In the Mirror

By McBaer (

What the heck? Was someone in his apartment? Jim just got back from the gym, all tired and worn out, only to find a bunch of strange crap laying all over his bed. What the hell was this supposed to be? Some leather straps, weird studded bracelets, a jockstrap? He picked up the leather jock and inspected it closely. Was this supposed to be some kind of a joke? Did Hannah leave it here? Jim would never have guessed that she was into something as kinky as this.

The scent of leather filled his nose, but not only that, there was also a different, more intense, almost musky stink coming from inside the pouch. He found himself pulling the jockstrap closer and giving it a deeper whiff. Instantly thoughts of how incredibly manly it smelled started to slowly creep inside head, he was about to take another one before barely stopping himself and throwing it away in disgust. What the fuck? Was it used? Who could have possibly left it here? Suddenly Jim heard the buzzing of his cellphone, signaling that a new message had arrived.

“Did you like your presents daddy? Bet they look great on your sexy, muscular body, can’t wait to see if that jockstrap I’ve picked out can fit on your huge cock daddy.”

Jim had never seen this number before. Feeling really weirded out he tried calling it back but there was no answer, it seriously had to be some sort of a stupid prank or a really big misunderstanding. And whoever it was kept on calling him ‘daddy’, that made no sense, he was in his early twenties for god’s sake! A short moment later there was another text message.

“I’ve been watching you at the gym today daddy, my cock was leaking so hard when I saw all that sweaty fur on your chest, I’m sure it smelled great up close. I jerked off all day thinking about it daddy.”

Jim couldn’t believe what he was reading, who was this creep? He immediately replied saying that he was going to throw all that crap out, and that if the guy doesn’t leave him alone he will be calling the cops. Jim started packing everything up, ready to take it out into the trash outside, but when his eyes fell back onto the jockstrap a weird thought had crossed his mind.

Sure, that guy might have been some random pervert but he did get one thing right, he would look damn great with it on. Jim almost had trouble believing that a thought like that had crossed his mind, but it wasn’t like he slaved away at the gym for nothing, right? For once he could take a look at himself wearing something sexy, not just a pair of baggy shorts. Wasn’t that roughly the same kind of stuff that all those men at the various bodybuilding contests showed off their bodies in? Maybe he could try putting it on for just a little while, then throw it out right afterwards, just so nobody will ever know.

Still feeling a bit unsure about everything he moved into bathroom, that jock smelled rather funky, but he didn’t mind it all that much, and for some reason Jim simply couldn’t stop picturing himself with it on, showing off and flexing his muscles in front of the mirror. Slowly, he slipped it on and glanced at the reflection, fully expecting to look like a male stripper or something along those lines, but instead Jim discovered that it was actually a great fit, maybe feeling a little bit loose in some places. Immediately Jim pulled off his shirt, slightly surprised by just how tight it seemed out of the sudden, but found himself too focused on the jockstrap to pay that much mind. Damn, that time at the gym was really paying off, he didn’t even realize how buff he had gotten recently.

He liked to watch himself naked after taking a shower sometimes, but that jock brought it to another level. It made him look so masculine, like a real alpha male… Jim flexed his arms above his head and admired the fur over his pecs. Something seemed a bit off though, he could have sworn that until a moment ago his body had been completely smooth and nowhere near as bulky as it was now… Holy shit, that’s right, where did all this hair come from? Even his dad didn’t have a pelt this this thick… and here was so much of that musky stench everywhere too. Jim moved his face towards his exposed armpit and inhaled deeply, god they were so ripe. Did he forget to take a shower after his workout earlier? He was sure that he didn’t, but somehow he couldn’t care less about that now, all that mattered was to take in as much of that delicious pit stink as possible. He faintly remembered feeling a bit disconcerted about something a few seconds ago, what was it? Him finally starting to look bigger and hairier? Wasn’t that why he had joined the gym in the first place? To finally get in shape and look like a real man?

