Frank's Growth

By Brandedx2:

“Lookin real beefy, Frank,” Donny said as he started rubbing down the big musclecam star’s legs with some oil.

“Damn straight,” Frank the Tank said as he felt a gentle tingle over his skin–no biggie, really, since he always got a charge whenever the cameras clicked on. He stripped off his shirt, letting Donny’s admirational hands wander, oiling down every inch of him. Frank started strutting around, unaware that since Donny had rubbed on the “special oil,” he’d gained about twenty pounds of watery chub.

“Check out these fuckin biceps,” Frank said cockily, and Donny gave the big arms–jeez, they looked bigger than usual, like he’d just gotten a massive pump. Frank made his pecs bounce, but it felt weird, like they… jiggled a little?

“I bet you’ll look really impressive after you’ve packed on another hundred pounds!” Donny said. Frank just smiled, suddenly starting to feel that something was off. Donny patted Frank’s face, causing the big guy to flinch–he reached up and his whole head felt swollen, his hands sinking into soft cheeks.

“What the fuck?” Frank said, turning suddenly, knocking the bottle of oil off the table behind him when his massive ass swung much wider than he’d expected. Frank’s hands moved down and inspected the newly massive rear end, impossibly round, jiggling up and down with each step.

“NOW you’re a real tank,” Donny said, poking Frank in the round tummy that had expanded out from where there had been abs just a minute ago. Frank reached down to hold his own belly down as it expanded like bread dough. He wobbled back and forth on thighs that had swollen with fat. Donny jiggled Frank’s new chins and then spun him around to the mirror.

The former bodybuilder was now a huge overblown mass on fat legs that tapered down like an ice cream cone. His arms hung out at an angle now, pushed apart by his widening midsection. With a snap his posing trunks popped off–his dick disappeared in the surrounding chunk, not that Frank could see it past his massive gut anyway. Frank took a step backwards in surprise, but, unaccustomed to the new center of gravity, he toppled over, crying out in surprise when he landed on his gargantuan ass.

“That’s right, Fatty Frank the Tank,” Donny said as Frank’s mass finally stabilized. “You’ve gotta weigh over six-hundred pounds… and I’m gonna fuck that fat ass…”

Immobilized by his bulk, tears streaming down his face, Frank whimpered as he felt Donny’s hands starting to delve into his big, deep crack–knowing that every second of it had been broadcast live to all of his fans.