BearMyBros 2.0

Dave burst through the bathroom door, barely managing to keep himself on his feet. He was so glad he’d excused himself from that lecture when he did. His head began to spin out of nowhere, sweat pouring off his whole body. Dave wanted to sprinkle some water on face, but with his legs suddenly feeling like they were made out of clay even these few steps that separated him from the nearest sink seemed like a longshot. Hell, he could barely keep himself on his feet without leaning against the wall with his arms. His arms… what the hell? Dave blinked twice to make sure he wasn’t asleep. What the hell happened to them, they were so big and hairy! His hands too! All rough and calloused, with thick, meaty fingers. Tanned and slightly wrinkled, they looked like the hands of someone who’d spent their entire life performing hard, physical work, not of a college senior like him.

Dave stopped for a second, feeling oddly confused. Something felt off about that last line… did he not drop out somewhere in the middle of high school? No, of course not! Why would he even think that?! He’d just walked out of a lecture and was in his college bathroom… even if it looked a little rough around the edges today. How did nobody clean up all this graffiti yet? No matter, he had to wash up his face and get back to class. Despite feeling oddly heavy and each step requiring a great deal of effort, Dave managed to reach one of the sinks. He turned on the water and started sprinkling it on his face, immediately feeling much better as it slowly soaked into his beard. He let out a sigh of relief as he opened his eyes, looked into the mirror and… screamed at the top of his lungs in absolute terror before jumping into one of the stalls and slamming the door behind himself.

What the fuck was that?! That guy in the mirror, that… that wasn’t him! He looked so fat and damn old! Dave saw his shirt splitting at the front, morphing an old, worn-out denim vest that suddenly could barely contain his hairy gut as it spilled onto his thighs. God, it was so fucking huge… but what else did he expect after spending so many years behind the wheel? Most of truckers turned out like him. But it wasn’t like any of these cubs he often ran into at stops like these seemed to mind a daddy packing few extra pounds. Dave licked his lips and feeling surprisingly turned on gave his belly a little rub. There was an incredibly strong temptation to let that stream of thoughts unfold, drop down his pants and rub one out while thinking of some hot bear he ran into while on the road in the past. But Dave somehow managed to cut that short, jesus… where did all of that come from? He was hallucinating really badly, how come he failed to notice all of those things happening to his body? But the truth was that he’d spotted them all, didn’t he? They just did not seem out of place at all… even that unkempt, greying beard that freaked him out so much when he saw it in the mirror was starting to feel like something he’d had on his face for years. Dave moved his touch it and reassure himself that it was in fact really there and suddenly began to panic when he realized that he did not remember how he was actually supposed to look like anymore. All he could recall was this image of a middle aged trucker bear he saw before him. Earlier Dave had tried to reassure himself that this wasn’t true, that he was still inside his college bathroom, but looking at the stall around him, that seemed to no longer be the case. The place reeked of piss and probably hasn’t been cleaned in ages, walls covered with crudest graffiti of naked men showing off their hard cocks and needy holes. Surrounded by countless phone numbers promising how good they will make you feel if you ever called them, and Dave knew very well that they did not lie. Fuck yeah… this area had some of the best cocksuckers he’d ever met. He could never resist stopping by here if he was ever around, even if he wasn’t lucky enough to run into anyone, just remembering all those men he’d fucked here was usually enough to get him off.

“Dude you okay in there? I thought I’ve heard someone screaming in here…”

Holy shit, he recognized that voice, he really was still inside his college building! Dave let go of his cock with disgust and looked at the thick ropes of slimy precum hanging between his fingers. He wanted to wipe them off… but why not make that cocksucker lick ‘em clean?

“Daddy’s doin’ fine boy, will be there with ya in a sec…”

Dave grabbed his throat, why did he just say that?! What happened to his voice?! It was so hoarse and gravelly, like that of a lifetime smoker… with that he immediately saw three, fat stogies appearing inside the pocket of his vest. Without thinking about it he pulled one out and put it in the corner of his mouth as he hefted himself off the john. Wait… what was he doing? With his pants still around his ankles, Dave stepped out of the stall and took a good look at the preppy looking guy standing in the middle of the rest stop bathroom. Dave had to admit that he looked rather out of place here, but he knew very well that nobody made their way here unless they were down to get sleazy with some rugged biker or a trucker like him. And he sure as hell wasn’t picky when it came to having his cock sucked.

“Daddy’s got something for you boy, ya think you can handle it?”

Dave lifted up his gut and gave his cock a few strokes, then a couple more as soon as he heard the surprised yelp escaping the younger man’s mouth - not the first time somebody reacted this way after seeing his fuckstick. He saw him starting to back away, explaining that he did not know how he got here in a stuttering voice, but Dave knew how to remind him what they were both here for. He pushed him against the wall with his gut and dove straight in for a kiss. Just before their lips connected, Dave had a feeling that maybe he should wait… that the younger man was talking about something important… something he’d been forgetting about… but as soon as he got a good taste of him in his mouth, that stopped mattering at all. He was slobbering all over his face, savagely facefucking him with his tongue and it wasn’t long before the cub started kissing back. Yeah, by the time Dave pulled away, he sure made one hot cub. With some more meat on his bones, a decent beard, and his old preppy getup turned into an old flannel shirt and a pair of dirty jeans, he was finally starting to fit the part.

“Now, look at the mess you’ve made boy…”

Growled Dave as he scooped up some of the thick pre hanging from his cock with his fingers, presented them to the cub and stuck them inside his mouth.

