Brotherhood of the Traveling Sweatpants

Diego deftly folded a pile of clothes that no longer fit his employers. Most of the clothes were quite massive, but their owners were even larger. These days, the three men who Diego cared for usually wore nothing but underwear. He was surprised to find a pair of sweatpants and a tank top that were probably small enough to fit him. He wondered how they had gotten mixed up with Jacob’s things.

Most men probably would have been disgusted by Diego’s three employers, but he thought they were beautiful. As he folded clothes, he pictured Jacob’s massive body. He imagined climbing up over Jacob’s big belly and leaning in to kiss the handsome giant. Jacob’s brother and his boyfriend loved their combined size, but Diego and Jacob reveled in their extreme size difference. Diego loved the way his slim body was dwarfed by Jacob’s massive one.

Thinking about Jacob was making Diego horny, but he had a job to do. He glanced at the one out of place outfit as he loaded the clothes into his car, but he didn’t give it a second thought. The magic of the clothes reached out to Diego, but it had no effect on the lithe young man. He headed to the nearest thrift shop and made his delivery. From there, he went on to the grocery store with a massive list for his three massive men.

In a cramped and cluttered shop, a very petite old woman suddenly felt a pulse. She immediately dropped what she was doing and scurried toward the back room. She picked up a very large purse, flipped the sign on the front door to say ‘closed,’ and locked up. She knew exactly what the strange feeling meant. One of her magical items had left the possession of both its buyer and the person it had been given to. As she walked away from the store, she felt another pulse. Now she could sense the item more clearly. She abruptly turned left, honing in the item’s location. Actually, it was two items. She could tell now that it was the magical sweatpants and shirt. Those things always had a mind of their own. She wondered how many young men they had grown this time.

A young lady had just inventoried Diego’s donation when Leon walked into the thrift store. He rarely went to thrift stores, but he had to be frugal right now. He had poured a lot of money into his frat’s recent party, and he was running low on funds. Still, one of his frat brothers had recommended this place, so it must be pretty good. The clerk tried to flirt with Leon, but pretty much brushed her off. Plenty of girls were attracted to his handsome face and hard-earned muscles, but he didn’t tell them they were barking up the wrong tree. Even Leon’s frat brothers didn’t know about his sexual orientation, although he thought it was about time to change that.

Leon made a couple of good finds, but for some reason a simple pair of gray sweatpants really caught his eye. He was concerned that they would be too large like many of the other clothes, but they seemed like they would be just the right size. It seemed a little weird that they didn’t have a tag with the size, but he figured the former owner must have cut it out. Once Leon had the sweatpants in hand, he found himself heading right for the shirts. He discovered a plain white tank top that would be great to wear to the gym. Oddly enough, it also didn’t have a tag. In his mind, Leon started thinking of the pants and shirt as a pair, although he couldn’t have explained why.

A few minutes later, Leon walked out of the store carrying a large bag. He had been surprised to find so many great things there. Feeling satisfied with his shopping venture, he drove back to the frat house.

The little old woman had just arrived at the thrift store when she felt a different kind of pulse. With a shrug and a sigh, she turned back the way she had come and started walking back to the store. It seemed the magical garments had found a new owner on their own. Of course, without her guidance the clothes would enact their magic in whatever way they saw fit. She knew from experience that those clothes could be awfully mischievous. Still, it was out of her hands now. The magic would draw on its new owner and any young men around him, growing more powerful until it had brought forth their deepest desire for gluttony and size. The woman usually reined in the power of the clothes with her own magic, so without her constraints there was no telling how the clothes would achieve their goal. And she wouldn’t be able to retrieve them until they left the possession of their new owner. She wondered how many men would be transformed before then.

Back in the frat house, Leon was strangely eager to try on his new sweatpants. Instinctively he put on the tank top as well. He suddenly felt very strange as he turned to check his reflection in the mirror. His jaw dropped when he saw his reflection. He looked down at his body and back up at the mirror. It wasn’t possible. He was looking...bulky. He turned sideways, revealing thicker shoulders and a belly with a definite curve. He lifted his shirt to discover a little fuzzy belly where he should have seen perfect abs. When he inspected his body further, he realized that his hips and ass had grown as well. Hell, even his pecs seemed a little larger and fuzzier. Pulling the shirt back down, he assessed his reflection. Oddly enough, he didn’t look too bad bulked up like this. Still, this was some crazy trick.

