Meat Lover

By Bramurai

“Ugghh, I just can’t pack on anything”.

Jeremy drops his shirt with a defeated look on his face. He started working out 6 months ago, and changed his whole diet the same day, yet, after all that hard work, he had nothing but a slight 4 pack to show for it. Nothing seemed to work, he was eating bulking foods, even got professional help from a trainer to get some extra calories into his system. He even managed to get his trainer as far as to provide him with a meal plan that was meant for someone twice his size, just to try and gain any weight, but to no avail. Jeremy groans and walks into the living room where he face-plants onto the couch. He turns over and grabs his phone.

“Fuck it”, Jeremy says as he opens Uber Eats and starts to look for something very unhealthy to eat.

“If I can’t gain weight the healthy way, then I’ll just stuff myself with fat.” Scrolling through the options he notices a restaurant name he has never seen before. “Bull’s Beef”

Jeremy raises an eyebrow, not knowing when this place would have popped up. It was very close according to the delivery timer, but he had never seen it before in his 2 years of living in his apartment. He taps the icon to see the menu. Meat, meat and nothing but meat. There are burgers, ribs, steaks, hotdogs, you name it. All types of beef meat was processed into their foods. Jeremy’s eye finally falls on one of the pizza options. “Bull lover’s: a Meat lover’s with our special Bull’s beef sauce, for the big boys ;)”. Jeremy can’t help but snicker at the little emoticon at the end.

“We’ll if it’s for the big guys, then it might help me become one.” Jeremy says giggling. He orders one to be delivered as soon as possible and turns on the TV. After 20 minutes of aimlessly zapping through channels his doorbell rings. Frowning, Jeremy gets up and walks to the door. No way that’s my food right? He thinks. He opens up the door and comes face to face with two giant mounds. Jeremy tilts his head back and finally makes eye contact with the delivery man. The man is easily a foot taller than him, and at 5’6’’ that fact managed to intimidate Jeremy quite a bit.

“One Bulls lover’s for Jeremy H.?” The deep baritone of the man’s voice sends shivers running down Jeremy’s spine. Jeremy nodded.

“T-that’s me”.

“Here you go, sir” the man says with the warmest, and most sincere smile Jeremy has ever seen and hands him the cardboard box.

“T-thanks” Jeremy stutters. The man keeps on smiling as Jeremy takes the box. “I hope you enjoy your meal, sir”

“Thanks, you t-” Jeremy cringes. Did he really just tell the delivery man to enjoy his food? “S-sorry, I meant, thanks have a nice evening”

“It’s alright, good night!” The man turns around and heads to the elevators before Jeremy suddenly realises he hasn’t given the man a tip.

“Wait!” he shouts before running back into his apartment and grabbing his wallet. Running back quickly Jeremy reaches into his wallet and pulls out the first note he feels. It’s 50 bucks, whatever. “Here… your tip.” Jeremy turns red as he holds out the money. “It’s a bit much but I really don’t have smaller.”

“Thank you so much!” The big man gives Jeremy a big hug. “You’re so nice. My name is Matthew, but you can call me Matt.” He grins and presses a card into Jeremy’s hand. “This is my personal card, we all got one, call me after you wake up!” he says with a wink and he walks off. Jeremy just stands there, frozen, unsure of what just happened. After 20 seconds he just strolls back into his apartment and slowly shuts the door behind him. “What… The.. F-” he looks at the card, “Matthew “Jocky Matt” Barends : Delivery boy.” His phone number was scribbled on the other side. Jeremy sighs, slumps down on the couch and opens his pizza box. The smell immediately drives up his nose. Looking at the meat-clad pizza Jeremy can’t help but drool. He picks up the first slice and notices how the cheese and sauce stick to the rest of the pizza.

“It’s… Jesus that’s saucy” he mumbles to himself before taking the first bite. The meat is juicy, and the cheese hits exactly the right spot. The white sauce tastes like mayonnaise but, with a bit of a salty tang. Jeremy looks surprised, the salt really brings the flavours together. He moves in for another bite, but his hand is empty. He had devoured the first slice before even realising it. Jeremy starts on his second slice which disappears into the back of his throat within seconds. It’s so… full of protein, but feels so light. Dumbfounded by the sheer wonder of the greasy meal, Jeremy doesn’t realize he has continued eating until he grabs his final slice. As he moves the slice up to his mouth a sudden fullness washes over Jeremy. He exhales deeply which turns into a small burp. He reaches over to put the slice down and sees something scribbled on the inside of the box. “Only Real Men Finish This Pizza!!” is written in a familiar handwriting, together with a small doodle of a bodybuilder.

“Alright Matt, just for you, but if I throw up your paying the next one” Jeremy smiles and takes a bite. Again the slice disappears within seconds. Another burp escapes Jeremy’s bowels, and he pats his stomach. He feels bloated. Slowly rubbing his stomach sends a warm fuzzy feeling over his body. His eyelids grow heavy as he sinks into his suddenly very comfortable couch. He rests his head against a pillow and drifts off into a food induced, warm and fuzzy sleep.

