Get Big: The App

I step out of the gym shower, dripping wet with a towel around my trim waist, heading through the locker room to get dressed. I breathe heavily – I really pushed myself hard in the weight room today, making my muscles really pop before my first bodybuilding show tomorrow. I’ve worked at this for so long, and now it’s time for all my hard work to pay off. I survey my body in the mirror – big round shoulders, firm melon pecs, thick bis and tris, cut up abs, solid tree-trunk legs. And when I turn and look over my shoulder, I can just about see the slabs of hard muscle on my back, and my firm round glutes under the towel.

I open my locker and take out a fresh pair of boxers, sliding them on over my freshly shaved body – hairless below the eyelashes in preparation for tomorrow. I see myself in the mirror and grin as I flex a bicep – I’ve come such a long way from the skinny teenager I used to be, and now at the age of 26 I finally felt ready to get on stage and earn my stripes as a bodybuilder with my first show.

After I’m done with my little posing session I pull my black muscle-tee and some white basketball shorts from my locker, chug a protein shake, run some wax through my hair to scruff it up a bit, and head on home.

“See you later,” I grunt to the guy on the front desk on my way out.

“See you Mario, have a good day,” the guy calls after me.

On my way out, I see a small advert on the front desk. It says ‘Get Big – the new lifestyle app for all guys who want to Get Big. Download it FREE today’. I lift my phone from my pocket, open the store, and download the app, entering my name and closing it down as I head outside.

My hard-won muscles glisten in the sunlight. Everyone stares at me as I strut home along the crowded street, my clothes showing off my big hard body to anybody looking my way. I grin a cocky grin – this body is hot shit. My bronzed skin, partly from my Italian heritage and partly from hours in the LA sun, only make this lean mass more prominent. Can’t wait to step out onto that stage and blow everyone away. Twenty-six year old fucking huge muscle stud. Fuck, I love my life.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I reach inside and pull it out, seeing a notification from Get Big. Hmmm, not too sure about the time. What the hell, if it does its job as well as it advertises it can be called anything, and the developers would still get a ton of cash.

The notification that had come through read “MARIO – you’re already one of the BIG GUYS – ready to get bigger? You’ve got to eat to fuel that growing body!”

I roll my eyes. Maybe this app isn’t really for me after all. I mean, how could I forget to eat after a workout? I’ve got all my meals prepared in the refrigerator at home, mostly chicken and rice to give me a high-protein boost. I really love eating lean like this, bulking is so hard for me because I hate having any body fat at all. My stomach rumbles, and a woman passing by glares at me. Fuck, must have been louder than I thought. I turn around and look at her as she walks away – nice swell at the hips, short skirt, great legs…..yeah, she’d get it.

My phone buzzes again, but when I pull it out of his pocket this time there’s no notification. Weird. Where was I? Oh yeah, I find it so hard to eat lean but it’s so important for a show. If I could bulk all year long I would – nothing but mass gainer protein shakes, mountains of chicken, piles of pizza on my cheat days. Love getting as many calories as I can, eating dirty and getting that big bulky offseason look. But I’m really looking forward to competing, I really want to step on stage and win that thing.

Another buzz comes from my phone – “Mario – we’ve teamed up with Big Burger to give you an amazing offer – two burgers for the price of one! Today only – why not stop by?”

I slow down. I really shouldn’t stop for burgers, I need to get lean for my show. But…….my stomach growls loudly again. Fuck, I love a good burger. And Big Burger’s my favourite place for them. Plus I couldn’t exactly get this offer again after the show if it was today only……….but no, I need to work on getting lean. Come on Mario, be strong!

Another push message comes from the app – “Mario – our Big Burger offer is now FOUR burgers for the price of ONE!!! Today only – get down to Big Burger today!”

God damn….now that IS tempting. Four burgers really would bump up my protein intake. And yeah I’ll get some extra calories, carbs and fat I hadn’t accounted for……but fuck me it’s tempting.

My phone buzzes again – shit these guys will not leave me alone! I check but again there’s no message for me. Maybe the app’s broken, I think, as I scratch my gut. I check myself out in a window and grin – not all guys would like being as bulky as I am but I think it looks pretty awesome. It’s obvious I’m really muscular, but with this big ball gut and thick body I look so fucking masculine. I couldn’t face being one of those preening lean muscle douches, always counting calories and focussing on their body fat. I just lift heavy and eat like a beast, getting as huge as I can. Plus even though those guys might pretend women are all about a six-pack, I know from experience most of them want to be with a real man. Just like real women, real men have curves, and I love my big body. 350lbs of beef, I think as I flex a big bicep in the window and grin with my other hand on my gut.