“Time to clean it up… better hurry, daddy ain’t got all day.

Holy crap, that was the greatest thing ever! Adam watched yet another guy go from a hairless twink to the hottest, beefiest bear of a man he’d ever seen! He could not believe he’d almost dismissed this site when saw it posted on his favorite gay porn forum. Guess ‘BearMyBros’ was a bit of an usual name, and the guy who originally made the thread about didn’t do such a great job describing what was that he app actually did. If it turned regular looking guys into big, hairy studs then why the hell did he post it alongside pics of some of the most famous bear actors of all time? A simple ‘before’ and ‘after’ example would have sufficed!

Either way, it wasn’t like Adam was ever disappointed to see Sean Bearman on the posters of his famous movies anyway. He’d fapped so much to them back in the day. Having him parade around in his bearish glory, wearing nothing but that red leather harness and a jockstrap nearly cost him a wrist injury! Naturally the first thing Adam had to do was turn all other actors on that poster into fellow bearded, hairy men. Ramping up the kinkiness to the max until he wasn’t sure himself if that VHS tape he once found at the bargain bin of his local video rental shop was actually that of an old, cult classic B-movie, or a simple sci-fi themed bear porno. Even if it was only the former, after running it through the site’s filter, it and a bunch of other movies he could remember off the top of his head were now full of scantily clad, bearded men who were interested in nothing but each other’s bodies. Or at least that’s what their posters would suggest.

That being said, the famous actors weren’t the only people that Adam would have loved to see with a bit more facial hair and meat on their bones. At first, it felt a little weird to pull a picture of someone he knew from their social media page and upload it to BearMyBros, but he simply told himself that he only did it out of mere curiosity, eager to see how they would turn out. That excuse flew out of the window when he blew his load to the first dozen of pictures of his bearified friends and other people he knew, including that of his roommate. He would have done it to the other roomie as well, if not for the fact that Greg used some stupid anime character as his profile picture. No matter, Adam had so many more other people on his friend list…

Shoot, were these stairs always this long? Richard was only on the first floor and he already had to take a short stop to catch his breath. Perhaps he shouldn’t be too surprised, he wasn’t that young anymore. Well, he was still in his thi… forties, yeah late forties, definitely not the same young stud who originally bought this apartment, but he didn’t remember it giving him that much trouble before. By the time he got to the second one his shirt was already quite badly soaked with sweat, the white fabric at the front clinging closely to his chest. What a disaster! He will have to take that off as soon as he gets home! Why did he even put it on today? He hardly ever went for such a formal look. Perhaps he was finally starting to admit to himself that playing the role of the cool and hip college professor wasn’t that easy with a big, greying beard like his?

Wait… Richard suddenly paused for a second, reaching out to touch the slightly moist strands of hair covering his face with his fingertips. That was strange, for a second he almost felt surprised by the idea of having a full beard covering his cheeks, but it’s been there for a few years already, isn’t that right? He started growing it when he hit fifty. That was probably around the time he finally relented and morphed into the image of a middle-aged academic everyone expected him to be. With an obligatory suit and tie, like the rest of his colleagues, not to mention the few extra pounds on his bones. Richard looked at the chubby, wrinkled hand tightly gripping onto the handrail, then at the big, round paunch over his stomach. Yeah, he really let himself go these past few years, it was still hard for him to believe just how much. And each step he took was somehow making him feel even heavier.

At least most cubs didn’t mind an older daddy with a big belly like his. Richard chuckled to himself and then immediately paused once again. Something seemed particularly off about that thought. Everything began feeling a bit strange since the moment he entered his apartment building. His clothes, his long, white beard, finally his large, overweight body. Richard knew that this was just the way he looked, but for some reason they didn’t feel right at all. He knew that he was gay, but then where did that unexpected thought about being engaged to some woman come from just now?

Well… that did in fact happen but it’s been over thirty years since then. And thank god Richard managed to come to terms with his love for cock before going through with it! He really was quite a cock slut! Or at least that’s what most of the guys he’d been with used to call him… Richard chuckled to himself, feeling a small rush of excitement at the memories. But just as any confusion he might have experienced was starting to slowly ease away, it suddenly came back at full force the moment he reached between his legs. What he found there was much stiffer and rigid than what his cock would get like, even in his youth. It was some strange, metal contraption assembled around it… a cock cage. Richard had no idea what was going on, in that same moment he felt surprised that he even knew that things like that like that existed, but there was also something trying to convince him that he’d been wearing them for years.

Feeling completely dumbfounded Richard attempted to straighten his back and heard a loud, uncontrollable moan erupt his mouth as something huge burrowed itself inside his ass. He immediately gasped for air, feeling something constricting his chest, preventing him from fully breathing in. Richard hastily unbuttoned his shirt and discovered a number of wide, leather straps running across his chest, belly and probably the rest of his body as well. There was even one between his ass cheeks, shoving something deeper inside his hole whenever he moved. And they were so tight… damn, he could barely breathe! They were probably the reason these stairs were giving him so much trouble, he shouldn’t have listened to his boys when they told him to tighten them so much. Wait, what the hell was he talking about? These straps weren’t even here a minute ago! He absolutely certain about that! But then… why could he remember having it on for the entire day? Getting so aroused whenever he had to stop himself from moaning in front of his students as that huge buttplug burrowed itself deeper inside his hole.

