Feeding Him

He gazes at you longingly from his seat on the side of the bed. It's not lust that fuels the look. It's hunger. You know he is hungry. You made sure of it.

“Come on...are you going to keep me waiting forever?” he asks. He’s rubbing his mounded muscle gut that looks anything but malnourished. You can hear it growling, even from a couple of feet away. It looks like his UA shirt can barely contain his thick pecs. His wide cannon ball shoulders are erupting from the cut off sleeve holes like some cartoon muscle freak who blew into his thumbs until his arms were riddled with outrageous overblown muscles. His jacked arms flex and shimmy as he rubs his hungry gut. You rolled the tight shirt up exposing his roid gut for all its glory before you went to get his long awaited “snack”. His skin tight shirt looks like some sort of freakish male version of a sports bra now as it hugs his jacked upper body. His muscles were made for spandex. He was huge. And he was all yours.

You watch him in awe. Despite your few weeks of playing with and feeding him, you are still dazed every time you look at him. In your wildest dreams you couldn’t have imagined a better choice of hog. The handsome man had spent years working out, building a body most would die for and few could ever achieve. Yet the years of bodybuilding and competing had left him wanting more…much more.

You didn’t believe he was for real at first when you found him in the online feeder chat site. His profile was filled with well crafted come-ons. "A serious bodybuilder with a serious appetite looking for a like-minded friend to feed and encourage him. A big man who is tired of the dieting and competition and wants to enter a new phase of bodybuilding. A muscle stud who is looking for help overcoming an out of control metabolism." You were sure this guy had to be some poser. The only thing overdeveloped on him was no doubt his imagination and he was looking for someone gullible to share his make believe fantasies with. Yet you had to check him out.

As expected the man liked to chat about his love for eating and forcing his body to transform to an ideal that suited him…like a sculptor molding putty. You thought it was all fantasy bs. His talk of wanting a man to help him with his goals …someone to encourage him to reach beyond his wildest dreams. Someone of strong will who could force him beyond any inhibitions until he grew into the true hulk that he was destined to become. It all sounded like some bad fiction yet when he described stuffing himself until his gut expanded like some heavy muscle bound balloon… his jacked abs fighting the expansion that he longed for with every bite… and then finally forcing another serving down, all the while knowing he shouldn’t…well, you just couldn’t turn away. Even if he was just roleplaying, he was good at it.

Then he started sharing photos and still you doubted. Yet you gave all the right responses, playing along to see where this would go. Certainly the photos were stolen off some stud from the internet with some Photoshop thrown in. Yet it was still fun playing with the guy. He never stumbled once , in the fantasy he wove.

Then he suggested a Skype chat. Low and behold the man was a fucking stud. Handsome with shoulders that looked like his skin had grown over a set of football pads. The man loved to show off his body. He knew people liked it... were drawn to it. The stud was proud of the fact. As hard as it was to believe, the guy was turning into the real deal. He loved nothing better than to flex his over muscled body and to talk about his next binge. You loved nothing better than to watch, listen, and encourage. He liked to Skype while he tried to stuff himself to some new extreme. frequently jumping up to show you a muscle belly that you were sure was exaggeratedly shoved out for effect. The man would chomp and burp as he asked how it looked and if it turned you on.

Weeks of chat visits followed, then meetings over coffee that always ended at an all you can eat buffet. The big man acted almost as if he was interviewing you for a job when he wasn’t showing off his obvious physical superiority. At the buffet he watched you almost suspiciously as he ate plate after plate. There was almost a taunt to his eyes and his upturned chiseled chin that highlighted his bull neck. It was as if he expected you to stop him or runaway as he gorged on the piles of food. You sensed it was a a test aimed at forcing a reveal to expose another poser who when faced with the reality of a stud with a real appetite might fade away in disgust. The Internet was full of posers and want-to-bes. You couldn't blame him. The man grinned broadly when you offered to fill his fourth plate while he relaxed. After that you took care of the refills while he bragged about past binges, his elastic belly and the tons of weight he had gained and lost over the years. He was a stud and knew it. The look in his eye showed that he knew you were impressed. You knew you had made an inroad.

He even took you to his gym for a workout as if by some chance you might think his primed muscled body was somehow fake without real proof…an air filled muscle morph brought to life. Some magic muscle ideal that was all for show. The man had put you through a killer session as he gave you taste of the extreme work he had put in to create the magnificent shell he was now encased in. You thought you were in good shape until you tried to keep up with the stud who spotted and coached you through every rep only to often double the weight on the bar before his own set… a set he did with ease as you struggled to recover. To anyone else in the busy gym, it looked as if you had hired the stud as a trainer to kick your workouts into another realm. In reality it was like a long torturous foreplay session. It was all you could do not to pop wood as the deep voiced stud quietly coached you in one ear as he guided you through the workout. He mumbled encouragements in your ear as he stood close spotting your every move. Loud music shook the walls of the hardcore weight room so he always leaned in when he spoke. “It ain’t nothing big guy…you got it stud…baby weights, one more rep is where the growth is.” He would say as you strained. Sometimes a belch would erupt as he mumbled some encouragement or advice. The smell of his last eaten meal wafting over your face as the stud gave his pouting ball of muscle a rub or popped an over developed joint. You bout blew right then.

