Identity Theft


Barry was perplexed by the “Insufficient Funds” message his bank’s ATM just gave him when he tried to get $100 out of his checking account. Thinking it must be a mistake he re-inserted his card and entered his pin. But he got the same message again. After putting his card in a third time, he checked his balance and found it to be only a couple dollars.

That was odd, Barry thought. He should have still had a couple hundred in there, enough to tide him over for the rest of the week. Curious, he also checked his savings…and nearly passed out when he discovered thousands of dollars missing! What the hell? he thought. As he walked down the street he called his bank to find out that the funds were withdrawn in person at a nearby branch, and the representative said they would do what they could, but it didn’t look hopeful.

Barry walked dejectedly down the block. He’d been saving that money for emergencies, for a new car to replace the older one he had, and possibly even a new television. Now what was he going to do? He stopped in front of the local appliance store to look at the model he’d been considering. He could also see his own reflection in the glass – his somewhat skinny, somewhat out-of-shape non-descript body and an average face with short brown hair and brown eyes. No wonder he didn’t have any luck with guys, since they always seemed to go for men who were in better shape.

With a sigh, Barry was about to turn away, when a commercial on one of the TV sets caught his eye. The subtitles were on, so he was able to read what the announcer was apparently saying.

“Millions suffer from identity theft every year. What may start out as a couple unexplained charges could end up with you losing your car, your house, or even your job. Don’t let this happen to you. Call Ident-Restore, the number one identity theft reconciliation specialists. We will make everything right. Call now.”

Barry entered the number in his phone as it appeared on the screen and hit the call button. After a couple rings, someone answered, “Ident-Restore. My name is Barbara. How can I help you today?”

“Wait, it sent me straight to a person? Wow!”

“Yes, sir, we strive for optimal customer service, and you not having to deal with an automated system is just one aspect of that. Now, how can I help you?”

Barry described his problem. “So, since it was a cash withdrawal the bank says there is little chance of tracing it. I saw your commercial and thought I’d give you guys a try.”

He could hear the clacking of a computer keyboard through the phone. A moment later it stopped and Barbara said, “I believe I have gotten all the information we need. Don’t worry, we should have this taken care of within 24 hours. Please feel free to call if there are any problems, or you have any additional info. Thank you for choosing Ident-Restore!”

Barry put his phone back in his pocket and walked home, feeling better and hopeful that these people might be able to fix things. He fixed himself a frozen meal for dinner, and, after watching a couple shows on his way-too-small television, he went off to bed.

The next day Barry headed to work, where he toiled on coding websites for a large service provider. The work was okay in his opinion, but it was rather thankless, and he never got to do anything creative like he had thought he’d be doing when he first learned how to do this.

During his lunch break he couldn’t help but peak at his bank accounts, but saw no change from the night before. He checked again near the end of the day, but saw the same balance figures. He was starting to become disappointed as he drove his compact car home. He was so distracted he almost hit the motorcycle that was in his driveway.

Barry stared at the vehicle from quite some time, wondering who could be visiting him. He backed out and parked in the street, looking around for the driver of the motorcycle. Seeing no one, he went inside and hung his keys on one of the hooks by the door, only to find another set of keys there. Examining them more closely, he noted that the keychain was of the same company that made the motorcycle outside. Curious, he went back out and found that the key fit the ignition switch and let him turn it to the first position. Turning it back off, he went inside, then, on a whim, made a call.

“Ident-Restore. My name is Barbara, How can I help you today?”

“Uh, yeah, Barbara, this is Barry. I called yesterday with an issue about a large unauthorized withdrawal.”

“Yes, I remember. The ticket is marked as complete. Was everything resolved to your satisfaction?”

“Uh, no. The money is still missing from my accounts, and now there is this motorcycle in my driveway. Would you guys know anything about that?”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Let me check.” There was some keyboard clacking, and Barbara continued, “From the information we have the money from your account was used to purchase a second-hand motorcycle, a ‘chopper’ I believe the body type is called. The remainder was used for a leather riding jacket.”

