Mike Gets Huge

Mike gets huge


Written by Lucky

Mike walked into the gym and was ready to be admired. He couldn't help being noticed,

not with the body he had. At 18 years old, he had carved out a physique that would make

Hercules green with envy.

"Hey, bud," said Rob, the front desk clerk. "How big are those pythons these days?"

Mike grinned as he gave a quick flex of his powerful arms. "Just under 19, but always

growing," he replied. He went into the locker room and changed into his favorite workout

attire: a tight white T-shirt that left no ripple undetected, and a pair of thigh-hugging

cut off sweats.

As he emerged from the locker room and strutted to the free weights, all heads turned

in his direction. He knew they were in awe of someone so young who had gotten so BIG.

But Mike wanted to get bigger. And not just a little, but a lot. Ever since he first started

lifting for football, he knew it was size and strength he craved.

"Mike, think I could measure you before you work out?" asked Donny, a 16 year-old size

junkie who desperately wanted to get as big as Mike.

"Sure thing, Donny, you know how I love to find out how much I've grown." As Donny

readied the tape measure, Mike obliged with all the customary poses. He had a 50" chest,

18" neck, 19" arms, 32" waist, 29" thigh, and 19" calves.

"Damn, Mike, you get bigger every time you come in here," said Donny. "If you ever need

a training partner, you just give me a call."

"I'll keep that in mind, Don, but I prefer to work out alone." Mike liked to act somewhat

aloof at the gym, knowing that the mystery added to his attraction. And because of his

popularity, he was never at a loss to find someone to spot him from time to time.

Mike began doing his favorite lifts, and the intensity made him sweat profusely. Although

he was not allowed to work out with his shirt off, his sweat-drenched, skin-tight T-shirt

was just as good. Everyone in the gym could get an eyeful of his bulging muscles. At one

point during curls, his ever-growing biceps managed to slightly tear the sleeves of his shirt,

which no doubt sent some of his admirers into ecstasy.

After he finished, Mike headed to the showers, followed by some of the guys who had

stared at him lifting. He took off his shirt and his shorts and caught an eyeful of his hot

body in the mirror. "Big," he thought, "but not big enough." He began to rub his pecs with

his large callused hands, wishing they would grow into superhuman slabs of beef. He

flexed his right bicep and felt the rock-hard softball-sized muscle that sprung up; only

when it was three or four times larger would he be satisfied. He had to get huge!!

Mike wandered into the shower and began to lather up his monstrous physique. So hard

and so pumped from his workout, his muscles began to make him horny. He began to

fantasize about being a 350 pound muscleman instead of the 225 pounds he weighed now.

In his dream, he could bench press 600 pounds and squat 1000. So big that nobody could

resist him. Growing bigger, stronger, hotter every day!! This excitement was too much to

handle, so Mike began rubbing his cock, which had already sprung to life. He rubbed it up

and down as he dreamed about hulking out. After what seemed to be a only few seconds, he

shot his load all over the shower wall. He didn't even seem to notice the 10 other guys in

the shower watching him get off on himself and fantasizing right along with him.

When finished showering, Mike grabbed a towel and headed back to his locker. He put on

his snug tank top and shorts, gazed at his hot body one more time, and went back to the

main workout area. Feeling pumped from his hot jackoff session, he went to the chin-up

stand and hopped up on the bar. He started doing chin-ups, grunting really loudly so all the

other guys would hear. One, two, three eventually turned into ten, twenty, thirty, and Mike

could feel his arms GROWING!! His veins came alive and began snaking across his arms as

they were gorged with blood. The muscles were bulging under his skin, burning with every

rep. After fifty, he let go and landed on the floor. "Donny, bring that tape measure over

here!" he barked.

