Juan's New Love

A gym-going, muscled gay guy, Juan had always little muscle butt… but recently he noticed it seemed to be getting bigger. His pants were sometimes a bit tight (he liked to show off now and then) but never this tight. Juan started getting small tears in the seat of his pants and underwear, but it didn’t concern him - typical ‘bulking up’ symptoms. He figured he had just been hitting the squats hard and was getting good results.

When Juan’s waist started to thicken up he started to really worry. He’d never been anything but lean; not ripped per se, but certainly not thick like this. It wasn’t just his pants anymore, now his shirts started getting tight… everywhere, they were tight on his arm stretch across his growing chest, showing off more bulked up beef than Juan ever thought he would ever have in his life. Just to keep from getting too thick, he cut down on everything, hitting the treadmill in addition to the weights.

He was convinced it was water weight… Maybe something related to a new protein powder he was taking. He’d been working hard at the gym, maybe his muscles were just beefing up as a result. His friends, and other gay guys, took notice that Juan was beefing up.

Juan tried to stop worrying about his recent, unexpected, unplanned bulking, but he soon began weighing himself every night. It might have been alright if he had some fluctuation to take comfort in, but all he did was gain. His weight kept going up and up, despite his efforts to slow or even stop it. His size M body quickly bulked into an L, his shirts getting tighter and tighter around his thickening arms and shoulders and chest. His 30’ waist expanded to a meatier hearty 34’ within days. Juan even went a few days barely eating anything, lifting hard and doing cardio, and still he gained almost 30 pounds. He was starving, but he kept ballooning.

Juan tried to understand what was happening to him and his body. As Juan grew more and more distressed his beefier frame became thicker… his chest and belly both growing more and more prominent. Soon he could no longer hide his new bulk beneath even the thickest of sweaters. At the same time, his bubble butt grew larger and larger, but stayed as firm and meaty as a thick slab of beef.

He tried doing cardio more often, but soon found it to be too difficult- the shorts he used to wear there were now skin tight, his thick thighs began chafing. He was getting big, and starting to look more and more like a rugby player. His strength was increasing on every one of his lifts, which boosted his confidence, but along with his increasing strength, His weight continued to increase, 200, then 225, within a few days 250. Soon nothing fit him at all, not even the stretchy things he had bought for the gym. His waist had swollen to 38’, even an XL shirt now growing tight on him. His furry belly was starting to round out. It was still firm, but much larger and rounder than ever before. He looked positively bearish at this new size.

For a while Juan tried to ignore it. Afterall, maybe he could cut down after this unexpected bulk was over? He was getting stronger and stronger. He was benching 315 with a kind of ease that he never thought he’d have. Juan had done all he could to mitigate the fat gain, to slow down the relentless bulk his body was adding to his frame. He exercised day in day out, eating clean and keeping his calories low, and still he was getting beefier. But maybe it just needed to run it’s course.

But it didn’t last long - his jeans began tearing in the crotch, the uncomfortable, but somewhat flattering cling of small clothing something he knew all too well now. He was definitely ‘bulky’ at this point, reaching 260 in a few days. His once flat belly now stuck out so much he looked like a real powerlifter. He started buying equipment for a powerlifter routine to do at home. He bought a massive tractor tire…enormous 100 and 150 pound kettlebells, and a squat rack. He grew out his beard as his face even started filling out. Every part of his body seemed to inflate with fat and muscle. He neared 300, barely able to keep from panicking when he reached size 40 pants. He barely recognized the huge beefy bear in the mirror.

When he hit 300 everything started escalating. Juan’s 2XL shirt and 40’ pants became agonizingly tight within a day as Juan gained 10 pounds of fat and muscle in 24 hours. He’d been feeling strong as hell lately, like a true powerlifter. After only one long lifting session, and with cardio no longer part of the process, Juan sauntered out of the gym, protein shake in hand. Everything he wore had gotten tight. His stride had widened, he felt heavy and pumped up bigger than ever… because in those two hours he grew almost 30 more pounds heavier, the shirt he’d had on now pressing against his firm neck, his underwear torn to bits. As he closed in on 350 pounds he grew increasingly worried of being seen by his friends, who wouldn’t recognized this huge powerlifter he had become. He was getting a ton of attention at the gym now- clearly he was now the biggest, dude there. He continued to only eat small portions of healthy food but none of it mattered anymore.

By the time 350 had come and gone Juan was ordering clothing from online and spending most of his time exercising in his garage, which he outfitted into a full powerlifting gym. He bought heavyweight chains and huge Olympic weights… and bench loaded up with over 400 pounds… He was twice the man he was a week ago. One of his legs were now thicker than his once lean waist, his belly so big and rounded and shoulders so wide he had trouble walking through doorways, like the huge strongmen competitors he saw… that he idolized on television. His butt had grown into two huge melon sized globes of powerful muscle, far too much for even the most forgiving of underwear. Soon he was hoisting huge amounts of weight… champion powerlifter numbers… in his garage. He couldn’t wait to show off his garage to others.

As his lifting seemed to become a bigger focus in his life, the weight kept piling on. Juan seemed to become less and less concerned about his growing frame and more interested in the weights he was pressing. All this new size was just making him stronger and stronger. 400 pounds came with even more bigger clothing, and even more confidence in his strength. More focus on his lifting. He began a youtube channel to showcase his lifts. Heavily bearded, enormous Juan began wordlessly recording himself on his phone doing insane lifts without a spotter in his rough looking home gym.

Juan had never had to think about how his body looked now- his incredible, awesome size… His whole life it had always been consumed with his appearance, his lean muscle mass was always both a point of pride and a nagging worry. He always needed validation from men online… he needed the attention to aid his insecurities. Now his whole mentality had shifted. He was seemingly interested in only one thing. Being the strongest dude he could be. Hitting records. Smashing records. Being huge and putting up huge numbers. That was all he cared about now. Sure he had a big hairy round gut, but he was stronger, and more powerfully built than any other man he knew. His massive, powerful 25” arms would serve as a good deterrent to anyone who dared insinuate he was “fat”.... And besides… he was a beast. He loved it.

And Juan really did love being huge and being a hulking powerbear. He couldn’t even remember when… or why… or even if he was ever into those stereotypical gay fitness things. He used to be skinny and weak? He could hardly remember ever being that way. It was so much better now that he was enormous and strong as fuck. Yeah, thats what he loved. Being strong as fuck. A gay guy online commenting on his JuanLiftsHeavyThings youtube channel called him a “big bull”... He kinda liked that. He was bull. Built for power, built for strength.

By the time he Juan hit 450 pounds Juan’s legs were so powerful and massive he no longer walked normally. He sauntered with titanic thighs rolling around each other. He was now the biggest, strongest powerlifter in the state… maybe even the country… and he spent most of his days lifting, lifting more, stuffing his face, and making youtube videos of his lifts. He celebrated and embraced his life as a huge, hulking brute. This is what he loved. This was his passion. Powerlifting. Strength sports… and being as big and powerful as possible.

All that was left to do was to get stronger and grow...and grow...

...and grow.