“But how did it end up in my driveway, with the keys in my house? Jacket? Wait a minute…” Barry went to his hall closet and found a rather large leather jacket. “How?!”

“We specialize in reconciling with your financial statements. I would say that we have done this, possibly not the way you intended?”

“Well, no. I’d rather have the money. I don’t even know how to ride one, and this jacket is way too large anyway. What am I supposed to do?”

Barbara’s voice stayed calm and reassuring. “Well, I supposed you could sell them, now that they are yours.”

“But I can’t be sure I’ll get all my money back! No, you guys need to fix this!”

“Of course, we will do everything we can to make this right. Please allow another 24 hours. Thank you for your patience. Good bye.”

As Barry plugged the phone in for the night, he wondered if these people could actually fix the problem. He didn’t even want to know how they managed to break in and leave the jacket and keys. Just to make sure, he went around the house and found all of the windows and doors locked as he had left them. Perplexed, he made himself ready for bed.

Another day, another tedious morning at work debugging someone else’s code. Not only was it mindless and repetitive, the fact that it wasn’t even his code stuck in his craw. He counted the minutes until lunchtime, so he could eat and let his mind reset a little.

As he sat in the kitchen eating his sandwich, he felt a weird tingling sensation all over his body, but especially his midsection. At that moment, in walked Steve from sales, who glanced at him and said, “Hey, Barry! Have you put on weight?” He went to stick his head in the refrigerator without waiting for an answer.

Barry looked down to see that his midsection was in fact a little thicker than when he’d sat down. He was developing a belly that was forcing its way out from under his shirt, and started to rest on his lap, hiding more and more of his legs. Before Steve could close the fridge door, Barry got up as fast as he could and ran to the bathroom out in the hall, his ballooning gut jiggling all the way.

By the time he got into the seldom-used restroom, Barry’s belly had expanded to the size of a large beach ball. It was as round as one too, with his navel just a bit below center. It was also covered with darker and thicker hair than he was used to having on his body.

While he was distracted with the sheer size of his belly, Barry just then started to notice changes elsewhere on his body. His arms were developing huge muscles under a layer of fat, which caused his shirt sleeves to be ripped into shreds. A similar change overtook his legs, producing rips in his pant legs, as well as along his much larger ass cheeks. His shirt was tightly covering his chest; he lifted it up to find large pectoral muscles with a layer of fat to round them out.

Barry started to panic, but soon realized he couldn’t let anyone see him like this. He looked out in the hall, and, seeing no one, hastily went through the stairwell door. He managed to get to his car without incident, but realized he had a problem. He tried sitting in his now tiny-seeming car, but his belly wouldn’t fit. He notched it all the way back, and managed to squeeze in, his huge gut cleft in twain by the steering wheel. He bumped the door on his wide ass once before managing to close it. He somehow managed to reach the ignition to start the car and drive home, struggling against his belly with each turn.

He managed to get home without crashing into anything, although he did manage to honk the horn a few times with his wayward belly. He squeezed out of the car and looked at the motorcycle that was still in the driveway. At that point his mind began to tingle and he suddenly knew how to drive it! He not only knew how to operate it, but how to maintain it, as if he’d been riding for years. He was reeling from this sudden knowledge as he stumbled into his house.

Curious, Barry got out that leather jacket that seemed so huge before and put it on. It now fit him perfectly, covering his huge ball of a belly comfortably. Sighing, he picked up the phone and pulled a number out of his recent call history.

“Ident-Restore. My name is Barbara, How can I help you today?”

“Uh, yeah, Barbara?” He paused for a moment because his voice sounded a little different. Deeper. “I called about the large cash withdrawal that turned out to be for a motorcycle…”

“Oh, yes, has everything been reconciled?”

