Gym Buddies

It all seemed innocent enough. Hayden was just looking for someone to go to the gym with him. Someone who shared similar goals.

Hayden saw Trav working out alone one day. They had similar builds. Hayden asked Trav if he would spot him on the bench press. Trav was happy to help. In fact, Trav pushed Hayden to lift an all time new personal record!

They exchanged numbers, excited that they each now had a gym buddy! Weeks went by, they lifted together 5 days a week! They were a inserperable duo with a shared passion for fitness. They pushed each other to new heights.

Hayden (seen here on the right) was undoubtedly making the most gains! He was so proud of his work. Though he wasn’t sure why Trav’s gains never seemed to be as impressive.

“Don’t worry Trav, you’ll get there!” Hayden said playfully while they were both flexing in the locker room mirror.

Trav smirked, not worried about his own progress. He focused on Hayden’s developing body. In fact , Trav became obsessed with Hayden. (Specifically his growing muscles). Trav loved admiring Hayden’s biceps. He’d always jokingly tell him to flex, Hayden would always respond with a flexing pose. Trav would feel Hayden’s muscles and say “damn dude you’re so jacked”. They acted like two boys on the same football team.

One night they fell asleep watching a movie at Hayden’s girlfriends house. Trav woke up to see the flickering low light of the tv. Hayden’s body was perfectly contoured and sillouhetted in the almost complete darkness. Hayden was cuddling with his girlfriend Zoe. Trav almost didn’t notice her, because Hayden’s body was so large. The shadow of his giant frame covered Zoe completely.

Suddenly Zoe woke and walked to the bathroom. Hayden was still out cold, snoring. Trav watched as Hayden’s chest lifted up and down with his breath. Trav decided it was time. It was time to give Hayden the injection. He acted fast… pulled the vile from his pocket and carefully injected Hayden in his massive thigh muscle.

Trav couldn’t wait to see how this impacted Hayden’s progress.

Weeks went on. Hayden and Trav were still working out daily. Hayden was making HUGE gains quickly. Trav would always find ways to inject his gym buddy without him knowing. “If Hayden knew, he would be so weirded out” Trav thought to himself .

Trav looked forward to every opportunity they had to spend together. He loved admiring Hayden’s ever growing physique. He’s continue to compliment Hayden. Often. Hayden liked the compliments. He liked feeling larger than his friend.

At the end of a workout Hayden was showing off his bicep pump. “FEEL THIS” Hayden shouted. “THIS IS INSANE”. Trav rushed to the opportunity. He grasped the massive bicep and was taken back by how huge and firm it felt in his hands. Trav kept feeling the bicep… for what felt like 2 or 3 minutes. The both of them didn’t even notice time passing by. They were both enchanted by the massive bicep. They both were quiet… Trav looked Hayden in the eyes… paused, and started licking Hayden’s bicep. Not breaking eye contact with Hayden as he did so. Hayden seems somewhat uncomfortable but he didn’t stop Trav. In fact he flexed a little harder.

Trav continued to make out with Hayden’s hunky arm for several minutes. Suddenly Hayden pulled away. “I’ve got to go, me and Zoe have dinner plans” Hayden left without showering.

Trav stood there in the locker room, suddenly alone. He missed touching Hayden. He longed to feel more of him. He longed for Hayden to grow even larger.

Weeks went by, they pretended the arm kissing never happened. Meanwhile Trav has doubled the dose of growth hormones and had Hayden on a strict diet to increase size. Hayden loved the growth he’d made. After a few months the size difference between them was obvious.

Hayden would have Trav massage his sore muscles late at night, when Zoe was asleep.

Suddenly it happened.. Trav got an erection so large it was impossible to hide. Hayden rolled over on his back and saw the gigantic erection bulging from his gym buddies shorts.

Trav was embarrassed and tried to turn away. Hayden paused, reached out and grabbed Trav’s arm before he could turn completely. Hayden was so incredibly strong, Trav gasped when he felt Hayden’s ultra strong grip on his forearm. Hayden stared at the obvious bulging erection. It was quiet for what seemed like an eternity. The silence was broken when Hayden asked “is that because of me?”

Trav was so embaressed he turned to run out of the room. Hayden stopped him. Grabbing his arm with his incredibly strong grip. Trav let out a sound of fear and pleasure when he felt Hayden’s powerful grasp. It was suddenly clear that Hayden could dominate him at any moment. Hayden stared down at the erection for a few moments, he felt powerful. He released Trav and they went their separate ways.

Trav was worried he’d never see Hayden again. The previous night was just so weird!

To his surprise, the very next morning Hayden called really early and demanded that they work out, “I’m on my way to pick you up!” rushing them to the closest gym … when they arrived it was clear that Hayden *wanted* Trav to watch him lift. Hayden broke many personal records that morning, his veins popped out like crazy! He seemed to be growing. He felt Trav’s eyes on his pumped up muscles . It felt so amazing .

Hayden moaned, *STRETCH* his body was expanding as he lifted. He loved being admired by Trav. He loved how BIG his body compared to Trav’s. It made Hayden feel so strong and important. They made their way to the locker rooms… they were the only two there.