Leon hurriedly took off his new clothes. The moment he was rid of the clothes, his body shrank back to normal. His abs, pecs, and other muscles were well sculpted from hours at the campus gym. His eyes slid to the clothes that were crumpled up on the floor. He wondered what it would be like to be beefier like that for a day. He could totally freak out his frat brothers. And then he would change clothes and be lean and skinnier again as if nothing had happened. It would certainly be the strangest practical joke he had ever pulled, but it would be fun. He suited up in his new clothes, and in instants his body thickened up everywhere, and his belly rounded back out. Leon checked out his reflection one more time. He wasn’t really that big. He just looked like he had been bulking a little recklessly... like he had gained 30 or 40 pounds to try out for rugby or something.

Leon headed toward the main lounge. There would probably be a couple guys hanging out or studying there. Sure enough, a few guys who were taking a biology class together were going over their notes. Steven, who was jokingly called the token nerd, briefly looked up at Leon before continuing a lecture on the difference between DNA and RNA. He made no comment on Leon’s bigger frame, his little gut or his increased muscle size. Sure, the young man wasn’t as observant as some of the other guys, but even he would surely be surprised to see Leon’s new body. Steven took care of his own body, running every day just like he used to when he ran track in high school.

Leon decided to try a different approach. “I’m heading over to Turner Hall for an early dinner,” he announced. “Anyone want to go with me?”

Now the guys looked up. Cory, who sometimes went to the gym with Leon, joked, “Hungry already, big guy? Well make sure there’s some food left when you’re done.” A couple of the others laughed.

“I thought we were supposed to be ordering a bunch of pizzas tonight,” Jay chimed in. “I’m saving up room for that.” The dark-haired junior was notorious for his love of pizza, but somehow he never gained a pound.

The reactions struck Leon as very odd. Since when did Cory call Leon big guy? He didn’t seem surprised by Leon’s new size at all, and neither did anyone else. A thought struck Leon. He quickly told the guys it was their loss and headed back to his room. He picked up the pants he had been wearing earlier, which were still lying by his bed. The tag said size 34. He grabbed a shirt from his dresser and threw it on over his undershirt. It fit just fine, although it was a little snug around his chest and belly. He grabbed his smartphone and went to facebook. All his recent photos showed him bigger and bulkier... with this rugby type build. It seemed impossible, but his magic clothes seemed to completely change reality. As Leon processed everything, his stomach growled. He hadn’t been serious about going to his school’s buffet style dining hall, but he was actually feeling pretty hungry. He patted his little gut. It could be fun to see how much he could stuff this thing. After all, as soon as he changed his clothes reality would go back to normal.

A few minutes later, Leon was sitting down in Turner Hall with an overloaded tray of food. As soon as he started eating, he was overcome by hunger. He didn’t think he’d ever been this hungry in his life. He devoured everything on his plate, and then he went for seconds. And thirds. Then he got dessert. Leon was glad he was wearing sweatpants. If he had been wearing jeans, the waistband would surely be cutting into his stuffed gut. By the time he finished his large dessert, his shirt was pulled taut over his bloated gut. With a grunt, he pushed himself up from the table. He hadn’t had a meal that large since Thanksgiving. His stumbled a little bit as he got up, unsure of a new center of balance... his body felt... heavy, unfamiliar.

When Leon left the building, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the glass door. With all that food stuffed inside, his gut definitely looked rounder than before, his shoulders looked wide. Suddenly Leon felt severe discomfort. He belched loudly, and the feeling passed. Then something shifted. His eyes widened as his body changed. His arms expanded, his pecs pushed out further, his back widened suddenly. Leon could feel his body growing, as if it was instantly converting everything he had eaten into muscle and fat. He put a hand on his stomach, feeling it grow rounder then and there. He shifted his stance as his ass, hips, and thighs grew larger as well. He thought he had been beefy before, but that seemed like nothing now. At this point, he was clearly over 250 pounds. The thought stunned him. He hurried back to the frat house, desperate to take the magic clothes off and see if he would revert back to his old size.

As Leon power walked back to the frat house, he could feel his whole body, his pecs, his arms, his belly... bounce a little with every step. He wondered what he would do if he didn’t change back. Well, he was actually still enjoying the idea of being larger. He was built like a linebacker now. He just hoped it was temporary. Finally he made it back to his room. He disrobed faster than he ever had before. Instantly his body shrank back to the size he had been earlier that day... like a bulk that had gone on too long. He breathed a sigh of relief. He was back to his old size. Something tickled his memory, a vision of a perfectly sculpted torso. Leon stared at his reflection, trying to imagine his body looking like that. Eventually his memories sorted themselves out. Of course, he had looked like that when he graduated high school, but he had bulked up at college to play rugby. Since almost every guy in the frat was athletic in some way, they called him the resident rugby prop.

