Make it stop

Kyle was a sophomore at college. He was somewhat athletic, he ran track all through high school, and actually won a scholarship of $3,000 a year to run for the university. He didn’t have much muscle on him and still looked pretty boyish. Kyle was reasonably attractive, he stood at around 5'8 and weighed in at about 130-135 lbs. He was gay, and his young smooth twinkish look got him noticed by some in the university "community". He had wished he looked a little older, a little more manly and always wanted to put on some mass.

One weekend, he was bored from setting around campus and decided to go into one of the clubs their in town. He walked in in a university tee, and a pair of shorts and flip flops. As soon as he approached the door, he was carded. He pulled out a fake ID a friend made from him, and proceded. He didn't walk two steps beyond the bouncer before he grabbed him by the balls and said, "not this time little guy!" Outraged, Kyle went to his dorm.

Unable to get into the club, Kyle sat there feeling like he had missed out. His sack still throbbed and tingled from that bouncer. He decided to chat online a bit and go to bed. After about an hour of chatting, he threw off his tee shirt to get ready for bed. He looked down to see that it looked like his muscles had become more defined, and his shoulders a little broader. A slight dusting of hairs covered his previously smooth front. He looked like a swimmer! He liked what he saw, finally! He thought, I look my age!

He shaved his face, and not long after he did, he felt dizzy. The room felt like it was spinning around him. As he grabbed his head he felt his muscles throb and increase! This was incredible! He was going to be a jock! Hair sprouted up to the center of his chest as his arms bulked and shoulders widened! He turned to look at the new V-Shape of his back in contrast with his 29'' waist! He was going to get guys right and left, and to top it off, no one would believe he was under 21! Marveling in his new found masculine beauty, he dropped his pants to see what had become of his dick.

"Surely it must have grown twice as large!", he thought!" As his pants fell over his thickening calves and thighs he gasped! His dick had not elongated, but had grown very fat, and hard. As it throbbed, the length did not change. Its short chubby appearance shocked Kyle! This might be a problem he thought!

He pulled his pants up and glanced at the mirror to see his body continue to change. His arms, shoulders and chest kept expanding, but along with this, his body hair was also increasing. Kyle became very nervous at the sight. He turned around to see hair sprouting from his lower back and shoulder blades. He also saw it coming in at the base of his neck. The change became more rapid as it progressed. His short fat cock pounding away at his boxers. As he turned, he saw his ever bulking body. He noticed that his previously small waist had expanded outwards. He now had a little hairy gut that was pushing out in all directions. It hurt as it pushed against his pants. He quickly grabbed a razor to shave the hair developing on this beer gut. But the hair grew back in thicker than it was after he shaved it. A beard formed on Kyles face.

Kyle looked up in horror and disbelief of the changes that were occuring. The changes didn't stop, Kyle’s gut plumped up larger and larger. His pecs were bigger but looked softer and the body hair had continued to grow. His shoulders widened still further, and his arms grew thicker and even more powerful looking. His body became truly imposing. His hairline receded a little in the front, and became slightly thin in the back of his head. His legs went from thin runners legs to thick, powerful legs. A layer of fat grew over his bigger, bulkier frame. padding his larger muscles with even more size and after it did, Kyle ran his hands up and down his bigger, furry chest and rounded stomach and down to his thick short cock. As soon as he touched it, it exploded, Kyle looked up at what he had become. In disbelief, he said to himself "I've become... a bear!" He was huge, and totally covered in swirls of thick dark body hair.

Before, he had a problem gaining weight, and only had to shave once a week. Now he was so hairy, shaving was a task that needed done multiple times a day. He was an animal! To help pay for college he got a job as a bouncer at the local gay club. The same club where our story began.