Christmas Scent: Cookies and Cigar

Adam found Jason in one of the bedrooms putting up some sheets over the windows. “Need any help?” he asked.

“Nah… Just. About. Done,” Jason taped up the last bit of blankets up to the window. “There we go,” he stepped back and admired his work. “That should help keep us warm,” however sweat was already starting to form around his brow. “Is it getting hotter in here?”

“I think Cody and Mike might have a fire going,” Adam answered.

“Already? That was fast. You sure?” Jason wanted to argue. He wanted to think that there was no way that Cody could have possibly had any wood cut by now, but the more he tried to picture him a smaller nerd, the harder it was. Any image of Cody seemed to blur into someone far bigger. A large confident bear of a man, full of muscle. But he knew that wasn’t right.

“Mike should have helped him. And maybe he’s good with wood?” Jason gave Adam a smile. “Don’t,” he warned. “I already heard all this shit from Mike. I don’t want to hear it from you too.”

“C’mon bro,” Jason pried. “There had to be a reason you invited him up here. He doesn’t get along with either of us. And he’s been sleeping in your room…”

“On the couch! God damn it! Why do you guys gotta be like this? ” Adam’s exasperation turned to anger as he deepened his voice into an overly mocking tone. “Oh. Right. I mean I guess with how much you care about your body it’s just cause you want other guys to check it out. Oh yeah. And Mike’s sleeping in here with you? Guess you two are sleeping together too. What? Does he suck your dick whenever you get lonely?”

“Calm down dude, it’s just a joke,” Jason laughed.

Adam sighed. “Maybe it’s a joke I’m tired of hearing…”

There was a moment of silence but to Jason, he was still just trying to stifle his laughter. He knew Adam wanted to have a moment but it was just too hard to pass up. “Then why don’t you just ask him out?”

“Why is this so funny to you guys!” Adam shouted. He was still taller than Jason but not nearly as muscular. The height gave him a bit of authority but the definition and thin waist gave Jason more confidence.

“Cause we see what you’re like around him dude,” Jason answered. “You don’t treat him like any other guy. He’s your ‘little special friend.’ Honestly I see why Ashley gets jealous. If my girlfriend ever followed another guy around like you do with Cody, I’d have my suspicions as well.”

Adam had it. “Fuck off.” He walked out of the room towards the main bedroom. The windows in there needed to be covered up as well.

Jason shook his head. “Whatever man. Don’t act like I didn’t try ta help ya.” One of the blankets fauletered and started to fall. He rushed to catch it and felt the cold breeze shoot past him. There seemed to be a smell that accompanied it. He’d thought he’d smelled it earlier but fought the urge to check it out. But there it was again. He looked around the room and saw a plate full of cookies. They looked freshly baked with the heat still coming off them in the cold room. A red ribbon was wrapped around them as though it were a gift.

“Adam?” Jason called out. No response. “Probably still being a bitch about it. He can’t handle being told the truth,” he grumbled. All Jason was trying to do was give Adam a heads up but Adam didn’t want to hear it. “Whatever. Be a bitch,” he said again. “I don’t get why… Why he just… Why he just doesn’t listen sometimes.”

The smell of the cookies were starting to overtake him. Jason wasn’t one to really indulge in such tasty treats, but the smell was better than he would have ever thought. Normally he was so good about his diet that even at work he’d bring his own lunchbox with prepared meals to eat instead of fast food. But damn, did those cookies smell good.

Jason reached over and grabbed one. “One won’t hurt…” he said to himself. The smell was really getting to him. It was all he could think about. But the nagging feeling of his diet was still in the back of his mind. He was never one to have desserts. It was how he was able to keep his trim waist and abs. But that smell. The sheer freshness of the cookies as though they were right out of the over, it was overriding his diet. “I mean how bad could it be. It’s only one cookie. Plus we’re probably going to be stuck up here for a little while anyways.”

He grabbed at one of them and slowly brought it to his mouth. It held between his teeth. His self control kept him from just eating it right away. “Stop being a dumbass,” he scolded himself as he put the cookie into his mouth. “Oh God…” his hand gripped the dresser the plate was sitting on. Even if he hadn’t had Christmas cookies in years, he never expected it to taste so good. There was way too much sugar and wasted calories that he pushed them completely out of his diet.

But this one was out of this world. It was like he was pushed to the brink of an orgasm as he chewed the tasty treat. Feeling the icing against his teeth and the crumbs fall down his throat, was better than he thought it ever should be. Before he realized it another cookie was in his hand. He eyed it suspiciously. “I said only one…” Jason tried to find the will power to hold off. Yet the smell still called for him. The cookie drifted closer and closer to his mouth.

