
Miguel Pérez heard the doorbell ring; he quickly dashed across the bedroom, soaking wet, to see out the window. "Damn", he said, "he's delivering early". The handsome young man grabbed his housecoat and quickly answered the door. The deliveryman apologized for coming earlier, giving him a whimsical smile as he noticed Miguel's housecoat with his white underwear showing. Miguel, however, was more interested in what the delivery guy had to bring in: several big boxes marked "Electronic material" and three large barrels marked "MEGA program" on the barrels' sides. Miguel thanked the man and sent him on his way with a generous tip. He quickly carried the packages to his office where his computer was set up and waiting for the adjustments needed for what he, Miguel, had been waiting a great time.

Fiddling through the instructions, he made the necessary augmentations to his computer. This was easy to do, his background as a systems analyst for the local computer firm made him confident that all was done correctly... a pet peeve Miguel always had. Inspecting the hoses, he began thinking of the changes to his body that would soon start and that this system would help him achieve that.

Miguel had always wanted to be a bigger, bulkier, man since as early as he'd remember. Despite his 5 foot 8 inch height, he had always wanted to be the size of a real football lineman. He had always admired the big linemen his college team, the huge powerlifters and the mega-sized strongmen he had seen growing up on tv. Up till then, Miguel had worked out and eaten big to grow his all natural, beefy 215 lbs frame. He lifted 4-5 times a week with a powerlifting routine and ate like a real powerlifter. Recently though it seemed that the gains of late had become too slow, and his strength levels had stagnated. Starting years prior at a mere 155 lbs, he had considered himself too skinny, then vowed to start bulking up not just for appearance but as it also acted to reinforce who he really was and was about to become... a much bigger man.

Pushing the power button, the computer revved to life. Minutes later, the screen flashed up a welcome banner with the acronym "M.E.G.A. MORPHOSIS" (subtitled "Machine Enhanced Growth Acceleration") with the usual copyright and trademark symbols embedded at the end. Miguel began to get excited as what he had been informed of online was slowly becoming more and more a reality. He still was coming to grips with the fact that such a thing existed and that it stood right in front of him with hoses, cables, buttons, and lights soon to make his wildest fantasies come true. Snapping him out of the daydream he'd fallen into, the computer informed him that it was ready to start the program. It instructed him that he should begin to relax into a high-back chair, fasten the feeding mask and insert the air inflation tube into his behind. Slowly following these instructions, carefully lubing and inserting the tubes, he pressed "Continue".

The computer explained in detail the complete process of feeding and the need for inflation to maintain his epidermis in a stretched state in order for maximal growth to occur. The three large barrels attached to the feeding tube, controlled by the computer were filled with a semi-viscous liquid. The patented growth formula and enhancers that soon flowed first into the tube, and then into Miguel felt warm and tasted semi-sweet. Miguel felt stuffed in a matter of minutes, as his belly filled quickly, making him sleepy.

Monitoring his caloric intake and recording his treatment into a log file, the computer prompted him to eat in-between feedings, encouraged lifting weights or other exercise, and had also encouraged him to eat as much as he wanted which was a big feat since Miguel had to cram more food into his already filled and inflated stomach. The sensation was warm and wonderful, interrupted only very intermittently with bouts of stretch pains. Miguel was relieved as he slowly got used to the treatments which the computer delivered 4 to 5 times daily.

Taking time off with the company was part of Miguel's plan since he knew he needed 8 weeks to complete the changes and allow himself rest afterwards. Requesting to take his annual leave, Miguel muttered to himself, "This will work out well". No one would know how the changes occurred since he had been gaining a good pace before going on his vacation to the aforementioned "Tropics" (on where he said he was holidaying) to his colleagues. The treatments progressed and soon changes began to occur.

After 2 weeks Miguel began to notice his whole body was starting to beef up. In the gym he noticed he had more energy and his lifts were going up. He was getting stronger. There was an increasing tightness in his gaining midsection but his arms, shoulders and chest seem to be growing apace. He also noticed new, courser body hair that was filling in predominantly on his chest, belly, arms and legs. Not to mention the constant 5 o'clock shadow he'd always get around midday even after shaving earlier in the morning. "This is one of the side effects", the program explained, which would be minor a detail since his accelerated hirsuteness would soon slow down after the program completed.

