Christmas Scent: Pine and Peppermint

“Dude… I can’t believe that snow storm. It came out of nowhere!” Jason said as he looked out the window. They were supposed to leave by 8 in the morning but overnight there seemed to have been a freak snow storm that covered the roads. Now Jason and his friends were stuck in an old cabin in the middle of nowhere for God knows how long.

“At least we’ve got food,” Cody offered. He was trying to stay positive even though no one there wanted to stay positive. “And power,” he added before the lights flashed and then went off. Cody buried himself deeper into his oversized hoodie, knowing they were going to accuse him of jinxing it.

The other three groaned. “Are you fucking kidding me!? God damn it!” Adam shouted. He beat his hand against the counter. “This is fucking stupid! I was supposed to see Ashley today!”

“I was supposed to see Ashley today,” Mike mocked. “Fuck you. We all got people we wanted to see. But what are we going to do about it?”

“Wait it out…?” Cody said. It was pretty low and the three looked over at him. Even though he was the smallest of the group he tried to make himself even smaller. Just seeing their angry stares always made him uncomfortable. But they knew he was right. There was nowhere else for them to go. Snow was covered the road and packed into the tires of the jeep they’d ridden up in. Not to mention how it looked like it was about to start snowing again.

“Damn it…” Jason groaned. “Better start getting ready then. It’s about to get a lot colder… First thing we got to get is some wood for the fireplace though. At least it’ll keep the main room of the house warm.”

“Nose goes!” Mike shouted. He quickly pushed his finger against his nose and Jason and Adam quickly followed suit.

Cody stared at them. His mouth hung open. “You’ve got to be kidding me. I can’t go chop firewood! Look at me!” he motioned to his thin body. Compared to the other three there, there was absolutely no reason he should have gone to chop wood. Those three were all clear jocks, built for hard manual labor, while he didn’t even know if he could lift the axe over his head, especially in such cold weather. He’d been friends with Adam growing up, and kind of just joined the group to help even it out. Even if he didn’t play sports like the rest of them he was good at finding new games or places for them to go.

“Too bad,” Mike laughed. “Dem’s da rules.”

Jason and Adam let out a bit of a laugh as Cody spread his thin arms out wide. “Come on man. We’ve all got stuff we’ve got to do. One of us will come help you in a minute alright?” Adam finally offered.

“Fine…” Cody grumbled as he grabbed his coat, gloves and shoved the sock cap onto his head. “Always give me the hardest jobs. All cause I don’t get these stupid games. Oh nose goes! How stupid! How juvenile!” he kept grumbling under his breath as he headed outside.

“Make sure you use the good axe!” Adam shouted as Cody slammed the door. “Whatever…” he laughed as he tried to think of jobs for the other two to do.

Cody headed out in the snow. Small flakes hit his soft cheeks whenever the wind picked up again. He couldn’t believe just how much snow he had to trudge through to get to the axe. In normal weather it would have felt like it was right up against the house. Now, with the cold wind whipping his face, all he wanted to do was turn around and go back inside. “Fucking assholes…” he cursed. “Give fucking me the fucking hardest fucking job… Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” he kept cursing, trying to ease his anger.

It didn’t help even as he finally reached the axe. “Is this the right one?” he questioned. For some reason there was a bright red ribbon wrapped tightly around the handle and tied in a bow at the end. Moreover the smell of pine trees seemed to fill his nose, even though it had stopped up the second he stepped outside. He did his best to breath in. He could definitely smell the scent of pine. At the same time all the snot that was currently in his nose completely disappeared. “That smells good!” he said excitedly as he pulled it closer to his face. In his excitement, he hadn’t even noticed that despite the bitter cold his nose was completely clear.

That didn’t help with the weight of the axe though. Despite his clear nose, the crafted wood handle and metal blade were still fairly heavy for him to wield. His thin 5’7” frame wasn’t used to any sort of manual labor. Especially something as labor intensive as chopping wood. Not to mention how he didn’t know how to handle the 31 inches of wood he was supposed to use. It felt like it was almost half his size. He grabbed it at the end and ended up swinging it over his head. However the weight of the axe was a bit more than he expected, pulling him down into the snow behind him.

“Dang it!” he whined. Now his legs all the way up to waist. “At least it’s still frozen…” he tried to stay positive and picked himself back up from the ground. The axe laid beside where he fell. “Okay… So how do I do this…” he questioned. Picking it up again he naturally held it in a more proper way. His hands were further away but he wasn’t giving it the same death grip. It was firm but allowed his hand to slide along the wood instead of focusing on power. He lifted the axe over his shoulder.


