
“Hey guys, come take a look at this weird website Evan emailed to me last night…”

“Huh, what website? Also, Evan? Seriously? Why did that meathead even have your mail in the first place Steve?”

“Yeah, did you try to befriend him and become one of the cool guys on campus or something?”

All four men laughed as they gathered in front of Steve’s computer.

“Shut up Corey, we just had to do an assignment together last semester and then…”

“…and then he kept on emailing you and asking for help with his homework?”

“And you actually did it?!”

“Lol, this is kind of sad.”

“Yeah, as if you wouldn’t have went for it Matt!”

“Honestly, I’m a little offended that you’ve never told us about this before. I’ve heard all about those crazy parties Evan throws with his friends.”

“Yeah, he did invite you to some of them… right?”

“Well… umm… Hang on guys, I think this website had finally loaded, no idea why it was taking so long, check this out!”

“Jesus, talk about seamlessly changing the subject Steve… Although ‘BearMyBros’ - that’s a pretty weird nam man… and what’s up with all these hairy, naked dudes? Seems kind of faggy to be honest…”

“Don’t be so homophobic Logan, but yeah… wouldn’t have thought that Evan was into that kind of stuff, do you think he linked you this by accident?”

“Wait… what the hell are you doing?!”

Corey, Matt and Logan collectively yelled out when they saw Steve connecting his phone to his computer and uploading a photo he’d snapped earlier of the three of them sitting on the couch.

“It’s like one of these face apps, except it changes your whole body. I’ve tried using it on Roy earlier, it’s pretty crazy!”

“Huh? Who’s Roy?

Steve paused for a moment… he felt like he was forgetting something important. Did he really know someone who went by that name? He wasn’t sure… Actually, wasn’t that huge lumberjack who lived down the street called Roy? Yeah, how could he forget about him! That fellow was pretty hard to miss, walking around everywhere in his unbuttoned flannel shirt with nothing underneath even though it was already late autumn. Guess with all that ginger fur on his chest he probably didn’t even need that to stay warm. But why did he suddenly bring him up? He never as much as talked to that guy before…

“Um, no idea… don’t know why I mentioned him, honestly. How about I just show you guys? I remember that there was this one setting that might help Logan become a bit more open-minded, lol.’

They all watched Steve click on Logan’s figure in the photo. A flashing outline immediately appeared around his whole body, quickly followed by a long list of various settings and attributes as if in some graphic editing software. Except here, they were a bit different from what one might normally expect. They appeared to list every smallest bit of into about Logan there could be. Starting with his age, weight, height or fat to muscle ratio and going down to the tiniest details like the size of his feet. Everyone, and Logan most of all was pretty shocked to note that all of the stats seemed to be more or less accurate.

“Holy crap! Did that thing really figure it all out from just the photo alone? Is that some kind of a troll? You can’t even see my legs in this pic!”

Steve did not answer and only kept on scrolling. Soon rather than pertaining to just Logan’s body shape, the list started featuring various personality traits as well. Steve briefly paused at some slider with two emoticons on each side. One had a large, red, ball gag in its mouth and looked rather worried, whereas other on the contrary, wore a leather muir cap and had a fairly sinister looking, cocky smile on its face. Very closely resembling the one that Steve briefly flashed in Logan’s direction before turning back to his computer and scrolling for a little bit more.

“There it is! Just what I’ve been looking for, I think this one should definitely do wonders for expanding your horizons buddy!”

Logan saw his friend fiddling with another slider, except rather than emoticons this one had a male and female symbol on each end. In his case it was already turned nearly to the max on the female side, but not for long. Steve quickly grabbed it with the cursor of his mouse and moved it so far it was almost touching the male sign on the opposite end, before nonchalantly clicking the large ‘Bearify!’ button in the corner of the screen and turning to Logan with a wide grin on his face.

“Huh? What did you just do?”

“Wait, was that supposed to turn him gay or something lol.”

“What the…”

“Okay, but the picture looks exactly the same as before, guess that didn’t work…”

“…or did it? Tell us, are you feeling any different Logan?”


“Screw you guys! I really hope that we aren’t going to be spending the entire evening playing with this thing. It has like a hundred different options and they all probably don’t even work.”

“Hmmm… alright, how about we just try one of these presets I saw at the top of the page? Here they are…”

“Damn those are even freakier than I expected! Lustful Lumberjack? Smelly Redneck? Leather Daddy?

