Funhouse pt. 3

Funhouse Part 3

by *inflatedmuscle

Funhouse Part 3

Cameron Lee was hurdling through the dark in the runaway roller coaster cart. The man gripped the bar as he strained his eyes to see what was coming but the cave was too dark. There was an occasional flash of faint light that he assumed illuminated some plastic skeleton or some other spook house scene but the damn cart was flying so fast the man could barely make out what was there as he whizzed by to the screech of rusty wheels. Cam felt the flesh of his cheeks flutter as the cart seemed to pick up speed. The frequent belly dropping dips gave the man the sense that he was moving deep into the earth but beyond that the muscled man had no idea where he was heading.

The air was cold as he flew through the night. The fleece pullover that Mitch had loaned him was a couple sizes too big and now inflated around him as he flew on the wild ride. The cold air flowing up the sleeves and the over blown shoulders was freezing the man. Serious fear gripped Cam as he knew this was no normal carnival ride and that the cart couldn't possibly be taking him back to the hall of mirrors where all this had started.

The cart jerked wildly down the track. At times it seemed to bounce in the air before coming down with a jarring clang. Cam had real fears that it might fly off the track at any moment and crash into the rock walls. All he could do was hold on.

About the time Cam could actually make out some lights ahead, the brakes started to squeal as the cart rapidly began to slow down. There was something like a station beside the tracks. The lights spilled out over the platform alongside the rails. There also was a rock wall directly ahead that marked the end of the line. As Chris had done on his own journey, Cam was hit with a new fear that the old cart might not stop fast enough. The squealing brakes gave off a burning odor as the cart slowed. The man felt his arms tremble as he clutched the bar not know whether to look at the brightly lit room he was pulling up to or the rock wall that was approaching too fast. As the cart came along side the windowed room it abruptly stopped, throwing Cam over the front of the cart. The strong man still held tightly to the bar along the front of the cart so was tossed head over heels as he landed with a thud face down on the tracks. His back ached as he laid over the front of the cart. As soon as the man realized that the cart had finally stopped Cam jumped to his feet and back pedaled away from the wild ride. As he stood panting for air, the cart rumbled to life and started to back down the track. It gained speed at a wicked pace before disappearing into the dark. Cam watched it go with no regrets. At least he had made it to the end of the line in one piece. All he had to do now was find his buddies and get the hell out of there.

The tall man leaned down and rested his hands against his thighs. He tried to calm down. Cam glanced up at the room above him. It wasn't decaying like the funhouse that had enticed them at the start of this crazy adventure. It reminded him of a subway platform of sorts. There was a raised cement walkway surrounding the room on three sides. Another track was laid out on the far side. Windows ran along the walls that faced the platform. The room was well lit with fluorescent light fixtures that illuminated the area around Cam.

The cold ride and fear had sobered the man. Cam felt tired as he stepped up to the platform. Where was everybody? "Hey Mitch!" The man yelled. His voice echoed down the silent cave. "Hey you guys, where are you? Chris?"

He heard nothing but his own deep voice echoing off the walls. Cam sat down on the platform and leaned his forearms on his thighs. The man decided he must have been the first one to arrive but that Chris and Mitch couldn't be far behind. He would wait for his friends.

The jock stared down at the rusty rails near his feet as he waited. He strained his ears for the sounds of an approaching cart. There was no sound. Cam couldn't believe at the speed the other carts had to been flying that the others had not made it to the end of the ride yet. He waited a while longer expecting to hear the approach of carts.

Cam was still cold from his breezy ride through the caves. He pulled the short zipper on Mitch's fleece up to his chin as he flipped the collar up around his thick neck. He wished he had grabbed his lifting partner's down vest too as he sat trying not to shiver in the dank cave. 'Well, where the hell is everybody', the man thought as he looked down the dark cave for a sign of life. A fresh fear gripped him. What if Mitch's and Chris carts had crashed? The possibility wasn't out of the question as minutes before he had feared he might meet the same fate. The man stood up and looked into the dark willing the sound of an approaching cart to signal their arrival … or even the yell of one of the guys. Nothing.