Later as you sat on a bench trying to catch your breath, the big man snatched up his smartphone after his last set of bar saggin' squats. The sweaty freak waddled to your side and slowly lowered his bulk onto the bench beside you. “I got to show you this. I know you will appreciate it.” The man of your dreams then flipped through videos that he narrated showing him ripped down and practicing his flexing before his last show. You could hardly believe it was the same man…maybe a still impressively muscled but much leaner twin but not the 285 pound freak taking up two/thirds of the bench beside you. His face in the video looked almost gaunt…anorexic. His waist a thin wedge and upholstered with slabs of body armor under the skin. Sure his chest, back, thighs, and ass were still swollen with thick muscle but there was no way this could be the man sweating and breathing hard as he chuckled next to you. His skin looked shrink-wrapped over his body and the man was wildly wasp waisted as he turned and showed off for the camera. Then with these almost whispered words, “This one was taken two weeks to the day from my last show. I’d dove into my off season like it was a sprint. I couldn’t wait to get back to normal. I put on 33 pounds in two weeks. I blew up like a fucking balloon and never looked back. I wish you'd been there to see it.” The next video showed the man with his baggy boxers pulled up over his wide thighs. He flexed in the clip as he just had in the video before only now every part of his body looked blown up, even his handsome grinning face. The happy man panted and breathed hard as he slowly moved through his paces at half the speed of his leaner doppelganger. Sweat dripped from his brow and stood out like diamonds over his bulging chest and blistered shoulders. His shorts had wet patches. Most noticeable of all was the return of his roid gut. The thing was swollen like a muscle filled tortoise shell and competed with his impressive chest for dominance. It rose and fell with each breath as if someone was trying to pump it up bigger by some unseen piston pump between poses. The man breathed as if he was running a race and moved with an exaggerated awkwardness as if an air hose had been shoved down his throat rapidly blowing the award winning muscle freak of the first video into monster sized instantly…as if the two videos had been taken minutes apart. Even between poses the man’s arms and back stayed swelled out and wide like he'd lost his ability to relax. You knew he had you then as your impressed cock began to drip, hidden under the wad of towels you had dropped into your lap when you grabbed the phone from the proud stud so you could flip back and forth between before and after images of the freak. You couldn’t help but steal glances at the man panting next to you. The cocky stud was unable to wipe the grin from his happy face. The man knew he was the shit and had finally found an underling who would do his bidding while worshiping him as was his Alpha due.

The third ‘get to know you’ meeting evolved into two weeks of feeder play after the stud waddled into your apartment and never left. The weeks had been filled with weight training and crazy feeding sessions as the man took over your life. At first he had let you cook for him under strict supervision. While he had dreams of growing massive, he had no intention of doing it by living on ice cream and junk food. He was proud of his hard earned muscles and didn't plan on giving them up. Gradually as his trust in you grew, his complete meal prep fell into your domain as he came to believe your goals were completely in line with his. More and more his care and happiness become your chief role as he settled into your life. At first the "date" had seemed like a wild party neither wanted to let end quite yet. The big man camped out on your sofa or recliner, snoring loudly when sleep took him. The stud moved into your bed almost as a reward after a particularly enjoyable night's feeding. He had waddled into your room under the guise of having been stuffed too big to comfortably fit on the sofa. The stud had boyishly taken his place in the center of your king sized bed, never showing intentions of giving it up again. To his credit he had pulled you in under a heavy jacked arm confident that the gesture made up for putting you out in any way. The stud's taking over your life was now complete. If he wasn't working out and hanging out with his gym buds, he could generally be found in the bed waiting to be looked after. The bodybuilder claimed to work as a personal trainer but you have as yet to see him with an appointment. It seemed the reality was, the stud had a full time job just being him. To his credit he did work at teaching you everything he knew about building muscle and feeding it right, as he promised that with the right work he could have you contest ready in as little as nine months. His weeks of coaching had started to show as your toned muscles seemed to start to grow along with the climbing needle of your scale.

You had set the stage well for your ultimate fantasy all building up to this moment. You step closer to the bed. He moans happily, beckoning you closer with the wave of a cocky finger. A king signalling a loyal servant to enter. “So, what are you got for me tonight?” He asks. “This stud is starving. These muscles need fuel and massaged.”

“Everything you could imagine...and then some…” you promise, pulling your hands from behind your back. In one hand, you have a modified beer bong with a huge funnel and fat hose. In the other, you have a gallon of thick, frosty milkshake.

“You’re going to force feed me? What you think I’m some pig or something?” he asks, mocking being indignant. He knows it. You know it. His stomach growls longingly thanks to an appetite enhancer you have been slipping in with his usual muscle building supplements. The man has grown increasingly hungry from the moment he walked into your place. He always gave your admiration and attention some sort of magical credit for the increase.

You put the funnel hose in his mouth, reaching your now free hand down to his tight muscled stomach. You shake and jiggle it, causing him to moan as he chews on the hose as he takes the funnel, waiting. His gut feels like a medicine ball. The last couple weeks of play has added to its size though his before mentioned wild metabolism and exercise has an odd way of melting away any bloat the pair of you manage to pack on. There is a zig-zag pattern to it: he gains five pounds; loses three... You have plans for changing that. If anything the bull looks more muscled as a result.

“Of course you are a pig...and I’m going to stuff you until you squeal like the roided up muscle hog you are. Now open wide for a fresh protein shake guaranteed to make you swell up like a human water balloon…” you say, bringing the gallon jug up to the funnel and tipping it. He chuckles, humoring you just as you knew he would at your wicked new feeder game. The thick milkshake slowly moves down the fat tube he holds in his mouth. He gives it a few neck bulging sucks, just to get things moving. The man says he loves your spin of turning his frequent meals into games and always manages to smile or chuckle before accepting a new challenge. You can hear him gulp as the shake finally reaches his mouth and he begins to swallow.

