Designated Driver

The crowd at the “Oktoberfest” was typical for any gathering where beer was in abundance. It was mostly guys, and mostly ones with some stage of gut forming. This sort of thing didn’t generally attract the health nuts.

As Martin walked in with his three friends, he wondered why these things always used the name “Oktoberfest” even when it was happening in August. But he knew he wasn’t going to get an answer to that age-old question here, so he kept quiet about it. Instead he turned to his friends and asked, “So, where to first?”

Rob looked around at the crowd of mostly overweight men and said, “Disgusting. Don’t these people know about moderation?” While the rest of their foursome were of average build, Rob prided himself on his lean, muscular physique, and couldn’t understand why everyone didn’t want to spend hours a week in the gym to get their own.

Martin looked around and didn’t mind what he saw. In fact, he was beginning to realize that he found a certain body type attractive, which is why he was fine coming here even though he hated the taste of beer. Getting his friends home safely after they probably drank too much was a bonus.

Trent looked up from his phone, and said, quietly, “You don’t need to be so judgmental, Rob. Not everyone is as devoted as you to fitness.”

“Well, they should be! Just look at that one way over there, yuck!” He pointed at an exceptionally portly man across the exhibition hall, his belly resting on the top half of his thick thighs as he stood. Fortunately, he was too far away to hear Rob, and didn’t see him pointing.

“Jeez, Rob, are you trying to get us kicked out before we even get to taste anything?” Devon was the shortest and skinniest of the four, but generally made up for it with attitude. “I want to sample some beer! Let’s go!”

So they went around to various booths, tasting beers and ales in tiny glasses. Even so, the three of them besides Martin were a bit tipsy went they encountered a particular booth in the back. “Shift Beer – A Brew That Will Change Your Life!” the banner overhead read. Behind the table an old man with long scraggly brown hair and a goatee smiled and said, “Care to try some?”

Martin gave his practiced “no thank you, designated driver” statement, but the others shrugged and each reached for a small cup. “Cheers,” Devon said as the three downed the contents.

What happened next came as a surprise to only Martin. As he savored the taste of the dark beer, Trent’s belly seemed to inflate until it exceeded the size of a basketball. His shirt seemed to grow with his body, and he didn’t seem upset by what was happening. Instead, he placed a hand on the top of his gut and said, “That wasn’t bad, a nice nutty sort of flavor. What did you think, Devon?”

Martin was agape. He’d always had a bit of a crush on Trent because of how smart and nice he was, but never did anything about it because he thought it might wreck a perfectly good friendship. And then Trent had always been so skinny, which was counter to Martin’s burgeoning desires. But now! Just then he realized that he was staring, and he should follow the conversation instead.

As Martin’s eyes reluctantly left Trent’s new belly, they rested on Devon. Or actually Devon’s neck, since apparently he’d grown several inches taller. What’s more, he had developed muscles – nothing more than what Rob had. “Yeah, pretty good in fact. What did you think, Rob?”

Rob was visibly unchanged, but was glancing at Martin’s belly, as well as those of nearby patrons. “Huh? Um, yeah, it’s pretty good.”

“You are welcome to have more! As much as you’d like.” The old man looked over at Martin. “Even you. Surely one tiny cup of beer could do no harm…”

“Thank you, no. I need to get my friends home safely.”

“Well, I’ll have another!” Devon practically shouted. “What about you guys?” The other two nodded, and they all took another cup and drank.

Martin noticed the changes in Devon first, since he was still looking in his direction after him yelling. He slowly shot up another several inches, and was now the tallest in the group by an inch or two. His muscles bulged outward, growing from athetic to straight up big. He was now looking close to the size of a real bodybuilding contestant. “That time it tasted just a little better!” he said in a deeper voice. “What did you think, Rob? Rob?”

Rob was still physically unchanged, but was now staring at many of the larger bellies being walked about. “Huh? Well, I think…what was the question? Aguh…” that last guttural escaped his lips when he looked over at Trent.

Martin almost made a similar noise when he saw how much Trent had grown. His entire body was thicker this time, with arms about as big as his legs had been, and legs nearly double that. His butt was wide with round cheeks that stuck out when he was in profile. His chest had inflated into a beefy barrel that actually came to rest lightly on the top of his belly. The aforementioned belly now dominated his frame, sticking out a good foot over his waist. Not noticing anything different, he again put a hand on his now enormous gut and said, “I think you’re right, Devon. The aftertaste must interact somehow with the next one. Maybe we should try another to test?”

The old man smiled and put out for small glasses. While the other three immediately went for one, Martin again politely refused the one meant for him. The old man scowled a bit, but took the fourth glass back. Martin turned to see what was happening to his friends.

As he set down the glass, Martin could see that Devon was now a foot taller than him. His muscle mass had increased to incredible size. He was now into serious superheavyweight bodybuilder territory. His shoulders were so wide and rounded, his traps had grown up to near his ears and his arms... they hung heavy, bulging with power. Hinearly cartoonish levels. He actually now had a large keg of beer from another stand hoisted effortlessly on his shoulder. His tank top barely held his huge pectorals, and barely covered his 8-pack abs. He smiled as he said in a deep bass voice, “Yeah, I think that once tasted even better! What do you think, Trent?”