Cam grew more nervous. He glanced over his shoulder at the well lit ceiling above. The man realized that this room must be the basement of the funhouse and that his pals had probably just gone upstairs when they arrived. They were no doubt upstairs waiting for him with Boomer. Cam chided himself for wasting time down there imagining stupid shit. The fit man stepped up on the raised platform. There was no door on his side of the room so he walked around the corner as he still watched for the others to pull up along the platform, just in case.

Cam pulled open the glass door and stepped into the room. He was surprised at what he found in the brightly lit room. It was a state of the art weight room and not a video game arcade or another goofy hall of mirrors as he had expected. The room was huge and extended beyond the cave walls that he had so recently expected to crash into. The space was at least twice as deep as the three side space that faced the platform. The windows opening onto the roller coaster track were mirrored on this side so Cam could no longer see out into the cave. The windows lined up with mirrors on the walls on the extended space so that all four walls were covered with mirrors. The huge room had reflections bouncing off of reflections making the space seem even bigger.

"No way!" Cam gasped. This place was even nicer than the commercial gym that he and Mitch lifted in. The man knew immediately that if Mitch had beaten him here there was no way he would have gone upstairs but would have waited for his lifting partner to arrive as Cam knew the big bodybuilder would have been as amazed as he was to discover this place here in the middle of nowhere. The door behind Cam slowly closed with a click just as the man realized he must have missed a sign on the door that indentified the gym name. Cam turned around and pushed on the chrome lever that spanned the glass door. It moved down but didn't open the door. It was locked. Cam glanced up and noticed a neighboring door a few yards away. Thinking it was an exit he walked over to it and pushed down on the bar only to find it locked also. Cam jiggled the door but it wouldn't open. The man thought it odd but then realized it was the middle of the night. The fact that he had been able to open the first door had to have been the result of a screw up as in whoever locked up hadn't got the door shut. Though well lit the place was completely empty. The fitness center must have been closed at this time of day.

Cam looked around the room. The equipment was kick ass. The room was filled with machines, free weights, racks of plates and dumbbells in far heavier poundage's then he had ever seen before. He glanced down at a rack of dumbbells that started with toy sized iron that was under a pound in weight. The biggest on the rack were 150's. Cam had never seen 150 pound dumbbells. To his amazement as he grabbed one and lifted a few inches it off the metal frame. He noticed a neighboring rack that started with 155 pound dumbbells and went up from there... 200,210,220… It went on and on. He dropped the dumbbell into the rack with a clang. Cam would like to see the size of a freak that needed that much weight to work out.

He then noticed a plate tree that was circled with metal plates. The bottom of the tree generally held the heaviest plates. His gym had two 100 pound plates that were several inches thick and a bit awkward to handle. They usually were on the bottom of a stack on of the leg press. A few hulks liked to pull them out for the base plates while squatting. The vast majority of the big plates at his gym were 45s. He and Mitch had been happy to find a good selection of these as that meant there would be no waiting around for plates if more than a few serious lifters showed up to workout at the same time. This place had 150 and 200 pound plates and not just a few. There was one massive tree that held nothing but 150 pounders and another with 200 pound plates. These plates were thicker than Cam's grip and the tall man wasn't exactly small boned. Cam looked up as he wished Mitch was here to see all this. He couldn't wait to show it to him.

Cam glanced around the room wondering where this place was. It was definitely the basement of some establishment. Maybe a hotel even as he imagined it could be part of an amusement park of some sort -maybe some complex near the state park that had sprung up since he had gone away to college. The wild roller coaster ride could have taken him far from their starting point. At any rate, if it was below street level so there had to be a stairway out of there. Cam noted two doorways on the far wall. As he made his way toward the one on the right he took in the equipment that stood in rows about the room. The squat stands and frame work on the free weight stations were huge. Even the bars seemed heavier and more solid than he was used to. This place was awesome.

