Marco's Device

Marco was a bright, handsome, and charismatic gay man of 25 years old. He his friends were what might be called gay nerds. They were mostly fairly slight in build. Only one or two could be called truly athletic. The group had formed a clique and often went out together, or gamed together. Georgio and Shivaji were somewhat tall, Sean and Marco were shorter, but they were all pretty unimposing nerdish who connected through their mutual loves of gaming and school. They were brainy, and a little socially isolated. But there was something new Marco had at his disposal, something that could change their status as just regular gay nerds.

"Well here it is guys! Dudes will be knocking down our doors once we get a shot of this!" Marco said confidently as he walked into his friend Georgio’s apartment. Marco closed the door behind him, and held the device up for all to view. Marco’s friends looked on. Something was noticeably different about Marco. He looked… taller? More rugged? More athletic? Something had definitely changed, and he had grown thick, dark stubble over his strong jawline.

"This gentleman represents a change for us and the gay male community, hell mayble the whole country!" Marco said. Despite his 5’7” stature Marco had one of the deepest fullest baritone voices of all of the guys in the group, and it seemed even more resonant tonight. It boomed when he felt good it screamed of confidence and self-assurance. As Marco approached, his friends began to really see that there was something different about Marco. He was bigger. Definitely a little taller, and had packed on muscle, and his beard was really coming in thick.

"We can have both- brains and brawn, and an unrivaled libido .." Marco said. This piqued the interest of the group. "Check this out..!" Marco said boldly holding a strange device out to let everyone get a good look.

It looked rather unimpressive for the most part. It was a big handheld and sort of resembled your basic Taser. It didn't look like anything that would as Marco had been claiming it would do--change their status, elevate their physical bodies in strength, size and masculine prowess... Marco, with his subtly, but noticeably changed appearance, had won believers in his group. He just needed to test this thing out and show them what it could do.

"SO! I wanna show you guys what this baby can do" Marco said aiming the device at the entire group in one swing of the room at their sitting level.

"So what can it do Marco? You said it increases masculine “prowess”.... I dont know what that mean. Does it give you a boner?.” Shivaji asked, cocking one of his thick eyebrows when he said it as only he could.

"Well Shivaji, should I test it on you? Maybe then you will all see what it can do." Marco said enthusiastically. “And yes, I think it will give you a boner.”

Shivaji was the groups only real athlete, a nice guy, and probably the only one who didn’t match the nerd cliche, at least physically. Marco and Shivaji had a strong bond. Shivaji was a mathematician and had briefly dated a guy in the group before becoming friends. He was also the most muscular man by far. Shivaji was the perfect subject and the worst subject for this experiment, as he was already larger and hairier than most men, At 6'0" and 190 lbs of rock hard well-trained muscles,with a thick beard and a hairy chest.

"Shivaji, Shivaji, Shivaji... ever the skeptic... Well, I guess you'll do" Marco said calmly, and pointed his device at the striking young stud. An audible gasp was let out by his friends in the room. Shivaji stood up as if in defiance. Marco smiled knowing full well he was going to enjoy the change. “You’re going to enjoy this, I promise.”

"...and before any of you get too alarmed, this doesn’t hurt at all. In fact, its quite the opposite. I know because I tested it on myself before coming here tonight. Let the demonstration begin!" Marco said with confidence in his deep baritone voice.

Marco took one last look at how Shivaji looked now. He was dressed in jeans that accentuated every part of his physique in every flattering way. A tight fitting tee shirt did the same for his well-contoured torso.He almost could have made a great model if he wanted too. But he was about to become so much more.

"Here goes" Marco said as he pressed his thumb down on the red button that glowed on the facade of his device. A beam of red light hit Shivaji right at mid chest level. Shivaji froze where he stood like he had been placed in a trance or something; his mouth was still half opened. Without warning, Shivaji was naked in the room. His clothes had just disappeared.

Marco again aimed the device at Shivaji. Without another word or a warning Marco again pressed the top button and a beam of blue light hit Shivaji's chest at nipple level right square in the middle of his large hairy pecs.

The color of the beams light changed to an almost purple color, sort of fuchsia in tone. An audible hum came from the device. It pulsated as it built up a repetition of noise that finally merged into one long continual drone. The group's eardrums all popped as if the pressure of the room's air had increased and it had.

Then to all of their amazement and discord, Shivaji’s body began to subtly change. His arms and shoulders began to grow more muscular. His beefy, hairy pecs looked like they were inflating almost like a balloon. His back widening and growing larger ever consistently along with the rest of his body. His thick strong legs beefed up in size along with the rest of him. His thick chest hair seems to grow denser and spread over more and more of his upper torso, growing right up to the base of his neck. He was also getting an achingly hard boner that was now impossible to miss. HIs averagely-endowed manhood began growing, longer, thicker with each pulse.

