How to Make it in the NHL

How To Make It To The NHL by Beacohen6

One of my favorite stories I have read on here is Fair Play by PureJetFuel. I was inspired by his story and decided to also write about the world of sports, drugs, and hairy men. Enjoy!

Part 1: A Shady Deal

The syringe was in my hand. It felt as heavy as a a kettlebell. I knew that once I took it, there would be no going back to my old life. If I didn’t take it though, the coach will definitely put me on the third line of defense. I can’t go from being “stonewall” to third line. I won’t let it happen. I remove the plastic cap covering the needle and as my dealer showed me, I prick my thigh with the needle and push hard down on the plunger.

The large, shady man who provided me with the performance enhancements said that they would definitely help my performance on the ice rink, make some much needed physical changes, and may have some other side effects. He didn’t specify the so-called side effects, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be all bad though. As long as I get the results that I wanted, how could I ever complain?

Centering my thoughts, I look up at the mirror, and look straight into my sharp blue eyes. My blonde, short hair rests messily upon my head with a sharp nose in the middle. At 5’10”, I wasn’t the tallest man on the Chicago Wolves, the reigning champs of the American Hockey League, but I was definitely one of the strongest. My muscles are defined, and I don’t have a hair on my chest minus the beginning of a happy trail. Within a few days I am sure that my muscles will be huge. I flex my muscles and look at myself. I can’t wait to see what happens. I walk over to my bed and pull back the sheets.

Laying down, I start to feel warm all over my body. At the same time, I start to get hard. Well one jerk off couldn’t hurt I think to myself. I reach for the lube that, as always, sits in my bedside stand and squeeze a generous amount for my cut dick. I reach down and grab hold as I stroke myself up and down. My sensitivity seems to be higher than usual and within one minute I feel the sensation coming up through my whole body and my toes begin to flex and relax. An image enters my head a bulky, olive-skinned, naked man with hair all over his body and an uncut, thick dick. At that moment, I erupt releasing ropes of cum in the best orgasm I’ve ever experienced. I moan loudly and start to breathe and calm down. Why did a man suddenly come into my head? That was kind of weird, but either way I definitely enjoyed the result. I reach for my tissues and wipe myself clean. I turn on my side and fall asleep with a large grin on my face.

Part 2: The Changes Begin

Swirling images flash through my brain as I wake up in a sweat. The flashing, bright red letters show me that it’s 8:00 am and it’s time for me to get to the PT.

As I make my way to the bathroom for my shower, my footsteps feel denser and heavier than usual. I pass the mirror and get a glimpse of myself for a split-second while I reach for the shower spout knob. Wait what? I lean back into the mirror’s view and gasp loudly. Things have changed in the 9 hours I slept last night. My blonde hair is now dark brown and my clean-shaven face has grown into a few days worth of stubble. Not only that, but when I look down, a light dusting of hair had sprouted on my chest swirling around my pectorals and nipples. My happy trail barely reached above my belly button before, and now it connected to my upper chest hair that didn’t exist the day before. I look back up at the mirror and flex my arms realizing that there is even some more hair there and the muscles have definitely grown in mass. I looked down and there was more hair everywhere else! Then I notice the tent being pitched in my pants.

I waddle over to the shower and turn the hot water on. While lowering my underwear, I realize that I have a little extra skin around my dick. Very weird, but I guess these are just some of the side effects that the man said there’d be. I step into the shower and start to think of big boobs as I wrap my right hand around my cock. I start to go a little flaccid, but look down at my body. I get a little harder and the image of my teammate John with his perfect body and beard flashes across my mind and comes into focus. He’s changing in the locker room, and taking off his jock and my eyes start to roll back as once again cum starts to explode out of me. And this time even better than the last.

Realizing that I was already running late, I rush to finish showering, put on some athletic wear, grab a few hard-boiled eggs, and get into the car. When I get to the PT, I sign in and wait for Ted to come down and bring me to the gym. Last year I had an accident during a game that resulted in a few games off and a minor surgery. You know what happens, they say minor surgery and then it ends up being one complication after another. Everything has already healed fine, but just to make sure nothing goes wrong I have to keep working with Ted.

As Ted approaches me, an overwhelming heat overtakes me and sweat beads down my forehead. “Hey man, how’s it going today? You’re looking big today! Did you make that protein shake recipe that I messaged you?” My throat feels dry and I trip on my words as a smile cracks across my face and my cheeks turn a rosy red. “Ummm, thanks! I feel pretty great today, but no, I didn’t get to try the peanut butter shake yet haha.” I look up into his eyes and how did I not see it before? He is handsome. Ted has dark hair that go with his hazel eyes with a thick beard that I just wanted to get my hands into. He’s wearing a sleeveless shirt with biceps that look like they just have to be squeezed.

“Haha no worries man, let’s go upstairs and we can get started.” We walk over to the staircase and he goes first up the steps. My eyes don’t want to move away from his bubble butt as it bounces with each passing step. “So how’s your week been man?”

