Brad the Beast

“Awe Fuck yeah”

Brad dropped his duffel bag and stood there with his feet spread apart and arms swollen from his chest, grinning at his own massive reflection. The threads of his Red XXXL T-shirt snapped and groaned with every breath he took, and seemed impossibly tighter then this morning. You could see the outline of every muscle on his gigantic torso along with a few sprouts of his dark chest hair that had snaked through the fabric. The extra baggy jeans were filled to the brink of destruction with muscle, and obscenely showed off the outline his monstrous manhood and lemon sized testicles. He palmed his growing denim bulge and snickered, knowing the day had finally arrived. The day when his muscles would become so freakin huge that even the largest clothes at the department store would simply shred to pieces from a simple flex. Marking the transition into the stage where he would no longer resemble a bodybuilder or even a man… but instead a full-fledged muscle freak! And now he stood there at just the early age of 17 ready to make that transition, ready to become the thing he had always desired.

He didn’t know where to start wanting to take such care and pride on this momentous occasion, relish every moment. He stood there for a while then instinctively slowly raised his arms up colossal arms. The threads Snapped and Cracked even more, Bradley couldn’t help but lightly snicker never feeling so unbelievably powerful and strong. His cock started to swell up in his jeans, he could feel his briefs start to dig into his ass crack. He paused for a moment to relish on what was actually happening. No more department stores, no more socializing, no more living what everyone calls a normal life. Everything from this moment on had to be working towards the development and growth of his muscles and become the thing everyone had begun to call him at school! A Beast! A Huge Muscle Beast that lives, breathes, and thinks about only the growth and power of his muscles. He couldn’t take it any longer... he had waited 6 long years for this to happen. He suddenly raised his arms up and placed his hand’s on the back of his neck hearing a loud RRRIIIPP


He groaned watching his biceps explode through the fabric, all 22 inches of them. He crunched his abs down and flexed his arms as hard as he could, unloading a huge warm load of cum into his jeans. He looked like a fucking animal with patches of hair flaring out from the bottom, top, and ripped sleeves of his shirt. His 8 pack was pumped already and his pecs were heaved up so tight against the shirt it started to look transparent. He took a deep breath and flexed his pecs with loud groan watching the left one Tear through the fabric

“UHH God Look At Me….Fuckin 340 Pounds of MUSCLE!”

Bradley hit a most muscular pose feeling the shirt rip half way up his spine unleashing even more of his body. With a red face and clenched teeth he snarled and grunted, like the animal he was becoming, flexing his back over and over until the remainder of the shirt was shredded to pieces. He watched the remaining fabric dangle lifelessly around his mammoth traps, remembering how perfectly it fit just a few weeks ago. 40 pounds of muscle in just a couple of week, Bradley laughed at the very idea and ripped the remaining fabric to the floor hitting another massive pose. He couldn’t believe how fast he was growing, how fucking massive he was becoming. He was bigger then big, no one at his school could even compete with his size. At 6”5 and over 2 feet wide he could have ripped anyone to shreds with his bare hands. He flexed his pecs and abs again watching his cock suddenly snap open the zipper


He creamed simultaneously as his cock stretched outward through the broken zipper hole heaving out bigger and longer, pumping loads of hot cum. He flexed his enormous biceps again and drooled just looking at there throbbing size and power! Completely intoxicated he couldn’t help but slowly start to lick each one, smelling his manly stench. He let out a light moan with what little high voice he had beginning to slobber like a dog as he licked and cleaned every inch of them, kissing and making out with his own muscles. The obsession that he had with his own body was almost unhealthy, he could barley get it up for anyone but himself. No other man had the masculinity, the muscles, the sheer dominance he had. His mind started to wonder again to the one thing he though about day and night which was the idea of growing bigger, thicker, and stronger! Imagining what it would be like to have two, three, even four times the amount of muscle he currently had, his desire for size was insatiable! He didn't wanna wait any longer, it was time he completed his transformation! He started to focus on the growth of his muscles, licking and worshipping his body faster and faster feeling it already began to happen. It was even easier then before, he could already feel the power pump through his veins. He let out a snicker imagining everyone's face knowing they already thought he was to big, imagining the power he'll soon pozess. He closed his eyes and continued to focus harder and harder feeling it began to happen again, feeling the muscle's on his body began to twitch and tingle. His cock suddenly throbbed ripping through the poor white briefs unleashing all 12 INCHES of his giant manhood, sending a torrent of cum towards the mirror. He started to laugh hysterically from the sheer bliss as his jeans and briefs began to get tighter, practically digging into his ass. The feeling of his own weight was increasing against his feet, and his biceps were undeniably growing against his tongue. His jeans became painfully tight before he heard a loud SNAP as his left leg burst through his jeans


SNAP his other leg burst through


He opened his eye's to see his monstrous figure in the reflection with his cock boning out of his jeans, and pumping wads of cum onto the floor and mirror. Shit he was already a freak, and he wasn't even done, not even close! He began to flex his legs as hard as he could watching more of the fabric tear from his immense size, feeling so unbelievably powerful and strong. Next he squatted down while flexing his entire body letting out a roar of power watching the rest of his hairy tree trunk legs burst out of the fabric from another surge of growth. There size was beyond anything most people could imagine and covered in some of the biggest veins he had ever seen, cut to perfect with gigantic muscles and coated in dark hair. He flexed them over and over feeling the muscles push up against each other, spreading his feet further and further away from each other across the cold cement floor. He knew it was only a matter of time before he would have problems walking, and he knew running would out of the question by the time this was over. He grinned and made one final squat sending his ass cheeks shredding through the denim, fallowed by a another loud SNAP as his wide waist exploded the rest of the jeans off his body. They fell to the floor into the puddle of cum leaving him in just a tortured pair of briefs and looking even bigger then just a few minutes ago.

