Fair Play

I don’t know why I did it. It just seemed right. I leaned forward and kissed him, my lips brushing his sandy blond goatee.

“What the fuck?” yelled John, pushing me sharply.

“I.. I’m sorry?” I blurted, confused by my own actions.

“All these years and you’re a puff” John cursed.

“I’m not. I just..” I protested

“Ah Jesus! You’re fucking disgusting” shouted John as he walked away.

I stood in the cool night air outside the bar wondering what had just happened. John and I went a long way back. Neither him or I were gay. Never thought about it and never tried anything. Why would we? We were up and coming soccer players who had the choice of any woman in Manchester. I started to walk back to my apartment shocked by my own behaviour.

The day had been odd; at the end of morning practice the coach had asked to see me to discuss my performance. I had been letting things slip and partying a little too hard. It was starting to show. The coach sat me down and told me that I was never going to be selected if I did not buckle-down and train. In fact they were close to dropping me entirely. The words hit me like a brick. I felt sick. The coach put his arm on my shoulder and said that there was something that might help me focus and improve strength. He gave me an address and told me to go pay them a visit. It was a drug, all natural and would not be traced on any drug tests.

Terrified of being dropped, I headed straight to the address and as I arrived I saw John leaving. He looked at me sheepishly and he told me that he too had been told by the coach that he was about to be dropped and he should try the treatment. We agreed to meet in the pub for a beer after I had seen the doctor.

Twenty minutes later, I arrived at the pub with a pain in my right arm, from the shot, and two pills. One to be taken that night and one the following morning. It was leaving that bar that I had tried to kiss John. I just got the urge.

As I entered the apartment I tried to call John “The subscriber you are calling may have their phone switched off” droned the robotic voice of his answer phone.

I grabbed some water out of the fridge. “Here’s to nothing!” as I popped one of the pills into my mouth.

I walked to the bedroom and started to undress. I ran my fingers over my hairless, rounded pecs. I looked across at the mirror, I looked good. My slim hairless body, strong jaw and dark buzzed hair. It’s no wonder the ladies loved me! I slipped my hands into my grey boxers and gave my balls a squeeze.

I pulled back the crisp, white sheets and slipped into bed. I could hardly keep my eyes open.

My restful sleep was not forthcoming. I tossed and turned. My dreams were violent; I dreamt I was being tortured, prodded and stretched. They continued until I sat up in bed gasping for air. I needed to be sick. I ran to the bathroom and vomited into the toilet. I leaned on the edge of the bath and passed out.

I awoke to the distant sound of my mobile phone ringing. I stood up and walked to the bedroom; every muscle in my body ached.

“Hello?” I groggily croaked and rubbed my head with my hand “Fuck! I had no idea of the time. I’ll be there in 30 minutes.” I was late for practice and this was not going to help my position with the coach.

I walked back to the bathroom and stopped at my reflection in the mirror. I looked down at my chest, which was covered with dark brown hair. Not dense but it swirled around my pecs and reach up towards my shoulder blades. There was a twisting trail of soft hair running from my chest into my belly button and down the front of my underwear. My chest looked broader and bigger, or maybe it was just the hair. I looked in the mirror at my face which sported a deep dark stubble. It looked like I had not shaved for a week. I only usually shaved every third or forth day. I looked at the remaining pill, it was by the sink and thought no fucking way. I loved my body just the way it was, few extra muscles were great but I couldn’t do with the hair.

I picked up the clippers and started to trim my chest; dark clumps of soft brown hair fell into the sink. By the time I was finished the plug hole was clogged. “Gross” I thought as I flushed it away. I jumped into the shower and shaved the stubble from my chest and continued to shave my face.

