Muscle Bound

Jose had a body many men would die for, and gay men desired to touch. Yet in the world of competitive bodybuilding that simply didn’t make the grade. At an average height of 5’8 and a competitive weight 225lbs Jose had lingered around the top echelons of the amateur circuit, but knew he wouldn’t be able to break out of the amateurs into the professionals with his current body. After his third place placing Jose felt more dejected than ever as he left the stage. All he wanted to do was grab his bag, get into his car and head home.

Jose crossed the dark parking lot, only illuminated by the occasional flickering florescent tube when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

‘Excuse, you are Jose Ramos aren’t you’, said a young man, ‘I was watching you routine on stage and, to be honest, thought you were robbed.’

Jose turned to see a tall, handsome young man, around 6’2”’ looking down at him. His features and lean, but athletic physique body recalled the build of a swimmer.

“That’s me…how can I help you?” Jose Responded

“ I’m Hunter, Hunter Jordan. I represent a new supplement company and would like to know if this you would be interested in being sponsored by us” he held out his hand to shake.

Jose couldn’t believe it. This kind of thing only happened to pros, or really successful amateurs. Maybe this day wouldn’t be so bad after all. Belatedly, and a little too vigorously, he responded and shook Hunter’s hand in response.

“Awesome, what do I need to do?” responded an obviously excited Jose.

“Well, we have a new product in the pipe-line and would be very grateful if you could try it out for a few weeks. You see, we’ve developed what’s called an Intelligent Hyper-Protein or IHP for short. Tests so far have shown it increases muscle mass dramatically while lowering levels of bodyfat, all over a matter of a few weeks. It could revolutionize the supplement industry”, he said enthusiastically, “I figured, this being your last contest of the season, you’ll now want to pack on some more size. And of course with all the exposure this product will get, we can assure you will be rewarded. All you need to do is try it out and tell us what you think.”

While Jose was more than a little skeptical about the claims made this tall young man in front of him, he could sure use the money, and with the exposure he says this product will get who knows what benefits might come his way.

“Sure, I’ll do it. What are the next steps?” he replied nonchalantly.

“Great, I’ll just get the relevant papers from my car for you to sign”, and off trotted this tall young man back to his car.

Two weeks later Jose received his package and was reading the instructions in the kitchen. “Take only two scoops a day. Will increase muscle mass significantly' it instructed.

‘Oh well, hise we go’ Jose said to himself. The taste didn’t seem anything out of the ordinary. At least he was getting his protein powder free from now. Hopefully he could reach his off-season target weight of 245lbs on this stuff.

A few weeks passed, and Jose was delighted with how things were going. Already he was up to 247lbs and he still looked in contest shape. His training was going much better than he expected as well, and besides being hungry all the time, he felt great.

He rang Hunter to tell his how things were going, and Hunter too sounded genuinely happy at his progress. Hunter only urged him to carry on with the two-scoops a day dose, since this ensures his body would carry on with this ultimate growth spurt. Besides this would be against his contract and Jose really wouldn’t want to wreck this.

Another few weeks past and things had just got better. Jose couldn’t believe what the scales were saying. He kept getting bigger, heavier, blowing past his biggest ever. And he just kept growing. Soon he was 260 pound, then 270. All his clothes seemed to shrink, getting tighter by the day as his whole body grew dramatically more muscular. Then by the third week he stepped on the scale – 295lbs. Jose couldn’t believe it. He hardly recognized himself in the mirror. He was getting truely enormous. His arms had blown past 20” and were now closing in on 22” around. His back had widened and thickened so much that his arms were starting to push out to his sides. He was becoming a freak.

Jose had to change gyms when people at his regular gym started to get suspicious – even the steroid users – of his phenomenal growth. Day by day the progress was noticeable. At this point though, just over half way through the trial period he had promised Hunter he would try this product, he thought he would he would cut back a bit. He was already bigger than anything he could have possibly imagined, and Jose figured, if he didn’t take the powder for a few weeks it’s not like anyone will know.

Two weeks later Jose stood on the scales more than a little frightened. He hadn’t taken the powder; he hadn’t even trained heavy for the past week. Yet the scale said 350lbs. At least that’s what he could make out in his long bathroom mirror since he no longer look down. Even if he could move his head as fully as he used to – it was now more or less fused between an ever-rising set of traps – all he could see was chest. If he was over 6 foot maybe he could have gotten away with this amount of mass, but it was simply too much for his relatively short stature. He lumbered off the scale moving slowly out of the room, shuffling sideways out the doorway since this was the only to get out of the rooms in his apartment now. His body was becoming a real hindrance now and he wanted to call Hunter to find out what the hell was going on. He dialed the number and put the phone on speakerphone since he could no longer bend his arm enough to bring the receiver to his ear.