"And Now for the Grand Finale.."

He grinned and then clenched his fist flexing his entire body, holding the pose until he started to shake and become covered in veins. He could already see himself began to expand in every direction never feeling such strain and pain on his body, but he knew he couldn't stop. He gritted his teeth and snarled forcing himself to hold the pose grunting louder and louder knowing he had to flex out of those skimpy white briefs, growing more then he ever had before! Shaking violently and looking freakier then ever he soon felt his weight start to increase faster, feeling the briefs become tighter and tighter. The poor tortured fabric snapped and strained sliding up his thighs as they grew impossibly bigger. His already giant ass cheeks heaved out and swelled with even more muscle making the briefs dig further into his ass crack, the feeling felt unbelievably good like someone taunting you with a huge cock against your ass. He watched his abs get denser creating probably the hardest and thickest 8 pack anyone had ever seen and his obliques made him look like a muscle freak in a comic. He looked down to watch his pecs heave outward watching his nipples get pushed down even further, seeing the fur on his chest become even thicker. His traps were swelling, his arms were growing, his back was widening and yet his briefs still weren't snapping. Brad became furious and slammed his foot down cracking the cement below him hearing the first RIIIIPPP!!


Brad hit one colossal pose and roared feeling a massive surge of his muscles watching the briefs explode from his body fallowed by his monstrous cock unleashing a river of cum towards his reflection from the incredible orgasm of power. He stood there for almost a full 5 minutes stroking his cock and unloading stream after stream of cum onto the floor and mirror. The collected mounds of cum into his hand slurping it up like an animal, tasting its sweet nectar and drinking as much as he could. The rest from the mirror and floor he practically bathed himself in rubbing it all over his body and using it as lubricant to finger himself for one final jerk. When he approached his 4th orgasm he bent his neck down and unloaded another cup of cum directly into his mouth, self sucking his own jaw breaking cock. After full and complete satisfaction he stood up and looked in the reflection, looking upon his even bigger body. He couldn't stop grinning noticing he was a little taller and his cock had managed to become even more monstrous, his transformation went better then he could ever imagine!

"Haha...I Finally Did it.. I'm a FREAK!"

Brad hit one last pose staring at ever inch of his body with detail relishing on his size and perfection when his phone started to ring. He grunted a little and ripped open his duffel bag seeing it was his friend Kyle calling. He flipped open the phone and answered

"Supp Bro"

"Whoa Brad.. did you get a cold or something?"

He grinned knowing his voice had deepened again

"Nope I'm fine"

"Well Maybe its a bad connection. We still hanging out?"


"Cool ok I'll be at your place in 15, sound good?"

"Yeah see you then"

He tried to hit the end button but accidentally hit the 3 key at the same time, finally using his pinky to end the call. When he closed the phone he chuckled knowing it was all finally happening and that it was only going to get better! Brad's fingers were already bigger then most guys erect cocks so it was only a matter of time before he wouldn't be able to even use a normal phone. Most people would think this idea would be sick or annoying but Brad got off on every minute of his abnormality because it expressed how insanely massive he was getting. He took one final look at himself and left the garage to get ready to hang out with his best friend, one of the two people Brad would stop his working out to spend time with. As he headed into the house every step he took was like a dream come true to him. The thumping of his foot steps had become even louder, shaking the walls and windows even more of the cheaply made small house. The small gain of height that most people wouldn't notice was soaked up by Brad's Giant loving ego. But His favorite part of all was The muscles in his legs now smashed into each other as he walked, making him almost wobble. With his tall height he never thought it was going to be possible to obtain this weird fetish of his. The width of his shoulders almost touched the small hallway making him dream of the day he would no longer fit with out walking sideways. He first entered his room that he shared with his little brother and grabbed the huge clothes from under his bed that he had bought at the Big and Tall Store, just in case this day had finally come. Grinning the beast walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, stepping on the extra weight scale watching the dial spin to a gigantic 374 pounds of muscle.

"Haha Fuck Yeah!!"

Over 30 Pounds of muscle had just been added to his body! Over 30 pounds of muscle without even lifting a single weight. Brad raised his huge hairy 23 1/2 inch arm up and laughed

"I can't wait to get bigger.."


Brad raised his huge hairy 23 1/2 inch arm up and laughed

"I can't wait to get bigger.."