The wood burst in two and fell off the stump. “Holy!” Cody celebrated, looking back and forth at the two pieces of wood. “I did that!” He saw another piece of wood in the snow. He had to use both his hands to get the log onto the stump. They were just too big for him to handle. However once he got set up he lifted the axe over his head.


It broke in two just like the first one. Joy was filling his mind as he had accomplished something he’d never thought he could do, not once, but twice. He looked for another piece of wood. He didn’t want to come down from this high. He’d never felt something like this before. Blood was starting to pump faster through his veins. Even a bit of sweat appeared on his brow despite the bitter cold. He set another one up.


“Damn. That feels good,” Cody said. There was a bit of gravel in his voice as he uttered it. Moreover he was actually starting to feel warm. Despite the wind whipping his face, or snow all around him, he didn’t feel cold. What he didn’t notice was hair starting to creep out of his skin throughout his body. He’d always been next to hairless and his facial hair never seemed to grow in right. However, right now hair was growing all over his face and body. In just a few seconds, he had a full-fledged beard covering his face. It helped protect him from the cold. He ran a hand across it and set up another log.


It easily split in two. Each swing had gotten easier. He looked down at the log in his hands. It fit almost perfectly in the huge mitts. He set it up and chopped it down. His body was starting to get hot. Sweat covered his brow and he could feel it starting to soak into his undershirt. He removed the heavy coat and saw a red and black flannel shirt underneath his coat. For some reason he thought he was wearing something else under his coat but the warmth of the flannel was perfect for this kind of weather.


Chopping the wood was almost too easy. It was almost like he was a natural. With each swing more and more weight was adding onto his frame. A mixture of muscle and fat gave him a large burly frame perfect for this kind of weather. Even in the bitter cold he could still stay warm. His large imposing chest stuck out far in front of him. So far that he couldn’t button the top two buttons of his shirt. Some of his chest hair spilled out over keeping the upper part of his chest warm. An equally hairy belly pushed the bottom part of his shirt as well. It wasn’t too big, just big enough to give him a sturdier frame. He loaded up another piece of wood with his free hand.


Cody just kept growing bigger. His 5’7” 140 pound frame had gained so much size and girth. His thin shoulders and arms currently filled the sleeves of his flannel shirt while his jeans were filled with thick legs. With each log chopped he’d seemed to grow another inch taller. Quickly passing the 6’ mark then barely stopping at 6’4”. He looked down and saw the massive pile of wood in the snow.

“Whoops… Guess I got carried away,” he laughed. The light amount of fat around his belly shook with the rest of his body. He reached down and pulled the logs underneath his arms and headed back for the door. “At least we’ll have plenty to stay nice and warm for a pretty long time.”


“So now that Cody’s getting wood, we all need to start doing stuff too,” Jason said. “I’ll start getting food and blankets. We’ll probably have to sleep in the living room cause that’s the only place the fire place really heats up.”

“That’s fine. But what else do we need to do?” Adam asked. He was leaning against the counter while Mike was sitting on it.

“We need to start covering up the windows and probably check on the pipes to make sure they don’t freeze over. There’s some insulation downstairs. You two can get started on that. The basement’s going to be dark so use your phones so you don’t trip over anything.”

“Sure thing boss man,” Mike said dutifully. He hopped off the counter and sniffed the air. “You guys smell that?” The two glanced at each other and shrugged. “It smells like peppermint.” His eyes glanced around and caught a plate of candy canes next to window with a bright red ribbon around it. “Fuck yeah! Dude I’ve been craving these for years! Finders keepers.” He said shoving the candy into his pockets.

The other two didn’t care. “Come on. Let’s just go,” Adam said. He’d already headed for the basement. Mike followed behind already sucking on one of the candy canes. The basement was just as dark as Jason had said. There were a few small windows but with the amount of snow, they were completely covered.

“How long before Cody gives up and comes back in?” Mike was leaning against a table in the middle of the basement. He still had the candy can in his mouth as watched Adam looking for the insulation. “It’s pretty cold out there. Hopefully he didn’t just fall over. We might not even be able to find him.” “He’ll be fine. He’s not that weak,” Adam dismissed.

Mike just rolled his eyes. “Sure he isn’t…” He waved his phone’s flashlight around the room barely even thinking. “So why’d you even bring the faggot anyway?”

“Dude… Don’t call him that,” Adam scolded.

“What? That’s what he is. It’s not like he’s not obvious about it. Jason sees the way he looks at you too. He’s just too nice to say anything,” Mike chuckled. Adam spun his flashlight around and pointed it at Mike. Even behind the intense light pointed in his face, Mike could sense the glare. “What?” he said defensively. “He give you one of these?” Mike pulled the candy cane in and out of his mouth licking it. “Eh? Eh?” he prodded while laughing. “Fuck off,” Adam picked up some of the insulation and shoved it into Mike’s chest. “And no. I’m not gay.”

