Funhouse pt. 2

Funhouse part2

by *inflatedmuscle

Funhouse Part 2

Chris Smith was gripping the bar on the front of his cart so tightly that the muscles of his meaty forearms were cramping up. The cart was flying through the dark tunnel at a terrifying rate. The wheels screamed as the cart picked up speed until it felt as if he was hurdling through the dark at fifty miles an hour. The tough biker was holding on for life as the cart jerked and twisted through the course. Chris would occasionally duck to avoid a low hung timber or rock outcropping. This ride had stopped being fun. The man wondered when it would end. His long hair was whipping around his face as he flew through the night.

The cart turned a sharp corner and then a loud squeal pierced the air as the brakes locked up. Chris could see a wooden barricade blocking the rails in the faint light ahead. He was hurdling toward it at a wild pace. The cart wasn’t slowing down fast enough. There was a burning smell as the barricade approached fast. Chris had had more close calls on his bike than he could count but this was too much as the situation was completely out of his control. Chris raised his biker boots and locked his heals over the front edge of the roller coaster cart and raised his arms over his head as he prepared to bust through the wooden barricade. The cart was jostling roughly as the squealing brakes got louder. The course leveled out as he sped toward the end of the line. Chris tucked his head down and waited for the inevitable crash.

It sounded like the old cart was about to break apart if not jump the track. The biker closed his eyes. The next thing he knew the cart came to a complete stop. The leather suited man was tossed against the front of the cart with a grunt but the expected crash didn’t happen. Chris opened his eyes. The cart was inches away from the heavy planking. Red warning lights blinked across the top. The man jumped out of the cart and backed away panting.

There was nothing behind the barricade – no rail or anything. Five feet beyond was a stone wall of the cave. The big man’s legs were trembling. He stood bent over with his hands on his thighs trying to catch his breath. The stud was beginning to regret the impulse that had ended up with him alone in a dark cave when he should have been having some fun with Rachel. He thought of Rachel who by now would be waiting for him. ‘Ah sweet Rachel’, the leather suited biker thought, ‘hot Rachel!’ The fiery red head would be pissed. Chris pulled back a sleeve to check the clunky watch she had given him. He should have been to her place forty-five minutes ago. He could easily imagine her storming around her apartment in those tight leather pants and wife beater that showed off her curves so well. She was probably giving him a good cussing by now and shooting whisky without him. On second thought, she was probably down at the road house having long given up on him and well on her way to a wild night with some random biker she picked up. One of the things that Chris loved about the woman was that despite a smoking body that would have been right at home in a centerfold lay out – a feminine ideal in the burly biker’s book – Rachel had an almost male take on sex. She wanted it when she wanted it and made no qualms about it. There were never strings attached; none of the usual clinging vine stuff. There was never any mind fuck about cuddling or calling the next day or deep discussions about where this was headed. The closest thing to a deep discussion with Rachel was the phone message he had received that morning that said, “My place tonight. The train leaves at 8:00; you want to be on it then don’t be late – you don’t want to then fuck ya, you greasy bastard. Call me.” Rachel was the man’s dream girl.

Chris tossed his hair back out of his face as he stood up. Thinking of Rachel had gotten his dick half hard. The man unzipped the leather bike suit he wore and stuffed his broad hand in and adjusted his cock into a more comfortable position as he looked around. He pulled the zipper back up half way over the swell of his meaty pecs as he looked down the pitch dark cave for a way out. He stood and listened for his buddies whom he had last seen disappearing into the night on carts of their own. There was nothing but silence.

‘Fuck Cam for throwing my keys away.’ The horny biker was pissed all over again at the turn of events that kept him from a fun fuck and left Chris stranded. He kicked at the dirt with a thick soled boot as rocks scattered. He’d kick the shit out of Cam if he could get his hands on him right now. ‘Stupid bastard’, he thought.

The man’s thought were interrupted by faint sounds. He stood and listened. Yes, he could hear something. There was music playing and voices. Chris cranked his head in the direction of the sounds but there was only a 20’ high rock wall in that direction. He scanned the wall trying to make sense of what he heard. He could hear male voices and laughter. There was no mistaking the sounds. Chris’s eyes adjusted to the darkness and he could make out light from the left corner. The man stepped around a boulder and saw a faint glow coming from a tunnel in the corner behind some huge rocks. Chris walked up to it and glanced through the opening that was barely high enough for him to walk into. There was a turn ahead that blocked any view of what lay beyond. He could hear music more plainly and the deep voices. It sounded like a party.