His cock throbbed a little before entering the small shower hearing

the bathtub crack and creek wondering how much longer it was going to hold his weight. In the cramped space he some how turned his wide body to slide the door close, accidentally slamming it shut causing the glass on the door to crack on the side. Most teens would freak but he just laughed staring down at his massive hands, loving his new uncontrollable strength. He carefully turned back towards the stream of water relishing on how cramped the shower was becoming, knowing any wrong movement would send that cheap shower door shattering to the floor. The house they lived in by no means was anything impressive, or for that matter even average. It was a small, cramped, ranch style home sporting 2 small bedrooms and 1 bath with a good sized yard.. Some people might have called it cute.. Brad now looked at it as the next thing to outgrow.. Luckily the house did include an impressive in-ground pool which was great to escape the California heat and Brad couldn't have done any of his growing without the roomy two car garage, which was now his gym.

Brad looked over at the radio clock on the counter knowing he had 10

minutes left quickly grabbing the body washing and soaping up his hairy muscled body. His elbows kept hitting the side of the wall and shower door with every movement to the point it was was actually starting to annoy him. Before the teen beast practically broke out into a animalistic rage his hands reached his enormous crotch area with the soap. Along with Brad's obsession with growing, he had an unhealthy obsession of pleasuring himself practically doing anything just to get off. This is true of most teenage guys but most teenage guys don't masturbate 12 to 15 times a day like he did. His libido seemed to grow along with his muscles and body, and it was no doubt the testosterone he was packing in those massive balls wasn't helping.

He bit his lip and moaned a little rubbing the enormous balls and monstrously thick cock with his hands. Fuck his testicles were huge!

They were Literally the size of lemons and they hung almost half way

down his thigh along with that jaw-breaking cock of his, which was

pumping up hard and fast. His left hand pumped the huge cock while his right hand traveled along his global ass slowly slipping some fingers into his giant ass crack. He found his manly hole and pierced two fingers into letting out a deep groan, shoving them up as far as he could. For most people this would have felt like two cocks being shoved into there ass, but Brad's huge and wide man hole seemed almost lose and was craving even more penetration. He slipped a third finger up but still the beast new he needed more. He grinned realizing all these years of shoving things up his ass for pleasure were finally starting to catch up with him. He looked around the shower and saw a perfectly round soap bottle grabbing it with his hands and bending over sliding it up and down his crack, feeling its size. He squeezed

the bottle until the lid exploded off squirting huge amounts of soap into his hairy hole, then turned the bottle around. He slowly began to squeeze it into his ass moaning louder and louder feeling his cock become unbearably hard! A huge stream of cum uncontrollably exploded out of his piss slit and onto the shower tiles, but the beast still craved more. He began jerking his cock not even slightly losing his hard, grunting and groaning thinking about just how huge and freaky he was gonna get. He grabbed onto his enormous shaft with both us hands jerking his cock wildly before shooting another incredible load of cum onto shower wall. His ass crushed the shower bottle between it's huge muscles, squirting the remaining soap in his ass.

Brad slowly pulled the bottle out from his man hole feeling a release

of soap dump out of his crack and onto his legs. He groaned and rinsed himself off, flexing and rubbing the massive hairy thighs. He squeezes out of the shower, tossing the bottle away and slipping on some undersized briefs watching them rip towards the bottom as he squeezed them up past his thighs. His huge boner was sticking up over the top of the waist band and almost reaching the top of his abs now, covered in huge veins looking massive in every way. The huge testicles pushed down against the briefs pushing them away from his body. Brad rubbed the outline of his balls and laughed grabbing the deodorant shoving the small stick into the deep furry muscle pitts. He would usually stop rubbing on the deodorant when he smelled it but for some reason this time no matter no many times he wiped he couldn't. The teen took the stick and smelled the top... everything smelled fine... it smelled like it always did. Brad kept applying layer after layer but soon noticed no matter how many times he wiped it along his pitts it couldn't over power his manly musk, it had become to potent. Brad let out another snicker and tossed the deodorant in the trash. He placed his hands behind his neck and flared his pitts and biceps getting a good wiff of his stench, licking the inside of one of his pitts

"MMM Yeah.. Fuck I'm huge"

Brad did a quick flex then grabbed the huge gray t-shirt tugging it over his thick back and pecs, noticing it already felt a little tight around his upper torso. He next slipped on a pair of black basketball shorts which were snug against his muscled thighs and cupped his huge bubble butt so much it caused the outline of his cock and balls to be obscenely shown. Brad grinned at himself and then left the bathroom thumping and shaking the house with every foot step as he entered the living room. He wondered if his shoes would fit his feet picking one of them up and tugging it over his foot. He ripped one of the sides open and laughed, feeling like the shoes had shrunk by at least two sizes.

"Haha Shit I Fucking Grew Everywhere!"

Honk Honk

Brad thumped over to the window to see Kyle waiting out in his truck. Brad had known Kyle sense the 2nd grade and they both grew up to be pretty big guys. Kyle was 6"2 and tan, with brown short hair, amazing blue eyes, and packing a body most people go nuts over. Brad quickly adjusting his cock and carefully slipped on his other shoe. Kyle watched Brad come out of the door already noticing something was different about his friend. As Brad got closer to the truck Kyle began to drop open his mouth realizing the impossible had happened. No matter how baggy your clothes are there's no way you can hide a gain of over 30 pounds from your best friend. Kyle noticed Bradley was wider, thicker, and just plain bigger. Usually a person with a ton of smart remarks and cocky words was sitting there in his truck speechless

"Supp Kyle!"