As the days ticked on, Miguel continued his treatment, lifting weights in between feeding sessions. His strength increased and his shirts grew tighter over his growing body. The scale reading soon passed the 215 lbs mark and landed firmly on 245 lbs. Miguel was amazed at the growth and the 30 lbs spurt his body had undergone in only a few short weeks. Even admirers online ogled with an even stronger interest at his burgeoning belly, increasing muscle mass and overall size difference. His overall measurements were impressive as his 38 inch waistline jumped another 2 inches, and his 17” arms grew to a powerful 19”. Miguel would often go on his QuickCam, showing off some poses that triggered a deluge of email from around the world making reference to his great gains and encouraging him onwards to "bigger and better pastures".

All this feedback made him excited. For one of the first times in his life, he began to like the attention. The glamour of being the focus of interested and admiring people.

Miguel loved his bulking size and hairier body; so much so that he would add more calories to his daily intake by eating with gusto between treatments. High calorie protein shakes were added to his diet. Every night he'd guzzle a shake down in a sitting whilst munching on something he made in his overstocked kitchen or something he ordered out for. Nothing was out of Miguel's order list, and soon the delivery boys soon started to know him not only by face.

Miguel's journey pretty much continued for most of every day; feedings and lounging to store the intake. His soon short and squat fireplug build, with which he had been blessed genetically soon began to change as he grew thicker and beefier. He was developing a true powerlifter physique that could easily be envied by anyone into the sport.

Seeking a healthy middle ground, the temptation to gain more was always on his mind. He thought of the potential and this further excited him to gain more and more. Like a child in a candy store, wanting everything and almost oblivious to the costs, Miguel would think about it, but then dismiss it to opt for finishing the steady program he was in. It required patience and dedication and he was the only one to give it to himself. Often thinking or saying to himself " Just one more big fella, you can do it."

Something else was starting to change. Miguel’s shoes started to feel tighter as the weeks progressed. Sometimes he felt slightly disoriented by things in the shower or the kitchen. Had the shelves always been that height? They seemed a little lower than he remembered. Though height increases weren’t what he understood to be part of the program, something was nagging him that he was in fact growing taller as well as wider. On week four, Miguel decided to measure up just to see. He was just slightly under 5 foot 10 inches. Almost two inches gained. Miguel was beside himself with excitement. Not only had he ballooned into a huge powerlifter, but he was growing taller too. If this kept up, he’d be bigger than even the largest World Strongest man contestant.

A month soon passed as the dedicated, burgeoning strongman plopped himself onto the now creaky scale. Sluggishly Miguel bent slightly to see the spinning needle, indicating his tonnage. As the needle stabilized, gaining his attention as it came to stop on 293 lbs. This woke him up from his post-sleep daze. "293 lbs!", he exclaimed, "that's, uh, 78 pounds!" The joy his voice exhumed sounded like an accolade harking to the world of a new man; a new beefier man. As he whistled down the short flight of steps to make himself breakfast in the kitchen, he pondered, "What does a 293 lbs powerlifter eat?" Seconds later, he answered, "Everything he wants!"

Soon, pancakes piled high with butter and maple syrup briefly covered 2 plates and then Miguel's red lips as his appetite grew and developed to what a big man should eat. He went from having toast, bacon, and coffee to having platefuls of fried eggs, bacon, hash browns and sometimes sausage, however pancakes were a favorite. His gastronomical creations were made possible by deliveries of groceries every other day by the local food market across the street. Always having had an arrangement with them in regards to the delivery of his groceries, all he had to do was call them to adjust his standard order to provide a bit of variety and added potential to his gains. "Back to the feeding tube I guess.." His grumbling tummy bringing him out of another dream, demanding to be fed more as it got used to the constant formula the system provided. Soon he'd need another 3 barrel shipment of the formula as the third barrel was getting low on liquid... this means the coming of the delivery guy.

Miguel's crotch stirred as he thought of the deliveryman that delivered the initial shipment equipment. He was startled out of lust by a call from none other than the same deliveryman. "Hello, Mr. M. Perez?" asked a husky voice which Miguel recognized. "Yes?" "I'm Derek, the one who delivered your original shipment of M.E.G.A.MORPHOSIS to you. I'm also a company representative and your local contact. Has our product been satisfactory to your liking, Sir? Has it been working for you?" At this point, Miguel felt a little bad, having dismissed Derek as an average lackey, not knowing that he could've asked him questions and introduced him through the 6 week program. Not to mention that Miguel also found him very attractive. "Yes, the product has been excellent, but I think I am due for the next shipment since I'm running low on the formula", Miguel stated. "Yes, we know Mr. Perez..." "Miguel, call me Miguel", he interjected, making the conversation a bit more intimate. "Yes, Miguel, we have been monitoring your progress via the computer (there's a wireless uplink inbuilt to our products). We figured it was time for your stage 2 formula to be set up. I will be in your area on the 5th of this month, would this be a suitable time for me to drop it off and maybe even further gauge your opinion of our product?" "I would love that, how does 2 pm sound?", Miguel replied. "That sounds excellent, 2pm it is Mr., uhhh, Miguel." Derek's voice faltered slightly as they said goodbye. Miguel still felt excited and flushed after talking with Derek on the phone, the feeling of someone interested in his progress, arriving in person, made his heart pound faster and not to mention the memory of him first seeing Derek.

