

by JustEatAndRead

I am running, but there is something in my way. I sway to the side and dodge, but then there is something else. I dodge that as well and then I am free. I run and run, and then there is a line and I feel excitement. In this moment, as I cross the line, I realize that I just scored a touchdown. I, the biggest linebacker on the team, just scored a touchdown. I look around and see the cheering stadium, the devastation I caused to members of the other team, and my own ecstatic teammates. I feel powerful. The game is over and we have won.

“I didn’t know that three hundred pounds could move like that! You have been holding out on me!” says my couch after the game. My team is celebrating after the game and I have never felt so excepted. I have always been a great linebacker, good enough to get a full scholarship to State, but I feel like I really did something awesome. There is so much food and people around, I feel high. Everything is swirling around me, talking to me, “Congratulations”, patting me on the back. In the middle of all this, there is food. I eat heavily and continuously, I think it was because I was so jittery, for almost four hours. I leave with the game ball, all of the left-over chicken tenders, and a stomach ache.

I still feel high in the morning, everything is surreal and I feel like I am going to really wake up any minute. I turn over and roll on top of something that crunches loudly under my weight. It is the empty chicken tender container from last night, that I happened to eat somehow. I get up out of my bed ad I feel so freakin’ heavy. Last night was a doozey and I feel the call of the wild, so I head towards the bathroom. After leaving the Brown’s at the Super Bowl (poop joke), I look in the mirror.

I am the ideal linebacker: 6’3”, 310, with huge shoulders that I have worked on for years. My face is rounded because I am on the fatty side. My body is ideal, but not enough. Where most people would see massive, I see medium. I have my eyes set on NFL, so I have to be HUGE. I have gained almost 30 pounds this season through major munching, but I am still a ways off my goal of 350. At 350, I would rule the game. So, I go down to the kitchen and make breakfast.

Breakfast entails a six egg omelette, four pieces of toast, a pint of Greek yogurt, and almost a pound of lean ham, which I dutifully devour. School makes it hard to eat during the day; the lunches leave something to be desired. I can’t bring what I would normally eat because people stare when your lunch has to be brought in a cooler it is so big. I wait until after school to really eat.

Today is special, instead of going to school, I am going to Camp Runt-To-Grunt. It is where boys become men, and where I hope to meet all of my goals. I have three weeks off school, all expenses paid and excused, to see what they can do to me. I arrive at the camp, but I am not impressed. I expected so much more from all the hype and expense, but it looks plain. Just like the buildings, the people look plain as well. There are no walking behemoths, giants, or juggernauts; just ordinary people that do not look like football players at all.

I am greeted by the head camp counsellor, Dr. Bivins, who is one of the world’s best nutritionists. “Nice to meet you, Bradley! Oh my, you are a big boy!” he says while grabbing me by the shoulders, “Why are you here? Looks to me like my job is done!” We both laugh and I tell him of my goals. “350? No joke? Most of you boys are worried about getting TOO big, but you want it all don’t you? Well, Bradley, you have come to the right place. Since you are eager, let’s get you started.”

He tells me of all his plans for me, including diet, weight, and muscle, everything a football player needs. He gives me the strangest device for my arm! It is like an IV that sticks in the crook of my elbow and goes around my bicep. He says that it will pump some miracle drug, completely legal, into my body that will stimulate growth. Of course, I am sceptical because it sounds too good to be true. Then he sits me down for my first meal at Camp Runt-To-Grunt and boy, was I surprised. It was smaller than the lunches at school! I finished the plate in two minutes and felt empty.

“It is part of the program, I promise. You will have all your goals by the time you leave,” says Mr. Bivins, “All of them and more.” They sit me up in my room where I will be staying during my trip and it is sweet. They have camouflaged the buildings by making them so plain, that is why the place is so prestigious, no one knows about it! My room is paradise! It has a fridge, a TV, enough video games to play for my entire stay and not get bored, and everything that makes being a teenager fun. I am still hungry after that pathetic lunch, so I check out the fridge. Empty... I feel my heart drop.

I flop on the bad, disappointed and hungry. Then, I hear a knock at the door.