Richard couldn’t stop himself from moaning now that he saw the large, wet stain forming at his crotch as his cock began dripping with pre. He knew that was wrong, he wasn’t some creep who would get turned on by something like that! He looked at the white beard hanging from his face and his large, hairy gut, split in half by one of these tight, leather straps and realized that they weren’t supposed to be there either. Richard had no idea what was going on, he wanted so much to cry out for help, but he knew that he couldn’t let anyone see him like this… even if the thought of that happening seemed so incredibly arousing for some reason… Besides, it’s not like that would be the first time, right? He already had a bit of a reputation among his neighbors, some got to find out that the old professor was in fact a huge pervert in disguise. Much to Richard’s surprise most of them didn’t seem to mind, especially after the word got around that all it took was a little knock on his door to have their cocks sucked better than any of their wives ever could. And that was only the beginning, some were already turning into fellow perverts like himself. Who knows, maybe if he ran into one of them now, he could even talk them into giving his ass a good plowing right here in the open… yeah, that would be so fucking hot… Richard let out a moan arching his back slightly to drive the buttplug deeper inside his hole as gave his caged cock a few firm tugs…

Christ, what was wrong with him?! His neighbors would never do that! Richard knew that he had to quickly get to his apartment and get rid of all this crap. He couldn’t think clearly for even a second since he realized he had it on. He was almost there… just one set of stairs left to go… but it was so difficult to keep his composure while every step sent a nearly orgasmic jolt of pleasure across his entire body. Each time he tried to stifle his moans as best as he could, lest somebody heard him and came out looking. Richard was still terrified at the thought of someone finding him like this, but not only because of how humiliating it would be for an older gentleman like him to be discovered as a complete pervert he really was. The lines between what was real and what was merely a product of his horny imagination were blurring so much that by now Richard was almost ready to believe that the entire building was filled with horny, domineering men who were only waiting for an opportunity to fill him up with their cocks.

And while the idea of that happening right now was tempting beyond words Richard was still able to convince his mind that this wasn’t something he was really after. Unfortunately convincing the rest of his body of the same thing seemed like a much more difficult task. His caged cock was continuously dripping with precum and forming a big, wide stain across his pants. He will have to show it to his cubs, they were right when they said there was no way he will be able to hold it all in for the entire day, he was just too much of a horny slut! Richard wasn’t sure who were all those men he was just thinking about but they were starting to feel more familiar. He knew that his memories were being tampered with, but it seemed like there was nothing he could do about it, each time he clung onto one memory to assure himself that he wasn’t going mad, a dozen more were being rewritten. Richard saw his belly growing even bigger, pounds of excess fat straining against the leather straps trying to confine them. His massive moobs spilling over it like one, huge, shelf. The large, pink nipples on top of them quickly becoming the only place on his body that wasn’t completely enveloped by a forest of perfectly white hair as it continued to spread and increase in density. Even though Richard was fully aware of these changes, there was simply nothing he could do about them, he discovered that as soon as they took place, any recollection that his body ever looked any different than what he could see before his eyes vanished completely from his head.

By the time Richard made it to his apartment door he was just one huge ball of lard and fur, panting and moaning uncontrollably, pants entirely soaked with precum.

But instead, the second that massive buttplug slid out of his ass Richard knew that something was wrong. Earlier he thought that once he gets rid of it he will finally be able to gather his thoughts for a second, but this was even worse, rather than having his head clouded by a blissful fog of horniness he felt so empty, just like his ass. And now, the only thing he could think of was how he could fill it up again. Richard was already starting to reach down for the buttplug he just discarded when he spotted it… that absolutely gigantic, black dildo jutting from the floor in the middle of his living room. He could still remember that it wasn’t supposed to be there, and tried to stop himself from as much as looking at it, but his body wouldn’t listen. He not only looked but stood up and started walking in its direction. Richard wished he could say it hurt or didn’t feel good when he squatted on top of it and slid nearly ten inches of its length inside his ass. But that would be a lie, it felt like heaven and if his cock hadn’t been tightly locked in its cage it would already be shooting out volleys of cum from the pleasure alone. He immediately lowered himself on it even more and started rocking back and forth, ramming its tip against his prostate.

Within seconds Richard was so consumed by the pleasure he hadn’t even noticed his computer booting up in the background. He only stopped when the screen in front of him suddenly lit up, a camera must have been hooked up to it because Richard could see his entire body reflected in it like in one huge mirror. This was the first time he actually had a chance to fully take in just how absolutely massive he was now… not only massive, but also so insanely hot… Richard could vaguely remember that there was something else that he was supposed to be doing, but as soon as he placed his pudgy hands over his hairy, mammoth sized thighs and began slowly sliding them towards his crotch, he knew he won’t be able to stop. There was something so erotic about watching his massive body tremble as he massaged his furry, fatty rolls, but then, Richard also knew that he wasn’t the only one who could see him right now, and that made it even more of a turn on. His webcam only just started broadcasting but there were already people watching, finding out what an enormous pervert he really was. The view counter continued to climb higher as he moved to caressing his humongous belly and running his chubby fingers through the thick, woolly fluff covering his body. Letting out almost silent, lustful whimpers as he gently slid himself further down of the gigantic dildo lodged inside his ass.

He noticed a small chat window appearing in the corner of the screen, it was full of people calling him kinky, perverted names. Telling him what they would like to see him do, what they would like to do to him and just how much he was turning them on. He could not resist following every last one of their commands, moaning at the top of his lungs while kneading his massive, fat moobs with his hands, standing up showing off his huge, loose hole to everyone before plopping back on the dildo and fucking himself even harder with it.

