled the sweat of the big man, then, very gently, he pressed his lips to it and kissed it proudly.

Ben chuckled above him, putting his big hand around Chester’s head and pushing it down onto his overfed gut. “Yeah, you like that, don’t you?” he coaxed him, suddenly reinvigorated with his eating. Chester kissed and stroked Ben’s swelling gut as he ate for the next few minutes. Then once it was all gone, Ben quickly stood up and slid his shorts and underwear down as if he were desperate for something. He plopped back down on the seat, and Chester heard the slap of his naked, sweaty flesh against the hot leather chair. He reclined the chair a little, holding his large penis ready for Chester, who took it in his hand as he kissed Ben’s large gut; sliding his hand quickly up and down, feeling how close Ben’s throbbing cock was already. Within seconds, Ben was grunting with pleasure as a stream was violently ejected from his body, all over the back of Chester’s pretty hair and his own oversized torso. Seeing the mess Ben was in, he quickly whipped out his own cock and came with incredible speed, all over the thick man’s gut, as he sat contentedly in his chair. “I think you and I are going to be pretty good friends,” Ben nodded approvingly at the mess all over his thick stomach.

Chester would get a text from Ben every couple of days, telling him to come over. Whenever he arrived, Ben was always starting or half way through a massive amount of food. However he would sometimes just have a few pints of protein shakes he was trying to get down. But Chester’s curiosity about how much the big man could eat was exciting him more and more each time he went over. He began taking little desserts over with him for Ben to eat after his meals; something that he always did with enthusiasm and excitement.

“That is one large cake,” Ben would stare with awe as Chester carried it in through the door. “You must know a pretty massive man if he can take down all that…” he joked, ripping off his sweaty shirt as Chester strolled in further.

“Oh, you bet,” Chester replied smiling. “The guy who can eat all this is an absolute beast!”

Ben rubbed his crotch with appreciation, sat himself down in his big chair and patted his thick leg for Chester to come and sit with him. Chester knew the drill by now. He stripped off his shirt and pants, sitting himself delicately down on the thick man’s knee. Then, reaching across, he lifted up two slices of pizza and stacked them, before pushing them forward into Ben’s open mouth. As he chewed, Ben stroked Chester toned and flat stomach as well as his relatively puny looking chest. Chester knew that it was the contrast between their two body shapes that was doing it for Ben, but he played up to it for him, kissing Ben’s massive biceps, stroking his large pecs and patting his heavy gut with appreciation.

There was no doubt that Ben was gaining an incredible amount of mass. He would boast about how much he could bench each time he saw him, his previous records getting smashed each time. But as strong as he was getting, his growing ball-shaped gut was the most obvious change on his body. It seemed to push out more with each night they spent together and pretty soon, Ben was looking more intimidating than ever. He came up to Chester excitedly as he entered his apartment one evening, more horny than usual, whipping the tray of doughnuts he had bought, out of Chester’s hands and undressing him at the door. He placed his big hand on Chester’s trim butt and slid his large sausage-like finger down his crack; Chester knew what he was in for. Pretty soon he was on all fours on Ben’s bed, with Ben’s large hands gripped around his skinny waist as he was pushed deeper and deeper into Ben’s groin. He was being especially rough tonight, which was all the better for Chester.

“What a lucky ass this is,” Ben panted, climaxing with incredible speed, “Getting fucked by a massive 300lbs beast!”

Chester smiled. So that was why he was so horny. He’d finally made it over the 300lbs mark.

It was strange, the next time Ben and Chester were together socially again. Ben seemed determined to keep their private and social lives separate, barely even acknowledging him as they all met up at the beach with Marie and the rest of their shared social group. Ben had his thick arms out and was strutting about in a pair of large swim shorts with his upper body on full display. He wasn’t the only muscular guy there, but he dwarfed all others.

“Is Ben still doing it for you?” Marie asked Chester, sarcastically from their deckchairs as they watched Ben strut back from the sea. “Someone needs to tell him to lay off the food. He’s starting to look like that beach ball,” she pointed.

Marie’s friend, Lisa nodded. “Yeah, he’s getting a bit too heavy isn’t he?”

“A bit?” Marie laughed. “Understatement of the year right there.”

Chester looked at Ben and smiled. “Nah, he’s still the hottest guy on this beach,” he grinned, looking around. Marie looked at him disgusted, but she had always known that they had never shared the same taste in men.

Lisa looked at him again and nodded. “Yeah, you know, Chester is right,” she agreed. “If you ignore the belly on him, he’s still pretty hot,” she chuckled. “Is he single?” she asked Marie.