In a flash, Donny was by his side. Mike reached up and flexed his double-peaked right

bicep, which was burning with power. Donny carefully put the tape around it and cried

out "20 inches!" Mike, knowing that the whole gym was watching, focused all his power

into that right bicep and squeezed it as high as it would go. As he knew it would, the

muscle sprang to life like something out of the Incredible Hulk. As it bulged, it easily

snapped Donny's tape, and Mike added, "looks more like 21!"

Donny stared open-mouthed at the bulging bicep, and a wet spot began to form in his

workout shorts. Mike grinned and headed out into the parking lot.

The next day, Mike jogged down to the high school to talk to his football coach about

the upcoming season. Although it was summer vacation, he knew the coach would be

there working on some new plays, and as the star quarterback, he wanted to be the

first to try them out. Plus, this way the coach would get to see the progress he had

made on growing his muscles.

Mike was walking through the locker room when he heard the coach talking. "So you think

you have what it takes to be our quarterback, huh?" Mike froze in his tracks. Someone was

trying to muscle in on his position. How could any guy expect to be a better quarterback?

Mike walked up behind the locker nearest to the coach's office and peered through the

office window. The coach was looking over the new player, but Mike couldn't see the guy's

body because a filing cabinet was blocking his view. "Are you telling me somebody else has

guns like these?" said the player. He pulled up his shirt, tossed it on the ground, and hit a

pose. "23 inches, all muscle!"

The coach's eyes grew wide as he took in the kid's biceps. Mike desperately wanted to

see if his claims were true, but he didn't dare bust in now. "Let's go up to the weight

room and check your strength with those arms," said the coach. He left the office and

headed toward the gym, with the kid following.

Mike could not believe what he saw when the kid came out of the office. He had to be

at least 6'4", probably 260 or 270 pounds of muscle. He had short blond hair, blue eyes,

and a deep tan across his torso. He had the same basic blocky shape that Mike did, but

his muscles all bulged a little bigger and looked a lot harder. He was the muscular ideal

Mike wanted to be.

He followed the two up to the weight room and secretly watched the stud lift. He could

easily outdo Mike on every single lift, a fact which made Mike very horny. When he did

chin-ups, he didn't have to stop at 50, but rather went to 80. He could do pushups by

the hundreds. His bench press weight was a new school record. And by the time his

massive thighs ripped open the seams of his shorts from doing several sets of punishing

squats, Mike had cum all over his shorts.

Afterwards, the kid went outside and tossed the ball to the coach. As expected, he could

pass, kick and punt farther than anyone else on the team. Mike knew his days as quarterback were numbered with this guy on the team, unless he got a lot bigger real fast. He cleaned himself up and headed back for home.

On the way, Mike took a side trip to a Pro Body, a small health food store, to check out

the supplements. He figured it couldn't hurt to see what was new on the market. Upon

entering, he walked over to the weight gain powders and started checking out the

canisters. After a few minutes of browsing, he heard a voice behind him say, "Looking to

get BIG?"

Mike spun around and faced the store clerk. He was a short, scrawny guy who looked to

be in his mid-twenties, but obviously was turned on by Mike's size. His nametag said his

name was Andy. "Yeah" Mike replied, "I need something that works well and works fast.

I'm looking to make some massive gains."

"Well, you already look pretty big to me. But if you want something a little on the extreme

side, you're looking in the wrong place."

"Nah, not the juice. I don't go for that crap."

"No, not steroids," answered Andy. "What I meant was, we keep the really good stuff in

the back. Experimental weight gain powders I hand out only to special customers. Like you."

"What have you got?" Mike asked as he began flexing his pecs.

"Let me show you," he said as he dashed off into the back room. Andy couldn't believe

his luck. All his life he dreamed of creating a magic muscle potion that would turn himself

into a muscle god, and now after years of working on his formula, he had found the

perfect candidate on which to test it. "If this guy grows bigger, I'll try it on myself next,"

he thought. Andy took a small vial of white powder out of his pocket and carefully poured

it into a can of Monster Mass Formula. He stirred the contents and then replaced the lid.