‘Good Morning, Hunter Jordan speaking.’

“Hi, it Jose, Jose Ramos. Listen, the stuff you gave me is incredible. It works like nothing I’ve ever heard of. But you’ve got to help me. That product you gave me, it’s working… well its working too well. I’m getting really big and the growth is not stopping…I can’t train properly anymore. Right now, I can barely shower myself, Everything is getting huge. I can’t even shave properly, because my arms are getting too big. If it gets much worse I won’t even be able to move around easily. Please help, I can’t keep growing like this”’, the panic in his voice was obvious.

‘Did you follow the instructions’ Hunter responded coldly.

There was a long silence.

“I stopped taking the powder two weeks ago” Jose confessed.

“What?!”, the annoyance in Hunter’s voice was obvious. “The reason why we call it an intelligent protein was because we have managed to fuse nanite technology with basic nutritional science. If you had continued, like I said you would have leveled out at around 300lbs, but because you stopped prematurely the nanite proteins must have begun to replicate. How big are you now?”

“I don’t know. Maybe 360 pounds? I keep growing! Every day I’m like 5-6 , maybe 7 pounds heavier”

“Goddamn Jose. Well, we’ll have to stop that, won’t we?” Hunter replied

“Please there’s got to be something you can do to stop it.”

“‘Don’t worry; it’s quite easy to stop the growth. I just need you to try another product.”

“No way, not after this.” Jose’s replied.

There was a long pause.

“Ok I suppose I’ll just leave you to grow…how much weight can a human carry before you lose the ability to walk? I wonder” Hunter said menacingly.


‘What’s the product?’, Jose said dejectedly.

‘It’s an injectable liquid that will stop the nanites from reproducing. It should cause the growth to stops. How’s that sound?”’ Hunter said.

“I don’t see what choice I have. I can’t keep growing like this. I’m already a total freak.”

“Great, I’ll see you on Friday. I can pick you up and we’ll go to the lab”

“Friday!? Thats four days away. I’ll be even bigger by then. At least another 20 pounds bigger...” Jose responded.

“Well, thats the earliest we can have it all ready for you. I’m sorry. We’ll work as fast as we can” Hunter responded in an annoyed tone.

Jose, with a sense of resignation, ended the call. He was going to keep growing for a few more days. On the bright side, there wasn't a man on earth as muscular as he was now, and even if he couldn’t compete like this, he could still set the internet on fire if he posted anything.

By Thursday, Jose, now teetering close to 380 pounds, had posted some photos onto his instagram showing his new, ultra-muscular, overblown physique. People thought it was a morph, they called it photoshop. No one believed it was real, until he posted some videos flexing, posing, and invited a fellow bodybuilder from the gym named Mike, who was as shocked as anyone to see Jose’s new size, to measure his now 30” arms. Mike starred in a few comparison videos with Jose. Proving to the internet he was the real deal. Jose was the freak to end all muscle freaks. He was a giant no one in bodybuilding had ever seen. His size was almost comically exaggerated.

By the time Hunter pulled up outside Jose’s apartment that friday, Jose had become an internet sensation in the bodybuilding world.

Hunter rang the bell and a gigantic figure of Jose appeared. The enormous man, who was wearing barely anything at all, struggled to fit in the back seat of large van Hunter had rented to take him to the facility. “Our docs will get you all fixed up”

“Will I shrink back down?” Jose asked.

“I don’t know” Hunter responded. ”Maybe eventually.”. They rode in silence for the nearly hour long drive back to a strange looking facility in the country. Once parked, Hunter herded the beheamouth bodybuilder into the facilty. It was sterile and clinical, as one might expect, yet oddly empty. There was the hum of some machines and some strange, almost moaning sounds coming from the back. It raised the hair on the back of Jose’s gigantic, hyper- muscular neck.

“In here, please.” Hunter said, leading the overgrown bodybuilder into a very large, tall white room with strange devices in the corner, tanks and hoses. In the center was an utterly enormous slab. It had to be around 14 feet across and around 8 feet long.

Hunter instructed the man to lay down on the slab. Naked. “The doctors will be in shortly.” The gigantic muscle man did as he was told. The gigantic slab was cool against Jose’s enormous bare back back. His phone was binging periodically with new messages from his social media accounts. New fans who were in disbelief about Jose’s new size.

