Daylight Savings Time

By Pressuregauge

I tossed my keys and gym bag onto the counter as I headed into the apartment, shouting a quick “Hey, I’m home!” to my roommate. My bag landed on an empty pizza box from the local college shop, sending it to the floor. Roommate must’ve had some friends over or something. I dutifully scooped the box up and placed it with the rest of the trash that I’d take out later.

“Hey, in here,” I heard from the living room, spotting the back of his head as he sat on the couch watching TV. I grabbed a drink from the fridge and headed that way, putting a hand on the back of the couch and jumping over with a huff, landing with a bounce that sent my roommate a few inches off the cushions.

“Fuck, hey, I’m trying to study here.” Vince was a shorter, leaner man with a bunch of nervous habits, and as long as I’d known him, it had always been fun to mess with him while he was focused.

I cocked a smile and stretched out on my side of the couch, idly scratching at my chest through my sweaty gym tee. “Sorry man, just not enough room here for both you and these gaaaains,” I flexed my left arm up, feeling the build of my bicep tighten. I don’t know what it was, but I was feeling completely amped after my workout. For the last few weeks, I had been totally killing it at the gym, and the feeling had me on a high every time I finished a routine. It didn’t matter what was on the schedule, I was ready for it. Arms? Check. Shoulders and back? You bet. Leg day? Wouldn’t miss it.

“Right, right,” Vince said, settling the book in his lap again, pencil tucked behind an ear. His tank top hung a little loosely on his shoulders, and he was wearing some of his old gym shorts. The guy was a little less of a jock than me, but he definitely kept fit. We had actually run into each other initially while jogging the trails around campus and gotten to know each other running. When I ended up needing a roommate, he was a natural fit. He was pretty quiet and kept to himself, and put up with my antics. “You manage to the get the weights off the floor?”

“Yeah, sure, a couple times,” I said, spying another pizza box on the coffee table and idly reaching over to open it to see a few slices left. I almost picked up a slice but decided against it. I was putting on muscle, yeah, but I was trying to do it clean. I already had some natural bulk to work against, with my big shoulders and solid hips. I was right around 210 lbs when I had played some football back in high school, and while I liked my muscle, I’d seen way too many former teammates blimp up in their first couple years in college. I had been working hard to keep my six pack, and I loved how it looked under my solid pecs. Hell, I’d even managed to keep my love handles off for the most part. I figured I’d grab a couple protein bars in a few minutes instead, leaning back in my seat again. “Did you have some friends over to study or something?”

Vince looked up as I put the pizza slice back in the box and slid it away, before going back to his book. His strong runner’s legs were kicked out in front of him, feet propped up on the table. “Just trying to get through these chapters. You planning on studying today, or was it all lifting?”

“Yeah, sure, I’ll get to it in a little bit. I think I’m just too amped up after that workout to hit the books now. Besides, I’m supposed to go hang out with Jason in about an hour,” I started to pull my cell phone out of my shorts to see if he had texted me.

“Oh, remember, it’s Daylight Saving Time,” I heard Vince beside me. “Don’t forget to move your clocks forward.”

I blinked, and looked at the time on my cell phone. Shit, he was right! It was an hour later than I thought it was, and I was going to be late to catch Jason even if I headed out now. “Fuck, I forgot all about that!” I bounded up from the couch, texting Jason to let him know I was on the way. “Thanks, man, you’re a lifesaver.”

“What?” came Vince’s voice from the bathroom. “Don’t mention it.”

I glanced over at the couch, where I thought he had been just a moment ago, and his psych and sports medicine textbooks were stacked there with his pencil neatly on top, but Vince was gone. “Uh, weren’t you over here just a minute ago?”

Vince leaned out of the bathroom door from down the hall, looking freshly washed with a towel around his waist. Even though I wasn’t into guys, I had to admit he looked good. He was leaner than me, sure, but I really probably only had about 20, 25 lbs on him, with his torso coming down in that narrow V over his tight, muscled legs. His abs weren’t as cut as mine, but then again he hadn’t just come back from a beast gym session. “What? No, I got up like 10 minutes ago to take a break and get a shower. You were probably just staring at your phone and didn’t notice, right?”

