Growing Buddy

by wlfy

Bill and Joe had been friends for over eight years. Ever since they met in seventh grade gym class, sharing a bench and starting up a casual chat they’d been fairly close. They visited one another, hung out, and remained good buds all through high school and graduation as well.

Now 21, going on 22, Joe and Bill were in college. Neither being from particularly rich or lucky families, they both set off for Rock Hills College, just a modest community college in the American suburbs. Bill hoped to eventually go beyond that, to a professional university and get a Masters Degree and become a writer. Joe had more earthbound goals, like moving on from his job at Menard’s and going into construction, although he was not without his own aspirations, like becoming an architect for instance…but for the moment the thought was more of a daydream. For now, the two settled with their current jobs and lives as meager students.

Their evening classes finished, Bill got aboard Joe’s pickup trick and drove off. I was late – about nine-forty to be exact. Joe insisted upon getting something to eat that night despite most places closing down at this late an hour.

“I thought you said you had dinner with your folks at six Joe,” Bill said.

“Well I’m not that that hungry,” he frankly said, steering his truck toward a Burger King, “I just needed a little something. Besides, I’m paying for both of us!”

Minutes later, Bill was sucking on a vanilla shake as warm fries and a regular burger sat, wrapped up in his lap. Joe took a big bite into his double-pounder and chewed it a little loudly. They were still in his truck, parked in the parking lot so Joe wouldn’t have to worry about driving or not. In a few more minutes, Joe had devoured his burger and was polishing off his own fries. Finishing his own burger, Bill couldn’t help but pass a glance toward Joe’s waist curiously.

Bill was the paunchier of the two. Heck, not even a year after college Bill had ballooned up to 250 from his already stocky 200 that he’d kept in his senior year. He didn’t purposely do it, it just occurred naturally…although the freshman15 was hardly an apt enough term for his gain! His own weight fluctuated of late, leveling out at about 240 (although Bill last clocked it at 245 the other day). He’d never been a particularly active person, being a writer at a computer and all, so when his last day of gym passed so did his prior weight. 34s came undone around 210, shirts stretching around a rounding-out gut…and at 235 the waist button on one of his 36s popped off to his embarrassment! Nowadays he wore nothing less than large and 38s were “just snug”.

Joe on the other hand seemed to keep his weight in better control. He wasn’t a jock per-say, but his work was more physical, and since his senior year Joe was getting into weight-lifting. Bill found Joe frankly attractive with his thickened arms and his pecs swelling out his shirt until little brown chest hairs peaked out the top. However, at the bottom of Joe’s shirt something else seemed to be peaking out a bit….

With a double-pounder and large fries inside, a sliver of stuffed belly was visible. Bill had seen it before…Joe’s peak-a-boo belly. A furry paunch lay normally hidden beneath Joe’s taut shirts, but now it seemed to want out. Finishing his meal, Joe yawned and stretched back. Bill felt his cock harden as his friend’s shirt rode up to a cute belly button, a more-than-visible track of brown-furred flesh before him. A sliver of heaven….

Joe immediately pulled his shirt back down and over it, but Bill could vividly remember it all…and it made Bill wonder. Is Joe getting bigger? Bill pondered to himself. Joe’s stomach had peaked out before, but never that much! From the brief glimpse Bill was virtually certain it looked just a tad rounder, thicker than usual. Joe IS getting bigger….

The thought lingered with Bill all night, even after Joe dropped him back home. The erection that sprouted in Joe’s truck was at its full intensity, Bill rushing to the bathroom every fifteen minutes to jerk off, exploding wads of cum over the sink mirror as he imagined Joe growing fatter, his paunch widening into a big belly bigger than Bill’s, splitting all his clothes and ripping his fly wide open as that sexy gut continued to fill out. Bill’s hand never left his ever-hard cock.

“Oh Joe,” Bill groaned, cumming for the fifth time in barely three hours.

The following morning, thoughts of Joe’s growing middle were with Bill and his penis, which sported a case of morning wood unlike anything before. After the bliss of last night, he thought seriously. How big was Joe exactly? About a few months ago when Joe was chatting on his weight-lifting he openly said his 6’1” frame supported 190 pounds. Given the slight growth, Bill was willing to bet that number had pushed over 200, maybe even 205 or more. Heh, looks like Joe’s finally got a case of the freshman15, Bill merrily thought to himself, He’d look sexier with another 15…20 pounds….

Bill’s mind froze up with that thought. OhmyGod! Did I just think Joe…was sexy? Before, he’d never thought of his best friend as “sexy”, or obsessed about another guy’s gut! This was way too weird…or was it?