Oh fuck… Adam panted loudly as he shot another big load across his belly. His college professor was yet another person who turned into an even hotter bear than he could have expected. Like with most people, Adam would never have guessed that he had something like that in him before he clicked the ‘Bearify!’ button on the website. But oddly enough, now that he saw him with this unbelievably slutty, cock hungry look on his face as he stuffed himself full of dildos, Adam actively had to remind himself that Mr Collins didn’t actually look like this in real life. It was so easy to imagine him as this extremely submissive daddy bear who regularly showed up to class in this leather harness strapped around his immense, chubby bulk. Maybe it was crazy, but for a second Adam almost wanted to believe that he really had caught him getting fucked by the football coach or his big dicked jocks a bunch of times, and it wasn’t only something he’d dreamed up just now.

Either way, the idea was so damn hot… Adam was about to reach for his already hardening cock when he realized how late it was. Crap, did he really just spend the entire day doing this? Any other day he would have already been caught by his roommates with all this mess he’d just made, but thank god all three of them were supposed to meet up with Eric this evening at that club he worked at. Adam was actually looking forward to this before he found the site, if only because it might have given him a chance to bump into Eric’s boss again. He was by far one of the hottest bears he’d ever seen outside of the net, with a great beard and a nice, beefy body. Most likely straight, but now Adam had a way of changing that, he was already looking up the club’s website, hoping that Tom’s photo might be somewhere on it. He could not wait to find out what will happen if he uploads a photo of someone who was already a prime example of a bearish stud to that site.

Huh? Had this thing always been there? Eric paused for a second and turned his head towards the large poster that he’d almost just walked by. No, it had, except… he could have sworn that there used to be something else on it, some rock musician, not this… massive, rugged lumberjack. Did Tom put this thing up there? Eric took a quick glance around, he couldn’t explain it, but for a second the interior of their roadhouse felt just as alien and out of place to him as this picture in front of his face. Although he had to admit that the two went pretty well together, he will have to ask his boss if he was planning anymore redecorating. Tom could sometimes be a bit clueless. Most newcomers were often a bit intimidated by his size, and sure, he might have been built like a truck and had a sizeable beard, but all you had to do was get to know him a little to find out that he was just a big, friendly, teddy bear. Wasn’t he in some kind of a rock band when he was younger? Eric was sure he’d heard that story plenty of times, but for some reason couldn’t remember it at all right now. Something was telling him that he might have been a trucker instead, or perhaps maybe even a lumberjack!

Eric chuckled to himself as he looked back at the poster. Even though it was merely an old, black and white picture, he couldn’t deny a sense of immutable awe radiating from the figure. He could immediately tell that the man had to be absolutely enormous as he leaned with his back against the trunk of a gigantic redwood tree. His axe was poised nearby against its bark while he was in the process of lighting up a large pipe whose stem was poking out of his bushy, black beard. For some reason Eric was having real trouble bringing himself to look away from the picture, the hair covering his face was so impossibly thick, just like the forest of dark fur that filled the opening of his flannel shirt. Eric took a few steps forward and closed his eyes, already imagining himself against the lumberjack’s wide, muscular chest. Squeezing his face right into the tight space between his beefy pecs, feeling the man’s massive arms wrapping around him as he’s pulled even closer… completely smothered against all that furry bulk…

Suddenly Eric’s eyes snapped open as he heard a quiet, whimpering moan escaping his throat, and felt something touching his junk. He instantly looked down and realized that it was his own hand, fondling his hardening cock inside his pants. What the hell?! He quickly pulled it out and looked around to make sure nobody saw him just now. Eric sighed in relief when he realized that nobody was there. But still, what was going on with him? He nearly popped a boner thinking about that hirsute, bigfoot of a man. He shot another cursory glance at the poster and paused with his mouth wide open. It had changed! Eric was sure that the last time he looked, the bearish lumberjack had both of his hands occupied with firing up his pipe. Now the large briar was freely hanging from his bearded mouth with thick billows of smoke rising from it into the air. One of his enormous paws was resting on top of the sizeable package between his legs, as the other dove deep inside the opening in his shirt, exposing even more of the furry carpet on his chest.

Eric shook his head, he had a nagging feeling that something wasn’t quite right… things had only gotten worse as he took another look around. Did this place always look this dingy? It was still the middle of the day, but the insides of the roadhouse were nearly completely dark. There was also this stale, musky odor filling the air, that only appeared to be growing more intense as Eric continued to breath it in. Some of it almost seemed to coming off his own pits. He slowly lifted his arm with a somewhat confounded look on his face and took a deeper breath. The strong stench of sweat instantly making his nipples perk up and cock starting to throb as a pleasurable buzzing filled his head. Guess that would make sense, Tom always told him that the clients prefered his cubs all natural. It’s been a while for him since the last shower, especially if you don’t count all the tongue baths he received from all the piggy daddies who often came over here to see him. Eric chuckled a little bit to himself, he wasn’t exactly sure what he meant by that last line or why he suddenly found it so funny but at the moment he was somehow feeling too horny to care. He groaned, giving his growing bulge a rub. He couldn’t wait to get rid of these jeans, they were so damn tight… Maybe he should ogle some of those hot posters a bit more while he waits for someone to get here. Eric could spot a few more of them hanging around…

Only a few minutes ago it would have been near unimaginable for him to find a large picture of a bare chested, muscular biker, with his thick, long cock clearly outlined in the leg of his tight leather pants, plastered over a wall at his workplace. Now Eric not only didn’t think anything much of it, he was taking his sweet time admiring the man’s package and his impressive, bulging muscles. It was when he reached the next poster that this odd sense that something strange was going on here began coming back. It showed a huge, fat trucker taking a leak at some seedy, old urinal. He was lifting up his round, hairy gut, just enough to give the photographer a good view of his fat, pissing cock. Eric could only see his scruffy, unshaven mouth with a stub of a thick cigar in its corner, but it was hard to get rid of the feeling that he knew him from somewhere. It was true for all those other men displayed here, all the posters were pretty old but he’d definitely seen them before, maybe even fucked some of them… Eric was starting to feel so turned on he didn’t even want to think about that other thing he’d noticed after he finally managed to peel his eyes away from the trucker’s thick manmeat.