Sure enough a team of three doctors in masks came in and gave the large man a sedative, and then a second shot. Jose was nervous. “This will help me stop growing right?”

The doctors didn’t respond, but kept their eyes on him.

“I was told this would….” As Jose drifted off to sleep, the chemicals began their work.

Instead of stopping the growth, the nanites in Jose’s body went into overdrive. A hose was sent down his esophagus and to slowly release a stream of protein and calories into his stomach. Jose’s body was soon growing. This time, however, the growth also began to work on another part of his body…

Jose’s balls started slowly inflating in size. As the massive man lay unconscious on the concrete slab, his body was slowly growing outwards, increasingly more muscular, heavier, and his balls were blowing up along with the rest of him. Soon they were the size of grapefruits. Then after another hour, they were the size of cantaloupes, then watermelons. They grew so massive that it became apparent that Jose would never be able to walk normally again.

As his balls grew rapidly, so did his cock. Inflating with the same growth-orientated over-stimulated nanites, Jose’s dick went from a proud 7 inches to nearly a foot in the span of an hour. After six hours of his unconscious feeding, Jose’s once normal manhood had grown to a staggering two feet in length, and thicker than a beer can. He was soon going to be perfect for the milking process that was scheduled to begin in a mere 24 hours.

Jose’s body swelled, 400 pounds, then 430...440...450 pounds. Bigger and bigger the unconscious man grew. After 6 hours of feeding he surpassed 600 pounds. Every muscle was beginning to push against each other. He was now so freakishly overgrown and inflated with mass. His legs were being forced farther apart, his impossibly overmuscular arms spreading wider. His body began to take up more and more of the enormous concrete slab he now laid on.

Hunter looked down from the second floor viewing area into Jose’s miking chamber, admiring the new freakish mass that was piling onto Jose’s frame. “Welcome home Jose” Hunter said to himself with a grin. “I know you’ll like it here.”

A little moniker sat on the window into Jose’s chamber listing him as “Subject 4”.

Hunter turned around to observe the adjacent milking chamber. “Subject 3: Patrick Bolton”

Patrick was awake and obvious enjoying his milking today. He was moaning. Patrick had somehow grown even bigger than the last time Hunter had seen him. Poor, helplessly immobilized Patrick couldn’t have been much less the 1400 pounds now. Once a minor figure in the local bodybuilding scene, now an endless pile of uselessly overgrown muscle mass and hyper-sized cock, steadily producing gallons and gallons of product ready to made into a powder. A powder that would make Hunter’s team millions.


Two months later, a young weightlifter named Sean knocked on his Mike D’Afonario’s door. Sean was worried about his big lifting buddy, who had gone missing recently. A few months ago Mike had gotten hold of some insane steroid and had starting to grow incredibly fast. Too fast. Every day Sean had seen Mike just get bigger and bigger. He went from regular hobbyist lifter to muscular freak in the span o a month. Something was up, but Mike didn’t talk about what he was taking. Then one day around three weeks ago Mike had just stopped texting back, stopped communicating. No one had heard from him, not even his family.

Just as Sean was about to turn away from Mike’s house, Sean heard a deep voice inside bellow that the door was open. he opened the door, and the first thing he noticed was the smell. It was like a men’s locker room only much worse. he made his way to the living room and found the room in semi-darkness. All he could see was a huge silhouette in front of the north window.

‘Please, you have to help me. I haven’t been able to eat or drink since yesterday evening and I’ve been standing up since this morning…if I try to sit or lay down I won’t be able to get up again.’

Just then he flicked the switch. What he was presented with was grotesque yet fascinating. The thickness of Mike’s thighs splayed his feet out wide, and the thickness of Mike;s lats made his arms stick out at a 60 degree angle. It was obvious from the thickness of his abs he could no longer bend forward and his traps trapped his muscular head in a perpetual forward glance. Mike was now so freakishly muscular he could hardly move. He was bearded, unkempt, unshaved. In front of Sean was the most muscular man he had ever seen. The man had to weigh well over 400 pounds.

“Holy shit man, what's happened to you Mike!?” Sean exclaimed.

“I keep getting bigger” Mike pleaded. “You have to help!”

Sean called an ambulance, and Mike was sent to the hospital. Eventually, the enormous man would disappear from the hospital under mysterious circumstances, but at that moment, it seemed that Mike condition could be helped.

That afternoon, Sean stayed behind in Mike’s house, trying to figure out what had happened to Mike that would transform him into such a freak. All he could find was a a mysterious tub of protein powder in the kitchen.

It tasted pretty good, Sean thought.