Jack Strom Pt. 4-6

Jack Strom part 4 -- By RWThurman

Jack me a quick grin and said, "Okay man, I'll lace your pants back up. It's the least I owe you." Jack walked behind me and cupped my body with his. He reached around and started to lace up my or Jack's old football pants. "Man, these things are getting ripe." Then he whispered in my left ear. "You like that shit man? Because so far, I've been doing all the pumping, and you're not complaining." Jack finished lacing up my football pants, neatly tucked in my jersey and took some liberties by adjusting my cup with a practiced grinding motion. "There ya go coach. All ready."

Jack circle back to face me and laced up his pants. He tucked in his jersey and adjusted his own jock with a half glance. I let out a long sigh of release and said, "Okay Jack, we got a lot to do."

I left the room and came back with a syringe. Jack just stood there and while I injected him. "Okay, let's juice you up." I handed jack a bottle of lotion. "It's not for what you think it is stud. You'll need to use this lotion to loosen up your skin because it's going to stretch. Rub a bunch of it on your butt and ball sack."

Jack quickly turned his back in mock modesty and pulled down his pants. Within a few seconds he had rubbed the lotion all over his hairy ass, pubes and chest. After finishing I watched his lubricated ass disappear as he raised his padded football pants back into place. He turned back towards me and said, "Hey, I'm a modest guy dude." Jack gave me a quick wink.

Next, I connected a feeder hose to the back of Jack's shoulder pads. "Okay dude, it's time to pump you up. Are you ready?"

Jack gave me a macho smirk and answered, "Fuck yeah!"

I turned the valve and listened as the protein solution flow into Jack's football suit. Jack immediately turned towards a mirror to watch the transformation. At first, the shoulder pads started to bulk up just a bit over the deltoids, but soon the Jack's chest pads and the neck roll of the shoulder pads started to bulge too.

Jack kept his eyes glued to the mirror while he changed his angles to see how the inflation was affecting his appearance. Occasionally, he would nurse his fattening cock by giving it a few squeezes though the milking tube. Jack faced me with a big grin. "Dude! This is fucking hot. I feel like the football player in that movie that blows up. How big are you gonna make me?" Jack went back to checking out his mirror image.

Jack exhaled and started to pant from arousal. "Coach, my shoulder pads are getting enormous. What happens next?"

This time I came behind Jack and whispered in his ear, "I'm gonna pump you up until you're suit is full, then I'm going to top you off. You see, your shoulder pads are almost full, but once they get full, they're going to spill the excess solution into your football muscle suit."

I showed Jack a small remote I had palmed in my pocket. "Here's the control to your suit." I pressed one of the buttons and watched Jack's face. The small butt plug started to inflate and stretch out Jack's virgin butthole. Within seconds the butt plug had deflowered the top jock and protein solution started to jack up his hairy muscle ass.

Jack's expression of assurance faded quickly as the solution started to inflate his bowels. "Dude, am I gonna get fat from this shit?"

"Don't worry Jack, it's all under control. Your abs are going to be stretched out for a while, but once you've absorbed your first dosage, they'll tighten up again."

"So Jack, how does it feel to have your butthole stretched out and have your abs stretched out like a pregnant heifer?"

Jack still looked agitated, but he finally said, "It's kind of hot. I've never had anything pumped up my butt before." Jack kept facing the mirror to view his rapidly bulging profile.

"My gut's getting really big, but I just feel heavy. I never thought I'd get turned on with a beer belly." Jack gave his tight belly a few pats.

I gave Jack a few belly pats and asked, "Do you need to notify anyone that you're going to be here for the next few days?" Jack thought for a moment and replied, "Yeah, I should notify my roommate Kippy."

"Wait!", I said, "You're room mates with Kippy?" Jack put on a puzzled expression and said, "Yeah, we're both on the team. Makes sense. Right? We even work out together."

"Well, this is going to complicate things. You see Kippy has been stealing the playbooks and selling them to the other teams. If he gets a whiff of this new muscle suit, then he's going to spill the beans to his buddies on the Mavericks."

Jack looked pretty flustered, "Kippy is a back-stabber? You sure about that coach?"

"Oh yeah Jack. We have it on video. He's really tight with the Ambler brothers. If he finds out about your new suit, then he's going to tell those Ambler brothers first thing. This is bad, but it COULD be good."

Jack's eyes went wide and said, "So, what do you have in mind coach?"

In the time we were talking, Jack's shoulder pads had filled and started overflowing into his football suit. Over the last few minutes, Jack had gone from a musclebound bodybuilder to a bloated line backer with a gut. "Jack, it looks like we need to turn off your solution before you pop."

Jack Shrugged, "Damn, just when it was getting fun too." Jack ran in place for a moment just to feel his added weight. The sound of his cleats against the floor had definitely gotten louder. Apparently, Jack was really getting off on this added mass. "Damn, I must have gained 50 pounds. Will I keep it all?"

"In the next two hours, your body is going to absorb all that protein solution, but you'll only keep about half that weight. How's your jock feeling Jack?"

"Yeah, I was gonna mention that coach. It's starting to feel like I got kicked in the nuts, and my dick's feeling like I had a Viagra overdose."

"Your nut sack is going to stretch until it's bigger than an egg plant. Are your pecs feeling tinder?"

"Maybe my nips, but mostly it feels like I had the mother of all pec workouts. Come to think of it, my whole body feels like I'm having a huge workout after-pump."

"Looks like your buttocks and thighs are expanding nicely too. I hope you don't bust your football pants." I felt up his butt to make sure it was filling out nicely. Next, I pressed where the butt plug was inflating Jacks ass with my athletic cup.

"Whoa Coach. That feels damn good."

"Okay Strom, we need to release that pressure in your nuts. If you don't, then you're going to involuntarily bust a nut and that's gonna hurt."

"Are my nuts gonna pop coach?"

"No Strom, but if you don't get milked, then you'll cum involuntarily, and it's going to really hurt. So in your case Jack, just keep looking at yourself in that mirror. I've never seen anyone that gets so jizzed looking at themselves. You're such a fucking ham."

I was expecting an answer, but Jack was too busy feeling up his own dick while sweat started to bead up on his forehead. "Coach, could you give me some rear end support?"

"Sure Jack." I started to massage Jack's butt plug with my athletic cup. The end of the plug was hitting Jack prostrate and giving him intense pleasure.

"Oh shit! Coach!" I kept bumping into Jack's prostrate. Jack must have cum because he held his hands up in the air like he was riding a roller coaster.

"We're going to have to repeat this ever ten minutes for the next two hours, but it doesn't look like you have any problems with this."

Jack sat down and wiped the sweat onto the sleeve of his jersey. "So, coach, what are we going to do about Kippy?"

"It looks like we have two hours to discuss it. You should still call Kippy and tell him you'll be here for the next few days, but I'm going to tell you exactly what to say."