“Get your ass out here!” yells an unfamiliar voice. “I have weights that need lifting and no one to lift them!” I hop off the bed and open the door. On the other side, is the most muscular, scariest man I have ever seen. He has a tight black shirt on, short couch-like shorts on, and the thickest arms known to man, and he is three inches from my face, screaming. “Come on, Wanna-Be! Get your ass in gear!”

I train for hours with this giant, intimidating man hollering at me. I lift weights until every joint in my body buckles and I pass out. I wake up in my room with the smell of Italian lilting through the room. “I knew that food would wake you up, Wanna-Be,” says a voice that I was hoping I would never hear again. “Maybe if you weren’t such a lard ass, you would be able to move some weights, but hey, please do eat. You have some serious weight to put on.”

I turn my head to find my food, just inches from my face on a cart. I want it so bad, but it hurts to move. My body is still sore and my arms feel like they weigh a ton each. I feel pressure in my arm as the IV machine attached to my bicep pumps some of the substance into me. It feels warm. I feel warm. With the warmth comes a second wind and an intense hunger. I roll over and start to eat. Frenzy. I would call it a frenzy. I can’t remember what I ate, but I know that I ate it all.

“Very good, Big Boy, very good.” I fall asleep.

I awoke with more energy than I ever have in the morning. I got up with shocking speed, enough so that I startled myself. I felt so powerful, but at the same time, I felt huge. I went into the small half-bath that my room provided and went to look in the full length mirror. I WAS huge! My arms were swollen and rounded with newly formed muscle! I couldn’t believe it! All of the awful work that I had done yesterday had paid off! But there was something also different. I looked down at my stomach and it was larger as well. I blew it off like, it was definitely just from that huge meal last night.

The bodybuilder sized man, whom I still had no name, walked me to breakfast. I felt a little baby-sat, but I am sure it was because I had some intense workout to do. When I was getting dressed, I decided to wear something that would show off my swollen biceps, so I wore a tank-top. I walked with a swagger all the way to the cafeteria area.

Breakfast was different, it was completely protein. I must have eaten three pounds of different, assorted pork! Ham, bacon, and sausage that I had to force down, it was so much. I felt the pressure of the injection in my arm from the strange device, the same as right before dinner. I felt warm again and ate the rest of my meal with vigour. The bodybuilder man handed me another plate with a heaping of eggs... but their color was off. They must have been imitation eggs. I ate them too, still being hungry.

After the intense workout with my tormentor, I collapsed in bed again. It wasn’t as bad as yesterday, but still bad enough. The worst part is how hungry I am. My lunch was huge, but I was still not satisfied. I hear a knock at the door. “Is anybody home? I have a treat for you!” I recognize this voice, it is Dr. Bivins!

He opens the door and enters my room, quickly followed by the huge bodybuilder. “Well how are you? I hope that everything is to your liking? We have your dinner here and I think that you will notice that it is a little bigger, but we are going to have to step up the calories, we have such a short amount of time!” He wasn’t lying! The meal that the bodybuilder wheels in is twice the size of the last one! Just when I am about to complain, the Dr. pushes a button on the back of the IV on my bicep and I blackout.

I wake up sluggish... like I have been drugged... but I cannot remember what happened at all. I try to get up, but I feel so heavy. When I finally can get up, I head for the bathroom, hoping for a drink of water. When I open the door and try to get through the door frame, I feel both my shoulders hit something. I look around and there is nothing but me and the door frame. I try it again and the same thing happens. It is then that I look down and then side to side. I AM HUGE! My shoulders are wider than the door frame; they are round and extremely muscular. I look down and almost scream. I look like a house! My belly sticks out like an air-conditioning unit! It is huge and round, leading into squishy, wobbly love-handles. I thought my stomach was bigger yesterday! But now I know! I am gaining weight so rapidly! The tank-top that fit yesterday is now skin tight and riding up my expansive girth, pinching and creating a fleshy roll of fat. I couldn’t have imagined this three days ago! I turn sideways so that I can get into the bathroom and almost get stuck that way as well! I stare for minutes at what I see!