Jeremy dreams of warmth, and pressure, but in a good way. He dreams of being massaged, of being surrounded by warm, gentle and soft hands that stroke and squeeze every part of his body. His bloated feeling spreads along his whole body, turning into warmth and soothing his slightly aching limbs. He heats up, and a new pressure around his legs and chest forms, confining his breathing, which makes Jeremy sweat. Luckily the warm and fuzzy dream releases Jeremy from his shackles and he quickly feels he has regained his freedom. Heating up more and more, which really sends the sweat pouring down his body. The heat finally becomes unbearable and Jeremy shoots up, knocking back his coffee table. It’s pitch black in his living room. As he reaches for his phone he notices he still feels quite bloated, but all over.

“Must have eaten too much”, Jeremy thinks to himself. He opens his phone and is met by its bright screen. Squinting his eyes Jeremy sees the time: 2.34 am. “Jesus! Talk about a food coma.” Jeremy sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He is met with wet, sticky hair. “Fuck.. I am soaked.” As he reaches down to feel his shirt he instead finds soaked mounds of flesh. Jeremy looks down, but due to his bright phone screen just a few seconds ago, his eyes haven’t been able to adjust themselves to the darkness. He gets up, groaning, as every muscle in his body seems to be screaming for help.

“What the hell… I’m never eating like that again.”

Jeremy stumbles towards the bathroom and switches on the lights. After a few seconds of adjusting his eyes he looks into the mirror and gasps. Instead of the short, scrawny, pale guy he was used to seeing, he is instead met with a big, tall, slightly chubby muscled dude. Jeremy looks down and sees the same juicy tits as in the mirror. Turning around he notices how tight his boxers, which were quite loose before, are around his glutes. He pulls down his grey boxers and admires the view in his mirror.

After groping, and feeling himself everywhere, he finally gets to his improved tool. His dick has gotten chubby, to fit with his new body. He swears he’s gotten an inch or two in length, but the girth…

“It’s so thi-” Jeremy looks up in surprise. The acoustics of the bathroom aside… What was that noise?

“It’s thick!” Jeremy finishes his sentence as the baritone vibrates between the walls. Jeremy rubs his neck as his also thick vocal chords seem to have altered his voice just as much.

“This is insane, I’m dreaming.” Jeremy pinches his skin but nothing, except a lingering sense of pain where he pinched. Walking back into the living room, he turns on the lights and sees the tattered remains of his clothes scattered around a dark spot on the couch.

“This is insane…” Jeremy says again. His eye falls onto the little business card Matt gave him. “Call me after you wake up” his words ring in Jeremy’s ears. He grabs his phone, trying to unlock it, but both his fingerprint and facial don’t seem to work. Begrudgingly he starts to mash in his password but his thick fingers give him some problems, after 2 more tries he finally manages to unlock his phone. He slowly types in the number before dialling. Putting the phone to his ear he hears it ring once. Twice. Three times.

“Hello, Matthew “Jocky Matt” from Bull’s Beef, how can I help you?”

“H-hey Matt, Jeremy here… WHAT THE FUCK?!”

“Ah you finished the pizza in one go I reckon? Did you sleep well? Did it taste good? It was my personal sauce!”

“Yeah the pizza was great, and so was the nap. BUT WHY AM I A GIANT CHUBBY JOCK!”

“Oh? You are?…. Can I see?”


“Send me a pic Big boy. That is… If you really are?” Jeremy looks bewildered at his phone. “You’re not… surprised?”

“Why would I? This is part of our service.”

"S-service?… "

“Yeah, so… Why don’t you tip me with something more… substantial this time? I’ll make it worth your while…”

Jeremy could just hear the giant smirk on Matt’s face. “You giant… Muscled… Hot.. Wait what is going on…?” Jeremy stops his, what was meant to be a derogatory, train of thought, only to realise he’s fawning over the man on the other side of the phone. Jeremy feels his cheeks turn red and his dick hard. “Did you turn me gay…?” he asks softly.

“Nope, but I probably made you more aware of who you are. Liked the taste so you want some more.”

“What do you mean?”

“Like I said, my personal special sauce”

“You don’t mean…”

“Sure do, so… Can you open up?”

“Open up what…” The doorbell rings. Jeremy jumps up and looks at the door. “H-hello?”

“Yes hi, it’s me, can you open the door?” Matt asks with a chuckle over the phone. Jeremy slowly walks to the door and pulls it open. There he is, tank top, compression shorts and all. Jeremy’s eyes trail downwards and see that just like him, Matt leaves little to the imagination down there. Matt whistles “My my, you look amazing. I like some meat on my lover’s bones.”

“Wait… You’re saying..”

“We should date? Definitely, if you don’t mind. If you need time, that’s fine by me.” One look over the big jock’s physique and Jeremy smirks.

“Nah… I don’t need time to think,” and he pulls Matt inside slamming the door

Two weeks later After another busy day of delivering Jeremy “Beefy Jerry” Harrison walks back into his apartment. He smells a rich aroma and walks into the kitchen.

“What’s for dinner Matty?”

“My signature steak, with some special sauce” he says grinning and the two men kiss.

“God I love your cooking” Jeremy says

“And I love you” Matt replies, patting Jerry’s sufficiently filled ass.