He had to prepare as the 5th was only a day away; finding some clothes that would fit his new bulk was not an easy task. He called various local big men's clothing stores to inquire about products they carried, Miguel opted for a 3XL casual cotton burgundy long sleeve shirt , a pair of 40 inch khaki cotton pants, and his running shoes which he ordered on the line and got delivered later that day. He thought they fitted well, even though his enormous, hairier chest strained the shirt button a bit … . Miguel made extra sure of overstuffing himself that night so it would beef him up more for the next day. He felt like a male peacock ready to undergo a mating ritual to show his new bulk to Derek and tell him how great he felt about it all. As the overstuffing made him drowsy, he lumbered off to bed, flights of fantasy involving Derek soon driving him into a deep and pleasant sleep.

2 pm came quickly that day as Miguel had voraciously snacked all morning until Derek's arrival. Comfortably dressed and already inviting him inside, Miguel found Derek looked more professionally dressed, his casual polo shirt, jeans, and brogues suiting him to a tee. Most notably, Miguel was looking eye-to-eye with him. They were now the same height! Miguel felt his crotch twitch again. "Well, hello Miguel, good to meet you! Why don't I bring these barrels in and hook them up to your system, then we can chat about your gains, it looks like you have progressed marvelously." Derek acclaimed while Miguel noticed him staring at his enormous chest, powerful arms, and bulging belly. Hairy now poured out from under the collar of Miguel’s tight shirt. Derek couldn’t believe the amount of fat and muscle this man had packed on in such a short period of time.

Performing the barrel changeover quickly, they were soon chatting over coffee and some snacks Miguel graciously laid in the office sitting area. They talked about the program and how Miguel liked it very much as his gains was something he was looking for but was not aware of since the product was introduced to him. He also added that it worked so well, and had the unexpected effect of seeming to increase his height. “Ahh, I thought you looked taller than I remembered… not to mention, much, much larger.” Derek said. Miguel added that he wished he had another man to explore this incredible growth with. He wished another man could help him bulk up massive.

Derek suddenly shifted and said, "Well, I 'm, gay myself, and I…. I love big, powerful men. “ He paused “It’s amazing how big you’ve gotten, and I would love to help another guy out with his growth, but we have such a diverse clientele that it would be too personal for me to get involved." Miguel's eyes nevertheless lit up as he saw an opening to the perfect situation, a dream come true. Miguel weighed things up; Derek was into growth, was very attractive and was gay to boot! "Well, I'd be interested in some personal attention if you are", Miguel cried, "and to be perfectly honest, I've been interested in finding someone with this same interest. I'm also single!"

Derek's expression became more relaxed, as something clicked and his eyes and hands soon wandered to Miguel's furry belly, rubbing and patting it. "I'd surely be interested, Miguel". Miguel felt a sudden rush as Derek's warm thick hands massaged his belly, and then move up to his massive, hairy chest..

"Strip down to your underwear and let me see how much you've grown since I first saw you in your white BVDs", Derek commanded. Miguel compiled as not only the sensation of attention filled him but it was also the fact that a hot, masculine man wanted him... and his body. Soon Miguel stood facing Derek in his white underwear, his big furry, powerful looking belly sticking out round and firm.