Just then the roller coaster cart that had brought him here started to hum and clang to life. Chris turned and ran back toward it but the cart had started moving backward. He tried to catch it but the thing sped up rapidly leaving him panting from the effort. ‘Shit! Why did I even get out of it? Fuck!” The man was sure that the cart had to be returning o the starting point where had he still been in it he would find his pals and get out of here. Chris kicked the dirt again as he raged at his own stupidity. Rocks hit the walls as he fumed. The biker’s rage ended as his foot impacted the metal rail of the track and pain shot through his foot. The man hopped on one foot as he grabbed the other. He leaned his thick shoulder against a boulder and cussed as he waited for the pain to subside.

The angry man limped in a circle as he damned his stupidity. Finally deciding that the noises coming from the darkened cave were his best chance out of this predicament, Chris limped into the low ceiling tunnel. He walked along slowly as the pain in his foot was forgotten. The walls closed in around him and soon he had to stoop over to keep from bumping his head on the ceiling. Chris was getting claustrophobic and would have turned around except that the sounds were getting louder and the light brighter. The man continued as he could hear pounding music now. It sounded like a party. Chris began to relax as he realized that this whole abandoned funhouse must have been a guise for an underground party scene or rave. He dropped to his hands and knees as the tunnel grew smaller. His broad shoulders bumped against the walls as he slowly headed toward the bright light head. He could see someone’s leg through the opening ahead. Despite his uncomfortable surroundings, Chris felt calmed to see signs of life. He chuckled at his own fears as he realized he would soon be with his buddies at a wild party. Talk about a night to remember. Chris wondered how he had never heard of this place before. If there was anybody up for a good time it was Chris and the man was well known at most any bar in the area.

The questions were soon forgotten as the man’s head emerged from the cave he had crawled through. The opening was so small he had to drag his body through it. ‘Shit, there has to be an easier way to find this place’, Chris thought. He doubted Mitch would even fit through the tiny cave. He could imagine the ragging his pals would give him as they watched him crawl out of a hole in the wall. The music was loud as were the voices. High pitched squeals and deep male voices echoed off the walls. The base pounded loud enough to make his chest thump.

“Boy am I glad to see you boys.” The biker was still only head and shoulders into the bright light. The walls and ceiling had spread out into another cave. This one was room sized at least. Two beefy men stood facing him, silently.

“This is definitely some crazy shit!” Chris pulled his legs free of the tunnel and got to his knees. He raised an arm up and said good-naturedly, “How about a hand up for a tired brother?” He tried to wipe dirt off his prized leather suit hoping he hadn’t scuffed it up too much.

The big men made no move to assist him. Chris glanced up at the bouncers. These guys were enormous. They would dwarf Mitch. Both were packed with muscle.

Chris thought, “All right then; be assholes.” He got up slowly and stretched. He glanced beyond the men. At the end of the hall he could see what looked like scores of people filling the room as the lights and music flashed. He could see velvet ropes closing off the area and thought, “Oh shit, don’t tell me these hulks aren’t gonna let me in?” He glanced back at the small tunnel he had just crawled out of. There was no way he was going back in there.

Chris pushed his left hand through his hair shoving it out of his face as he took a wide stance and faced the burly bouncers. Damn, these guys were beyond huge. The one on his left stood with his legs wide apart and his arms crossed over his chest. He wore black spandex pants that were skin tight and disappeared into boots that went half way to his knees. His jacked legs were enormous and his muscles stood out plainly under the shiny fabric as if they were covered with body paint. Even his leather boots were twisted and deformed as they stretched over the biggest calves Chris had ever seen. The man was shirtless but leather belts were cinched in over his torso highlighting his over blown muscles. His shoulders and upper arms were covered with wild tattoos. He glared straight ahead at Chris as if he were a piss ant. His partner wasn’t any less muscled but wore a gray long underwear styled shirt that clung tightly to his 24” arms and enormous pecs that were flexed as the man held his arms behind his back like a solder. The man’s huge legs were encased in black leather that fit as tight as his partner’s spandex. His head was shaved and his face unflinching as he stared at Chris.

The two just glared at Chris without a word. “So what? Is there a cover charge? How much is it?” The biker slipped a hand into his suit for his wallet. “It better not be much after all the work it took to get here.”

The men just glared at him as he opened his wallet and waited. “You’re not going to tell me this is some sort of private club or some shit?” Chris glanced away and snorted.

The men still just stared at him. Their silence was unnerving. These guys were beyond freaks. Chris had never seen anybody so muscled. He would have hated to get manhandled by this pair. Hell Mitch talks about packing on 300 pounds of muscle someday; these boys look like they had passed 400 pounds long ago. It was like someone had blown up their muscles with an air compressor until they could hardly move. They were nothing if not intimidating.