Mike didn’t seem to care about what Adam was saying. “You know, I always did think Ashley made a pretty good beard. Since you’ve never really been able to grow one on your own that is. Explains why you work out so hard. Explains why you take such good care of your looks.”

Adam just rolled his eyes again. Mike always liked to mock him about all that. But it was just the way of the game. “Just help me with this. Alright?”

Mike bit into the last of the candy cane. “Alright. Alright,” he dismissed helping cover the pipes. “I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it. Just be yourself.”

“Fuck off,” Adam tried to ignore him.

“Touch-y,” Mike continued taunting him. He’d avoided the punch to his arm and went back to leaning over the table in the basement. He pulled out another one of the candy canes and swirled it around in his mouth. “All I’m saying is that Ashley says she doesn’t really want a family.”

“I know that,” Adam was getting angry. “It’s between us.”

Mike still had a sly smile on his face. “I know. Jess tells me nearly every time Ashley says something. But if you were to date Cody then who knows. He looks pretty happy to have your kids shot up into him. Plus I hear he likes anal!”

“Fuck off!” Adam shouted.

“What? It’d be so easy,” Mike shrugged. “The hardest part is deciding who gets to play mommy and who plays daddy.”

Adam had enough. He’d grabbed Mike by the collar and pushed him against the wall. Despite being an inch taller and good forty pounds heavier, Adam had taken control of the situation again. “Stop it. Or I’ll stick the rest of those candy canes so far up your ass you’ll still be able to suck on them.”

“Fine…” Mike’s eyes darted away from Adam. Even if he was one of the school’s linebacker’s he knew he couldn’t control his weight as well as Adam. The wrestler knew how to move. One small mistake and Adam would have thrown him to the ground. ‘Probably would have liked it that way,’ Mike chuckled to himself, trying to keep his masculinity in check. “Sorry.”

“Whatever,” Adam dismissed. “You get to go help Cody out in the snow now.”

“What!? Why? He’s your friend!” Mike whined.

Adam flicked the candy cane sticking out of Mike’s mouth. “Maybe cause he could pick a few pointers.”

Mike’s mouth hung open with the candy cane pointed to the side. Adam never made innuendoes, especially about Cody. If anything Mike was more impressed. He brushed it off and headed to the backdoor. Adam probably needed some alone time anyway. However, as he ascended the stairs, he noticed that the house didn’t feel like it was getting colder. Even though it’d been almost a few hours since the power went out, Mike didn’t feel any colder than he normally was. He chalked it up to his hefty body. Even with his extra fat he normally would feel at least a little bit chilly.

However, a loud knock on the back door distracted him. He ran to open it up. A giant filled the doorway carrying a massive amount of wood. His large bulky body trudged inside and kicked the snow off in the entryway. “It’s starting to get cold out there!” The voice bellowed between soft chuckles. The large man kicked off his boots and headed deeper into the cabin. His face was a little red from the freezing wind but his hairy face seemed to keep him plenty warm. He set the large pile of wood next to the fireplace. “That should hold us out for a little while.”

Mike followed him in. “Cody…?” he questioned. Somehow he’d recognized him as Cody but didn’t know why. “Is that you?”

“In the flesh big guy,” Cody chuckled as he gripped Mike’s shoulder. Right now he stood a good couple inches above Mike and looked like he weighed at near 300 pounds. Muscle and fat worked together to give him an unbelievably large but strong looking physique. Mike almost winced at the vice grip. “Thanks for opening the door buddy. Real big help. But maybe next time I’ll get you to open you’re back door.”

“Uhhh….” Mike paused. Again someone was making jokes about his sexuality. It was weird. He’d never been next to a guy this big who was currently offering him sex. He sucked on the candy cane even harder trying not to show that he was a little bit intimidated. Something about Cody seemed different but Mike couldn’t put his finger on it.

“Joking! Joking,” Cody laughed as he sprawled himself out on the couch. “Your brothers would kill me if they ever found out.” Cody took up the entire sofa as he put his feet on one of the armrest. “So you know where you’re going to college?”

“Wisconsin State,” Mike answered dutifully. He suddenly felt oddly uncomfortable around Cody. His mind seemed to be wandering. It was like he couldn’t focus on anything other than Cody. But something about the question seemed off. They’d both been going to Wisconsin state. Why did he ask like he wasn’t already there?

“That’s great buddy!” Cody replied. There was an earnest joy about the way he said it. “Too bad we’ll be graduating this year. Won’t be able to show a rookie like you around.” He leaned deeper into the couch, stretching to his full extent. “Eh… Big guy like you probably wouldn’t want us around ‘embarrassing’ you.”