Bill never had much luck with women…the crush he had in his junior year at high school turned against him. But Joe? Heh, Bill simply thought with a smirk. Perhaps that blond slut-of-a-girl did him a favor by converting him to homosexuality. No boney skank could compare to a beefy college man like his Joseph.

Again his cock hardened upon thinking about Joe…and fantasies about Joe growing started to return. However, before another cession in the bathroom started, Bill had another, more devious though. Why just fantasize about this? I should make it happen! Take advantage of Joe’s work-outs as an excuse to blow him outta his jeans!

Immediately the following week, Bill started a routine of hanging out with Joe at every spare minute. He talked with Joe about his work-outs, how he wanted to help with more than just spotting every-other barbell. Joe could become the next champion of the Big Man Competition with the right routine…for which Bill gave Joe a jug of weight-gain mix.

“You sure you know how this stuff works?” asked Joe, reading over the contents label on one side of the can.

“Hey, I may not have a home-work-out set Joe, but I do know a little,” said Bill, gently yanking the mix away from Joe. He made the mix for Joe as the big guy himself readied his weight set. Bill put in double what Joe was opting for. The more the merrier, Bill smirked. Minutes later Joe, donned in a loose tank top and shorts, took the drink. Little did he know, with a single chug, roughly 20,000 calories had entered straight to his gut.

Bill was barely able to contain his excitement – gazing at Joe’s middle he could already see the buttons popping….

He spent plenty of time with Joe over the following month, not just overdosing him with a surplus of gainer mix, but taking him out to eat more and more. Bill wondered if the mix had contained an appetite enhancer, for Joe rarely turned down the offer anymore. Burger King, McDonalds, and Applebees were their most frequent stops during their work lunch breaks, to which Bill made sure Joe enjoyed.

Once more Bill found himself in Joe’s truck sharing a meal after their evening classes. “Oh man,” Joe moaned wearily, his belly stuffed beyond belief, “That was ONE hellofa meal.”

The same shirt that fit him nearly perfectly before now was obviously tight, a slightly thicker sliver of underbelly now permanently visible below. Joe leaned back and yawned as he was accustomed too, and accordingly his belly made its appearance…moreso than ever.

Oh yeah, Bill merrily thought as he glanced at Joe’s engorged middle, Joe’s getting bigger alright.

It wasn’t just Joe’s belly now either too. Joe’s body as a whole was growing – quite beefy for that matter. Joe’s chest had started to swell with muscle, the topmost button undone to give his thick lightly-furred pecs more room to expand. Biceps and forearms slightly thicker and more developed and his thighs seemed to be straining against his jeans.

Of course, his gain in muscle was equal to his gain in fat. Joe’s paunch was a definite baby belly now – as he stretched out it seemed to swell slightly more. Although he helped Joe in his work-outs Bill was too shy to ask either his weight or size, but surely his buddy’s waist had expanded out several gracious inches, maybe 39 from 34, and his weight had to be 220 at the very least. Budding love handles had emerged too, hanging slightly out of the sides of his undersized jeans as his newly-formed gut ballooned out in front.

Casually, Bill offered, “Here Joe, finish off my quarter-pounder. I couldn’t have another bite myself.”

Unaware his slightly-rounded, still-growing belly was showing, Joe replied, “Alright,” and humbly took the half-eaten burger. Bill watched Joe finish it off, more food being absorbed. He imaged Joe’s fat cells around his stomach swelling, growing, multiplying with the bountiful feast of calories Bill ensured to provide them.

Oh yeah guys, keep up the good work….

Another revelation occurred just a week later. With a soft moan Joe awoke from his bed. Beneath his broad frame the bed springs squeaked – louder than usual too as they supported the added weight their occupant was quickly acquiring. Scratching the hair on his chest, Joe knew he had to be at work in another hour. He got out of bed and grabbed a pair of jean-shorts, knowing today would be hot and he’d have to be working outside mostly anyway. With a grunt, he put on the seemingly shrunken shorts over his thick muscular thighs and hiked them up to his waist where they pinched tight. All seemed normal up until he was halfway done brushing his teeth. Then it happened.

A low groan came from beneath his stomach…and then….POP!

Joe’s eyes widened as he saw the button fly into the sink and spin around. His zipper split apart in moments, his shorts spreading wide apart to expose flanks of brown-furred flesh. When he moved, the seams along the sides of his legs ripped and split around his legs, just barely holding together. “The hell?” He felt like he was turning into the Incredible Hulk!