"OK, here we go," he said as he walked back to Mike. "This stuff is experimental, but it

should really pack the beef on a motivated lifter. There's only two things I have to

mention: one is that it works with the food you eat. This stuff should amplify the vitamin

and mineral content of your food, sending it straight to your muscles. So the more calories

you ingest, the stronger you'll get and the more you're gonna grow. And second, your body

will most likely permanently adapt to the chemicals in the powder after about a month, so

it's only gonna work for that long. After you've been on it for 30 days, it probably won't

work any more."

Mike stared at the can. "No problem about taking in more calories. I can eat anything I

want, and my muscles can burn it off," he thought. "And I've only got a month before

football practice starts anyway, so this is perfect." He looked back at the clerk and

asked, "How much is it gonna be?"

"No charge. Our little secret. Just come back in a month and let me see the results,"

Andy replied.

"Almost too good to be true! How big do you think I can get?"

"That's part of why I'm testing it. Nobody has put any limits on it yet."

"Well, for free, I guess it can't hurt. Thanks, man. I'll see you in a month." Mike turned

and headed out the door. He couldn't wait to get home to mix up a batch.

After arriving home, Mike quickly made himself a ham sandwich, and then mixed up some

of his new formula in a tall glass of milk. Almost immediately after his meal, he could feel

a new sensation in his body. A certain tingling that hadn't been there before. Was it the

formula? Was he nervous about growing bigger? Or was he just still hungry?

Mike decided he just needed a little more food. He went back to the fridge and found

some leftover pizza, which he chased down with a big bowl of ice cream. He continued

to eat off and on during the day, even skipping his afternoon workout so he wouldn't

be too far from the kitchen. By that night, the tingling sensation had waned and, feeling

tired and sluggish, Mike turned in early.

He awoke late the next morning feeling completely refreshed. He headed into the

bathroom and checked out his body. Was he any bigger? Mike hit a double bicep pose,

not noticing any difference from before. Then he stepped onto his electronic scale,

which flashed 230 pounds. "That's up 5 pounds from yesterday," he thought. "I must be


Mike went back into his bedroom and launched into a pushup marathon. His previous

personal best was 105, but he managed to squeeze out 120 this time. "Hot damn, it's

working!" he thought as he threw on some clothes and headed down for breakfast. After

some eggs, toast, cereal, muffins, sausage, and another huge glass of milk mixed with the

formula, he hopped in his car and went to the gym.

Mike surprised everyone at the gym with the fervor he attacked the weights. He was

able to hit personal highs on every lift, sometimes even breaking the club record for

teenagers. After his workout, Mike's muscles bulged like never before, and he was

glad to put on a posing display for the other gym members.

On his way back home, he thought back to what the store clerk had said about the

formula: "the more calories you ingest, the stronger you'll get and the more you're

gonna grow." He needed more food. Lots more food. Mike decided not to go back to

the gym for two or three days, but rather spend the time eating and (hopefully) growing

even more. Then he would go back and really shock them with his strength.

The next three days seemed to go on forever, but Mike kept his promise to himself and

stayed at home eating. Each day he stuffed himself until his belly could take no more, and

he continued to drink the formula with each meal.

On the fourth day, Mike woke up and excitedly ran to his bathroom. Standing there naked,

it was clear that he had gotten a lot bigger. He didn't look quite as defined as he once was,

but the added bulk more than made up for that fact. He flexed his arms and chest and

could definitely tell they had grown. He jumped onto his scale and the readout said 245

pounds. "Yes!" he exclaimed. "Twenty pounds in four days! Wait till the guys get a load of

me now!"

Mike ate another hearty breakfast and sped to the gym. Donny was already there with his

tape measure, so he went right up and ordered the boy to measure him. "No prob," said

Donny, and he began to get the stats: Mike now had a 52.5" chest, 19" neck, 21" arms, 34"

waist, 30" thigh, and 20.5" calves.

"Holy cow! How'd you get so much bigger?"