I carry on walking down the street, planning my route to the nearest Big Burger. My stomach rumbles again while I decide on the route I’m going to take – left at the corner, then the closest one is halfway down the block. Not too far I say with a little chuckle as I pat my belly with a big paw.

Another message comes through, and I fish my phone out of my pocket to read it. This one says “Mario – for big guys to look their best, you need the right underwear. Today only at UnderWorld, all jock straps are half price!”

I turn my nose up at that one as I put my phone back. I don’t really understand jock straps. The guys who played sports in my high school wore them, but I didn’t see the point. Underwear with no ass? Seemed really gay to me. I don’t really take much care over my underwear, I just get something comfortable and whenever I’m with a girl I lose them pretty quickly anyway.

As long as my boxers don’t feel too tight around my waist and ass, and they aren’t too tight around my cock I don’t really care. My cock’s not small, at a fairly girthy 7 inches I’ve never had any complaints.

Again I feel my phone buzz and I sigh – this is getting a bit old. Again there’s no message there. Again I put my phone back in my pocket. I swear I’m going to uninstall that fucking app if it keeps doing this shit. Where was I? Oh yeah, jock straps. I love wearing jocks, love how they make my ass feel. Especially how a dark jock will show through my white basketball shorts too – I’m a bit of a show off and I love it when people can see my underwear.

Finally I get to Big Burger and walk inside. Weird how there’s no line when they’ve got this good value deal on. Whatever. I walk up to the counter, “Hi, I got this message about a four for one burger deal, can I get four cheeseburgers please?”

The girl at the counter raises an eyebrow at me, “I’m sorry sir I don’t know about any deal….can I see the message you got?”

I hand her my phone, and I hear it vibrate in her hand, “Oh sure, sorry about that. How many burgers was it?”

I take my phone back and it vibrates as I put it back in my pocket, “Eight double cheeseburgers please.”

“Sure, coming up. Take a seat, I’ll bring them over.”

I walk over to a table – when I say walk I guess I mean saunter! – and try sit down, feeling the air-conditioned cool on my round power belly, not quite covered by my XXXL muscle-tee. Fuck, I feel bigger than ever. I love the food at Big Burger, but they’re one of those places with fixed chairs and tables, and for someone of my size it makes it a bit hard to get comfortable. With a bit of maneuvering I get into the seat. I try to get comfortable. Being a huge 450 lbs powerlifter in this heat is pretty hard. I look down at my body, my enormous chest, my massive shoulders, rising and falling with each breath. Fuck I love being massive, but the world isn't realy built for men my size.

I sit with my hands on my big round gut, waiting for my food to come. My arms are so thick these days I can't keep them bent too far or or my biceps press into my forearms and make my hands go numb. I look out the window and see a group of fit muscled guys walk past. They look good, but I could out lift all of them put together. I used to look like that a few years ago, back when I was in college I was just a jock. Wrestling was my main sport but I was good at anything I turned my hand to. In college I started shifting more to weightlifting. I got bigger... started doing bodybuilding... got bigger still. It was intoxicating. Sure my belly's huge now, got a big powerbelly on me. I'm not defined like a bodybuilder anymore... but no one could mistake me for a wimp. My traps are up to my ears these days... and I still want them bigger. Traps are the new abs, they say. Nah, I love being huge. Getting stronger... getting bigger.... I'm really going for that silverback look I guess... I look strong as hell because I am strong as hell.

Ever since I got serious about strength sports, I've been packing on the bulk. Can’t do heavy lifting without lots of energy... and calories... and mass. Taking this on basically gave me the perfect excuse to just work on getting as big as a I can. Getting massive, getting strong as hell. Going for full freakish size. I didn’t realise how good it would feel when I was younger – how powerful it feels to walk around with 26" arms. My huge big beefy body feels strong as hell, how much I love to saunter, how big I feel, and how awesome it is to eat insane amounts you want and push yourself to eat more. The only downside I can see is this heat, but you can’t have everything... Well, that and finding a shirt that can fit my 24" neck.

“Here you go, hun,” the waitress says as she brings over my burgers.

“Thanks darlin’” I say as I dig in to the first one, feeling the juices drip down my chins. I look at her again, glancing at her over my burgers. To say she works in fast food she looks really good – nice tits, slim waist. She must eat the salads and leave the burgers and fries alone!