The slow moving stud hands you back the funnel. His hands move up and down his stomach, rubbing it as he continues to suck. His eyes grin as he flashes you a right arm bicep flex, blowing up his arm to its 22 inch max. You watch his Adam’s apple bounce on the surface of his muscle riddled bull neck as he sucks at the hose with his head back. The fat veins rising up its surface feel like rubber tubing as you reach out and rub it. His shoulders and chest seem wide as hell. He likes it when you rub and touch his hard earned muscles and tell him what a stud he is as he feeds. You like it too and slide your arms out to encompass his ridiculously broad shoulders. The man's delts are firm and as round as basketballs straining anything he wears, even his heaviest of winter wear. The proud man had even put on his bloated cold weather parka for no other reason than to show you how his jacked muscles stood out no matter what he wore. The man couldn't help but brag especially to a fan who could appreciate it. The man encourages your touch with an air of graciousness as if you might be too shy to do it without his goading. You know to the Alpha dog's reasoning it is his reward to you for your attentions. You squeeze his nipples through the elastic shirt as if to encourage him.

“This is a special blend...I added some of that powder you were so interested in from online…” you say. His eyes lighting up. You explain ordering it as a surprise and maxing out your credit card to make the purchase even though you were happy to do it, just so he could see if the supplement worked. The stud likes it when you fawn and scrape like that as if his happiness is your only concern. A special powder that, when added to a meal, was guaranteed to make him put on the pounds. A cutting edge formula that was developed to counteract wasting diseases but worked far too well if its press was to be believe. Dropped by legitimate studies the wild formula had found a niche market… the feeder market where it promised to pack on weight with astounding speed. Though intrigued the big man had been skeptical of it being anything more than an expensive come on with photo shopped before and after pictures to sell it. You knew better. Still he had printed out an image of a jacked stud from the ad and stuck it in the corner of the mirror across the room. It was sort of a reverse of your typical before and after photos, showing the well muscled man swollen as if he had had a bad accident with an air compressor.

“Do you feel any changes yet?” you ask. He gives himself another rub up and down, before he moans loudly. “So good”, he mumbles over the hose. He pantomimes with his hands over his belly as if it is blowing up. Not only can he feel it, but you can begin to see it. Already, his stomach is slowly bulging outwards with every gulp he takes. At the same time, you can see his already strained shirt stretching more, little by little as if the crazy brew is having a full body effect. The powder worked as well as it had when you worked as a lab assistant during its development. It had taken some time to find a perfect specimen to indulge your kink that the experiments had revealed. Now your plan couldn't be working better.

“Drink it all up, fat boy…” you instruct. His hands move up to play with his ballooning pecs, feeling them straining his shirt. His fingers go right to the spot where his thick nips are blistering the elastic nylon. He moans, giving the hose a giant suck, practically pulling all the milkshake out of the funnel. You laugh as you take the hint and grab the pitcher and pour fast, quickly refilling it. At first chance, you reach down and feel his stomach. Immediately, your fingers dip between quilted warm muscles. It feels tighter. You feel a slight growing pressure under your hand as he grows against you.

“That didn’t waste any time in starting on you...you’re already growing … That roid gut is blowing up like you swallowed a beach ball” you tease. You've adopted his muscleman hyperbole where men don't just gain muscle, they "blow up"... and a good growth period isn't the result of hard work and diet but because "he swallowed the air hose for real this time"...muscle pumps rival the psi of a car tire You know this kind of talk horns the stud so now pepper your speech with them.

His face flushes as you feel his entire body shudder as you twist his tender nips. You slowly move your hand lower, reaching underneath his bulging stomach, his trembling muscle bound thighs waiting for you. "How you doing down there?", you ask, already knowing the answer. As you pass your hand between them, you can feel a comforting, warmth as you palm the big bulge hidden between his legs.

“You’re already getting all hot and bothered?” you tease. He nods his head, grunting from the pleasure of growing. “…but I only just began feeding you...there’s still so much more for you to guzzle down… hog.” His breathing quickens. You know you have him just where you want him.

The past few weeks you have spent many a time on your knees pulled in and wedged between those mighty thighs servicing his overactive cock as the stud eats and shows off for you. You rub his mound through his thick shorts, causing him to quiver.

At the start of this session you had made him put on a pair of neoprene board shorts like water skiers wear, promising that he needed something tough to hold up to the growth you had planned for him. He had laughed but pulled the long shorts up over his muscled legs and ass, cinching in the plastic buckle under his gut ball. He had slapped his bubbled ass and showed them off. Stretching the skin tight neoprene down to his knees, he had glanced up with a grin and asked, “You like this tight rubber, pervert?”

You had grabbed a bottle of lube shoving the nozzle in past the belt and squeezed. His cock and balls were coated in a layer of slime under the neoprene as you kneaded him making sure his junk was completely coated. The move had an immediate effect as his ample cock ballooned. The man suddenly decided he liked the shorts too.

Now his neoprene shorts are warm to the touch, and there’s a definite new swelling going on as your fingers stroke him up and down, teasing his greasy dick. His shorts give off slurping sounds as you work. He moans louder, begging you with his eyes. 'Feed me. Make me fatter'...or more likely 'Suck me, now!' You return your attentions to the pitcher and begin refilling the near empty funnel, half the milkshake in the jug has already gone down his throat.

“You want to know what’s really crazy...you know how big that giant tub of that powder was you wanted to order?” You ask. He nods, his hands rubbing up and down his slowly expanding stomach nervously.