“What do you think guys? Maybe we should go with one of the classics…”

Giggled Steve as he selected the Leather Daddy option and clicked ‘Bearify!’ once again. Except this time around it was immediately rather clear that something was starting to happen. A bunch of settings shifted around, Logan’s age going from 20 to 56, his total weight increasing by over a hundred pounds, mostly muscle but also a healthy amount of fat. Steve took a cursory look at the list and noted some of the most prominent additions. Such as the copious amounts of grey body hair, strict, domineering personality and a strong affinity for leather and cigar smoking. But the real shocker came when the new version of their photo began slowly loading on the screen.

Initially they couldn’t quite figure out what was going on with Logan’s head, until Matt pointed out that he must have been wearing one of those leather hats they saw on the dom emoticon earlier. And sure enough after a few more rows of pixels appeared on the screen it turned out that he was right. Everyone started chatting about how incredible and lifelike it looked, as if it had been a part of the original photo all along. But also instantly went silent when the rest of Logan’s new face came into view. Even in their wildest dreams they wouldn’t have expected it to look this good, if Logan’s dad grew a beard and started smoking cigars they could have easily thought it was him! Normally these kind of apps looked simply awful and obviously fake, even at first glance, but this one was perfect! Down to the thick, furrowed brows, deep wrinkles across his forehead or even the way his lips contracted around the big cigar in his mouth. Perhaps the expression on his face was a little uncanny but they all found out the reason for that very quickly. The image continued to load, revealing one of Logan’s large meaty hands pulling on his pierced nipple, and while the other one wasn’t yet in the picture, they all somehow had a feeling that they might find it by the time it gets all the way down to his crotch.

Steve was the first one to notice something that was almost just as strange as this perfectly photorealistic rendering of Logan’s new body. While his friend was a rather husky guy already, the leatherman in the picture was truly built like a truck and took up even more space on the couch they were sitting on than Logan did before. And the craziest thing was, when Matt and Corey both crept into view they appeared to have been moved. Both squeezed to the very edges of the couch in order to accommodate the immense bulk of the new daddy bear sitting between them. While Steve wasn’t entirely sure if it wasn’t only in his head, but something also seemed just a little bit off about their faces. They still had their gaming pads in their hands and were staring intensely at the TV screen but it was like they knew that something was wrong. Like they were trying their best to ignore the huge, cigar smoking man sitting between them. It clearly wasn’t easy, not with his tattooed bicep sticking right in Corey’s face or Matt being barely inches away from his massive, barrel chest. That X shaped harness stretched tightly across it, really made it clear just how hairy Logan’s new bearish body had become. One could probably stick their entire hand into that pit between his meaty pecs and the large, hanging beer gut and have it swallowed whole by his greying fur.

“Holy crap man, you’re hung!”

Fired off Matt as soon as the image fully loaded, revealing Logan’s fat, long cock and his huge ballsack. Just like they suspected, he was in the middle of working up a load, with his beefy, leather-clad thighs open wide and a beady rope of precum hanging from the large PA which topped his huge member.

“Y… yeah no kidding.”

“Huh, suddenly it sounds like you don’t mind it that much anymore Logan!”

“Hahah, is your dick really so tiny you would be okay with turning into some old, hairy pervert just to gain a few more inches?”

“Fuck you Corey! No, I wouldn’t! Wait… I mean… no, it’s not tiny!”


“But seriously, aren’t you creeped out by this? It looks so much like my dad, or even like me!”

“…are these kind of nipples something that runs in your family, bro?”

“Lmao yeah, they almost look like two tiny dicks sticking out of your chest!”

“I’m not sure what’s weirder, how long and pointy they are or that the guy actually pierced them with these huge, metal studs. That had to hurt so badly!”

“I don’t know man, it looks to me like Logan is really enjoying playing around with them.”

“By the way, you’d better cover up your face Matt, you can see as well as me where he’s pointing his junk.”

“Or maybe you wouldn’t mind that so much, huh? I’ve heard you talking so much about his nips and dick already. Don’t be ashamed to admit you like them, man!”

“Hahah, Corey’s right! Actually, I think I could help you out with that…”

Matt barely had a chance to protest before Steve highlighted his figure on the computer screen, selected “Subby Cub” from the dropdown menu and clicked “Bearify!” once again. The screen momentarily went blank and then started refreshing again.