That urinal, the wall it was hanging from, he recognized both of them. How couldn’t he? They were right there, behind the door a couple feet away from him, except nowhere near as filthy… or were they? Being told by Tom to clean up the messy bathroom stalls at the end of his shift was hands down the single thing Eric hated the most about this job, but why did something inside his head insist that he didn’t get to do that very often? That Papa Tom actually preferred to have them looking like in this picture, properly filthy like at some truck stop in the middle of nowhere. It felt weird to call his boss this way… although wasn’t that what everyone else did? Things were seemingly starting to fall into place inside Eric’s head. He was still insanely horny but wasn’t that pretty normal for him? Always thinking of big, fat cocks he could suck and furry holes he could stick his own manmeat into. Eric instinctively knew that this was a lie, he wasn’t actually gay, he even had a girlfriend… maybe at the moment he couldn’t even remember her name or how she was supposed to look like… and all those furry, half naked studs on those posters were giving him such a raging hardon that couldn’t argue that the biggest mystery here was why he hadn’t whipped it out yet. Especially when he made it back to the picture of that sexy, muscular biker.

He looked even hotter than Eric remembered. With his leather vest laying on the seat next to him everyone could now get a full view of his massive, rippling muscles as he flexed his enormous biceps and pumped his long, pierced cock while puffing on a huge cigar that nearly clamped his entire mustachioed mouth shut. Eric felt like he could spend the entire day just staring at the picture, salivating over the man’s broad chest, hairy pecs and abs, wishing that he could take his spot between the man’s leather clad thighs. And yet he still found himself being pulled right back to where he started and immediately realized why. That trucker and biker were both total studs and Eric remembered shooting so many loads watching just the two of them in the past, but nobody here could compare to that huge, hulking lumberjack. His gigantic, naked body was a real epitome of masculinity. Puffing on his pipe and tweaking his large nipple, hand deep inside the dark forest of fur that covered his entire body like a pelt of some wild beast. Working his gargantuan fuckstick, with the photo snapped just in the right moment, the second he decided to unload his massive ballsack and began shooting out enormous volleys of thick, snow white manmilk into the air. Eric loved that picture so much, and so did pretty much all of their patrons. After all, the seats with the best view of it were always taken up first and it wasn’t uncommon to see guys blowing their loads with their eyes fixated on the hirsute giant. Eric was definitely tempted to do the same, he’d been feeling so horny all morning… yeah, why shouldn’t he? He nodded and was already starting to reach for his belt…

“What the hell do you think you’re doing boy?! Can’t you see we have clients?!”

Eric nearly jumped when the thundering roar shook his entire body. He instantly turned around and gasped when he discovered that very same hulking lumberjack standing right in front of him. Before Eric could say anything he felt something happening to his body, as if a wave of some invisible energy passed right through him, changing him, turning him into a whole different person. He could only let out a brief, surprised moan when the ginger stubble around his mouth rapidly blossomed into a huge, curly beard and his already awfully tight feeling clothes gave out in countless places, exposing his muscular, furry body. Eric didn’t even have a chance to process what was happening to him as everything instantly fell into place inside his head. He still had a vague sense of something being off and was at a complete loss as to why he was so surprised to see his boss just now. Sure, Papa Tom had changed a bit and had a few more grey hairs in his beard since that photo was taken but with it having grown even bigger, and a healthy layer of fat over his beefy muscles, he only looked more imposing than ever.

A pleased grin crossed his previously angered face as he eyed Eric from top to bottom before turning to the figure standing by the entrance. It was Marty… Martin… someone that Eric knew very well, went to college with. Or maybe not? How could he have, with someone who looked like they were barely in their early twenties? Either way, Marty was definitely one of the regulars here and yet he was standing there slack jawed and looking around as if it was his first time at the roadhouse. Seeing him like that reminded Eric of something… something he’d been missing this whole time… he felt a natural inclination to walk up to him, sensing that it might help him figure it out, but Papa Tom stopped him right away.

“I’ll take care of this, you go get changed cub.”

Tom said firmly and stepped forward. Eric wanted so much to ask him to just let him talk to Martin for one minute, but he knew that his boss was never to be argued with. Even now it was so hard to get himself to stand still rather than doing what was ordered.

“I already had to have a long talk with Chris about his attitude, don’t make me have another one with you boy.”