Cam pushed through the door way hoping to find a staircase. It was a locker room. Long and narrow with gray lockers and wooden benches down the center of the room. The floors and walls were covered with tiles. There was a shower room at one end of the room. Cam stuck his head into the shower room. Nothing unusual: urinals and toilets on one wall, sinks on another and showers in a neighboring room. It was immaculate and had none of the odors expected of such a place. It was almost as if it had never been used.

One thing it lacked was any other doors except two on the wall that separated it from the weight room. Cam walked over to the second door and slowly pushed it open, fairly certain where it would lead. There was no surprise here. It led back into the weight room. The man looked around the room. There were no other doors. Except the two locked doors that led to the platform by the tracks. Cam walked across the room again and tried both doors only to find them locked. He was trapped in the best weight room he had ever seen with no one to share it with. 'Go figure… that sounds about right for this crazy night.' Well it was obvious that Mitch hadn't found the place yet or he would be there now. Cam figured that meant that Chris and Mitch were still riding around in the dark and would soon be there. He would have to wait for them. Mitch could open the door from the outside as he had and he would block it open. The exit must be out on the platform somewhere was all Cam could figure.

Cam crossed his arms and leaned against the frame of squat rack. He was getting tired. He squeezed his arms in the dip was between his delts and thick biceps as he looked down at the rubber covered floor. His mind began to wonder. It couldn't be much longer before his pals arrived.

A blue light seemed to hit the floor around the man. Cam glanced up to see a tab hanging from the ceiling with a tiny beam of blue light emanating from it. It was aimed right at him. As Cam glanced up at it a perfumed mist hit him in the face. The man waved a thick fingered hand in front of his face as he coughed. He stepped aside but he still sucked the scented mist into his lungs. No wonder the place still smelled new. The man coughed again. Cam could taste the air freshener in his mouth.

The jock glanced over his shoulder to make sure he was alone before he spit into

the corner trying to clear the taste from his mouth. He coughed again as he stepped up to the mirrored wall. 'Poisoned by industrial strength air freshener', the fit man thought as he opened his mouth and looked at his tongue. He expected it to be tinted blue or something. His mouth looked normal. The man studied his reflection as he worked his mouth opened and closed and flicked his tongue as he wished he had something to rinse his mouth with. It was then he noticed something different about his reflection. His lips looked fuller; the cleft in his chin deeper. Cam paused and studied his face. It looked different as if the bone structure was heavier. The man paused and stepped back. His reflection looked jacked, even his denim covered legs looked thicker than normal. Cam grinned as he realized the mirror must have been one of those crazy ones like the one in the funhouse hall that blew his reflection up by 50 pounds or so. He glanced around the room to see the same reflection in every mirror.

He brought his arms up in a double bi and flexed. His arms looked huge. Cam twisted at the waist and brought his fists down to his hips and pushed his chest out. Even through the fleece the man's upper body looked massive. Cam laughed as he relaxed. This was crazy putting distorted mirrors in a weight room so that everyone working out would look a third again bigger than they actually were. He raised one arm again and flexed. Even his forearm looked huge in the mirror and his upper arm was as big as any Mr. O competitor. Cam chuckled. Mitch had nothing on the jacked bastard reflected in the mirror.

In the mirror his clothes looked skin tight. Cam looked down at his buddy's fleece and pushed the oversized pullover over his chest and ripped belly. He glanced up to see bloated abs creasing the tight material and huge pecs that strained the fabric as if it was spandex. He ran a hand over his 18" bicep as he checked to make sure his body hadn't done any instant body morphing. It hadn't.