“God, it’s loading so much slower now…”

“No shit, I bet people must be uploading thousands of pics to this thing with how good this looks.”

“To be honest I’m still kind of surprised that it was Evan out of all people who linked you this.”

“I think he might have been drunk, somehow he made even more spelling mistakes in that email than what I remember from when we worked together.”

“Check this out guys, you can finally see something! Lmao, look at Corey!”

This time around some changes to the picture were noticeable from the very start. Logan had his eyes looking slightly down as his lips contorted into an even wider, self-confident grin around his huge, smoldering cigar. Thick tendrils of grey smoke escaped from the corners of his mouth, partially obscuring his face. Corey’s on the other hand was clearly visible and twisted into a shocked, terrified grimace. He was no longer glued to whatever video game they were playing at the time but instead had his head turned towards Logan.

“Holy shit, it’s like he can see you!”

“This is insane!”

“But wait, where is Matt?”

As if to answer Steve’s question another chunk of the picture containing the large bulk of Matt’s body appeared on the screen. He didn’t look that much older than his real self, maybe by a few years at most, likely due to the increase in weight and the black goatee surrounding his mouth. Yet somehow, his transformation was just as jarring as Logan’s. Everyone always saw him as the this collected voice of reason when it came to their group, but now, with his lips hungrily nursing on Logan’s nipple he was anything but that. His entire body was arched as kneeled on the couch’s arm with his chubby rump raised invitingly up into the air. A large, black buttplug sticking out from between his round, fuzzy asscheeks. He appeared to be completely lost in pleasure, face completely red, eyes rolled back, a string of drool hanging from his mouth. His short, chubby fingers were frantically squeezing on his massive, low hanging moobs as he moaned and begged his daddy to fuck him. It might have been just a still picture but you could practically see him do it, Matt’s overweight, hairy body moving around as it spasmed in uncontrollable, sexual bliss.

“What the fuck… now I’m not so surprised that Corey is looking so creeped out lol”

“This is seriously messed up guys… can we just switch this off?

“I don’t know, I’m starting to like it.”

“Lmao, what the hell Logan?!”

“What? As far as I’m concerned I’m not the one who drew the short end of the stick after all!”

“Got to admit, compared to Matt you don’t even look that gay. I wonder how Corey’s going to turn out!”


“Oh, somehow you don’t sound quite as excited anymore buddy…”

“Hahah, I must say your face is suddenly looking awfully similar to the way it does in this edit.”

“Yeah, we’ve got to help you out with that bro. Can’t leave you looking scared like this, you’re ruining the picture! Only a few clicks and you will get to find out how nice it feels to suck on daddy’s big nips.”

“Da… I mean Logan is right!

“What the hell, you guys sound like you’re enjoying this way too much! Come on Steve, let’s just turn this thing off and go play some vidya. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

“Lmao chill out, man.”

“The guys are right though, can’t let you get off this easy bud. And besides, I’m way too curious to find out the difference between the ‘subby cub’ and ‘slutty cub’ options! Now, if only we didn’t have to wait till the rest of the pic loads…”

“How about you just try editing it now? Can’t wait to see him sucking on my nips!”

“What the fuck, stop being such a creep Logan!”

“All right, I’ll try to give it a shot.”

At first everything seemed to be going fine, even if some of the controls weren’t quite as responsive as before. Despite Corey’s unyielding protests Steve selected him in the program, picked the ‘Slutty Cub’ option and clicked ‘Bearify!’. The image went blank and they all spent a few long moments staring at the loading circle in anticipation. But after a while it became rather painfully obvious that nothing was happening.

“Fuck! You broke it!”

Logan sounded the most irritated out of everyone.

“Shut up, you’re the one who told me to try it!’

“I bet you broke it on purpose because you knew you were going to be next!”

“That doesn’t make any sense Corey, I’m not even in this picture!”

“Oh yeah? I’ve got plenty of your pics on my laptop! Want me to pull it out and give you a makeover as well?”

“God, as if I care… the servers are probably down because of how many people are trying to use the site, it will refresh eventually. Let’s just go downstairs and play some vidya until then, ok?”

Logan begrudgingly nodded nodded his head and so did Matt after he saw him do it, Corey eventually adding in a shrug and getting up from his seat.