My phone buzzes but I don’t want to answer it until I’ve finished my first burger. It tastes so good, and I know every bite is going towards my belly. But all too soon the meat, cheese and bread is gone, and I lick my fingers clean before reaching into my pocket for my phone, all the time watching that waitress, wondering how she’d look out of that uniform. Fucking good, I bet. When I finally get my phone out of my pocket, I see that again there’s no message.

This app must be a buggy beta or something. Anyway, yeah the waitress looks good, if you’re into that sort of thing. But right as I’m thinking that another huge guy sauntered inside. He has a huge chest and massive, monsterous arms, and a big round gut in front of him, massive thighs swinging around each other in their dark sweat pants, his pecs squeezed tight inside his form fitting red t-shirt. He’s probably around my age, couldn’t be much more than 30. Not typical to see powerlifters his size just walking around. The dude is huge. My thick cock stirs in my jock strap.

The guy places his order which I couldn’t quite hear, and the waitress tells him to sit down and she’ll bring his meal over when it’s ready. He wanders away from the counter slowly, carefully picking a seat. I smile over at the guy when he looks my way. “Hey, you a powerlifter too? wanna join me?” I ask with a cocky grin. I’ve got no idea if he’s gay or straight, but hey, a dude that size's gotta be a serious lifter...

The guy smiles back and steps over, hauling his hulking body to the table and squeezing into the gap between the chair and the table. “Fuck, they don’t give you much room do they?” he asks. His shoulders and arms are even bigger up close. Despite his high bodyfat, I can see his biceps tense and flex with each motion. This man is a beast.

“Nah, I love being too big for shit though and I love being strong as hell. Feels pretty amazing, don’t you think?”

He starts to shake his head but before he can answer, his phone buzzes and he takes it out of his pocket. He shakes his head before putting it back, “Yeah, I love this fucking thing man,” he chuckles as he pats his big powerlifter belly. It’s probably about as big as mine. We have very similar bodies, I love it.

The waitress comes and gives the guy his burgers – a tray piled with eight burgers just like mine. He grins and starts to unwrap one of them, “Gotta love two-for-one deals, am I right?”

“Yeah, I thought I was the only one who got the message to be honest,” I reply with a mouthful of my second burger, “Surprised this place isn’t full!”

“Not everyone wants to get as big as us I guess!” the guy says as he tears into his first burger, “Oh fuck that’s good,” he murmurs as he wipes cheese from his round cheeks.

“Nah. Their loss though, right? Life is too short to stay small. I'm going for size man, size and strength.” I say with a grin, and the guy nods vigorously, his whole chest bulged as he agreed with me. Fuck, he’s so hot. So fucking beefy. He has to be close to 450 pounds... so similar in weight probably. But his arms are like 28" around or something. Even though mine are damn big, I think his are even bigger.

I lick my fingers again to get the last of the juices, then hold a hand out to him, “I’m Mario.”

He puts down his burger and licks his own fingers, “Brad, good to meet you Mario,” he replies as we shake.

"So where do you lift?" I ask

"Down at the 16th Street gym" he replies. I nod. Thats a hardcore powerlifter gym if there ever was one.

"Man, you must compete" I add

"Nah, haven't in years. I just do it for myself these days. I do some strongman stuff too. Tire flips, Atlas stones, that kind of stuff."

"Thats crazy man, I've been getting into that stuff myself these days" I reply.

We get to talking in between mouthfuls of burger then. Turns out he’d got big in pretty much the same way as me – started out into bodybuilding, then got hardcore into strength sports and blew up. Gotta have that mass to lift heavy... Or I do anyway. Pretty weird to find another world-class superheavy powerlifter in your favourite restaurant, pretty weird that we hadn't met before...with a pretty similar story of how he got huge. Life’s full of small miracles I guess.

I ask him if he has a girlfriend, he says no. I notice he hasn’t looked at the waitress once and I wonder if he’s noticed the same about me. I make a gamble and place my big meaty hand on his while we talk, and I grin when he doesn’t take it away. I give him a squeeze, and he squeezes back. Fuck, this is ON!

Soon, my tray is empty, and I lean back in my chair, I feel my shoulders pressing tight around my shirt... even tighter than I remember. God damn I love being big. I can barely see past my massive chest to see my gut pressed against the table, and I let out a loud belch. I rub my hands over my thick belly slowly while I pant after all that meat and bread. I have no idea if belly rubs actually do help with digestion, but I love feeling my huge beefy body so much that I’ll do it anyway. Not long after, Brad finishes his own tray, sighing contentedly with his eyes closed. Fuck, that t-shirt is stretched so tight across his massive chest and belly, and it’s clearly riding up a lot, showing off his hairy rounded gut for the world to see. His arms are so fucking massive, live two giant hams. I just have to ask.

