Gym Gimmick

Tariq shifted nervously in his seat, as much as he could with his big frame in the little seat. While his boss, Jean looked through some filing, his cold grey eyes looking at the numbers on the sheets, his graying mustache occasionally twitching in a way Tariq knew was annoyance. Eventually, Jean looked up at Tariq, taking in the big personal trainer. Tariq was easily 6 foot 5, broad shouldered and though not as lean as Jean, was big. Not to mention Jean knew Tariq was considered attractive with his sandy blonde crew cut, blue eyes and strong angular jaw line that was constantly lightly shaded with stubble. However, with the tough economic climate sales were dropping and Jean needed to do something to bring people in to his gym.

Putting the sheets away, Jean cleared his throat. “Look Tariq we need to start bringing more people in and as the biggest trainer in the gym you’re the biggest billboard we got.” This comment brought a smug smirk across Tariq’s face making him more relaxed realizing he wasn’t in trouble. That smugness however, slipped as Jean reached under his desk and pulled out what looked like a black, compression shirt and shorts from under his desk, with the gym’s logo across the chest. “You want me to wear that?” grimaced Tariq, his eyes immediately locking onto what looked like a cup sown into the front of the shorts, not mention whether he would fit into them. Though Tariq did like the idea of how huge and defined he would look in the skin tight garments. Jean simply nodded, steepling his fingers in thought.

Shrugging, Tariq took the garments off the desk and went to the bathrooms to get changed, exchanging his form fitting, polo shirt and shorts that were his uniform for the black compression clothes. It amazed Tariq how stretchy the material was and he couldn’t help but pose, checking himself out at various angles in the mirror, even loving how his nice bubble butt looked in the shorts, each cheek nicely defined. Tariq even appreciated the cup as it hid the slight swelling of his cock as he started to bone up, as he loved how the tight clothes rubbed against his muscles.

Strutting out of the bathroom, Tariq met Jean who was awaiting outside to inspect him. Jean stroking his mustache nodded his approval and lead Tariq outside to the front of the shopping mall where the gym was situated. Tariq ignored the smirks of the other personal trainers, but soaked in the adoration he was getting from muscle wannabe males as well as the thirsty ladies. Even as they walked through the shopping mall they were immediately getting looks and it pleased Jean that with his gym's logo on the clothing the curious would be drawn in, even though he hadn’t even deployed his best advertising gimmick.

“So what do you want me to do?” Tariq asked as they reached the front sidewalk that lined the shopping mall, people milling about them their eyes either glued to their phones or staring at the big man which made him smile. “Just stand here,” Jean responded nonchalantly as he looked around seemingly waiting for something.

“That’s it?” Tariq asked, half turning to look at Jean puzzled

“For the moment yes, we just have to wait for a little bit.” remarked Jean

“Wait for what?”

“For a bit more space,”

“I know i’m big but i don’t need that much space.” Tariq laughed

“Not yet anyway.” smirked Jean, mischievously which tapered off Tariq’s laughter. Reaching out Jean tapped the logo stretched across Tariq’s muscular chest, revealing a hidden button in the shirt. The clothing immediately begun to vibrate and tingle which crept down through Tariq’s bulk, into his bones, creeping along his limbs until every inch of him tingled. He took a sharp breath as he felt the clothing grow tight. “What did you do?” gasped Tariq, partially in discomfort but also with surprised pleasure at the sensation.

“Just making a bigger billboard.” grinned Jean, “don’t worry it’s only temporary.” With that Jean stepped back, checking once more to make sure the coast was relatively clear and Tariq had plenty of room. With a moan, Tariq felt his clothing tighten and his head spin slightly as his perspective of the world shift. Looking around in shock and awe, Tariq watched the world slip away with each surge. The clothing was making him grow! He watched as his joggers bulged then blew apart from his fanning out feet. His ankle socks slipping under his heels while the tips begun to shred as his toes tore through. Tariq flexing laughed seeing that even his already impressive muscles seemed to be swelling. His chest protruding further and further out from under his chin showing off the ever growing gym brand. Shifting from foot to foot, Tariq widened his stance for his growing height and bulk, completely oblivious to Jean below, who didn’t even come up to his knee anymore. Looking up Tariq smirked as he saw the top of the mall approaching, and looking out made his cock stir again as he could see over the top of the vast parking lot to the surrounding buildings.

Tariq enjoyed the sensation of his growing, now naked feet, his socks long since turned to ribbons, stretching across the pavement. He tried to look down worried that his feet may soon block off the road, but he couldn’t see over his pecs and he realized, his movements were becoming more restricted by his huge size. Tariq wide eyed realized he couldn’t even speak his pecs had swelled that huge under his chin. Jean must have seen Tariq’s panic, his voice calling up to the now titanic trainer reminding him, “Don’t worry the effects are only temporary you’ll come down this evening, just enjoy the view.” Tariq could hear the amusement in Jean’s voice and he mentally cursed him, knowing he probably was getting off on seeing him so huge.