Brad's voice boomed even louder then it was at school.. Kyle tried to

smile but just stared at the outline of Brad's balls and cock which

practically heaved through the window, gulping as his Monstrous friend

open the door feeling the truck heave even more to the right then

usual. Brad's knee's thumped against the dashboard and his head was

closer to the roof then it was this morning.. Kyle stared in disbelief

"Dude Did you grow Again!?!"

"haha Maybe.."

"Haha You Fuckin Kidder you Did Didn't You? How much did you grow?"

"A Little Over 30 Pounds" Brad Smirked

"Over 30 Pounds!! Holy shit Dude thats way more then last time!

Fuck... It shows to bro, you look so much bigger then this morning.

Come on lets see that bicep"

Brad proudly heaved up his beastly arm and slowly flexed watching his

friends mouth drop open and begin to drool. Kyle grabbed the massive

bicep with both hands and began to feel it up, rubbing its hairy

goodness. It way bigger then both there Heads looking bigger then a

fucking bowling ball, and it was all muscle! He slid up the sleeve a

little unleashing some of Brad's thick pitt hair, brushing his hand's

against his pitts, watching the veins start to cover his dense

muscles. Brad saw Kyle's cock throb like always, appreciating

everytime how much his little friend was getting off on his size. Brad

and Kyle were both Bi and once thought about having a relationship but didn't want to risk there years of friendship they had. Though Kyle

was secretly beginning to want Brad more then anyone, losing the power to stop himself as his friend continued to grow.

"You done yet Boner Boy? Haha"

"Oh, Haha Sorry Dude.." Kyle continued to stare "Man look at your

Veins! And shit Those pecs" Kyle quickly felt one up "Shit this is

unbelievable! I can't believe your getting this huge dude, your going

to be the biggest guy on the planet soon.. My Best Friend!"

"Yeah haha its pretty freakin awesome!"

"Damn..." Kyle put the truck in drive and left the house "Well this

isn't as cool but your not gonna believe who gave me a blow job after


"Haha thats what you were doing! You hornball who?"

"Will Taylor"

"The Quarterback!?"

"Yeah haha, the dude was like a hoover"

"Man I wish I could have been there, I could totally use a good blow

job right now"

"..You could always get John to do it" Kyle grinned

"Oh man your gonna start that again"

"Dude its so Perfect! It would be like having a sex slave 24/7"

"He's my brother"

"Step Brother, and have you seen the way he looks at you? That horny

little fucker pops a boner every time your in the room"

"Yeah but dude come on.. he's 13"

"So I started fucking Lisa when I was 12. If you can get a boner and

make some juice, who cares what your fucking. If you wanna fuck em and they do to, I say go for it"

Brad rolled his eyes with a smile, still finding it amusing how horny

Kyle was. Kyle hit puberty early at 10 and lost his virginity at 12

with his 16 year old cousin Lisa. Brad didn't blame her because she

was blond and had great dick sucking lips, complete with huge tits

that would make any boy go crazy. After that day though Kyle turned

into a sex machine fucking Girls and Guys of all ages, stuffing his

dick in food, blow up dolls, and even letting his dog scruffy lick his

cock while they took a bath together.

"I still think it would be messed up"

"Think what you want but seriously that horny bastard would be the

happiest teen of earth if you let him even touch your cock. You guys

share a room too, think of all the fun you can have"

"Yeah.. I don't know man I'll think about it.. Were still going to the

mall right?"

"Nice change of subject, and yeah we are.. We obviously need to get

you some new clothes. And I've been meaning to get some new shoes and cologne.. What you wearing by the way, you smell really good"

"Haha Thats funny I'm not wearing anything, not even Deoderant..

"Really?.. Body Wash?"

"Nope" Brad Grinned knowing it was his own manly musk

"Well what ever you did you smell amazing"

"Thanks, anyway I'm glad were going to the mall, Non of my clothes fit

me any more"

"I wonder why haha"

Kyle pinched one of Brad's Nipples and hit the gas as they entered the

freeway. They got off the subject of Brad's muscle's for the short

ride there, but as they entered the mall the subject of his enormous

size became once again the main topic of conversation. People all ages

and all sexes were staring left and right, stopping what they were

doing to look upon Brad's disgustingly huge size. He grinned and

snickered flexing his pecs up and down, hearing the malls ambient

noise become quieter as they walked by the shops. Kyle was forced to

get used to this about a few weeks ago when Bradley started hitting

what he told people "A Growth Spurt". But Still Kyle couldn't help but

look up himself and watch Brad push out his chest looking proud and

cocky, hearing the fabric strain, watching with awe as a few strands

of chest hair pushed through the tight shirt. Every flinch his muscles

made made his cock throb and his knee's and thighs weaken. He knew a while ago when Brad started to get bigger that he had a serious fetish for a guy with size but he didn't realize to what extent. The bigger his friend seemed to get the more he desired him, and at the rate he was growing he didn't know how much longer he could take it. His mind already day dreamed about him, thinking about the special power he had to will himself to grow.. desperately wanting to see him get bigger.