Just hearing Papa’s voice with slightly stern hint to it was enough to send him straight to the backroom without as much as looking back. Eric was in such a hurry that he was already naked and starting to put on his uniform when the realization of how strange all of this really was had hit him. Since when did he even have a uniform at work? And what the hell had happened to his clothes? They just burst right open when Tom showed up! If he couldn’t see them on the floor in front of him right now, he wouldn’t have believed it. It was as if he was under some kind of a spell when his boss was nearby. All those fucked up things he saw today suddenly felt perfectly normal. What happened to his clothes, what happened to the entire bar with all those gay, perverted posters! For a moment there he was even looking forward to putting on this weird uniform that he’d never seen before. Damn, it made him look like some kind of a male, lumberjack stripper with these heavy work boots, skimpy flannel shirt and shorts that probably wouldn’t even cover his entire ass. Christ, was it always this huge? So round and furry… Eric reluctantly turned his head away from the mirror, he was getting turned on again and trying to cram his long, fat cock inside those tiny shorts was already hard enough without the image of his own hairy abs or athletic thighs before his eyes. This whole place was making him go crazy. Eric knew that this wasn’t even how his body was supposed to look like, he had no idea how it was possible but being around Tom had actually changed him. Even just thinking about that was enough to mess with his head, he simply couldn’t stop himself from thinking about how hot he looked right now and how proud he was of being Papa’s sluttiest cub…

Fuck, there wasn’t much time, he had to get out of here right now, grab Martin and run. Eric stepped outside and took a look around, but his friend was nowhere to be seen. There were only a few big, burly men around, occupying the tables and waiting to be served. He instantly felt an urge to go up to them and do just that, but it wasn’t hard to figure out how that would probably end up. A big part of him was already itching for one of them to make him his bitch and give his ass a good plowing, it was only becoming more difficult to resist the temptation. Eric knew that he should have headed straight for the door but he simply could not bring himself to leave his Marty all alone with those horny perverts. Instead he turned around and headed for the counter where he saw his boss puffing on his huge pipe.

Initially Eric was so confident that he would be able to keep it together this time around, but all it took was a few steps forward for him to realize by just how much he’d overestimated himself. By the time Papa Tom turned to him and beckoned him closer, Eric’s head was already back inside the world of hot, sweaty mansex. Suddenly he wasn’t so focused on trying to get out of here anymore, at least not before getting some musky, trucker cock. Even when he got close enough to realize that his boss wasn’t alone behind the counter, discovering an older biker hungrily slurping away at Papa’s massive piece of meat, it only made him pause for a very short while. He immediately knew that this was who he’d been looking for, that something had happened to him. He groaned, holding his head within his hands, desperately trying to clutch onto the memories of his college friend Martin. But before long that person was completely gone. Only Marty, the horny, biker daddy that he saw before him had remained, with his bald head, long, grungy beard and the fuzzy beer belly that spilled out of his leather jacket. He was a real pig and didn’t hide it in the slightest, with all those patches on his jacket proclaiming his love for cum, piss and trucker meat. He was here almost every day, but was hardly ever spotted outside of the bathroom stalls where he patiently waited for cocks to milk dry right next to his favorite gloryhole, or knelt next to a urinal, looking for someone willing to soak his beard completely wet with a blast of piss to the face.

On some level Eric still knew that none of that was actually true, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t stop him from beating off as he watched Papa turning Marty’s mouth into his fucktoy. Or feeling awfully disappointed when he was ordered to check up on their clients rather than being allowed to enjoy the show till the end. Eric was already so far gone he obeyed without saying a word. He didn’t say anything when he passed his coworker Chris being violently fucked by a huge leather bear either. Even when he recognized him as the guy who worked at a convenience store right next to his apartment. Eric knew that he wouldn’t be interested, he wouldn’t remember it being anything other than the a place that sold exclusively leather fetish gear. Those two beefy, cowboy daddies that he was told to check up on didn’t want to listen to him either when he told them that they’ve met before. At some frat party, not so long ago, when they were just regular college students like him, not two horny rednecks with huge, furry bellies and fat, leaking cocks sticking out of their pants.

Eric desperately tried to get through to them even as he was being stripped naked and forced to ride their rock hard fucksticks, but it was as if they didn’t even register anything he said. Soon it didn’t matter anyway as saying anything even remotely coherent became nearly impossible through all his helpless moaning. He’d been dreaming about being fucked all day and he couldn’t deny that it felt every bit as good as he imagined. With each thrust against his prostate he fought back a little bit less. What was the point? He was such a hot, fucking stud now, with a huge, manly beard, thick, long cock and a furry muscular body that nobody could resist. Now he could get all the cock he ever wanted, why would he fight this? Eric was so close to giving in, and yet as soon as he spotted Martin walking in his direction he remembered that there was some reason why, why he didn’t want this, why he wanted to get out of here.

At first Eric actually believed that Martin was going to grab his hand and pull him out of here, but the closer he got, the more apparent it was that this wasn’t something he had on his mind. He was almost hunched over, stroking his stubby cock with that hungry look on his face as ropes of cum dangled freely from the beard around his mouth. He mumbled something about Papa telling him that he can have Eric’s load too, and quickly jumped between his legs, swallowing his cock before the younger lumberjack could react. Marty often used to tell him that he’d been sucking cock for longer than he’d been alive, and it sure paid off. Eric could only barely stop himself from shooting straight away when he felt the biker’s tongue all over his cock. His first instinct was to push him away, but the redneck daddy whose cock he was riding he held down his arms within his huge, furry hands. They both started to struggle, but that only ended up with Eric sliding further down onto the cowboy’s thick manmeat, giving him that much more pleasure, making him moan even louder.