Over the next few days, we ran through several scenarios of what could happen with Kippy. By the second day Jack was ready, so we concentrated on his training with the suit.

Jack had actually gained 20 pounds and it was really obvious. We started to throw around ideas to explain it, but I had a feeling that some supplement companies might be interested in Jack's transformation and take credit for it. Not only did it supply an explanation, but it supplied Jack with some extra cash too.

Jack's hairy pecs started to plump up and lactate, but with all of his chest muscle mass, they still looked pretty masculine. If Jack was upset about the lactation, he didn't show it at all. He'd even tasted some of his own milk and declared himself delicious just to goad me. Once again, Jack's easy going ability to take things in stride amazed me.

The side effect of flatulence started to become apparent too. At first Jack was stricken with sudden gas attacks, but after the third day, Jack was able to pretty much fart on command. Actually, he seemed to take vicious delight in farting at the absolutely wrong time. Even threatening to plug up his butt hole didn't stop his happy poots. Jack got malicious. Most guys would look stupid farting, but Jack somehow gave it a manly feel. Jack would make full eye contact and give me a half smirk as he leaned in and landed a large blurp. He even let me rub his butt hole while farting.

Kippy called Jack Monday morning. He wanted to meet at the locker room and see this new uniform/training program for himself. As Jack confirmed the meeting at 10 AM, we both exchanged knowing looks. My job was to watch what was happening and make sure that Jack didn't get hurt. The trap had been baited and set.

Jack arrived at the team locker room at 10 AM. Showing up early would have been suspicious, but Jack got out of his truck in full gear and strutted straight into the locker room. Kippy was there dressed in a pair of sweats waiting on Jack.

When Jack walked into the room, he immediately struck a side triceps post. "So what do you think Kippy?" It's a 30 pound gain. We're gonna beat the shit out of the Mavericks this Friday."

"Wow!" Kips started to feel up Jack and was impressed by his increased mass. "Dude, your gain is unreal. It looks like someone took an air hose and shoved it up your ass."

Jack struck a back double biceps pose and said, "Pretty much. Coach Bailey has a muscle suit for you and two spares too. You have just enough time to get pumped up for the game like me."

Just then Ambler brothers walk from the back room. Shane and Bruce Ambler were the star players of the Mavericks. In a sneering tone, Shane Ambler said, "So, what do we have here? Nice pump Strom, but I don't think you're man enough to handle that uniform."

Shane Ambler was taller than Jack too at 6'2 and 230lbs. He was the quarterback of the Mavericks. He had good looks, brownish/blond hair and always kept his facial hair with stubble. Shane was still well built and had abs to match Jack. Finally, Shane's attitude was renowned as a prima donna. He always had to be the center of attention and his burly brother would muscle in if his Shane wasn't happy.

At 6'4 and 295lbs Bruce Ambler was large even for a football lineman. Bruce had red hair and kept it cropped. He was mostly muscle, but had a bit of a roid gut. He was a quiet guy since he always let Shane do all the talking. His best personality trait was his loyalty towards Shane. Both brothers were in their normal getup - cowboyed up in wranglers and boots.

Shane just stood there and glowered as Jack acted stupefied that Maverick team members were in the locker room. After a moment, Shane spoke up again. "Oh, let me give you the news Strom. Kip is leaving the Wolverines and joining the Mavericks. I hope you don't mind if we bring over some of this new equipment. It would go to waste in Wolverine hands anyways."

Jack made a move to beat the crap out of Shane, but Kip secured Jack from behind. Bruce Ambler lifted Jack up in the air and threw him on the ground.

After the impressive thud, Bruce and Kip just sat on top of Jack. Shane threw a pair of handcuffs to Kip and said, "Hand cuff the chimp."

Once Jack was handcuffed, Shane yelled "I'll watch Strom here. You guys load that equipment in the truck and get that formula crud too."

Shane flipped Jack over and started to feel him up. "Wow, this stuff really works. I thought this was another one of Kip's stupid stories, but this sounds legit." Jack just stared Shane in the eye and said nothing. There was nothing to gain by talking, so Jack just played it cool. "You know Jack; it's still not too late for you to join the Mavericks too. We could use a decent line backer like you. Of course, you're going to have to take a back seat to me. There's room for only one star on the Mavericks. Well?"

Jack sort of looked up like he was considering it, and then Jack did something that almost compromised the whole plan. Jack looked back at Shane and then, "PPppphrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruppppppp!!!" Jack let off the deepest fart yet. This fart easily had a 5 second duration of man gas. I was only a few rooms away watching and listening in from Coach Harrison's office. The unexpected and intense response nearly made me die laughing, but somehow I held it in. Jack just held his gaze on Shane and simply raised an eyebrow.

Shane was furious. "Gawd damn it. I just moosed my hair, you little ape." Shane then took his cowboy booted foot and placed the toe on the crotch of Jack's crotch. Slowly, Shane applied more pressure to Jack's jock until he was obviously in discomfort. Jack didn't yell, but you could see the distress on his face.

Shane was actually getting off on torturing Jack's crotch and kept it up. After a minute, sweat started to pop out on Jack. Jack was getting close to an orgasm despite or perhaps because of the pain. I guess it's pretty normal for body builders like Jack to get off on pain and embrace it, but Shane was started to show a bulge in his tight wranglers too. After a few more seconds, Shane started to grope himself while pedaling Jack like an old fashion sewing machine.

Jack finally blew a load which satisfied Shane. Shane just had to chide Jack by saying, "Only pussies cum in their uniform. Don't you have any respect at all for your team?" At the same time, the sight of Jack all jacked up and cuming in full football gear affected Shane. His dick was now clearly outlined in his Wranglers, and a small wetspot appeared at the tip of his wiener. Shane was dripping precum over Jack's situation.

At this point Bruce and Kip walked back into the locker room. Oblivious to the recent happenings, Kip said to Shane, "So, is Jack going to join us as a Maverick?"

In a condescending tone, Shane answered, "No, Jack isn't Maverick material like you are Kip." Then Shane stepped on Jacks crotch and twisted his booted toe. It looked like Shane was putting out a cigarette on Jack's crotch. "Okay Kip, does this crappy locker room have an air compressor?"

Kip thought for a moment, and said, "Yeah, in the back room. What do you need it for?"

Shane just smiled at Jack and said, "I think old Strom isn't going to be able to play this Friday due to equipment problems. Bring me that air compressor hose."

Bruce grinned and for the first time said something. "Sweet, I want to see this guy grow."

While Kip walked to the back room to get the air compressor inflation hose, Shane answered, "Yeah Bruce, we're gonna make a toy for you. Pick him up and hold him."