Cam wondered if the room was filled with light plastic weights so the would be hulks reflected in the mirrors could push just as impressive poundage's. He walked up to a rack and picked up two 50 pound dumbbells. They had real heft. He began to curl them; first one then the other. Cam loved lifting weights. He knocked out several slow reps. The man almost instantly felt his biceps pump up. He loved that feeling of blood flooding into the muscle. He slowed down his curling as his upper arms became more tight feeling but still knocked out several reps. Cam paused before bending slightly forward and began raising the weights up and away from his body as he started working his delts. He soon was rewarded with a growing pump in his shoulders. The weight was a bit high for him to start off with but he was surprised to find it so felt lighter as his muscles warmed up. After a half dozen reps it actually felt like nothing as if he had grabbed one of the 2 lb sissy weights. The jock dropped the dumbbells into their stand and grabbed one 75 pounder instead. He hoisted the weight over his head circling his hands under one bulbous end and began working his triceps. As he lowered the weight behind his head, Cam felt his tris stretch and balloon with each rep. He straightened his arms until the weight was held above his head before lowering it again letting the dumbbell hang behind his head. As before each rep made the dumbbell feel lighter as if the iron somehow magically shed its weight with each rep. Cam repeated the movement until his tris felt so tight they might rip through his clothes. He rested the dumbbell on his thick shoulder for a moment as he changed his grip.

Cam's arms felt tight as he dropped the dumbbell back into the stand. He glanced up at his reflection. His arms and shoulders now looked twice as big. They dwarfed his ridiculously morphed up reflection. The crazy mirror showed a muscle freak with arms and shoulders so bloated with plump muscles that it looked as if someone had blown into Cam's thumbs and inflated his arms like steroid filled balloons. The man immediately looked down. Even under Mitch's roomy pullover, Cam could tell his biceps and delts were noticeably bigger. He rubbed his hand over the tightened sleeves in amazement. His tris felt twice as thick as normal and he could feel the tails snake down his arm; an effect no matter how lean he got the man had failed to achieve. The weightlifter had never gotten a pump like this before; never so easily or so noticeable. He reached back and pulled the fleece over his head. It stuck to his swollen arms and pulled the sleeves inside out in the process.

Cam wore a long sleeved t-shirt that disappeared into his special made jeans. His jeans were made with a denim spandex blend and marketed to the fitness crowd who tended to have bigger thighs and asses than the general population. The fabric blend allowed for more room in the legs while sporting a waist size that fit an athlete's smaller than average waist size. Mitch had found these in a muscle magazine and turned his training partner on to them. Cam's legs had always grown easily and he had reached the stage of development that even with baggy styles he had trouble buying off the rack. If they fit his thighs there was so much extra material around the waist that he had to cinch them in with a belt which made the man feel as if he was tying the jeans closed like a sack. Cam had never been one to favor the style of showing four inches of underwear over the top of his pants. The shirt he wore was somewhat loose but like the jeans had enough spandex in the fabric to stretch over his pumped up muscles where needed. Ultra tight shirts were more Mitch's department and his training partner never missed the opportunity to rag him about it. Though to Mitch's credit, the gains the big man had made in the past year had pushed him into a realm that he looked big no matter what he wore. In the bodybuilder's view, if what he wore was too over sized he looked like a lard ass. Mitch had worked too hard for that. He favored light weight workout clothes that fit comfortable and if they highlighted his impressive gains - so be it.

Cam looked down as he bent his arms, amazed at the change. They looked huge. He straightened his left arm and twisted it noting how the muscle stood out under the thin blue sleeve. He slapped his hand over the mass of his upper arm. It left meaty and solid. Cam estimated that it had to be 22…23 inches around now. It looked bigger than Mitch's. He had never heard of a muscle pump adding four or five inches in size.

He glanced up at his reflection again. He barely recognized the hulk who matched his movements. Cam glanced around the room hoping to find a mirror that gave a real refection. He turned and walked to the locker room and there on the wall was a large chrome framed mirror. Cam stepped before it relieved to see a familiar sight even if his arms now overshadowed the rest of his build. He studied his reflection. He flexed his arms for a bit. He had no explanation for the change. His arms just felt jacked and there was no sign of the pumped feeling easing up.