However, soon Tariq could hear other voices from below and felt as hands began to push and feel his car sized feet, making his toes flex and twitch. “Oh it’s so life like” he heard a woman say

“Oh yes, it’s my best inflatable.” Tariq heard Jean say

“You reckon you could make me that big?” a man joked

“Maybe yes,” laughed Jean, no doubt considering the idea of having multiple blown up muscle giants to advertise his gym. Though Tariq could only stand there and listen, he begun to enjoy the worship of the tiny people below, some even hopping on chairs or sitting on each other’s shoulders to reach up and grope his colossal calves, which made him moan. A sound the growing crowd assumed was just a groan of movement from the breeze blowing the giant inflatable. Soaking in their worship was even more enjoyable to Tariq than wishing he could still move to show the puny people below his godly strength.

As time went by and more people assembled beneath Tariq. Tariq begun to wonder if he could be even bigger but alas his arms were just too beefy to press the button in the gym logo and it bothered him almost as much as his now constant boner, that he had to share his size with the shopping mall. The idea of towering over the mall completely, his feet so massive they’d have close of whole sections of the parking lot, a true towering god of power made his cock throb so vehemently Tariq thought he was going to blow his load. Biting on his lip Tariq forced back the churning flood, knowing a cum leaking inflatable would be bad for business. He just had to accept he was going to have one of the best tugs in his life. Tariq was that horny he wasn’t sure he could even wait until he got home from the gym to blow his load.

Soon the sky turned dark as night fell, the light of the shopping center soon blooming behind Tariq casting his sizable shadow across the parking lot, making his loins flare once again with need. His shadow almost enveloped the entire parking lot, the tip of it taunting him as it was so close to stretching out into the neighborhood beyond the mall. Tariq had some serious blue balls after so many hours of constant arousal at his size and bulk. However, soon after the lights of the shopping center begun to blink off and the crowds about his feet dwindled to nothing, Tariq begun to feel the tingle and disorientation as he begun to shrink back down to his normal size. Looking up Tariq felt disappointed to be leaving that size behind and once back to almost he felt minuscule. He looked a little bigger than before, but was nowhere near the size he had been as the gym mascot. How could he consider himself at nearly normal size to be a big man when he had just experienced being a truly huge man?

“So what did you think?” Jean asked cautiously from behind. Tariq whirled on the gym owner, clamping his massive paws on the man’s lean shoulders. Words failed Tariq, but just thinking about how it felt being that huge made his cock ache. “That good huh?” smirked Jean, “well you did good, we did huge business today, not just in memberships but merchandise also thanks to you. And it looks like you've held on to a little of the size. " she smirked. Tariq looked down at his beefy arms, they did look a little pumped.

"Is this permanent?" He said flexing his bigger arms.

"I'd say so. If you haven't lost that size by now, I don't think you will." Jean replied. A smile crossed Tariq's face.

"So you wanna head inside and get changed?”

“No...” breathed Tariq, once again locking eyes with Jean, “we need to talk.”

“Oh...” groaned Jean, trying to ignore his own arousal from the big man before him but also starting to worry about retribution for turning the man into a giant billboard.

“You’re going to tell me how to make me even bigger than today, you are going to make me a literal man mountain and i’m going to make you a mountain of money.” breathed Tariq, the words making both their cocks twitch with anticipation at the idea of Tariq dwarfing the size he was that day. "I want it to be permanent. Or at least, I want this to be the smallest I'll ever be again."

Tariq taking Jean’s stunned silence as refusal, easily swept the strong but smaller man off his feet and onto his back, stunning Jean further, before putting a still sizable menancing foot on Jean’s face. One side of his head pressed into the cement the other enveloped in the slick surface of Tariq’s foot that even at his regular size was still longer than Jean’s head.

The feeling of being pressed under Tariq’s foot made the pressure in Jean’s pants almost unbearable and brought him to at last speak as he need to get away from Tariq before he blew a load in his pants. “I’ll do it!” Jean cried out, to Tariq’s pleasure. The big man taking his foot away, helped his boss to his feet. “Then I best got some sleep will be a big day for me then.” smirked Tariq as he sauntered away, trying to ignore the boner that threatened to burst through the cup in the shorts. A feature he’d been glad for, otherwise the amount of people who would’ve seen his whale cock, which he was sure had become even more mammoth along with the rest of him. Jean stroking the side of his face that had been under Tariq’s foot watched the big man go and he couldn’t help but leak some precum as he thought that Tariq’s idea of being a man mountain was still not enough of a giant gimmick. Tariq needed to be bigger... way bigger and tomorrow Jean was going to make the world know the name of his gym, even if it meant filling the sky with it, sprawled across Tariq’s titanic hairy chest and body as he grew bigger and bigger.