“What’s a second one,” Jason gave in. He opened his mouth and ate it. Again that strange surge of pleasure wrapped around his body. His body gripped the dresser again. It felt so good. But not as good as the first time. Now he felt like he was just on edge. His cock throbbed with joy but it wasn’t the same as that first one he’d had.

“What’s one more? I mean we’re on vacation. And how many calories could one cookie really have? Like 10? 15? I’ll just spend a little extra time on the treadmill,” now he was actively looking for reasons to have the cookie. He pushed another one into his mouth and felt the same sensation. It surged through his body. But still not as good as the first time. Or even the second.

“Shit…” he groaned wanting to get that sensation again. His grip loosened and he looked over the plate again. “What about two…” his need for that original sensation was tempting him to try anything. “Yeah just a little more time on the treadmill when we get back.” He stacked the two cookies together, making sure the icing touched, and pushed it into his mouth.

Jason’s body loved the sensation. It was like his entire body felt as sensitive as his cock. Every muscle spasmed and reacted to just how good of a cookie that he’d just eaten. He’d naturally leaned over and tried to hold onto something. “Damn…” the smile on his face just wouldn’t go away. “What have I been missing out on?”

Above the dresser was a full mirror. He looked over his body ready to brag about how tone and well put together he was, yet something was off. Even in his extra layer of clothing, it was like his stomach was starting to push a little bit out in front of him. Actually all of his clothes seemed to be fitting him a bit tighter than usual. He popped the cookie in his hand into his mouth and went to examine what was going on. He lifted up the couple layers of clothing he was wearing to look over his abs again.

“What the hell?” he scrapped at the solid mound of flesh. There should have been six defined bumps, each one casting heavy shadows, but right now there was only one belly. Even as he flexed he could just barely make any of the push through the extra fat that he was gaining. “What the hell?” he grabbed another two cookies to make himself feel better.

The dull buzz filled his mind. Still not as good as the first time, but enough to make him feel better. But with his shirt raised up he could see what was happening. More fat was added on to the front of him. The belly pushed out further in front of him and he could see it grow.

“Oh my God… Oh my God…” Jason stripped off his shirt and looked over his naked torso. It was the same with his pecs and arms. The clear cut defined muscles had a clear set of bulk put on top them. They were bigger, sure, but didn’t have the Hollywood definition he’d always been craving. At 180 pounds, it was easy to keep his waist thin, but now that was bloated out in front of him. Well past 200, maybe closer to 210. It would take months to get back down to the weight he was at. And as he poked the belly it felt like one solid mass. “This can’t be happening. I can’t get fat. I don’t want to be fat.”

His anxiety was quickly replaced by a serene calm as he shoved three more cookies into his mouth. He watched as his jawline smoothed out. The sharp angles curved and his cheekbones rounded more. Hair started to sprout along the extra space but not the same blond he had. It was more auburn. He ran his hand through his hair. Some of the frosted tips fell off while what stayed turned the same reddish brown color.

With his free hand he grabbed another couple of cookies with their increased size, it was far easier to fit them into his hands. Jason didn’t realize what was going on until he looked in the mirror again. They were nearly at his mouth before he used his other hand to try to stop them. “No,” he begged. “I can’t be fat… I can’t be fat…” That didn’t matter as they slowly pulled closer to his face. With a grumble in his stomach, his hand gave up and the cookies went into his mouth.

He could feel the buzz fill his mind again. “So good…” he moaned. He was starting to explore his extra mass. It felt so sensitive to the touch of his rough mitts. They gripped his meaty pecs, feeling the added strength. It wasn’t just fat, but bulk as muscle seemed to have grown underneath them to fill him out more properly.

“But I need to be sexy,” he tried to reason with himself. That sense of ‘reason’ was rapidly losing to the next batch of cookies. It didn’t seem to matter how many he at, as the plate was never empty. He pushed them into his mouth. “Oi, I need to be big,” he corrected his previous statement as he chewed. The growth was feeling even better. He held up his arm and gave it a flex. It was so much larger and stronger than it had ever been when he was just 180 pounds.

Now he was well past 250 and still growing. His jeans started to strain under the extra weight. It wasn’t just fat but the density in his bones and muscle were there as well. There was strength under his burly weight and he loved it. A grin showed through his beard as he flexed his massive legs just a bit more. The seams started to come apart. He could feel the cold air filling the open space and he loved it. Bigger and bigger, the tough fabric couldn’t hold back the mass inside of it. Finally a full tear.