“Well, I’m really fat and muscular now, and somehow I think I know how to ride a motorcycle. How in the hell did that happen?”

“Our technologies are quite sophisticated, and beyond my abilities to explain, or even fully understand, too be honest. I just entered your situation and concerns into our system, and it does its best to reconcile your situation. Do you have any additional concerns?”

“Like I said, I’m really fat now. What am I supposed to do about that?”

“Well, when we spoke last night, you expressed concerns that the jacket you owned was too large for you. I typed in your issue, and the system reconciled your situation. I believe you’ll find the jacket fits now.”

“Like a glove, thanks,” Barry replied sarcastically. “And I know how to operate a motorcycle because I said I didn’t?”

“Correct, sir! Your driver’s license should also reflect this ability, by the way.”

Barry got his wallet out, and had a look at his license. Sure enough, the type was now for both cars and motorcycles. His picture showed a much fuller face, and his weight was now listed as 475 pounds. Sighing, he said, “I really thought you would just get my money back somehow, or negotiate with the bank.”

“Our company believes in total reconciliation. Besides, I’m sure you know first-hand how difficult it is to deal with a bank.” They both laughed at that. “So, do you have any additional concerns?”

Barry thought about it. Maybe it wasn’t so bad being this big. At least he was strong enough to carry himself around easily enough. Besides, he certainly wasn’t happy with his body the way it was before. And a motorcycle might actually be fun to ride, certainly more fun than his now-too-tiny car. “Um, yeah, if I have this motorcycle, I don’t have any use for my car. And I can’t really go back to work looking like this.”

Some typing, followed by, “I’ve noted that. Anything else?”

“Oh, I doubt any of my clothes will fit anymore…”

“You may want to check, sir. That was a common concern for many customers, so the technicians made an upgrade that should handle this contingency.”

Barry went to the closet in the bedroom, and saw that his wardrobe had not only gotten bigger to accommodate his larger body, but was a different style altogether, more rugged. “Uh, yeah, Barbara, it seems to have handled it. Um, I can’t think of anything else.”

“Then please allow another 24 hours. Thank you for your continued faith in Ident-Restore. Good bye.”

Barry hung up the phone, still a little bewildered. He supposed the first order of business was to get out of these ruined clothes. He took off the jacket and carefully laid it on the bed. He removed his shirt easily enough, but the only way he could get those slacks off was to complete the tears. In his powerful hands that was an incredibly easy task.

Once everything was off, he took the time to look at himself in the mirror. He flexed some muscles and placed a hand on his beach ball-sized belly and ran his fingers through the hairs there. Not too bad, he thought.

Looking through his closet more closely, he saw many items that would seem to accentuate his belly rather than hide it. There were many items that he thought were a bit racy, but he decided just to put on some huge jeans and a t-shirt.

As he dressed, he wondered where he got some of his clothes. Turning on his computer, he went through his bank transactions, and saw that these were definitely from different stores than he remembered using. He also noticed that there were charges made nearly every weekend at a bar he didn’t know. Googling revealed it to be something of an eclectic mix bar. Curious, he noted the address and decided to go.

Grabbing his jacket, keys and a helmet he’d just noticed in the open closet, he went out and started his motorcycle. He could feel the engine’s power in his gut, literally, because his massive belly rested on the gas tank. Careful not to rev it too loudly because of his neighbors, he rolled out and headed off to the bar. He parked in among the other bikes, and went inside.

It was largely what he was used to from bars he remembered, music, crowds, alcohol. There were all body types – skinny, fit, fat, muscular or a little of both like he was. But as far as he could tell no one was approaching his size. The bartender looked over and yelled, “Barry! How’s things? Going with a shirt tonight, huh? Got a cold or something? Kidding! Here’s your beer! Your triple bacon cheeseburger will be out in a little while.”