I have a chest worthy of a silver back gorilla, that is broad and you can tell that it has serious power. My arms intimidated even myself, for a moment, but then I start to rub them. Feel them... I get erect. Not just erect, but I feel like I have the wrath of God in my dong! I jet out of the bathroom, removing the door frame from the wall. I run and jump on the bed, which moans under my new weight. I pull down my boxers, which were cutting into me, and release my throbbing dick. The sizable member begs, pleads for me satiate it! I grab it with both hands and thrust with my powerful hips, thrust with everything I have, rapidly. I thrust, moaning, and rub my throbbing dick until I feel as if I am going to explode. I feel the climax coming and thrust, thrust, thrust.... and it is here. I cum and cum hard everywhere. I feel it on my underbelly, my new amazing underbelly.

I sigh with satisfaction, panting from the mighty exertion. I rip off my shirt to get a better view of this strange new form. I survey my huge body, simply huge. I take in my huge nipples, chest, and belly button, massaging as I go. I feel like a sexual deity, I am all powerful. I wish for a scale, just so I can pulverize it with my powerful new form. I think of the NFL and feel sorry for the linebackers who come against me; I must be high off my new size.

The door swings open then and I am startled. Dr. Bivins and the bodybuilder run in, gawking. “Wow, I don’t think you are much of a Wanna-Be anymore, bud,” says the bodybuilder.

“You have actually exceeded my expectations... I am speechless...,” says Dr. Bivins. “My formula is really working. You really only need one more day of the arm band IV and then you are free to go, Bradley...” Dr. Bivins leaves the room, but he has lost his usually friendly attitude. He looked almost lusty a minute ago. My day goes a lot like yesterday, but I do not see the Dr. again. The bodybuilder man does not yell or make me work as usual, and the meals are the same size as yesterday... Until dinner.

I am sitting in my room, watching, but not really watching, some TV show. I am really just rubbing my new arms and belly. I am wearing clothes that are far too small and I love the way that they make me feel even larger. The bodybuilder comes in eventually with a cart of average size and I actually feel disappointed, but then Dr. Bivins walks in behind him with another cart. “Florence, I don’t think that your services will be needed here, Bradley can’t get enough of our food.”

I was so distracted by the fact that the huge bodybuilder’s, my tormentor, name is Florence that I miss his joke and do not laugh. This makes it awkward and Florence leaves, grumbling some profanities along the way. Dr. Bivins pulls the carts next to me and presses the button on my arm IV several times, but I must be used to the formula because I do not pass out as usual. I sit and start to eat, and it is truly orgasmic, I can actually feel myself grow! With so much formula in my body, each swallow of food makes me feel a slight bloat in my body. I feel it in my stomach the most; I can feel it getting heavier in my lap, pushing my arms further from my torso.

I finish the first cart of random fattening goodies in no time flat, like a well oiled eating machine, and the second tray does not stand much of a chance either. Around the time that I push the empty first tray away from me, I start to hear the sound of my shirt and pants exploding off of me. The seam in the seat of my pants goes first with a loud, powerful pop, my round muscular butt blows through the fabric like paper. The next to go is the seams on the side of shirt. The shirt has actually ridden up my expansive belly and started to rip along the side, just with the sheer size of my massive chest and back, which both have a new thick layer of blubber.

I feel the Dr. behind me and he presses the button on my IV again, and this time, I guess it was too much and I pass out.

When I awake, I am not alone. There is someone else in my bed. When I roll over, literally I have to roll; I see that it is Dr. Bivins. The Dr. is snoring gently; he must have just gotten tired and lay down. I see that someone has set up a new mirror in my room, one more accommodating to my size, which I see is more than I have ever imagined. I move to the mirror and take myself in.

I am huge. I am huge. I AM HUGE! The waves of ecstasy that roll over me are so intense that I become hard. I am buff, but amazingly fat. I can see spasms under the layer of fat that I recognize as heavy, dense, powerful muscle. My arms must be 30 inches around with powerful muscle, and yet there is this lovely, intoxicating softness over it. My chest has gone soft at sight, but when I put my hand to it, it has some major toughness and strength... but they have turned to man boobs, a new testament to how fat this last dose made me. I don’t have words to describe my much fuller, much more all encompassing belly. It forms a ring around my torso, going into my love handles, like a piece of art. If I had drawn my belly exactly how I wanted it, it is now that and so much more. In that moment, my belly became my love affair, my center, and my everything. I was totally in love with my body. The only thing I need now is to know my weight. I just need a number!