As they approached the Big and Tall store hearing the whispers of people turn back into regular voice. Bradley entered with a smile on his face as they entered what he had come to think as a shop designed for the new and bigger generation of men, excluding all the fatties. It was like a right of passage to him, feeling so accomplished that he was getting everything he dreamed of and more. Though as Bradley entered he realized something was different, something didn't feel right as he thumped through the place with his undersized clothes and his tattered shoes.. It was something he hadn't felt for years and was something he never wanted to be again.. Brad felt.. normal.. There weren't as many stares as he was used to, no gawking, just a quick glance and a smile. He almost wanted to grow right then and there just so people could see how freaky huge and abnormal he could really get. Brad tried to control his urge hearing Kyle's sexy voice from across the store

"Dude, Check out these shirts"

Brad thumped over checking out the huge t-shirts and jeans along the way, which began to run his imagination wild and cock stir with ecstasy. Unlike all people who buy clothes for there looks and fashion statement Brad, for the past couple months, had looked at clothes with only one thought. How huge would he have to grow before they would no longer fit and simply rip off his body. Clothes were no longer what they were meant to be, but instead a goal to this muscle craving freak. And these clothes.. These were some of the biggest he had ever seen.. He drooled as images of him growing to impossible sizes clouded his mind, ripping through the biggest man made stuff, turning into a gargantuan giant of muscle!

"You Ok man..."

Brad snapped out of his day dream look at his small friend, who's eye's were fixated on the giant boner that was starting to grow in his tight basketball shorts.

"Yeah I just.."

"Haha Fuck man your such a freak, I love it... Hey can you try on this polo"

"Oh no, seriously again Kyle?"

"Please! Come on dude you know how much I love seeing a guy in a polo.. especially you"

God there was nothing else like it on the planet.. We've all seen hot muscled guys in tight polos that outline there pecs and nipples, with there massive traps pushing up the top, and a hot flare of masculine chest hair popping out from the collar. But Bradley.. Bradley took it to a whole different level.. You haven't seen a polo until you've seen it on Bradley.. and now that he was bigger, and hairier.. it could only be even more amazing then before.

"So will you do it?"

"Yeah haha sure" He couldn't say no to Kyle's killer smile "But lets pick out some other stuff for me to try on as well"

They quickly went around the store picking out a bunch of over-sized clothes to leave room for Bradley's "growth spurt", selecting only the basics to try on. They were about to get into the dressing room when Kyle held up an undersized sky blue polo.

"Aren't you forgetting something"

Brad grinned and opened the dressing room waving to Kyle to quickly get in and join him. With the two of them in there it was actually fairly snug, especially with Bradley's freakishly wide shoulders, which Kyle didn't mind at all. Being so close to his friends muscles and smelling his musk practically ripped him into instant bliss. Brad grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up, unleashing his chest for his friend to see. Kyle quivered looking at the wall of hairy muscle, never seeing anyone so thick and dense.. so perfect...

"Oh god Brad.. Look at you"

Kyle had finally lost control and grabbed Bradley's waist and pulled himself into his friends gigantic muscle body. He pressed his face against the hard hairy pecs and sniffed in his intoxicating smell. Bradley didn't flinch just as Kyle suspected, knowing his friend could never pass up a good worship. Kyle started licking his huge hard nipples and traveling his tongue up between his pecs, loving how pasty white Bradley's skin was. All of the other Kids were Tan from the California sun but not Bradley.. It was proof of his obsession and dedication to get bigger, spending all his free time lifting weights in the dark garage. Brad heaved up his arms to unleash his odor sending Kyle into a drug-like state of mind, he couldn't help but plow his tongue into

"Kyle..? KYLE!!"

"What?" Kyle snapped out of his day dream "Oh.. sorry"

"Haha, My Muscles that distracting for ya?"

"haha I guess so"

"Yeah.. there pretty fuckin Huge aren't they MMF" Brad hit a double bicep pose making every muscle on his delicious body bulge with size. Kyle drooled being only inches from those hairy melon-sized pec, feeling the heat radiate off his wide torso. "Well what should I try on first?"

"umm.. The.. The Polo.." Kyle Stuttered

"haha You sure love a guy in a polo... I wonder if this thing will even fit"

Brad held up the fabric with little expectations that it would even make it over his thick back and pecs without ripping to shreds. He pulled it over his head and then stuffed his massive arms into the sleeves hearing the first rips and tears. Nothing visual yet was happening but as Brad continued to stuff the shirt over his body you almost couldn't watch without an emotion of suspense. Kyle was fully boned and wasn't hiding it in any way from Brad, tenting his shorts far and proud. Brad laughed at his friends reaction then somehow miraculously pulled the Polo down to his waist.

"Ohh Man.." Kyle drooled

"That good eh?"