Chris waited for some direction. The men just stared at him. Chris finally raised his arms and said, “What? What do you want?”

The men still stood glaring at him. Chris looked at one and then the other. He took a step to the right until he stood directly in front of the bald dude. Neither man moved. The biker didn’t know what to think. He wondered if they were like those British guards with the fur hats who stood like statues. He took a step forward but still neither moved. Chris now stood beside the hulks but they still faced forward. The biker raised a hand in front of baldy but the man stood motionless. Chris waved his hand. Still nothing. They were mannequins, extremely life like mannequins but lifeless. He looked over at the shitless hulk. His backside was as impressive as his front: full muscled ass, broad and thick back that over shadowed it all. The man’s biceps stood out fully flexed as he stood with crossed arms. A black leather belt was cinched in around his arm as his muscles swelled over it. His biceps were bigger than volleyballs. Chris reached out and poked one. It felt real. His arm felt like flesh not plastic as he expected. He jerked his arm back expecting the man to grab him. The bouncer stared straight ahead.

“Some crazy assed shit!” Chris mumbled as he turned to the party room. He stepped into the room as the disco beat blared. Not his choice for tunes but the place seemed lively. A bar at one end was lined with people and the beefy bartenders were busy serving them. One bartender spun bottles in the air as people laughed and jostled for drinks. The music pounded as people were packed in. Chris stood just inside the room in a small space that was roped off with red velvet ropes. He scanned the large room for his friends but couldn’t find them.

The lights throbbed to the beat. Pool balls clanged together at the other end of the room. Chris quickly scanned the crowd there but there was no sign of his pals.

The place was packed. There was no one at the rope so Chris wondered of the real cover taker had slipped his post: too bad for management then. They needed to hire someone with better bladder control. The biker reached down for the metal clasp on one of the chrome poles. His eyes were drawn back to some movement in the crowd. For the first time he noticed that there weren’t a lot of chicks there. The few he saw were butt ugly. There was a stage of some sorts. The man smiled as he realized that this must be a strip club. The night was looking up. He unhooked the rope and held it in his hand. Chris’s attention was drawn to some movies being projected on the walls. Nobody seemed to be paying any attention to them. The one over the bar had a couple of muscled bodybuilders. They were in the back of a pickup, flexing. Then one pulled off his cowboy hat and began rubbing the other’s muscles as the hulk flexed his chest for him. Chris was immediately turned off. ‘Who needs to see that shit?’ He thought. As he stood staring at the film the big man flexing reach down and slid his leather chaps aside revealing an enormous dick. The other man bent over and began to lick it.

Chris turned away, disgusted. On another wall a woman danced topless. ‘Now this is more like it’, the man thought as he wondered about a place that catered to a both straight and gay crowd. It seemed like a very risky business plan. The stripper danced around a pole as she fondled her ample tits. Every once in a while her hand would disappear under her tiny pleated skirt as she rolled her head back and moaned. Chris felt a stir in his belly as he watched. The stripper danced in high heeled shoes that strapped around her tiny ankles. She looked almost petite as she danced except for her enormous jugs - just the way Chris like them. The stripper smiled at the camera as she once again reached down under her skirt. This time she pulled up the hem of the skirt teasingly with the other hand. As she slowly pulled up the skirt, Chris was horrified to see she had a dick almost as big as his. The stripper grabbed it and began to stroke it.

The biker turned away. His mind reeled, ‘oh god this is a fucking gay bar!’ No wonder he had never heard of it. A fresh fear gripped him. ‘What if somebody I know sees me?’ Chris felt like he could throw up. He turned back to the tunnel he had just come out of. He couldn’t go back, there was no way out except a darken tunnel where he could be struck down by a runaway roller coaster cart. There would have to be a fire exit or something at least in the bar. Just then the chorus of the song began again. “It’s raining men…”

Chris turned back to the room. He didn’t want to make eye contact with anyone. He tried to scan the walls for an exit while keeping his head down. When he did glance up from time to time all he could see were men touching one another. A big muscled man was spinning on the stage with money sticking out of his briefs as a crowd reached his way and hooted. The biker turned away only to see the crowd by the pool tables was cheering as one guy with his pants down to the floor was giving another sitting on the table a blow job. On the other table, a guy almost as muscled as the phony bouncers had another guy bent over the table as he plowed his ass.

Everywhere Chris looked some gay action was going on. All the man knew was he had into get out of there. He wanted to run through the crowd to find an exit but he didn’t know which way to go. He scanned the room more franticly trying to block out everything but an exit sign. ‘Where was it?’