Shivaji was fully aware of all of it; his face showed his recognition to it as it happened to him. He could feel it his body growing in strength and muscularity, his hard-on raging and growing to new proportions. His whole body was Inflating against his will or wants, his libido growing along with it, increasing with every centimeter of his size.

Other changes were beginning. Shivaji started stretching up slightly taller. His beard started growing longer and thicker. Hair thickened on his growing forearms. Soon the center of his chest was so densly hairy, you could hardly see skin.

Shivaji’s growing manhood, which was now erect and sticking up towards past his hairy belly button, exposed for all to watch as it grow to an impossible, obscene size. His eyebrows grew thicker and heavier, his jawline seemed more pronounced, his nose even seemed larger.

His neck thickened and his traps grew. Suddenly, Shivaji’s look had become almost brutish. Masculine to an almost extreme degree. As if his testosterone had been turned up dramatically higher. His face was now so tough and masculine, though still handsome.

As the beam subsided, the dazed, and incredibly horny Shivaji stood before them. He was now one of the biggest, beefiest, best hung, manliest looking men the group had ever seen. Legs thicker than tree trunks saplings supported a frame now shirtless and bulked up into enormous size. His enormously wide shoulders and impossibly thick muscular arms pressed against his huge lats. A huge, erect uncut dick now pressed tighly up against his hairy stomach. It had to be a full foot in length.

Shivaji's eyes were wide with disbelief.

“You can thank me later Shivaji” Marco said. “Now, hows that for a change?”

Shivaji’s mouth opened and a totally new voice came out. It was now a deep and resonant bass. “Holy fuck. I’m… huge” he said.

“And this, you guys, was but a demonstration of what this could do! “The room was as quiet as a church would be during silent prayers. Only the sounds of Shivaji's heavy breathing.

“I told you you’d get a boner” Marco said, looking at Shivaji’s massive rod, now exposed.

“He’s enormous.” Georgio said “Holy crap” murmered Sean. Not only was Shivaji more jacked, hairier and more well hung, he was now even taller than Georgio. He looked to be 6’5” or so, and probably well over 300 pounds of hairy, burly, hypermasculined beef.

“Sean, you wanna try it out next?” Marco asked. The group look at Marco, who’s beard had seemed to have grown, and who’s body looked bigger than before. The large bulge in his pants indicated that he was just as turned on as Shivaji was. Muscles bulged in the sleeves of Marco’s shirt. The man was no longer looking like a nerd, but like a real athete.

Sean looked a little nervous. “So thats why you look bigger” Sean responded to Marco. “We were trying to figure out what happened. You just took a little hit of this stuff.”

“Yup, thats exactly right Sean, and I plan on getting another big hit of this ray pretty soon. So what do you say, wanna try it out? Wanna grow into a big hulking beast like Shivaji? I promise you’ll enjoy the results. Look how happy Shivaji is?” Marco said slyly, and then re-adjusted his bulging erection.

Shivaji, still in shock, moved to cover his bulging manhood. He was trembling with nervous sexual energy.

Sean, stepped forward. If Marco could grow Shivaji into an imposing ultra-masculinized hunk, maybe he could be next. A small guy his whole life, the idea of transforming into something bigger, something more, really did excite him. Sean was Marco’s height, or had been. Now he noticed that Marco looked closer to 5’7 or 5’8.

“Do your worst Marco. Crank it up for me.” Sean said confidently, hoping to increase his height in a similar fashion to Shivaji, and Marco.

“My worst eh?” Marco asked in his deep baritone. “Ok, I’ll crank it up then”

Marco fiddled with the device, he seemed to vaguely be aware of the tightness of his own clothes. “This had been at setting 6 for Shivaji. I’m going to crank it up all the way to 10 for you.” He said and then without any warning, his Sean in the chest with a huge beam. In a second, Sean was just as naked as Shivaji.

As soon as the beam had stopped,the beam changed to the blue color, only now it was even more vibrant than before. Sean began growing immediately. His chest pushed out wider, thicker. His legs and torso began growing upwards. His dick grew hard in an instant and began growing up and out. Thicker and longer. Hill balls swelled to match, quickly growing to the size of eggs, then to the size of lemons, and then larger still. Sean’s beard thickened and spread high up on his cheeks. He was overcome with the sensations of energy filling him. Growing him. Turning him into a hyper-masculine brute.