"Oh Shit Brad You look so good" Kyle rubbed his cock a little

"Haha Yeah.. Shit this thing is tight"

Brad raised his right arm a little causing the shirt to finally rip near his shoulder and pitt area. He chuckled a little then ripped off the sleeve with ease, then flexed his other arm causing the sleeve to explode. Kyle felt a wad of precum unload into his shorts from the very site of what was happening, seeing Brad's pasty white arms Brad always loved to give people a good show and continued by flexing his pecs, Kyles favorite muscle. He flexed them as hard as he could causing both of the enormously huge muscles to explode through the front of the polo.

"Oh my god.."

Kyle gasped for air seeing the hairy pecs blow outward, never seeing anyone's muscles so freakin huge in his whole life. Brad let out a roar of laughter looking down at his muscles with pride, and utter fascination. He flexed some more while Kyle began to lose the war with his cock, fumbling to open the zipper so he could jerk his hard piece of meat. Kyle and Brad had jerked off before but nothing like this... Kyle had never let Brad know he was jerking off to him.. Brad smiled at Kyle to show his acceptance actually loving what was happening, continuing to flex for his friend and his own amusement. As he stared and gawked at his own muscles the same insatiable idea popped into his head. A smile came to his face just thinking about it, but was it to soon.. was it to fast.. Knowing he would lose the battle Brad still hopelessly tried to strike up an argument with himself, but found it was to late... the urge inside him was growing.. just like he wanted to.. Brad couldn't take it any longer, why should he have to restrain himself anyways. He was already massive, what was a few more pounds. Brad gleefully grinned

"You liking this Kyle?"

"mmhmm" Kyle licked his lips

"You ain't seen nothing Yet.. its time I show you what real muscle Looks like"

Brad dropped his basketball shorts to his feet and suddenly hit a massive pose, making his polo tear down the middle of his chest. Kyle quivered and whimpered at the display of power and muscle before him, feeling another load of cum blow into his shorts. Bradley flexed and grunted getting ready to grow once again, when the original idea of a few more pounds turned into an even Bigger idea! 400 pounds to be the weekend goal.. Fuck it he thought.. 5 or 600 Pounds was going to be the new weekend goal. The goal of reaching 400 Pounds was going to happen right then and there. Kyle and him were going to witness history as he turned himself into the most muscular man to walk the Planet! Without hesitation he focused in on his muscles, feeling the blissful rush of power flow through his veins. His face turned bright red and Bradley felt once again the addicting sensation of his shirt beginning to tighten around his chest. His muscles started to swell slow at first but soon began to grow faster and faster until he could actually feel his own weight start to increase on his already mammoth frame. Brad's cock Throbbed to life and ripped the briefs from his body making Kyle squeal as the giant manhood and softball sized testicles were unleashed right before his eyes

"Oh Shit Kyle Look at Your Balls!"

"Fuck My Balls Dude, Look At My MUSCLES!!"

Brad looked down upon his body while hitting an enormous crab pose feeling a massive wave of power hit his body. Brad's growth began to accelerate to an almost alarming rate like it was being switched into some kind of freaky muscle over drive! Brad laughed like crazy feeling his body being pulled and pushed in every direction from his rapidly growing muscles, watching the room and Kyle shrink around him.. Kyle shook in utter fear while still uncontrollably stroking his cock, watching Brad expand wider and taller. The Blue Polo finally gave way and simply shred from his expanding chestt, falling pitifully to his shoes which weren't doing any better. His feet continued to grow along with his body causing both his shoes to finally blow apart at the seams, revealing his giant toes and head crushing feet. Kyle gulped and looked back up seeing Bradley's boner inch closer and closer to his chest with wide eyes. He never thought anyones cock could grow so huge and unbelievably thick, proving that Brad once again was far from normal. Kyle's eyes continued to wonder up to the rigid hairy 10 pack that hard grown on Brad's body. Muscles that shouldn't have even existed were actually beginning to form on the teen's body, it was like he was turning into a whole different species of man! Kyle brought his eye's further up to his friends pecs, traps and face which made him cream instantly all over the hairy growing chest. Brad's face was covered in stubble and his neck was surrounded by mountainous traps, everything engorged in veins and bulging with mutant like features.. Brad laughed heaving up his two arms watching them continue to swell with excitement, showing the only boyish side he had left in him.

"Aww Shit Man they Gotta be 25 maybe even 26 inches!"

As Bradley said that his giant 14 inch Boner slammed into Kyle's chest pushing him up against the wall, digging into his chest until it actually began to hurt. Kyle began to panic wondering when he would ever stop, watching with an open mouth the pecs pump outward from his breast cage, being filled with pounds of muscle. Kyle felt a sudden gush of cum dump out from the enormous piss slit onto his shirt, watching the tiny dressing room get even tinier as Brad's growing body started to fill inch after inch with his muscles. Brad had to be 6"8 now with shoulders looking close to 2 and half feet!! The muscle beast to his own satisfaction could barley look below his pecs anymore, seeing just nothing but muscle and hair.

"Haha.. Just a little More.."