The truth was revealed in the mirror. His stomach was definitely round and jutting out noticeably, his shorts hanging lower as the mass of a swelling gut forced them down. Joe had grown far more than he realized…more fat. His arms and shoulders were still pure muscle, but even his manly chest had acquired a slight coating of fat as did his thick, meaty thighs.

Stepping onto the scale the horror was just magnified. The scale zipped past 220 and 225 and seemed to shift between 229 and 230. Joe prayed and prayed it would land on 229. Instead it handed on 231. Joe had packed on 41 pounds in barely three months time, much of the gain occurring in the prior month too.

He glanced in the mirror, cocking his head this time. Sure, his gut was clearly swelling, but so were his muscles. Joe flexed his arms, and a reassuring bulge formed there. He then looked at his belly, posing before the mirror. He puffed it out, further spreading his tortured 36s, making it bigger still. Oddly, the bulge in his crotch grew too. Joe actually accepted the way he looked, liked it as he rubbed his growing belly. It growled hungrily. Instinctively Joe went to the kitchen.

On the way he admitted to himself, “I’m gonna need bigger pants.”

Another month passed, as did two more pant sizes for Joe. Half is wardrobe had to be replaced, his waistline surpassing even 38s and 40s were getting much too tight. Many of his buttoned-down shirts popped their buttons around his expanding mass. 44s were just right to accommodate his now stocky mass.

Bill was so ecstatic he could hardly believe it. Joe was truly huge, bigger than him even! Every moment with “Big Joe” as he occasionally heard Joe’s coworkers call ‘em was a treat for the eyes. Joe’s ball gut made him lust more than ever for his friend, want to do things to him he would never have conceived of before.

Another night at the parking lot of Burger King came to the two bulky friends. They pigged out together – Bill munching on two quarter-pounders and Joe chomped down five double-pounders, supplemented further with two large fries and a large vanilla shake. They had bought even more food tonight – ten more double-pounders with the works waited in the bag, waiting for Joe to help himself and his fattening belly.

“Man, I don’t think we’ve ever had this much food before!” Bill said, himself feeling stuffed around Joe.

Joe’s hand found a sixth double-pounder and without thinking pulled it out and devoured it in three bites. His round belly growled contentedly, expanding further, Joe’s buttoned shirt swelling and riding up a bit. Joe tugged it down but his belly refused to stay hidden this time. It defiantly bulged like a magnificent hill over his snug jeans in plain sight.

“Oh God,” Joe sighed as he leaned back, “I’m so stuffed.” He caught Bill glancing at his gut and smirked, his friend blushing. “Yeah, I know. I’m getting fat.”

Bill let out a polite chuckle, trying to keep his erection between his legs. “Well you’re bigger, not necessarily fatter.” Joe just glanced half-cocked at him; Bill’s obvious lie not working. He grabbed the bag and offered it to Joe. “Here ‘Big Joe’, you should finish off these. I’d just throw ‘em out.”

Joe laughed. “Oh yeah! Make me even fatter!” His eyes matched Bill’s now. Coyly, Joe said to Bill, “Although I can guess you’d like that now…just like you enjoyed peaking at my gut.” Bill’s eyes went wide, but Joe winked and laughed some more.

“You noticed?” Bill asked, slightly surprised.

Joe tried tugging at his pants, making himself more comfortable. “Just as I noticed my gut turning into a whale.” He stretched, more of his belly riding up…and, equally prominent, the outline of his cock etched against his pants crotch. It seemed Joe enjoyed it as much as Bill…just as much.

“Mmmmm…pass me those burgers Bill,” Joe demanded.

At that notion, Bill suddenly leapt at Joe, hugging him tight. He planted a kiss on Joe’s lips without even thinking. Joe was a little surprised…but so was Bill when he felt Joe hug him back as they leaded against the passenger-side door. Feeling Joe hugging him snuggly with his strong arms made Bill happier than ever. He felt Joe’s erection grinding against his own as the two exchanged hot kisses as their bodies squeezed tighter together.

“I love ya Joe,” Bill uttered, pausing the kissing, “I love ya.”

Everything Bill fantasized about was coming true. After another minute of intense kissing, Joe, lying on his back, pushed Bill away and took from him the bag of quarter-pounders. Hungrily Joe ate them in minutes, taking little more than two bites, enjoying the feel of his round gut expanding further. Bill rubbed his swelling belly…and kissed at the thickened crescents of flesh forming between each set of buttons.

“Can I take off your shirt Joe?” Bill politely asked.