I run over to the Dr. and shake him, probably a little too hard; I have to get use to these muscles! He wakes with a start and I scream, “Take me to a scale, now!” We run off down the hall, myself completely naked and fully erect, in search for a scale. He has a scale in his office and he opens the door. I turn sideways at the door to try and squeeze in his office, but even sideways it is tight with my new belly and butt. He pulls me to the scale, and I feel that he might be just as excited as I am to see his formula at work.

The scale swung to 400 and stopped. “That must be the scale’s limit...,” whispered the Dr. I had blown my goal out of the water! In less than a week, I gained over 90 pounds! The Dr. is a genius!

“I am flabbergasted... Wow, I can’t believe my formula worked that fast. You are going to have to stay the entire three weeks, to avoid suspicion... What am I saying? You are huge, it would take years to gain all of this...” I was kind of afraid about what my coach was going to say. I probably weigh too much now, but I love this weight. It will take everything in me not to purposefully gain more weight!

“Bradley, there is something I want to ask of you... Would you help me with something?”

“I am totally in your servitude, Dr. I could never repay you for all of this,” I motioned to my body.

“Well, you see, Florence, the lovely bodybuilder who has been helping you train; I want to put him through the process that you have been through, but he would never go for it. He couldn’t stand to have all of that fat on his body, and yet I know that if he would just go through it, he would love it. So will you help me?

Later that night...

Dr. Bivins:

“Florence, will you help me move something in my office. It seems I should be using my muscles a little bit more and my brain a little bit less.”

“Of course, Dr. If I could see your brain, I am sure that it would have muscles,” Florence said, where after he chuckled exactly once. Florence has a very dry sense of humour, but I simply am in love with the man. All of those muscles simply drive me mad; mad enough to betray his trust... I guess that makes me a mad scientist now.

I entered my office with Florence directly behind me, and when he was past the threshold of the door, Bradley jumped out and elbowed him in the back of the head. Florence hit the floor with incredible force, more than Bradley and I had expected. Florence was definitely out like a light.

Bradley picked up Florence and put him on a bed I had arranged beforehand and inserted the IV apparatus to his arm. Since he was unconscious and he still needed carbs and protein to grow, I had to put a separate IV for nothing but nutrition on his other arm. I was ready for the procedure that would make all of my dreams come true. Too long had I fascinated about this; now it was becoming a reality!

I started the IV with one press of a button and the formula started to rush into the already mammoth man. He probably weighed a solid 235, but not for long. The formula I was now feeding into him is a little different from the formula that I gave Bradley. The formula that I gave Bradley was a 50/50 mix of muscle and fat stimulant, but Florence is getting a 75% fat stimulant and a 25% muscle stimulant mix because of his already great muscular mass.

Bradley got his formula piece by piece, but because Florence is so against the procedure, he is going to get it all right now!

Heart-pounding and penis erect, I watched as the man that I love started to change. The first thing that I noticed about his body was that his once pronounced veins were disappearing slowly followed swiftly by the definition in his well defined forearms. I wish that I had removed his shirt before I had started the IV, but because of the high concentration of the formula I am sure that he will be busting out of that shirt any minute now.

There was stirring under his shirt and I could tell now that his stomach was swelling. It wouldn’t be long before he had a cute, little potbelly. Abs to flab, flab to potbelly, potbelly to gut; the rate of growth was riveting! His shirt started to rise up and expose more and more of that glorious belly! His pectorals had already gained flab in a form which is referred to as “moobs” by many a fat-admirer. His arms were expanding too, but not in the way that they ever had before; they were fat now. His shirt reached it max more swiftly than I had expected and was already ripping down the seams of his gym shirt. I pulled the tattered fabric away from his majestic body and continued to watch my love change.

I also watched my beloved Florence’s face change in a way more ethereal and beautiful than any face in the world. He had lost his sharp jaw line and what replaced it was a rounded countenance beyond words. I knew that I loved this man already, but my cup doth overflow now.

Florence swelled and swelled until he was almost as wide as the double bed he was on (he was probably as big as Bradley, if not a little bit bigger). Seeing him like this both thrilled and frightened me. Now that I had gotten him to the size that I wanted, what was I going to do now? I could hardly contain him at his size and strength. Bradley might be able to beat him in a fight, but would I really restrain him if he wanted to leave the facility, leave me? Underneath my mad scientist lust, there is a man that truly loves him and wants the best for him... The stress proved too much and I found myself light-headed. Everything faded to black...