“...I only put a spoonful in this shake…” you admit. His eyes widen. A single spoonful?! He was blowing up like a blimp from a single spoonful?! You could hear his neoprene shorts stretching. As the man set there, his entire body was growing wider by the second as he sucked on the hose. He felt as if he had a freakish muscle pump spreading over his whole body. He already looked as though he’d put on twenty pounds. His head was swimming. If a spoonful was enough to cause this much weight gain...just how much would the entire container of powder cause? However, before he can ponder it any further, you slip your fingers beneath his bulge, kneading him again, stroking up and down the great ridge that now blistered his shorts. He gasps, almost choking as the pleasure grabs at his privates.

“Drink it all down like a good pig...then I’ll have two hands free…” you say, tempting him. He begins sucking vigorously on the hose, drawing all of the creamy liquid into his mouth. You know what he thinks his reward will be.

You can’t wait. You are prepared and pull a stand close, hanging the funnel on it as you hold the pitcher completely upside down above the funnel, dumping rest of it in. Now, it was all on him. He sucks even harder as you toss the pitcher to the side, both hands groping at his growing stomach. “Yeah suck it in fat boy. Let that magic powder go to work on you… blowing you up like a prized muscle hog.” You massage his tightening skin as the effect seems to be going at top speed now. He sucks on the hose loudly between grunts and moans as he feels his body grow and fatten. “I’m making your dreams come true…can’t you give me a little squeal like the good hog that you are?”

His eyes shift over your way. Drops of sweat have begun to roll down his forehead as he hungrily works the fat hose in his mouth. His handsome features even look changed. Bloated somehow and his cheeks are red tinted and swollen as if he is struggling to blow up a balloon or maybe save some of the magic brew for later. There is something happy in his eyes as he begins to grunt and then squeal in best hog impression. He gives a surprising good try but after a few squeals the game is over. The stud is too much of an Alpha to do anybody’s bidding but the great tasting brew has got him in good spirits.

You pat his head proudly, rubbing his damp hair. “That’s a good hog. Make me proud.” The grunting freak is growing right before your eyes. Mounds are ballooning as the man grows wider and thicker by the minute. At the heart of it all, his gut is ballooning bigger and bigger as it covers more of his lap. “Bigger...I want you bigger…” you demand. You feel his entire body shudder, his body raising like dough. His shirt is creaking and groaning, seams begin to pop over his thick shoulders and under his arms. Just seconds away from tearing itself to pieces trying to hold his enormous pecs back. All the liquid in the funnel is quickly draining down the tube, past his waiting lips. It gives off loud slurping sounds as the hungry man empties the funnel once and for all. His moans and grunts are getting higher and louder as the end of the milkshake quickly approaches.

Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. POP!

His eyes widen as his shirt explodes off of him, revealing his quivering mounds resting on top is swollen gut, adorned with rock hard nipples. The man has fattened up over the top of his over built muscles leaving him freakishly blown up looking like the Michelin Man on steroids. The man can no longer look down past his pecs or gut. It’s as if his upper body has swelled up around him isolating his head. For a moment the man seems startled or surprised as if he hadn’t expected any of the sensations to be real. He is breathing hard as he spits out the empty hose. It slips down his chin as he tries to catch his breath. The man is dazed. He pants as if he has been running hard. “Oh fuck”, he grunts, “What have you done to me?” His eyes roll from side to side as if he is trying to make sense of the wild sensations he now feels. He grunts, “So tight…skin feels so…tight.” He belches loudly for a bit. “I swear…I’m blowing up as I sit here!”

Your fingers leave his stomach, reaching up to play with his tantalizing pecs. The second your fingertips brush against his nipples, his entire body jerks from the sudden shock of pleasure. He lets out a shrill shriek that is at odds with a stud of his size. The empty tube falling from his resting place in a divot on his muscled shoulder, almost startles him as if he just now realizes that he’d done it! He’d finished the entire shake! The stud mumbles between belches, "My...skin so tight and...sensitive now. Like full body boner! What...did you...do to me?" Even more amazingly, his body was still growing too! You bring your hand up his bull neck and up over his stubble covered chin before shoving a thumb into his mouth and then a finger. The horned man sucks on them as if they hold more magic shake. You smile down at him, “I’ve done just what you’ve been dreaming of hog. I’ve started to fatten you up like you deserve.”

“Oh God yes...oh God yes…” he moans, his hands coming up to meet yours, trapping your hands and pulling them to his chest. “I’m huge! You blew me up something crazy.” He traps them there between his palms and pecs. Unable to resist, you give them a squeeze, causing his mouth to drop open and his features to crumble. “You like that fat boy? Those swelled nipples are hyper sensitive now? Maybe that magic powder is giving you nice big milky bitch tits? You want me to milk you like an old cow? You like that fat boy?” He throws his arms back as if it is all too much, giving off a gurgling sound as the sensations overwhelm him. He flails unable to speak. He can only grunt and gasp as you play with him. You pinch and twist his swollen nips as the big man shakes and moans. He bats at your hands with pudgy fattening hands. His stiffening arms throwing off his aim and overpowering his strength. Through it all the powder is still hard at work fattening up his hyper-masculine body. His swelling ass is torturing the neoprene shorts and sound like a tire is inflating inside them. You laugh as you watch the stud becoming more and more helpless before your eyes. You reach down and flick your tongue over his tittie boners. The man goes wild as he squeals unable to stop himself. He finally rolls back on the bed, arms and legs beating the air. You follow him with you tongue on his fat nipples, not giving him a break. He can’t catch his breath and gasps, “Don’t…stop…no…can’t take …it.”