The man returned to the weight room and slipped into a chest press machine. Cam slide the pin under 220 pounds of plates. He stepped onto the bar with his foot raising the handles up in front of his body. He grabbed the bars releasing the weight and began to pump out reps. The first rep had some resistance but the next was easier. The third felt like nothing. The man moved the weight slowly and flexed his pecs every time he extended the weight full. Cam felt his pecs pump up as he lifted. He looked down and could see them ballooning under shirt. He racked the weight and dropped the pin to three hundred; again the first rep felt harder but each rep afterward was drastically easier. Cam got even more excited. He dropped the pin several more times until he was pressing 700 pounds and as before it felt easier with each rep. After several reps he stepped down on the foot control and eased the weight back into the down position and stood up. His crazy reflection looked even more absurd but Cam was looking for changes. After years in the weight room his pecs had all ready been wide and thick but now there were huge. He had a deep cleavage that was almost as deep as his finger. He flexed the muscle watching it ripple and expand before his eyes. The man noticed a new effect as he reached through his shirt and rubbed his nipples. Even they had grown but best of all they pointed to the floor. Cam's chest had swelled and grown, stretching the skin as if it was made of rubber. Cam slapped his right pec as he grinned at the mirror. This was no air filled bladder. It had meat to it and felt as solid and heavy as any muscle on his frame. This was unreal.

Cam's thoughts shifted to his training partner. He wished Mitch was there to see this. Then a new realization hit: wait till Mitch gets a load of this! Cam had a new goal. He may not have understood how this was all happening but he could have some fun with it while it did. Cam looked over his shoulder and wondered where his buddy was and how long before he walked through the door. Cam was sure of one thing: he didn't have much time. Mitch and Chris would surely be there any minute and Cam had a surprise in store for this pals. He was going to make Mitch look malnourished by comparison thanks to this crazy assed weight room. Cam put a thick bar on pins of one of the massive squat stands and locked the bar down. The man walked up to one of the plate trees. He bent his legs and grabbed one of the 200 pound plates and stood up with it in his arms. The man could feel the muscles of his legs pump up slightly from even this effort. He had to resist just squatting the plate in his arms as he pressed it into his pumped up chest. Each step with the weight in his arms made his legs pump a bit. Cam slid the huge weight onto the bar before putting another on the opposite end. He then added two 150 pounders. The man stood back with a grin. 'That ought to blow me up good', he thought.

He dropped down low with a grunt and slowly stood up. Cam loved squatting. It was one exercise that seemed to hit most of his body from his legs and ass to his lower torso from the effort it took to stabilize the weight as he stood. He even felt the movement pump up his abs as he lifted. The ballooning muscle man could feel his body grow with every rep. As before the weight felt lighter with each rep even as Cam felt his muscles swell up. His spandex blended jeans stretched to make room for his swelling ass and legs. Once the bar felt empty the man replaced the 150's with two more 200 pounders. His ass and thighs felt enormous and tight as

he waddled across the room for more plates.

As he dropped down to the bottom of the squat with the reloaded bar, Cam felt the ass of his jeans start to give out. He racked the bar and undid the waist of his jeans. It took some effort to peal the material away from his swollen muscles but with some work the hulk finally kicked free of the inside out jeans. He couldn't believe the change in his legs. He pulled his boxers up until the material rested in a roll over his wickedly wide thighs. The man thrust one leg forward and shook it, watching the muscle mass roll over his leg before flexing and watching his thigh freeze as if all that muscle mass was granite. He did this several times feeling almost giddy as he studied his new bulk. Mitch had nothing on him now as he studied his reflection in the whacked out mirrors. Cam tried to reach back and pull his shirt off but his arms were just too big to let him catch the collar behind his head. He tried to pull it up from the bottom but had trouble getting it over his wide back and shoulders. He struggled for a bit but only managed to work up a sweat for his efforts. He grinned at his reflection as he reached up and grabbed the collar in his fists and ripped the shirt down the front. Cam's muscled body erupted from the material. He wiped his head off on the shirt before dropping it. Dressed only in his shorts and socks the hulk began flexing before the mirror. He hooted and hollered unable to contain his excitement at the rapid changes to his build. Flexing hard even seemed to pump his muscles up bigger and bigger.