“You got any plans now Brad?”

“Naw man, was just gonna head home. You?”

“Nothing….wondered if you wanted to hang out a bit though. Back at my place?” I ask with a grin.

He pretends to um and ahh over it – so fucking transparent – before saying, “Yeah that sounds good. Do you live far away?”

“Nah, only the other end of the street. Hope you don’t mind the walk in this heat!”

“I don’t like to walk bro, not after my injury. I drive, like, everywhere. I’ll give you a ride.”

So we head on outside and get in his car, which sinks noticeably when he gets in, and then again when I drop in after him. Moments later Brad and I get in the lift of my apartment building and ride up to my floor. I open the door, let Brad in, and as soon as we’re both inside I slam the door closed, waddle over to him and start kissing him deeply.

While we’re kissing, he runs his hands under my muscle-tee, squeezing my big powerbelly and running his fingers through the thick hair covering my gut and overgrown pecs. I moan and feel my hard cock start to gush pre into the pouch of my jock. He squeezes my huge hairy pecs, rubbinng my massive arms. While kissing back feverishly I haul his t-shirt off his firm furry belly, and start kissing at his nipples, tasting his fatty beefy body. He pulls off my tank and we stand together hands groping at each other’s massive, powerlifter bodies, kissing hard and fast, beefy bellies and firm pecs pushing against each other but we manage to just about reach our faces together by leaning into the other’s body. We're like two Silverback gorillas going at it. How the fuck did I never see this huge man before?

I break the kiss and pull down his sweat pants to find – yes! – an electric blue jock strap, not unlike my own green one. I start tonguing his hard cock through the fabric, and I can feel he’s hung really well. His solid shaft starts to push the jock away from his massive package, and I pull it down to his feet so he can step out of it while I paint my face with his pre. Fuck, I love getting a guy hot and wet like this.

Brad bends down to me and pulls down my basketball shorts, and I see him grin when he sees my own jock. Good job I chose the one with SLUT embroidered on the waistline. He lubes up his cock with his pre, and walks behind me. I can feel his powerbelly pushing into my back, and I know that soon I’ll feel him enter me. No sooner have I finished that thought than I feel my huge ass penetrated by Brad’s big manhood, and I relax back onto it, grinding my hole onto the base of his prick.

“Aw yeah big man,” he grunts with each thrust, “Fucking ride my pole big boy, you fucking huge fucking BEAST!”

Quickly both our huge powerful bodies are drenched in sweat, and I’m moaning. “Awww I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” I yell, and before long I shudder in pure pleasure, my thick cock unloading into my jock and I soon feel my cum spilling down my leg. But like a good bottom I keep riding Brad’s cock until, after another few minutes, he grunts and I feel his warm seed filling my massive ass.

We collapse on the floor, and when his dick comes out of my hole I turn to face him, our bellies pressing together as our chests heave with each breath. We pretty much fall into a light sleep there on the floor, until our phones buzz.

I reach over to read the message that’s come through my phone to see it’s from Get Big: “Mario – we hope you’ve liked the offers from Get Big – why not pass us on to all your friends?”

I grin and forward the app link to my whole phonebook. I don’t know who’ll be interested, and even if it’s mostly a gay app I don’t really care... No one's gonna start shit with a man my size.

I see Brad putting his phone down, thinking he’s probably had the same message. I collapse back onto the floor, resting my head on Brad’s hulking chest and slowly rubbing his firm and fuzzy belly while he rubs mine. And tomorrow, I’m off to watch that bodybuilding contest to see some lean muscle studs parade around in their underwear, fantasising about one fucking me raw. I mean, I can’t imagine going back to that bodybuilder lifestyle... too much work, and they're not as strong as they look... but they do look good for all that effort. Brad and I aren't into that. We're into getting big. Big and strong as a fucking ox.

I grab my own belly and shake it lovingly, feeling it bounce in my cool air-conditioned apartment, and start thinking about what (and how much) I’m going to eat for dinner. I worked it out quickly in my head, and realised I’d eaten 4000 calories at lunch alone. Fuck yeah, that’ll make me grow. But if I go back, I’ll get bigger even quicker, now there’s a thought……Fuck, I love my life, I love being huge.