Everything is soft. As consciousness slowly found me again, all I could comprehend was that everything was supremely soft. I nestled in closer to whatever encompassed me. I didn’t want it to ever go away.

“I knew that it would happen eventually.”

I was surprised out of my state of euphoria. I opened my eyes and there was heaven, or Florence- either one. My heaven, at least. My head was pressed against his thick neck and the rest of my body was cushioned by his arms, and there was his face.

“I knew that it would happen eventually.”

“Wha?” was all that I could say. I was busy looking at him.

“I knew that you would do your procedure on me. I accepted it, but I wish that you would have asked. You didn’t have to have Bradley flog the shit out of me. That Bradley will make one hell-of-a football player; my head is still hurting.”

“Wha?” I was still a little drowsy/light-headed, so nothing seemed coherent.

“Did Bradley elbow you, too?”

“No, you just aren’t making any sense. You would never go through that procedure. You don’t like fat...” I trailed off. He smiled at me and started to laugh.

“But I like you.” And then he lowered his head and locked his lips on mine lightly at first, as if asking permission, and then when I proceeded to attack his face with my lips, he answered with more fervent kisses. I felt my body burn for him and a primal hunger made me try to get on top of him, as if to assert my dominance, but couldn’t make him move with all the strength in my nerd-body. This made me thrill; I couldn’t move him, he is WAY too big.


I was standing in the Dr.’s office, waiting for Dr. Bivins to regain consciousness. He must have passed out because of that rocket in his pocket was about to explode. I have never seen a stiffy like that! But then he woke up and they started kissing and junk and I started to blush and left the room. I saw a lot of Florence and Dr. Bivins the three weeks that I had to stay at the training facility, but not in a social way, they were just always naked and fucking constantly. They were just a bunch of horny rabbits, not that I didn’t mind the view. I tried to give them their privacy. They broke half of the furniture in the camp with their fierce love-making.

The rest of the time at the facility was spent with TV and video games, but there was a problem; I might be too big. I had to live a normal life too. I had to monitor my consumption, which turned out to be a real bitch. I had an appetite like most teenage boys, but times about a hundred. I ran and did sprints to keep up my agility and stamina, which had taken a loss with my new size. You don’t really have to be fast if you are a brick wall, though, so I felt comfortable.

I still loved my belly. I would often jack off to myself in the mirror while stroking my belly, worshipping it. But I could not get carried away and make it any bigger! I had a future to look forward to.

The three weeks passed and I was set to leave. I wanted to thank Dr. Bivins before I left, so I went to his office. OF COURSE, I walked in during the fuckfest of the century! There was some major O-face action going on and I could tell that it was almost over, so I waited. Florence had Dr. Bivins bent over his own desk, making nice use of the surface. When Florence pulled out, I cleared my throat to announce my presence.

“Well guys, I hate to interrupt, but my time is up! I gotta go back to school.”

“Bradley, how can I thank you! You have changed our lives!” Dr. Bivins ran over to me and hugged me, which might not have been awkward, if he wasn’t completely in the buff.

“You are the one that changed my life, Dr. All I did was elbow a guy in the head.”

“But you were my first test patient! All of my time and effort are manifested in you! You gave me courage to put toward Florence. I can never thank you enough.” We said our goodbyes and I even got a hug from Florence, which was kinda like hugging a wall but softer.

Back to school, back to life- It was odd. My life had been the facility and getting bigger. Classes were another world. School drama was insignificant and he-said-she-said just rolled off my back. Of course my new size drew a lot of attention. I heard “steroids” whispered behind my back more times than once. I was too big for most desks, so I was always in the back of the room sitting at a table or something that was sturdy enough to support my girth.

Everything seemed to come into focus when I hit the football field for practice. I was impenetrable! And best of all, I was unstoppable. In practice, I sacked our quarterback so often that I was afraid I was going to hurt him.

“I don’t know what that Doc. Bivins did to you, boy, but if you keep playing like that you are professional bound. I don’t like that he turned you into a lardass, but you seem even faster than before! I am fucking baffled!” Coach said after practice in his office.