Mike grinned, but said nothing. He just went over and began lifting heavier weights than

he had ever used before. As with last time, he hit a personal best on every lift. He finished

off his workout with another trip to the chin-up bar, this time making it up to 65 pulls.

Only fifteen more and he'd have the strength of the stud that was trying to get his

quarterbacking job. Mike was so excited, he couldn't resist pulling off his shirt and checking

out his body right in the middle of the gym. "I'll be the biggest soon enough," he thought.

On his way out, he told Donny, "Be sure to be at the gym exactly one week from now. You

won't believe how big I'm gonna be then."

Mike holed up in his house for another week of eating. He knew he would miss spending

time at the gym and the beach, but any time he took away from eating was time he wasn't

growing. He continued to eat at a furious pace, but after a few days, he noticed a

smoothness and roundness in his stomach where once his flat hard abs had been. "I gotta

do a little cardio to burn some of this off," he thought. "And with my new and improved leg

muscles, a 5 mile jog should be a piece of cake."

The jog didn't go quite as Mike had planned, however. About one mile into it, he noticed a

convenience store up the road and decided to stop for some Gatorade. He was starving by

the time he finished the drink, so he also got two corn-dogs, some Fritos, half a dozen

donuts, and a package of cookies. He washed it all down with a gallon of whole milk and a

pint of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey. After walking back home with very full stomach,

Mike decided he would jog in the opposite direction tomorrow.

But tomorrow came and went and Mike never got around to jogging. He simply continued to

eat and eat and eat. And grow and grow and grow. By the time the week was over, Mike

knew he had hit the big time. Every part of him was so much BIGGER than just a few weeks

ago, and he felt so incredibly strong. Although his belly and ass had gotten fatter, his biceps,

chest and thighs were so swollen with muscle that he hardly even noticed. When he stepped

on the scale and it read "275," he knew he would have no problem getting his quarterback

position. He put on the biggest shirt he could find, which by now was skin-tight against his

growing muscles, and his best pair of workout shorts, and was ready to hit the gym.

Sure enough, Mike was the talk of the gym from the moment he pulled into the parking lot.

Everybody was astounded at the gains that he had made and wanted to touch his muscles to

make sure they weren't dreaming. Mike spent the first hour just being admired by the

other members, trying to deflect their questions about how he got so huge. "Just plenty of

good food," was all he would say.

Then he launched into his workout, with Donny recording all his lifts. Club records were

falling left and right as Mike moved from the bench press to the squat rack to the

dumbbells. In between sets, he would drink from his sports bottle (whole milk and the

special formula) and gulp down tacos that Donny would bring him from the Taco Bell next

door. With every lift and every bite, he became more and more pumped up, until rips

began to appear in his shirt and shorts.

Mike finished off his workout at the chin-up bar. He jumped up and grabbed the bar,

then began pumping out the reps. And although he had put on a ton of weight in the past

two weeks, he had no problem doing 50, then 60, and then 70. After 100 pulls, he jumped

down and began caressing his biceps.

"All right, Donny, get out the tape and follow me," said Mike. They walked into the locker

room followed by a crowd of lifters. Mike hit a series of poses and his shirt begin to

shred. A double bi, lat spread, and most muscular was all it took to completely tatter the

remnants and send it to the floor.

The crowd gasped, and then began to murmur. "Where did his abs go?" "What has he

been feeding that gut?" "Looks like flex has turned to flab!" Mike didn't care what they

thought. He knew his eating had gotten a little out of control, but now he was stronger

than them all. "It's a small price to pay when you have these," he said, flexing his monster

guns. "Donny, if you please."

Donny walked over and began to measure Mike's stats: 60" chest, 21" neck, 24" arms,

40" waist, 33" thigh, and 23" calves. He was truly a muscle monster. It was almost

impossible to drink him all in. "Can I get you anything else, Mike?" Donny asked nervously.