“Come on Logan, what is up with you? Somehow you’re sucking at this even more than usual!”

“I know man, I just keep getting distracted… why did they have to make all these orcs look so damn hot?”

Initially they all started to laugh but then also went silent as soon as Logan unexpectedly continued…

“You can see his whole ass under that loincloth… Fuck.. can’t stop thinking about bending him over and sticking my big, daddy dick up there.”

Everyone abruptly stopped what they were doing and turned to Logan. His voice was changing, getting deeper and starting to resemble that of someone much older. He had let go of his gaming pad and had one hand rubbing his crotch, the other twisting his nipple through his shirt. He looked absolutely out of it until suddenly he shook his head and looked at others.

“Wait… what was I… guys… I don’t feel right…”

They saw him moving his hand towards his face, only now noticing a dark shadow of stubble covering it. He barely got to touch it before it sprouted into a full beard that enveloped his fingers completely. It rapidly lost its color together with the rest of hair on his head, until nothing but grey had remained there. Logan shot one, last, helpless and utterly confused look to everyone as his face morphed into that of the rugged leather bear they all saw earlier on Steve’s computer screen. He looked down and saw the changes spreading to the rest of his body. His shirt disappearing, replaced by a leather harness strapped across his expanding chest. Logan’s leather daddy alter-ego already looked absolutely huge in the picture, but only after seeing him in person could they actually take in how big he really was. His massive, beer gut and thick, beefy arms nearly taking up the entire couch by himself once everyone jumped up and scuttled away in shock. All the abundant fur on his body only making him look that much bigger and more imposing. But even his immense size didn’t terrify everyone as much as the gigantic cock that rose from his crotch once the wave of changes finally reached it. They all heard Logan’s long, lustful moan when a sizeable PA materialized on its tip. It wasn’t hard to notice that he did not sound quite as scared as he did before. Even when the changes appeared to have concluded, leaving him in this enormous, leather-clad, hirsute body, Logan was still refusing to move, as if in complete disbelief that what he had before his eyes was actually real. Seconds passed and nobody said anything. Only thing that could be heard inside the room was the sound of his deep, continuous panting as he carefully examined his big, rough hands and furry arms. Until suddenly his breathing abruptly stopped when his eyes fixed themselves on his chest.

“Logan, no…”

Meekly gasped Matt under his breath, but nobody could hear him. Even if they did, it didn’t appear that Logan was in control of his arms anyway as his fingers grabbed the big, metal studs that pierced his nipples and began tugging on them in circles. His enormous body started to wildly toss back and forth on the couch. Face displaying a total mix of fear and arousal, but it wasn’t long before nothing but the latter had remained. His expression finally beginning to resemble the one of the domineering leather man that the BearMyBros app had turned him into. Every now and then they could see a slight hint of conflict, an attempt to let go of his nips, but in the end he could never bring himself to do it. Not until his whole cock was throbbing and leaking precum like a faucet.

“Fuck boys… I knew it would feel good, but this was even better than daddy expected… “

“Logan… what the fuck had just happened to you man?”

“What do you think cub? You’re the one who turned me into this old, horny, leather bear… I think daddy’s ought to return the favor and fuck your tight hole with this huge cock he now has thanks to you son.”

Logan smiled around his cigar, visibly aroused by the idea and started working his meat . Steve was still trying to adjust, wrap his head around what had just happened, perhaps come up with something he could say to make his friend snap out of this. When suddenly they all heard a long, unexpected moan coming from Matt’s direction. His hands were wildly groping at his crotch and he looked just as confused and frightened as Logan did only moments ago. It was clear that he knew what was coming, even if they were only starting . His face was only beginning to round up, the dark goatee slowly sprouting around his wide-open, moaning mouth but his thoughts were already racing, filling his head with wild, perverted ideas. Matt was trying to control them but it seemed like there was nothing he could do to keep himself from thinking about Logan’s big, bearish body and his massive dick. Even referring to him by his real name was beginning to feel wrong. Yes… he should be calling him “daddy” and Matt would be his boy, his obedient, submissive boy… oh yes…

“Shit! You’ve got to snap out of this Matt!”