Thin chest hair rapidly thickened growing into a massive swirling forest that spread up to and over his widening shoulders, and down his arms. Hair spread over his abs, which were widening and thickening with muscle. Soon the thin happy trail was spread thick over his entire midsection, growing around his sides and connecting to the emerging forest of hair spreading over his widening back. Sean’s beard grew longer and thicker, his eyebrows growing heavier and more and more pronounced. His nose grew, his hands and feet grew. His body was now enormously muscular and completely carpeted in thick dark bodyhair. His whole appearance had rapidly changed into a beast of a man.

Sean was getting taller. He was now looking down on Marco and the other men in the group. Shivaji was still taller than him… but the gap in their height was rapidly decreasing. Sean’s now huge, pulsing cock had grown to square in the middle of his stomach. It had to be at least a foot long and was still growing. His balls were now approaching the size of grapefruits. Cum was already oozing from the tip. His now enormously muscular, furry arms reached down and began stroking slowly. The beast that had been Sean tilted his large head back and began groaning in a deep basso profundo voice.

Hair, muscle, cock, all grown to an utter extreme that made Shivaji look downright normal in comparison. He had clearly surpassed Shivaji in both height, weight, and enormous muscular size. He looked to be closer to 6’8” and couldn’t be less than 500 pounds of overblown muscular, completely hair-carpeted beef. His face was now harshly masculine. No other way to put it. His nose and brows and jawline were so exaggerated that he was no longer truly handsome in the normal sense. Then again, he couldn’t be called ugly either. He was freakishly masculine looking. Not to mention he now possessed a cock which looked to be close to 2 feet long.

The beam of light dimmed and shut off. The huge, hulking beast of Sean groaned again, surveying the huge expanse of muscle and hair that spread out beneath his view. “Fuuuck. “ he moaned in his extremely deep voice. “What… What… did you do to me?”

Marco lowered his arm, but to the amazement of the crowd, he too had transformed. While Marco had looked athletic and strong before, now Marco was looking like a full-fledged bodybuilder. He was now closer to 5’10 than his original height and his beard was now down to the center of his chest. Marco’s shirt had begun to tear at the sleeves and around the armpits, and the stretched collar of his shirt revealed a thick forest of chest hair now at the base of his neck. Marco again adjusted his massive bulge. Clearly the ray was having its way with Marco as well.

“What did I do to you?” Marco said, now in a resonance bass voice. Marco cleared his throat, surprised by the deep voice he now possessed. “I did what you wanted.”

“Fuck me, I’m a freak. Oh fuck” Sean moaned. Huge spirts of cum came flying out from his monstrously large cock and landed at Marco’s feet. The organism continued for a good 15 seconds as the whole audience sat there stunned into silence. As soon as he had regained his composure, the huge hypermasculine beast that Sean had become spoke up. “Fuck me… Marco… look at you, you’re bigger. A lot bigger.”

Marco showed concern over the comment. He looked down at his bulked up physique and a slightly panicked look spread across his heavily bearded face, his heavier brows knitted. He too had grown. A lot. Not into a hyper-manly freak like Sean, but he was now obviously far more “ultra” than he had anticipated becoming this early on. Marco was already as hypermasculinized as he wanted to get.

“The machine must be…. backfiring a little” Marco said in his deep voice. He began stripping off his too tight shirt to reveal and hairy, enormously powerful bodybuilder physique. Marco looked to be close to 260 pounds of solid muscle. “Well… this is… unexpected” Marco said. “But not totally unwelcome.”

“Now” Marco continued. “Georgio, would you like to be next?” Georgio looked stunned. He had seen three of his friends grow into huge hulking monsters, Sean especially had become ungodly large, unfathomably hairy and over-endowed. He was somewhat turned on, but didn’t want to grow that big.

“Do I have to be?” Georgio asked politely.

Marco’s huge boner throbbed. He again re-adjusted it. “Well, my boner would definitely like to see what you’d look like with a little more mass.”

“Marco don’t. I don’t want to turn into a monster.”

“We’re not monsters, Georgie boy, we’re ultras. Ultra men. Men with libidos most guys could only dream of. Fuck, right now I’m so horny I can hardly handle it.” Marco said. “Whaddya say? How bout I lower it down to a 2 or 3 on the settings. That won’t even be too noticeable of a change. Hell, I got a hit of 2 before I came in here today and you guy’s barely noticed. ”

“Jesus christ man.. I guess I could ...”

“Great!” Marco said, interrupting. He aimed and fired immediately. Suddenly Georgio was nude, his clothes evaporated by the first ray of energy. Then the same intense blue light that had transformed Sean began to hit him.

“Oops” Marco groaned. “It looks like I forgot to lower the settings...”

A look of horror spread across Georgio’s face as his body rapidly began growing. He too was going to become an ultra freak and there was nothing he could do about it.