“Who’d have that?” Marie answered simply, barely disguising her disgust for Ben’s new bulk.

Chester felt a pang of jealousy, but he had always known that Ben wanted to be discreet about their evenings together and never wanted any strings attached.

Lisa smiled and stood up. “I may go and see how he’s doing then….” she laughed confidently, pushing her breasts up and swinging her hips and she went over, swishing her hair over her shoulders as she chatted with 320lb Ben flirtatiously.

Chester watched as it didn’t take long for Ben to have his huge hands on her ass, with the pair of them slipping away early. Chester knew they weren’t an item, but he couldn’t help feeling sad. Why couldn’t he be the one heading home early with Ben right now?

“Damn you’re incredible,” Chester marvelled as Ben licked his fingers clean after a tidal wave of cream cakes; admiring Ben’s massive biceps and gut as he stroked his body with his slim fingers. “You’re like a complete muscle pig when you get going!”

Ben laughed at the name. “Muscle pig,” he smiled, sliding back in his chair and exposing his groin from underneath his swollen gut. Then he pushed Chester off his knee and guided his head down into his crotch. “I like it! Why not show this muscle pig some appreciation then,” he grunted, pulling out his cock.

Chester worked his magic, as he always did, servicing Ben as only he knew how. After Ben came, he climbed back on to his knee and enjoyed the feeling of the big man wrapping his thick arm around his skinny waist. “You’re so damn good at that you know,” Ben marvelled.

“Maybe someday soon we could get a place together and I could do this every day!” Chester gushed. He had been feeling rather insecure since he had watched Ben head home with Lisa a few weeks ago. “I got asked out by a guy today, but I said no. I don’t want anyone else but you…” he smiled, leaning in for a kiss that was not enthusiastically returned.

“Why did you say no?” Ben asked with an edge of sympathy. Then he chuckled slightly to himself.

“What’s so funny?” Chester asked, a little hurt.

“It’s the idea of us living together. You don’t really think that would ever happen do you?”

“Why not?” asked Chester, feeling a little stupid.

“I’m dating Marie’s friend, Lisa now,” he stated, as if it was obvious, stunning Chester into silence. “I thought you knew? Marie can’t keep her mouth shut usually.”

“So this…” Chester began, finding it hard to keep himself together. “This is just nothing to you?”

“It’s pretty fun,” Ben nodded, then he remembered the phrase Chester had used earlier, “Muscle pig!” he laughed, amused.

Chester felt humiliated. “So you’d never be with me then? You’d never tell anyone you and I did this sort of stuff together?”

“Look Chester,” Ben began with a little impatience. “I’m not about to shack up and play house with some scrawny guy. That’s not who I am.”

“Some guy?” Chester repeated, stunned. He packed his things and ran out of there, but there was no need to rush; Ben certainly wasn’t making an effort to run after him.

Chester couldn’t deny that he was incredibly hurt and kicked himself for ever getting too involved with Ben. Guys like him never ended up with their gay piece on the side. How had he ever dared to even imagine it? And how could he ever find a man he would find that attractive, ever again?

It took a couple of months before Chester went on another date, and even then it was only because Marie was constantly trying to set him up with people. Still, a few weeks later, he had met a nice, friendly, professional guy called Pete who seemed to be smitten with him. Chester realised he couldn’t mope around forever, pining after a guy he could never have; and so he went through the motions: the second date, the meeting the family. Things were pretty great. But in the back of Chester’s mind, he always thought back to the life he had imagined with Ben.

Chester hadn’t seen Ben in months. Not since he had chosen Lisa over him. But Marie had got herself a new job and was inviting everyone round to celebrate in her garden. Chester knew that there was a chance that Ben would be there, but then, he knew he would have to face him again one day. At least this time he would have Pete by his side, showing Ben that he wasn’t still pining after him; at least, not obviously pining after him anyway.

Chester and Pete walked through Marie’s kitchen and out into her garden. Chester’s eyes bulged at the sight of the mountain of man out in the garden. Ben looked big; really big!

“Who’s that?” asked Pete with a little revulsion in his voice, his eyes looking the big man up and down and then fixating on the overhang that was visible as Ben leaned over the table of food.

