Cubs 3 - Wish Regret

Note from Author: "Remember, if you want more come check out my other content on Tumblr OR you can check out my patreon, links to which are on tumblr should you ever wish to have you own story written."

Ben was browsing porn sites looking for something that interested him. He’d been sat on his phone at home for hours now, still half drunk from the club. Beer stains down his shirt made it just see through enough to see his tattoos underneath. He was normally away on military training for months on end, so his first night back had been spent out on the town clubbing with the lads and now home, he was getting his rocks off online. He pawed at the screen in bed, scrolling through the many images on tumblur, at least until the pops up started.

It started slowly, every now and then when he pressed a button a pop up of a gold lamp appeared. But eventually it was constant, even when he closed tumblur it was still there. “What the fk I didn’t install this sht” When he tracked it down on the phones settings he saw it was an app he’d never installed and had no name attached to it. Just the gold lamp logo. “Browse some porn for five seconds and I’ve got fking sh#t on here already…” He smashed the remove app button to try and delete it but nothing happened. In fact nothing he did seemed to shift it. Ben sighed and gave up, too drunk and horny to care. “It’s either some advert init-hic- or a pop up, probably have to delete the whole-“ Suddenly his phone switched off. Plunging the room into darkness for several seconds. He managed a brief “What the-“ before it lit up again, revealing a large man sitting on his bed, illuminated by dim white light of the screen. “Ah! Where the hell did you come from Buster!” The guy looked like a thug, not that it bothered Ben, he was proud enough to stand his ground if he had to defend himself. He looked the guy over, he was dressed in grey joggers and a hoodie with large, white trainers. He must have been in his mid 30s and did look like a bit of a thug. His tanned skin and bulging muscles from years of working outside were a dead give away, maybe something to be wary of.

“Now now Benny boy, calm ya guns, I’m Gaz, your personal wish in a bottle” he reached forwards and boldly grabbed the phone from Bens clumbsy hands navigating through his porn collection while Ben fumbled to cover his boner. Gaz grinned and his deep lad-ish voice continued “oh-ho having a wank? sorry mate bad timing” Ben lept up, still trying to cover his hard on. “Ay give that back!” Angrily snatching the phone and closing the many images of bears on screen. Ben himself was a cub. Slightly chubby but not enough to become the butt of any jokes, he was more hairy than anything else, which his mates DID joke about when he was in the gym at military camp. He’d had to stay pretty quiet about his sexuality. Now he sat naked with some dick head in his room. He stood and grabbed his boxers, pulling them up fast to cover himself pointed at the strange thug in his room.

“So how’d you get in here, what the F#$K do ya want?” Gaz sighed waving a hand. In an instant, he vanished into green smoke before appearing behind Ben a split second later, on the other side of the bed in a new cloud of green haze. Ben spun round realizing this guy in his room was either pulling some very clever tricks or…. “Oh sht, no way” Ben muttered as Gaz stepped forwards again, arms crossed “oh sht yeah mate, I’m the real deal. You got a wish and I’m here to make that hap” “-so what?! I just say it and you do it?” Ben interrupted. “Yup, like I JUST said dude. I’m a genie. The real deal, You get a few-” “-fk off like id believe that B-S!” Gaz grimaced at being interrupted as he took out his first joint. “Fk it, go on mate. try me” Ben sat for a second, unaware he was taunting the Genie. “OK…” Ben thought “…so anything yeah?” “oh ye” Gaz smirked.

Ben looked over his messy room, beer cans and game disks strewn across a sticky carpet. A pile of USA stamped miltary weights in one corner next to a rifle and his uniform. A thought entered his head. “I wish I had someone to clean up all this crap, I shouldn’t have to I served init!” He gestured to the room as he continued “AND I don’t wanna be doing fk all no more you hear! Wanna be looked after” Gaz slowly rose to his full height. Even in the dark room he looked pretty imposing, not that Ben seemed to care. “Done” he raised his hand and clicked.