Looking at my now hairless chest I could see that the muscles had grown and this was confirmed when I pulled a white T-shirt over my head. It was tight across my chest, creating stretch-lines over my pecs. I am not sure it it was an illusion but when I put on my underwear my dick looked bigger too. I finished dressing and headed back to the bathroom to put some gel on my hair. I looked good, the extra muscle made me look broader and more manly. I picked up the pill and looked at it. Whatever they did, they seemed to work but I was not sure that I could live with the side effects. I put the pill in my pocket and left the apartment.

It was only when I reached the club that I realised how late it was. I walked into the changing room to find the team back from their session, getting changed. My eyes searched the room to find John but I kept being distracted by the naked bodies through the steam. The musky smell was so strong and alluring. Tim, one of the team, walked out of the steam towards me. He was wearing only his silk soccer shorts, the steam making them cling to his groin as he walked.

“Where were you today?” Asked Tim

Distracted and for some reason flustered “I... I er... over slept. Have you seen John?”

“He left a few moments ago. He was on form today; if he keeps that up he’ll go a long way. Man, you need to book your ideas up. Coach was so pissed when you did not show.” Tim patted me on the back and left. I couldn’t take my eyes of his pert arse.

I turned around and walked out of the changing room only to bump into the coach.

“So you decided to turn up?”

“I’m sorry, I..”

“Don’t bother with excuses. This is your last chance. Turn up tomorrow on time or you’ll be out. And for gods sake have a proper shave before you get here, you look like some kind of vagrant”.

There was no point trying to object. I had really fucked things up and defending it would only make it worse. I walked out of the club and got into the car. The coach had told me to shave? I had just shaved in the shower. I looked at my face in the rearview mirror to find a deep five o’clock shadow. “Fuck, this is all I need.” I turned over the engine and drove home.

All the way back I kept playing over what Tim had said about John’s performance. If it had worked for John maybe I should take the second pill? What was a little unwanted facial hair compared to my career?

I entered the apartment and tried to call John again but there was no response. I lay back on the sofa and took the pill out of my pocket. I played with it in my fingers for what seemed an eternity before I popped it into my mouth. I swallowed and closed my eyes.

I dozed off and was awoken by a knocking on the door. I got up and opened it.

“John? Man, I’m sorry. You look...”

“I need to talk to you” John pushed by me. He was wearing a track suit that looked as if it was too small and wearing a scarf around his neck.

“You’ve got a beard?” I exclaimed. John’s goatee was lost in a dense beard of dark sandy blond hair. It extended high into his cheeks and disappeared into the scarf that hung around his neck.

“I’ve changed a lot. I need to show you.” John took off his track suit jacket. His T-shirt looked three sizes too small. It hugged tightly across his shoulders and chest and hung free around his stomach exposing golden hairs where it had ridden up. Next he undid the scarf around his neck to reveal hairs crawling over the top of his T-shirt around his throat.

I had seen John naked a hundred times and I had never seen him with any body hair.

He lifted off his T-shirt to reveal his chest. It quite literally took my breath away. He had a thick golden pelt of hair that extended from his collar bone, over his large pecks and covered his belly, darkening in the folds of his stomach muscles and down the centre of his torso. Blond tufts of hair sprung from each arm pit and thick hair grew over the back of his hands and arms, with a few wisps on his shoulders that glinted in the light from the window. He no longer looked like a soccer player but more like a beefy rugby player.

I tried to speak but my throat was too dry. John lowered his tracksuit bottoms to reveal strong tree-trunk like legs, covered with the same downy blond hair. He wore dark grey boxer briefs that struggled to contain his rounded arse and huge balls. Each ball pulled up against his thighs by the tight cotton of his underwear. John’s cock was vertically erect, his boxers wet with pre cum.

John looked down at his groin “It keeps growing and it wont stop being erect. It’s all I can think about.”

He looked at me with anguish “Can you look at my back? Is it hairy too?”

He turn and I walked closer to inspect his back. Apart from the occasional wisps on his shoulders the top of his back was mainly hair free. “The base of your back is pretty furry”

“And my arse?”