Barry accepted the bottle and took a swig before he realized what he was doing. He’d never been a big beer drinker, but apparently now he was. He sat on a stool with his back to the bar and watched the crowd, his enormous belly taking up most of his lap. When his burger arrived, he ate it hungrily, only then realizing that he hadn’t eaten anything since lunch.

He was hit on more than once, even while he was eating – sometimes because he was eating. He hadn’t realized that a lot of men found this body type sexy, but hot guy that approached him gave him more confidence. Toward the end of the evening, one of the guys who had already spoken to him earlier, Dominic, came up to him again. “So, Barry, any thoughts on how this night will end up? Because I have some ideas.” He reached out and put a hand on Barry’s belly.

“You do, do you? Well, let me settle up, and we will just see who has the better ideas.” He waved the bartender over, paid the tab, and walked out of the bar with Dominic close behind.

Barry strode to his bike and put on the helmet without thinking twice. “Uh, got one for me there, big guy?” Dominic asked, pointing at his head.

“Oh, yeah, well, let’s see…” Barry looked inside the saddle bags below the seats. “Hey, what do you know?” he said as he produced another helmet. He handed it to Dominic and got on the bike, planting both his feet to steady it while his passenger climbed on. “Hold on tight!” he said as he started the bike.

Dominic initially tried to hold him around the waist, but laughed as he realized that wasn’t an option. He instead reached around Barry’s chest, and planted his hands firmly on each muscular breast. Barry then zoomed off, and rode around town for a short while before arriving at his place.

He parked the bike in the driveway, stowed the extra helmet back in the saddle bag, and went into the house. As Barry hung his large leather jacket in the hall closet, Dominic looked around and said, “Nice place.”

That was all he got out before Barry tossed the keys and helmet aside, turned around, and planted a kiss on his lips. Keeping his lips planted, he put his arms around Dominic, drawing him in to the roundness of his huge belly. He withdrew his lips, smiled and said, “You might want to get out of those clothes before we compare ideas.”

Barry watched as Dominic unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a toned chest and midsection. Barry held his breath as he stared at his body, including the taut legs and butt that were revealed as Dominic removed the rest of his clothes. Barry lifted his giant t-shirt, exposing his huge, round, hairy belly. Once he had his jeans off, Dominic came over and ran his fingers through the hairs on Barry’s gut with and almost awed expression. Barry lifted his chin to look him in the eye and said, “Now, what were your ideas?”

Dominic smiled as he started to fondle Barry’s chest, tweaking the nipples as they became erect. “Oh, they were much like this. I only hope you don’t plan to,” he looked Barry in the eyes seductively and feigned trepidation, “press me to the wall with your huge belly!”

Barry smiled, and lifted Dominic by the waist and put him gently against the nearest wall. He then put Dominic’s arms down and leaned forward, letting his massive gut surround his torso and pin his arms to the wall. Dominic gasped and moaned as he pretended to struggle. Barry pushed in further until their lips were almost touching. He placed a hand behind Dominic’s head and urged it forward, until they were kissing passionately. Dominic managed to get out, “Oh, god…” before Barry covered his lips with his own. Dominic squirmed against his huge belly again, and this time Barry felt something poking it from underneath.

Knowing exactly what it must be, Barry reached under his belly and found Dominic’s completely erect manhood. In order to reach it better, he pressed even farther onto Dominic, causing him to moan even louder. Barry pushed Dominic’s shaft up against his belly, then, using his other hand against the wall, started to push away slightly, then back, so that it would rub against the underside of his prodigious gut. He started agonizingly slow, and then, looking into Dominic’s pleading eyes, he increased his pace.

It didn’t take Dominic long to climax under these conditions. Barry felt the warm sticky mess on his hand and on the bottom of his belly, and smiled. He kissed Dominic once more and started to back away. “No,” Dominic said with heavy breaths, “stay here for a moment so I don’t just fall over!” Barry smiled and kept his belly in place, but shifted to let his arms free.