Bruce easily manhandled Jack into an upright position, and Shane took off the hand cuffs. Kip then arrived back in the locker room with the air hose. The air hose had a screw on attachment with a trigger for regulating the airflow. Shane easily attached the hose to Jacks shoulder pads and made sure Jack faced one of the full length mirrors. Kip brought out a camcorder and said, "I totally want to get this on film."

"Absolutely", Shane said. Then he whispered to Jack, "I really want to see your face when we pop you."

After a moment, Kip pointed the camcorder and exclaimed, "We're live."

"Let's see how well these football muscle suits hold up to pressure." With that, Shane gave the air hose trigger a few presses. The first few were high pressure. Jack's shoulder pads responded by expanding in his football jersey in bursts. After a few seconds, Shane was pressing the air hose trigger so that a small amount of air was gradually pumping up Jack's Football Uniform.

Jack suddenly understood the seriousness of the situation and stammered, "Come on guys. This isn't sportsman like. I just got his new uniform and coach is going to kill me if it gets wrecked."

Shane appeared to reflect sympathetically on Jack's please and then said, "You know, I've never given another guy a blow job. But I'm going to make an exception for you Strom." With that, Shane commenced with a slow inflation of Jack's Football suit while caressing the outline of his own cock through his wranglers.

At first the effects of the slow inflation was subtle on Jack's football uniform. His shoulders were getting more pumped and started to fill out. Once the shoulder pads got full, air started to go to other places in the muscle suit.

At first the air started to pump up Jack's crotch. His crotch started to bulge as though Jack was one of those ball pumpers that vacuum pumped their own balls. Jack was starting to panic. After a few seconds, you could even see the results of his bloated crotch from behind as Jacks package filled out below his butt cheeks.

The slack in pants started to disappear as Jack's buttocks started to distend and stretch the rear fabric panels of his football pants. Very soon, all the wrinkles in the seat of Jack's pants were gone. Jack’s masculine ass was growing more massive.

Jack's upper body started to fill out too. His arms took in the appearance of a heavy bodybuilder while his waist remained tight. Jack's legs looked like he had the workout of a lifetime. His hams and quad were bloated, and his calves inflated football size. The size of Jack's calves made the knitting on his socks stretch out until you could see the muscle suit underneath the socks, but Shane didn't stop.

Soon, it was pretty apparent that Jack was now a prisoner of his own inflated football uniform. After hearing a few popped stitches from Jack's uniform Shane stopped inflating and told Bruce, "Get my workout bag from the truck. I want to make this time memorable for Jack." Bruce left the room.

Jack could barely move his arms and legs at this point. The resistance of the inflation was too great for any serious movement. Jack made another plea. "Please Shane, stop this shit dude. This is crazy. A football uniform is a symbol of my manhood. It's wrong to make such a mockery out of it."

Just then Bruce returned with Jack's bag. Jack took out his weight belt and a pair of boot spurs. After putting on the boot spurs, Shane instructed Bruce to place Jack over his knee for a spanking.

With a bit of effort Bruce bent Jack over his knee. Bending Jack put a bit more pressure on the football suit, but it also made Jacks muscle butt closer to the seat of his football pants.

Shane doubled the weight belt and start to wack Jack's ass through his football pants. Normal spanks would never hurt a jock in full gear, but Shane was beating Jack's ass cheeks hard. I could tell from Jack's face that the first whap hit Jack hard. After a half dozen whaps, Jack's face got red and a tear came from his left eye. At the same time, I could swear he was getting off on the whole thing.

After a dozen whaps, Shane told Bruce to stand Jack back up. "Okay Bruce, put this weight belt on Strom and make it as tight as possible. Is that camera still running Kip?"

"You betcha." replied Kip.

After Bruce cinched the belt tightly around Jacks muscled abs, Shane commenced the slow inflation of Jack's football uniform. After about 30 seconds, Shane got bored of the slow inflation and started to inflate faster. After a minute more stitches started to pop on Jacks uniform -- a few from the pants, and a few from the Jersey. Jack's muscle suit started to make rubbery overinflated balloon noises as the different parts started to compete for space. For the most part the uniform kept together even as swollen muscle suit was destroying the football uniform from within.

Even with the weight belt, Jack’s manly muscles were all overshadowed by the over inflated football uniform. Jack calves were now the size of over inflated watermelons. His socks were pretty much ruined. The pockets in his football pants used to hold his thigh pads were ripping apart. The regulation red stripe along Jack's football pants was now ridiculously stretched out in some places and would never be uniform again. All the elastic in Jack's football pants was ruined and would never tightly cup his muscled ass cheeks again.

Each rip and pop seemed to delight Shane into pumping up Jack even more. The spandex side panels on Jack's jersey could stretch no more too. Jack's muscled arms were just overinflated stubs sticking out of the side of his jersey. The over inflated muscle suit kept making squeaky noises of protest as it was over inflated and rubbing against itself. His chest had inflated beyond grotesque, but Shane kept pumping Jack up.

"I'm going to pop you Jack Strom" Shane whispered in Jack's ear. Just then, a huge triple pop was heard. Shane stopped inflating Jack as Bruce asked, "What the fuck was that?"

After a moment of looking Jack up and down, Shane gleefully exclaimed, "We just busted Jacks jockstrap." Shane started inflating even faster now.

After another 10 seconds, the over inflated abs on Jack's football suit started to pop apart and form a large beef belly. Shane kept on inflating. "You know Jack; a big beer belly looks good on you. Not everyone can carry off one of those, but you're so damn short. Hey Kip, get Strom's helmet. We're going to do some football practice with our new blimp."

Kip returned with Jack's helmet and started to put it on. It took both Kip and Bruce to get the helmet on all the way due to the bloated shoulder pads, but they got it on and snapped in the chin strap.

Shane, Kip and Bruce walked out to the football field carrying an overinflated Jack. For a few minutes they made a practice dummy out of Jack. While Kip and Shane held Jack in place, Bruce would plow him into the ground. Bruce seemed to get a lot of pleasure from bouncing on Jack's overinflated masculinity.

Bruce and Kip would then hold Jack in place while Shane practiced throwing the football hard at Jack's swollen crotch. You could hear Jack groan each time the football impacted his over expanded crotch with a deep thud.

Kip wanted a turn and had Bruce hold Jack. Kip backed up about 20 feet and ran full speed until he kicked Jack in the crotch. Kip repeated this three times, and kept increasing the force of his kicks. After the third try, Kip declared he made the field goal.

"Bruce laid Strom on the ground face up." Shane then proceeded to wrap his thighs around Jack's waist. Even with the full weight of Shane’s tight ass barely deformed Jack's ex-football uniform.

Shane began a slow grind against Jack's belly. All of the abuse of Jack's uniform left him mud covered with a chunk of grass caught in his face mask. This only made Shane even hotter as he rubbed his cock against Jack's overinflated gut. After only a few more humps, Shane cried out in ecstasy as he popped a load. "Oh fuck! Shit!@!"