Chris noticed the bottle spinning bartender. He would know! As the biker started to open the roped area he noticed something that freaked him out even more. The bottle spinning bartender never poured a drink. He just spun bottles in the air. Chris realized the man wasn’t real either. Just like the bouncers near the tunnel, he was an over blown mannequin. He was like one of those automated robots at the theme parks. The man glanced around the room. None of these people were real. For the first time he noticed that heads moved on a jerky mechanical fashion, the stripper slid around the stage as if he were attached to a track like a toy race car.

It was like a museum set and Chris was standing in the roped off area like a tourist. The biker glanced around wondering who would build such a thing… in a cave …in the middle of nowhere. Another realization hit the man: there was no exit here to be found. He would have to go back.

He looked around feeling defeated. He didn’t want to crawl back through the tunnel. He looked at a nearby table. A bottle of Jack sat between two mechanical men with glasses in their frozen hands. Chris grabbed it and shook it. It looked real. He broke the seal and opened the bottle and sniffed it. It smelled real. Chris took a long drink. The warm whiskey burned his throat. He looked at the robot filled room. These crazy mannequins looked so real except for their wooden movements.

Chris looked around after another couple tugs at the bottle. He couldn’t believe all this turned some guys on? It was twisted. Chris took another drink. As he leaned back sucking on the bottle a faint blue light tripped on above him. Almost immediately a perfumed mist hit his face. The man sputtered thinking, ‘great now I get infected with some accent cave mold’. The biker coughed. He took another tug of the bottle in his hand to clear his throat. He coughed again and spit. Chris turned and started toward the cave.

As he left the crazy room he felt a stir in his belly. Chris’s mind drifted back to his missed date. He wondered what Rachel was doing now and what she would have to say when she heard about his crazy night. As the man thought of his dream woman he felt his cock stir. He reached down and adjusted himself through the leather suit he wore but another step found his swelling cock was binding uncomfortably. He unzipped his suit and shoved a hand in to pull his hard dick into a more comfortable position as it had been trying to snake its way down the inside of his left thigh. It felt huge. Not that it was anything new for a guy who had been called ‘donkey dick’ since junior high. His buddies had always ragged the man about his ‘obscene’ endowment but none of the woman in his life had complained. Chris knew his size was object of mystery and fascination to the woman in the community and no doubt envy amongst his buddies. The man had never felt the need to advertise so had come to dress in a way that didn’t highlight his bigger than average bulge. As he made his escape from the freaky display room, Chris’s growing erection was hard to ignore. The man waddled into the small room adjoining the bar with growing discomfort. He tried to clear his mind of the hot Rachel but it wasn’t easy. He looked down and even under two layers of clothes the man could easily see the outline of his fat cock inching its way toward his hip. Not since his pubescent days of what seemed like almost constant erections, had Chris been so uncomfortably aware of the state of his dick.

This was different somehow. Not only was his dick hard but it almost felt as if his balls were swelling up. They ached, in fact. The stud had no explanation for it as Cam’s remark earlier about his needing sex every six hours hadn’t been far off the mark. He had started his day relieving his morning wood with a dip into a coed named Missy, despite the fact that they had been up half the night having fun. The stud had even gotten a second treat as he was ready to meet his old school pals from a cocktail waitress named Sandy who had caught him working on his bike as she walked to work. She chided the stud for ignoring her lately. She reminded him that it had been six weeks since they’d had any fun. Chris had been listening to the engine on his new bike as she approached. As the beauty berated him with a teasing pout, the stud had spun around backward on his bike and opened his leather suit as he said, “Well, I’m not too busy now?” Chris had smiled and raised his thick eyebrows as he teased the beauty whose talents for giving head were of Olympic proportions. A wicked grin had creased her face as she said, “Right here? Outside?”

“Nobody is watching”, the man replied but Chris had known by the look in her eye as he’d tugged on the zipper of his suit that he was in luck; despite her faint protests. So the hot waitress had gone down on him right out in the car port on the side of his trailer in the bright fall sunlight after he had promised a real date in the near future. The man had been in heaven as he watched her red curls bounce over his cock as his rumbling bike vibrated beneath him. Everything the man had loved had converged together that bright afternoon as he leaned back and enjoyed being Chris while the thought entered his mind that his school pals had expected him at a downtown bar twenty minutes earlier. The thought of his annoyed buddies waiting on him had made the moment even sweeter as his fat cock had started to spit its juice.