Brad groaned and held a most muscular pose before he began to flex his arms over and over pumping himself even bigger like a fucking balloon. He felt his shoulders brush the sides of dressing room, his ass cheeks and thickening back squeezed up against the back of the wall. You think he would of stopped but Brad just stood there growing, running crazy with power!! A few more seconds went by when his legs had grown so huge and spread so far apart they actually Slammed up against the sides of the dressing room, leaving not a single inch more of room to grow. Shortly after Brad and Kyle heard the wood paneling on the wall suddenly make a loud SNAP! Brad knew he had better stopped unless he wanted to show off a real display of muscle to the small and pathetic people around him.. The idea was more then tempting but Brad had a vision on how he would release his size upon the world.. and this wasn't it. He immediately stopped flexing with a grunt, feeling his growth come to a sudden halt.

Knock Knock Knock

"Sir Is everything alright in there?"

"..Everythings Just Perfect"

Brad heaved up both his arms and began licking the huge biceps, kissing and making out with his own muscles. No one slobbered and drooled over there own Muscle's like he did, and even though it may sound disgustingly obsessive or just plain sick, it would make you bone up faster then you ever had before. Kyle simply stood never imagining anything like what just happened was even possible .The last time Brad grew for him it was a measly 7 pounds but this.. this was something out of a comic book or movie, and just plain scary. Nothing on earth was ready for this size craving muscle teen. Kyle felt weak in the knee's as if looking upon a god, watching the beastly teen just stand there licking his muscles, stuck between the walls from his inhumanly large size.. His friend..

"Oh Shit Kyle.. I'm Fuckin Huge Dude!! Haha Listen To My Voice"

"Man Brad.. That was.."

"Amazing!? Freaky!? Scary!? Haha, And to Think this is just the beginning... Shit Look at my Hands.. I think were gonna have to pick out some bigger clothes. After all your friend, the most muscular man on the planet "Brad Flexed "Still desire to get even bigger Haha"

Kyle gulped watching Brad move sideways just waiting for the walls to come crashing down watching him some how manage to pick up some of the clothes off the floor. It was going smoothly they both heard one of the other walls Crack open as his huge ass flexed up against it. Brad chuckled and began to try on some of the clothes that they picked out only a few minutes ago, waiting for the rush of satisfaction to hit him. He knew these clothes would have fit loosely a few minutes ago but just as he suspected the fabrics strained and groaned as he stuffed them over his colossal body. God they looked like under armor they were so tight against his body. Brad didn't mind sense they showed off all his muscles but he knew they wouldn't even last through the night, or for that matter even a few minutes of general movement. He instructed Kyle to get him bigger clothes, trying to get used to the even deeper voice that resonated from his mouth. Kyle left the dressing room immediately getting a array of dirty looks from people around the store, most of them probably thinking all the loud grunts and groans were nothing more then two horny guys fucking in public. He grinned knowing that they were in a for a HUGE surprise.. He quickly rounded up a huge load of clothes for his god like friend. Clothes so big he swore he could fit two of his bodies in them. He got back to the dressing room hearing a slurping noise and slight moaning, knowing that Bradley was probably worshipping his body. But as he opened the door he saw something completely different and just plain shocking! Bradley had obviously lost control and could no longer restrain himself from self serving his own cock and finishing off what his cock started a couple minutes ago. Kyle quickly closed the door and watched Brad's body shutter as he reached his climatic orgasm, Pumping load after load of his own hot cum into his mouth! He looked like a fucking animal with his mouth wrapped around the jaw breaking cock, Chugging all the sperm down like a baby with his bottle, stroking the mammoth shaft wildly. Kyle could actually see the cum pump up his shaft and then down into his belly, watching his stomach expand bigger and bigger from the cups of cum entering his body. Brad must of stood there for a full minute with cum oozing out from his lips, trying to drink it all down and prevent a huge mess from destroying what was left of the pathetic dressing room. Brad's belly soon looked like a full on roid belly and practically doubled in size. He chugged down a couple more gulps of sperm and licked his lips with his tongue, letting out a loud, and monstrous BURRRRPP

Kyle was once again at a loss for words, not even knowing where to began. He didn't know whether to be cocky, turned on, or just.. shocked.. Luckily Brad was never one to stop talking

"Haha Sorry Bro.. I just couldn't help it" Brad Smiled

"Do.. Do you do that a lot?"

"All The fucking Time dude.. Tell you the truth.. I can't really get hard for anyone else but myself anymore.. Guess thats when you know you have real problems huh? haha"