Shane was so fucking angry about his own orgasm. He started digging boot spurs into the sides of Jack's pants. It became quickly obvious that Shane was going to pop Jack's overinflate football uniform with his spurs. After a few seconds of riding Jack's bloated body like a wild mustang, Shane got more serious about ripping a hole into Jack's spandex football pants. A hole finally developed at the stripe on Jack's right side, and the muscle suit started to spill out of the hole like a fatigued party balloon.

Right before Shane could deliver the killing blow on Jack's magnificently distended uniform. A pickup pulled up to the football field. Kip yelled out, "Oh shit, it's coach Harrison. Let's get out of dodge."

With little time to spare Shane reluctantly dismounted his bloated mount. "Hell, we got what we came for. Better get a new uniform Strom, because I think that one's done for." Shane quickly gave Jack's pants one last kick and ruptured the muscle suit through the hole in the pants.

Jack's football suit deflated in seconds giving him an intense orgasm. Jack was left swimming in a pool of ruined football uniform and cum.


Jack Strom part 5

Coach Harrison got out of his pickup and walked right up to Jack ignoring the obvious chaos. "So, how's it going with Coach Bailey? Seeing any gains?"

Jack looked up at the sky still flat on his back and replied, "Yeah, I've gained about 30 pounds of muscle. I'm pretty sure we've lost Kippy to the Mavericks though."

"Well, you can't win them all. We've known that Kippy was a lost case for a while now. He's definitely hanging out with the Ambler brother. Well, if that don't beat all." Coach Harrison gestured to Jack's ruined football uniform. "I'm guessing that this is Coach Bailey’s and your doing?"

Jack quickly got to his feet and flashed Coach Harrison a big cheesy smile. "Mostly Coach Bailey, but I HELPED!" Jack finished it off with a big thumbs up.

"Right, this ain't Shake-n-Bake. You two are starting to really worry me. Jack, you have until Wednesday to be with Coach Bailey, but I want you to be there for Thursday's practice for this Friday's game. Got it?"

"Hot Dog!", then Jack stammered, "...uh, yes sir", Jack finished off with a quick salute. "I promise you won't be disappointed. Uhm... I'm going to clean up and get out of remains of this uniform."

Coach Harrison was renown as a calm man, but when Jack turned to head back to the locker, he couldn't help but to smirk. He wasn't fully aware of Coach Bailey’s plan, but he knew the outcome would be interesting.

Coach Bailey met Jack at the door of the locker room. "I think it worked. They totally took the bait."

"Of course it worked. Those Ambler brothers are like stupidly bloated bulls eager to eat anything shoved under their noses. Only this time, they'll be too stupid to realize what's happening until it's too late." I gave Jack a wink.

"So, what did you do to their suits? I mean they aren't getting the injections that I got, so..."

"Well, I had patches sewn inside of their suit to leach the chemicals in their blood stream. Patches aren’t as effective as injections, but it'll do the job. And, of course I had time to customize those patches."

Jack nodded, "Let's get back to training. We only have a few days before I have to rejoin the team in practice." Jack strode towards my truck leaving me behind.

"Uh... okay. I guess I can scrounge up another muscle suit and uniform for you. It looks like the one you're wearing has seen its last days."

"Yeah, and you totally trashed my original one. I bet I could still smell all the spooge in that suit even after you washed it. Hey, in a few weeks, it might be fun to wear that uniform again and see the changes." Jack gave a cheesy bodybuilder pose.

Jack and I drove back out to the ranch. One the way back, Jack asked, "So what happened back there? That dude just pumped my shoulder pads up, and I blew up like a blimp. If Shane didn't have the inclination to hump me like I was his mare, then I'm sure they would have blown me up until my uniform ripped to shreds."

"Normally, that wouldn't happen. Each area on the muscle suite has its own control valve. This gives the suit the precision it need to give you localized protection. Once I realized what Shane was up to, I just opened all the valves. It destroyed the suit, but I'd rather lose a suit than you Jack."

"So you used that remote to totally control the suit? Oh, by the way, Thanks!" Jack gave me a quick smiley smirk.

"Yepper, all the suits respond to my remote. Are you thinking of the Ambler Brothers again?"

Jack looked over, "Well, I'm not one to hold a grudge, but I really want to see how those two and Kippy get theirs."

"Don't worry Jack, it's all under control. I've even gotten a man on the inside to help them dig their own hole. This Friday's game is going to be memorable."

We arrived at the ranch, and I told Jack to get suited up while I made a few phone calls. After a few minutes I found Jack in the lab in a new football uniform. Jack was in the midst of warning up with some lunges and asked, "So, how many Strom uniforms do you have here?"

"Don't worry Jack, we have enough. I like to make sure we have everything covered."

Jack stopped and turned his head to face me, "I hate to be nosey, but this whole operation, the uniforms, the lab equipment, the research and the farm... Who pays for it all?"

"Well, let's just say that there's someone with a lot of money who's funding all of this. I do have to admit that our run-in with Kippy and the Ambler Brothers isn't too good for the secrecy of this project. On the other hand, guinea pigs are expensive, so if I can get a few for free, then that's good. I promise they won't be hurt though."

"Ha, you have to admit, that Shane was really getting off on pumping me up and humping my over pumped crotch. That dude has some unresolved issues. Actually, I really like it too, so... Uhm... Hey, that suit really did protect me a lot. I didn't really feel much when they were pounding those football's into my jock or hitting me with that lifting belt."

I grinned, "That's the whole idea. I want to minimize injuries and make you stronger. Although, it did take me a few seconds for me to realize you were feigning pain. You had me scared there Jack. I was ready to pull you out if things got too rough." I hooked up the protein supplement tubes to Jack's shoulder pads, and we watched Jack's shoulder start to bulk out.

Jack watched himself in the mirror, "Oh dude, I can't get enough of over pumped look. So, you could blimp the whole suit up with supplement?"

"Yeah, we could do that Jack, but you'd be unable to move. Actually, I’m going to pump up your muscle suit with air today for some resistance training."

"Hotdog Dude! I'm always looking for new ways to shock my muscles. I guess my only concern..." Jack looked a bit worried.

I nodded, "Yeah, the hard-ons. Dude, as we pump you with more supplements your balls are going to grow bigger and stretch out that nutsack of yours. The suit figures out when you need to be milked and triggers a hard-on using some hormones, prostate stimulation and your cock tube starts milking your dick with every step. It's probably better for you to shift your weight from foot to foot. Remember, the heels of your muscle suit have air pumps that help power the suit." I demonstrated a shifting gait for Jack.

"So, exactly how big are my balls gonna get? I mean right now, they've grown to the size of ping pong balls." Jack started to grope himself. "They're like all bloated and sensitive. I can't stop handling myself until I blow out a load."