The room spun, he felt his bed slide away and be replaced with a much larger one, his messy clothes vanished from the floor as did the beer bottles and mess. As Ben eyes focused he leant back, arms behind his head, proud of himself as he felt the soft silk bed under him. “now that’s more like it! Looking much bett-” But Ben was -cut off by his front door as it swung open. Followed by a huge bear of a man, covered in sweat and wrapped in a tight leather vest over his hairy chest. Just visible on his belt was badge that read ‘BOUNCER-CLUB HISTORIA’ “Babe I’m back-oh” the man cutting himself off as saw Ben, laid back on his bed, still half naked and looking proud as anything “Sorry I’m a bit late. Some clubbers were giving us a runaround” he bellowed as he threw down a large high vis vest he’d been carrying with, ‘BRENT’ in huge silver letters across the back while Brent himself lent on the doorframe to the room. Huge arms apart and showing off a strong muscle gut and hairy pits. Ben snapped his head towards Gaz, a look of confusion on his face “The hell is this?” “You wished it mate. but with that big fella looking after you I doubt you’ll want for much innit” “But-” Ben began to protest before he could, Brent threw himself onto the bed next to him. He must have been 37 and at least 6ft 8, way bigger, taller and older than Ben. He immediately tried to stand only to find a massive arm, heavy as lead, press down on his face and suddenly he was deep into the musky pits of the massive hulk. “Mummmmuhmmph” he struggled against the long sweaty hair that felt like a wet towel on his face, well worked from a night on the town keeping the clubs safe, he could barely open his mouth and was forced to inhale every last part of it. Brents biceps were like steel. Ben struggled but against the huge muscles it looked like the opposite. “I know you missed me but your tickling me lil’guy” Brent laughed as he too now lent back, keeping the smaller Ben pinned under his arm like teddy bear. With his spare hand he scratched his round muscle gut before he patted Bens own belly with a playful slap and reached over to grab the TV remote. Ben heard it flick on from his musk prison as Brent began to search for late night cop shows, leaving Ben to struggle until eventually he found himself calming, slowly becoming accustomed to the damp, musky aroma. After an hour or so of deep laughter and loud burps Brent finally lifted his arm to find Ben almost asleep.

He pulled him up, his face almost like Velcro as Ben was peeled away from his pits. Ben slowly came too and Brent took a huge, rough hand to wipe some of the sweat out of his eyes. “Feeling better fella” Ben would have shouted back, he wanted to get mad and punch this guy, but only half awake all he could think about was the rank smell. It was everywhere and he couldn’t seem to smell anything else BUT the musky man. He rubbed his nostrils to find the source only to feel a thick beard rubbing against his hand.

Gaz was on his fifth joint now and had been enjoying the show so far. When Ben finally looked to him “I can’t-arg the smell-and a beard?!” he muttered still feeling it with his fingers. Gaz sat back on the end of the bed, Brent seemingly unable see Gaz the genie in the room with them. “Guess if your not doing much and being looked after by ya new boyfriend here, you get yourself beard. Ain’t much I can do. Wishes are permanent but hey, you’d know that wouldn’t ya if you’d listened when I turned up smart ass.” Ben looked on in horror as Brent went in for a man hug, having only heard part of his one sided conversation.

“Your beard? What about it?” Brent asked concerned. Ben, caught off guard and feeling like he shouldn’t upset this hulk, looked back at him but just mumbled “oh I-nothing, I just-err-this ain’t me ya know? I mean-I’m not-” He struggled to find the words. His head was cloudy and all he could smell was Brent. A second later, those huge arms pulled him in, wrapping Ben up in the stink all over again. He wriggled against it, feeling almost crushed against Brents massive muscle gut and hairy pecs. Gaz walked over, leaning in “So go on, what do ya want next mate?” Ben could just push his mouth out to speak, his mouth barely visible through his thickening black beard that was crawling up his face and down his neck. Ben could barely move, his jaw was clamed between pec and shoulder, “I wish-errr-I dun–unnng- I wish that I was the big guy in control!” he finally managed to blurt out.

Gaz clicked his fingers and Ben could only watch on as his world blured but Ben himself couldn’t see any changes. Brent, still loading him tightly lent in, his hot breath on his ear. “C’mon daddy bear don’t be such a lazy f@#k” “Daddy…bear?” Ben muttered before he felt himself get warm, then hot. He pulled himself to sit up, feeling his small belly pushing against his chest. He looked across and saw his arms thickening with muscle, fat and hair. Brent was still laying back on the large bed, arms behind his head and watching Ben with a gorilla smirk, still somehow not seeing the changes but simply accepting it all as fact.

“Buurrrrrp” Ben belched. Covering his mouth. Then another. His belly pushed harder up and out, he held it with both hands fighting against it. “Na mate thi-BRAAAUUUUUUUUP” His stomach swelled up under his hands, forcing them apart as it expanded in a perfect ball. He tried to look at Gaz but it was a strain, his shoulders were starting to touch his neck as his once cub like body expanded and thickened to a brutish bear. His small and once cute belly was not a full roid gut, layered thicker still by fat that tightened it to a wrinkleless ball that stuck out like solidly inflated ball.. Looking down he watched his biceps inflate to bowling balls, forcing his arms to stick out from his sides. All the while he slowly grew, his height pushed upwards from 5ft 8 to 6 ft, to 6ft 1 m to 6ft 2, but it didn’t stop. His legs and ass became huge logs bellow two mountains of muscled flab. Ben took a moment to catch his breath but quickly felt the familiar pressure building up deep inside again. “Oh,-gasp- not agai-BRUUUUUUUUUP” his gut ballooned out and finaly dropped under its own mass, no longer able to support itself it had become a classic bear gut, rock solid, but heavy and restricting.

