Bulking II, pt. 5-6

Bulking II pt. 5-6

Part 5

I stuck around the gym for a few minutes after I dropped off the load of supplement, but never encountered Alex. The gym was mostly empty that night, except for a very fit looking blond girl walking slowly on a treadmill. No one else appeared to be showing, so I left, disappointed that I didn’t encounter the muscle monster in person.

A couple of weeks went by and my only contact with Alex was through his videos. This wasn’t as good as being in the same room as him, but it certainly was something. One of the new videos was previously aired live and had him responding to viewer suggestions via chat. There was no way to see what comments were being exchanged, but it was interesting anyway. Alex actually showed his handsome face in this one, leaning forward into the light of his computer screen, pecs pushing forward as he bent in closer to read. He read something, smiled, typed something back, and suddenly pushed his chair back.

He disappeared from view for a few seconds and I stared at the black, grainy screen, frustrated. Then the screen flared white-yellow for a moment and faded—he had turned on a desk lamp. With the camera adjusted to the new levels, I could see him naked, lying down on his bed from the side. Memories of Alex jacking off furiously when I had him hopped up on hormones flooded my mind. He looked at the camera, gave a nervous grin, and struggled to lift his legs and ass in the air. It was then that I realized what was going on—the user had asked for Alex to suck his own cock.

It was, of course, impossible for any number of reasons. Mainly, his penis was not long enough at average length and he was nowhere near flexible enough even before he was covered in bulging muscles. But he gave it good try for the sake of his audience. With much effort, he managed to roll backwards until his thick, muscled quads were pulled forward, coming to a stop because they were colliding with his huge muscle gut, which broke into brick like abs from the strain. He reached for his hamstrings, but could not make it the whole way with his arms that were encumbered by their own muscularity. He kept trying to get into position, however, and it was strangely arousing. I think it was something about the seeing a muscle beast like that struggling to do something specifically because of his huge size.

After several minutes of futile grunting and contorting, Alex gave an apologetic glance to the camera, made himself comfortable on the bed, and proceeded to jack off normally. While his hand stroked his cock he strained his neck forward to get a good view—I realized that without craning his neck, he couldn’t even see his dick past his mighty pecs and stomach.

I had already shot my load by the time Alex finally came, having been very turned on by the beast fighting to twist his body into an erotic position, but I almost came again when he spurted cum all over his belly and thighs, his whole body rippling and twitching in pleasure (this was the most well-lighted video, so you could actually make out everything).

I found myself watching his cam shows over and over again—the perks of having no roommate while the housing office scrambled to find me someone new again. I was very proud of my work.


It was a month after Alex left me the note demanding more supplement, and I had yet to hear from him. Maybe he had slowed his consumption of it, I wondered. Unfortunately, there had been no new videos to excite me in the past two weeks, so I had to make do with the existing ones—not that they weren’t hot, but I wanted to see every stage of his progress as he blew up bigger and bigger.

I had just given up on doing my reading for the next day, having decided to watch the failed self-suck video again, when I heard a knock on my door. I went to answer it, my boner steadily diminishing.

At my door was a tall blond girl. After a moment, I recognized her as the girl from the gym a month ago.

“Steve?” she asked.

She was almost statuesque in her physique, looking like a professional figure competitor even in street clothes.

“Um… Yes. Can I help you?” I responded.

“You’d better be able to. Alex is missing. And it’s your fault.”

“My fault?” I asked.

“They took him. They found out about him and they took him!”

“Hold on!” I said, “Who is ‘they’ and why is it my fault?”

“The Company. They took Alex—and he wouldn’t be involved with any of this if it weren’t for you doping him…” she took a moment to catch her breath and added, softly, “Of course, I wouldn’t be involved if not for you, either…”

I invited her into my room (she probably could have forced her way in if I didn’t) and she sat down on the bare mattress across the room from my bed.

“Maybe you should start from the beginning…?”

“—Sarah,” she said.

“Okay, how do you know Alex?”

“He’s my boyfriend.”

I was a little surprised. Alex had grown to well past the size that most women would find attractive.

Sarah must have sensed my confusion, because she explained, “I met him online. I sent him a message after seeing one of his videos and we met in real life shortly after that.”

Wait, she was watching his cam shows?

Again, she seemed to have sensed my feelings, because she looked me straight in the eye and matter-of-factly said, “It’s not just gay guys that are into muscle, you know.”

I nodded in understanding, slightly embarrassed.

She continued: “Alex is a really great guy. It’s not often that I meet someone who’s just as serious about fitness that isn’t a complete meathead. It’s only been a few weeks, but he really means something to me.

“He told me everything—about how you started sneaking steroids and hormones into his food—about how you got him hooked on this ‘supplement’, or whatever it really is.”

I wondered if he had told her about the night I jacked him off.

“So what happened to him?”

“We were on our way back to his apartment off campus a little more than a week ago when we were ambushed. A black van—like something out of a bad movie—screeched to a stop next to us and some guys got out. Big guys.

“I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, but Alex is strong. Really strong. And these guys weren’t anywhere as muscular as he is, but there were at least four of them. He managed to knock the shit out of one of them with a swift left hook, and I did my best to slow down another one, but they had Tasers. One after another, they jabbed at him. I was quick enough to avoid them, but Alex was—well he was encumbered by his size. He let out awful moans each time they got him—it took five shocks to bring him down.

“I went to fight back but the one I had attacked earlier got me from the side.”

She lifted up the left side of her top, revealing a painful looking bruise on her ribs.

“That’s—that’s terrible,” I stammered. “But why do you think I can help you?”

She locked eyes with me again and I felt a twinge of guilt in my chest.

“You order the supplement. You know where it comes from. You have to do this to make up for what you did to him.”

“How do you know it was the supplement manufacturer?”

She sighed, “I know it was The Company because of something I heard when I was lying on the ground, peeing myself from the electricity they shot through my bones. They were saying something about how big Alex was and how ‘it’ must be working well on him.”

I was speechless as I considered whether I was truly to blame for this.

She saw the look on my face and added, “they called me a bitch, too, after they knocked Alex out with a blow to the head. Is that enough detail for you?”

Something was welling up inside of me. Try as I might to avoid culpability, deep down I knew she was right. I did this to Alex, with no regard for the consequences.

Sarah gave me a moment before saying, “They must have found him through the cam site. Once he started posting videos, they spread like wildfire through the muscle community. I sent a message to the site admin but there’s no response.”

“Do you think you can find them if I show you the sites I used to find the supplement?” I asked.

“I think I can get a better idea of where I—of where we should start looking, yes.”