“Yeah, sure,” I said, stripping off my gym gear and pushing past him into my room, not having time to question it as I changed. I grabbed some jeans off the floor and tugged them on, straightening on and sucking in to cinch them.

“Do you think you should wear that green t-shirt for that band you like?” I heard Vince say as he walked back out to the living room.

The green Heartbeatz tee from like two years ago? It didn’t fit my shoulders super well, but fuck it, I’ve been working out and I should get noticed anyway. “Yeah, sure,” I called back out as I tugged it on over my head, a fluff of my black chest hair sticking up in the collar. It was tight on my shoulders but fuck, it did look hot stretched over my frame. I grabbed my coat and headed for the door.

Jason answered the door with a loud hello and big bro hug that just about cracked my back. He and I went way back to high school, when we used to sneak beer out of his fridge when his parents weren’t looking. Now every couple weekends we cracked open a couple of our own and watched old pro wrestling matches at his apartment as a way to unwind.

“Ah man, thought you weren’t going to make it! I haven’t seen you in like a month!” he chuckled as we headed over to the couches, crashing down. “Britt’s out getting groceries and stuff, she said she’ll pick up some beer for us on the way back.”

“Sounds good man, but I don’t need a ton,” I patted my stomach a couple times with a grin as I sat down. “Workin on buildin clean!” Jason looked at my hand and up at my face for a beat, then snorted a laugh. “Oh sorry, man, thought you were serious!” He stretched out on the couch, spreading his big body. “I was gonna say, it’s good to finally see ya posting online about doing some real powerlifting the last few weeks. You were always built for that shit, man.”

I scrunched my eyebrows for a moment. “What do you mean? I mean, yeah, I’ve been goin a little heavier, but nothing like you do.” I felt a little uneasy in my seat, and the back of my neck felt warm.

Jason rolled his eyes and started flipping through some of the recorded matches, his voice lowered. “Okay man, no one’s going to make fun of you for it. Lots of guys bulk up their first few years in school,” he said.

I snorted, but decided to let it go as I kicked back on his easy chair, still feeling a little out of breath after dashing over here. We had been friends for years, and it wasn’t unlike him to prank me here and there. I wasn’t getting where this one was going, but it wasn’t worth getting riled over.

We sat in silence for a couple seconds while he paged through a few main events, trying to find something we hadn’t watched in the last six months. He nodded toward a few bowls on the table between us. “If you’re hungry now, there’s some pretzels and junk there,” he said as he started one video. “But it looks like you grabbed something before heading over here.”

“All right, what the fuck, man?” I sat up quickly in the recliner, looking over at Jason. “Did I say something to make you upset about your weight or something?”

The heat rose in Jason’s cheeks, and he shot me a look, still laying back like he couldn’t be bothered with this. “What? No, dude, I’m just trying to be a good bro about, like, you know.” He waved his big hand in a circle over his bulky middle covered by his extra large shirt, glancing over at me. “I was just worried because you showed up here looking like that with, like, tomato sauce on your face or something.”

I couldn’t roll my eyes harder as I stood up, ready to go, wiping my face with the back of my hand to finish whatever dumb joke this was. “What are you talking about m–” I stopped, feeling a smear on my forearm, and looked down at it to see red sauce spread over my forearm. “What th–” I rubbed both of my hands over my cheeks and mouth and brought them away covered in sauce, then brought them to my nose to sniff. “Pizza,” I said.

“Yeah, probably pizza, dude,” Jason said, already watching the match. “Whatever, man. Don’t freak out about it, it’s no big deal.”

I looked over at him again, totally confused. “But I, like, I haven’t eaten pizza today! I didn’t eat anything at all after I got back from the gym!”

Jason looked over at me with an eyebrow raised, his big arm hung over the back of the couch, and he glanced up and down my frame again. “Listen, it sure looks like you’ve been eating some pizza. But I honestly don’t give a fuck, just chill out, man. We can all just be big bros.”