"I'd expect you to have tentacles the size of peaches once everything is done. A big boy like you is going to need a lot of testosterone, and that means a pair of big bloated stones."

Jack sort of looked at his now bloated jock imagined how it would he'd look with a pair tennis ball sized gonads in his ballsack. "Dude, I'm gonna need a larger cup in that case. With big a bloated jock like that I could cripple myself by squeezing my thighs together at the wrong time."

"Don't worry Jack. I'll fit you with a larger cup when the time comes. We have an appointment with a certain muddy pond right now."

With a snarky grin Jack said, "Hot Dog!"

"What this with Hot Dog suddenly? This is the third time today! Let’s get to the pond. We all know that the muddy pond doesn’t like to be stood up.”

"Now wait a minute coach, you've been letting me have all the fun up to now. I say you should suit up too. I need a partner to work out with after all."

I tried to object, but Jack kept pushing me back to the uniforms by nudging me in the chest. "Do you want me to force you to suit up?"

"Okay, but I'm not taking an injection.", I countered.

Jack tilted his head and scratched his beard, "That'll be okay for now, but we might need to re-evaluate your progress. Okay son?"

Actually, I knew better than to experiment on myself, but Jack started to make it appealing. This kid was 15 years younger than me, but he really knew how to be charming without coming on too strong. "We'll see.", I finally replied.

We arrived at the muddy pond. Jack was already sweaty from hauling around a pair of shoulder pads packed with fifty pounds of protein supplement.

"Okay Jack, you're hauling around fifty pounds from your uniform and thirty more pounds of muscle. Our last timing was ten minutes and sixteen seconds. I'll be amazed if you can match that timing. Okay?"

"Hot Daw... Uh... I mean Right Coach!"

I blew my whistle and Jack took off again across that muddy pond. This time was a bit different. Jack wasn't much faster, but his power had increased in his legs. The mud wasn't slowing him down in the center of the pond as it did the first time. Occasionally, I could see him slowing down a bit, but he'd get faster again. For the most part Jack was just a machine that ran through the mud with indifference.

After the fifth sprint, I hit the timer on my watch. At this point, Jack was huffing and covered with even more sweat. After a moments of silence he huffed, "How... ...long?"

I made eye contact with him and told him, "Eight minutes and fifty seconds. Somehow you shaved off eighty-six seconds Jack. You're amazing."

Jack tilted to his head to one side and made a super model pose, "You know, that's what my mommy says too. I’m handsome and have a nice personality."

"No Jack, you've not along added strength, but stamina too. It's impressive."

Jack stood up straight, "Dude, it was hard to keep my concentration out there. That suit was milking my cock the whole damn time. I came twice while running. It's like that tube and athletic rubber had it out for all of my jock seed."

"Well, you probably absorbed about 10 pounds of protein supplement in one shot too. You're ass, legs, chest and arms are all gonna grow tonight. So, are you ready for some one-on-one training Jack?"

Jack kind of looked confused, "So, you're going to train me? No offense, but training never seemed to be your area."

I nodded, "You're probably right, but there's some special ways to use your shoulder pads that the other coaches don't know about yet, so it looks like you're just stuck with my advice."

At first we did some common moves in slow motion so Jack would understand how the suit responded to different blocks and tackles. After an hour Jack seemed to understand and take advantage of the muscle suit. We were now doing blocks and tackles in real time, and Jack was beating the crap out of me.

After one devastating tackle, Jack ran his hand through his buzz cut and shook out the sweat. "Okay coach, I think I understand how to really use this suit. What's next?"

I took out a remote I had palmed in my football glove and said, "Damn Jack, you can really be a dick. Okay, resistance training. I want you to consume the remainder of that protein supplement today." With that I pressed a few buttons on the remote and Jack started to look down at himself as he started to slowly inflate.

I moved behind Jack and circled my arms around Jack's abs. "Oh man, hearing that suit inflating really sets me off." I slowly started to grope Jacks jock and quickly located his hardon. Next, I started to jack Jack's cock with his own dick tube. During this time, Jack's suit kept expanding enhancing his already pumped physique. His shoulder pad straps started to creak as the tension around Jack's chest increased. Jack's arms grew in size until the football jersey was a tight fit. Jack's thighs started to compete with space until he was forced to stand with his feet in a splayed position. The seat of Jack's football pants had now been modified. The panel right over Jack's ass crack had been backed with non-stretch nylon. So, when Jack's ass took on an over expanded football ass, the cloth started to resist the expansion around his butt crack more. The net effect was a nice butt crack showing through his pumped up football pants.

After a few more moments of hissing, I stopped the inflation using the remote. I continued on massaging Jack steely fuck pole using his own cock tube. By now the interior of Jack's jock must have been coated from numerous loads of cum. "Okay Jack, are you ready for resistance training?" I continued to pump his dick. For some reason Jack wasn't cuming.

"Oh shit coach... this is like the most amazing feeling. My whole body feels like a big huge pumped up erection." Jack stopped for a moment trying to regain his composure. "Shit, I want it to..." Just then I could feel Jack blowing his load in his suit. "I just wanted it to last. Sorry for resisting that milking coach."

After a few moments, Jack awkwardly turned around and looked at me. "Dude, all that supplement pumping my muscles, the suit over inflated, and you pumping my cock. It's like the most intense feeling I've ever experienced. Wow! What a high. Definitely a double hot dog."

I was really surprised by Jack's words. Sure we tested these things on animals, but they were unable to communicate what Jack just told me.

After twenty seconds, Jack seemed to wake out of his ecstasy and asked, "I must be blowing a quarter cup of cum several times an hour. Where does it all go?"

"Ah, that's easy. Your shoulder pads have three separate bladders that compete for space. So as you use protein supplement to pump up your body, you produce spooge. The spooge then gets pumped back up into the shoulder pads where we use it later."

Jack squinted one eye, "So you mean you're harvesting my man seed like I'm a prize bull?"

"Moo-yeah Jack.”

"Are you going to use my own semen on myself?"

"Nope, it turns out that your body doesn't like your own semen. It's like trying to drinking your own blood. Your body rejects it." I pointed behind Jack and said, "Hey, look a bird!"

Jack turned his head, and I knocked him on his ass. Jack awkwardly turned to face me with a hurt puppy dog look, but I sneered, "Now that's for asking too many questions. You’re starting to lose the edge on your dumb jock routine. Let's get to work." Jack's movements were hampered with the over inflated suit. We worked another hour of different techniques, but he rapidly tired. Everything from walking to getting up suddenly took several times more effort. All of Jack's joint movements were now stiff from the inflated uniform.

Finally, Jack struggled to raise a hand a few inches and cried, "I give. This suit is owning me. Let's walk back, but don't deflate me. I'm kind of like being stiff everywhere. And, I mean everywhere." I helped Jack back up, and we walked back to the farm. Occasionally, Jack would stop to milk himself by shifting his feet in place, but Jack's walking was labored. Finally Jack said, "Dude, I feel like I need to fart."