His chunky boxers now strained around his thighs as the fabric gave way and split around his waist. His huge bear body now free it stuck out in all directions, his chest was all he could see in front of him, like a shelf, his head pressed by his shoulders so he couldn’t look around too well, his massive arms too huge to possibly curl and probably unable to reach most of his body anymore. Ben finally tried to move again it was a with massive effort. “F@#K!!!!” he bellowed out in shock. His voice now three times deeper than Brents and twice as loud, new Ben even had to look down on Genie stood up by his side, now so tall and wide he’d probably struggle to find anyone he’d ever be eye to eye with in his life.

Brent just stayed still, genie meanwhile was now rolling another smoke and opening a beer from Bens mini feidge. “Gaz!” Ben shouted “w-what did OH!-” Ben buckled forwards reaching in vein for his balls as they ached like crazy all of a sudden. “Oh sh#t son” Gaz laughed leaning round his gut for a better view “Looks like your not done yet- Mr BIG bear in control” Gaz watched the helpless Ben trying to itch as his wide back began pickle with brown hairs. Within seconds his skin was being hidden under thick fur. Which was the only way to describe it, it really was like a carpet of almost Redish brown fur and looked as damp and sweaty as the rest of him. “OH S@#T NO NO NO!!” Soon Ben could feel the hot wrapping fur spreading further over his whole body, like being wrapped in a blanket. It grew over his shoulders and joined up on his back as it covered his thickening chest and widened beer gut, joining to his pits and up to his neck and beard. He couldn’t see his gut, barely his upper arms and toes were visible from his sat up position, but his legs and cock were also quickly vanishing into a cloud of hair. Quickly his skin boiled underneath, sweating a musk far stronger than Brents that began to rise from his crotch and pits like a fog. Only unlike brent his body was so muscled he was unable to close his armpits of do much about it.

Brent had a s@#t eating grin as he slid forwards in front of him and reached out, Ben felt the cold slap of his far less hairy skin against his as Brent slid his rough hand over the skin of Bens head. He realized in an instant was now as bald as they come, he imagined he looked like one of the biggest Bears that ever lived. Ben could only look down at himself, seeing nothing but fat, muscle, gut and mattered hair. “Whut dud yu do…” he mumbled to himself, his beard was now so heavy and thick it made it hard to talk clearly. It would probably be the way he have to talk forever…he realized.

Gaz finally laughed, blowing out clouds green smoke and clicking his fingers like a gangster “S@#t dog, you look like a f@#king actual photoshoped bear, like AN ACTUAL F@#King bear bruv!” Ben knew he couldn’t undo it, and that somehow he couldn’t not play along. Brent had spun around and was now leaning back against Ben, he grabbed each of his arms and held them around him, forcing Ben into giving a bear hug. He was amazed he could reach around the man who just earlier had been a hulk to him, he must have gained 3 foot at least. He even found he could move the huge man around a bit now, although it was getting harder and harder to maneuver his own bulk with each passing second as it pressed up against itself in weird places. “Oh Daddy you stink so good” Brent moaned as he nested his clearly once broken nose and beard into the wedge of muscle and fat that made up Bens closed (but still forced open by muscle) arm pit, a massive forest of hair sticking out the gaps in all directions and dripping his new bear musk. It was overpowering, like B.O from a gym, or s uck that haddnt been washing in days, maybe months. For a split second Ben felt himself relax before he pushed Brent off. “Na er-cub-BOY!-” felt himself say as his words seemed to change as he tried to say them. He tried again to tell the guy to leave but the words wouldn’t form in his head at all anymore. He was loosing control. “-go an make me food. I want you to GET OUT! I mean- Cuz I said so bitch, FOOD!” Brent didn’t seem to mind either, growling back, grinning as he lifted away and walked to the kitchen “Yes Mr Ex-Commander Ben” before he heard him click the light on.

He waited for Brent to be out of ear shot before he threw himself around to face the Gaz “The fuk did yu do Genie!” He shouted as loud as he dare, his deep voice still slightly muffled by the browny-red beard and so deep it was hard to understand. Gaz glared “You f@#king what?!” Ben immediately knew he’d said the wrong thing, his new body was so testosterone fueled he couldn’t manage to control himself. “I’m sorry! I can’t-it’s hard to thunk n-naw-now….” Ben managed to blurt out. “You got one more out of me then I’m leaving you to it! I don’t have to put up with YOUR B-S either!” Gaz cruelly using his own words against him. “OK OK! Lemme thunk man” Ben panicked as he slowly revolved his huge body builders mass around to sit again, only now propped up by the wall behind him so he didn’t have to hold his own weight up. It was amazing and terrifying just how much effort it took, like he imagined it would be to move a parked truck.