Everyone was was watching him, including the two men who had just walked inside, one was already jacking off with his pants around his ankles, but the other was still staring at everything with shock and disbelief painted over his face. Eric knew that they still probably had a chance to get out of here, if only he’d warned them… but he discovered that he would much rather have them stay… have this place change them… corrupt them like it did with him… he could see their clothes changing, big, unruly beards sprouting on their faces. The more eager one of the two growing even hornier and quickly turning into a chubby trucker cub, while the other continued to put up more of a fight. He kept on watching Eric getting plowed, staring straight at him, completely oblivious to the fact that his own body was changing as well. But even as his shirt rolled up over his ballooning out gut, and his beard turned grey, he still refused to move his hand anywhere near his huge, raging hardon. At last not until he turned his head to check up on his friend… The change on the newly made daddy bear’s face was instantaneous. At first he looked somewhat surprised, panting loudly as he struggled with the thoughts that began appearing inside his head. His eyes no longer fixed on Eric, but instead his friend’s round, furry asscheeks. Everyone heard him moan when he first touched his cock, meekly giving it a few strokes before the horny trucker bear he’d been turned into abruptly took over, pushing his cub against the nearest table and plowing his ass.

Seeing him giving in like that was enough to set Eric off, he began to unload inside Marty’s mouth, the old biker eagerly gulping down every drop. Everyone around began to moan as well as their cocks exploded with cum, including the cowboy daddy and his partner, one shooting his hot, creamy wad across his furry belly, the other pumping it inside Eric’s tight hole. By the time they went soft, not a single one of them remembered being anything other than their current bearish selves. Only Eric had some vague recollection that something had happened, that his body had changed. But he didn’t mind the way it looked now at all, the opposite really, he could not wait to show it off to everyone who visited their place this evening.

So many of them were already hot, bearded men who didn’t need much convincing when he offered to suck them off, or asked if they wanted to do the same for him. Others needed a bit more time to come around to the idea, but as more horny men filled the walls of the roadhouse, it happened quicker and quicker. Eventually the new guys barely had to step inside before you already couldn’t tell them apart from the regulars. Fortunately, this time around Eric spotted one of the familiar faces just in time. Greg was standing by the entrance, looking just as lost as everyone else who had been in that place before him. Eric could already see the stubble spreading around his mouth as he approached him, his clothes starting to resemble leather biker gear, rather than whatever he’d been wearing before. He grabbed Greg’s hand and pulled it close to his crotch. Sure enough there was a long pause…Greg looked really surprised but did not pull it away, slowly squeezing Eric’s bulge within his hand. The stubble on his face grew thicker, the hair no longer only blonde, but acquiring some first specks of grey inside the mix. Before he knew it, the shirt underneath Greg’s leather jacket was gone, exposing his furry, muscular body, he was going to make such a hot leather biker… Eric could not wait to hear Greg order him to get on his knees… his mouth already watering when he spotted the growing bulge in his friend’s leather jockstrap, swelling with fat, daddy meat. But at the very last moment, Greg pushed him away and bolted further inside the club. Eric cursed, but he knew that he won’t be left with those blue balls for long… as long as he keeps an eye on the door and makes sure that Greg stays inside, it will only be a matter of time before he has one more biker daddy ready to pound his ass…

Fuck… oh fuck… he nearly did it, he nearly told Eric to get on his knees and suck him off! He knew that if he’d only opened his mouth that was exactly what he would have said! What the hell was going on?! Why did he look that way, and how did he even manage to recognize him with that massive beard on his face? Greg stopped for a second and tried to gather his thoughts, as difficult as it was while being surrounded by countless horny men constantly going at each other. His eyes kept on drifting towards their furry asses, bearded mouths swallowing the biggest, juiciest cocks he’d ever seen in his life. Suddenly Greg realized that he somehow recognized nearly every last one of them, there was his landlord, turned into massive, hirsute polar bear, serviced by two bears who must have been his slutty tenants before they came here. And nearby he saw someone who looked so much like his old football coach… surrounded by a bunch of athletic cubs. He was flexing his enormous muscles while wearing nothing but his old, sweaty wife beater that clung tightly to his huge barrel chest. Men just flocking all around him to have a chance to stick their face inside his ripe, bushy pits or get a taste of his veiny, long cock.

Fuck… they should all be worshipping him instead! He might have gained a bit of a gut over the years he’d bet he could still take on that muscled freak and make him his bitch, even if he had help himself with one or two tricks he’d learned while living on the road… fuck yeah… Greg was already tugging on his pierced nips and starting to pull out his cock out of his jockstrap, so incredibly turned on by the idea, when he suddenly realized what he was doing. Another, even bigger shock came when he realized what had happened to his body, he looked even older than Eric by now. Shit, there was this massive, horseshoe stache on his face, that was already almost completely grey, just like the fur on his chest. Those other memories did not lie, he really must have had some nice muscles back in the day, now they were all buried under a healthy layer of fat and a sizeable beer belly but he still looked fucking hot… yeah… fucking hot, horny biker daddy… no… Greg gasped and barely managed to pull his gloved hand away from his jockstrap. Screw Dave and Adam, he had to get out of here this instant, or else… or else he might not want to get out of here at all before long.

Greg continued to make his way through this crowd of naked bodies, trying to ignore how just much they were turning him on, trying not to think about how much hotter they all looked now, compared to the last time he saw them. He tried not to turn his head when he passed the two smelly, bearded, construction workers fucking an older chub in an expensive looking suit, or when a bunch of gar smoking bikers using a tattooed sub in a cop uniform as their ashtray called out to him. Greg wasn’t even sure whether he knew them from this life or the old one… he knew one other thing for sure though… he sure could use a big cigar and an eager mouth right about now… fuck… he tried to stop himself but his huge, pierced cock was already in his hand and it felt so fucking good to stroke it… he was supposed to be looking for an exit, but maybe he just didn’t want to find it? At least not yet… not before he finds an eager hole ready for that massive load that laid pent up in his balls since morning. Greg could still tell that was wrong and maybe he would have managed to get himself to turn around if… if he hadn’t spotted it already… that massive, fat pig hanging in a sling nearby. There were a few younger bears teasing its bearded snout with their cocks but its hole was left just for him. He could see a thick, stream of cum slowly oozing out of it and could barely resist diving straight in there to fuck it with his tongue and get his stache as wet and sloppy as he usually liked. Fuck, that sounded so hot…he was still wrestling with his thoughts when suddenly he saw an old, rugged and oddly familiar looking trucker taking his place next to him.

