
By thetfchangingroom: (

Goldilocks had never been particularly smart. As a matter of fact, he was kind of an idiot. But he was smart enough to know the two things he had going for him: his body and his hair. Since age 14, Goldy had been building and sculpting his body. It was his pride and joy, the perfect collection of bulges and canyons, the kind of work of art Michelangelo would have sculpted.

And his hair? Well, they didn’t call him “Goldilocks” for nothing. The way it caught the sunlight, the way it always seemed to fall perfectly atop his head. Hair wasn’t really a big thing for most guys, but all Goldy had to do was throw it back and run a casual hand through his corn colored mane, and everyone in a twenty foot radius would pop a boner.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t anyone within a twenty foot radius of Goldy because, as usual, he was lost. He knew he should have been at the subway station, but there wasn’t a road or a train track in sight. Only trees. Trees, for as far as the eye could see.

Goldy scratched his head. He looked down at his phone, as if he were going to get any reception out here. I totally thought I was on the right road, he thought to himself, running a few fingers through his stringy hair. He was the kind of blonde people joked about, too dumb to function, yet too dumb to care.

A sweet scent caused Goldy to look up. Something was baking. Something delicious. Goldy’s stomach grumbled. Well, he thought, maybe whoever is baking will know how to get to the train station.

And so he lumbered over in the direction of the smell, and soon came across a small cabin in the middle of the woods. Smoke was bellowing out of the chimney, so Godly assumed someone must be inside.

“Hello?” He said as he opened the door to the house. It was small enough to tell that there was no one there. One bed. One bathroom. One kitchen, where, much to Goldy’s delight, a freshly baked pie was sitting on the counter, steam bellowing off of its crusty surface.

“Fuck yeah!” Goldy grinned, digging into the pie without thinking. Only when he was halfway through did he even think to ask… is this okay?

But he didn’t have time to answer, because he was already trying to clean the crumbs off of his shirt. “I can’t show up to work like this!” Goldy said. He looked over towards the small bathroom in the corner, with a tiny shower tucked in behind the toilet.

I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if I just hopped in the shower for a bit, Goldy thought. He already had his shirt and his pants off before crossing the threshold of the bathroom door. He turned the knob on the shower and jumped back. The water was frigid, likely a product of being so far out in the woods, so Goldy turned the knob all the way to “HOT.”

Slowly but surely, the water turned from ice cold to piping hot, and Goldy closed his eyes as he let the water cascade down his warn pecs, his chiseled abs, and over his gradually elongating cock. Much like the rest of his body, Goldy’s dick was a thing of beauty. When erect, it was just long enough without being too destructive, and just girth enough without being too fat.

Even thinking about it was giving Goldy the hard on of a lifetime. He looked out the shower door towards the bed. The sheets were tousled, freshly slept in. They almost beaconed him to come on over and rub one out.

And that’s just what Goldy did. The water was starting to turn cold again, so he turned off the shower, dabbed himself with a towel, and jumped onto the bed. It didn’t matter to him that he was still wet, that he was soaking the sheets. Goldy was far too busy beating his meat, throwing his head back and moaning as he felt his body tense.

“Ohhhhh…. FUCK!” Cum rocketed out of his dick. It coated the sheets and spattered the wall. Goldy didn’t have time to assess the mess he had made of the strangers’ house before he was overtaken by a profound fatigue. He yawned, starching his muscles and settling into the bed for a long, deep slumber.

He didn’t hear the two of them come in.

“What the fuck is this??” Erik said, staring at the half eaten pie. He put his large hands on his wide hips. Erik was a large guy by any standards. Large muscles, large gut, large beard. He starched the thick black hair on his vast chest as he contemplated the mess. “Was it an animal or something?” he asked.

“I don’t think it was an animal,” Chuck said pointing to the bed. Erik turned to his husband, and then to the bed, where Goldy lay fast asleep.

Chuck shook his head. He might not have been as large or hairy as Erik, but from a distance, you wouldn’t be able to tell. He was a bear through and through. And right then, he was an angry bear. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he said, “I just changed those sheets.”

“OW!” Erik yelped. Chuck spun around as Erik jumped back from the sink. “He used up all the hot water!”

Chuck grumbled, staring back at the young man snoring in the mess of sheets and spunk. “What are we going to do about him?” he asked.

Erik walked up beside him. “Well,” he said, “he is pretty cute.”

“He won’t be for long…” Chuck said with a stern smile…

Goldy was having a very strange dream. It started out pretty normal. He had been walking back from work and stopped at a hot dog stand to pick up something to eat. But the second he put the hot dog in his mouth, it started to expand.

He gagged. The slim piece of meat was getting salty and veiny in his mouth, and he found himself sucking on it like a popsicle. What the fuck? Goldy thought. He slipped the hot dog out of the mouth to see a giant, hairy dick just centimeters away from his face.

