Multiple Deposits

Multiple deposits- Barazion

There aren't that many of us out there. People who can change other people. I've only met two others, both men. We like to keep a low profile. None of us want the military thinking we can provide “Super Soldiers”, and wind up being interned and studied like a lab rat.

I just finished changing Dwayne and Carl. So I didn't need the money. My bank is happy to have the wire transfer of $500,000 from Carl to cover my services.

It is amazing that I can advertise so openly. I have a web site advertising body modifications. Most of the traffic goes to a semi-respectable clinic, but the fantasy changes link allows people to send their fantasy body modification requests to me. I use several cutoffs and misdirections so it takes about a week for me to get any mail from that site, but I normally access that mailbox through a public computer, and dump the contents on a flash drive. I then read them at my leisure and pick which ones I want. I then forward the rest of them to the other two morphers.

There are some strange people out there.

Then there are others like Irving. Irving is a Wall Street investment banker. Now I don't have a soft a spot for Wall Street investment bankers. My investments have taken a nosedive in the past two years. Irving is one of those bankers who call themselves “Masters of the Universe”. They don't think rules apply to them and there is always a way to get out of a situation by throwing someone else's money at it.

Irving and I agree to meet in New York in two weeks time. Rockefeller Plaza, 1:00 PM on that Wednesday. I have a photograph and webcast recording of Irving. I know what he looks like and sounds like so I will recognize him. I like initial meetings to be in a very public place.

Irving wants his body modified so that he can eat as much as he wants, and not gain any fat. He wants to have a hard muscled body, and to be able to pickup anyone he wants, female or male. The problem is he hates diets and exercise. Like so many others they want the results, but can't be bothered to do the work.

Our meeting is to confirm what all he has written to me, and also for me to scope him out and see what he really wants. I've discovered over the years that people tend to want things slightly different from what they are willing to write down.

We meet and go to lunch to talk over the proposition of changing Irving. Irving is about 6' tall and 200 to 210 pounds. He has a small pot belly, and an incipient double chin. He is 30 bordering on 18. He is quite frankly the most egotistical ass I've ever met. He talks about his victories, on the street and in the bedroom. According to him he alone does all the work no one ever helps.

We go to lunch and I see why he has the small potbelly. He eats like a pig. He hates to deny himself any food. He orders two appetizers, two main courses and two deserts. He shovels the food in barely tasting it. All the while boasting about his importance and his sexual stamina After his second dessert he rips forth a belch as if pleased with himself.

On our way back to the Plaza I go over what he is asking to be able to do. Eat whatever and however much he wants and not gain fat. Get a hard muscled body and be able to pick up anyone he wants.

“Yea, that will cover it. Anything else to enhance my performance will work as well.”

We agree to a price. I tell him that when he has the financing available, and no later then 30 days, to email me, and we will meet again, and I will change him.

I need time to decide what other enhancements to make. Well, he gave me that out!

* * * * * * *

28 days later...

Did Irving spend the entire time eating? His small potbelly is blown up and out he is pushing 250 pounds.

“Lets get this going. Where do I get changed?” he is as aggressive as ever. I don't trust him to keep his end of the arrangement, but I have planned ahead.

I take him to a second tier hotel and go up to the room. “Irving, here is how it goes. I need you to fuck me. Take a long time I need the stimulation. Then I will fuck you, and you will suck my tits. When I ejaculate in your ass and you drink my milk the changes will start.

“It will take two weeks to finish all the changes to your body, but it will take additional time for you to lose the gut, at least a month. I can't do anything really drastic because you are around people every day. They need to see a slow change.


We have been removing our clothing during this time. He kept talking about having the balls to do the things he does. What balls? You can barely see them. His dick is barely 5” hard. He has delusions of grandeur.

He is an OK fucker given what he has to work with. That will change! We go at it for 20 minutes. I'm ready to mount him. He looks at my dick which is over twice his length and girth, and gets nervous. I work on exuding pheromones to get him totally in lust/rut. I rub my flowing pre all over his anus and then push in.

I don't give him a time to react, I just push in and begin long dicking him. I'm getting more aroused and my tits are filling with milk. The combination of the sperm and the milk is what makes the changes. I've been working mentally for the last four weeks to program the sperm and lactation proteins to affect the changes.