Corey’s voice momentarily jolted Matt back to reality. For a while he was himself again, for long enough to realize just how alien and yet familiar he looked like now. He was completely naked, exposed for everyone to see, and the idea of that turned him on so much. He was already so fat, groping his huge, furry mobs that were still swelling within his hands. His cock had to be leaking so much but Matt could no longer see it, not under this huge, hanging gut he had now. Instinctively he could tell that it was much smaller now, nothing more than just a tiny, stubby dicklet. After all that’s what subs like him deserved to have. No… Matt turned to Steve and Corey. He was still moaning, mouth still opened wide, tongue hanging out and leaving a strand of saliva which was hanging all the way down to his chest. But his eyes were still his, and were desperately beginning for help.

Looking at his friends Matt was almost starting to let himself feel some small degree of hope that somehow this was going to turn out fine after all. Unfortunately he only got to savor it for a short, little moment before an absolutely blinding, electric shock of pleasure shook his entire body. Something had appeared deep inside his ass. Not something, he knew what that was. That same, huge buttplug he saw in the picture. Somehow Matt still had enough presence of mind to attempt to pull it out but then froze in place as soon as he heard Logan’s voice.

“Mmm… you put a hot show cub. Keep it up and daddy might let you ride his cock tonight.”

Just those few words were enough to get Matt to instantly shove the buttblug back inside his hole, making him fall to his knees and then on all fours as he began rapidly fucking himself with it. At first it didn’t even feel like it was him doing that, like it was just his body obeying Logan by itself. But as he continued to thrust the buttplug inside his ass, Matt realized that in truth, it only was him all along. That this was who he was now. A complete, total sub who could not resist taking orders from anyone. No… not even that. Taking orders was the one thing he lived for and he loved nothing more than being used by a big, domineering man, especially if that man was his daddy. Matt’s whole body suddenly shuddered as his cock shot out a few thick, ropes of cum onto the floor underneath him. But he did not stop fucking his ass for even a second, only casting a glance in Logan’s direction to see if he was pleased.

“That’s right… that’s what daddy wanted to see cub. Now, clean it up and get ready for daddy’s cock.”

Logan growled in arousal, plumes of tobacco smoke escaping from his mouth as he stroked his leaking member, watching Matt hastily move his inflated body around and stick his face right in the middle of the mess he’d made on the floor. As Matt was eagerly lapping away at his cum Logan bit hard on his cigar and turned to Corey. He didn’t have to as much as open his mouth, his self-confident, devilish smirk had said it all. He could have easily pinned Corey down where he stood and give his as rough of a fuck as he wanted, but that wasn’t what he was really after. No, he wanted to see him slowly change just like Matt did, watch as his will to fight crumbles and he eventually gives in, ready to beg for daddy’s cock.

“Fuck! Fuck this shit! I’m not turning into one of these freaks! We’ve got to stop this man!”

Corey immediately bolted upstairs without as much as looking back. And Steve wasn’t far behind once he noticed Matt lifting his head from the floor. He didn’t even look like the same person anymore, just a hairy, oversized sex pig with a mixture of drool and cum hanging from his beard. Steve called out to him and tried to get his attention but it was like nothing had existed for him anymore, nothing but Logan’s enormous, throbbing member, that Matt was now hungrily crawling towards.

By the time Steve made it to his room Corey already had his laptop out and was frantically scrolling through the site.

“Shit! I can’t find our pic man! I have to email it to them and tell them what’s going on!”

Steve quickly ran up to his desk and unlocked his computer, it looked like the BearMyBros page was working again but the photo editing screen was gone. In its place Steve saw a message telling him that the full bearification of the picture had been successful and it was submitted to the BearMyBros gallery.

“This is insane! They added your pic to some gallery!”

“I know! I’m trying to find it, there are hundreds of them here! Fuck, there is no time!”

“Maybe it won’t happen to you, that site crashed when I tried to change you, remember?”

“No, I can already feel it Steve, I felt it even before it happened to Logan, I just didn’t know what it was… I… I can’t talk anymore, I have to focus on this…”

Steve cast a cursory glance at Corey, he still looked mostly normal. At least that’s what he thought… was his beard always this long? Did he even have one in the first place? Shit, there was no time for this! He quickly got back to browsing through the gallery, checking countless pictures but theirs remained nowhere to be found. There were so many of them! Each containing at least one or multiple naked, hirsute men playing with themselves or each other. Jesus, did the same thing happen to all of them?