“How much are you weighing now, Brad?”

“I don’t know, Coach. I haven’t found a scale that will go over 400 yet,” which was annoying the shit out of me. I still wanted a number to express my bulk!

“Over 400, wow. You are simply amazing, Brad. Just don’t put any more weight on and we will have the State Championship, no problem.”

Life passed like it used to: school, practice, eat, and sleep. Well until...

One day at practice, I felt a swift, yet firm squeeze of my ass. It was tenacious enough that it caused me to wonder. I mean, there are a lot of hands in a pile up after a tackle; sometimes there is some accidental gropes every now and then, but I was definitely, purposefully molested. I just decided to blow it off.

But then the next day, Mr. Grab-Ass decided that he was going to do it again. I stood up from the pile of sweaty men and looked around to see if I could catch the culprit. I saw some guys that looked suspicious, as in they were in positions where they could get a firm grasp on my posterior, but there was only one guy that was actually making eye contact. Jake Peters! He must be the culprit! And then, as to confirm my suspicions, he winked at me!

After practice, I cornered Mr. Grab-Ass in a remote part of the parking lot, anger seething from my eyeballs. He was about to get into his car and had his back to me.

“What’s the deal, Jake!? Did you grab my ass!? Answer honestly and I will try not to mess up your face, so your parents can have an open-casket funeral!” Jake did a 180 degrees turn towards me and then something happened that caught me off guard, to say the least, and defused every bit of anger I had... He kissed me.

My anger turned into passion and I kissed back. Before I knew it, I was trying to rip off my shirt and he yelled at me.

“Not here, not now.” What I didn’t realize was that he was also pushing on my chest, but of course, he could not move me. “Why don’t you come over to my house?”

“Is there sex at your house?”

“Only if you behave, Brad. I have so much I have wanted to say to you... hop in and I will give you a ride.” Jake drove a Honda Civic, which was meant for skinny Asian people, not Bradley. I took up my seat and some of his and I had to cock my head to the side, so that I would not put my head through the roof.

“Maybe we should have taken your SUV,” said Jake, who was chuckling to himself. I grunted an assent. I didn’t even have the range of motion to talk; my knees were almost to my face, which is quite the feat when my belly was squished in there as well.

We arrived at a one-level, ranch style home that I assumed was his parent’s house. He dragged me by the hand (which would be physically impossible if I wasn’t playing along to this child-like, follow the leader game) to his room and sat me on his bed. His bed was a twin and I completely engulfed it. When he tried to sit next to me on his bed, which didn’t work, he settled for sitting on my lap (which was just fine with me). He looked up into my eyes like he was about to say something, but he just got wide-eyed and looked like an adorable statue.

Let me take the time to describe Jake Peters because he is definitely worth it. Jake Peters has pitch black hair that is kept short, but still has enough to be messy in the fashionable way. He has crystal blue eyes which are in perfect contrast to his pitch hair, and has a devastating effect when he is making googly-eyes at you- much like he is doing to me now. He is a receiver for our football team and could not weigh over 190 soaking wet. He was perfect for the position of receiver because he is agile and lean, but I would call it wiry. His face is strong, his eyes dominate it with their sheer brilliance, but that was about all that was powerful about him that I knew of.

“Well, Bradley, it seems that I have your attention, so I guess I will start. Oh Brad, I have liked you for a long time, but I was not sure what to do about it... I still can’t believe that you are here. You are the most beautiful person that I have ever encountered and I just had to give it a shot. You aren’t the sharpest knife in the drawer...,” I opened my mouth to object, but he put a delicate hand over my lips to silence me. “But I just can’t get you out of my head... Everything you do makes me smile; I thought that I was going to bust a gut when you got in my car at your size! Oh, speaking of that, what happened to you? How did you gain all of this mass? I thought I would faint the day you came back.”

“I went to a training camp. I worked my ass off and ate everything in that damn facility. It is as simple as that.”

“Well however you did it, I am enthralled. So what do you think? I like you a lot. How do you feel? Do you have anything that you would like to say?”

“Well I think...,” and then Jake started to talk again, “I mean I would understand if you weren’t into me or that you need time. I have laid a lot on you! I don’t even know if you are gay, for Christ’s sake! I just hauled off and kissed you! What if you had punched me right in the face and told everyone that I was gay...” This time I was the one that put my hand over his mouth this time. “Shut up.”