Now that Leon felt reassured that reality would revert to normal, he kind of wanted to put the sweats back on and feel bigger and beefier again. He would show the guys what it really meant to be the resident big guy. “Pizza’s here!” someone called out downstairs. Leon grinned. With the help of the magic clothes, he might even be able to eat more pizza than Jay. He didn’t even notice that he no longer felt stuffed from his recent feast. Leon put the sweats and tank top back on, and he actually found some pleasure in feeling himself begin to blow up with fat and muscle. As soon as he had grown, his hunger returned. Now he’d surely be able to out-eat any of the guys. He looked like he was nearly 300 pounds now.

Back down in the lounge, a bunch of guys were already starting their pizza. Leon could hear remarks like, “Better hurry up and eat before the big guy clears us out.” He puffed out his chest and strutted the best he could with his larger, powerfully built body. He took pride in hearing comments and jokes about his size. He knew he was stronger than any of them. He could outlift them all easily. He had always been a bit competitive, so maybe he was just excited for a new way to show off. He knew that despite the jokes the brothers would be impressed by his huge lifts in the gym... and by his ability to down huge amounts of food. In the frat, pretty much anything could turn into a contest.

Jay was in the kitchen, hovering over the large stack of pizza boxes. He patted his flat stomach and grinned. “The difference between you and me is that I can match you slice for slice without gaining a pound,” he taunted.

“Match me slice for slice?” Leon scoffed. “I doubt it. I’m feeling extra hungry tonight.” That last part was certainly true. Since Leon put his new outfit back on, he had been feeling at least as hungry as he had in the dining hall.

Jay swallowed the last bite of his first slice. “I’ll wait for you to catch up,” he stated. “After you’ve finished your first slice, we’ll go head to head and see who can really eat the most.”

Leon grabbed a piece of pepperoni and took a huge bite. With his mouth full, he said, “You’re on, buddy.”

A little while later, Leon and Jay were each finishing their 10th slice. Jay’s gut was seriously distended. Leon’s hadn’t grown much, but it felt firm and swollen. Steven had become a sort of officiator. “Alright, that’s ten slices each. Basically, you’ve each eaten a full extra-large pizza. Time to start pizza number two.”

Jay groaned. Leon grinned. He was feeling very full, but he knew he could stuff a few more slices into his gut. He couldn’t believe how much this thing could hold. Jay managed one more slice, but he was obviously done after that. He gingerly sat down and rubbed his bloated belly in large circles. Leon victoriously held up his 12th slice before chowing down. The guys cheered as he finished the last bite.

Sure enough, Leon started ballooning outward. His clothes grew with him, but his tank top barely contained his huge belly. It got even rounder as it pushed over the waistband of his pants. Just as before, he had to shift his stance as his thighs grew thicker. He could clearly notice his arms and chest getting bigger and bulkier too. He put a hand up to his face and confirmed what he had already guessed: even his face had rounded out a bit. Some of the guys patted him on the back and congratulated him on winning the eating contest. Others jokingly poked his belly and said that he had an unfair advantage. No one commented on the fact that their frat brother was suddenly closing in on 350 pounds. He wondered how much he actually weighed.

Leon waded through the crowd and headed back up to his room. He felt so heavy now. His whole body was so meaty and thick. He was still strong as hell... still carrying a ton of muscle but now he was getting kinda... well... fat. Despite the influence of the magic clothes, he was unhappy about that. Once again, he stripped down to his underwear. He still felt a need to prove to himself that he would go back to normal when he wasn’t wearing the outfit. Well, he wasn’t exactly skinny, but then he never had been. Images of toned abs and meaty pecs floated through his mind. He had soemtimes dreamed about having a body like that, but he supposed it just wasn’t in the cards. Nah, he was built for power. Built for the defensive line. Strong as hell and big as a barn.

Leon’s love of working out must have run deep, because he found himself wanting to go to the gym. The sweatpants reached out to him, trying to latch onto the passions inherent in him. He looked down at the clothes and had an idea. He would use his new outfit as workout clothes. For one thing, he could weigh himself on the scale in the locker room and find out how big his magically blimped out form was. And it would be awesome to do a full workout as an huge linebacker. The regulars wouldn’t know what to think when they saw him hoisting up 405 on bench with ease.

Before donning his new workout clothes, Leon changed into a jockstrap. Had his ass always looked that big in a jock? He couldn’t remember. He finished getting dressed and watched his transformation in the mirror. For some reason that never got old. He turned profile and admired the way his jockstrap supported his huge ass. The sweatpants clung to the curves, showing it off perfectly. He picked up his gym bag and headed out. Memories of working out as a big man solidified in his mind even as he happily rubbed his huge belly. The clothes manipulated him to feel hungry in turns, but nothing was going to deter him. He found himself in the campus gym, eager to flaunt his large body while pumping iron.