I shook my head, reaching over and grabbing a paper towel from the table to wipe my hands and face off. “No man, you don’t understand. I was going to eat some pizza but didn’t. Hell, I didn’t even grab my protein bars because Vince reminded me about Daylight Saving Time and I had to run over here.”

“What does Daylight Saving Time have to do with anything today?” Jason said, looking back to the TV, clearly ready to let it drop. “That was like two months ago, man. Your phone should’ve updated on its own.”

I snorted a half-laugh, this must be part of the joke, the punch line would be coming soon. “What? No, it’s today, isn’t it?” I fished in my pocket for my phone again, just to check.

“Actually, it was back around the time when you started to like, you know, actually start gaining weight,” Jason continued, his voice low. “I didn’t want to say anything then because I figured you were going through some stuff.”

Gaining weight? I’d been bulking a little but I hadn’t really been gaining at all! “What do you me-” I glanced down at my torso, and my eyes went wide. My tight, washboard abs had vanished. Instead, they were stretched taut on a huge, round, furry musclegut hanging from my front. Tentatively I touched it, and felt the firm pressure. It bottom of the curve hung out from under my tight shirt, and I was suddenly aware of the air on my exposed skin. I breathed in and out slowly for a moment before uttering, “What the fuck?”

I grabbed the edges of my shirt and pulled them up, tugging the shirt off over my head to get a full look at myself. This had to be a dream. Or a nightmare. I definitely looked like I had been working out, but this was the worst, dirtiest bulk I’d ever seen.

“Yeah, not a bad idea, let’s just chill about this whole thing,” Jason said, sitting up and pulling his shirt off as well, showing his muscled, furry bulk as he laid back. His broad pecs rested heavy on his chubby belly, which looked so much softer and comfortable than the hard ball mine was right now. I couldn’t even see my navel past the curve of my gut, but Jason was right, it did fit my frame. My thick chest would’ve looked great in proportion to my musclegut if I hadn’t just eaten. But wait, I hadn’t just eaten. Had I?

“Pizza,” I said again, under my breath, as I quickly gathered my shirt and things. “Jason, I’m sorry, man. But I need to run quick. I’ll call you later to let you know what’s going on.”

“VINCE!” I shouted as I rushed into the apartment, a little out of breath from hauling my bulk up the stairs. He was leaning back on the couch again, looking over his textbooks resting on his knees. “What the fuck… I mean,” I stormed around to the front of the couch, still shirtless, gesturing with both hands at the heavy, round musclegut under my pecs that definitely hadn’t been there a few hours ago. “Do you know about this?”

Vince placed his pencil in his textbook as a bookmark and looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. “What exactly is it that I’m supposed to be noticing?”

I snorted in total disbelief of how relaxed he seemed. “What I’m– I’m fat!”

He shook his head and said flatly, “You’re not fat, you’re bulking, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, sure, I’m not fat, I’m bulking,” I responded. “But like still–”

Vince smirked and tilted his head a little. “Weird, that’s still holding, but you can see your stomach.” I felt my hands tense and my mouth dry out as Vince set his textbooks aside and stood up off the couch, still almost a full head shorter than me. This was real, and he had something to do with it. I didn’t know what yet, but I couldn’t trust him. I–

“It’s Daylight Saving Time,” he said. “Don’t forget to move your clock forward.”

Something clicked hard in my brain, and I felt myself starting to stand straighter, drawing up to my full height, my hands dropping to my sides as my eyes lost focus and stared into the middle distance. I felt almost removed from my body, but I was fully aware of how rigid every muscle was as I drew up to attention, shirtless, in front of Vince.

“Yes, sir,” I heard myself saying in a low, even tone.

“I’m thinking that you’re getting more lucid in these states, so I’m going to tell you some things,” Vince said, starting to pace in front of me. “You’re going to relax and not worry too much about them, isn’t that right?”

“Yes, sir,” I said again, breathing slowly and evenly, his voice sounding so reassuring already. What was I worried about, again? Oh, right. My gut. The pizza.