I let go of his face and then put my lips delicately over his mouth and kissed him once.

“If I could get a word in, I would tell you that I like you too. But what’s your deal? I am over twice your size. Aren’t you twinks supposed to like model-types? You some kind of chubby chaser?”

“You could say that, I find you physically attractive because you’re big and strong, but I like your personality too. You are so sweet and adorable, I could just swoon. I have never liked another man until you, but I know that I am utterly captivated by you.”

“And I am captivated by you...” I was going to make my move on him and I started to get touchy-feely, but Jake swatted the back of one of my hands like a mother whose son had his hand in the cookie jar.

It didn’t hurt enough for me to actually recoil, but I figured there was a reason that I needed to stop.

“I am not easy, Brad. I know that I came onto you, but I just had to know if you were into me. Now that I know, we can take it slow.” And that is just what we did. It was so strange that I was twice his size, but he was the one that was wearing the pants in the relationship. I would get frisky and he would manipulate me into just cuddling or spooning. He had me by his pinkie-finger and was pulling me along, but I was happy.

One day, I was at Jake’s house and we were just hanging out and doing homework. Well, he was doing his homework and I was copying it. He was right about not being the sharpest knife in the drawer, but my charisma always seemed to help me along. I never had any problems in school.

“When are you going to actually tell me how you gained all that weight? You were only gone three weeks and you gained like a hundred pounds.” We were completely silent, so the sudden outburst surprised me.

“That was really random. What happened was this wizard thought that I was an ogre and he zapped me,” Jake hit me, which always made me laugh at him. I would call him small fry and stick bug to piss him off because it always ended with making out. I just wasn’t sure if I could tell anyone about what had happened at Camp Runt- to- Grunt.

“You didn’t even let me finish! He zapped me and instead of destroying me, he made me more powerful!” I flexed my arms for emphasis of how “powerful” I am. “And then I punched that wizard in his ugly mug and he disintegrated from my sheer awesomeness. The End.”

“You are a freakin’ idiot.”

“Well what do you want me to say!? All I did was lift weights and eat. It is like you are looking to crack some kind of conspiracy, but you are chasing waterfalls- and TLC says not to do that.” I was joking around to try to distract him, but if he kept this up I might crack under the pressure. I hate keeping things from him.

“Whatever, Brad. I’m not going to push the subject anymore, but if you are on some kind of steroids I will drop you like it is hot – Snoop Dog taught me that.” I laughed, but on the inside I was freaking the freak out.

I called Dr. Bivins the very next day.

“Dr. Bivins, I need your help! My boyfriend keeps snooping around about how I gained so much weight. He said that if I am on steroids that he will break up with me. I don’t know what to do!”

“Calm down, Bradley! You have to think about this logically...” He paused for a few seconds, as if to collect his thoughts, but then I heard moaning, “Oh yeah Florence, that is it, baby... Oh yeah.”

“Are you having sex, Dr!? I am in the middle of a crisis and you are having a fuckfest!”

“Oh, Florence, that was great... Ok, what is up, Brad?”

“My boyfriend is going to break up with me if I am steroids! I don’t even know what I am on, but I don’t like keeping anything from him.”

“Well, I have a solution! Why don’t you bring your boyfriend to camp? We will clean the place up and make it look like just any old normal training facility and then he will get off your back.”

“Dr. Bivins, you are a genius!”

So that is what we did. I told Jake that I was going to take him to the camp, so he could see for himself that it was just a normal facility. We took my SUV, which I could actually fit into, and we held hands the whole way there. He sure was special... I wish I could just tell him the truth.

“Welcome! You must be Jake? I have heard great things about you,” Dr. Bivins was in camp counsellor mode and was all smiles. Dr. Bivins had told me on the phone earlier that he was going to hide Florence so that he would cause any suspicion and replaced him with some peppy, handsome trainer.

I gave him a tour of the camp, ate lunch in the cafeteria, and then we were ready to go. We made one last stop at the Dr.’s office to say goodbye. Everything was going great until Jake found one of the IV cuffs that were for the procedure on a table in the far corner of his office.

“What is this?” Jake had already strapped it on before we turned around to see what he was talking about.

