More Than He Wanted

By BigAndLovinIt (


I had no idea who the guy was. Even though he had been eyeing me since I walked into the party, I had to admit that he was pretty cute. He was very short, just a few inches over five feet tall, and his body was quite thick with muscles. A bald head and a thick mustache added to his whole macho image but I wasn’t sure what to make of his staring. I may be six foot four but I couldn’t be the tallest guy at this party. There was no reason for him to focus on me that I knew of. It didn’t take long for him to make his move.

As I walked down the hall, I was vaguely aware that I was being followed. I knew it was him but I didn’t feel frightened or anything. There was a party going on. No one would be stupid to try anything during a party, would they? I quickly rounded the corner and spun around, waiting to see who would come around and join me.

“Ah-ha!” I shouted with a pointed finger as I saw the shorty coming around.

He was surprised for a moment as he stepped back with wide eyes before he made a smirk and nodded once in defeat. “Okay. You caught me.”

“Who are you? Just why are you stalking me?” I demanded.

“Name’s Raphael.” He smiled as he offered a hand, “Nice to meet you.”

“Raphael, huh? After the turtles?” I didn’t shake his hand. To be truthful, I was trying to offend him and keep some distance.

“No. After the - “ As he caught the look on my face, he laughed, “Oh. Funny. And what‘s your name?”

“You can call me Justin.”

“Don’t you mean… Henry?” He smiled as he crossed his arms, causing his biceps to bulge.

“One of my friends already told you, didn’t they?” I shrugged, refusing to be rattled by the fact that he caught me lying.

“Yup. He told me that you were capable of… doing things.”

“Yes. That’s true.” I nodded to confirm it, “I’m capable of driving, eating, breathing… just to name a few.”

“And making things bigger.” He added.

That, unfortunately, rattled me. “What?”

“I met someone last week and while fucking his brains out, he revealed something to me. He said a man named Henry made him bigger all over. Just the week before, he was a five foot eleven man and overnight, he became a six foot six bear.” He shrugged, “I didn’t believe him of course. He showed me pictures but anyone can download pictures and plaster their face onto someone else’s body. But… I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.”

“It’s called role playing.” I smiled, “I had him sit on the floor and pretend he was shorter and -”

“Eh.” He cut me off with a wave of a hand, “I just want to know if you can do it.”

The way he stared at me was pretty cute. I could tell that ever since he learned about me, scenarios had been running through his head. Why not give him a taste? Stepping forward, I placed my hands on his pecs and curiously fondled them through his tight shirt. He responded by flexing them, making them dance in my hands.

“Watch,” I said.

He looked down at my hands. At first nothing was happening but soon it became obvious. His pecs swelled visibly, pulling the shirt ever so tighter. As I pulled my hands away, I knew I must’ve doubled the size of his pecs at least.

“What the fuck?” He touched his chest to make sure he really was seeing what he saw.

“There. Happy?”

“Geez.” He made his pecs dance again and he laughed as he looked back to me. “Damn. He was telling the truth! What if you -”

It was my turn to cut him off. “No. If you want more, you’ll have to pay me. I’m not greedy but I have bills to pay and stomachs to keep full.”

“How much?”

“I’ll let you decide.” I drawled as I stepped back, “Choose wisely. Cash only.” I turned and headed back to the party.

He didn’t follow but I did see him a few times around the party, flexing his muscles and asking people to touch his biceps and pecs if they wanted to. In fact I nearly forgot about him until a couple weeks down the road when a knock came at my apartment door. Raphael stood at the front door with a smile.

“Found you.” He joked.

“Yeah, apparently so.” I mused.

After a moment of silence, he made his pecs dance again through his tight shirt. I couldn’t help but smirk as I stepped back and invited him in.

“Nice place. Oh!” He fished out a white envelope from his back pocket and held it out. As I took the envelope from him and secretly marveled at how thick it was, he added, “There’s six thousand dollars there. I think that’s a good price. Don’t you? At least… I think so.”

“It’ll do.” I shrugged as I opened the envelope in order to make sure it was really filled with cash. “Okay. Take your shoes off.”

“My shoes?” But he was already using his feet to get his shoes off.

I slowly circled around him. “Okay, take your shirt and shorts off.”

There was a lazy grin on his face as he did as I asked. His tight shirt peeled right off and landed on the couch. A second later, his shorts were unzipped and made a quick trip to the floor. All that was left was a pair of blue plaid flannel boxers.

“I just want more muscle mass,” He explained, “There’s guys on the beach that are bigger-”

“You won’t have to worry about that anymore.” I smiled as I circled him again until I was staring at his broad back. I reached out and ran my hands down his arms, watching the muscles swell like balloons.

“Oh fuck,” I heard him whisper as he looked at his arms, watching his biceps swell with new power, “Yes!”

I caressed his neck and watched as it thickened and as my hands glided along his shoulders, his back seemed to grow wider. I eventually caressed his sides and stepped closer to his back so that I could feel his abs growing and thickening. I came around to his front and crouched down so that I could feel his legs. Together we watched as the muscles thickened and grew under my command. His entire body had been pumped up to an impressive size in a matter of minutes.

“And of course,” I chuckled as my hands slid up to his boxers and fondled the growing manhood through it. It responded to my touch as it swelled ever larger than before, slowly tightening the boxers. As I looked up, I could tell he was looking down from a taller height than before.

“Fuck, that’s perfect!” He beamed down at me.

I gave his meaty cock one last squeeze, eliciting a groan from the muscle man. As I straightened up, a look of realization came over his face. He was staring at my neck.

“Wait, I never said anything about being taller. You gotta fix that.” He asked.

“Oh, you’re right.” I couldn’t help but feel his biceps one more time as he grew yet again, surging up towards eye-level.

“Whoa! Wait!” He stepped back, breaking my contact. “Come on! People can understand muscle mass but not why I grew more than a foot overnight!”

“I thought you knew already… I like big men.” I couldn’t help but smile as he grew a couple more inches.

“What-” He stumbled back in utter shock as he realized that I didn‘t have to touch him in order to change him. Deciding that he had enough, he tried to stuff his foot back into his all-too-small shoes. “Shit!” He grabbed up his shirt and stumbled away from me as he stuck his arms through the holes and tried to pull it over his head.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I watched him struggle with his shirt as he hurried to the front door. Unable to get the shirt over his head, he freed one arm and yanked the door open. “Not cool!” He said as he spun around in the doorway, “This is too much!”

“You’re right.” I nodded. It seemed to calm him for a moment but I was still in a playful mood. He suddenly shot straight up until his head bumped up against the doorway.

“ACK!!” He stumbled backwards while rubbing his bald head. “I’m outta here!!” He cried out as fled down the driveway.

I couldn’t help but nudge him up a few more inches as I leaned against the door and watched him flee down the sidewalk. I really had no idea if I’d ever see him again but at least I had my fun!