Bubble Bath

You didn’t believe it at first. GROW YOUR MUSCLES FAST! the label on the bottle read in big, huge letters. Just soak for ten minutes and watch your body become EVERYTHING you dreamed it to be!

Not that you didn’t want to bulk up; you’d been working on building muscle for some time (to little success). It’s just that it all seemed so… easy. There was no way ten minutes in a bubble bath could turn you into the man of your dreams… could it?

You had to know. You ran a bath and poured a couple squirts of the soapy substance into the hot water. It had a tangy smell, like some kind of cologne or men’s body wash. In just seconds, the bathtub was filled with bubbles, the hard smell filling the bathroom like magma.

You climbed inside. Instantly, you felt a rich, calming sensation overtake your muscles. Any tension or stress that had been pent up inside all week vanished into the bubbles. It might not make you jacked, but it was a great bath none the less.

Reaching over, you set a timer on your phone. Ten minutes. The bottle was very specific on how long you were supposed to spend in the bath. Not that you believed any of that nonsense, but still. Better to air on the side of caution. You put the phone down, laid back and closed your eyes.

Minutes passed. You drifted away, consciousness vanishing into sweet dreams of steamy, sweaty, sex. Hands exploring the map of your muscular body, squeezing pecs, fondling flexed biceps…

The alarm rang. You jolted upward, arms colliding with the sides of the tub. You felt yourself, everywhere. There was no better way to put it; you were filling the entire tub. Either it had gotten smaller or you had gotten…

Holy shit.

Muscles. Everywhere. Rippling under the surface of the water, peaking out of the bubbles like islands in the ocean. You brought up one gargantuan arm to inspect.

“Fuck me!” you exclaimed. The bicep bulged and flared, a fresh wave of heat wafting up from your armpit bellow. You weren’t just muscular: you were a fucking beast.

With your other hand, you reached down under the water towards your dick. The enormous meat stick in your hand didn’t feel human at first, like there was an arm growing out of your crotch. But you knew it had to be real as you started to run your hand over it, heat pulsing through the rest of your body.

Your grunted. Cum mixed with the bubbles. That didn’t take long, you thought. Even just thinking of your new bodybuilder physique was enough to send you into a powerful orgasm. So you laid back down, breathed in deep, and fell back asleep, forgetting entirely about the warning on the bottle.

The next time you awoke, it wasn’t to an alarm. It was to the sound of pipes creaking underneath you.

You were stuck. Literally, you couldn’t move. Your limbs were jammed up on the sides of the tub. No—the sides of the wall. Had you really gotten that huge?


“Grrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuugggggg….” you groaned, flaring out your chest. The two globes that were formally your pecs seemed to fill the entire bathtub on their own. You could barely see over the tops of them, so there was no way to asses how big you had gotten. Or how big you were still getting…

You tried to get up. The porcelain of the side of the tub cracked under the weight of your arm. Your bicep wasn’t bulging: it was destroying, practically everything in its path like a big fleshy wrecking ball. Both your arms had grown so huge that you could barely move them around. How were you going to weight lift like this, let alone get to the gym?

The pipes continued to creak. You knew if you didn’t get out and call help soon, your body was going to collapse through the floor. If only you could find your phone, if only you could get out of the tub.

But you were still in the bath, the bubbles, still adding pound after pound of pure, hard man muscle on to your frame. You had no idea what to do with all this extra meat, and your body was fast approaching the threshold of what a normal human being is supposed to look like.

Normal… human… the words felt alien to you. Little did you know it, but the bubble bath had already made its way up to your brain. Soon, it would be just as thick as the rest of you, stripped of anything resembling “normal” or “human.”

The instinctive reaction was to feel scared, or nervous. But instead, the idea turned you on. Somehow being a mindless muscle bull was the hottest thing on the planet, and you just couldn’t resist taking that free hand of yours and bringing it up to your cock. It was the size of a baseball bat by then, leaking so much pre-cum that it could fill an entire bath on its own.

Within seconds, you were groaning like a beast and flooding the bathroom with your cum. The floor beneath you gave way, and all 600 pounds of you fell through the ceiling in a haze of orgasmic stupor and a tidal wave of splooge.

Maybe next time, you’ll take the label more seriously. Although I doubt there’ll be a next time, seeing as reading isn’t exactly your strong suit now. As a matter of fact, if it doesn’t involve posing, getting fucked, and jacking off, I’d say you should probably just steer clear.