All that recent fun seemed to have had no effect as his balls ached as if it had been months since they’d seen any action. This was unreal. The man tried to readjust his meat into the ample pocket in the front of his suit again. Hell, it didn’t even feel like his dick anymore. The thing was as fat as a beer can and his tender nuts felt as big as lemons. It didn’t exactly feel hard… just enormous. Chris glanced over his shoulder wondering if there was a bathroom around he could slip into for some relief. If he could squeeze one off maybe his dick would go back to normal. One glance at the automated Gay heaven behind him and he realized if there were a head nearby, it would no doubt be filled with robotrons screwing the daylights out of one another. The thought crossed his mind that he could pull his dick out right there and jack one off with little fear of anyone knowing but this whole scene was so repulsive that there was no way.

A new thought hit Chris as he glanced up at the looping tape of the masturbating transvestite stripper. If that wasn’t enough to kill his monster out of control hard on – nothing would. Chris felt sweat beading up on his forehead as he forced himself to watch the she-male dance. Funny – he hadn’t noticed how ripped she was earlier as the freak had tiny muscles that stood out under her skin and an Adam’s apple. Chris felt sick as he made himself watch the clip. As he fought turning away, Chris was aware of one thing… that his cock had continued to swell. It was if his privates had a mind of their own as they pumped up as if made of rubber. The man caught his refection in a mirror across the room. His face was bright red as if he might soon die of embarrassment. The other painfully obvious thing was that his man bulge had swelled to the size of a football and filled the crotch of his leather suit with no signs of let up. His tennis ball sized nuts were plastered against his thigh and felt as if they were being squeezed in a vice.

Despite the loud music and recorded sounds of people partying, Chris could also hear the sounds of his prized leather suit stretching as his bulge grew and looked like someone had stuffed a volleyball into his pants. The pain was excruciating.

Chris turned away from the wild scene and waddled back into the anteroom. There was no way he could crawl through the tunnel now with a growing monster dick grinding into the graveled floor beneath him. The stud forced the zipper open over his pressurized bulge and reached in gingerly with both hands and pulled out his massive dick. The thing was unreal. Chris didn’t have a great knowledge of the animal kingdom but it was like someone had exchanged his dick for some massive bull cock or elephant dick. The thing was as fat as the mechanic’s meaty forearms and just about as long. His tool normally swung well down his thigh but this monster was near his knees and about five times as big around as normal. The weight of it pulled on his hips. Chris stared down at it in awe. It was defiantly his dick. There was the freckle on the right side that girls had always commented on since he was twelve. The pain of his balls swelling up in under the tight leather was unbearable. The man tenderly pulled them out of his prized suit and let them hang free. The pain subsided but the weight of them was shocking. His balls sack hung down almost as far as his dick head, loosely holding his orange sized balls. He reached down and gently poked them. His balls were still wracked with a dull ache but at least the pain of them trying to break out of the thick leather was gone.

The stud had no explanation for this wild transformation. The only way he could imagine relieving it was to blow a load. Chris grabbed his fat cock in both hands and began to jack. The man was amazed to find that his skin felt loose over his meat as if it wasn’t even half erect. The man bent over and let a long stream of spit go to lube his meat and began jacking harder. As he rubbed the monster grew and expanded in his hands yet it never seemed full. Chris moaned and felt sweat drip onto his leather covered shoulders where it began to run in streams over his chest. He was so fucking hot he wanted to pull the damn leather suit off but didn’t want to take the time. He jacked harder hoping he would shoot a load that would return him to normal so he could shimmy out the tiny tunnel and get back to the cave where he could escape from this fucked up place. The man rubbed and rubbed his monster dick but it just kept growing. He longed for the drip of pre-cum to mark the coming climax but though it felt close the ooze never started.

The stud was panting for air now as he worked; stopping only to spit on his dick when his hands felt dry. If he could only drip some pre-cum to use for lube, he knew he would be able to shoot then but he was still running dry. It didn’t feel like his dick at all now; more like he was jacking a third leg that had magically sprouted from his torso. The thing was so massive; as fat around as a coffee can and its monster bead bumped against the man’s knees as he worked. His over worked balls hung heavily in their pink skinned sack and swayed with every movement. Chris felt like he was running a marathon. He wheezed as he worked and had to pause to cough and catch his breath from time to time. Yet he felt as if he was on the cusp of blowing a load but he couldn’t jump that hurdle. The man knew when he did cum he was going to spew buckets full as he felt the weight of the juice churning in his eight inch balls.

Chris felt exhausted and wanted to give up. There was no way he could. The stud somehow feared if he didn’t relieve the pressure he would be stuck with this comically massive cock for good. Some guys might dream of sprouted a monster sized cock but not Chris. The thought entered his mind as he rolled his head back and sucked cool air into his lungs. He caught a glimpse of the movie of the two cowboy bodybuilders giving one another head and feeling one another up. ‘Yeah probably sick fucks like those two muscle queens there.’ They might get off by having a cock as big as their muscle bound legs but not Chris. He was happy with his normal 8 inches. The tired man hacked deep as he leaned back and watched the film in disgust. ‘Fuckin’ fags’, he thought. The man bent forward and spit a deep snotty wad onto his whale sized dick and then sucked another deep hacker into his mouth and spit it out before he desperately began massaging his monster dick again.