“Well, it’s been a pretty long week. Coach Rodriguez said that there may be a change in the lineup, so I’m kind of nervous. I’ve been working out a ton to try to make up for it.” He starts to turn around and squeezes my bicep. “It definitely shows, I was actually going to tell you that you’re looking even bigger than when I saw you last week.” I couldn’t help but blush at what Ted told me. Come on man, you’re not gay. You had sex with Jenna just a few days ago. You know, your girlfriend! I could barely muster my appreciation. “Thanks…” I smirk and he turns around and continues up the stairwell.

We enter an empty gym and we walk over to the mats where we always start stretching. He sits me down and we begin with the butterfly stretch. “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, 10.” Next, we start to stretch out our calves. I watch him bending his knee in and making a triangular formation and then reaching out towards his foot. I do the same, but soon realize that I’m sporting a major boner which makes it pretty difficult to reach for your foot. “1, 2, 3, 4, 5,” I try to make it seem like I’m stretching, “6, 7, 8,” I hope he doesn’t realize it,” 9, 10. And relax.” Now we move onto quads. “Stand up man! Oooof I am so tense. Grab onto my shoulder.” Oh boy, he’s totally going to notice! I stand up and grab my left leg with my left arm and pull back. Ted does the same before me and he grabs my right shoulder. I grab his right shoulder with my right arm. He squeezes me again and says, “Oops, I almost fell there!” I see him look down at my pants with a fully erect cock and a smile spreads across his face. “So I see you are enjoying today’s session haha.”

“Ahh well…I… I’m not sure.” I chuckle like a 5th grade dunce in the corner of the class. The next thing Ted does surprises me as he puts all his weight on top of me. We both fall on the mat as he leans in for a kiss. A million images race through my head, hairy men, nude men, butts, beards, penises etc. An explosion of manliness. We’re liplocked and my dick is throbbing, yearning to be touched. He starts tickling his way all the way done towards it, brings his finger to his mouth, licks it, and then brings it all the way back down. He brings his mouth to my ear. He rubs it on the head of my dick as I moan in ecstasy. What am I doing?!?!?! I need to stop this now. I push him off me, “I’m not gay and I don’t want to be be!!” I push Ted off of me as he screams, “Wait!” I dart for the door and head straight for home.

I stop the car in front of my house and start feeling drowsy all of a sudden. I make a beeline for the bed and get my head on my pillow. Everything starts to get blurry as I start to feel sweaty. Then everything goes black.

Part 3: The Great Hunger

I flutter my eyes open and it feels like I had a few too many the night before. The last thing I remember, I was stumbling into my room. I lifted the covers off of body and look down starting from my newly formed abs towards my feet. I lean up and realize that there’s even more hair on my body than yesterday! My legs were now covered in a thick layer of fur and it spread down to my feet. My feet look different with plumper, thicker toes and wider. I spread my toes and make my way to the bathroom. A quick glance in the mirror and catch my new full blown beard. I lower my boxer briefs and my god, my penis’ head is covered in skin. Even more, it looks bigger and thicker. I move the skin back and forth and I am surprised by how good it feels.

I start taking a leak and all of a sudden my stomach growls loudly. GROWLLLLL!!!! With my mind focusing on eating, I run over to the kitchen and grab anything that resembles food from the cabinet and bring it to the table. I grab a pawful of cookies and shove it into my mouth. A whole sleeve of Ritz crackers goes down my gullet in one bite. I dive for the fridge and a spoon and dig into a whole gallon of cookie dough ice cream. Within 15 minutes, the whole gallon is gone. GROWLLLLLL!! How can I still be THIS hungry after emptying my whole kitchen? Time to head to the supermarket.

Going through the aisles, I grab everything my heart desires. It’s as if none of the working out and training I have done up to this moment mattered. All that mattered was satisfying this ravenous hunger that was not giving up. GROWLLLL! I get a look from the other man walking down the aisle. I make for the frozen pizza and grab five boxes in one hand and five in the other. I have to get back home and eat!

After rushing home, I bring the 50 or so bags into the house and sit at the table with the television on. Five or so movies fly by as I shove my face and finally satiate my stomach’s need to feed. I pat my stomach as I think of the deed that I have accomplished. Knock, knock, knock. “Hey, it’s Ted, I looked up your address and I just wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. Are you there?” Oooof, I somehow accomplish getting out of my warm spot on the couch with one large heave hooo! I slowly waddle to the door with a hand on my inflated stomach. I open the door and see Ted standing there almost as cute as before. “Oh wow, are you taller? And bigger? Well anyway, I just wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. It wasn’t right of me to just do that.” I started feeling all hot again and my dick was clearly responding to what my brain was imagining as my next move.

“You don’t need to apologize at all.” I move in for a kiss and give him a slight peck. “Come in Ted.” I turn my back and hook his jeans with my finger pulling him into my house. “Nice place you got here. The perks of being a professional athlete I suppose.” Ted lets out a nervous chuckle. “We don’t make nearly as much as the players in the NHL, but still it’s a good living. Come over here.”