Brad winked and then grabbed the clothes Kyle brought him slipping on a large black baggy t-shirt. Despite his cock still hard and tenting up against the fabric It fit him loosely and was almost what some might call Too Big.. Brad how ever considered it to be the perfect, knowing it would last him at least another 100 pounds of growth before giving way like every other piece of clothing he bought. He tried on all the rest of the clothes, ripping the tags off a couple that he would exit the store with. He grinned at his shredded up shoes and exploded polo throwing them over to the dressing room next store, then finally opened the door to leave the dressing room. As he thumped out into the store he finally got the stares he desired seeing everyones shocked expression turn towards him, and his huge, muscled body. You could see it in all there eyes.. Knowing what had happened but not wanting to believe it. Brad filled with satisfaction witnessing for the first time his heavy steps affect a department store hearing the light shake and quake of the floors and walls. Brad went over to the shoes and tried on one pair 2 sizes to big then picked out another pair 5 sizes to big. He picked out a ton more clothes to complete his new ward drobe then brought it over to the register to watch the total climb up over a staggering 700 dollars! Brad's family being poor had nothing to fall back on but his own money he had been saving up from his job at the local bodybuilding shop, and a few competitions he won. He put back a some shirts and pants realizing he shouldn't waist to much money on something that probably wasn't even going to last a week. He was about to pay the cashier when he he saw it... There, over on the wall.. was biggest shirt he had ever seen! It looked like it could fit someone twice as big as him which made him grin with excitement.. He kept staring at it hearing it practically beg him to outgrow it.. Another goal on the way to his ultimate goal.. He turned towards the Cashier with a smile

"I want that Shirt"

She Turned around

"That shirt?"

"Yeah" his voice boomed

"Umm Sorry sir that shirt isn't available for sale, its just for show"

"I don't Care.." Brad raised his right Arm and Flexed his Bicep "I want That shirt!"

Kyle stared at the women and nodded, worried that Brad would finally go flying off the handle. He never had a temper before but. when you know you have the power.. its hard to stop yourself from using it

"uhh Ok.."

"Thank you" Brad Grinned

She charged him a random 40 dollars for it, probably far less then it was actually worth but the thought of that huge teen before her becoming angry would soon become a frequent nightmare. Brad picked the shirt off and started to snicker out loud...God just the thought of it! The thought of growing that fuckin huge and that fucking muscular! Exploding to sizes no human ever thought possible, seeing everyone's faces as he became the most powerful man on the planet!!! Brad's cocked throbbed with excitement knowing this was his future destiny, and chuckled one last time before stuffing the blanket-sized t-shirt into the bag. Brad and Kyle finally left the store getting even more stores then before, and this time he was actually wearing proper clothes. He had new slick white shoes, a pair of dark red basketball shorts, and a nice black shirt that was lose but still left nothing to the imagination. Nothing could hide those huge pecs, and cum filled belly which thankfully was getting smaller, probably from all his muscles absorbing the protein. Kyle looked up and saw the huge sprout of fur coming out from his collar and touching the thick neck, wanting him more and more by the second. Before they left the mall they quickly got the things Kyle wanted, fallowed by Brad taking a surprise trip to the bodybuilding shop he worked at.

"What are you going to get here? More Supplements?"

"Haha Nah.. I'm gonna get some posers"

"What? Really?"

"Yeah um.. John wanted me to get some so I could.. Pose for him"

"Haha!! Dude your brother wants you so bad its no even funny! I can't believe your doing this to, its like your torturing him with your body dude. Didn't I tell you that horny fucker wants you"

"Dude seriously.. I don't know.. It could be fun haha"

"Atta boy. I knew I would start rubbing off on you"

"Well its partially you but its also.. Well its like the bigger I get bro, The hornier I get.. I've been jerking off about 15 times a day"

"15 Times holy shit! I would give anything to be able to do that"

"Yeah I'm just a fuckin Animal"

Brad headed into the shop with Kyle and picked out a few posers quickly saying Hi to his manager who hired him a little over two years ago The 40 year old manager had a good body but was undeniably a huge pervert especially for Brad's Muscles. The manager had kept finding ways to get Brad to take off his shirt and flex for him since the early age of 15, when he illegally hired him. They finally left the mall and Headed back to Brad's house. The truck leaned even more to the right then before and Brad's head had finally hit the roof, making him wonder how much longer he would be able to even fit in normal sized vehicle. When they got back to his house Kyle turned off the truck and asked a question that had been on his mind the whole ride back

"Brad.. When your growing... You think there's gonna be a moment when you won't wanna stop? I mean I wanna see you get bigger but"

"The answers Yes"

"You do?"

"Fuck yeah Bro I think About it all the time. Dream about it happening all the time too.. Its my ultimate fantasy, besides growing out of this pathetic house"

"But.. Don't you ever think about the consequences though or the damage"

"Kyle Relax bro.. I'd like to tell you thats its never gonna happen but truth is, I think it is because every time I grow it gets harder and harder to stop"

"Well what happens if one day you can't I just"

"Kyle.." Brad sighed "Tell you what how about you come over this weekend and you can ask me what ever you want"


"Awesome Bro! Thanks for the ride and catch you later Kyle"

"Bye Brad"

Kyle started up his truck and drove off watching his monstrous friend enter the house. Before Brad could even take off his shoes his little brother came storming into the living room wearing nothing but a tight pair of black boxer-briefs. It was a hot day and they didn't have AC so it wasn't unusual to his little brother to be running around the house with little or no clothes on. John though how ever wasn't expecting his huge big brother to be impossibly bigger then this morning


"Hey Johnny Boy" Brad Stood up and towered above his small little brother

"Oh Man Look at your Muscles! You grew Again Didn't you"

"Sure did Bro, Check it Out"

Brad lifted off his shirt and threw it to the floor hitting an eye popping pose for his favorite little fan boy..