Once he recovered, Dominic led Barry into the bedroom, and said, “Now, let’s see what you have under the hood, big guy.” He kneeled down and Barry heard him exclaim, “Holy crap! You are a big guy!” and felt his hands rubbing his shaft gently.

Barry groaned deeply and glanced over to the full-length mirror. He thought his cock might actually be a little bigger now, but with everything else on his frame bigger, it was hard to tell by how much. Dominic stood back up and rested an elbow on his massive belly and put his chin on his fist. Groping Barry’s chest with his other hand, he smiled and said, “I really want you inside me now.”

Barry was pleased, but also concerned. “I don’t want to hurt you…”

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you to stop if it gets to be too much. So, what do you say?” he gently tweaked a nipple and kneaded his breast.

Barry smiled and said, “I think there are condoms in the bathroom sink drawer.” Dominic practically ran in and back out, with a wrapped package in one hand. He knelt down again, and put the condom on Barry’s member.

Once that was done, Barry leaned Dominic over the bed, and approached him from behind. Resting his gargantuan belly on Dominic’s back, he guided himself inside. Dominic let out a gasp of what sounded like discomfort, but said nothing, so Barry continued working his way in. Once he was all the way in, Dominic let out in a gasp, “Christ, Barry, that…oh, shit!” He felt Barry’s huge gut settle to reach all the way to his shoulder blades, and realized just how fat he was, which nearly caused his legs to buckle.

Barry only answered with guttural moans and grunts. He soon got into a slow rhythm that sped up bit by bit. Eventually he was pounding in and out of Dominic, causing him to shout, “Oh god, Bar…oh!” After a while, Barry finally climaxed, unleashing his load into the condom. “Ooooooh!” was all Dominic managed to say.

Panting heavily, Barry nearly collapsed on top of Dominic, who was also pretty wiped out. He just managed to pull out and lay face-up on the bed next to him. Dominic managed to roll over so he was facing him, his abdomen up against the side of Barry’s belly. Each could feel the heavy breathing of the other between his own breaths.

Dominic reached up and rubbed Barry’s gut, feeling the hairs now matted with sweat. “That was awesome, big guy.”

Barry responded by putting an arm around Dominic. “I really like my life now,” he said to no one in particular.

“Huh?” was all Dominic got out before Barry shut him up with a kiss. He held him in his muscular arms and soon Dominic heard gentle snores from Barry. Soon the gentle rhythm of Barry’s gargantuan belly breathing rocked Dominic to sleep.

Barry awoke to the smell of bacon cooking, and saw that he was alone in bed. Getting up, he threw on a robe and went out to the living room to find the TV on, noting it was the television he had been planning on getting. Dominic emerged from the kitchen and said, “Hey, sorry, I like to glance at the TV occasionally while cooking, and there wasn’t one in the kitchen. Anyway, I thought I’d make you a little thank you breakfast before we parted ways. It’ll be ready shortly.”

Bemused, Barry went to the front window, and saw that his too-tiny car was gone. Going to his computer, he pulled up records of a sale, and saw funds in his account for about the amount the bike cost. While he was looking at his bank transactions, he noticed deposits listed as being from different sources instead of the company he had worked for. A quick check showed that he was currently self-employed as a web designer, and was doing at least as well as he’d had with his job.

At that point he heard Dominic call, “Food’s ready!” Barry lumbered into the kitchen to find his ‘little thank you breakfast’ consisted of a pile of bacon, another of potatoes, and a tall stack of pancakes. “I hope I didn’t make too much, but I bet a big guy like you can put a sizeable dent in it.” Barry had to admit he felt hungry enough to eat it all.

As they sat and ate, or, in Dominic’s case, mostly watch Barry eat, a commercial came up on the television. Though they couldn’t hear it from the kitchen, the subtitles of the announcer’s words would have been visible if either had cared to look: “…Call Ident-Restore, the number one identity theft reconciliation specialists. We will make everything right. Call now.”