Even with his friends loudly fucking each other downstairs Steve was still having trouble actually believing that what he saw back there was real. Every now and then he would hear Matt’s ass being firmly slapped and his dick would twitch… yeah, Logan always knew how to discipline their boys. Once he’s finished with this thing he should get down there and help him out, makes sure that Matt’s whole ass is nice and red like he liked it. But this thing was taking ages, how did Corey expect him to browse through a list filled with such, hot, sexy pictures without getting distracted? Steve bit on the stem of his pipe and reached under his gut to give his cock a few strokes… some of those cubs could definitely use a good fucking from a daddy like him.

Wait… why did he just… Steve looked down at himself through all the billowing pipe smoke, his beard was creeping down his chest, slowly losing its color, turning greyer and growing longer. Already hanging between his huge, meaty moobs. They were changing too, already so massive, but still growing lager, together with his big, round nipples. Covering with dense, curly fur that was almost completely white, just like the last few strands of his beard that were now reaching his fuzzy, beach ball shaped belly. Steve knew that what he had before his eyes wasn’t supposed to be there, he was changing, that same thing which happened to his friends had got to him as well. But why did it feel so right? He was growing older, getting fatter and hairier but somehow he felt like it was only now that he was starting to look like he was supposed to.

Steve knew that it was just this site messing with his head, but he couldn’t help it. When he looked at the pair of old, worn-out chaps that were now stretched over his fat, beefy thighs he could remember all the countless times he put them on before fucking one of his boys. As far as he was concerned, that big, black pipe he was currently smoking did not appear between his teeth only moments ago either. No, Steve vividly remembered purchasing it from his friend’s smoke shop many years ago and immediately trying it out in their backroom, of course with both of them stripped naked as they enjoyed other’s bodies. All these memories kept on pouring in, the day when he got his first tattoo of a bear’s paw on his arm, by now it had mostly faded and was barely noticeable underneath his white, woolly pelt of fur but he knew where to look for it. Endless nights spent at various fetish bars across the country… including those where he met his husbear Logan and his two cubs… his cubs… Steve immediately turned to Corey. He was supposed to be doing something on his laptop but instead he saw him jacking off and madly fingering himself as he stared straight at him.

“Corey… what did you do? What did you do to your daddy, cub?”

Suddenly moaned Steve as he spotted his photo on Corey’s laptop screen. He knew it wasn’t supposed to be there, but couldn’t remember why. He felt strange… and his voice sounded so old… but he was old, wasn’t he? Logan’s senior by almost a dozen years. All his fur white as the snow. He noticed Corey getting up, slowly walking towards him and begged him not to come any closer. Corey did not listen, and Steve did not move an inch either. After getting a good look at his cub up close, his cute, bearded face, the fuzzy trail of blonde fur that ran across his small potbelly, there was nothing Steve wanted more than for him to dive underneath his belly and nurse his fat cock for the rest of the night. And when he finally felt Corey’s tongue sliding across the entire length of his thick manmeat, his eager mouth wrapping itself around his shaft, it was as if the old Steve had never existed at all. He still continued to scroll through the BearMyBros gallery, admiring all the submitted pics. At times imagining that it was one of those bears he was watching whom he had working diligently between his legs. They all turned him on so much, especially that one photo of someone he knew from back in the day, an older, redneck bear called Evan who was spitroasting his farmhand alongside another redneck daddy. But what finally made him shoot was nothing else but the photo he took himself only a few years ago.

It was from the night they first met Matt and Corey at their local leather bar and took them home. Steve remembered it like it happened yesterday, they fucked like rabbits for hours, Logan smoking his cigars as he pounded Matt’s ass. Him, puffing on his pipe and watching them do it while Corey nursed a load after load from his big ballsack, until they all collapsed on the same bed in the morning, covered with sweat and feeling absolutely exhausted. Just remembering that passionate night was enough to make Steve cum with such intensity he nearly dropped his pipe out of his mouth as he pulled his cub’s face deep between his legs. But oddly enough, even as his cock started getting soft again Corey refused to let it out of his mouth and was still sucking on it. Did he remember it too? It’s been a while since they fucked for so long without taking a break. From the sound of it, Logan and Matt weren’t planning on stopping anytime soon either. Maybe they should join them downstairs? Steve felt his cock growing hard again at the thought, perhaps after the next load…