Joe reach to his chest, mouth full of buns and meat. With his bare hands, he ripped the top half of his shirt open, buttons flying throughout the truck cabin. Bill moaned happily, his own hands reaching up and ripping off the rest easily from Joe’s torso. Now shirtless, Joe was more handsome than Bill hoped. Immediately Bill started groping him, hands rubbing Joe’s huge hairy pecs from his collarbone to his dark hard nipples. His hands went lower and lower, rubbing that swollen belly as Bill hugged Joe tighter and started kissing his neck.

Both Joe and Bill were in heaven. As Joe finished off the whole bag and laid back, groggy and bloated, Bill’s mouth and tongue ravished his meaty chest, and then, following the love trail of rich brown fur, to the dome of his belly that Bill created, kissing all over it. “Mmmmm, damn Joe,” Bill muttered between kisses as he fondled Joe’s gut in the truck, “How big are ya?”

Joe, in ecstasy, managed to reply in a deep moan, “Oh man Bill…I’m getting fucking fat. Heh…the scale said I was 275.” In response Bill gleefully groaned and lavished more kisses onto Joe’s bare belly.

“Oh Joe, you’re the biggest, sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on,” Bill said aloud.

Bill, still kissing Joe’s underbelly, tonguing his bottomless belly button, moved his hands to the extremely taut belt. Fingers jittery, he managed to undo the buckle and button. Joe’s belly swelled in response, the fly coming undone by itself. Bill chuckled – Joe wasn’t wearing any underwear.

Joe’s virgin cock was swollen, aching with the young beefy man’s lust and hunger. Bill, although unfamiliar with how to handle such passion, knew he had to nonetheless. Without hesitation or regret, Bill opened his mouth and went down on his best friend.

The moans from Joe were a good sign, so Bill took as much of Joe’s 7 ½ inch cock in as possible. Glancing up, he could barely make out Joe’s closed eyes and face over his swollen belly. He bobbed fast, then paused, going down to take Joe’s equally generous balls into his mouth before resuming giving head to the euphoric man.

“Oh…oh God!” Joe repeatedly moaned, feeling his virginity burning away fast. “Oh Bill…oh! Oh I love you too…oh!” Upon hearing this, Bill redoubled his efforts, wanting to make Joe cum. “Oh I’m such a pig…and…and…OH…OH MAN.” As he felt his climax start to overtake him, Joe managed to croak, “Oh…you’re gonna make me huge….ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

Joe orgasmed not once but twice, Bill never stopping in pleasing his lover. Joe’s big cock shot heavy, thick loads over and over again, Joe yelling like a wild man as his furry torso sweated from the effort. When the pleasure faded, Joe just laid back in his truck in a totally pleased state.

Bill climbed up and kissed Joe, Joe giving a pleased, manly growl and hugged Bill. “Oh Bill…that was awesome.” Suddenly, Joe’s stomach gave a growl, to which Bill laughed.

“Think Burger King is still open?” Bill asked.

A year later….

Joe awoke with a bit of a gasp. Between his legs he felt a sucking sensation, one that only grew harder and harder on his member. He couldn’t see what it was, his massive round belly blocking his view. But he could already guess who it was….

Bill paused and peaked his head over Joe’s mountainous belly. “Morning Joe! Happy birthday!” Bill said with a devious grin. Before Joe could reply Bill resumed his work, deep throating Joe majorly. With a loud lion-like roar Joe came uncontrollably, gism flying all over Bill’s mouth, face, and Joe’s own belly.

Bill laid with Joe for another hour happily. Joe was bigger than ever now. 390…and going for 400. The 23-year-old’s 200 gain was half muscle and belly, beautifully complementing each other. His solid, bearish chest was 59 inches with arms 22 inches around. His pillar thighs were almost 30 inches around, but best of all was his furry belly – 60 inches WIDE! Bill planted a kiss on it.

“Man Joe…you’re a big man alright,” Bill said.

Joe, now sporting a medium-length brown beard and mustache, smiled and hugged Bill. “Mmmm…thanks to you.” Without warning he flipped the 260-pound Bill over, forcing him under him as he straddled the slightly smaller guy. All Bill could see was Joe’s belly looming above him. Bill caressed it lovingly.

Joe flipped Bill over easily – 260 pounds was nothing to him as he bench-pressed nearly 700 now. His cock hard, he directed it towards Bill’s bubble butt. As he slipped inside, Bill groaned – Joe’s cock had gotten fatter too over the past year as well!

As the giant man ground into him, Bill remembered well that cute little paunch that peaked out from Joe’s shirt…and how it became the man he loved now.

The End