I let Jack rest Tuesday and Wednesday. His muscles were all torn up and grown. Also, he just needed time to recover. Jack started at 220 pounds and now had 270 pounds of muscle. For a guy only 5'8 tall, that's a lot of muscle. Tomorrow was his first practice with his team before the big game, so I just let his body adjust and recuperate.

Thursday we drove from the Ranch to the practice field. Along the way, I started to lecture to Jack, "Now remember, you’re not in a growth cycle anymore, so your shoulder pads are simply filled with air. No bragging about how big you are, and take it easy during practice. I don’t want you to attract questions. It's going to be tough enough to explain things as it is."

Jack rolled his eyes, "Okay, okay! Did you ever get me that supplement deal?"

My face took on a narrowed grin and I said, "Well, let's just say it's in the works. Unfortunately, the supplement marketing people think that a quarter back would give their product the right image, but I think they'll change their mind, unless you get too big for your own britches."

"Uh, I'm pretty sure that me getting too big for my britches is now officially out of my control. You're the one with the remote control. So, do Shane and Bruce know to only place air in their shoulder pads during the game? I mean going through growth cycles during a live game would be very distracting."

I pretended to ponder for a moment and said, "Why I think we forgot to tell them."

We arrived early to practice and Jack went back to his old habits pretty easily. It was hard to hide Jack's larger legs and more massive butt, but the shoulder pads did a great job of hiding Jack's upper body gains and scaled back his lower body gains a bit. Obviously, there was something different about Jack, but luckily most of the team didn't give it too much thought.

The only time someone really got suspicious was when Jack did his ritual with Phil Phraser the defensive lineman. Phil was a pretty big guy at 6'4 and 320 pounds. Jack would sometimes jump high and clamp his legs around Phil's chest. The overall effect made Jack look like a small pole dancer with Phil as a very beefy pole.

As was typical, Jack jumped in the air and clamped his thighs on Phil's chest. Instead of Phil easily handling Jack, the extra weight nearly toppled poor Phil to the ground. After regaining his balance, Phil was obviously interested in Jack's increase in weight. I couldn't quite tell what they were saying. But after they stopped talking I noticed Phil turning towards me. Jack just helplessly shrugged his shoulders at me. He knew he had screwed up, but honesty and good looks got him through many of his sins.


Jack Strom part 6

Meanwhile, things were going great for Shane Ambler. Kip and the Ambler brothers brought in their new bags of gear to the locker room. It was mostly empty except for one of the trainers. Shane had never seen this trainer before, but then again he tended to treat them all like alike. Shane pinned the trainer down with his intimidating stare and said, "Hey you, there's some new supplements in the back of my truck. Haul it in here and figure it out this new equipment too. We'll need to work out in 30 minutes."

"Right away Shane.", the trainer answered. The trainer stifled a grin started moving the 5 gallon canisters of protein solution to one of the storage closets and opened up the equipment bags.

After 5 minutes of warming up, Shane's cell phone rang. Annoyed at the interruption, he answered "Yeah?"

"Hello, may I speak to Shane Amber?", the voice on the telephone asked.

"Yeah, that's me. Who are you?"

The voice replied, "Oh, how rude. I'm Jayne Peterson, marketing director of the Atomic Man Supplement company. We're looking for an ideal spokesman for our new supplement targeted towards very active athletes looking to build muscle mass."

"Yeah?", Shane replied. Shane quickly walked over to a quiet corner to talk.

After a few minutes of talking Shane realized that a lucrative endorsement deal would be easy pickings for him. Especially with the gains he'd be making with the stolen protein supplement. It was all quickly set in stone to begin this Friday before the game.

After getting off the phone Shane walked over to his brother and started to gloat. "You're looking at the new spokesman for Atomic Man Supplements."

Bruce blinked, "No shit man? How'd you land that deal?"

"Hell, when you're this good looking things just fall into your lap." Not once did Shane even consider that things were falling into place a bit too easily.

Bruce looked a bit cynical, but he finally asked, "So, isn't that going to take up a lot of your time? We really need to get ready for this game and figure out these new suits."

"No", Shane replied, "They just want to do a simple 15 minute photo shoot before this Friday's game. It's super easy money. Heck, I'll buy you a bag of pork rinds once it's all done."

"Yeah, thanks.", Bruce hated it when Shane implied Bruce was a fat overeating pig. Overall, he was pretty skeptical of the whole deal, but he knew that Shane would be blinded to any other possibility not celebrating his greatness. In reality, Bruce looked bigger and dumber, but he was by far the smarter of the two brothers.

Shane looked around and then said, "Hey, I'm gonna tell Kip. It's gonna blow his mind."

After 15 minutes Shane returned to the trainer. "Time's up dude. You'd better have this shit all figured out."

"Well, it's been a bit difficult, but I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that the instruction booklet is written in Japanese. I guess these suits must have been manufactured in Japan. However, it's okay because I was an excellent student of Asian languages. I can ready it pretty plainly."

In his usual condescending tone, Shane said "Okay Poindexter, I don't give a shit about directions. Suit us up, and don't fuck anything up."

Brent the trainer looked at Shane and company and finally said, "Well, first you'll need to clean yourself out. These suits pump you up by injecting protein solution up your bung holes. The solution is too fragile to go through your stomach. Instead, the solution is injected directly into your large intestines.

Shane got red in the face, "This is bullshit. This suit sounds like a fucking fag machine. No one gets into Shane Ambler's butt. Where the fuck did you get this shitty idea?" Biff and Bruce didn't look too happy either.

Brent pointed to the Japanese directions, "See here's where it talks about the initial cleaning process." Brent then pointed to another area of the text, "And here's where they talk about the fragility of the protein solution."

Shane looked at the directions, but couldn't make out anything which was a good thing. Actually, the instructions were a marriage counseling document written in Japanese Brent had picked up this morning. For that matter, Brent couldn't read Japanese either. In any case, things were starting to really get fun for Brent.

Brent picked up three turkey baster sized enema syringes and said, "Okay, you'll need to pump this shit up your butts and wait for everything to come out. Also, it's not a good idea to eat normal food after using the suits for a while."

Brent watched as the three jocks each took one of the huge syringes filled with fluid and preceded to the bathroom stalls. Brent definitely took pleasure in getting jumbo enema syringes for the jocks. Within ten minutes, the sounds of Jocks grunting and shitting filled the air. All three were normally loaded up on protein supplements, so those protein turds were really potent. Luckily, Brent had the wisdom to open the windows.

Coach Bailey had paid Brent to do this task, but hearing these three jocks getting mortified on the stool was simply worth it all. He only regretted he couldn't see those jocks all pumped up with soapy water until their bellies were bloated. Then again, things were just starting.

