Jack's Mishap

By Henry.

Content warning: Homophobic slurs

Jack was going home from the nearby gym one evening. He had moved recently, and was still getting used to the new neighborhood. As he walked, he was on his phone and was messaging some girls on a hook-up app. He kept sending nudes of himself, pridefully thinking that it would get him laid fast. Jack was a short hunk but had some muscle on his frame. Jack had piercing blue eyes and short cut brown hair, he’d always be wearing gym shorts and a sleeveless tee. He felt confident in himself and loved to show off his body: in a bragging way around men, and in a sexual way to any woman who could spare him the attention.

Every night, as he was going home from the gym, he would pass the local gay bar. Jack hated it because the colours of the rainbow neon lights polluted the street and streamed through his often closed window shades. The bar was so close to his apartment, he would always hear the loud people drinking, conversing, and partying inside. Jack had something to say. He wanted to complain: as he often did on social media, plastering the bar’s pages and profiles with nasty comments. As he walked by, he screamed “Faggots!” at the two men smoking a cigarette outside. “You’ll regret this, buddy,” one of them said disdainfully, putting out their cigarette with their boots. “Sure thing, pal,” Jack said in a throaty voice, unintimidated by their presence.

As he entered his apartment, he dropped his gym bag on the floor and closed the door behind him. He took off his sweaty clothes to flex in the bathroom mirror. “Man, I stink,” he said, smelling his armpits. He stripped naked and had a shower. He brushed his abs with soap on his pale white skin and shaved his pubes, leaving him hairless all around. Afterward, he dried himself with a towel, put on his bathrobe, and went to chill in the living room.

He flipped on the TV. Jack subscribed to too many porn channels and loved watching it. After watching several videos, he tried to get hard - turned on at the least - but couldn’t. This was a recurring problem for Jack. He’d noticed that his libido had been decreasing for the past couple of weeks since moving in. He had tried everything from switching his protein powder to the food he was eating, but no luck. It was getting late, so he just went to bed early because he had an early shift at his job.

During the night, he found it difficult to sleep. None of his usual remedies worked. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he went for a walk down the street. As he was walking in his robe, he saw the street was empty, with not even a car in sight. The street lamp went out. He was now surrounded by darkness. Jack couldn’t see anything as he tried to return to his apartment’s front door.

He heard heavy footsteps coming closer towards him. “Hello? Who’s there?” he spoke, as he began to panic. He tried to look around, but felt a cloth go over his mouth and nose. Whatever it was soaked with caused him to struggle briefly as he became unconscious. Jack woke up in a poorly lit room. He felt weak and unable to move. The room was dated, dirty, frigid and furnished with a mirror on the wall. “Where am I?” He said, groaning as he tried to see through blurry eyes. Jack noticed his captor had chained him to the floor. In a panic, he tried to pull away but couldn’t. Jack was freezing sitting on the concrete floor as his back touched the cold brick wall.

In an instant, he heard someone coming down a nearby hallway. Jack shuddered into the wall more when he saw him. The big, hairy man was dressed in leather and wore a fake police badge on his shoulder. He walked over to Jack, before giving his naked body a good look over. “Hey there, Jack. Good to see you’re awake!” he said in a joyful tone, with a smile on his face. Jack pushed away from him, asking who the fuck he was. “Remember all the times you called us faggots and left hate speech on our wall?” The man said. “What, you faggots abducted me?” Jack responded. “Yes, now how’s the sex life, Jack? Getting any action?” The man said, chuckling to himself. “So, it’s you faggot? You’ve been messing with me!” Jack said angrily, trying to attack him, but couldn’t. “Never leave a drink unattended at a gym, Jack,” the man laughed. “What do you want from me?” Jack said, now scared. “Oh, just to see you become the cutest bear." The man said, pulling his cheek. “Jack, I used to be like you, objectifying women and saying homophobic slurs, but I’ve changed and so should you,” the man said gently.

The black clothed man pulled out his cock from his tight leather thong and jerked it where Jack could see. “Ugh, what the fuck you fag?” Jack shouted disgustedly. The man didn’t listen and grabbed a red cup as he continued to jerk his long, erect, uncut cock. Jack began to wretch as the man stroked harder, vomiting as the act in front of his eyes made him sick to his stomach. The man moaned as his hot sticky cum loudly poured into the cup with wet slopping noises. His eyes rolled back as he climaxed and his head hung high, his tongue wagging out of his mouth. The pleasure of orgasm painted his face, making his bearded cheeks blush. He squeezed every drop out of his member as Jack cried on the floor.