I sit down and pat the spot on the couch next to me. I put both my hands on the side of Ted’s face and bring my lips to his. His beard caresses mine. I thought I liked girls before, but with this kiss, it was out the window. Ted’s tongue massaged mine and my eyes rolled back as he flicked my nipples over my shirt. I remove my shirt and he gasps. “Wow, I’ve seen you in the gym shirtless and you didn’t have any hair before. And that belly, you definitely didn’t have that yesterday, but I like it.” He moves down from my mouth working his way down to my nipples giving each one a little suckle and then working his tongue down to my pajama bottoms undoing them. First removing them, he helps me take off my boxer briefs. “Nice thick dick you got there. Let me get a taste.” He positions himself around my feet and get his whole mouth around my dick. I let out a deep moan, almost similar to a growl.

He works his tongue all around my dick as it throbs like crazy yearning to be released. He removes it from his mouth and moves to my balls lathering and them up with his tongue. Some precum starts to come out, but I’m still far from cumming. He makes his way down to my feet and gives each one a nice nibble on each hairy toe. I could eat you all up. Even your feet taste good.” I lift him up to my mouth and starting really sucking his face. I place him on my belly having his ass right near my dick. He starts pulling off his pants and I grab a condom from my condom box in the table at the end of the couch. I start putting it on my dick, but Ted says, “First won’t you warm me up with a nice massage?”

“I’m sorry, I’m new to this, but of course.” I grab some lube and start massaging his asshole almost instinctually. Ted starts moaning, and growls, “I thought you said that you were new to this unhhh.”

“I guess it just comes naturally to me” I respond. As he moans more and more, I get even harder somehow hearing how much he is enjoying it. He grabs me by the wrist and moves my hand away. He lifts himself up on top of me and slides on as if my dick and his ass were made for one another. He wraps his legs around my belly and I start to buck my hips up. “Oh yeah, David, go harder, this isn’t my first rodeo.” I go for it and start thrusting feeling amazing. Ted grabs his own dick and starts working it. “Right there, unhhhhh!!!” he screamed. I keep going so close to climax, “I’m close to cumming,” I gasp. “Me too” Ted responds. “UNNNNNHHHHHH!” We both scream and our heads reel back me cumming inside of him and him letting it all out on my belly and chest. My new skin-covered dick orgasm is much better than before. With my newfound strength, I take him off with his legs still straddling me and move to the bed, where I knew we’d have even more fun for the rest of the night.

Part 4: The New Team


I grab the phone and see in big, bright red letters COACH welcome me to consciousness. “Hey David, I need to see you right now, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Okay of course, be right in.” I glance behind me and see Ted wrapped around me as the big spoon. “Go back to sleep Ted, I have to go in to talk to the coach.”

“Mhmmm….” I give him a kiss as he rolls over and pulls on the sheets. I roll over and go to the bathroom as I do every day and once again some things have changed. I was big! My belly wasn’t a beer belly, but it was definitely big and taut. I looked more like a linebacker than a hockey player! Thick and meaty with a nice layering of fur to keep me warm.

I brush my teeth quickly, put on clothes that barely fit me, and head for the arena. When I get there, I get a lot of looks from everyone. I guess the changes were sort of obvious, I hope they don’t drug test me! I walk into the Coach Rodriguez’s room and he says, “Lock the door behind you, this is serious.” I gulp. Please no drug test. Please no drug test. I walk over to the coach sitting in his chair behind the oak desk and realize that he isn’t too bad-looking. He’s a little chubbier and has a receding hairline, but he’s hairy and big like me. He walks over to me, and puts his lips to mine, giving me a kiss. I don’t resist and kiss him back. “Ahh so it did work, you are as gay as a drag queen on a Pride Parade float in July!”

“Wait, what did you say? I’m not gay, I just, erm,” I said as I thought about the man sleeping in my bed who last night I fucked three times. “Well, sorry to break it to you, but you are. If you took that shot, there’s no going back. If we were to see our DNA, yours’ would be as colorful as a peacock’s set of feathers.” My jaw drops and I can’t help but think that its okay, things could be worse. “And let me guess? Now you’re thinking about some guy you met. It’s always so easy after taking that shot. I mean, you are the definition of manliness: hairy, strong, muscular, bearded, thick, and dark. I’d enjoy it if I were you! After a few years, you’ll end up coaching a team and instead of just strong you’ll be fat like me. How’d you think I dominated the NHL for three years? You’re just like me kid! So my plan for you now is to have you finish off the season, but if you want to make it to the NHL, you may have to do me some favors.” Coach Rodriguez came back at me and sat on me knee making out. I couldn’t back away if I wanted to be in the NHL. I would be his for the next year or two. I work my tongue into his mouth and realize that it could be a lot worse than him.