Moving behind him you prop him up on a nest of pillows, while saying, “You really let yourself go...just look at what you've done! You’ve got to weigh...like 3 no...400 pounds!” you exclaim, jiggling his fatten pecs that once were flat slabs of thick muscle. Now they were swollen squishy balloons. He blushes vibrantly. It was true! He’d looked as if he had damn near doubled in size, from just spoonful of the powder! His muscle covered arms look like they were now insulated with a couple inches of padding under the skin, softening the once deep muscle cuts. Hell his entire body had. His nervous hands touched anything they could reach as if taking a quick inspection of the changes. Even the tight legs of his board shorts had started to crawl up his legs as his thighs ballooned. As part of his inspection he tugged until they fit like briefs freeing his ballooning thighs.

“Baby...more...more...give me more!” he begs, his pudgy fingers groping at all of his swollen mounds but he sounds as if he is disappointed by the changes he finds. He was desperate, he was insatiable, he was huge, and he was hungry. The man wanted more! "So hungry...still."

You grin at the greedy bastard. “Alright, you fat fuck, you asked for it…” you say, crawling off the bed and walking to the door. He watches, moaning as you reach out into the hallway and pull a cart into the room. It is full of jugs like the one you’d just poured in his mouth. His eyes go huge as he sees all that you have in store for him. His mouth waters, looking at everything before him. He is sniffing the air as if the transformation has given him a hyper sense of smell. As if he can suck in the calories with his nose.

You quickly grab another jug by the handle and turn toward him. You make a stop at the dresser as you cross the room. You open a drawer and pull out another accessory. It is a long strap with a hole in it. You turn and show it to the wide eyed man as you swing it from a finger. The big man's swelling as started to ease but he still is stretched out with clumsy arms as if getting used to his new size. You fit the hose off the funnel into the leather strap in preparation of strapping the hose to his handsome head. This way both your and his hands will be free for this next phase. The way he is growing his fattened arms will be unable to hold the hose to his mouth soon enough anyway.

Your muscle hog’s growth is certainly slowing now. The man half reclines with his legs spread wide resting on his heels. There is something about him that makes you think of an overstuffed muscled teddy bear propped on the edge of the bed. He is still probing and feeling the changes as his eyes are locked on the trifold mirror before him. The realization that the swelling sensations are dying seems to worry the man. The grunting man manages to say, “More…still hungry…please feed me…” from time to time as if you might forget. His hands keep disappearing under his swollen gut as he no doubt squeezes and kneads a growing mound hidden below showing that his enjoyment over the changes is complete.

“This one’s a chocolate flavor…” you inform him, as you pick up the huge pitcher you’d plucked from the dozen or so that fill the top shelf of the cart. You sit the shake beside the bed before placing the funnel back in his mouth and cinching it in place with the strap. He whimpers with anticipation but you don’t grab the pitcher immediately. You are enjoying your new power too much. you start to feel his fattened bulges again as you kneel beside the man. The man’s eyes shoot over to the nightstand with a look of fear. He grunts and whimpers a bit louder as if he is trying to make the hungered for brew float to him and fill the pitcher. You enjoy your power as you watch the stud. You can't help but smile over the near instantaneous fattening of muscle man. His once firm muscles seem hidden under a soft layer. You have to really push to feel the muscle now. It was so damn crazy but the fun had only just begun. The man's callused swollen hands try to grasp yours as if to turn your attention back to his feeding but you hold and push away his hands as you check out the changes. You then reach down to his cock bulge shoving your knuckles into it as you rub up and down. The huge man tenses as he begins to coo. The effect is like rubbing a gaint hairless dog behind the ear, his entire body goes stiff and he begins to tremble. He manages to grab your free hand as he moans and his bloated body goes stiff. "You like that don't you big guy? Fattening you up makes you horny as fuck, dont it?" The fat man is helpless in your hands

Your eyes drift to the dresser where a tall trophy sits. A metal hangs draped over it by a ribbon sash. Next to the dresser leans a big heavy sword. The awards are from the man’s last show. When you had picked the man up a couple weeks back for your third ‘get to know one another’ visit that had yet to end, he had showed you his apartment filled with many such awards his muscled body had gained him. The stud knew just how much you had enjoyed the videos of his most recent off season transformation, so he had made a big deal of bringing the most recent trophies along promising that if things played out as he had hoped, the prizes would be a gift to you as thanks for your help in his most dreamed of transformation. He assured you his contest days were now over. You had enjoyed the gesture from the Alpha man as he strutted and waddled through the apartment throwing some things into a gym bag giving you the first hint that this was to be more than just another breaking the ice get together. You can’t help but smile as you look down at the handsome stud now as your most dreamed for fantasy had begun to overpower his.

The man is watching the pitcher again as if it might disappear before he gets a chance at it. He is panting and whimpering now as his hunger grows. “Please… feed me…so hungry.”

You look down knowing you have him at his most vulnerable. You remove the hose strapped to his face while the nervous man drops his head and tries to pull back. He doesn’t want to give it up. “No…no...Please don’t…Feed me!” he whimpers. "Don't stop." His commands no longer have the confidence of the muscle stud he once was... the stud he was sure everyone wanted to be or at the least be with. The man sounds worried and panicked that the wild session would end all too soon.

You rub his head and talk soothingly. “Calm down, don’t worry.” You rub his bull neck as if he is a favorite pet. “Don’t worry hog. There will be plenty of time for that.” You smile. “You are going to have to earn your next feeding.”