Vince reached a hand up to my shoulder, squeezing intermittently with his words and rocking me gently in place. “So a few months ago, you asked me if I could help you focus on your workouts using the hypnosis training I’d been working on for class. Long story short, it worked. When I woke you up, you had lost an hour and didn’t remember anything, and I blamed it on Daylight Saving Time. Eventually it just became my little joke and your trigger.”

“But like, it worked too well. You’re apparently a natural subject, and it turned out that I had started giving you suggestions without even really realizing it. You started losing hours more and more often. First, it was getting you to clean more around the apartment. Then, it was getting you to help me with my own routines. But then it started to escalate. That’s when you started always responding to me with ‘yes sir’ when we were alone, but hearing it yourself as ‘yeah, sure,’ isn’t that right?”

“Yes, sir,” I said, immediately hearing my own voice overlay “yeah, sure,” in my head. It was so tough to concentrate on anything but his voice, his grip was keeping me anchored even though my brain was reeling.

“Good. That’s also when I gave in and started using you for myself. Listen, it’s tough enough for a gay guy right now, and I know you’re only sort of my way on that spectrum, but sometimes you just need a sex toy to take care of your needs without going out late for a hookup,” Vince said, looking up at my vacant stare but dropping his other hand to cup my junk.

Except it wasn’t my junk. Not really. From the moment Vince had said ‘sex toy,’ I remembered why he kept me around. I was sinking even deeper into myself, reminding myself that while he and I were friends, every once in a while, he needed to turn me into something, to own me. When he did that, whatever I normally was became his for a while, including the stiffening dick that he was steadily stroking through my jeans, the musclegut weight pressing down onto the bulge.

“The thing is, it turns out that while your growing muscle is great, I like my guys with a little more… heft,” Vince said, his hand sliding up from the bulge in my jeans to the musclegut spilling over it, weighing it in his hand. “I started an experiment, to see how much size I could pack on you while convincing you that you were still the lean football player you used to be.”

He lifted his phone up to my face, sliding through a collection of photos of me standing in a double-bi pose from the front and the side with an expression as blank as the one on my face right now. I started the photos with my broad shoulders and thick chest over a furry, flat washboard down to my boxers, where the focused workouts were clearly working. With each swipe, my stomach began to swell out rounder and heavier, stretching out in front of me. The additional size did actually bulk the rest of my muscle up as well, as my pecs were clearly heavier now than before, and my legs and ass were the most solid they’d ever looked, even better than when I played football.

“The first week or so was a disaster,” Vince said, putting his phone to the side and undoing my jeans, my hands still hanging useless at my side. “You kept waking up mid-meal and questioning what was going on, or realizing it every time a shirt stopped fitting or you had to suck in to put your jeans on. But then I hit on something. When you were a sex toy, you just accepted it, it was just a part of you then, isn’t that right?”

“Yes, sir,” I said. Yeah, that made total sense. If I was loaning my body out to him an hour at a time, why would I care how it came back to me? I was a thing for him to use occasionally, so it was only reasonable that he could change things if he wanted.

“Good,” he said. “So yes, when you came home from the gym today, I stuffed most of a pizza into your mouth while I played with my sex toy for about an hour. In fact, that’s what I’ve done every time you’ve come back from the gym for the last few weeks. You’re okay with that, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” I said, suddenly recalling sitting back on the couch earlier that afternoon, chewing and swallowing thick bite after thick bite, musclegut swelling more and more taut with each gulp, my sweaty shirt pulled up to my heavy pecs and my shorts yanked down to my knees. Vince was naked on top of me, lean and strong, grinding up against my ballooning gut as he rode his tight, firm ass down on my junk that he owned. His voice was in my ear, telling me about the body he was borrowing from me and how big and heavy it was getting.