The thought of having a freakishly large dick embarrassed the man. He could imagine people staring and pointing as he tried to go about his mechanic’s job with this monster cock swelled up under his grimy coveralls. He could imagine the comments his co-workers would come up with if he showed up sporting this crazy dick. He would be the laughingstock of the garage.

The stud lifted the heavy meat and squeezed it against his body. It was a relief to hold it so close, as the weight of it now made his lower back ache when it rested against his legs. The fucking head of the thing bounced against the man’s thick chest. He wore one of those winter weight UA shirts under his leathers. Chris squeezed the dick against the smooth material that clung to his muscled torso. It felt good against his dick. He pulled open the front of his suit and rubbed the slick material against his dick. It felt so good as his hard rippled muscles of his torso pressed into his massive dick. His meat caught the rough edge of the open zipper from time to time painfully but this felt better than his hand job had. This might do it. He could look down at the head of his cock now. The wild size of it made him think of the head of one of those giant catfish’s the fishermen pull out of the river near the bridge from time to time; giant catfish that weighed as much as a human. Chris leaned down tentatively. He hesitated. His long hair tickled his cock head. The man stuck his wide tongue from between his thick lips and tried to reach the head of his cock even though the thought repulsed him. Hell his tongue could probably slip into his piss slit now but if it got him some relief the desperate man would try anything. The biker strained his thick neck. He stretched as hard as he could but he just couldn’t reach it. Chris threw his head back flipping his hair away from his face in disgust as he still hugged his swelling dick. He could feel it swelling slowly and steadily in his arms.

Chris had the sudden idea if he could lie down on the massive thing it might be enough to make him blow. The ground was covered with dirt and rocks and looked like a painful option. He looked around the room. There were tables but the hard surface was hardly more inviting. Chris caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, clutching his ridiculously large endowment to his torso. The site embarrassed the hell out of him. He lowered his dick onto one of the velvet ropes for a moment and stretched his aching back out. Chris listened to his back pop as he tried to think of what to do?

He took another swig at the whiskey bottle. The biker couldn’t concentrate. He would die if anyone saw him just now sporting a dick as big as a young child. A memory flooded into his mind. He remembered being in the showers after gym in fifth or sixth grade. He had hit puberty a bit earlier than most of the guys and had a shadow of stubble on his chin and was sprouting body hair all over. People were beginning to comment about the changes which embarrassed him deeply. He hated changing for gym as his spout of pubic hair really embarrassed him though none of the guys seemed to notice or care. If the guys noticed anything it was the three inches in height he had gained over Christmas break or the big muscles they said he now had but Chris hated those comments too. He was painfully aware of being different suddenly and standing out from his pals. Chris had been a shy kid. The memory that had been jarred was one in the shower after gym. He had started taking his time after class in hopes that most of the guys would be dressing before he hit the showers. That day he shared the shower room with Boomer among some of the losers who were always last to be picked for teams. Boomer was a short fat kid in those days as it wasn’t until puberty hit him that he morphed into a muscled stud in his own right. Chris had been showering as fast as he could and as he turned Boomer caught sight of something swing out from his buddy’s thigh and thought his shy pal had gotten into the showers with a belt around his waist. He imagined that the tail of the belt was hanging half way down Chris’s thigh. Boomer started laughing loudly and said, “Dude! You left your belt on in the shower! Dumbass.” The comment had drawn the attention of the packed drying room where most of the guys were hurriedly drying off and joking.

Chris had been washing his hair and was looking at the floor. He glanced up at his short pal like he was nuts, “No I didn’t stupid.” As he did he turned a bit toward the center of the room letting the water pour over his head as soap trailed over his body.

The pudgy boy then realized that it was Chris’s dick he had caught hanging so low on his leg. He blurted out astonished, “What’s wrong with your dick man?”

Chris had looked down expecting his cock to be dripping blood or something. He saw his flaccid man sized cock hanging down dripping water over the new patch of fur that caused him so much concern. It did reach well down his leg now. His dick had seemed to have been out growing the rest of his body lately and had caused the boy some worry. Growing up in a house full of older sisters with an absent father he rarely saw, Chris had no measure to compare his changes to. The past week he had noticed his balls moving of their own accord as he sat in the bathtub with the warm water up to his chin. He knew that couldn’t be normal as he watched his nuts spin slightly as if they had suddenly come to life. Then there were the erections that jumped at various times of day but more often when the cute student teacher Miss Richards was around. Chris was always pulling a book or sweatshirt into his lap to hide it. Chris glanced back up to find all the guys staring at his dick, even the doorway to the drying areas was full of faces craning to see what Boomer was squawking about.