The man walked over to the wall where he grabbed a metal mouth prop to keep Jack’s mouth open. He grabbed Jack’s head and placed it into the open orifice. Jack was at a loss for words. “The name’s Nate,” he said with a grin, tucking his cock back into his thong and zipping it up. Nate grabbed Jack’s hair and forcefully tilted his head upwards while pouring the fresh warm semen down his throat. Jack tried to resist, but couldn’t as Nate was pinching his nose, making him naturally swallow so he could inhale again.

As Nate’s cum travelled down his throat, Jack felt a warm aura course through his body. It was a unique feeling he’d never once before experienced with a woman. Nate unstrapped the mouth prop from his head and stepped back. Jack gazed back at his tormentor in disbelief, his pupils dilating. Both men knew instantly that something was about to change. Jack’s feet instantly grew bigger, the bones growing and popping inside as he screamed in agonizing pain. Nate smiled as he saw the hair grow on them, the flesh thickening while Jack flexed them, trying to work out the cramps. Next, Jack felt his legs get longer, pulling from his waist. They got fatter and more muscle and hair piled on. He stared at them in shock as Nate chuckled. Next, his flaccid penis became erect, growing in girth and length beyond normal as it reached an unrecognizable full mast. His shaved pubes grew back to a massive crotch bush. Jack felt himself lift off the ground as his ass got fatter. His asshole also widened and became wetter.

His lower half was completely changed at this point. Jack burped profoundly as his stomach grew, a layer of fat engulfing the hard-earned abs he worked hours for. Body hair grew outwards as his once defined pectorals set in place, becoming soft man boobs. Nate squeezed his hand as Jack’s cock was getting harder, feeling the throb of blood flowing into it. Nate watched and jerked the growing bear in front of him, and as he did, it made him increasingly satisfied. Jack wanted to come but couldn’t.

On top of the painful transformation overcoming him, Jack now had to endure a near orgasmic erection bobbing between his legs. He felt himself widening and saw his hands get chubby and calloused. Then his arms, especially in his biceps, became hairy and large. "OHH FUCK, LET ME CUM!” Jack shouted. Nate let go of Jack’s red throbbing cock. The former hunk could feel the fluids rushing up from his balls and into his urethra. He sensed the ejaculate reaching his cock head like an avalanche before it jetted up into the air, coating his body and face with an amount that would make porn stars blush. He moaned so loudly, biting his lip as he finally felt free.

As he watched the first orgasm overcome his new initiate, Nate decided to unlock the handcuffs around the new bear’s wrists. When Jack finished coming, he laid there, sprawled out, panting hard as he dozed off. The thick fluids seeped into his body hair and skin, giving him a strong, musky scent. He looked entirely different, “Fuck me” he said in a raspy voice. His entire body was relaxed as he sat in his own puddle of sweat before finally slouching to the ground. Nate smiled, picking Jack up off the ground and slinging him over his shoulders. As Nate carried Jack, some leftover fluids dripped onto the sleeve of his leather shirt, “Oh man! I just got this polished,” Nate said disappointedly, as he walked out of the room with a huff.

Hey everyone! thanks so much for the feedback on my last story, here is the second part! let me know if you have any ideas for a third part, more changes physically, mentally or reality wise!

(proofread by Enrique)

Nate hauled Jack into another room elsewhere in the building. It was tiled and dated looking with faded paint on the ceiling and upper walls. In it were a hose, a drain hole, and rusty iron stains from the residual water. Nate carefully placed Jack on the floor. He grabbed the hose and turned it on, misting down Jack. Jack awakened from the cold water splashing against his skin. Reacting, he put his hand up to block the water, without much luck. “Fuck man, stop! It’s freezing!” Jack said, shivering. “Just a minute more, boy,” Nate said reassuringly, spraying him some more.

When Nate finished, he turned off the hose and threw Jack a jockstrap, a towel and a pair of flip-flops. The shivering man reached over to grab it with his chubby hands and dried himself off. He then wiggled the jockstrap up his thighs, and around his waist. He slid the flip-flops on, marvelling at how big his feet were. Jack grabbed the wall to stand up as he mentally couldn’t get over how big he was. “Follow me,” Nate said, smiling as they walked out of the room.

Jack focused on his walking, looking down at his feet, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. The hand drawn illustrations on the walls amazed him. As he took them in he asked hesitating slightly, “Who drew these?” Nate quipped, “Oh, a local artist here, he’s great at making bara manga art.”