"Oh, you have gotten so big, and your hair has spread...everywhere" Derek said admiringly. “Look at the size of these arms. Fuck, and your chest. You’re huge!” Miguel smiled and proudly showed his powerful build to Derek who was rapidly getting excited and sweaty from seeing this big man in front of him. "I guess you are ready for the next phase of the program which would just make you so much more?" Derek asked. "I am" was Miguel's reply and only response that Derek needed to know as he gestured Miguel to the machine and helped him hook up. "The barrels are a bit more concentrated from the first ones so growth would be rapid and would occur in a couple of days, hours even. This is the final stage and will 'Max Out' the gains that your body can currently sustain. It will be intensive but I will be here for you to recuperate for the next few days." Derek sounded so supportive and gave Miguel a kiss before inserting his feeding mask. Miguel felt both excited and somewhat scared but the sight of Derek being there and the thought of him remaining there made Miguel strong in his decision to proceed. It was a leap of faith but he had to fulfill his dreams and this could also mean that this man would be with him for the duration of it not just for himself but for the both of them. The feeding began....

More intense sensations of hunger and pain began to occur, but were always soon followed by sated expressions in Miguel's face. His gains were becoming more and more pronounced as his belly had swollen, soon to be followed by the rest of his body. Derek monitored his gains on the computer and had also been rubbing Vitamin E cream on Miguel's belly, arms, thighs and back as it alleviated the soreness of the stretch marks Miguel's body developed.

The treatment lasted a good 8 hours and the computer prompted the machine to stop as both the formula and Miguel's body "Maxed Out". Derek stood there amazed and excited at the sight of the now much larger Miguel as he removed the feeding and air tubes. Helping him up to his bed and laying him there Derek struggled with Miguel's hulking body as the light flight of steps felt like an eternity to climb, Miguel, still drowsy and murmuring things in his ear. Derek kissed him and stood up only to be stopped by Miguel's arm grabbing him. His whole body looked inflated with size.

Derek needed no further persuasion, as he, the handsome athletic man of Miguel's dreams, stripped and lay himself beside Miguel, kissing and caressing his new found bulk. They made love all night as Derek massaged, nuzzled and licked Miguel from head to toe, making him tingle in excitement and ejaculate with joy. " I hope we can be together", Derek romantically whispered, "I have never found anyone like you and I am willing to work out a relationship between us." Miguel responded and with a smile said, "I would be too, and I hope our love would grow as much as I did." They fell asleep cheek to cheek, hugging each other....

"Good Morning sleepy head!", Derek cried out as he shook Miguel to show him the breakfast he made. "What's this? Some 5 star service?" Miguel blurted and while shoving a pancake into his mouth. "Made these since I knew you liked them", Derek said, "nothing too rich for my big powerlifter". This brought a smile to Miguel's face, he felt great and refreshed from the night before. "I think I'll weigh myself this morning" as Miguel got out of bed and immediately noticed that things were much different. The whole room seemed smaller. Looking down his enormous, hairy chest took up much of his vision, and a perfectly round, fur-covered belly pushed out beyond that. Everything felt heavy and massive. His shoulders had to be nearly three feet wide. His arms were well beyond 25” inches, his ass stuck out nearly as far as his powerful gut. The enormous man sauntered into the bathroom, noticing that the doorframe seemed lower than it should have been and he barely fit his overblown body through the doorframe. Miguel's eyes bulged as he saw a glimpse of his figure in the bathroom mirror. He was a giant. He had to have grown to over 6 feet. Everything about his body had ballooned into a massive series of spheres. Huge traps that rose all the way to his ears, massive, powerful shoulders, titanic arms that radiated strength, huge beefy forearms, a gargantuan, fur-covered chest that bulged out more than a foot in front of him, and a huge, round hair-covered belly that dominated his tremendously large frame. He looked every bit like the supersized strongmen of his fantasies.

Miguel jumped onto the heavy duty scales "Wow!" which made Derek ask "What!?!". "I weigh 405 lbs Miguel's voice filled with amazement and disbelief, "How did I gain more than 100 pounds overnight?" Miguel looked every bit of a world champion strongman he had always dreamed of being. He was now truly a humongous bear of a man, having now outgrown most of the NFL’s biggest linemen.

Miguel turned his head towards the bedroom door where Derek stood, in awe of his new, enormous powerlifter lover. Miguel couldn’t help but notice that Derek looked shorter than him now. The athletic man replied: "I told you it was going be more intense and would show more. It'll subside a bit so you should continue your eating binges to bring you back up and to even more. Remember the rest is up to you."

Miguel's eyes marveled at himself and glanced at Derek to give him a teary eyed look and kiss. "Thanks for helping me out, you know how much it means to me," Miguel stated only to be hugged and kissed by Derek, " Don't worry I'll be there and I think we'll have a lifetime of seeing each other grow." As Derek had the feeding mask in his hand , waving it at Miguel and teased "You gonna help me strap this on? I think It's time for me to bulk up too.”