I reached out and pulled down his briefs. As they pulled over his erect cock he almost buckled under the sensation.

“It’s very hairy especially in the crack”

He turned around to face me, his cock sticking out at a right angle. “You could always shave it off?” I said, fixated on his cock.

“I’ve tried that. It grows back faster and thicker. Can I have a look at what’s happened to you?”

I was so lost in John that I forgotten about me. I stood up and removed my T-shirt to reveal a pelt of hair similar to John’s. I pulled down my trousers and it was the first time I realised that I was erect and leaking. John touched my shoulders and turned me round. The sheer touch of his skin against mine made me tingle. “My god you’re hairier than an Arab; let’s check down here” he said as he pulled down my underwear. I could feel his breath on the small of my back. I wanted him to touch me. My breathing became erratic.

And then it happened. I felt his tongue reaching deep into my arse, tickling my hole. Then it stopped “lie down” he instructed. I complied.

Slowly he lowered his weight on top of me and I could feel his chest hair against my back. “Relax” he whispered in my ear, the coarseness of his beard scratching my skin.

Then I felt it, the head of his cock pushing up my hole. It burned and the pain increased until it slowly turned to pleasure as he nibbled my shoulder. John growled and his thrusts increased becoming faster and faster. He screamed and climaxed, filling me with his cum. John collapsed on my back, pinning me to the ground.

He slowly got up and I turn round.

“What have we become? I said tears welling up in my eyes. “All this to get better performance on the pitch?”

“It didn’t even work, I missed practice this morning I was so preoccupied with this” Replied John, touching his erect cock.

I looked up “What? Tim said you were amazing today”

“Why would he say that? I called him and told him I was not well”

“Something is not right here. We need to go and see that doctor” I stood up and rubbed my aching arse.

John stood up and walked over to me putting his hands around my waist and started to massage my cock. I groaned and I could feel the damp head of his cock in the small of my back.

I snapped back “Stop. Please stop. We have to go” He continued and I had to forcefully remove his hands. “Get dressed.”

I dressed and put on a baggy shirt that would only buttoned to the base of my pecs. John was struggling with this underwear, the waistband trapped his penis flat against his stomach worsening John’s arousal.

We left the apartment looking like a couple of freaks; I had to keep John focussed, he seem unable to stay on track. I knew it was only a matter of time before I started to behave the same.

We arrived at the office and demanded to see the doctor, we were shown to his office and told to wait. “I’ve got to take this T-shirt off.” John removed his shirt.

My heart flipped, he was bigger and hairier; I couldn’t even see his nipples through the pelt of hair. It had started to spread over his shoulders and onto the top of his arms. I started rubbing my erect cock through my trousers. I wanted to stop but I really couldn’t.

The door opened and Tim walked in. “Well, look at you two. You’ve turned out about right.” My stomach sank.

“Do you know what’s happening to us?” I asked.

“Yeah and how it finishes is your choice. Coach and I run a side business. We supply play toys for rich business men. A chinese business man wanted two burly, hairy, recognisable soccer players for sex toys and we thought of you two.” Said Tim, getting up to the medicine cabinet. He opened it and took out two syringes and placed them on the table.

“Like I said you have a choice. The process you have undergone will slowly reverse itself and you will return to normal or you can take this next shot and the changes will be permanent and you can enjoy your life as a sex toy.” Tim smiled and walked to the door.

I stood up “Wait!”

He closed the door and locked it.

I turned around towards John, who was walking towards me. He kissed me, his tongue reaching deep into my mouth. John’s hand reached down the front of my trousers and he started to squeeze my cock. I gasped and looked over his shoulder, one of the syringes was empty.

“John, did you take the syringe?”

“I want this. I want you”

He reached over and picked up the syringe and handed it to me. He then got down on his knees, pulled down my pants and started to suck my cock.

I looked at the syringe in my hand. I didn’t want this to happen but I didn’t know if I had the resolve to stop it.