Suddenly they were both naked. Hayden’s body being worshiped by Trav’s tongue. Trav became immediately hard. He rubbed his erection on Hayden’s body-builder physique, leaving a trail of pre cum on his massive body. They started grinding into each other… The motion of their bodies caused Trav to cum, leaving a huge load on Hayden’s abdomen area. They both stood there , all that could be heard was the sound of heavy breathing and stretching skin.

Hayden felt his body tremble… he was growing! The heat of the moment had clearly initiated the growth process with aid from the hormones coursing unknowingly through his veins . Hayden flexed his body and let out a loud moan… he grew 3 inches and put on roughly 20 more lbs within minutes. Trav was intoxicated by Hayden’s growing body. He wanted him to keep growing bigger!!!

“I know you’re up to something, Trav” said Hayden. Trav looked like a ghost he was so scared. “I don’t know what exactly you’re doing to my body…” Hayden paused… “ but I think I want you to keep doing it” Trav was relieved. They lay there naked, sweating, Hayden’s body continues to slowly blow up like a balloon.

“Your wish is my command” responded Trav.

The next day Hayden broke up with Zoe unexpectedly.

Trav and Hayden decided to go to a club to help Hayden get over his break up. On their way into the club(which was on the 4th floor of the building), they boarded the elevator. They saw each other in the glass mirror and smiled. They liked how they looked together. Trav pulled out his phone and snapped a photo to remember the moment.


The moment was cut short by the sound of grinding metal and a sudden stop of the elevator. The walls shook, lights flickered and they came to a stop. Trav attempted to open the doors but it was useless. They began to realized that Hayden was too heavy for the elevator system, and the weight had tripped the system. They were stuck for some time, unable to communicate with anyone outside. The intercom system was seemingly broken.

Hayden was nervous. But also very proud, proud that he was beastly enough to stop an ELEVATOR! He was filled with pride. His body trembled again. Hayden turned to Trav and said “do it! do whatever it is you’re doing to make me a giant!”

Trav slowly reached for his pocket, he pulled out a dose of the growth hormones. Hayden snatched it from Trav’s hands, quickly pulled down his shorts and injected the dose himself. Moments later he began to moan … a moan that sounded like pleasure.

Suddenly the intercom worked . A voice came over the speaker and said “don’t worry guys help is on the way” . At this point Hayden fell to his knees, arms extended. The impact of his body shook the elevator violently. Trav nervously asked him not to move so much! Hayden laughed, almost maniacally, then there was silence. The silence was broken by the sound of stretching skin. Hayden’s body was expanding so rapidly, his face was bright red. Hayden moaned “GIVE ME MORE OF THAT STUFF” he pulled another dose from Trav’s pocket and injected it again in his thigh. Hayden’s shorts were already almost off.. his expanding glute muscles forced the shorts to his ankles. His expanding calves getting tangled in the ripping shorts. Hayden flexed his legs, causing the shorts to burst off his body. Revealing a thin , almost see through layer of black cloth that was his underwear. His expanding muscles didn’t let up. The underwear stretched to the point it looked like a coat of paint on Hayden’s ass and crotch area. Suddenly “snap” the underwear was ribbons. His cock flopped onto the elevator floor. Trav became hard as rock.

Trav started rubbing Hayden’s upper body. His pecs were unreal! They were pushing their way out of Hayden’s tank top! They were godly. The tank top stretched to the point that you could see all of Hayden’s upper body. It was so impressive. The beastly man was sweating, his skin glistening under the elevator lights. Trav began to rub his own erection. Hayden said “let me help you with that” and pulled off Trav’s pants with a quick motion. Ripping the pants into pieces ! Trav’s little cock was suddenly exposed, pulsating in Hayden’s face. It seemed so small compared to Hayden’s pithon on the floor. Hayden didn’t think twice about the size, he simply loved how hard it was, he loved that HE was so desirable!

“WORSHIP ME! “ Hayden cried out in a deep voice. Trav was quick to listen to his master’s orders… running his hands over every crease and crevis of Hayden’s incredibly defined physique.


Hayden grew so large he was suddenly filling the elevator completely. The rush of filling a room with his body was amazing. Hayden kept growing, his cock suddenly hard. Hayden’s body pressing Trav’s pathetic body against the mirror, breaking the glass. The elevator was making deep groaning sounds, the cables were about to break. Suddenly the elevator fell, Hayden’s body managed to cushion the fall for Trav. Hayden pushed the doors open and burst out of the shaft onto the first floor. Trav was in his right hand. Trav loved the feeling of being carried and protected by his giant. Hayden staggered to the street, breaking walls and glass doors on his way out. He stood on the street 13 ft tall. A god. Traffic stopped, Hayden could hear gasps from strangers. He felt their eyes on his naked body. He felt the admiration, the admiration of hundreds. “BOW DOWN TO YOUR GOD” he roared at the onlookers. “Worship my SUPERIOR BODY” . Crowds gathered, then news cameras. Trav knew that all this attention would make Hayden unstoppable. Hayden loved nothing more than being admired! Trav, still in Hayden’s strong grip of Hayden’s right hand began to worry that Hayden would grow TOO large. He imagined Hayden standing taller than the city buildings. He thought of the power… he thought of the consequences. He knew this was his fault. The destruction, the chaos, was all because of Him! Suddenly Trav didn’t mind. He became excited at the thought of his very own Hayden becoming a monster. It’s not like he hadn’t imagined it before! His erection returned with full force. “GROW! Hayden, GROW!” He shouted up to the beast.