Pretending not to have seen the huge man, Chester was simply glad of the excuse to look at Ben properly without Pete questioning him. Chester had never told Pete about his time with the huge man. Ben looked like he hadn’t stopped eating in the last six months, his muscle and his stomach growing larger and larger. At a guess, Chester assumed that Ben must be way over 380lbs. Now however, the muscle was most definitely outweighed by the fat he had gained. His thick muscly legs looked powerful and strong, leading up to thick, chunky looking thighs, which eventually spread around to one giant, bulbous ass. Looking at Ben from behind, his backside looked like two giant heaps of blubbery meat. Ben’s overfed stomach had ballooned into a giant ball which stretched around his sides, giving him a width around his middle that was even wider than the incredibly broad shoulders he had now. Ben’s arms and chest were abnormally large, intimidating to anyone close by, but he had also lost what was left of his boyish looks; a thick, dark beard decorated his face, thinly disguising a sizeable double chin above his thick neck. His large cheeks dominated the rest of his face and sweat glistened on his forehead as the big man continued to bake in the summer heat.

Pete continued to watch Ben eat in the greedy manner he had become accustomed to. “He’s gross!” he summarised at last. “Do you know him?”

Chester squirmed slightly, trying to calm the hardness down in his crotch. He had never seen a finer specimen of a man in his life. He knew he would have to explain to Pete who he was, but just then, Ben looked across and caught sight of Chester, the half-eaten donut he was holding, temporarily suspended in mid-air.

Ben looked a little sheepish and his face relaxed from the harsh look of determination he always had when he ate, to a far softer, overwhelmed expression. “Hi Chester,” he muttered calmly.

Just then, Marie came over and strutted between them both. “Ben, you remember Chester right?” she interjected. “This is his new boyfriend, Pete. He’s a doctor!” she cooed, impressed, making Pete blush with embarrassment.

Whatever softness was left on Ben’s face was wiped away in an instant as he looked harshly at the boyfriend standing next to Chester. “You don’t look like Chester’s usual type,” he grunted.

“How would you know Chester’s usual type?” laughed Marie, amused, before heading off as more guests arrived.

Ben strutted into the void Marie had left and looked Pete up and down. He was a good six inches shorter than him and at least 200lbs lighter. He folded his arms, making himself look more imposing than ever. “How much can you bench?” Ben asked rudely.

“Bench?” Pete asked, taken aback and looking a little concerned for his safety.

Chester felt a little uncomfortable. He knew that the amount a guy could bench was how guys like Ben judged other men. “Pete doesn’t lift weights,” he interjected, hoping the softness of his tone would calm Ben down from making any further comments.

Ben scoffed and looked harshly at Pete’s arms. “I didn’t think he did,” he smiled, unimpressed, turning back to the buffet and picking up a fresh donut. He held it out to Pete, like he was challenging him.

Pete looked at the strange offering and shook his hand. “No thanks, not for me. I’m trying to eat healthily.”

Ben’s eyes travelled across from Pete, towards Chester and he grinned smugly, knowing this man was no match for him. “Suit yourself,” he shrugged, stuffing the full half of the donut into his mouth in one go, quickly swallowing and repeating the process with the final half. Then, feeling he had made his point, he turned back to the buffet table, continuing with the progress he had made. Chester couldn’t help but feel his breath had been taken away. What he wouldn’t do to see Ben naked just one more time. Looking at him now, Ben could probably eat more than ever before.

“Come on,” Pete nodded, feeling uncomfortable in Ben’s presence. “Let’s go get a drink,” he whispered, making his excuse.

Pete led the way, but Chester couldn’t help but look back at Ben as he continued his assault on the table of food. That’s when he caught Ben doing the same thing, looking back, with shame and longing.

“What’s up with that guy over there?” Pete asked Marie as they headed back inside. Chester was just glad that he hadn’t been asked to comment.

“Ben? Yeah, he’s a bit of a mess isn’t he?” she sighed.

“Is he still dating your friend?” Chester jumped in quickly.

“Lisa?” she asked, as if stunned by the question. “Hell no! She couldn’t put up with him. I mean, look at him,” she pointed at the greedy man annihilating the shared food. “He’s put on so much weight. She said she used to plead with him to stop eating at times, but he didn’t seem to care. All he would do was go to the gym and stuff his face, falling asleep in front of the TV each night. He had no interest in doing anything else.” She looked back at Ben and inhaled, “Oh no, he’s getting his shirt off,” she gasped as the now shirtless, huge ball gut fell in to place. “That’s so disgusting,” she tutted at the sweat speckled gut. “Who wants to look at that?”

Pete chimed in too as they all witnesses Ben unbuttoning the top button of his snug shorts, clearly growing too tight from the overeating. “Why are you even friends with a guy like that?” he asked bemused. But Chester’s sight was transfixed. Ben looked so heavy and large. How could anyone give up on a man as beautifully massive as that?