Nate led Jack into another room down the dark hallway. The room had an old steel table and a comfortable swivel leather chair next to it. On the tabletop sat a tattoo gun, a basket of assorted piercings, a bottle of alcohol, disposable surgical gloves, and several plastic cups. “Have a seat and get comfortable. I’m going to get my kit ready,” Nate said, picking a couple of them up and placing them into a cup with a splash of alcohol.

“What’s about to happen to me?” Jack asked, “You, my boy, are getting your nipples pierced,” Nate smiled, as he slid some fresh gloves onto his hands. “PIERCED? But I like them the way they are!” Nate said, covering them with his hands defensively. “No you don’t, Jack! You hate the way they are,” he continued as he loaded the jewelry into the piercing gun. These words flew into Jack’s subconscious mind like sharp darts and made him reconsider the boring nipples on his chest. “Well, I guess they look strange,” Jack said, pulling down his hands without hesitation. He got into the chair and squeezed his big ass into the seat, before looking up into Nate’s gentle eyes. “There we go,” Nate whispered as he wiped down Jack’s nipples with a wet wipe.

He fondled the left nipple between his fingers and pierced it with a thick stainless steel ring. The pain was sharp and precise, lasting a few long seconds, with the shooting pain of a bee sting. Nate grabbed the opposite one and repeated the procedure. Nate massaged them, wiped them with another swab, and gave them a quick inspection to ensure that the piercings were fastened in correctly.

“Now, don’t you look better?” Nate said, showing him a mirror. Jack felt them with his hand as he gazed into his reflection. They had bled slightly and looked a deep red color from the rush of blood to them. Jack cocked his head to one side and gleefully said, “I guess I do. They’re big, but I’ll get used to them.” Nate smiled back, admiring his handiwork.

Nate reached behind Jack’s head with a hand, pulling him in for a kiss and shoving his tongue into his partner’s mouth. Jack blushed as he felt his cock become erect in response. Nate squeezed his now modified nipples. Jack moaned into the pleasure of his newly trained erogenous zones.

Nate pulled a packet of lube out of his pocket, unzipped his dick from his leather thong and squirted it on. He stroked his uncut member to get it properly hard. Jack immediately knew what to do, his eyes now wide at the sight. He straddled the chair and popped his ass high into the air, using the cushion to steady himself. Nate made sure that Jack’s asshole would be a perfect replica of his when he manipulated the transformation.

Nate placed his left hand on one ass cheek and slowly inserted his girthy cock into Jack. “Oh, fuck!” Jack said, moaning as he felt it enter the passage, sliding through some distance and hitting his prostate for the first time. The discomfort was measureable for Jack, but it gradually gave way to a deep sensation that rocked him to his core. The fullness inside him was unfamiliar, but deeply fulfilling in a way he had never imagined. Nate dragged the process out so Jack could get a feel for it. The second time, he thrusted even harder and kept on increasing his tempo. As he fucked Jack with greater intensity, his ass cheeks jiggled and changed as they became perfectly round. Nate pushed, sweating inside his leather outfit.

As he came close to climax, he pulled Jack in, turning his head at an angle to smell the sweaty musk wafting from him. Jack’s hands found his dick, stroking it wildly as he achieved an orgasm and finally came from the stimulation on both ends. His cum splattered onto the leather in long streaks as his cock leapt. Nate kept on, finally coming into Jack’s ass as he witnessed his partner’s first anal orgasm. He pulled out, watching some of the ejaculate being pushed out of the newly fucked hole. Nate licked some of his own cum from the prolapsing pucker, an act commonly known as creampie eating. He pulled his now flaccid cock back into his thong again and zipped it up. “Fuck, that felt amazing!” Jack smiled, tucking his still dribbling dick back into his sweaty jockstrap, feeling a portion of it smearing into the cotton. “You’re a good receiver,” Nate said proudly, kissing him on the cheek.

Nate grabbed a t-shirt with a bear pride flag screen printed on it and some short-shorts from a nearby closet, tossing them at Jack. “It’s getting late, so put those on and we can finish the rest tomorrow,” Nate said. “Sure, I could stay at my apartment?” Jack replied. “What apartment?” Nate asked, clearly puzzled. “The apartment I live in that’s down the street. I think?” Jack said, confused as he tried to remember where it was.