Before Leon started his workout, he just had to weigh himself. His ever-changing memories told him that he weighed about 220 pounds, but that was without the augmentation of the magic clothes. He stepped on the scale and was surprised by how far forward he had to lean in order to see the numbers. It read 364. His mind reeled. Leon knew he was big, but he hadn’t been prepared for that. Somehow his size hadn’t fully registered until he saw the proof in the numbers. Feeling strangely exhilarated, he left the locker room.

Just as Leon had hoped, a few heads turned as he walked through the gym. He went straight to the treadmill and quickly brought himself up to a jog. He reveled in the feeling of his whole body, and his big gut bouncing up and down. Before long, he got winded and had to slow down to a walk. As he exercised, his belly gradually shrank a little, although he didn’t notice. From there he moved to the weights. Even as Leon’s magic clothes did their thing....they were bound to build his muscles as he worked them. Still he didn’t notice. In fact, the longer he wore the clothes, the more his reality changed.

“Dude,” came a voice from behind him. “I didn’t realize just how huge you were getting.” Cory stood nearby, gawking at his massive friend.

Leon looked down at his body. His memories were still reorganizing themselves, but he had already forgotten the magical nature of his clothes. Memories of his regular workouts had returned, but they were joined by memories of eating huge and getting huge. His body showed the results of both. His arms and legs bulged with more muscle than ever, but a firm gut stuck out in from of him. His whole body was covered in a layer of fat, even his now massive muscles. Cory eyed Leon’s large form enviously.

“How do you do it?” Cory asked. “How did you manage to bulk up like that?”

Leon grinned. “For one thing, I eat. A lot. As for working out, why don’t I show you?” For the next half hour, Leon and Cory worked out together, spotting each other and giving each other tips. Cory was fairly muscular himself, but he seemed in awe of Leon’s size. Leon couldn’t remember seeing Cory look at him like that before, but he was loving it now. The whole time, his muscles continued to slowly swell.

After the workout, Leon and Cory undressed in the locker room, and Cory headed for the showers. Leon normally just showered at the house after the short walk home, but now he wasn’t sure what to do. His back had grown so enormously muscular that his arms were now pressed far out to his sides. He sauntered slowly, his massive quads fighting for space in the tight sweatpants. God he loved being huge.

Cory had seemed to sway his hips seductively as he walked toward the showers. And he had snuck covert glances at this massive hulking form of Leon as he slid off his workout clothes. It wasn’t just Leon’s imagination, was it? Leon realized that while he was lost in his own thoughts he had never heard the sound of running water. Cory stood naked in the doorway. “Care to join me?” he asked with a saucy smirk.

Leon, still clad in only his jockstrap, stood up, showing off his hulking, powerful body. He slowly slid he jock down his thick thighs as seductively as he could. He barely remembered to grab a towel as moved to follow his muscular friend. Leon was thankful that the showers were empty at this time of night. Cory turned the water on, letting his whole body glisten in the pouring water. He happily drank in the sight of Leon’s figure strutting toward him. He reached out and placed his hands on either side of Leon’s thick middle. His eyes roved the man’s body with a mixture of lust and envy. He was so huge. His body was just so impressive, so powerful. Before either man knew what he was doing, the two were kissing, gently at first and then with increasing passion. Steam rose around them as they reveled in each other’s bodies.

Suddenly Leon heard footsteps, and he quickly broke off the kiss. Leon started to wash himself, not even glancing at the newcomer. Cory, meanwhile, kept sneaking glances of Leon’s beautiful enormous form. He just couldn’t get enough of that amazing combination of fat and muscle. Leon was beginning to panic. It dawned on him that he had just outed himself to his frat brother, and he didn’t know what to do next. Now that he was no longer in the heat of the moment, he didn’t know how to approach Cory. As soon as he finished showering, the huge 370lbs man hurried into the locker room, changed, and left. His clothes hugged every inch of his gigantic bulky frame. Biceps buging, pecs heaving, Leon was so eager to leave he didn’t even notice the sweats and tank top that were still sitting on the bench.

Cory inwardly sighed as he toweled off. He had ruined everything by moving too quickly. But seeing Leon all sweaty and practically nude had caused him to abandon his senses. He just couldn’t help himself. As he dressed, he discovered that Leon had left his workout clothes behind. He stuffed the clothes into his bag. Maybe when he returned them to the overblown jock, they would have a chance to talk. He took a deep breath as if he were about to have the conversation right then and there. What would he say? “So, I’m gay and I’m pretty sure you’re gay too. Want to go on a date?” Yeah, that would go over real well. He continued to ponder his options as he walked back to the frat house. And as he walked, the magic clothes in his bag latched onto their new target.