“Aww… Fuck yea,” he cheered himself on. “That’s it boy. Keep on growing.” Jason grabbed the plate of cookies and moved them to the bed. It creaked underneath his still growing weight. Past 270. Past 290. A few inches seemed to have added to his height spreading the weight out a bit but that only encouraged him more. He could feel his toes starting to make their way out of the front of his boots and they quickly widened. The tough boots didn’t stand a chance. “Aww fuck yea…” he laughed.

The cookies bounced on his belly as he ate a few more. He’d only slowed down because it was starting to feel better to touch himself. Every bit of his body seemed to be so much more sensitive. He couldn’t help but try to find the most pleasurable parts. Rubbing his round hairy belly. Feeling the forest of hair split between his thick fingers. Testing the strength of his strong burly muscles. Twisting his pointing nipples. “That’s the spot,” his body lurched, sending the plate of cookies to the floor.

But that didn’t matter as he felt his cock throb for more attention. “If only that shit gave me more hands,” he joked as he started running his hand up and down his thick shaft. Even with his enlarged hands, the beer can thickness and well above average length, still only felt average. He wanted someone else to do it for him, but that seemed out of the question.

Instead, Jason gave his nipple another twist and that desire seemed to slip his mind. “That’s it boy,” he told himself, as he tried to play into a fantasy. “Big and sexy. Big is sexy. Right? Right!” his body roared with agreement. Thick ropes of cum shot out in front of him, spraying the bed and wooden floor.

Jason fell limp on the bed again smiling at the orgasm. “That’s right… Big is sexy,” he pat his belly and felt his heart beat slow down a bit.

“Yeah it is,” Cody smiled in the doorway. Mike was standing right behind him, sporting an erection as well. “You know where Adam went?”

“You can’t leave me like this? Don’t you want to help a brother out?” Jason turned his body to the side, showing off his bulk. He was getting ready for round two.

“Course I do,” Mike smiled as he went to stand at the tail end of the bed.

Jason looked over his belly and smiled at the younger man. “You have fun now,” he told Cody as he turned to leave.

“Same to you,” Cody smiled back.


Adam headed towards the master bedroom upstairs. It was the last place they needed to make sure there wasn’t any kind of heat leaking out of the cottage they were currently staying in. He went into the room, somehow forgetting just how massive it was. The king sized bed was along the wall, but there was still a wide open area in front of it with a rug. Two massive dressers lined the wall.

“Why am I so fucking stupid,” he muttered to himself as he fell down on the bed. This whole trip was meant to be fun, but he ended up just pissing off his friends. He knew none of them really liked Cody, but at the same time he didn’t want Cody to be alone for Christmas either.

Then there was all that shit with his girlfriend. Just how much had she been talking about him behind his back? Just how much did Jason know about their relationship? Adam buried his head in the pillow even more. He couldn’t believe how stupid he was. The signs were there. She didn’t want a family. He did. And that seemed to be more of a deal breaker than he ever thought it should have been.

“Damn it!” he threw the pillow off his face at the wall. “No reason to give up yet…” he scoffed as he went over to the large triangle shaped windows at the other side of the room. “How the fuck am I even supposed to cover these up?” he stared at their size and shape. Even if he took the comforter off the bed, that wouldn’t do much to cover it up.

When he got closer a cold breeze shot through him. It traveled all the way through his core. Clothes didn’t seem to do anything as he almost felt the chill from inside him. “Fuck…” Adam shivered at the sensation. His entire body seized up and flexed trying it’s damnedest to fight off the chill. “What even was that?”

His mind drifted away as a familiar scent filled his nose. He’d not smelled it in decades. The rich earthy smell overpowered his senses. He almost let out a cough. It was something his grandpa had always made fun of him for. Even though no one in the family liked the smell of those old cigars.

“Where’s that coming from?” Adam searched the room for it. The smell was calling to him. A deep desire to at least get closer to it. He looked on one of the dressers and saw the culprit. There sat a beautiful wooden box with a bright red bow around it. “Strange…” he muttered as he picked up the box. Curiosity was getting the better of him. He knew none of the guys smoked. Especially something like cigars. But then why would the box be there? None of them smoked. It was just unhealthy.

His fingers undid the bright red ribbon and opened up the box. Several expensive cigars lined the inside. Adam pulled one out and slid it under his nose. His brain went wild. The smell permeated every one of his senses. One hand went and rubbed his crotch, while the other stuck the cigar in his mouth. It lit by itself.