“No, I don’t think you have one. But we can have you stay at one of our rental houses for the night,” Nate replied in a stern tone. When Jack finished getting dressed, he followed Nate upstairs to the back entrance. “We’re going to have to walk through the bar, so just keep your head down and act natural.” As Jack walked up the stairs, he could hear how loud the bar was as the sounds of the music, laughter, and conversations comingled. As soon as they entered, it was complete silence as everyone focused their eyes on Jack. “You really are eye candy to them!” Nate said, as they passed the partygoers. Nate hit a button his key fob, unlocking the car as they stepped outside.

They both hopped into the car and drove to the house Nate had alluded to. When they arrived, the person who ran the house greeted Jack. The owner was quite tall, lean with muscle, wearing a designer suit with a pink dress shirt underneath. He had a perfectly groomed short beard and his chest hair exposed. “Evening! You must be Jack? I’m Garry,” He said in a feminine tone, while extending his hand. “Eh, yes,” Jack said, shaking his hand with a firm, confident grip. They were both led inside the well furnished place, and they showed Jack his room. The bed was small, just barely big enough to fit Jack. “It looks very nice. Thanks so much,” Jack said, trying to express his gratitude.

“Well, I best be heading out. I’ll pick you up tomorrow,” Nate said, kissing his cheek lovingly. “Yeah, sure thing Nate,” Jack blushed as he walked out the door. “…And if there’s anything you need let me know,” Garry said, trying to provide a degree of hospitality. “Actually yes, I don’t have any more jockstraps. I was wondering if I could borrow a pair?” Nate said. “Oh yeah, you have a tonne of them in your wardrobe,” Garry said smiling as he gestured to it.

Jack opened the wooden wardrobe and saw it filled with a coterie of sex toys, rubber clothing, a myriad number of jockstraps, and cheesy printed t-shirts with cliché gay sayings. “Well, I guess I’ll leave you to get ready for bed. You’ve got a long day ahead of you,” Garry said, nodding. "Great, and thanks for everything,” Jack said as Garry closed the door behind him. Jack took a breather and sat down to consider everything that had happened to him. He tried to remember details from his past but found it increasingly difficult to do. All he knew was that he used to be super homophobic.

He wandered into the bathroom with a hygiene kit he had been given. Jack brushed his teeth and applied moisturiser, not on his face, but on his cock and walked back to his room. He peeled back the blanket from the mattress to lie down onto and snuggled into his pillow. As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell straight asleep.

The next morning, he awoke as the sun filtered in through the blinds. Garry knocked on his door. “Breakfast is ready for you downstairs.” Jack was starving, so he quickly got dressed. He saw big men the moment he came out of his room. One of them came up to Jack. He was covered in blonde body hair and wore short blonde hair on his head. His outfit consisted of a pair of rugby shorts and a faded tee that said Rugby World Cup 2014.

"You must be Jack then, aye?” The man spoke a thick Scottish accent. “Yeah, that’d be me,” Jack said with an ounce of bravado. “And you are?” Jack inquired. “Oh apologies, mate. My name’s Archie,” he said, emphatically shaking Jack’s hand. “Do you play?” Jack asked as he looked down at the Scottish man’s shirt. “Do I play? Yeah, I’m on the team. You should join. We need a good hooker,” Archie said cheerfully, bashing into him playfully and laughing. “Oh, I don’t know how to play,” Jack replied, looking away. “Well of course you do! We’ll play later once you get sorted,” Archie said.

When they got to the table, a huge fry-up of food was laid out for them. They hounded the food down like animals. Jack looked around the dining room to see the other bears around him, noticing they were somewhat taller and bigger than him. But they all had one thing in common: body hair, and lots of it. “You see that guy over there? He shaves his body every day, but he can’t keep it back. It simply grows back within a week,” Archie laughed in between shoving bites of food into his mouth. Everyone mostly seemed to mind their business and didn’t notice Jack at all. When Jack finished, he and Archie went upstairs.

Archie seemed to get along with Jack. “I’m taking a shower. I’ll meet you there,” he said, pointing at Jack and walking back to his room. “Sure thing,” Jack said. When Jack went to put on his towel from the bathroom closet, it could barely wrap around his waist. As he walked, his dick swung out between the slit of the towel. The other men didn’t seem to care.

He walked in and saw it was one big, long room with showerheads on each wall. Jack walked over and saw a bar of soap to wash himself laying in one of the hanging organizers. It had a deeply masculine fragrance consisting of cedar wood and citrus. “This is it? Jack said, sliding his towel off. “Yep, what more could you want?” Archie said, turning the adjustment knob. The water jets kicked on and steam filled the room. The two men filed under separate showerheads and washed themselves.

