Matt's Change

Matt was shattered. It was 9pm and he’d only just got back from the office. His swish apartment was spotless, almost clinically white in that expensive, minimalist way people like Matt coveted. ‘Alright,’ he thought ‘emails, then bed.’ Matt still had business to deal with, he worked at a top tier architects, and the Hong Kong office needed him to sign off on designs for a new university building before start of play tomorrow. He booted up his Macbook, noticed some dust on the screen and wiped it off carefully with a small anti-dust cloth, and opened up chrome.

Matt opened his inbox to find 2 unread messages, one from HK, and one from ‘Anonymous’. This troubled him for a two reasons;

One - in the 8 years he’d worked at McGill & White he had never received a single piece of spam in his work inbox.

two - the subject line of the email, it contained his full name and his full address; ‘Matthew James White Jr, 228b Prospect Towers - URGENT’

So Matt clicked the mysterious email, and instantly wished he hadn’t.

It was a list of images. Images of fat, hairy, cigar huffing men, totally naked, having bareback intercourse with other fat, hairy, cigar huffing men. They were loving it. Matt wasn’t. Although nobody believed him, Matt wasn’t actually gay. Yes he spent hours every day at the gym, his short blonde hair was always perfectly quaffed to make his ice blue eyes pop, and his expensive suits were always perfectly organised in his expensive wardrobe in the beautifully minimalist bedroom of his perfectly organised expensive home. He had always taken care of his appearance, but he had never had a gay thought in his life. Which was why, when he looked down to see his dick harder than he’d ever been in his 28 years, Matt was confused.

Instinctively he scrolled down, there were dozens of these photos, pretty much all of them had some form of facial hair, most had dildos or real dicks in their asses, some had tattoos, some were rimming, most were overweight, some were bald, most had pipes or cigars, the only thing they all had in common was this glazed look over their eyes. They looked both desperately focused on whatever depraved sexual act they were taking part in, but also totally out of it. Matt kept scrolling. Each one surprised Matt and scratched an itch he had never felt before. When he reached the bottom of the email there was a link saying simply - ‘you want more.’ Without hesitation he clicked. While the new tab was opening Matt came back to earth and shook his head, what on earth had he just seen? He looked down again and noticed that without realising it he’d been masturbating, getting off on the grotesque photos. He looked at his watch, it was 10.30. He’d been playing with himself for a full 90 minutes and hadn’t even realised.

This worried Matt. He decided enough was enough, he went to close the window, but right before his mouse reached the X another image popped up on the screen, and both Matt’s hands instinctively went down to his cock and balls. The website was like a slideshow, every 5 seconds a new still image would replace the one before it. These were real men, not prissy metrosexuals like Matt. They were fucking like animals, and Matt / couldn’t / stop / watching. The slideshow started speeding up, and without knowing it so were Matt’s strokes. Every new image filled Matt with a calming relief, but also a craving to see what exciting photo would come next. And with each new photo, Matt would stroke up or down, perfectly in sync with the screen. He didn’t know why, but he was transfixed by these men, he identified with them, he wanted to be one of them and fuck like they fuck. Matt didn’t notice, but his eyes were glazing over in the same way as the men in the photos. He had never been so horny in his life before, and by now he had stopped questioning why and was riding the pleasure he was feeling, eyes transfixed on the screen.

After what felt like seconds but what was in reality 2 hours, the image stopped on a photo of the biggest, hairiest man Matt had ever seen. He was wearing nothing but a leather jacket, bent over sucking the dick of the second hairiest man Matt had ever seen while the third hairiest man Matt had ever seen was balls deep in his ass, smoking a massive cigar. All three of them looked both lost in lust, and deeply focused on what they were doing.

Matt stopped wanking, and just stared. He started to drool at the image, though he didn’t realise that. His entire mind was taken up with the image, processing it and absorbing every inch of it.

Suddenly, the image started moving, it was the first frame of a video. And Matt’s eyes BULGED with lust at seeing these men fuck each other. The middle guy was moving his body in time with the men fucking his holes. The huge, furry guy on the left was tweaking his nipples and downed a beer in one while he fucked the bottoms face. The massive cigar guy took a big toke and bent over, exhaling into the bottoms mouth while still pumping at a hundred miles an hour, he then spat in his bottoms mouth. The 2 tops exuded swaggar and arrogance, and the big bottom was pigging out on the 2 dicks, his hard cock bobbing with every thrust.

Matt’s right hand was jacking his cock faster than he had ever jacked before. He didn’t think he could be any closer to cumming before the image started moving, but since then he’d been riding the pre-orgasm wave for a good 45 minutes. His left hand had reached his ass. Matt was so absorbed in the video he didn’t even notice his legs move to give way to the 3 fingers which were now violently fucking his hole, and he couldn’t hear the groans he was making with every thrust. He was completely oblivious to the fact that his forearms now sported a generous layer of thick hair.... and that he had the start of a serious beard sprouting.

Without warning, the screen went blank, and one word popped up in big, white, letters. ‘CUM’. Then another ‘NOW.’ As soon as he saw that second word something clicked in Matt’s brain and he came with a force and quantity he had never experienced before. The orgasm rocked him to his core, when Matt thought it was over, another wave of pleasure washed over him, and another, and another. With each spurt of cum more and more hair sprouted over his body. It lasted for about 2 minutes. And then, for the first time in his life, Matt pawed up as much cum as he could with his right hand, and swallowed it all, while sniffing the assjuice on his left hand. He felt dirty, and he loved it.

Matt checked the clock, it was 4am. He’d been at it for 7 hours, and it felt like 7 minutes. He looked down at his chest, damn, he was just as hairy as the guys in the video. Had he always been this hairy? Even his shoulders were covered in hair. His belly, his rounded, thicker belly, was definitely looking bearish... Fuck, thats right... he is a bear. A huge, beer-bellied hairy bear of a man. But he couldn't shake the thought that his huge furry body... his thick luxurious beard... it all seemed... out of place? He put those thoughts to the back of his mind as, suddenly, there were 3 loud knocks on the door of his apartment.