“Looks like someone finally got their present from Santa,” Cody said.

Adam turned around quickly not expecting to be seen. The smoke filled his lungs and he let out a few weak coughs. “Co-Cody?” he finally made out. The man standing in the doorway somehow reminded him of Cody despite looking nothing like him. First of all how his thick muscular body filled the doorframe. He must have weighed at least twice what his friend did and looked unbelievably stronger.

“In the flesh,” Cody sauntered across the room. Despite his size, he moved an almost nimble presence. Light on his feet, but every step was deliberate.

This wasn’t anything like the small and confused way his friend walked. Adam shook his head, trying to push past the confusion. “Wait…” he muttered. “What’s wrong with me.” So many different images of Cody was pushing into his mind. He could see the other man’s naked burly weight clearly. Adam pulled the cigar out of his mouth. He must have been dreaming. Somehow he knew this was Cody, but it wasn’t the small dorky guy he’d always had to protect. Instead, he was strong, confident, even sexy. Adam tried to shake the thoughts away.

“Nothing’s wrong,” Cody said. He led the cigar back to where it had been.

Adam took another puff. The smoke dulled his mind. It felt like a massage directly on his brain. And it felt so good. His body started to relax. The tight muscles losing the tension as the oddities around him weren’t so distracting.

“Feels good? Don’t it?” Cody asked. His hands ran up and down Adam’s muscular arms. He slowly led the other man to the bed. Laying him on his back as the smell of the cigar filled the room.

“Damn right boy,” Adam grunted. His teeth bit into the cigar a little more so it wouldn’t fall out of his mouth. There was more grit in his voice. Strong, confident and with a bit of a rasp from smoking.

“I thought it would daddy,” Cody’s hands drifted down over Adam’s muscular torso to his jeans, undoing the button. His present popped out and swung back and forth. The thick cock pointed into the air ready to be serviced. Cody’s mouth opened as he teased the tip with his lips, gently kissing the tip.

Adam’s dick throbbed with pleasure. “Ohh yeah… That’s it boy,” he moaned. His hands gripped the bed, trying to hold onto the pleasure. But the cigar dropped out of his mouth. For a moment, Adam was able to think more clearly again. The haze only lightly lifted. “Oh fuck…” he looked for something to ground him in reality, but everything looked just slightly off.

Even in the mirror Adam barely recognized the young stud. His face had rounded out slightly with a thick beard drifting down towards his chest. The toned and defined arms, were bulky and covered with hair. Hell, hair seemed to be growing everywhere on him. His meaty chest was covered in it and the yellowing white wife beater he was wearing couldn’t cover any of it up.

Cody’s mouth completely engulfed his dick and Adam couldn’t help but thrust his hips. His hands gripped the bedspread underneath him as a loud moan filled the silence. “Ohhhh… Fuck…” Adam’s thick hips dropped back onto the bed. “C-Cody?” Adam tried to get his attention.

For a second Cody stopped. He noticed the discomfort in his partner. “What’s wrong daddy?” His voice was as sweet as he could make it. And his body crawled up onto his partner, over his belly where abs had once been. More and more weight filled out Adam’s thickening framed. Each second he was getting bigger. Hairier. Sexier.

“What’s going on? Why does this feel so… So good? And… And…” Adam looked Cody in the eyes. No longer was it his weak little friend. This guy was big and strong. And he couldn’t get his naked body out of his mind. “And why do I want to fuck you so badly?”

“Cause I’ve been such a good boy,” Cody smirked, leading into a kiss. Their mouths locked. The taste of the other filled them up. The strong earthy taste was better than he thought as he felt more and more of it fill his mouth. It lingered even after their mouths parted.

“Such a good boy,” Adam repeated. His voice was a deep rumbling growl. He could feel it all the way down in his chest. And the smile Cody gave him just made him happy. Even if he didn’t know what was going on, he didn’t want it to stop. His thick dripping cock craved more attention. He moved to stand on his knees, lording over Cody as he grabbed the cigar and took another puff. A thick smoke blew from his mouth. “A very good boy.”

Cody felt a shiver run down his spine at the powerful lust in his partner’s eyes. He almost flipped himself over, feeling his asshole quiver with anticipation. The power in his voice just did it for him. “Anything for you daddy.”

Adam cocked a grin. He couldn’t help but let out a single laugh. His thick meaty held Cody down as he moved closer to his ear, nibbling at it. “That’s why I always liked you best,” he growled.