It was too much for the shy kid. He had shoved Boomer into the other wet boys in the shower as he barked, “Shut up!” Chris had shoved his way into the drying room and grabbed a couple towels from the stack, draping one over his head and the other around his waist. As he pushed smaller boys out of his way someone from back in the crowd let out a loud, “Eeeawe!” and Chris’s nickname of ‘Donkey dick’ was born. He threw his clothes on over his wet body and left the school for lunch at home. He didn’t return that afternoon and had no explanation when his Mom returned from work that night for missing half a day of school or the dried shampoo that still matted his hair.

The situation pained him until about a month later he saw it all in a new light. He floated in his backyard pool on an inner tube when he was hit by a huge splash. Expecting one of his buddies to have snuck into the yard and joined him, Chris was surprised to see a friend of his sister; Beth Ann had jumped into the pool with him. Beth was hot. Blond haired, sixteen and stacked, Beth had the biggest tits around. Packed into her white bikini they looked even bigger. Beth was kind of loud and a bit pudgy but Chris rarely paid attention to that when he could stare at her boobs. His older sister usually didn’t let him around her friends.

Beth grinned at him as she bounced up and down in the water.

“Candy isn’t here. She’s at work”, he said for lack of anything else to say.

“I don’t give a shit.” Beth said and pushed his inner tube sending him floating toward the side. She then splashed the boy. Chris splashed back but it didn’t slow the big girl down. They both laughed as they splashed one another. Chris tried but couldn’t get his ass out of the tube. The older girl splashed him as she pushed him into a corner. The boy was at her mercy. Chris tried to pull himself out of the pool to free his ass from the ring planning on jumping back in and soaking her with a cannonball. Chris was awesome at cannonballs and knew he could bout drown her with one good one.

Beth had other ideas and pulled him back into the water still trapped in the ring. He laughed as he tried to fight her off; splashing as best he could. Chris didn’t see what was coming next. Beth in a flash reached up and slipped her hands into the band of his trunks and pulled them half way down his muscled thighs. Chris had half way come out of the ring by the action but fell back in. His slick wet ass slipped deeper into the ring. The boy clamped his hands over his cock and barked, “Why’d you do that?” He felt his skin burn.

“Because I can.” Beth winked at him. Chris was still embarrassed but didn’t feel as threatened. Beth reached up and tapped his hands but he didn’t move. “Don’t be such a baby. Let me see.” Beth flashed her dimples as she smiled at the boy.

Chris slowly pulled his hands back as Beth’s eyes grew wide. “Everybody was right. You are huge!”

Chris felt his cheeks burn… ‘Everybody? What she mean by that?’ “Who is everybody?”

“Oh just people.” The beauty looked up at him and beamed, “Little Chrissie’s a man!” Chris hated being called ‘Chrissie’ but the way Beth said it, it didn’t sound so bad.

“Want to have some fun?”

“Maybe?” Chris mumbled in a deep voice that still didn’t sound like his own

The beauty spun the tube around until she stood between his muscled legs. Beth reached down and grabbed his half hard dick in one hand and started licking the head as if it was candy. His meat ballooned in her hand as the more experienced girl gave the boy his first blow job. In one fell swoop all of Chris’s worries and insecurities vanished as a neighborhood stud was born. Two days later Chris lost his virginity to Beth. Before a week had passed, Chris had become the favorite fuck toy to half of Candy’s friends and the envy of most of the guys in school – even the older guys treated him with deference. The high school girls were apt to pull up in their cars and pick up the junior high boy who looked years older and take him off at any moment. The boys his age thought Chris was a god.

The man grinned at the long forgotten memory. He could imagine what Beth might say if she could get a look at his dick now. The velvet rope supported his swelling dick like a sling as the man rested for a moment. He had to blow this load and now. He picked up the heavy cock and hugged it again pulling it into his spandex covered chest. He thought of trying to close his suit over it imagining his suit fucking it somehow against his chest but knew that there was no way it would fit.

His leather covered arms rubbed roughly against his giant cock. He thought if he pulled his arms out of the sleeves his spandex covered arms would feel better around his enormous erection and hopefully would do the trick. Chris rested his cock on the rope again. His whole body felt stiff and tight now. The tired man thought it must be from supporting the weight of his enormous cock. He took a long drink of the whiskey before he tried to pull his right arm out of leather suit.