Jack could hear grunts from Archie, who stood at a different stall. He looked over and saw Archie frotting his rock hard dick against the wall. “Dude, not here!” Jack said disdainfully. “What mate? D’you want some?” Archie said confrontationally, getting himself close, before finally blasting his load onto Jack as a joke, and then onto the wall. “Eww dude! What the fuck?” Jack said, washing the cum off with the sudsy soap bar. “Sorry lad. I had to go somewhere,” he said in a serious tone. Jack grabbed his towel and dried himself off.

He walked back down the hallway and into his room to change. All he could see in his wardrobe was sexually promiscuous clothing. He sighed as he tried to look for the least overtly sexual article. He pulled out: a t-shirt that said, “Fill me daddy,” A pair of shorts with a bear’s paw stamped on it, and some colorful flip-flops which exposed his feet. As he was drying off his hair, Garry entered his room.

“Nate’s ready for you to come down. Cute shirt,” Garry said with a wink and a nod. “Thanks, I’ll be there in a second,” Jack replied, going back to comb his hair in the mirror. He made his bed and rushed downstairs to see Nate standing by the door. “Jack… Well, you’re ready.” The two men walked down the driveway and climbed back into Nate’s car. “So, what are we doing today?” Jack said, looking out at the scenic views of the valley from his window.

“Well, we’ve got to bring you to the tailor and pick out your style. Then we’ll choose your implanted vibrator,” Nate said, patting his leg. “Implanted vibrator?” Jack said, confused. “Yeah, all the guys have them. It makes sex so much more fun and keeps you alert,” Nate said. Jack didn’t question it and just accepted that he was receiving one.

They arrived at the tailor shop and parked in one of the metered spots nearest the entrance. The shop was called “Beast’s Wear”. The doorbell rang as they walked in the front door, and the pair was greeted by Dave, the shopkeeper. Dave was slim, average height, and dressed in a rubber suit. “Hello Jack, how are you? I’m Dave.” They shook hands cordially. "Good to meet you. Nice shop you’ve got,” Jack replied. “We’re just going for a fitting today,” Nate said to Dave, gesturing at Jack. “Sure thing,” Dave said as he sized Jack up. “Ok Jack, let’s get you measured. It will only take a second.”

Jack followed Dave into the back. Dave grabbed some black cream and handed it to Jack. “Go to the changing room over there, and spread this all over your body.” Without questioning, Jack stripped and observed his body in the mirror. He stripped his clothing off, save for his jock strap, and lathered the black liquid on every part of his body. As soon as he finished, the black cream stretched all over his body. It morphed and shaped into clothing.

First, a vest made of entirely rubber appeared and glowed shiny. Next, his jockstrap changed entirely from cotton and spandex to rubber. Jack looked down in shock. He saw his feet covered with rubber, formed to show each individual toe. Pants glided onto his legs tightly and shined, a zipper located and centered itself along his groin, starting above his cock and running up his ass. Then a shirt formed round him, covering his arms as well. Jack felt his gut and saw how big it really was, hefting it with his hands. His entire suit shined like brand new.

He stepped outside to see Nate and Dave grin. “That stuff works every time,” Dave said with a chuckle. Dave handed Jack some shining and hydrating spray. "Spray this twice a day on your clothing to keep it glossy and from the possibility of dry out. It loses its stretchiness if you don’t. I’ve also got some talc to help you get in.” Dave said, handing the bottles to Jack. “Thanks. The gear feels really tight, but I will hopefully get used to that,” Jack replied as he hopped on his feet and shook out his arms. “Don’t worry. In a couple of weeks, this will become a breeze for you,” Dave instructed.

Nate and Jack thanked Dave as they left, popping back into Nate’s car. Nate slapped Jack’s ass as he went to sit down and growled, “Damn that’s huge.” When Nate got into the car and clutched the steering wheel, Jack leaned in for a tongue kiss and bit Nate’s lip as he pulled away. They arrived at the plastic surgeon’s office. When they entered, Jack saw a relatively small man who was chubby walk up to them. He had a beard that covered his neck and dark complexion, showing he may be foreign. He wore a shirt that was too tight on his body, a pair of smart pants and loafers.