After another 10 minutes, the jocks came out of the bathroom stalls looking just a bit lighter and less cocky with tummies flat again. Brent had already laid out the three muscle suits on the benches. It took Brent some time to explain the purpose of the milking tube and athletic rubbers. After a while each of the jocks shoved their junk into milking tubes with an athletic rubber. Next, the jocks had their muscle suits on and started to suit up in their football uniforms.

The Mavericks had an awesome football uniform. Their team colors were powder blue and brown. The pants were two toned with the brown and power blue colors. The crotch of the pants was blue as well as the rear panels of the pants. The fronts of the pants were brown except for the powder blue crotch with a zipper. Basically, the visual effect was that the Maverick football players were wearing jeans with shiny leather brown chaps. The jerseys were mostly powder blue with brown and white highlighting for the stripes, numbers and names.

Brent stepped behind each of the football players and pressed their muscle suits at the back of their spines. "There's a hidden button in these pads that deploys a thin butt plug. Once it penetrates your buttholes, it'll expand to ensure no leakage of the protein solution." As Brent touched each of the jocks behind their butt pads, he was really operating a palmed remote control given to him by Coach Bailey. The remote looked like a regular touch screen phone with a large display. Brent just smirked as he kept spreading more misinformation about the suits.

Brent pressed the next button which inflated the plugs. Coach Bailey was very specific to increase the air pressure on the butt plugs. Watching the three Jocks squirm as they simultaneously got their bung holes stretched out was pretty funny. Normally, half an inch was adequate to ensure no leakage, but Brent over inflated the butt plugs to an inch in width. "Guys, it's natural to get an erection. These plugs are rubbing up against your prostate glands, but that's part of the suit's function too. The protein supplement not only feeds your muscles, but forces your nuts to produce a natural steroid for rapid muscle growth. While you’re growing the suit will milk you to keep your balls to a manageable size. You dudes are gonna get huge."

Brent started to grab the hoses for the protein supplement and hooked up Kip first. The other two watched as Kip's shoulder pads started to grow heavy with protein supplement. Brent could see Shane nursing a hard on in his football pants. He was obviously getting off on Kipp's inflation.

Next, Brent pumped up Bruce as the others watched. Since Bruce was by far the largest of the three he required more protein solution than Kip. After Bruce was pumped up with seventy pounds of protein solution, Shane looked at the others and said, "Hey, you two go on out to the practice field. I'll join you soon." Brent watched the two jocks struggled to walk normally with their butt plugs stretching out their shit chutes. After the others went outside, Shane got right in Brent's face and said, "Okay dude, I want you to pump me up with as much if not more solution than my brother. This is my chance to finally be bigger, and I'm not gonna lose it."

Brent just gave a grudging nod and said, "Sure thing boss. You're the star." With that, Brent pumped up Shane Amber with fifty pounds of protein solution. "I think you're full, but want me to top you off with twenty-five more pounds? That'll put you five pounds over your brother."

"I don't think you heard me Poindexter. I want to be bigger than my brother. Put in ten more pounds than you did him.", Shane glowered.

"You're da boss.", Brent replied.

"Damn straight.", Shane nodded while eyeing his reflection in a nearby mirror.

Brent started to pump in thirty additional pounds of protein supplement. They both watched as Shane's profile changed from a compactly muscled quarter back to a top heavy lineman. Shane still had the same thighs and tight ass, but his shoulder pads started to make sounds as the shoulder pads straps stretched and strained from the over pumped muscle suit underneath. Finally, the collar on the shoulder pads started to swell and bloat out of the neckhole of Shane's shoulder pads. Shane's shoulders looked out of proportion with the rest of his football uniform, but he didn't care. Brent couldn't help notice Shane overly adjusting his erection and modesty wasn't stopping him from completing his indulgence.

Brent finally broke Shane's actions by saying, "We're at thirty pounds. Let's stop."

By now, the sound of Shane's cock could be heard squishing as his cock was ravaging his own milking tube. Obviously, Shane had already built up enough precum to steep his whole dick in his own lubricating wad. "Wait dude!" After a few seconds of pounding himself, Shane blew his load in his football uniform. All the effort caused Shane to break a lot of sweat on his forehead and the back of his neck too.

Brent turned off the pumping of the protein solution and announced, "Okay, you have thirty-four more pounds in those pads. I can take some out. I wouldn't want you to fall over being all top heavy."

"You just leave that to me Poindexter. I'm the quarter back, and you're just a trainer." With that Shane Ambler walked out bowlegged to the field. The butt plug was having an effect on Shane's walking as well. It's a good thing Coach Bailey coated their butt plugs with a localized muscle relaxer. By the end of this week, Brent was going to make sure these football jocks would be capable of shoving a fully inflated regulation football up their butt holes.

Brent watched the jocks go through their drills during practice from the sidelines. After a few minutes, the jocks lost their bowlegged walk as their sphincter muscles relaxed and stretched. Every so often, Brent would hit a few buttons on his remote. This causes the jock's butt plugs to gradually stretch out the jock's buttholes even wider. Little by little these jocks were becoming bigger assholes. It was just the three of them on the practice field, but after a few hours they managed to consume their entire protein supplement. Even Shane managed to use his excess supplement. By the end of the practice, the jock's bungholes had been stretch to an astounding two and a half inches. Even with the localized muscle relaxers, the jocks were still walking funny due to the baseball bat sized plug shoved up their shit holes.

"Hey, you guys are looking awesome out there. I can tell by the way you're walking, that your leg muscles are getting quite a pump. You guys should get some rest and we'll do this again tomorrow." Brent knew that the jocks wouldn't admit their buttholes were sore, so he was safe.

The three jocks grumbled as the walked back to the locker room. Brent watched them shuck off their Maverick football uniforms. Brent then walked up behind each one and said, "Here, let me." and pressed the back of their muscle suits at their spines while pressing the remote to deflate their butt plugs. Even with the muscle suits still on, it was apparent that Kip and Bruce were gaining a lot of leg and butt mass. Brent stood next to Bruce and started to point to his muscle groups. "Dude look at the gains in those quads. Even your calves look like the size of softballs now. How's that chest feeling there big guy?" Brent patted Bruce’s pecs a few times. Instead of a hard chest, Bruce's pecs were swollen from excess man milk. Bruces hairy pecs looked even more furry. From the look of annoyance, Brent could tell that Bruce’s man-boobs were really sensitive too.

The jocks started to shuck off their muscle suits. All the musky sweat trapped in the muscle suits started to really stink up the locker room. With the muscle suits off, the changes to the jock's bodies were pretty obvious.