“What?” He grunts as if he doesn’t understand. There is a flash of his old self in his eyes as if to say, "who are you to make the rules". The man’s eyes leave the pitcher but lose all the fire in the effort. He glances at you sheepishly and then the mirror. “Please so hungry.” He mumbles.

You open your pants and pull out a half hard seven incher. “Well first things first”, you shake your cock at him as you grin. “You take care of me…I’ll take care of you.”

The man still looks worried as he is unable to stop from stealing glances at the tantalizing pitcher for fear it might disappear. “Please bro”, he mumbles weakly.

You reach over and plunge your hand into the thick brew. “This what you want?” You then shove the dripping fingers into his desperate mouth. The man sucks on them hungrily…helplessly as you mumble encouragements much as he had when he was putting you through his killer workouts. “That’s it you got it stud. Suck it in. It’s nothing at all. This goo is gonna fatten you up like a tick.” You dip your hand back in before letting the hungry man clean it with his tongue again.

It is apparent this method is too slow for the despite man but he has no other choice. His nervousness has grown. He is whimpering as he sucks loudly over your fingers. Feeding off your hand like some favorite pet. The third dip doesn’t go to his hungry lips but to your boned cock. You reach back for more…even are tempted to pour the thick shake over your junk and belly but only slather a heavy layer of the thick brew over your privates. Your sex play to this point had only consisted of you sucking him off while he stuffed himself. The obsessed big man had some theory that if he could associate eating with sexual pleasure he could push his gains to unimagined extremes. As a result you had spent hours on your knees before the man. You weren't even sure he was that into guys beside dominating them.

The once top dog looks at the chocolate coated package for a moment with worried eyes. His cheeks grow pink. His eyes shift a minute as if troubled before he dives in sucking it into his dripping mouth as he clutches your hips.

“That’s a good hog.” You moan as the bull sucks you like you never been sucked before. You lean into him with your hands on his broad blistered shoulders and legs against his swollen gut and chest. “Oh yeah…suck it fat boy. I knew there was a hidden bitch under all that bloated muscle and bravado. Just waiting to be let out. Now you see how this works…” You dip your hand into the pitcher like a ladle and scoop more of the brew to his mouth while pouring it over your raging cock. He sucks at your hand and cock as if not sure where to go first but not wanting to waste a precious drop. “You keep me happy and I’m going to keep you very happy…I’m going to keep you fat and sassy and at my beck and call. You like that fat boy? How’s that sound pig? You’re gonna make a nice roided up hog bitch.”

The big man is grunting and whimpering as he slobbers over your junk but you can just make out and almost guttural whisper, “yes …yes anything for you…more please more… feed me.” His face is smeared with the thick shake.

You can’t help but squeal yourself as you unload in his mouth, commanding him to not waste a drop. You reward him with another handful of the brew in his mouth as you back away. You grab a fist full of hair and force his handsome head back before pouring his mouth full of the magic shake. The big man’s hand goes to his neoprene coated cock. As he leans back on the bed swallowing and sucking on your hand, you get a good view of his rubber coated junk. The wicked brew has had an obvious effect of his cock and balls blowing them up with the rest of him. “Now me”, he grunts once his mouth is empty as he hopes he can stave off his hunger long enough for some release from this over whelming arousal.

You grab his hand and pull it away from his own pecker. “NO…” you bark. “ Hogs don’t get blow jobs and from now on you pleasure yourself at my command! Unless you want an enforced crash diet that will be like a trip to a concentration camp compared to your contest prep. I own you now hog. You keep me happy and I will keep you very happy. You understand?”

The big man is still sucking on your clean fingers. He pulls you close licking your taunt belly. “Yes master.” He shoves your half hard cock into his mouth again desperate to get back in your good graces.

You smile as you take your rightful place in the scheme of things. “Good hog. You make me proud. Watch this, as a reward…” You pull away from the strong man’s arm and pick up a large tub of the feeder mix from the floor. You pour another scoop of the mix into the pitcher mixing it in with your hands knowing your muscled bitch will only be too happy to lick them clean again.

“It’s reward time”, you whisper as he finishes cleaning your hand. You strap the hose to his face then slowly begin to pour the thick cream filling the funnel now locked into the stand beside him. After a couple of seconds, you hear him gulping, sucking the cream down. Almost immediately, he begins to act as if he is grow again. You smile, reaching down and palming his slowly but steadily growing gut ball. “Just wait when your gym buddies get a load of the new you when we go in for my training sessions. They will freak the fuck out.” The comment only brings hungry gurgles as he sucks at the fat hose but his face got that beat red look like when he is about to blow a load. “...Oh, and I put three spoonful’s of powder in this one when I mixed it plus one extra…” you say. “I’d say this out to blow you up like a fucking Thanksgiving parade balloon.”

He lets out a noise somewhere between a shriek and a moan, his entire form shuddering. His fingers desperately squeeze at his nipples, pleasuring himself as he grows bigger. As if your words have an effect on his changes, the news of the heavy dosing speeds up his fattening "When we get done tonight, none of your old tent sized jock threads are gonna fit ever again. Don't worry. I ordered you some jumbo sized spandex suits. They will stretch over that lard ass and gut like a latex balloon." The big man sucks and slobbers over the hose as he whimpers and grunts over your plans for him. You tap his bulging cheeks as if to get his full attention. "What's your favorite color?" You ask.

The gorging hulk doesn't answer immediately as if it takes a moment to realize your meaning. "Blue" he grunts over the hose planted firmly in his mouth.