“Jake, what are you doing?! That isn’t a play thing!”

“I just wanted to know what it was! Jeez, don’t jump down my throat!” He went to pull it off his arm, but the button to activate the device was right next to the clasp to release it - you know what happened next.

Jake passed out much like I did the first time I was injected and face-planted onto the floor.

“Dr., get it off of him!” The Dr. ran over to Jake and wrestled with the clasp to get it off him. He pulled it off, but it was too late- we both knew that it was in his system already.

“That was your solution ratio, Brad; it is 50/50 muscle and fat. He will be fine; he couldn’t have gotten too much.”

“Is there anything that you can do?”

“No, it is already too late. It is in his system. He can’t gain too much with such a small dose. 20-30 pounds at most, I guarantee it. The only thing to do now is make him comfortable and wait for him to wake up.”

“What are we going to tell him?”

“The truth...”

Jake Peters:

Groggy. Who turned off the lights? I can’t see anything. Where’s Bradley? I want my loveable oaf!

“I didn’t want to keep anything from you, but it wasn’t my secret that I was keeping. I have to protect Dr. Bivins. I am so sorry... You are so cute when you are sleeping... I should have just told you the truth; none of this shit would have happened.”

Bradley. I could hear Bradley, but I could not see Bradley.

“I wish you would wake up, so I could apologize a thousand times. I will strive my whole life to make this up to you. I love you, Jake. I love you, but you have to wake up so I can tell you.”

Bradley. I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t find my eyeballs. I was starting to get my bearings; I could feel my consciousness coming back.

“You could have told me.”

I felt two arms squeeze me half to death and knew that Bradley was hugging me. Something was odd though, this usually hurt more. The loveable idiot can’t control his own strength.

“What happened?”

“You were accidentally put through the Dr.’s procedure. You might feel a little different.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It is best that you see for yourself.” With that, I felt that I was being lifted. I had not yet opened my eyes. I was angry and I knew that if I looked at Brad, I would lose my ferocity. He loves me. HE LOVES ME!

“You have to open your eyes, Jake.”

I complied and opened my eyes. It was bright and it took me a minute for my eyes to adjust. When everything finally came into focus, I saw that I was in front of a mirror. There I was, looking as good as ever. I wondered what the big deal was; nothing had happened! But then something caught my attention. There is a patch of white above my waist, but below my shirt. I looked closer to realize that it was my skin! I looked down at my actual body and saw that my shirt was several inches too short to cover my abdomen, but not just my abdomen- MY GUT! I had a small spare tire!

“What the hell is going on here?!” I directed the question at Mr., well now that they had dropped the ruse, Dr. Bivins because I was still not ready to look at Brad- I had to get answers.

“You were accidentally exposed to a growth procedure that I have pioneered. It has no side effects except that you gain mass according to the concentration that you receive. You were injected with the same ratio that I gave Bradley- a 50/50 of muscle and fat.”

Muscle? I then inspected the rest of my body. Yep, there was a width to my shoulders that I had never had before. I noticed that the hem of my sleeves had ripped and under them were biceps like that of a personal trainer or amateur bodybuilder. I had muscle! I had been a bean pole my whole life, so I was in shock. I played with my new pecs that were soft, but had a layer of strong, corded muscle underneath. All of my new mass was so sensitive; I had never been aroused by my own touch before. I must have put on some serious mass.

“How much do I weigh?”

Dr. Bivins proudly proclaimed, “My friend, you weigh a healthy 252 pounds. Congratulations!”

I was so happy that my anger quelled and I was ready to see Brad. I turned to him and looked full at him. What a beautiful sight.

“Hey, fat-ass.”

“Who are YOU calling fat-ass, Brad?”

And then he closed the distance and was hugging me.

“I will try for the rest of my life to make this up to you.”

“Good, that was how long I planned on keeping you around.”

Brad and Jake went home that night and finally had sex. It was the most pleasurable thing that either one of them had ever experienced in their lives. Jake was stronger now, nowhere near as strong as Brad still, and asserted some of his new strength in the bedroom. Both of them were so excited that they were not as careful as two men should be at their size and broke Brad’s bed frame- nearly shattering the metal structure. That is just part of their new lives. That is just part of being HUGE!