Not only did Chris feel worn out by now he also was so drunk he could barely stand. He would have loved nothing better than to knock one of these mannequins out of their chair so he could sit down and rest but knew he had to get this over so he could escape. The biker tugged at his sleeve but couldn’t pull any slack in the thick leather. “What the fuck?” The man slurred as he looked down at his body. Not only did he feel bloated and stiff but for the first time Chris noticed that he looked bloated. His muscled chest swelled out of the V shaped opening of his leather suit. He could hear the leather creaking and popping. The biker glanced up at the mirror across the room. It looked like he had some full body erection going on! His leather suit fit like skin over his muscle bloated body.

Chris’s mind was foggy with drink now. How did this happen? The man’s hand slid down his over muscled spandex covered chest to his huge leathered ass. “I look as bad as one of those fagot muscle queens. “

The man looked back and forth horrified at what he saw happening to himself. “I got to stop this.” He took his massive penis in his arms and squeezed it hoping to finally make it release its gallons of spew. It throbbed but still didn’t let loose. The man’s drunken mind reeled. ‘I have to fuck something’, he told himself. This crazy full body erection had blown the biker up until he was almost as muscled as the wild bouncer mannequins guarding the tunnel. His tortured biker suit was straining to contain all that mass. The panicked man thought of the bouncers. He turned to the small room again as he looked at the shirtless freak with his huge legs covered in the same slick material as Chris’s chest. If he had to rub his cock against something the dummy’s legs would have to feel better than the graveled floor. He reached down and patted the freaks legs. They felt almost real as if they were padded with real muscle. Only body heat was missing. Chris looked around knowing he had few options and little time before he would be as stiff as one of these dummies. He reached up with a forearm of pushed the hulk forward. The bouncer with his crossed arms bent forward as his beach ball sized bubble butt shifted toward Chris. The biker’s movements were slow and awkward. It took a while to before he could get his massive dick shoved between the freak’s equally massive legs but finally he did. Chris felt light leaded as if he could pass out. He shook his drunken head as if to clear it. He didn’t have much time. The biker thrust his hips. His giant dick slid against the spandex coated muscle.

Finally! It felt good. Chris developed some awkward rhythm as he worked his hips back and forth. The smooth material rubbing against his dick felt so good. The tired man let his weight rest against the wildly muscled mannequins’ back and he felt some of the weight taken off his trembling legs. Chris would die if anyone could see him now but he felt the first sense of relief since this nightmare began. He fucked the bouncers’ legs as his massive dick swelled into a full hard on. His skin stretched as his cock flushed with blood. His cock rose in the air between the freaks’ legs of if the wildly muscled bouncer was sported a giant dick. Pre-cum finally started to drip and hit the floor in massive splats. The biker moaned and grunted as he neared a climax that would no doubt hit him like a tidal wave. The two freaks now leaned back as his giant dick grew and rose in the air. Chris grunted and moaned loudly as he fucked the bouncer freak. He was so light headed. The biker gripped onto the freaks leather straps circling his torso. Chris closed his eyes and fucked. He was so close. This was the wildest sex he had ever had as all this pint up tension built to a climax. The freak was riding his monster cock now and Chris could swear it felt as if he was clamping his legs against his dick as he pulled back. Just one more the man kept thinking as he neared closer and closer. It felt as someone was rubbing their hands over his giant member but still he thrust his hips as best his over blown body would allow.

Chris could feel the freak’s bubbled ass pressing into him as he fucked the dummy. It almost felt moist and warm. Chris was so hot he was soaked with sweat. ‘One more thrust’, he grunted as he felt the pre-cum drip. It was unmistakable! Chris felt the freak riding his cock clinch his ass. The biker’s eyes shot open as he looked at the sweat cover back he leaned against in horror. The giant bouncer had come to life! Worse yet, Chris’s now immobilized body was clamped to the freak like glue. The bouncer’s 24” arms slid down and gripped the biker’s leather coated pythons. Just as Chris’s giant cock started to shoot his load the freak’s head turned his way as the biker saw his face break into a wild creepy grin. His skin looked clownish and too white. The freak looked over his wildly massive shoulder as best he could and said, “Gosh, I never took you for a fudge packer.” As Chris sprayed gallons of spew along the walls, the muscled freak riding his cock tilted his head back and laughed manically.

Chris’s head spun as he tried to push free of the comically muscled freak. The room swirled to the sound of wild laughter. As the tough biker struggled his body grew limp. As his shrinking cock shot cum worthy of fifty men, Chris felt himself falling backward, just as the world went dark.