“So-err-I gUTTA fix DIS…how tho-my head HURTS bad” he pressed his pecs together and his biceps bulged as he held his head in his heads, trying and think clearly through the fog of musk and hormones. “You got any thoughts in there at all dude?” The thug Gaz jeered as he poked Bens massive gut and sparked up yet another joint. “Big ass, 8ft muscled up ex-military bears aint known for their brains init, so I aint surprised”

The loud gruff voice of his bear boyfriend Brent cut them off “Big Bear you want your Shake?” Ben looked down as his furry body “Big bear? I mean-Err” He felt the musk and heavy fog settle again as his body once again took over. It KNEW what it wanted.” -Y-Yeah Lil’bear, Bring da big jug this guys hun-gry!”

His mind spanned back. “so I can’t wish-er- that NONE of this sh#t happened?” Gaz laughed out loud “Na mate, last chance.” Ben felt the fur in his hands and looked down over his arms, he had a final thought, but maybe his only option. “Can I wish to like being…like this?” Gaz smiled. “course mate, probably the bloody cleverest thing you’ve said so far-knew ya could do it” Gaz rubbed his bald head playfully but Ben knew he was taking the piss. Gaz didn’t wait for confirmation. He just stood up, crossed his arms and clicked his fingers. From Bens point of view the Thug vanished into a puff of smoke. Gaz however, was still there. Ben sat for a moment or two, not sure if the final wish had worked, before he sniffed the air. He slowly followed the smell, it lingered and lead his face down to his tightly closed pit.

He was just about to lift it for a deep long sniff, maybe-maybe even lick it? When Brent entered the room. With him was a huge jug of thick white protein shake. “Took the last two tubs of ice cream but I know that’s how you like it big bear” For a second Ben felt horrified but instead just sat back and smiled, as a sudden feeling of relaxation waved over him He felt drowsy, barely managing a lazy and deep “Thanks Babe” as he watched Brent bring it over and hand it to him. Ben lifted the 3 gallon jug with ease, seemingly on automatic as he opened up his jaw as wide as he could. Gulping with huge chugs. It was cold and rich, he could feel the lumps of whey powder and cream as it went down. Some of it was dribbling down his beard and onto his chest. He could feel his gut rumble and expand even further. He felt Brent lean over him and rub his belly. Running his hands through the fur and matting the ice cream drips into it. It felt like he was caressing a furry globe, his Daddy Bear Bens whole world.

Ben finally dropped the jug and tossed it to the floor, or he tried, but it ended up faling most of the way as he realized his massive muscles were so bunched up he couldn’t actually do much at all with any kind of dexterity. From no where, Brent pushed a massive cigar through Bens beard and into his mouth, clipping and lighting the end. He was complete. A stinking mass of thick fat, bear fur and the musk of a gym. “Ah that’s better lad” Brent rested his huge bearded face on Bens gut and while they looked into each others eyes he slid his beefy arm and round him, sliding it deep into the furry folds of muscle and fat. Ben felt the tug on his balls and saw Brent grinning. Brent could never see Bens grin, all he ever saw was the cold thug stare above the beard. Ben’s huge beard obscured any view of his expression. “You like that Daddy bear” “Oh yea I do” Ben growled back as he grabbed and yanked the now smaller Officer Brent on top of his gut laying down. Their beards just inches apart. Ben slowly lifted one his arms up away from the slab of chest hair to reveal a thick jungle in his pits. Musk so thick Brent could swore he could almost see it. Without thinking Ben pushed Brents massive body like it was nothing, grabbing and forcing his head up into his pits and clamping down his huge arm, so big Brents whole head and neck vanished into the jungle. “There ya go boy, just like you like it, taste a real man” Brent didn’t struggle. “Mmmph” he muttered as he slathered and licked as much of Bens man stench as he could. Soon Ben felt tied. He reached over Brents gut and grabbed the TV remote, still on the bed, and started to look for cop shows. He could have a wank while his cub enjoyed himself. Then bed. Ben laid back and raised his spare arm as he look a long sniff and felt himself get a boner. “Love you Lil’bear” he said affectionately to what he could see of Brents neck berried in his other pit. Still more than happy being helplessly pinned there. “Wuve yuu to Big’beah” Came a half muffled response.

Gaz smiled “Well that’s one happy customer, not my usual but makes a change I guess, well… on to the next one” He vanished. Now on his way to the next guy to see what they think of a few of the thugs wishes.