He latches on to my left nipple and pulls the milk out. He drains that breast in three minutes, and moves onto the right. As my right breast finishes I let loose into his ass. We both fall asleep.

He wakes up first and is cussing me out because he still has the gut. He says he won't complete the transfer and I'll just have to suffer on the 5K I've gotten from him already.

“Irving, I thought you would try and stiff me. Listen now while I tell you about what changes have been made and what changes will happen over the next few weeks.”

“Check your dick. You have 10 thick inches.

“Check your balls, They feel about the size of lemons don't they?

“You will gain that hard body, but you need to remove the fat first. If you vaginally fuck a woman your fat will transfer to her breasts. One pound per fuck. Fuck her ass, and that will increase the same way. If she sucks you she gets one pound spread all over her body. For a guy, if he takes it up his ass, he will gain a pound in his belly. If he sucks you it will spread throughout his body.

“You will gain muscle by getting fucked. Not a lot, just a little bit each time.

“You have two weeks to see that this is true. I need to give you a “booster” or a change will happen to you that you don't want. If I don't receive the full amount before the end of two weeks I don't give you the “booster”.

“No booster you will get fat. Enormously fat, three times your current weight. 750 pounds of fat, and no one can stop it after it starts.

“We'll meet back in this room in ten days. That is if you have transferred the rest of the $350,000, and you don't want to resemble a baby hippo. Did I mention that you will also lose 8” in height and your dick and balls will shrink to half their prior size?

“Think about it Irving you will be 5'2”, 750 pounds with no visible dick or balls. Transfer the money or else no booster in 14 days and you soon won't be able to roll out of your house.

“If you think I'm kidding here is a number for you to call. He wanted to be more muscular, but decided not to pay.”

* * * * * * *

Five days later I have notice from my bank that $345,000 has been wired into my account.

I call Irving and we agree to get together the following Tuesday.

“Jesus, I couldn't believe that guy. Huge. More muscles then I thought possible, and his dick and balls!” Irvine greeted me with that exclamation.

Lenny was 6'4” and 125 pounds. He wanted to be muscular. He wanted to be hung. He stiffed me. Lenny is now 4' 8” tall and 850 pounds of muscle. He can't bend his arm to his mouth. He can't move his head to look down over his shelf like pecs. He can't walk. His dick is 24”x 7” inches soft, and his balls are the size of volleyballs hanging down to the floor.

He can shoot, and lots of it, but each time he shoots he adds another five pounds of muscle.

He has to be fed. He can barely chew as his jaw muscles are so large.

He is a good object lesson for people who think they can stiff me.

Irving has lost about 40 pounds. He hasn't gained much muscle, but he has lost the weight.

“I've been banging a couple of chicks, they had nothing to start with, now they will be able to make their way on the strip circuit. Their racks are great, and their asses have plumped up nicely. I've gotten fucked a couple of times, but I've been enjoying blowing the girls up.

“I got a date with a guy tomorrow. I plan on pumping him full. He actually wants to gain fat. I should be able to lose 15 pounds of fat and gain some muscle from him tomorrow night. “

I think Irving has found his match. When I deliver the “booster” I program him that the next guy he has intercourse with five times on the same night will be his mate.

“Irving, one last thing. You can't fall below 3% body fat. Your body needs some fat to be healthy. You will continue to be able to gain muscle, but no more then 50 pounds a year.”

I get an e-mail from Irving one year later. He wants to meet and have dinner. He and his partner Jack want to thank me for all I've done for them.

I meet Irving and Jack outside a buffet restaurant. Irving is built like a brick house. 250 muscled pounds. Jack has to be 325, mostly in a huge belly, but he also has a good overall coating of fat.

Irving has an even bigger appetite then before. I can't believe the amount of food he puts away. Jack is no slouch either, both go through 5 plates of food before Jack takes over feeding Irving. Jack feeds another four plates of food to Irving.

“I decided I didn't want to go to the effort of eating all that food.” explained Jack. “I mean I like to eat, but I'm using Irving to concentrate the delivery. Why should I do all the work?”

Irving looks like one of Entity's drawings. Muscles with a ballooning gut.

I tell Jack that I know what is his profession. It is obvious that he is a retail banker.

He can stick it to a customer and get multiple deposits for each withdrawal.