You chuckle, "Ahh, too bad. I got you turquoise and hot pink with high top shoes to match. I don't want anyone to miss my fucking blimp when you waddle down the street. Everyone will be staring at you trying to figure out what the fuck you are...some muscle freak gone wild or maybe a parade balloon character come to life? You're going to make an eye catching, roided up fat clown when I get done fattening you up. That crowd who worship you down at the gym will fucking freak out when you waddle in there swaying back and forth three times your normal size."

You chuckle as you lean over your new toy. You can see the man getting more horny by the second as you describe his new life as your pet muscle hog. "You know what you are going to tell them when they ask what happened?"

The man's huge blue eyes shift toward you. He is panting hard and sucking in the fuel as he feels his body actually gaining weight as if he had been hooked to a fat tap blowing him up. He shakes his head and grunts, "No", with a look somewhere between fear and orgasm.

"You're just going to say you decided to get serious about this off-season bulk. That's all." You laugh as you rise up then taking the whole scene in as the stud leans back on the bed slowly but hungrily sucking on the hose. As his body swells before you. You pour the big funnel full again.

“Look at yourself! You’re eating like a pig! You’re getting so big and fat!” you tease, pouring the funnel full to the brim. His eyes flutter. It is all just too much. Your words are making him hotter than he’s ever been in his life. “You just can’t stop, can you? But you don’t even want to...you want to keep gulping all this cream down...you want to get fatter, and fatter, and fatter. Fatter than anybody has ever seen, the fattest freak on Earth!”

He’s panting desperately as he sucks harder. He just wanted it all inside of him, and now! There is no rhyme nor reason to it anymore. He just wants it all. He didn't care about tomorrow. He didn't care what his friends would say or think. He just wanted more. He just want the feeling of his body growing slowly but steadily to go on forever. The thought of being forced full of cream, being fattened up more and more, sent an intense pressure between his thighs. Growing bigger and wider, and fatter, it was the most incredible pleasure he’d ever felt! The man could feel his thick muscles receding under the slowly thickening layer. His reflection showed him to be turning into an odd combination of muscled fat. His once hard vein covered muscles had softened and ballooned until his body was a series of growing mounds. Morbidly obese people didn’t look like this, their fat rolls sagged and pooled stretching their skin into pockets of swollen flesh. The man’s body still looked firm and nothing sagged, it just kept blowing up more and more. Every second horned him up more. His thighs bulged and rubbed against each other, rubbing him in the most intimate way he could imagine, despite his master’s commands. He couldn't help but work his legs ever so slightly under the tightening neoprene, trying to work the cum from his fat dick lost between. His vision blurred with each shot of pleasure. He felt like he could cum at any second!

“I can’t wait for the moment you’re too big to move...pinned down by that big belly of yours, crushed by those tremendous pecs, stuck on that enormous ass of yours…” You know the effect your words are having on him. "Those useless musclebound arms and legs spread out like an overfed starfish. Just an overblown exaggeration of the stud you used to be."

He moans. “Oh God”, he’s so close. He could feel it growing more and more intense by the syllable. Any more, and he might just lose his mind! It was as if your words were having an affect on more than just his cock. It was as if,it was your words that were fattening him as you talked. Ever description of what you had in store just made his body fatten up a little bit more. Skin grow tighter, that heavy feeling climb a bit higher as if your words was doing it to him.

“...too fat to stop me from feeding you, more and more, fattening you up like my personal roid hog, watching you get heavier, and heavier, and heavier… In time you will fill that king size bed but still I wont stop...”

He strains to touch himself, your words driving him to his limit. You let him as he has earned this pleasure. His swelling arms are clumsy and hard to control now and his inflated roid gut blocks easy access to his joystick. “Please, please, just let me cum!” he screams in his head, unable to say it through the thick cream swirling down the funnel.

“And I won’t stop when you’re full...I’m going to keep going, more, and more, and more…” you say, leaning in close to his ear. You nibble it lightly, causing his entire body to tense. He can’t take any more!

You whisper into his ear. “I’m not going to stop until you EXPLODE…” you promise. Then you yell,"BANG!" His entire body jerks wildly. He squeals and jerks to the side, knocking the funnel out of his mouth and popping open the strap, causing the cream to spill all over his bloated torso. Now covered in cream and growing out of control, he cums and cums, his mind thrown into an endless sea of pleasure by the layers of fat encasing his body. You can see the swell as each shot of cum strains the surrounding neoprene at the tip of his huge bulge. You grope at him, squeezing his wet pecs, teasing his too sensitive nipples with your fingers as he flails on the bed.

“OH FUCK...OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!” he whines, cumming even harder. You can’t help but imagine what he’ll look like by the time you’ve fed him all of the cream and all of the powder. You feel a wave of arousal as you imagine it. At this rate, he’ll be the size of a house! However, you’re pulled from your imagination by the sound of his whimpering, as he slowly begins to come down from his orgasm. But all that will wait for later. You have no plans to blow the helpless man up all at once. You are going to savor this...the transformation...your power...for weeks maybe months to come. Truth be told most of the jugs on the cart hold nothing more than chocolate milk. The current pitcher is the only one with the wild body fattening supplement.

“Mmmmmmm...oh yes…” he murmurs, his hands lightly fondling his new fat layer softening his muscle bloated body within. You give him a minute or two to gather himself...at the same time, gathering yourself for round 2. After a couple of moments, you pick the funnel back up, grabbing the half-full jug that you were feeding him before being interrupted by his intense climax. There is still more left to this first session.

“You lazy hog...look what you’ve done, you’ve made such a mess…” you say, bringing the funnel up to his mouth. His eyes widen, a spark in his eyes as he realizes that you’re not through with him.