Jim felt his cock growing harder, pushing against the leather that covered it, and instantly smirked thinking how it didn’t feel so loose anymore. He was almost starting to feel bad about having to throw it away, it smelled so nice and made him look so fucking sexy… Suddenly another idea popped inside his head, what if he were to take a couple pictures of himself as a souvenir? Later on he could show them to his girlfriend… he was a bit taken aback by the fact that he suddenly couldn’t remember her name, but somehow admiring that beefy hunk in the mirror seemed like a more important thing to do than thinking about her.

After reluctantly parting with his reflection Jim moved back to the bedroom to get his phone. Beforehand he nearly sneaked his way there, tucking the jockstrap under his shirt, mortified by the thought of some of his neighbors accidentally spotting him with something like that. Now it was a completely different story, he confidently strutted through his apartment, actually hoping that somebody would look through one of the windows just in time to catch the sight of that huge leather-sheeted bulge sprouting from his crotch.

Jim picked up his phone, completely unfazed by how tiny it looked out of the sudden within his massive furry hand. No new messages, he almost felt disappointed. A few minutes ago Jim was seriously thinking about beating that guy up if he had ever managed to find out who he was, but now he was actually considering texting him back just to tell him how perfect his gift felt wrapped around his daddy meat, maybe a bit tight, but Jim loved the feeling of bare leather against his body.

Damn, if he looked this good in that jockstrap alone then what if he were to put on the rest of the stuff his boy had prepared for him? Before he had a chance to think about it Jim was already digging inside the bag, taking out the big leather cuffs and fastening them around his arms, pulling the tight suspenders across his huge frame until the leather started to creak against his muscles. For a second he was a bit put off by just how hairless the top of his head felt, but that was why he was always wearing that cap, right?

The feeling that something might have been off only grew stronger when he got back to the bathroom and was confronted with the reflection of the muscular, hairy bull he now was, his body becoming nearly too wide to fit through the door frame. Jim ran his meaty fingers through the coarse, salt and pepper beard that covered his face, he couldn’t get rid of that feeling that it wasn’t supposed to be there, that this wasn’t how he was supposed to look like. But the rest of his body didn’t have any qualms with that, his nipples started to grow harder, their tips slowly digging into the leather straps across his chest. His cock throbbing with need, he wanted to touch it so much, but these annoying, pesky thoughts kept on telling him to stop, if only he could get rid of them somehow…

Jim lifted his arm and took another deep breath of his musky pitstink, and instantly felt all of them dissolving into a wave of horniness. A gruff, long moan escaped his throat as he finally whipped it out, it looked so perfect, all eight inches of thick, daddy bear meat. Maybe that wasn’t how he was supposed to look like, but damn if it wasn’t how he wanted to! Jim tightly wrapped his furry paw around his dick and started pumping it as hard and fast as he could, still admiring his growing body in front of the mirror.

He loved watching hairy, muscular men so much, they never failed to get his blood flowing, that’s why he was at the gym practically every day. But nothing came even close to watching himself. Nothing turned on Jim as much as watching his own muscles bulge out as he pumped his huge cock. Fuck, even thinking about how much bigger they were going to get in the future, how much more fur was going to cover his body, how much more potent his man musk was going to get, that was too much, he started stroking himself even faster as every fiber in his body tensed up, sensing that he was almost there. Jim roared at the top of his lungs as his cock started spewing his milky seed all over the bathroom floor, the pleasure so great and intense it took him several moments to gather himself after loudly panting in front of the mirror.

Finally he smirked, licking off the last few drops of his salty, bear cum that dripped onto his meaty fingers and looked down on himself, his cock still half hard. Jim might have been well into his fifties, but it still took him a couple loads every day to put his balls to rest, he didn’t mind though, on the contrary. Only thing he enjoyed more than watching himself work his cock, was having somebody else do it for him. Yeah, a beefy, young cub servicing him, worshipping his body, aspiring to look like him once he grows older, Jim loved that feeling of admiration.

As a matter of fact one sexy stud had given him his number today. Jim’s cock jumped in excitement at the thought of pumping his tight. athletic hole full of his daddy cum! Without a second thought he pulled out his phone and snapped a new picture.

“Get your ass over here boy, daddy is all horned up after his workout, his balls need a good milking!”