“You wouldn’t embarrass me!” Mike said defensively. He suddenly felt like he needed to. The thought of Cody and his brother showing him around campus almost sounded like a good idea. “I mean…” his mind was starting to get a little hazy as he thought about it. He sucked deeper on the candy cane, releasing more of its peppermint scent.

“It’s alright buddy,” Cody laughed it off. “No need to get so scared. We ain’t gonna leave ya when we graduate.” His big hands rolled over his belly as he laughed again.

Mike found his own hands started following suit. Just watching the big man enjoy his body he felt like he needed to do the same. He was still trying to figure out what Cody meant though. They were all supposed to be graduating this year. But something about it didn’t sound right. Sure he was graduating but that was high school. ‘That doesn’t sound right…’ he groaned, trying to figure it out. But new memories were starting to flood his mind.

He could clearly remember always looking up to Cody and his older brother. The two massive men easily made an impression on how he wanted to be. He wanted to be just like them. Big, commanding, dominant. Their presence alone could silence a room while also being the life of the party. Everything about them screamed masculinity while Mike just didn’t feel the same about himself. He would always back away while those two wrestled, getting a better image to think about it later. Their large imposing bodies tried to dominate the other. Cody would usually lose, but clearly just thought of it as fun.

“Whatcha thinkin about?” Cody’s voice brought Mike back to reality. He was slipping away again. His thoughts seemed to go on their own. The nineteen year old currently staring off into the void while his dick pressed even harder against his jeans. The time he’d ‘accidently’ walked in on Cody and his brother having sex shot through his mind. He could remember seeing every strong muscular curve of the two hairy men on top of one another, rolling around on the bed that was far too small for the two of them.

“Nothing!” Mike blushed. His face went redder than Cody’s. “It’s nothing.”

“Oh?” Cody queried. It sounded so condescending. “Nothing?” He stood up got even closer to Mike. The two inches in height seemed like so much more right now. He tilted his head back ever so slightly, seeing into his eyes. “Nothing at all?”

Mike choked on his words. He couldn’t think right now. Just feeling his pressnece right next to him made Mike’s mouth open wide.

“At least you got the idea,” Cody chuckled at his joke. His hand reached the back of Mike’s head and slowly lowered him to the ground. Mike’s hands were already on Cody’s pants, undoing the button.


“No butts,” Cody said. “That’s what your brother said.” Mike’s head was level with his waist. He could feel the graduate leaning on him more to hold his balance.

A broad smile crossed Mikes face as he pulled down Cody’s underwear. The huge dick pushed out and pointed directly at Mike. He didn’t realize just how big it was. Even in his hands he felt so inadequate. His mouth stayed open. “Go on,” Cody encouraged. His large hand reached the back of Mike’s head, leading him on.

Mike opened as wide as he could. It just barely fit inside him. His eyes looked up at Cody’s for assurance. He could barely see over his belly and chest. The strong hand on the back of his head told him to keep going though. Just feeling it rubbing the back of his head was enough to keep him going. Deep guttural grunts escaped from Cody’s mouth. He was doing his best to stay in control but Mike was too good for him.

He had plenty of practice with the rest of the team. Mike always wondered what it was like to be top but he was so happy at the bottom he couldn’t really care. Just hearing another man moan or groan from his handiwork was enough for him. With just a flick of his tongue, he could make guys nearly crumple before him. Making a guy like Cody loudly praise his work was enough. His hard dick in his pants attested to it.

Cody was getting closer. His moans getting less controlled. Mike could feel his dick ready to cum at any second. He braced himself. The big man let out a heavy gasp and his body went stiff. Each thrust loaded Mike up with more and more cum. He swallowed it greedily, trying not to let a drop go to waste. “Damn boy,” Cody grinned down at the man staring up at him. “You really do know what you’re doin.”

The complement sent Mike over. He’d been so measured with other guy’s, but feeling Cody complement him was just too much. Mike’s hands had been exploring his own hefty weight. He could feel the light dusting of hair across his chest and belly. He was a big guy, but nowhere near as big as the man in front of him. Maybe one day he could be as big and strong as Cody. It was just a thought but he wanted to at least try.

“Yeah?” Mike tried to play off the sudden jerking of his body as nothing. It didn’t work as his underwear filled with his own semen.

“Yeah,” Cody put his fingers under his chin, telling him to stand up. “You still got a little something,” Cody said as he wiped Mike’s beard free of cum. “Much better.”

“Thanks,” Mike blushed. “Don’t usually try to make a mess…”

“It’s alright buddy. Let’s just go find yer brothers then we can light this place up,” Cody said. His arm wrapped around Mike and he lead him into another part of the cabin.


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