“Muscle hogs that make a mess have to be punished…” you say, lifting the jug back to the funnel.

“Oh God...please...punish me...punish your big, fat pig…” he moans as you start pouring it in. He coos happily as it hits his taste buds again. Quickly, magnificently, he begins to balloon outwards, his stomach a giant ball of muscle and fat as you fill it up even further. He closes his eyes as he feels his stomach. "More. Oh God, more." He mumbles over the hose. A naughty smile forms on his lips as he gulps the cream down. He wants nothing more than to grow. And there’s nothing that you want more either.

“That’s it...drink it all…” you instruct, watching, admiring his body as his body surges outwards...

LATER: "B-E-L-C-H-H-H-H!" The man's burps were damn near shaking the walls. "Sorry...I can't ...take anymore. BURP!"

You look at the sloppy cart. The shakes are dripping down the sides and pooling in a spot on the floor. There was spilled and sloped shake remains everywhere; the bed sheets, the floor, and the panting hulk before you. But the mess was worth it. The man had only been able to drink down maybe two and half of the pitchers that were nothing more than chocolate milk. Minus the body numbing gainer mix, the last couple of funnels full had just been straight out bingeing.

The man sat dazed sprawled out against the pile of overworked pillows. He was breathing hard moaning as the heal of one hand rubbed against his muscle gut that was blown up massively. He looked as if he had just finished a hard run as he looked around the room panting with his mouth open. His tongue was busy licking out dried tasty remains of the mega shakes from his meaty lips. "BURPPPPP." The man seemed lost as if he couldn't make sense of a sudden new reality he had woke to.

"Let's get you on your feet." You slide your head under a heavy bloated arm while wrapping your arms around his torso. It takes both of you to drag the dazed hulk to the edge of the bed and then to his feet. You help him balance for a moment before stepping back to clear his view of his reflection. The gainer mix had worked amazingly well.

The dazed man was reduced to open mouth awe as he studied his reflection. His fat soften muscle bulges were blown up tight and covered his body. The gravity defying mounds looked to have been crafted in a tire shop rather than a weight room. "Oh fuck", was all he managed to mumble as he took in the changes.

The man’s bloated bulges cover his body from ankle to chin. His massive arms were stiff and bloated. They were held wide by swollen lats and a widened back. His gut ball was truly massive and the source of frequent belches as the mass feeding tried to settle. The tortured muscle gut looked big enough to hold a full term calf and maintained a perfect muscle coated ball shape as it heaved up and down with each heavy breath. Even his ass had grown to match; like two muscled beach balls shoved inside those tortured neoprene shorts. His ever widening thighs were cinched in by the rolled up legs of the shorts, cutting off his circulation his mighty tree trunks. The shocked man waddled from foot to foot as he tried to make sense of the rapid changes. The one feeding had packed on what his wild dreams had told him might take a month or more to do.

"BURPPP! Look what...you did to me!" The hulk belched. It was almost as if he was sobering up to find a wild sex dream had in fact been real.

“I know ain’t it something? And think, this is just your first session! A couple more like that and you will have trouble fitting through doorways.”

His swollen cheeks blush showing my words still had an effect. The blistered shorts testified to the fact. The big man shifted a hand down toward his cock as if to rub it with a thumb. The man came up short. There was too much in the way; stiff clumsy arms, a back that seemed wider by the second and that amazing roid gut. The man’s face is beet red as his eyes shift back and forth. It’s almost as if his fantasy has suddenly become too real. “I… I… don’t know… BURP…if there … will be… BELCHHH… anymore… sessions.” The man is obviously struggling. “Feels… BURPPP! Like I’m…gonna pop! Gut …so…tight.”

“Oh hell no. There damn well are going to be more sessions…lots of them. This has only just started. You are nowhere near your full potential. You’re just tired, is all. Like you tell me in the weight room, “No Pain No Gain. ” The next session is where the real growth starts. This ain’t nothing.” You twist his words and give them back to him.

The man looks at you wearingly. You pick up one the pitchers that held the magic mix. A puddle of the thick brew has slide down the walls. You tilt the pitcher and stick your fingers into it coating them well. The man’s head jerks back almost in horror as you offer him the dripping fingers. Then like a rabbit his nose begins to twitch. His face softens as worry takes over. “BURPPPP!” You know the stud is helpless.

The man suddenly dives toward your hand, sucking your fingers in as his resolve crumbles. “There …there now. Let’s get you cleaned up and then a nice massage to loosen up those tight muscles.” The freak waddles after you as you re-dip your fingers into the remains of the forced feeding and let him suck them clean. You are slowly leading him toward the bathroom. He is helpless to stop and his frequent belches are now interspersed with whimpers as he realizes how futile any resistance now is. You can’t help but chuckle as you think, “Who is the Alpha Dog now?”

“We’re going to get you all cleaned up… and then a session of deep tissue massage…then it will be supper time. How’s a big juicy porterhouse steak with all the fixings sound? Don’t forget. Tomorrow morning, we’re hitting the gym at the regular time. Your muscle head buddies are going to fucking freak the hell out when they get a load of the new you …” Your attention is caught by the trophies as you lead the human blimp past the dresser. You grab the medal and toss the ribbon over his head. The man's chest is so thick the bronze metal lays face up, bridging the dimple between his pec balloons. "And the rate of gain prize goes to... my prized muscle hog!" You refresh your fingers in the pitcher as you chuckle. Shoving them into his hungry mouth again, you add,"You are wearing that to the gym too and telling anyone who asks just how you won it."

The End