Except now, he wasn’t dreaming.

“What the fuck??” Goldy said aloud this time. He recoiled from the dick, but something strong and firm grasped the back of his head.

“You’re not done yet,” a gruff voice said from above him. “You’ve got to pay us back for all the hot water you used.”

“Don’t forget my pie,” a different voice said. Goldy looked down to see another man, huge and hairy, at the base of the bed. His mouth was just inches from Goldy’s dick.

Goldy stuttered, “I… I um… I think I’ve got to get to work.” He tried to move, but Chuck held tight to his hair.

“Work, huh? You must have gotten real lost on your way then, to end up so far out here.” He was pressing Goldy’s face to his crotch, so much so that the young man could smell the musk wafting off of his pubes. “Don’t worry though,” Chuck said with a wicked smile, “we’ll make you feel right at home, won’t we Erik?”

“Sure will,” Erik said. With that, he swallowed Goldy’s cock. Goldy opened his mouth to protest, but Chuck only seized the opportunity to slip his dick back into down the hunky blonde’s throat.

Goldy gagged. Chuck’s cock was thick as a soda can and twice as heavy. He felt his rough hair itch at his nose and cheeks as the bear drove his dick deeper and deeper into his throat. All the while, Erik continued to go down on Goldy, his thick beard scratching up against the insides of his thighs. As much as Goldy hated to admit it, this was very very hot.

“You like this, don’t you?” Chuck took the words right out of his head, “you like having two big daddy bears sandwiching you?”

Goldy mumbled a “yes” in agreement.

“Would you like to be a big daddy bear just like us?”

He cocked his eye. What was he talking about? Chuck took notice, and nodded towards Goldy’s chest. “Take a look at yourself.”

Goldy’s eyes widened. His chest, his beautiful, perfect chest, was now expanding out in ways it hadn’t since his Freshman year of college. His cum gutters had turned to love handles, his solid abs to hard globs of fat. But most striking of all was his hair. Hair rarely grew on Goldy’s chest, and when it did, he was sure to shave. Now, his body looked like a forest, blond hair cropping up on every bare patch of skin.

He spat Chuck’s dick out of his mouth. “What have you done to me??” He yelled.

Chuck laughed. “And we’re not even done yet. Besides, it’s not like you’re not enjoying it.”

There was a sloppy wet “pop” as Erik let Goldy’s dick fall out onto his scruffy chest. His was hard as a steel rod, leaking pre like a broken faucet as he watched a fresh bush of blonde pubes come in. As they did, he felt his once perfectly shaped cock morph and contort, transforming before his eyes into a proper bear dick: thick, stubby, and uncut.

“Looks like someone might need to take that for a spin.” Erik remarked. He turned to Chuck. “Care to do the honors?”

“It would be my pleasure,” Chuck said. Goldy watched as the massive man moved around the bed and mounted his ever expanding body like he was a wild stallion. Erik rubbed his dick in the background as Chuck guided Goldy’s throbbing member into his hairy, daddy ass.

“FUCK!” he screamed. Grabbing onto Goldy’s chest. He bounced up and down, sending both men into a horny frenzy. “Fuck, you like that daddy?”

“Fuck yeah,” Goldy grumbled. He was astonished to find that his voice had dropped several octaves. Even more astonishing was the fact that he could feel his beard itching his face every time he opened his mouth.

I… have a beard? Goldy thought. He reached a hand up to his face to feel the thick tuft of blonde scruff that was erupting all over his chin, his neck, and his cheeks. “It’s coming in nicely,” Erik remarked, “I think it looks better on your face than on your head.”

Goldy feared the worst. He knew what he was going to feel even before he brought his hand up to his scalp: Nothing. Just shiny, bare skin. He was bald, a bald, burly, blonde bear. In just minutes, he had lost both of his best assets, and was completely at the mercy of the man milking his thick dick.

“Fuuuuuuck,” Chuck growled. The old bear was getting close, and Goldy could feel himself starting to edge. The prickling pleasure across his skin, the dizziness that seemed to overtake his mind as his cock prepared to deliver its load.

He reached up and grabbed Chuck’s chest, feeling his pot belly and dark mane, and awaited the one final blow…

“FUUUUUUUUUCK!” Goldy let out a sound of pleasure audible throughout the entire woods. He came, hard body shaking and hands quivering as he emptied his first load as a bear into Chuck’s warm, welcoming hole.

Just as he did, he felt his own chest grow warm with Chuck and Erik’s spunk, as the men used him as their personal cum dumpster.

By the time his orgasm had died down, Goldy—or rather Gordon now—had assumed his new identity as the third bear of the cabin. His rather empty head was filled with memories of living with the bears, chopping wood, going hunting out in the woods, and fucking raw until the wee hours of the morning.

He still wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. But at least he wasn’t getting lost anytime soon.