"Yeah, how about some more of those tacos. I'll meet you in the lobby when I'm done

showering." Donny was off in a flash and Mike thundered over to the showers. The crowd

lingered to get a good look at him lathering himself up, mostly wishing they could be his

soap. Mike loved the feel of his new body, especially his growing gut. He knew that as it

got bigger, then so did he. But he was already big enough to beat that other kid for the

quarterback position. As he caressed his bulging belly, he knew that he had to have more.

More size, more strength, more muscle, more fat. He began fantasizing again about

growing to 350 pounds, wondering if it could be reality. He knew he had to try.

On his way out of the gym, he saw Donny with the tacos and it gave him an idea. "Thanks,

man," Mike said. "Listen, I got one more thing I need from you. Are you busy the next two


"Just spending time at the gym, trying to get bigger," Donny replied excitedly.

"Come with me then. I have something I think you'll like."

Mike took Donny home and began giving him the formula as well. In two short weeks of

constant feeding, he became an almost mirror image of what Mike had been. He beefed

up from 160 to 225 pounds, and couldn't get over the sight of himself. He spent all day

flexing and posing and testing his strength.

But he was nothing compared to Mike, who went into a feeding overdrive. Whatever he

could get his hands on went into his mouth. He grew to enormous proportions, so large

that Donny had to get a bigger tape measure. On the morning football practice was to

begin, he sauntered into the bathroom and looked himself over in the mirror. He rubbed

his big beefy pecs and his cannonball biceps, then played with all the fat covering his

stomach, which was as rock hard as the rest of his body.

Donny arrived at 8:30 with some new clothes for Mike from the Big & Tall Shop, then

proceeded to measure the colossal hunk. His stats were incredible: 75" chest, 25" neck,

28" arms, 50" waist, 40" thigh, and 27" calves. He was one big stud! And when Mike

stepped onto the scale, it flashed the number he'd been dreaming about: 350 pounds!

He and Donny got so excited they both proceeded to jack off over their new physiques,

and then showered together afterwards.

Donny drove Mike to football practice, and every head turned their way when they

entered the locker room. Not only was Mike the largest boy the others had ever seen,

but they were equally impressed with Donny's transformation from scrawny geek to

brawny hunk. They began flexing for the other players, who were totally blown away by

their size.

The coach then entered from his office with the new boy who had dreams of being

quarterback. Even he got an erection when he saw what Mike had become. After sizing

up the situation (and Mike's new body), the coach convinced Mike that he would make a

better fit on the offensive line, now that he was the biggest thing in sight. Mike agreed,

since he knew his size and strength would be most important there. The new boy, whose

name was Kyle, would take over at quarterback. And after tryouts, even Donny made the

team as a fullback.

A couple of days later, Donny drove to the Pro Body shop with the empty can of special

formula. Wearing Mike's old baseball cap and clothes, he could have passed for his twin

a couple of months ago. Donny entered the store and found Andy behind the counter.

"Dude, this stuff didn't do a thing for me. I'm the same size I was a month ago."

Andy was disappointed. He had hoped the growth formula would work this time so that he

could use it on himself. "I'm sorry about that. I guess that's why they call it 'experimental.'

Thanks for letting me know." He grabbed the can from Donny and tossed it into the garbage.

As Donny turned and left, Mike muttered "I guess it'll be a while before that one

revolutionizes the market."

Donny strolled back to his car, hopped in, and headed to Mike's house. He honked twice

after pulling up, and soon the behemoth came out the front door eating a Snickers bar.

"Did the plan work?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, he bought it. I don't think we will have to worry about anyone finding out how we

got huge for a little while. Now let's get to practice."

Mike opened the door and sat down in the front passenger seat, his huge gut spilling onto

his lap. The drawstring on his shorts snapped under all the pressure. Donny laughed, and

then put his hand on Mike's stomach. "I don't think even your super strength could have

held together under the weight of this baby!"

Mike agreed. He began laughing, too, and would never wish to get any smaller.