“Evening Jack, I’m Dr Ayad.” They shook hands. "Nice to meet you,” Jack smiled, excited about the operation. Jack noticed a split photo on the wall, intrigued by it. “That’s a nice photo on the wall. Who is the other man?” Jack asked. The man in the photo had completely pale skin, with ginger hair and a sleeve tattoo on his arm. “That would be me. When I studied medicine in college, I changed the body’s genetics in mysterious ways. I was the test subject, and they proved to be a success!” Dr Ayad said, smiling. “Wow, that’s cool!” Jack said as his erect cock outlined in his rubber pants. “Shall we get on with the procedure” Dy Ayad said, smiling.

Nate and Jack walked into the surgery, where everything prepped. Jack sat on the table flipped over while Nate got his asshole ready by rubbing it to loosen it. “So how this will work Jack is I’ll make a small incision above your prostate and urethra and will insert this small metal device inside then stich you up” Dr Ayad smiled handing the device to Nate. “This is pretty revolutionary, Doctor,” Nate said, sticking his whole thumb in now. “It is and totally safe!” Dy Ayad said. “And will I be awake for this?” Jack asked, sitting on the table holding his moans from Nate fingering him. “Well, there is an option to have you as- “Nate interrupted Dr. Ayad. “He’ll be awake for this”. Jack stayed silent as he didn’t argue Nate’s words.

Nate grabbed a chair in the corner as Dr Ayad began the surgery. Nate pulled out his cock and lube from his jacket pocket and went at it. Dr Ayad made the incision and Jack immediately screamed in pain. “Oh, fuck, that hurts,” Jack said, tearing up. Jack heard Nate’s cock beings troked. “What the fuck? You’re masturbating to this!” Jack said in anger. Nate didn’t respond to Jack. Dr Ayad grabbed the device and carefully inserted into the opening and sealed it. Dr Ayad disinfected everything to prevent disease. Nate stroked harder and harder as he came to climax and grunted before coming all over himself. “You wouldn’t have a towel Dr.?” He said panting. Dr Ayad laughed and gave him one.

Jack stood up and couldn’t feel the device in him. Nate grabbed a device from his pocket to turn it on and Jack immediately felt it falling to the floor. The vibrating sensation soothed Jack and the pressure from the floor on his dick encouraged it more. With one wiggle of his body, his dick stroked itself. Jack immediately cummed because of the high sensation. “Oh fuck,” he said as his eyes rolled up on the floor. Dr. Ayad and Nate both laughed. Nate turned it off and Jack stood up to clean himself off. “Wow, that felt amazing,” Jack said excitingly, licking his cum off the rubber. “Yep, it sure does,” Dr Ayad smiled. “Again, thanks so much doc” Nate said, smiling.

They headed back to the bar. “What’s next?” Jack asked eagerly. “That’s it buddy, you’re all set to go,” Nate said. “That’s it? Isn’t there more?” Jack said. “Nope, you’re ready, you’ll stay at the house and over time, you’ll learn your ways. Next week, we’ll set you up with a job in our bar,” Nate said plainly. Jack was heartbroken by these words as it ended so quick. “What about changing other people into bears?” Jack said. “Oh, that’ll take years kiddo, until you’re my age, hey you see that guy with the advertisement over there. He was my first test subject, absolutely fucked him,” Nate said, handing a picture of him naked. In the picture it showed the man with an absolutely tiny cock and a muscular body. “He looks good. Except his cock, but,” Jack said, “I couldn’t make him a bear, so I had to scrap him. Poor fucker now flips burgers for a living of the company he used to be CEO of,” Nate said.

Jack saw Archie at the top of the bar. “Hey Arch, over here” Jack said. Archie saw him and smiled, came over and bashed into Jack. “Where’ve you been? You missed rugby!” Archie said, slogging down his beer. “Sorry mate was getting my vibrator implanted,” Jack said. Without asking, Archie put his hands down Jack’s pants and fingered his asshole. “Yep, I can definitely feel it alright,” Archie said, pulling out. Jack didn’t care that Archie did that. “Cool suit also,” Archie said, feeling the rubber. “Thanks” Jack replied. “I best leave you two boys to it,” Nate said, cutting a cigar to go outside. “Oh, ok Nate see you later” Jack nodded off. Jack stared at his ass as he walked out, pressing against the leather.

Jack was happy with his new life. He’d made a new friend that would soon be a friend with benefits, and he could see all the other bears and cubs eye him up. He felt safe in the bar as masculine energy dominated it and smells of musk. Archie grabbed him a beer. “None of that cocktail stuff for you,” he said, laughing. Jack had now completely forgotten his previous life and focused on his new one.