Bruce looked like he'd been pumped up the most. His shoulder and arms had definitely thickened up, but his chest was the most amazing part. Bruce's pecs had expanded way faster than the rest of his upper body. He still had a squared off set of furry pecs, but now they were bloated and his nipples were the size of small thumbs. Brent could tell Bruce would have problems with excessive milk if he wasn't milked in a few hours. Bruce's legs and buttocks were simply amazing. His bloated buttocks easily hid the evidence of his stretched out shit hole. His ham like legs kept him from walking in any normal way. Bruce's erection obviously embarrassed him the most. In the process of his supplement juicing, his nuts were now the size of tennis balls. Bruce grudgingly took off the athletic rubber over his milking tube. Once the interior of Bruce's athletic rubber was exposed to the air, the smell of his cum was pervasive and unmistakable. All of Bruce's junk was covered with his own musky man seed, and a lot of the excess spooge started to run down his muscled thighs. I could see all three jocks sniffing the air. The cherry on the top was when Bruce had an eruption. At first, it appeared that Bruce was in intestinal duress, but then a deep manly fart blew between his hairy butt cheeks. After a moment, a second wet fart resulted in a dollop of sticky protein solution dripping between his ass cheeks. Farting was going to be one of Bruce's big side effects, so this was a good sign.

Kipp looked like a smaller version of Bruce. The big difference between the two was the thickening of Kipp's gut. Kipp still had his six-pack abs, but he was starting to get a bit of a belly on him. This was just the beginning of the end for Kipp's abs.

Shane's changes were much different from the first two. His legs and butt had thickened up a bit, but nothing like Kipp and Bruce. On the other hand, Shane's shoulder's and arms were the biggest recipients of the protein solution. It would be easy to think Shane was wearing shoulder pads just with a shirt now. Also, from the oscillations of his chest, it was obvious that Shane was lactating way more than the other two jocks. The big surprise came when Shane took off his athletic rubber. About half a cup of cum blew out the opening of the rubber as it deflated. Everyone could see the supplement pumping had expanded Shane's nuts to the size of oranges. "Shit dude, what happened to my jock?"

Brent took a long look at Shane's bloated ball sack and said, "Well, it looks like your thick sperm must have clogged the draining value on the athletic rubber. Seriously dude, I'd watch how you walk with those nuts now. Anyone would be envious of that bull sack dude." Brent just smiled and thought to himself, "Wait until they get a load of you Friday."

Brent smirked as he watched the jocks get dressed and leave. Kipp and Bruce had to wear sweat pants. Their jeans didn't fit their expanded asses anymore. Kipp even blew out the crotch of his jeans trying to squeeze in his jeans.

Shane was able to fit in his jeans, but he had some problems zipping up the fly over his bull sized balls. With some effort he managed to get cowboyed up in his clothes, but he looked like parody of himself. The bulge in his jeans was emphasized with his big Maverick’s belt buckle. His balls were so big that Shane's stiff fuck pole was barely visible through his jeans. Shane had been totally smooth, but now he was getting really hairy – especially on his back.

As the jocks were leaving the locker room Brent gave them one last batch of misinformation. "Hey guys, try to minimize any masturbation or squeezing your pecs. Any fluid you lose will minimize your gains today." Shane had already been groping himself through his jeans. Brent could even see the beginnings of a wet spot at the tip of his engorged dickhead, but Shane stopped once the words had soaked in. Brent's advice was dead wrong, but it was going to be fun watching these guys blow apart.

After the jocks left, Brent felt like a kid in a candy store. He still had to wash the uniforms for tomorrow, but first he had time to play.

Brent definitely wasn't out of shape, but he didn't have a body like Shane Ambler. Brent started by taking the athletic rubbers of Bruce and Kipp and emptying them into Shane's mostly filled athletic rubber. Next, he took the muscle suits of Bruce and Kipp and wrung out all the sweat right into Shane's muscle suit. Just thinking about Shane's muscle suit with all that concentrated man stink was made Brent’s cock stand straight out in his trainer shorts. Brent stood in the middle of Shane's muscle suit and started to put it on. The sweat soaked suit was now just barely warm, so it really chilled his skin. One of the most satisfying moments was when he put on Shane's athletic rubber pumped with the still warm seed of three hunky football players. Finally, he completed putting on the sweat filled muscle suit.

Brent went to work suiting up in Shane's football gear. Everything was a too big -- even the Shane's stinky shoes, but that added to the whole erotic sense of Shane's uniform. Finally, Brent put on the shoulder pads and Shane's Jersey. Normally, the Jersey was a tight fit, but it was easier with Brent's smaller frame. The shoulder pads stunk of Shane's sweat since they were hardly washed. Nothing could have gotten him any closer to Shane Ambler than his football suit. Brent now felt like he was Shane and the smell and stink of the man was everywhere.

Brent stood in front of a mirror and felt compelled to snap a few pictures in various poses. With a few button presses on the muscle suit remote control, Shane's butt plug inflated and stretched out Brent's butthole an inch wide. Brent enjoyed the way he was forced to walk like Shane and his jock friend. Brent really wanted to grab his crotch bloated with football seed, but he controlled himself and pressed the next button. Over the span of a minute, the muscle suit inflated filling out Shane's football uniform. Brent was in ecstasy and didn't want it to end. After thirty seconds the size of the uniform approached Shane's size and kept swelling larger. After twenty more seconds of slow inflation, the stitches of Shane's football pants protested from the over-inflation. Brent's legs were probably twice the size of Shane's legs. Brent left just enough slack in the upper body to reach Shane's athletic rubber.

Brent took a moment to look himself over. Shane's pants looked ready to burst. The stitches of his pants were all now visible in the seams of the fabric. If one of those stitches failed, it could have caused a cascading effect with the pants blowing apart. The real prize was between the over inflated bulge between his legs. Brent's cock and balls were now floating in a grapefruit sized sea of football semen, but one last button press started to make that little sea turn into an ocean. During practice Shane's excess spooge had been gradually pumped and stored up in his shoulder pads. Now all the excess spooge started to pump from the shoulder pads back into the athletic rubber bloating it considerably. The effect was slow but sensual.

Load after load of Shane's dick gravy bloated the athletic rubber. After a few minutes, the pumping stopped. The crotch of Shane's football pants were now bulged to the size of volleyball. The zipper on the football pants was being mercilessly stretched to its engineered limits. Brent decided some jumping jacks were in order. Each jump bounced the rubber in the football pants while the friction of the thick man syrup massaged his dick. With the football cum congealing to a consistency of snot Brent didn't have a chance. After a few dozen jacks, the stink of the football uniform, the warm butt plug and the oscillation of the bloated athletic rubber, everything caught up to Brent. Brent was forced to contribute to the ocean of thick semen himself in the matter of a few seconds.

After cleaning up, Brent washed the uniforms. The washing mostly returned Shane's stretched out football pants to their original shape. Out of spite, Brent took the contents of the athletic rubber and dumped as much as he could salvage into the protein supplement canisters. After all, recycle-reuse! "Poindexter my ass!", Brent gloated out loud.