Martin couldn’t turn his head fast enough. Everything seemed to go into slow motion as he forced his field of vision farther to the side. Soon enough his eyes fell on Trent and it was worth the perceived delay. His belly totally defined his fat body, starting as a horizontal shelf that easily held his large heavy moobs. It gently curved down and around, until it came to rest right on his knees. Martin could see that his ass had also ballooned, though not as much – probably just exceeding the volume of basketballs, though not nearly as round. His thick arms and even thicker legs had grown as well, but their growth seemed almost negligible compared to that of his gargantuan gut. Trent nodded, causing his the huge wattle that was his double chin to quiver. “Yeah, it’s almost like there is an additive quality with each subsequent one. What do you think, Rob? Oh, there he goes again.”

Martin regrettably turned his head away from Trent to look in the direction he was looking, and saw Rob embracing and kissing the large belly of another one of the festival goers. Looking at the man more closely, Martin realized it was the same one that he remembered Rob disgustedly pointing at just a couple of hours before. The man didn’t seem to mind, and actually called over another man who was just as fat to stand next to him. Rob went from belly to belly, hugging and kissing each in turn, and doing the same to each new belly that came along, until there was a complete circle of fat surrounding him. All Martin could utter was, “What the…?!”

“Oh, let him be,” Trent said. “You know he can’t help himself, and the guys at this beer-fest don’t seem to mind.”

“But what’s his girlfriend gonna say about it.”

“Helen?” asked Trent, mentioning a name that wasn’t the one Martin remembered. “I actually asked her about it once. She said that she didn’t mind, since he knew which belly to come home to. It must be true, since, as you know, her belly is bigger than anyone’s here – well, except for mine.” He smiled and patted the enormous belly he didn’t have a short while ago according to Martin’s memories.

Martin could not take his eyes off of Trent’s fat body, despite the spectacle taking place not forty feet away. “Uh, I guess I’ve…always wondered…why he doesn’t go for yours.”

“Because I’m sure we’d both find that too weird. Besides, I told him not to, and he respects that.”

Martin nodded, and continued to gape at Trent while Trent and Devon looked over at Rob. Then, his reverie was broken by the old man. “Care for another?” he said with a wry grin as he put four more small glasses on the table.

Martin panicked as Trent and Devon started to move toward the table. Devon looked even more massive, like his muscl If they drank any more, Devon would be so muscular he wouldn’t be able to bend his limbs, Trent would probably be immobile, and who knew what Rob’s state of mind would be. He quickly moved to intercede. “No! No, you’ve all had enough. As the designated driver, I’m cutting you all off.” He stood there with his arms spread wide, knowing that either Devon or Trent could easily get him out of the way if they tried. Fortunately, they both stopped and respected his will.

“Okay, you’re the boss, today at least,” said Devon. He strode off to the fat circle and extracted Rob from the middle with one hand. Rob was still embracing one belly, but had to let go causing it to flumph back down.

Trent had made a start toward the exit, since he walked so much slower than the others. Martin walked with him, and soon enough Devon caught up to them, still carrying the keg on one shoulder and Rob under the other arm. “I can walk, you know,” Rob said indignantly.

“Uh uh. Last time I let you walk you kept going back like three times. Just think about Helen and we’ll be in the car soon enough.” With that Rob just sighed and stayed quiet.

When they got to Martin’s car Devon gently set Rob down, put the keg in the trunk and got in the “shotgun” seat, as that was the only one that could hold him. Trent got in behind the driver seat, his belly brushing against it even though it was apparently moved forward two notches. Rob looked longingly back to the convention center for a second and then got into the seat behind Devon, almost folding his legs up due to the lack of room.

Fortunately for Rob’s legs his was the first stop. He got out as quickly as he could and ran up the walk into the embrace of Helen who met him at their front door. Her belly was definitely a bit smaller than Trent’s, but Helen made up for it in the hips, ass, and breast departments. As they happily waved, Martin drove off.

Once Devon was dropped off at his place, Trent moved out of the back and into the front passenger seat, allowing Martin to notch himself back to where he was comfortable. Though Martin was definitely more distracted due to the view to his side, he managed to get to Trent’s place and pulled up to the curb. Though the car was stopped, Trent didn’t make any motion to get out.

Instead, he nervously said, “Um, you know when you asked why Rob didn’t treat me the way he treated other fat guys at these beer fests, and I said I had told him not to? Well, there was a reason I had done that. Martin, I’ve had a crush on you for quite some time, though I only now got up the courage to say something, and only because you brought up Rob’s thing earlier. Anyway, I know you may not feel the same way, but I just had to get it…”

By then Martin had unbuckled his seatbelt and practically climbed over the console to embrace and kiss Trent. The locked lips for quite a while, as Trent pulled Martin closer as best he could, letting Martin sink into his fat side. After a short eternity, they parted enough so they could talk. Trent started, “I never knew, Martin! I wish I’d said something sooner, but I was so worried you wouldn’t like someone this big, or…” he actually stopped because his words were failing him.

Martin jumped in, “I’ve actually had a crush on you too for a while now. And this,” he held some of Trent’s belly in both hands and shook it gently, “positively makes you the sexiest man alive to me!”

“Oh, Martin!” Trent pulled him in for another kiss. After their lips parted, he added, “I was going to go in and order a whole bunch of chicken wings. Want to join me?”

Elated, Martin replied, “I thought you’d never ask!”