With renewed enthusiasm, Cam lifted the bar and squat the weight until it felt like a broomstick. He didn't even keep track of the reps. He just lifted. When this weight felt light he tossed the bar over his head letting it hit the floor with a crash. He then started dead lifting; again and again he stood with the bar across his thighs and flexed his back. Each rep blew his back up wider and thicker as if he was hooked up to some invisible bellows that blew him up bigger and bigger.

By the time Cam had thrown the bar back up on the high pegs and tossed the 150's back on, he was seriously waddling; even swaying from side to side with each step. The man was obsessed with throwing more weight around and the extreme pump he now felt within his skin. His movements were restricted now by all that over blown muscle. He loved the way it felt as if he was blown up like a living juiced blow up doll. Something told him he should stop but he didn't.

The man wasn't squatting very low now as his muscle packed legs pressed together quickly. Cam could only drop down about half as far as he could normally. The man just lifted and lifted as his body swelled tighter and tighter. By this time he had over 1000 pounds on the bar. It sagged over his broad shoulders but still after a few reps it began to feel lighter. He dropped it with a crash after his dead lift set and hit a crab shot before the mirror. Sweat ran off him as if he stood under a sprinkler. He grabbed his shirt from the catch bar and tried to wipe his face off. Cam's massive arm locked out with his hand several inches from his face. He was amazed at this development. He tried to force his arm to reach but his balloonish biceps just pumped up bigger. Cam felt light headed.

He waddled in a circle trying to make sense of things. The stubble on his chin constantly rubbed his swollen chest as his upper body had swelled up around his bull neck until he couldn't even turn his head completely to the side. He was breathing hard. The man couldn't help it. As hard as he tried to calm his breathing he still felt slightly out of breath.

Cam's cotton shorts still rode up over thighs that easily had doubled in width. The material had begun to rip out as his hard ass seemed to keep swelling with each step. The man tried to relax his muscles but the slightest movement felt as if he was flexing somewhere… flexing and pumping his muscles up bigger and tighter. Something in the man still wanted to flex his giant muscles even though his size so restricted him that he could barely move. The feeling made him think of a throbbing boner that begged to be milked but something told him he couldn't touch it.

The gym was so hot that man could hardly take it. He tried to relax and calm his breathing. 'What's happening to me?' Cam wondered. He waddled to the desk where stacks of white towels stood in rows to one side. He dropped his face into the towels and rubbed the sweat from his face and hair. Even that tiny movement seemed to pump his neck muscles up more. Cam raised his head and looked at his reflection. His hair stood on end and his face was bright red with white blotches but was the last thing to concern him now. Cam looked like a sumo wrestler who had packed his body with bloated muscle rather than fat. Nobody was as muscle bound as he now was. His cotton wrapped package even looked bigger. Cam was both excited and repulsed at what he saw.

The room was so hot it felt like a sauna. The dizzy feeling was growing stronger and if he didn't get some relief soon Cam feared he might pass out. The man turned toward the door to the platform and thought of the chilly cave.

He waddled toward the door like a muscle blimp ready to take flight. The man reasoned that if he couldn't get it open, with his new strength he would break it down. Cam almost fell on his face as the door easily swung open as if someone had secretly unlocked it. Cold air flooded over the man bringing wanted relief. Cam closed his eyes and tilted his head back as the fresh air cooled him as he stepped out on the platform. The man was brought to his senses by a sound right in front of him.

Cam was startled as if someone had jumped out and screamed, "BOO!" The muscle freak wasn't alone. What he saw standing before him took the man's breath away. The spinning room shifted up to hyper speed. Cam tried to pull air into his lungs but his chest was frozen. The room spun faster as he struggled for air. He raised his arms out to the massive figure before him as he panicked. Suddenly the big man felt his body falling backward but before he hit the floor everything went black.