“Dave… what the fuck is going here…”

He moaned, unable to let go of his cock as he watched his husband stroking himself while rubbing his round, furry belly.

“I don’t know huz, looks to me like yer about this old, horny hog a good fucking!”

He laughed and pulled on Greg’s nipple rings. Greg shook his head, about to explain what he’d just seen happen to everyone, but just as he was opening his mouth, some massive, furry hand, holding an enormous, lit cigar appeared out of nowhere and slid it inside his mouth. His jaws instinctively clamped themselves around it, teeth digging deep inside the tobacco, when he turned to the gigantic, pipe smoking lumberjack that it belonged to, Greg was already taking deep drags from the cigar, sending out huge jets of smoke from his nostrils.

“Those cubs already planted their loads inside that hog, but it still doesn’t look satisfied. Seems like they might need a real man to show them how it’s done!”

Greg grinned around his cigar and nodded his head as he stepped forward. Fuck yeah, Tom was right, he had to show them how to do it! He lifted up the pig’s legs and thrust his fuckstick deep inside its sloppy hole, starting to pound away, ignoring that pesky, annoying voice that told him that this man was his college professor and he had stop. Greg sure as hell knew that he never went to college, only joined the bikers after dropping out of high school, and had been with them ever since. But he got one thing right, that pig looked awfully familiar… he must have ran into its snout on the other end of the gloryholes around here… he definitely remembered planting a few loads inside that loose hole he was fucking right now as well… yeah… how could he forget… bursting inside its stall, sill so fucking turned on after he watched iit hungrily suckle on his meat and then going for a round two. Greg took a deep drag from his cigar and began pounding away, only going harder and faster when he heard it starting to squeal… he will make sure it remembers him this time around too.

“Da… Dave… wait, please… it was that website! Shit, I don’t know how, but it’s done something to you, turned you into this old, perverted trucker! That’s not really you! We used to be friends, you’ve got to remember!”

“Sounds to me like that boy of ours had been spendin’ way too much time in front of the computer screen and not enough between our legs…”

“Got that right huz… sure looks like he needs to be reminded how to talk to his daddies…”

Shit, why wouldn’t they listen! He had to think… figure something out! There was no time left, he was fucking trapped in here! With them! Adam was still having a really hard time getting himself to believe that those massive, cigar smoking bears were in fact his former friends, but at the same time, by now he somehow couldn’t even remember them ever looking any different… being anything other than his two horny daddies… mmm… his two really hot, horny daddies… oh no… Adam shook his head and pulled his hands away from his body. He’d nearly lost it again, like when he first saw Greg and instantly got down on his knees the moment he asked. God damn it, why was he like that too? He’d never uploaded any of his pictures to that site…

No… he knew why, he’d seen it happen… their whole apartment started to change as soon as they walked in. No longer looking like a place rented out by three nerdy college students, but some den of filth, owned by two raunchy daddies and their cub. Not cleaned or maintained since the day they moved in, everything beginning to look old and like it was about to fall apart at any moment, all colors drained and replaced with dingy greys and browns. Adam saw it spreading, further changing their place into the sex lair straight out of his sleaziest wet dreams. All pictures put up by their landlord were turning into clumsily taped to the wall posters with bears and half naked leathermen. The shelf under their TV where they used to keep their gaming consoles was now filled with stacks of bear porn mags and Adam realized that he suddenly remembered shooting a load to every single one of them. Laying on that nasty couch they now had in their living room, edging all day, sniffing the old, used jockstraps that his daddies have left him before going on the road, and making sure that he’s properly horny and ready to be fucked when they come back.

Adam moaned, helplessly trying to stop himself from pushing his fingers deeper between his asscheeks, he needed a good fucking so badly right now… He realized that he was changing as well, his belly slowly swelling up underneath that smelly wife beater he had on, the few wisps of hair that used to sparsely cover his body turning into a thick, furry treasure trail. Any other day this would have been a dream come true for him, but now he would have given anything to stop it. Adam knew that it won’t stay this way for long, each time he stroked his cock or fingered his ass, the temptation to unlock the door and let his daddies have their way with him grew stronger. He tried to remind himself that he was just a college student, that all this craziness only started today when he discovered that online app, but it wasn’t long before Adam began to remember all sorts of other things… like when he used to sneak out at night to cruise the sleaziest local bars and truck stops in search of cock. Letting anyone use him as long as they promised to fill him up with their cum. Adam moaned again, turned on beyond belief as he remembered the night he met his daddies, how they fucked him so hard he couldn’t even get out of the sling they put him into without their help. He’d ran in here to get back on his computer, to try to fix whatever was happening, but it wasn’t here anymore, this was no longer his room. Adam saw that very sling hanging in the corner, right next to a rack full of various sized dildos and other sex toys and just knew that they were all going inside his ass tonight. It was only a matter of time before his daddies get through that door, they sounded so angry… so horny… they were going to fuck him… punish him for this… and he just could not wait…