It took nearly everything Cody had not to cum at that statement. He’d thought he was the one in control but hearing that deep voice praise him so highly, he could barely help himself. Even bucking his hips once at the statement. He gripped the bed as tightly as he could, holding everything back as Adam’s salt and pepper beard rubbed against his face. The gentle kisses from the side of his face to the nape of his neck. All while those coarse calloused hands traveled down his thick sides and round his rump.

A finger tickled his hole and wormed its way in. “You like that boy?”

“MMMPPPHHH!” Cody felt his body buck again. All that weight and strength, yet one finger could make him drop to his knees. He bit his lip hard. “Oh yes daddy!” he cried out. His body had been flipped before he knew it and mouth bit into a pillow. A second finger pressed against his hole and opened him up even more. They danced on his insides.

“You like that boy?”

The word was caught inside him. “YES!” Cody forced out. A third finger pressed onto him. “OH GOD! YES!” he cried out as he forced his face into the pillow again. The feeling was intense. Filling him up but leaving him wanting more. No other man had ever been able to do this to him. Adam had always been a top, but when he was around Adam he couldn’t help but fall to the bottom.

“Good boy,” Adam complimented. He removed his three fingers, leaving the gaping hole. He lined up his dripping cock and pressed it. Cody’s body slid forward as he pushed more and more of himself inside the other man. Each little bit sent a shiver down Cody’s bulky body. “Such a good boy.”

Adam’s thick calloused hands gripped Cody’s shoulders as he started thrusting back and forth. Each time sending a shock wave through the two of them. Each time making Cody cry out. His teeth bit into the pillow as Adam’s thick meaty cock plowed into him. His body clenched the bed with all his might. He couldn’t hold it back anymore. His cock unloaded on the bed beneath him.

“Heh,” Adam cocked a smile. He couldn’t help but release the single condescending laugh as his grip tightened on Cody’s shoulders. He squeezed harder, pumped faster, and let that tight hole grip his cock all the more. The edge was there. He was right on it.

“C’mon daddy. You can do it,” Cody grunted.

The condescension wasn’t lost on Adam. He grit a bit harder and felt his body finally release. The sensation rocketed through him and he could feel his body thrusting on it’s own. Finally, when his body relaxed he laid down behind Cody, cradling his bulky body. His cock was still stuck and needed to soften up a bit before he could pull out.

Adam took another puff from his cigar. ‘Damn that’s good,’ he smiled to himself.

“Looks like you still got it pop,” Cody said.

“Course I still got it,” Adam grumbled. “Always have. Always will.” His cock was starting to soften, but Cody pushed his thick booty against Adam instead of away.

“Oh?” Cody taunted.

“You lookin fer round two? Don’t think your ass could take it. Now off,” Adam pushed. “And get yerself cleaned up. Got it?”

“Got it,” Cody smirked. He stood up and stretched his back then went to the bathroom.

“And when yer done, go getchyer ‘brothers,’” Adam added. They’d all been in the same fraternity and loved it when he called them that. They’d pretend that he was their father despite none of them being related at all. Though, Adam couldn’t help but think the dynamic was a bit fun. ‘Where’d all the time go?’ he questioned as he looked himself in the mirror. Thick lines were around his eyes and face, giving him a more stone cold look. White and gray had started to fill in where his jet black hair had been. He placed his thick hands against his growing belly. A firm muscular gut, but still a gut.

“Reminiscing?” Cody’s arms hung around Adam’s shoulders. His head leaned into the nape of the older man’s neck. “You know you could probably still have some of your own. Just gotta stick it in the right hole.”

“Goddmanit!” Adam pulled away. “Always gotta ruin a moment don’tcha? Now go gitchyer brothers!” He swatted at the young man as he ran out the room. Though a smile quickly broke when he was alone again. “Dumbass,” he added. “Like I’d want that…”

He looked at the dresser where the cigars had been to grab another one out of the box. However, there was a note attached to it. In perfect cursive, ‘Hope you enjoy your new family. If you ever want to make it bigger, feel free to bring more. S.C.’

“The fuck?” Adam looked over the note again and then saw a picture of the four of them taped to the bottom of the page. However it wasn’t them. It was before they’d changed. He didn’t know how he even recognized them. But somehow knew it was. He felt blood pumping through him a little bit faster. Sure they’d all been pretty attractive in their own right, but now he could see just how sexy they’d all become.

A mischievous grin filled his face. “Hey boys! Why don’t y’all invite some of yer friends next time?”


Author's Note: If you like my work there’s more stories over on Wordpress and Patreon