“And I think even now I could get you to forget all of this, given how good of a natural subject you are,” he said, having reached into my jockstrap and begun stroking that cock, rubbing his thumb across the head and smearing pre. “But I think it’s time to change the rules a little bit. The fact that I forgot to clean you up before letting you go out today shows that we’ve gone far enough this way.” While he talked, he pulled me along by the dick back to his bedroom before laying me down and tugging my jeans and jockstrap off, leaving me completely naked. The motion felt so familiar and comfortable, I wasn’t certain how many times that exact thing had happened before. After a few moments, Vince climbed onto the bed beside me, his six-inch cock stiff against his perfect abs. I was more than happy to be a sex toy for such a hot guy for a while.

The lean, muscled jock leaned in, giving my musclegut a kiss before licking up between my pecs as he climbed onto me. “Sex toy, listen to… mff.. me..” he said as he reached back to line his asshole up with that cock. I was all ears first at the pressure, then the intense tightness as he worked himself down, inch after inch. He leaned his body back with a low groan as his asscheeks hit my crotch, my body still at attention laying down, my scrambled mind completely hooked on his voice. “Fuck… you always fit so good…”

“From now on… you’re going to be honest with yourself… you like gaining alongside your lifting…” he slowly started to bounce his ass in my lap, forcing short huffs out of my mouth as the velvet tightness slid over that cock. “Deep down… you knew you always were a powerlifter… and powerlifters have to eat… they’re proud of their size, like your friend Jason… you like having a musclegut… and you like showing it off…”

My brain was swimming as he spoke, staring vacantly at the ceiling, head rocking as Vince sped up. He wanted a sex toy that was proud of its musclegut, proud of its power, so, fuck, he was going to get one. Why the hell would I worry about being lean anyway? Who doesn’t like an excuse to stuff tons of food into their mouths followed by a muscle mass shake? Powerlifters got to do that all the time. And… that’s what I’d been doing the last few months during these lost hours anyway! I really was a powerlifter all along! Despite myself, I found myself grinning like an idiot at the realization. How had I not put this together sooner?

“There you go… that’s a good sex toy,” Vince said, rumbling as he pressed his lean body over my gut, his fur matting with sweat as his hands ran over my mass. His dick was dripping and grinding into my gut as he rocked. I could barely feel his weight pressing into me, but his hands’ attention felt incredible, now that I really knew the musclegut was there. I groaned out loudly while still at attention on the bed, and Vince smiled. “Good sex toy… I’m not ready to give up all my tricks… but maybe this is a good place to start..” Vince worked his powerful ass back on me again and his body tightened, fingers digging into my bulk. “Fu… fuck… cum for me, sex toy…” I didn’t need another direction, my body shuddering suddenly, pulling all the way up from my feet as I unloaded like a geyser into Vince. I felt the warm splatter of his load arc over my musclegut, immediately starting to drip down my sides as he grunted through each shot.

Vince caught his breath over me for a few minutes as I laid still, staring toward the ceiling, enjoying just how relaxing it was just being a sex toy sometimes, you know?

He finally leaned down over me, nosing up under my chin, one hand on my heavy chest, the other on my firm gut. “All right, now listen…”

I looked at my phone in my hand, noticing how late it had gotten. Damn Daylight Saving Time. I idly scratched at my thick chest and let my hand slide down the curve of my furry musclegut, letting my fingers play with the heft a little. There was something a little sticky in my fuzz, but that happened sometimes when you eat as much as I do to fuel your powerlifting.

I glanced down and realized I was only wearing my jockstrap and those tight jeans that I can’t bring myself to throw away. I know I have to suck in to close them, but listen, I kind of like how they make my gut stick out, especially after I’ve eaten.

Vince bumped me with an elbow while he read next to me on the couch. “You’re being awfully quiet,” he said. “What’s on your mind?”

“Eh, just that I want to give Jason a call and see if he doesn’t mind if I come back over and talk to him about some stuff,” I said, hefting myself off the couch. “I might’ve gotten a little defensive about him noticing that I was getting bigger.”

“Sounds like a good idea, though you should maybe put on a shirt before you go over,” he said without looking up from his textbook, making a few notes. “Maybe when you get back, I can have another pizza waiting to help you make the most of today’s workout, sound good?”

I grinned, tugging on that green shirt that really only covered down to the roundest part of my taut belly. “Yeah, sure!”