Pete had an early shift in the morning and made his excuses to leave some time later, leaving Chester feeling more awkward than ever in the vicinity of his huge ex. By now, the dwindling crowd was sat around in a circle chatting in the garden in a mishmash of chairs. “Loverboy gone?” Ben asked sarcastically from across the circle as Chester sat down. He was still shirtless, slumped on a bench and taking up a massive amount of space with his large shoulders and thick stomach, upon the shelf of which he rested a bottle of cool beer.

“He’s dreamy!” Marie gushed as usual. “You really landed on your feet with that one.”

Chester shrugged his shoulders embarrassed, but Marie was drunk and pressed on.

“You’ve been together three months now. Things must be pretty serious?” she grinned keenly.

Ben burped loudly from the gas of the beer, showing his disdain and disinterest in the conversation. His large, heavy body still glistening with sweat and Chester could smell the delicious musk of him from across the circle. Chester simply shrugged off the question as best he could. “I guess so,” he answered simply.

“Is he the best you’ve had in bed?” Marie went on, showing how tipsy she was and giggling like she was back in seventh grade.

“I’m not answering that!” Chester smiled, trying to be light-hearted and friendly. He hated it when Marie got like this.

“You can’t ask that!” Marie’s boyfriend jumped in, a little embarrassed of how drunk his girlfriend was getting.

“Why not?” asked Marie, still giggling at how bold she was. “I bet Ben would answer that question,” she asked, turning to face him instead. “Who was the best you ever had Ben?”

Ben looked un-phased by the question, but the guys to either side of him, who Chester was not particularly familiar with started patting their massive friend on the back. “I bet it was that British chick you hooked up with that time on Daniel’s stag do,” one answered. “Gymnast wasn’t she?” he asked, jealously. “Her ass was so damn tight!”

“What about that blonde babe at the beach house?” asked the other. “Or Rachel!” he interrupted himself. “She was so damn hot!”

Chester sighed, knowing, as he always had, that he was just one of many conquests the massive hunk had had in his time. But Ben simply sat there, with a little smug grin on his face.

“Nah, it was none of those,” he answered simply.

“Who was it then?” asked Marie nosily.

Ben nodded across the circle. “It was Chester,” he announced simply.

The whole crowd of people looked across at Chester with a look of shock and horror.

“You wouldn’t believe the pleasure those pretty little lips of his can give when they’re wrapped around your cock.”

No one said a word. The circle was stunned and Chester found himself staring across at Ben, watching as he stood up. “In fact…” Ben went on, strutting across the circle; ripples spreading across his ginormous ball gut as he went, “…I can’t think of anyone I would rather have sucking me off for the rest of my life,” he went on, standing right in front of Chester’s chair now and bending down, resting his hands on the arms of the chair and letting his huge, sweaty ball gut fall in front of him and almost in to Chester’s lap. He stared down at Chester with a confident smile. He’d done it at last; he’d told everyone. “Touch it,” he whispered seductively to Chester.

Aware of his surroundings, Chester hesitated.

“Touch it,” Ben repeated, taking one of Chester’s delicate hands and placing it on the large sphere.

Chester’s senses came alive as his hand met the warm, firm, sweaty gut, sliding across the large love handles with ease.

Ben grunted in pleasure. “I wanted to impress you next time you saw me. Did it work?” he asked, knowing full well what the answer was. Chester nodded subtly, making Ben smile widely with satisfaction. “Good, because I’m fucking starving and need to get out of here,” he laughed, bending down lower and kissing Chester on the lips passionately. “You coming?” he asked arrogantly as he came out of the kiss and stood up.

Chester looked around at the circle of faces, wondering what on earth was going on. Was he really going to leave with the massive man? He looked at Ben, who didn’t doubt himself for a second, reaching his own hand out and patting the furthest point of his stomach contentedly in front of their friends. “I’m hungry,” he grunted once more.

Chester stood up, without saying goodbye and walked beside the huge bulk of man as they left the garden, only fully relaxing as they got around the corner. “I can’t believe you did that!” he whispered once he knew they were out of earshot.”

“I’ve been kicking myself for not doing that six months ago,” Ben responded simply. “I’ve regretted it every day since we stopped…”

The pair paused where they were, momentarily captivated by each other. “You left your shirt behind!” Chester gasped, about to head back, when Ben grabbed his arm.

“Leave it,” he chuckled, amused at Chester’s nervous nature and turning so that he was pressing Chester’s toned body up against the wall of the house with his huge, immovable gut. “Too fucking small anyway,” he boasted. “And besides…” he went one, taking his massive hands and brushing Chester’s pretty-boy hair out of his face before he kissed him once again. “…I think a big, growing muscle pig like me looks way better without a shirt on.”